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aviisevil May 2014
It's 4:31 am and I'm sitting alone, more dead than alive
I watch as darkness invades the moon, a tear falls from my eye

Old stains of hurt, left on these blank pages to remind where i am
Lost, in despair and so cold that sometimes i forget i am a man

Not just a shadow that i see falling across the room on a wall
Cursing my life, for making me who i am and destroying it all

4:35 am, and it feels like days and weeks have passed by
I don't remember much, i have no clue why i started to cry

It's been always there, inside of me and it feeds on my pain
Winter turns to spring, spring to summer and fall, but it never change

4:40 am, i pick up the blade and poke my wrists
I made it this far and i can't carry on, i have to end it

I remember being happy when i was young, i remember being sad
Being alone on birthdays, 'cause there was no friend i had

I remember having fun on the beach, going mad in the snow
And all this while i was decaying inside, i just didn't know

I knew what love felt like, but i could never replace it with pain
I could never fit in, i was the odd one out, a ******, 'the strange'

4:57 am, i feel the urge to **** myself increasing every minute
I pick up my gun and start putting bullets in it

I can still walk away, if i can make it through this night
But the demons have consumed me, I'm just too weak to fight

I know I'll hurt many people, people who still care
I don't know what to do, i can't find my strength anywhere

I know i've let you down and you were always there for me dad
And it makes it so much more unbearable, that mom, i can never get you back

5:11 am, i guess the only time i smiled was when i was with you my lil' sis
I wish i could take you to the park one last time, there's so much I'm 'gonna miss

I wish i can turn this noise down, which compels me to pull the trigger
But i can see who i am, who i will be clearly in this mirror

I don't want to live in pain, i don't want to be like this
Enough of these lies, therapy and pills, I'm full of that ****

It's the only way out, but i know life can still turn around
Everyone has a story, they don't die and one day they're found

But what if, i won't ever be?, I'll regret i let this moment go to waste  
For i know I'll never do it again, if i don't now, it's a lifetime of wait

I'll die with nothing but hate, at least i can feel the love today  
I don't want to lose that too, get old and die anyway

I don't want them to remember me as a monster, but as a man
Who loved them in his own way, but i know they won't understand

5:30 am, i wish i had been the son you always wanted and couldn't have
Even though you love me, you deserved better than me dad

Lil' sis, i was there when you were born, the most beautiful thing i had ever seen
You'll always be my angel, you and i have always been a great team, sweet dreams

I wish i was there by your side mom, when you took your last breath
You know i loved you, but i felt betrayed when you told me you're 'gonna be dead

I just want to die, i can't shut down the voices in my head
It's been weeks and months and i haven't slept

5:40 am, i pick up the gun, i know what i have to do
I'm sorry sis' but i guess from now on it's 'gonna be just dad and you

6:00 am, sweat trickles down my forehead, I'm afraid and scattered
Maybe I'll meet you soon mom, if there is someplace better

Finger on the trigger, i know it's time for me to leave
I won't let pain take over, i have to put it to sleep

door opens

Little Leslie - yaaawwn.... You forgot to wake me up! Who's 'gonna...... WHAT is that timmy ?

Timmy - I'm sorry but i have to...

(minutes pass by)

Little Leslie - ok, go ahead, do whatcha 'gotta do, but...... remember you're leaving me all alone by myself, mom is gone now..... and dad barely speaks, all i had was... you,now.... you can too leave!

Timmy - i don't know what to do..  

Little Leslie - just come down and make me breakfast, I'm late for school

(moments pass in complete silence)

Timmy - Leslie.... (starts crying)...i'm sorry i won't....even think about it....... ever again, i....i..i promise!

Leslie - you know i love you and so does dad

Timmy- i know, i love you more than anything

Leslie - than just be my annoying older bro and dads pain-in-the-*** son, it will get better, and that's my promise!

timmy puts the gun down and takes her in his arms, smiling while tears trickle down his eyes and says " how about some ice-cream for breakfast today, princess ?"

It's 6:31 am and the sun is beginning to rise.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Aug 2022
far from this place
there is a september

that waits for us
with a golden sunrise

where siblings sing
in circles

holding hands like
they used to

back in '99

when this world was
a better place

grass was soft
and green

sky was big
and blue

whence dreams
never left

how quickly the
sun sets to the west

now that it's the
end of the world

aviisevil Nov 2016
I have a bad feeling,

I'm looking out the window watching two clowns having a go,
There's something in my brain that I can feel but I don't know,
Out there in the jungle my beating heart is about to **** my mind,
I've been in the dark for so long, I wonder if that's how you go blind ?

Sitting here for an eternity before the eternal sleep arrives,
I have these words inside my head that I just cannot describe,
I've looked everywhere; in the shadows, beneath my bed,
But I've never seen any of those ghosts well and alive,
There's so much to forget and not enough time to live a life,
Maybe it's just a myth we feed down their throats to make them slow,
I'm looking out the window watching two clowns, where did they go ?

I don't want to be near people, I've heard they bite,
From the trees and the animals, there's no respite,
Do you know what it takes to make a mistake that you made and can't pay the price,
Words are mightier than a sword, said no man ever cut by the ice,
Be wise, as wise men say--
Tomorrow or today, it doesn't matter, you own nothing anyway,
You cannot say, you cannot pray, like a puppet play the trumpet,
Served on a tray, it's upto them to count the bullets and pump it,
The world's not round baby alien, go ahead I said it,
I saw it in the newspaper yesterday, someone killed something to keep the demons at bay,
There was this ceremony for the hungry in the town,
I went around and found no one who wore a crown

I don't know if it's the song, but I want to **** myself,
It's been a year and only now I've learned how to spell,
In the tales I have every word so wrong and nothing to tell,
Come along for a ride and I'll describe it for you myself
There are so many lies I have lying around, my momma told me to sell,
But I don't care and I'm insecure, I'm sure they mean well,
If I had a penny for every time they shut the door, I'd buy my way to hell.

