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Nov 2017 · 406
Dear Tristan #8
Tristan Brown Nov 2017
Dear Tristan,

          They see good in you,
          But you know it's not there
Nov 2017 · 426
Dear Tristan #7
Tristan Brown Nov 2017
Dear Tristan,

          You want to be a hero,              
          But you wouldn't save everyone
Nov 2017 · 498
Dear Tristan #6
Tristan Brown Nov 2017
Dear Tristan,

          Metallica is your favorite,
          But Poison is your remedy
I got my numbers straightened out this time
Nov 2017 · 5.4k
If I was a love Poet
Tristan Brown Nov 2017
I’m going to be honest,
I’m not a love poet
But if I was to wake up tomorrow morning
And decide that I really wanted to write about love
I swear that my first poem…
It would be about you

About how I loved you the same way
That I learned to ride a bike:
But reckless
With no training wheels or elbow pads
So my scars can tell you the story of how I fell for you
~Rudy Francisco

I’m not Rudy Francisco
But every man has his own words

So if I was a love poet
God knows I would still write about you
But I would write about how
That smile of yours might only last a moment
But I'll do everything I can to make it last a lifetime
And then... I will make sure it lasts an eternity

If I was a love poet
I would tell you how
You make all of my days
So I'll make it my duty to make all your tomorrows

I would tell you
That the sun rises each and every morning
Because it wants to see you
Because as bright as the sun is
It is blinded by your light
And you make me want to see
What blindness is really like
So I can look at you for the
Short moment before I lose my sight
Because then
Your image will always be with me

However, If I really cared
I would tell you
You’re better off alone
Than with me
Because I know
I know I’ll hurt you
And I can’t bare the thought of that

I would tell you
I’m not enough
And I never will be
Because enough isn’t in me

If I really cared
I would tell you
Because I don’t deserve the chance to speak to you

However to tell you any of this
You would have to be real
I heard Rudy's "Love Poem Medley", and I absoulutely loved it. It was my inspiration to write this one. I thought I would give him a small portion of the credit he deserves. Then I had to put my own twist on the work, so I could call this mine.
Oct 2017 · 490
Dear Tristan #4
Tristan Brown Oct 2017
Dear Tristan,

          You say your good at math,
          But you apparently can't count
I realized that I put out five already, so I thought I would have a little fun with this one.
Oct 2017 · 468
Dear Tristan #5
Tristan Brown Oct 2017
Dear Tristan,

          How is it you constantly tell the truth to others,
          But you always lie to yourself?
Oct 2017 · 360
Dear Tristan #3
Tristan Brown Oct 2017
Dear Tristan,

          You don't use your strengths,
          But instead you use what you want to be strong
Oct 2017 · 351
Dear Tristan #2
Tristan Brown Oct 2017
Dear Tristan,

          How can you care for others,
          But not care for yourself?
Oct 2017 · 452
Dear Tristan #1
Tristan Brown Oct 2017
Dear Tristan,

          You're a coward,  
          But you're too scared to admit it
This is the very first of my Dear Tristan collection, and hopefully, there are many more to come.
Oct 2017 · 539
Music as a Weapon
Tristan Brown Oct 2017
Music is a weapon
So I'll use it as my sword
This is a prelude to a much longer poem that I am still working on. However, when this line came to me. I knew that it could stand on its own.
Oct 2017 · 414
Tristan Brown Oct 2017
Sometimes you need something more
Some type outside force

No not me
I'm not good enough
I am not the greatest of all healers

So sometimes you need something more
The one and only true outside force
All of your pain would be relieved
All you have to do is believe
I wrote this for a friend of mine. She struggles and I just can't help or heal her. So maybe if she would come to believe, all of her struggles would be relieved. Maybe she will see this and it will touch her. Maybe there is one of you out there that need see this more than her. I pray that maybe this is a start in the right direction.
Oct 2017 · 246
Living a Lie
Tristan Brown Oct 2017
Why is it that I never cry
When I know that my life is a lie?
Is it wrong that I pretend to stay strong
When I’m nothing more than a broken man?
Is it okay that I hide behind a mask
So the world will not know the demon I am?
Is it sad that I wish I’d die
So there’s nothing left to remember me by?

By God I know it’s wrong!!!
I might not be staring down the barrel of a 45
But I surely would like to end my life
For I lie to myself night after night
Just giving myself false reasons why I should stay alive

Is life truly better than death.
I’ve only experienced life,
And I have discovered that it is Hell
So death can only be that bad.
At least in Hell I could find comfort
Knowing that everyone was just as bad as me

But instead, I keep on going
Just living this pitiful life
With each and every stride
I try not to accept it
But I know it’s just a lie
Oct 2017 · 1.2k
Tristan Brown Oct 2017
Humans are all one
However we are not all for one
Instead we are all for ourselves
Humans are not perfect
And that I understand
But instead of trying to strive for perfection
We **** one another because we want to feel powerful
We scorn one another because we want others to feel our pain
We break one another because we want someone else to be broken
We hate one another because we want someone else to be hated like we are
Then, we **** ourselves because we don’t want to live like that
Because we don’t want really want to ****, or scorn, or break, or hate one another
We just want someone else to feel human
All of us are human, and none of us are perfect. Know that no matter who you are, there is someone else out there that feels your pain.
Oct 2017 · 691
What Good is It
Tristan Brown Oct 2017
What good is pain
If I cannot feel
What good is sorrow
If I cannot apologise
What good is sadness
If I cannot cry
What good is it

How bad is hatred
If I keep it all inside
How bad is anger
If I keep it on restraint
How bad is madness
If it's all that makes me sane
How bad is it

What good is sight
If I am always in the dark
What good is sound
If I hear the worst on the inside
What good is smell
If I live in a rotten world
What good is taste
If I always choke on my words
What good is touch
If I am completely numb
What good is it

How bad is evil
If it’s too good for me
How bad is violence
If it’s my entire life
How bad is a monster
If it’s the only friend I have
How bad is it

What good is fear
If I’m only afraid of me
What good is fire
If it’s ashes are drowning me
What good is dreaming
If they are all just fantasies
What good is love
If I will always be alone
What good is death
If I’m already not alive
What good is it

— The End —