Can't stop me from speaking or repeating what is there in my heart,
When I was four I waited for the ice-cream man at odd hours,
Wishing upon the escaping stars for my wish to last,
It was all for nothing, not a good story, please don't ask,
Lease me your sight, so I can make sense of all the colours floating around,
The higher is the mountain, the faster will a snowball fall down,
Form around my ankles and bury me inside the white light,
When I was young I was bright, someone stole my light,
And now I'm allergic to the sun at night
It burns my skin,
All this smoke spreading through the air, I have to take it in,
I can hear it everywhere, the mystic voices inside my head those sing,
I feel so dizzy, somebody save me before I finish my drink,
Have you ever felt like titanic when it was about to sink ?
In an ocean of whiskey, that makes it so much more risky,
Floating zombies, reaching the shore, and killing all in their path,
Seven years of feeling itchy and finally the nightmare is about to last,
The vast emptiness I feel due to this stain on my shirt,
Bought it for free from a woman drunk in sadness, giving birth,
The labour of pain, the games they play before they go insane,
Vapours of dirt, clinging to the edge of your madness, pushing you down,
And you know, the only thing that can save you, are tears of a clown.
aviisevil Jan 2014
A silent symphony plays in the background
Soothing the atmosphere of its whispers and tears
There's an aroma of quietness all around
A hint of madness in serenity it bears
Tommorows cease to exist from now on
and can you not hear
Life singing the yesterday's songs
To be lost in the approaching calmness my dear
Time slows down to a halt
Too tired to move and caress the impending doom
And night saves the memory to be kept in a vault
Safe and hidden from the looming gloom
And I lie in ecstasy
a dream I longed to dream
A fading reality
To be erased of all that I've seen
And I recall my oldest friend
A hope that I banished long ago
But it haunts me again in the end
And the hope to feel alive grows
A spark in the embed darkness
Ignites the desires I locked away
And it possess me once again
To let me please my whites and greys
And I bleed of all that poison
That this world and I brew
Letting go of all the answers
That once my soul knew
Slowly but surely
The coldness I nurtured is replaced by the warmth of my sin
And I wonder with peace
What the marrow may bring
And I dream away my life
As I exhale my last precious breath
Forever lost in my sweet dream
into the approaching beautiful death
aviisevil Dec 2015
I find myself pulling the trigger, against the silence that haunts and lingers,
withers in pieces and whispers;
in tears that kiss the hollow,
walking in darkness that swallows,
the moment about to follow
screams that won't be heard outside this box,
it is to be seen if I am or am I not a corpse,
here in this ambiguity, I feel so lost,
I fear the cost of repaying life with death,
for something I haven't met yet;
dreams I cannot forget,
and a handful of regrets,
here i am, chained to myself,
so the ashes can burn my skin and Eat my eyes,
consume the bliss and feed my lies,
I swear I feel I have died, every night there are only ghosts by my side,
dead moments and dreams,
my box is already full, and I can't let go of where I have been,
what I have seen in the loneliness of my being,
I am everything and nothing at all
I'm only standing in hollow as tears fall,
I am no one, inside the walls of this box,
I am someone, for something I rot,
I have no where to be and so I walk, I talk to the emptiness,
the loneliness,
of being me inside the box.
aviisevil May 2015
one hand and two doves
an elephant hiding in the gloves
three fingers and one ring
a broken boat that wouldn't sink
seven ounces written in
words in the air without ink
a wizard dancing on the moon
making the flowers bloom
In gloom of the room
weaving stars in mid-air
for the witch on the broom
falling down in rain and petals on
a body cut half in two
doctor wouldn't know what to do
severed head served on a plate
eyes admiring the view
a gypsy sitting on the chair
wrapped in clothes and hair
Talking to a floating head
asking for directions
to a headless body awaiting
an embrace and dissection
a man hiding in anothers flesh
vanishing in thin air
the scent of ****** blood
eclipsing all everywhere
candles burning in shadows
a river of wax dripping from an ear
molten corpses whispering
in more tongues they can hear
near the box that swallows
every word that has been spoken
flesh falling from the bones
fresh and rotten
as the wand touches the hat
and a hand caresses an eye
reaching deep inside the abyss
so every card can live a lie
in the shade that falls across
glittering butterflies in the sky
the ones staring in the mirror
might lose their eyes
and go blind
before they can even hear the words.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Oct 2016
cutting myself open
On this bright sunny day
Night is far too broken
For me to now betray

There's so much confusion
And the illusion never fades
Those mistakes were a delusion
But the price was never paid

Now that I'm stuck in my own
Here in walls that were never made
I can sense that universe has grown
And I'm collapsing in my wait

Far away from this corner
There's a man who cannot see
If I could look in the mirror
I know I won't understand me

There's so much blindness
Only darkness in my lonely head
Sometimes it's just pointless
And there's no reason to be myself

I've been mourning with patience
For someone to recognise my dread
And I keep having these conversations
With people buried beneath my bed

Pretending to make love with fire
And it's slowly burning my skin
The smoke travels in a desire
Deep inside when I take it in

I'm always reaching for something
Something that's too ugly to exist
I want to feel how it feels to be nothing
Can never forget a child's last wish

Let it rip apart me for a while
This pain, it's my only friend
For a moment let me be alive
I'm not yet ready for the end
aviisevil Mar 2015
Who's the fairest of you all ?
And why mustn't I fall asleep
I see your black eyes now again
But you know mirrors don't weep
And the darkness of the night
Chops off the arms on a clock with a face and no time
And let me ask you now again,
Why must I abide your sins to carve mine ?
Who designs the pyramid
Where my tomb will sing for a pharaohs will
Why is my queen so red
Is Alice alive still ?
Why is my abyss not hollow
So many thoughts I can't fill
I'm just standing there naked and frozen in despair
Pretending to be the prey a hunter cannot ****
Can a heart be sold
Made into a weathered rock resting on a page to unfold
Is the line on your face not gold ?
Or is it crass
Like the bronze that comes third no matter what the stakes are
Is it fair
To draw your own scars
Change who we are
To be fairest of them all ?
When no one can see
And there is no magical mirror
To tell you what they tell you to be
Can a blind person admire your skin
Or is it the voices he hears
When he touches you within
Can you please knock on the door
Before I let myself in
Who's the fairest of them all you ask
I don't care
My glass is broken and filled to the brim
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aviisevil Jan 2015
Here we are again
Forgotten how we were made
Somewhere lies our pain
Tomorrow too far to escape

Would you still seek me
If I told you about my stains
Remembering how it all used to be
Nothing ever remains the same
Something's hiding behind your stare
And I keep forgetting your name
All I have left is your beautiful face
And a promise to hold you again
How wide is the scar on your lips
Would you ever smile again
You have bought and sold me
Now I am all yours to claim

Come hold me once again
Take me away from myself
Every breath still feels so strange
Losing everything I've ever felt
Your memories are so far
Trying to reach through the scars
There's no one left to feed me
We have consumed all we are
Clawed our way through the sky
Drank ourselves all the rain
And you never turned to ask why,
Why the season never changed.

Claim me and make me
The image you want to see
Bury me in your colour
And set me free
I have all you ever wished to be
All the love you want to keep
Take my heart and drink the sea
And let me bleed
Bleed away all the pain you see
We'll never ever be free
Not when the door is open
And it's so much more hard to leave

Something is eating me alive
And I have no one to blame
Nothing to give you but myself
So eat me and free me-
From these chains.

This cage tastes ever so sweet
Haunt me like you always did
Come back and want me again,
And break me in pieces
Burn me to ashes and feed on it.

So consumed by our own curse
We let the magic die
Swallowed the pills of hurt
And bade our good-byes
Our tears bleed no more
Now there's nothing in your eyes
Whatever this tale was worth for
You made a fool of me-
And a clown never lies.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Nov 2015
I will burn this land to a grave and make
an idol in the hollow of the hallow
shadow, a crow, a cow,  pharaohs.

men on fire and women on spikes, children smiling and casting a storm across the sky,
flooding heaven in a whisper as water begins to pour from the eye to wither.

ashes dance to the winds, swirling and screaming through the smoke only to be cursed and burned, choked without a Phoenix to dream, I will swallow this dusk for a dawn as if I was never born, to mourn my own.

chiseled earth traversed, traveled, levelled, to make way for a travern that follows the winter through the mighty mountains, a fountain that shows one who seeks a face as it fades into the skin of its reflections affection.

skeletons crushed beneath the weight of bricks and stones, seeds sown, meat grown to feed the hunger of a stranger with no home,
claws and knives kept in the belly of a slave wandering in the midst of a cage, a cave with no escape.

slitting the sunlight and offering it to a red morning forming bright halo against the dark surface, a maze, ablaze with the hurried footprints of a sage that turned into a monster and made the cursed cry, a lie, to die for.

illusion of a delusion, evoltuing into a revolting fanatic staring at satanic verses carved on cryptic, epileptic, metallic claws of death.

words eaten by dust as it rust, sprinkling age on the old, cold, sold for a dream that mints insects clinging to the heart of its host, a ghost at most,
a soul to the least, a feast for the diseased
as they keep the ones who would weep in a coffin to sleep.

forming circles in thin air, a mare, a layer of filth emerging from an ocean of bodies floating in the images young and gory,
they will tell you a story and i wouldn't believe me.

in the wake of morrow, swallow the yester tears immersed in the black hue of the lingering silence, violence will crown another king, to sing and bring, wearing skin to hide the monster he became in the blessing of an idol, a crow, a cow, pharaohs.
aviisevil Feb 2017
this day too will end
with nothing for us to keep
and I'll miss you my friend
wherever this road may lead

and I'll remember all of you
long after when we'll have to leave
for there's a part of you here too
here inside with my heart-beat

and I'll keep you from leavin'
when the clock tells me I'm too old
for you made me smile when I was weepin'
in your arms I found the warmth from cold

and I remember all those times
when I was dreamin' of your face
you'll always have a part in me
and nobody can take your place

I'll speak to you in our memories
and all the beauty that you bear
I know it's going to hurt eventually
but I won't change a thing we shared

and I'll always be just a dream away
from being with you as we were before
I hope it wasn't like this and we could stay
I'll miss us when we won't be here no more

what a beautiful day to live for.
aviisevil Jun 2015
faces shifting
shadows lifting
memories withering
by the sight
winds sweeping
the sky weeping
and the lore keeping
me up all night
the howls seeping
while I'm sleeping
as I'm breathing
in all the dark
in a nightmare bleeding
silent reaping
a man seeking
his only heart
fragments make a castle
aviisevil Sep 2022
12:49 am - 8/9/2022

coiled in hurt

spoilt love

spilled in haste

foiled in dusk

soiled lust

killed in chaste

to seek your flesh
to see your face

you're in your
beautiful dress

for a breath and
then you fade

aviisevil Oct 2017
how do you write
things you want to tell
paint them with colours
by words, them heaven and hell.

fill it up with something
beautiful, something that
won't hurt the reading eye

how do you describe
a feeling, a feeling
you would rather hide.

is it strange to seek
a home without walls ?

is it not the normal-
to breed comfort and
a smile, in a world
you don't fully understand.

what about those scars-
those which make you,

and what do you see,
when you see a sea of blue-
an ocean or the sky ?

birds or fish,
is it selfish to see
what you'd rather see
in a sea, that has nothing
to offer.

i remember when the laughter
used to fill the vacuum,
and i could breathe, as free
and as clear as on a mountain,
miles away from the pollution
down below.

hello. are you still there ?
do you hear me screaming,
do you hear me dying.

how low, is the rock bottom.
i've been falling for a while.

or is it that, i'm flying ?
aviisevil Aug 2015
my eyes are falling asleep
somewhere drowning deep
in an endless summer
I hear myself dream
standing by a river
hearing lores and thunder
winds howl of winter
in that silence I hear her scream
and whisper, as she withers
lingering with all I have been
i have known nothing without her
and now I believe what can't be seen
they say I am a fool
but I know better, for I have loved
and I still dream
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jul 2015
It rained cats and dogs
as I stared at a lions creed
one heart and two arms
and a broken clock to feed
As I slept with angels
dreaming about the scars
every needle that melts
powdered white and cold stars
looking beyond my eyes
in my pretty smile and ugly teeth
he who spoke must have lied
for I see no god come and leave
nor a piper smoking a pipe
burning words and inking tears
i see a shadow play and hide
silently killing all of his peers
my words consume themselves
empty spaces howl hollowness
four walls keep me safe from myself
and a fragile bubble of nothingness

I watch them hurt themselves
by edges of a broken mirrors face
so clearly they see ourselves
before they can draw and fade
and combust before they sing
names and colours they've seen
no master has ever loved a king
In tales of red they have been
I have known them ponder
upon a ocean they cannot drink
in dark depths fall and wonder
walking themselves to the brink
and I see myself holding a crown
they will never know who I am
throne is mine to keep and drown
in crowd of too many I am but a man
cats and dogs will eat each other
before they ever kiss the ground
and there's plenty on this good earth
to make the world move around
monsters won't devour my soul
in the end, my skin is my creed
an old lion can never be whole
i am universe when I fall asleep
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Apr 2017
a ghost on fire
chasing wind
chasing sun

a heart of desire
in someone
done to none

the clown weeps
where's the fun ?
where's the son ?
i'm already awake
smile, here it comes

the stranger melts
in someone's head
black on the road
back from the dead
keeps me up at night
noises beneath my bed
and sleep never returns
turns my mind instead

and now i'm nothing more
absolutely sure,
that this world isn't for me

i'm searching for a door,
to lock me in,
inside with my soul
that burns in me
if not for poetry, where else would the lonely ever be ?
aviisevil Sep 2018
too late to hide
to pretend to be a namesake
forsake the people
and go deeper
deeper than the knife
you can take

it's not all about life
everybody is alive
and the dead won't tell
you any of their secrets

walking in dark alleys
watching faces go blur
from one station to the next
and they know- and I know
they won't comprehend my laws

i come in the end
and then come my flaws

i eat my brain in ways
no spices, or dices
no gamble, there's ample
to cry about, and the ice
won't thaw

keep following me
but you'll lose me too
you won't know a thing
because everything makes
no sense

no, it won't make no sense
at all, cause' you can't fill my shoes

the noose is loose
and i hear the whispers
of the fall- i'm gonna fall

i was never meant to exist
but i lived and i loved and i crawled
and i sipped on my sins, neck
too deep in the water and the
laughter won't let the boat sink

i hope i can cope with the world
when it's my time to be sober

right now I'm in pain

but I'm so afraid

what if tomorrow- like that,
it's over ?

it won't be all over the news
nothing new- people die all the time
you don't know my mind
and i don't know yours and
i don't know mine, and you
don't know yours and even if
we want to- we can't- and i know
it'll haunt you, me, us- but it was
so wrong of us to never find the time
to make a better world,

words- smoke and the rebel
a broken heart that hurts
words choke me and the pebbles
roll down the hills, and submerge
the rock in its grave-

it's safe to say, we can't stop ourselves
from making the same mistakes
the longer you ink, the more it fades
the longer you blink, the better it breaks

brittle to the core, too late too little
so, come hither and i'll tell you
all about how i ******* wake
everyday without a soul.

it's true, i don't want to live anymore
i've given up on that- but i can't
stop bteathing- i've tried and all
it does is makes me ******* grow.

they tried to burn me down
and now the whole town knows
the ******* lore

come **** with me
i scream in my dreams
and i never lock the door

you think you know me
i implore you to explore
you can't even follow my rhymes
you think you can map my mind
and i won't just explode ?

you can't claim whoever i am not
to be, you see- the blind don't care
if you roar, and i'm too deaf and dumb
to be stupid enough to not **** the
cupid, that cute kid, this cute sh*t-
so ******* crude and sick,

and when you taste the blues-
you forget all that must have
come before,
sometimes ignorance is bliss,
but that one rhyme, back one line
the thought in my mind

but oh, i can't tell you
how beautiful a mind can be
when it sees the light

it's fine by me, i don't find
reality to be that much saner
of the things i'm not sure

so, i implore
let me die, good-bye.

(i have died)

and all that will be left of it
will be another night.

(a good day to die)
aviisevil Mar 2014
Baby now don't you stare at me
Than I've to rip open your lovely brown eyes
That's good 'cause you won't be able to see
The sharp blade that will kiss you goodbye

Now go and fetch me an axe
Give it to me behind the flowers where i hide
I will cut open and i will slash
Scream your name until the moment you die

You're so beautiful but i think you need some scars
So the old mirror won't feel so pretty
Let me rip open your soul and pull out your heart
So i can rid you of only part that's ugly

I think I'm in love with you
I don't think i can take this moment anymore
I know what i want to do
To stab you a thousand times and than some more

Now baby come here don't you cry
I'll drink your tears when they're mixed in your blood
I will smile and tell you my every lie
While the ceiling drips with red while you hang above

Why do you always have to hate
Every broken bone that i try to show to you
I know it's too sudden but i can't wait
Let me strangle you in your early morning blues

I will impale your corpse on the wall
So i would never ever forget your beautiful face
I'll dress you in the finest of them all
And make you wear a collar which will have your name

I really want to cut you open inside and out
So i can see for myself if the beauty was only skin deep
You'll be dead no matter how much you shout
Don't worry about the rest of us no one will weep

There is not much on my mind
All i can think about are the ways to gift you pain
hope it hurts less when you're blind
I'm not a monster but maybe i think I'm deranged
Notes (optional)
aviisevil May 2014
Bell chimes at a distance, as the winds call back the dusk
Dark clouds kiss the skyline, as they march towards their fall
In a hope to conquer, they've been possessed and cursed
Desire for a kings throne has crippled them all

They seek a kingdom, riches that lies beyond their dreams
And to see the strange, rejoice in what's not known
Ready to forsake their freedom, traveling where they've never been
Ruined homes, wandering in the darkness all alone

They come across a wall, every brick holds one key
Each to one gate, that'll lead them far away as they can be
On the same path, but every step leaves a print of its own
Deeper the mark, more the weight is  Borne

They barged through the gates onto the field
Mirrors all around them and wet moss beneath their feet
They seek a reflection of their own to mourn and weep
As they walk in confusion beyond the woods, deep

Bones littered about the wicked land as a warning
That the one who crosses, may not see the morning
Devoid of reasoning, thoughts stuck in their grave
Symphony of destruction lurks in their eyes, fades

A pile of corpse rots in the midst of a darkened meadow
shine of the moon dances along with the blazing fire
Each on his own scatters about, a shadow follows
Consequence for this trespassing will be more than dire

A strange creature looms about the cursed land
In each palm he holds a blade made up of silver and gold
A name without a face, where one falls, he stands
Warmth leaves where he walks, leaving a trail of dead and cold

Only welcomed if they invite him in, he lures them with greed
In a void full of darkness, one will believe what he sees
And he watches them approach, forsaking all that could be
Shine in their eyes, pulling them softly to the crease

One after one cascades, reaching for the hand that glitters
And the pile of the corpses feeds on his own kind
Fear erupts in chaos, as the sanity in all but one withers
only one to make it out alive was the one blind
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Mar 2017
I'm just a f*cker who's insane
taking names talking the game
I can't wait for you to complain
I'm already out of the frame
they say something's wrong
in my brain
but the facts don't change
they remain the same
pain or not
I'm not ashamed the way I am
so profane

dealing with blames
juggling thoughts on a chain
I'm the circus and what remains
when you separate
the heart and brain
operate on me
I'm breaking under the strain
stretching, and memories drain
always fetching me more stains

scars I'll wear like medals
dreaming about them butterflies
blue sky and coloured petals
and I still feel so strange
maybe under the weather
don't know whether to
tell you or not
I'm hungry for some shelter
to be the only one
isn't that special
and when you playin' some regret
don't forget what matters
there are too many mad hatters'
ready to falter like feathers
wearing them hats and leather
in a hope they'll feel better

but there's no hope
for the one's plagued with flames
always burning
turning flakes till nothing remains
but they alone in a room
with so much dark to bloom
watching themselves
shine brighter and be tamed

but enough about them
it's gotta' end
I can't be a friend anymore
there's so much to give up
before you can make amends
and the tail never bends
the dog keeps barking on
and things just go on
while you feel like a fool
who cannot go on no more
for he has no strength

afraid, always afraid
with things made
things said
there's no one else here to stop
so why don't we have a face-off
man in the mirror
won't you tell me my name
and keep repeating
till it fits in my brain
so I can keep it in a box
wear it by my neck
with a key to lock
so when the noose breaks
and I'm standing there
I'm ready to disappear

for i fear
what you cannot hear
monsters you never thought
were any real
caught in the middle
trying to figure out the riddle
to catch a moment and heal
this torment is the real deal
everything else is there to rot
and I bless you not
there's nothing there to feel
no mask to peel
everything is what everyone does
not point in screaming insane
and shoot down the doves
when they're not trained
wear them gloves on
nothing wrong in wiping
the evidence as medicine
for a heart too lost to complain
shut in love

and I've told you enough
there's not much left I should be sayin'
but these words keep payin'
and I'm down on my knees praying
taking my chances where none exist
and it's now too late to insist
I cannot resist the shame
no, I want it just the same
all the non-sense wrapped neatly
ever so sweetly in a pill with my name

and I'm trying to
tell you a story that's plain
could be fit in a frame
but that's not how life is
not everybody's happy
when the sun rises
some want just the vices
without having any
sacrifices, that's not pain
you haven't seen the rain
the sky's still blue
I'm walking with you
and you're in my shoes
don't you know where
I'm leading you
can you not feel it in your veins
every word I've been speaking
now forming an illusion
repeating the delusion here
can you not hear ?
confusion in your brain
rippling across the galaxy
ripping off the reality
gripping you when you're lost
in your humanity

stop thinking about the society
there's other variety
another inking virtuality
so many dimensions to choose from
and I don't word what's wrong
but I heard they found
love in some other galaxy

why can't we be good neighbours' ?
I'm feeling like you don't care
who's peeking through the mirror
through you to pull your lever
I think I'm gonna' have a fever
give me something to lift this world up
I'm all for love in this season
in a hope good be delivered
no reason for me to not keep her
but it's still treason to stop
when you start to love her
I'm just a weaver
fallin' asleep to be a dreamer
and now I've to wake her
tell her I was never a winner
but I'm gonna' win it all
now that I'm with her

and I feel like such a loser
I just want to wither
I'm too cold now
i cannot wither
I don't know how to linger
I'm in love with winter
but everything melts in summer

and I'm back where it begins
taking names talking the game
I can't wait for you to complain
I'm already out of the frame
they say something's wrong
in my brain
but the facts don't change
they remain the same, so vain
pain or not
I'm not ashamed the way I am
so profane
aviisevil Nov 2017
dark sky is weeping,
down a heaven, tears-
sparkling in the sky,
until the sun ends,
everything in its path.

i sat by the window,
as the light ate away
my walls apart.

i hid away by the shadows,
in the hollow, with my scars,
a touch that belongs to no eye,
so much to live a lie.

then bird's came to life,
echoing the nature calling
my name, from afar,
and here i sat, on my throne,
alone and scared, finding
a star.

so cold, as i have always been,
but more now, that the ice
melts, heaven is hell if you have
a need to sin, a want to dim the
divine lights, those, that burn
through the sky every mourning.

to every morning that has
suffered, to every breath
that has struggled to put a name
on lonely whispers-
there's a greed in my veins,
to turn blue and dark,
black eyes, charcoal brain,
a piece of coal for a heart,
so coarse and strange,
stranger still, than you can
ever tell.

there's only noise in silence,
if you don't learn to spell.

only things in the light and
it's violence, no stories and
mysteries to sell, no poet to
bleed, no ghosts to feed, so naked,
with no secrets to read,
in hell, in mayhem.

and as it claimed my home-
the light, i saw my night,
and i prayed, i wished.

and as the light broke in-to me,
kissed me a disease, i could see
the storm approaching-
roaring from far, and with it,
a heaven.
What if good is bad and nice is ugly, the mad, a philosophy ?
aviisevil Jul 2015
I want to be dead
cannot get it out of my head
I'll ******' crack my skull open
slit my throat and throw myself in the ocean
I want to be so dead
man, I am so sad
once you die they say you forget
how beautiful would be that
there's no point in keeping reasons
Pointless laws they have
why not be as free as a season
come again
only to disappear back
into the folds of time
and a plane too steep to walk
I wish I was dead
because the corpses can never talk
I think I feel sick
sick inside my conscience
lungs want what they want
a war between god and science
epic tales to tell
only words and nothing more
heaven and hell
a part of the same lore
of men
never meant to be born
the strain on the universe
another due to pay his own
as he wastes away in madness
a gift too lonely to live
i wish I was rather dead
for I have nothing to give
no face to keep
those tears i bleed
but the eyes teach
death be my question
silence the answer
so I can rest in peace
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Dec 2015
fire won't keep demons at bay
sometimes I have nothing to say
I find myself drifting far away
from any whisper of night or day

I sit alone and I hide
in shades of black and white
in shapes of dark and light
sometimes silence hurts my eyes

the smoke consumes and fades
giving me what this world forbades
a little love for the slave
every noise is full of rage

pretending tears don't lie
they'll caress me until I die
in my dreams when I cry
a thousand years pass me by

and I am there as here I was
sometimes I always feel so lost
it makes me feel like a corpse
that I am the one who has to rot

and all the drugs in the world
can't buy me enough hurt
all the drugs of this world
can't fill my heart and **** this love
aviisevil May 2014
***, why do you have to speak like that?

It's not about who I am, you piece of worthless ****, why don't you understand?
I am basically undestructible, invincible  sexier version of Superman, and I don't got no moral ******' codes to keep me from beating your ugly *** up all over the I-don't-give-a-**** wonder land
But I know you'll take a stand, your every failed attempt is killin' me, are you ******' kidding me, you know how it'll turn out for you, oh danm!
Now I gotta' explain it to you, that annihilating you is a part of my ******' plan and you can take all of my '**** yous' , call the poetry protection people and try to sue, but i'll **** even harder than a ******' rock band, it's all your ******' fault, you pull the trigger and out comes a '****'- BAM, I know you're not a fan, but lemme ask you, what's your age my sweet gran, I know I include you too often,but why aren't you in a coffin, why do you keep poppin around, stoppin me from talkin about my feelings, you ******' *****, imma introduce you to my lil' freind, brings-you-the-end-uncle sam and he'll **** out all the oil, leave you to boil, in the sand, I hope you understand, this is important, and i'll say a '****' again, for no reason, have a short attention span, can't you see a ******* gettin' a ***** on my hand, I wonder how long will it be stayin and so, you were sayin' ?

Why do you cuss so much, *******?

I ain't gonna' feed you no crap, you have my '**** yous' and I just want 'em back, I swear I won't even set a trap, to count how many knives you have on your back, go ahead spill the blood, embrace the dirt, be the first to stab, just then don't stop me, when I start to blab, go mad, be bad, and be the contender, in line for your hardest slap, being a repeated offender, I tell you, it's the most fun i ever had, it's not the vocabulary that I lack, it's just every time I read about your ******' butterflies and sun-light I go mad, so you take your stuff, all of it, all of your hatin' and waitin' for takin' a jibe at the next '****' and stuff it all inside your bag, go ahead be on your way, now, ******' pack, or I swear they'll find your corpse, in the parking lot, where you sacrificed the young folks, and covered all their '*******' tracks, and i'll wait here for you, plannin' my next ******' attack, I know all these cussing and abusing has made you sad, but why don't you just ignore me, does it turns you on, when I shoot one after one '****' in the sack, do you really think putting your food out in the open  makes sense in a bachelor pad , I know my metaphors aren't funny, but it'll make a very sick man somewhere crack, and when everything's been said and done, i'll leave ****** karma to kick you in your hypocrite ***, there I said it, '*******' I swear this one's the last, for it may seem i'm just a punk for usin' it but you're confusin' ****, and there goes the answer to your question you just asked.

Notes (optional)
aviisevil Feb 2016
do you want to die?
he kept staring in the mirror
do you want to die?
and he kept staring at the picture
no words nor whispers
only silence
burning his skin
numbing his breath
subduing the voices
crawling inside his head
with a static smile
eyes red
he kept staring at the wall
in a hope to forget
and all the little things
aviisevil Aug 2015
you walk back to the same place before
not a lonely soul lives there anymore
the rains have eaten away all the doors
yet you stand outside in dark and cold

watching as moments kiss you and die
so still it feels like you're in the moment
as hollow as the dark colour of the sky
another corpse lost in depths of an ocean

you're fighting with yourself all this while
trying to choke on strings of yesterday
a way back home has eaten all the miles
and now you wish you could be far away

it makes you sick and you let yourself go
down the morbid path of all forsaken men
just about the time pain starts to grow
you hear the beautiful noise of life then

it keeps beating louder and louder
till you can hear it fall apart and break
hole keeps getting deeper and wider
but the screams never burn and fade*

you can't see them clouds or thunder
this will be all the sound ever made
but have you stopped and wondered
if 'tis not a dream and you're wide awake
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Dec 2015
it is ironic how the same people who preach about love are the ones who turn out to be monsters in the end,
to divide and rule along the lines my friend.
perhaps, it is only a tale of human suffering and nothing more;
everyone and everything suffers.
time itself will wither mountains and the Sun.
mere mortal elements of an immortal soul will bring down an empire;
the seed will grow into another fire.
lurking beyond the shadows are creatures of the dark;
spanning the barren lands consumed by the poison
and the dear ones near and far.
machines breathing ash and fire screech through the walls,
the rain falls and yet, the colour doesn't fades away,
the world is grey and has been from the age of dawn,
for everything born is evil;
and only a mother shall ever mourn.
children will devour the gods to fulfill their fantasy,
the power will bleed into the wounds of the ones gone and ugly.
pharaohs will guide the leash and unleash the thunder;
on one and for all.
the sky will fall and the sea shall rise, the ones who preach about love always pay the price.
nothing is without gravity in this world;
young and old both shall die,
it is ironic how nothing will ever matter even though love never dies.
it only kills.
aviisevil Jul 2015
Oh, my sweet love
take a bite out of my heart
consume me now
Give me another scar

every answer is a needle
tearing a hole in my eyes
Powdered glass in the middle
slitting my questions in lies

taking a cue from your book
another clue for an aries demise
oh, my dear take a look
a broken heart never been more wise

spell those names on a platter
by a shattered mirrors calm
keep my tears drawn in the clouds
painted in someone else's arms

so take me before I disappear
layered between hollow and dust
wake me before I can appear
before i dream about you my love

so chain me through the walls
where I can see you fade and cry
I am nothing for I've given you all
but there's not enough fuel to die

find me in the slums down on earth
with dirt you've smeared my home
enough tears can even sink the ocean
what are few words carved on a stone

it takes a while for them to leave
a crowd of faces come and gone
leave me alone before I believe
lore of a terrible queen left alone

pretend I have nothing to forgive
remember what I've said before
chase your light in the sky and live
for I can't keep you from being dead anymore
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jul 2017
i hope i find you someday

walking down the street
as beautiful as the first day

wearing same smile
world in your eyes.

bearing all this while
my reason to be alive.

i hope i find you someday

walking down the street
and it's about to rain.

i hope i see you like that
once again.

i know then,
i'll remember your voice
for in the end,
i had no choice but to
delete you

and now after so many
years without you

i still don't have a clue
if there was any without you

for i can still feel you
in my arms

as if you never left
as if you have always been.

you were right here always
in my dreams,
walking down the street,
like we're still sixteen.

aviisevil Aug 2015
a mad crow quietly dreams in silence
of a world very different than ours
where there is no meal without violence
and you can even count the long hours

there is grey and mist wide and far
shadows of crooked trees and prey
as black as a charcoal ashen'd heart
and the nights never melt into the days

the river flows white and with heads
delicious eyes dyed in blood and lies
only smoke comes out of every breath
where there's no grave everyone has died

gingerbread little huts spanning the hills
and children playing with mud and chains
by the old dark woods where a pond fills
as silently as it is hollowed once again

the mad crow spans into the night sky
shrieking with tears of a very small baby
claws clenched and a throat that is dry
it glides in the air crooked and patiently

a mad crow quietly sleeps in silence
in dreams that his eyes hath sowed
there is a kid watching, cold and silent
reaching out for it's tiny little throat
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jan 2014
I know it's fading away
Memories never stay
But is it too much to ask
To keep me always in your heart

I know what they say
For every smile you have to pay
These memories they never last
And you can never run away from your past

I still remember every day
Every colour that's now grey
Still recovering from the spell you've cast
Why is living  with a broken heart so hard

I know , sometimes I pray
For us to cross paths someday
Can we not just run back to the start
And walk again in love on a brand new path

I know , because I cared
I search for you everywhere
I know you hide behind a mask
And I won't find you ,my hope fading away so fast

All the broken pieces that are now laid
In front of me , maybe it's too late
And your dreams crash on me like darts
Without you I'm silently ripping apart

I know for you , it's fading away
This love might not stay
But is too much to ask
To keep me as a memory for your heart
aviisevil Jul 2022
tethered to her ivory wings

nestled in arms of a corpse

and to her lover she does sing:

a song of the white horse.

from her tower of purple pearls

she weaves her a sky of plume;

wherein distance morrow whirls

weary of the yester silver moon.

she lays upon an emarald gale

another spell to cast in bloom

for her love is now old and frail

becoming of dread, death and gloom.
aviisevil Jun 2017
monsters under my bed
monsters in my mind
masters in my head
whispering to me blind

voices that are gone
come back to remind

my heart begs to mourn
afraid of what my eyes will find

the silence begins to roam
and i'm back in rome
on a colossal tide

travelling back and forth
between love and loath

i'd rather have them both
open my scars fresh and wide

in a room so silent
where sound travels
faster than light

here darkness resides
in lust and fright

wandering all night
with stars to hide

photos to like
memories have lied

to all those who have died

since past

when it all began
with plight

of all those who have cried
but died

yet, i want to be there still
wide open
when a lonely heart
begins to beat

begging to be free
but in a delusion
that cold is just
absence of heat

give me a pill to be enlightened
and i'll set fire to every thing

for the chaos is
just a form of silence
some thing's aren't
meant to breed

so, have you been
in a thought so violent
that everything around
starts to bleed

filling the emptiness
with opulence
a forest made up
of lonely seeds

ready to feed, steady and asleep
in this silence
you can taste the essence
of the universe rearing to be free
telling tales
of men and monsters

and of everything that came to be
We're all so tiny.
aviisevil Feb 2018
standing on a piece of heaven, I crawl-
watching the birds fly to the west, it's so cold,
so many insects in my head, I'm filled with all these walls,
and they remind me how small I am, and so cold.

breathing the winter air, it's everywhere, and now in my lungs,

the snow falls, and the lights go dim, there's so much white, it covers the dark,

I cannot even run, they'll know where I have gone and died,
I cannot see the sun, somewhere on the far side of the mountain it hides-
looking over everything,

I remember a blue lake
beneath a blue sky,

I remember you when I'm awake,
you're always there in my eye,

always here, always to stay,
as the world goes grey, when the sun dies,

and I sit there, on a wooden chair,

caught in the memories by the moments, whispering feelings into a box,
locked on all sides but inside of me,
where it rots, where it stays, where I watch it all, play back and forth,

until it's so cold, it begins to paint the world white,
until i can no longer hold it all together,
until the weather becomes as calm as the moonlight after the storms,
I feel you in my arms, I feel you in my today, I feel you in my tomorrow,

and I swallow the lakes, the mountains, the snow and the stars,
and I follow you into the darkness, at the end of the world, with my never healing broken heart,

and I swallow the white, and I swallow every last drop of snow,
every last sip full of an empty void, and a voice that keeps howling at me,

from the inside, from the lakes, blue skies, the mountains and the scars,

where we'll live forever, until the snow falls,

where we'll love forever, until the spring calls,

I look up, and the snow falls,
I look down, but the snow falls.
aviisevil Sep 2019
you talk about flowers;
i want to shoot myself in the head

you talk about the sky;
i want to slit my throat and go to sleep

wanna' talk about the love gone sour
or how hard are whispers to breathe ?

gonna' talk about kings and cowards
and how them wolves wear the sheep ?

how about the sad things by a lonely hour
ghosts and tears they bleed

doused in flames of ink and its power
where the emptiness sleeps

beyond the everglades

so when are you gonna' dig deep
and turn to a different page

like back in second grade when
everybody made the same mountains,
a triangle, with river maybe a beach

when are you gonna' pretend
you're in a spaceship not on an
old ugly *** wooden seat ?

like all them other poets
too broken to weep

open your mind
there's an ocean to blind

and dead lines to complete

no hurt or violence to teach
happy childhood so good
got no stories to preach

only apples and peach
deep down where your sugar coated
hands cannot reach

don't understand a thing that
comes out of your tame mouth
your ******* doubts out loud
creep the **** me out
and i'm about to pick a creed

maybe we're just a generation of creeps
too eager to swim and hardwired to speak
too tired to think we're machines
metal and fire we're only wired to repeat

not go out of way down the road
with bag full of ale and smoke
enough to make a pained man choke
they say tragedy is comedy plus grief

in dark i know one cannot read
only the owls
but it's clear that you cannot tell
if it is a wolf that howls

clear blue skies from hell
when hounds prowl

what it's like to spell
when you're filled with nothing
but a void and a voice with two hearts
and halves of syrup and bleach

and yet you're so full of salt
and then you fill yourself with walls
mannequins and statues and dolls
watching the dead space
as the dead pace in empty halls

as the head breed

for gods sake there's so much
to hate and to forsake
the happy times cannot even compete

stories can never be complete
they take a life of its own
monsters and demons only reap
where they are sown

the mind can only lead thus far
every heart has a mind of its own
eyes that only read at the dusk hour
right before a new sun is born

and you want to talk about flowers ?
I mostly write when I cannot think straight.
aviisevil Oct 2017
little red drops of pain
dripping again.

and i'm sipping on
the salt, telling my
brain, that there's a name
i need to burn.

I'm cold, and that's not a lie,
like the ocean i hold, of
delusion, and petty illusions,
that creates a ripple, in the
pond, and i find myself adrift,
and so on my own. in this

give me knowledge,
questions. answers are
for scientists and the
redundant. i have an
abundance of those.

i hold myself close.
like thorns to a rose,
i'm my own sin,
nothing ever more.

i am sure, there's a door
somewhere to the light.
somewhere on the right,
away from sight and wrongs-
i've heard so many songs
about kisses and stars,
of names and scars,
i need something else.

i need a new galaxy,
to hold on-to and learn,
to cherish and then burn.

because it is only, i, here,
and i'm not the only one.
aviisevil Nov 2014
I sat ever so silently,
Not a whisper escaping my soul.
What's true-
Might not always be reality,
Nothing is ever built whole.
I watched the birds fly,
All across the deep azure-
Of the sky,
Circling in depth of my eyes-
And then I realized,
I was staring at an ocean.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Feb 2014
Scream and shout
Tell me all about
How you hate my face
Why i'm such a disgrace
Pull in a crowd
Mock me all around
Tell me how ugly I am
Nothing but waste
Whisper 'em lullabies
Let them be at rest
Out and down going insane
Lest they forget
My name
Throw 'em stones at me
Let me be hurt
Watch the way I suffer
You be the judge
Tie me in chains of pain
Hot enough to burn my flesh
Ashened black like my heart is
Beat me up so I can't fight it
Break my bones and shake my faith
Bleed me of love to inspire hate
Lets play a game of
'how much more can he take'
And do it all over again
'cause just too much is at stake
Take a right and prove me wrong
Laugh at me and tell me i'm strong
Lose patience 'cause I just wont cry
Strangle me but just enough
That I wont die
'cause death is too easy for my sins
Sin being ugly and unwanted
You say with a heart warming grin
Oh child , can't you see
What marrow may bring ?

when the last drop has drained
There'll be no more pain
I'll be numb and cold
With poison flowing through my veins
When the stones are lost
and my flesh becomes the chains
By wrath of the gods
I'll be a monster again
I'll be the rage you tamed
And an enemy you gained
When all the love is lost
And my flesh becomes the chains
By wrath of satan
I'll be angry again
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Feb 2014
Scream and shout
Tell me all about
How you hate my face
Why i'm such a disgrace
Pull in a crowd
Mock me all around
Tell me how ugly I am
Nothing but waste
Whisper 'em lullabies
Let them be at rest
Out and down going insane
Lest they forget
My name
Throw 'em stones at me
Let me be hurt
Watch the way I suffer
You be the judge
Tie me in chains of pain
Hot enough to burn my flesh
Ashened black like my heart is
Beat me up so I can't fight it
Break my bones and shake my faith
Bleed me of love to inspire hate
Lets play a game of
'how much more can he take'
And do it all over again
'cause just too much is at stake
Take a right and prove me wrong
Laugh at me and tell me i'm strong
Lose patience 'cause I just wont cry
Strangle me but just enough
That I wont die
'cause death is too easy for my sins
Sin being ugly and unwanted
You say with a heart warming grin
Oh child , can't you see
What marrow may bring ?

when the last drop has drained
There'll be no more pain
I'll be numb and cold
With poison flowing through my veins
When the stones are lost
and my flesh becomes the chains
By wrath of the gods
I'll be a monster again
I'll be the rage you tamed
And an enemy you gained
When all the love is lost
And my flesh becomes the chains
By wrath of satan
I'll be angry again
It got 11,000+ views and 41 hearts but accidently got deleted
aviisevil Nov 2014
Scream and shout
Tell me all about
How you hate my face
Why i'm such a disgrace
Pull in a crowd
Mock me all around
Tell me how ugly I am
Nothing but waste
Whisper 'em lullabies
Let them be at rest
Out and down going insane
Lest they forget
My name
Throw 'em stones at me
Let me be hurt
Watch the way I suffer
You be the judge
Tie me in chains of pain
Hot enough to burn my flesh
Ashened black like my heart is
Beat me up so I can't fight it
Break my bones and shake my faith
Bleed me of love to inspire hate
Lets play a game of
'how much more can he take'
And do it all over again
'cause just too much is at stake
Take a right and prove me wrong
Laugh at me and tell me i'm strong
Lose patience 'cause I just wont cry
Strangle me but just enough
That I wont die
'cause death is too easy for my sins
Sin being ugly and unwanted
You say with a heart warming grin
Oh child , can't you see
What morrow may bring ?

when the last drop has drained
There'll be no more pain
I'll be numb and cold
With poison flowing through my veins
When the stones are lost
and my flesh becomes the chains
By wrath of the gods
I'll be a monster again
I'll be the rage you tamed
And an enemy you gained
When all the love is lost
And my flesh becomes the chains
By wrath of satan
I'll be angry again
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Dec 2014
Remember who we were,
I know it has been so long.
Take my memories with you
And I might come along.
So many miles to walk back on,
Even the smiles will haunt.
Wish I could tell you-
There's so much more to this life,
Than just our needs and wants.
Hear me for the last time-
All of my rights and wrongs.
Wish I could sing to you-
For every old man has a song.

Yesterday we were young-
Now even tomorrow feels so old.
Left so much unseen and unheard,
Now there's nothing left but-
An incomplete tale to be told.
I still can't remember your face,
So much to accept and be-hold.
How is that you're still so beautiful,
Even after watching so many springs-
Die and be cold.
Do they ever remind you of us,
Back when we were whole.
Wish you could tell me then-
That love is meant to die for.

When does it all change,
An old man has not a clue.
And the time never waits,
We all have to pay our dues.
From the summer mornings-
To the winter blues.
The moments-
Are so far and inbetween,
In our hearts and few.
There's not much left within-
To hang onto something new
And even when it lay all around me,
All that mattered was you.

When the darkness held me-
I heard myself whisper your name.
Your face was all I could see-
And I knew I was in love again.
Like I've always been,
I felt the same.
An old mans dream-
To be young once again.
Like the last page of a book,
That wants to be read once again.
Only without the questions
And the answers-
I wish I could've changed.
And when I'm gone-
I'll know deep in my heart,
That a story remains.

Embrace me for who I am
And what I am,
Will be yours to keep.
I wish I could make you understand,
When I'm gone -
There's no need to weep.
Look at me like you always did,
For I'm just falling asleep.
Kiss me for I'll need it,
Before you leave.

Love me O' love me
And I would happily be alone
Kiss me O' kiss me
And I might find my home.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jan 2014
He sleeps , at night he weeps
Lord take the pain away
He's too afraid to even speak
He walks on a path of fear
Upon a carpet of thorns
So much to say
But at every corner
he finds himself alone
He lives In a world , a place so far
Little pieces of dreams and broken hearts
He paints rainbows in black
A shade too dark to be real
There's no time left
Too many scars to heal
And the crowd makes him cry
He asks staring at the infinite sky
"why do I even try?"
They make a game of his insecurities
While he waits for an opportunity , so
He just wants to see things patently
He wants them to see him clearly
But all they can see is a boy without an armour
So they stab him repeatedly
An antidote to be calmer
But the wounds are now in the open
Infected by a sinister thought
Maybe if he seeks blood in revenge
He'll go down as the 'boy who fought'
And as the world sleeps , dreaming at peace
A storms about to be released
He'll take them all
One by one across the line
It's now his turn to shine
They created a monster
And now It's time for another columbine.
aviisevil Apr 2014
I'm that fragment of society
That was cut before it could be reaped
Now I lie here in ecstasy
Waiting to preach


My black heart blending in night sky
I will fall like rain
There'll be no clouds
Just pain

From me to you
You to me

We bite each other
I love the taste of your blood

Smear me all over
Cover me in mud

Bury me in the ground
Where I won't be found

And I'll make this land barren
With hatred profound

Kiss my feet
Are you worthy enough ?

I am that seed
That will make this land burn

And you'll perish for your mistakes
What you've done you'll never know

Ask the mighty one
What have you done

Why you deserve my hate
My vengeance and fury

Vision is cold , no ?
Sight is blurry

With you not knowing
What you made me become

The cold one

You're the society aren't you ?
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Aug 2020
screams and moans
litter the scape

swirling in storms
no soul can escape

and here i sleep;

with no shape

wandering the dusty
old shelves

settled in a picture

frozen in silence.
people are just a figment of imagination and times.
aviisevil Feb 2015
Sleep my friend,
Fall back to the somber abyss
You're very near the end,
In a moment you'll cease to exist
Don't resist-
The gentle breeze
Soak it in,
And Leave it be

Dream my friend,
Let them wings strangle you.
Arisen then,
Every dream has to pay its dues.
Windfall kiss the air,
A sweet scent nobody can explain
Let it spread everywhere,
And Consume you now again
In pain.

Now open your eyes,
Clear the skies
Look around yourself,
And ask the reason why
There's something there-
With you,
Something sinister,
A monster you brew.

Demons and angels,
Resting side by side.
In a hollow that lingers,
Across and wide.
So take on your blanket,
And hold yourself tight.
Give in to your despair,
For In dark-
There's no place left to hide.

Are you aware ?
Of loneliness that's stalking,
Mourning on a bed
Not yet ready to sleep.
Do you hear,
The silence talking.
Walking on four legs-
And Ready to feed.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jun 2017
separating thoughts
      from my head

fighting the demons
     haven't slept

awake every second
    nobody to tell

this is hell
this is hell
I swear, it feels like it

this is hell
nobody to tell
i fear, i'll be like this

forever in my soul
nobody to love or hold
watch time grow old
a heart gone cold

how do you live
like this anymore ?

there's no spell
this is hell
i swear, i'm so naked

nothing to sell
this is hell
my dear, i have waited

for so long
in this lake of fire
that now i am nothing
but ash
and you'll always be
what i could never have

a part of me
bearing my black

a dream unsold
never be, untold

how do you
get it all back ?

for i swear,

this is hell
this is my hell
i swear, it's mine to keep

nobody to tell
all i have felt
for an eternity

somewhere within me
burning me

for this is hell
this is hell
i swear, it's true

this is hell
this is hell
my dear, here without you.
aviisevil May 2017
sitting here so cold
with things untold

waiting for my soul
to write me in ink
to make hollow whole
with stones and gold

words written in coal
they'll speak my sin

but when they find me
please help them remind me
that i was never ever lost
it was just the cost to be at
a place that never was

sitting here so sold
with nothing left to hold

waiting for the door
to open and take me in
a mind riddled with holes
now every thought's a *****

broken and then some more
i am so torn from within

but when they find me
please help them remind me
that i was never ever lost
it was just the cost to be at
a place that never was

through my pain and loss
without you or them
or your rules and laws
far away from your claws

and i just stood there in awe
for the world to not end
in love with my flaws

so don't tell me about your loss
i don't need tears to fill my sea

and what i see is still travelling
loud enough for the sky to hear

and it cannot pause
it's still raw and it rots
like my brain when i'm not
in a place that never was

between people
and the world they forgot

my mind cannot stop
there's nothing here for me
nothing real for me
everything's bought

and when they find me
please help them remind me
that i was never ever lost
it was just the cost to be at
a place that never was
aviisevil Dec 2024

Let the blade
run its course.

Let the fools
be devoured.

Let the unkind
shriek in despair.

For too long,
the world has been ruled
by belongings.

Let the threads
and the night
crash into the days.

Everyone for themselves—
that is what’s on offer.

Lest we survive.

aviisevil Jan 2018
stuck in a vortex,
a void devoid of any voice

a noise poised in a pause,
lost in thoughts,
caught in a rot,
making pretty children
out of clay,

hold your breath
don't run,

there's an ugly
out break far away

stay inside and keep warm
slay in style and feed worms

delay the sky from
deliverance, and seed storms,

so that the black eye
and the black dye

can read between the lines,
of all the things in my mind

dreams and memories
howl the most,

between sharks and owls,
i stay awake,

in the forests, by the trees,
beneath the oceans,
under siege,

and i wonder
i wander
for the famine to leech
and bleach away the surface

the complex layer,
that ever was,

and cradle me
in the depths of its conscious

where even the simplest
of universe makes sense,

not like this room
here, and her cold walls

not like the empty chair,
questioning an existence

nor the winds, that screams
against the window,

this grey and moist
and cold and ugly
and away and destroyed
and sold and ***** place,
keeps a face

in the mirrors,
and its peoples

with arms, legs and hearts

made to catch me
and latch onto me,

between smoke and
the vapour
bleeding me dry,
as i lie to myself

that it's only on the paper.
is it just me, so weird ?
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