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SwordNPen Aug 2017
I'm a coward I pretend I can write but I cant
i'm just a kid pretending. Real writing is about
being honest and vulnerable. I haven't been
honest with myself in a long time. Real art takes courage
and that's not something I have anymore. Why does it
have to be so complicated. So after this sentence I'll
be as open as a deep cut so listen to everything that's about
to pour out. I'm a lost boy without Neverland. Im shy, afraid
to grow up, afraid to fail , and afraid to find out who i really am.
For now I'll continue to be the pretender.
SwordNPen Jul 2017
Carefully constructed to fool
the world with my words because while
you listen to the tales I weave, my actions
scream a different scene. Careful now because
what you believe will begin to bleed. The
things that are said and the things that are done
will remind you of the ******* who did you
wrong. Careful now because they're men worse
then me. So please be careful who you believe.
SwordNPen Sep 2017
Hung in the air by chains so the monsters can paint new scars. Crimson dripping off my body like water off a leaky faucet. I can feel myself emptying .....
SwordNPen Jan 2018
I tap my foot and twiddle my fingers looking for distractions, like the way the beige wraps around the wall or the subtle beeping of all the machines. Looking for anything to take my mind off why I'm here. They should know not leave me alone with my thoughts. Sooner or later  someones going to come through that door and give me the news  of course I might go crazy by then.
SwordNPen Dec 2019
I can’t stop feeling all these empty spaces.
It's like waiting by a phone that won't ring,
take a look around its only me.
the world is quiet while I scream
and the cuts…
The cuts are so deep, but you’re not
around to stop the bleed.  **** I
hate me. What more could be said
In an empty room full of only regret.  

SwordNPen Jul 2017
Speak softly to the new fallen angel
Only she can breath life into our mundane
existence. Exiled from paradise she is prepared to
bring her tenacity to her new home.
On the tip of her tongue drips
all the knowledge of the Universe.
She lives vibrantly and loves slowly
Her presence is felt as an unstoppable
force. Tread carefully around her because
if you love her you'll just end up here with me.
SwordNPen May 2015
Everyday she floats away further
and further she goes each day.
It gets harder to see her. She will be
gone soon and I will be all that remains
and I can do nothing but watch her float
SwordNPen Dec 2018
All I can tell you is that love doesn’t have emerald eyes anymore . She has hazel eyes that have their own vocabulary
SwordNPen Apr 2019
I can't control who she's with
or how she's treated I can
only remind her that i'm here,
and it breaks my heart

I can't tell her how to live
or how to feel I can only
listen and let her figure it out

I can't tell her how I feel
because she couldn't handle it right  
now, I can only try and be there
for her because that's all I can offer

   She is a dream that you never want to wake up from….

SwordNPen Jun 2015
I scream inside, my
feelings are so deep and wide
my pain is why I cry, I cant say
what I feel  because like a dog
I heel to society lies. That is what
I feel inside.
SwordNPen Aug 2017
I feel with a fierce intensity
anger turns to rage,
happy turns to joyful,
and sadness turns into
devastation. I feel
subtly heavier right
now. Every breath feels
undeserved like im trying
to repair my ribcage with air.
SwordNPen Dec 2018
I thought I could poor out all my words onto a page and Id eventually come up with something profound or earth shattering. What I discovered is that I'm a contradiction I'm full of hope while being hopeless, I love while I hate, and I hold it all together while I completely fall apart. Everything about me is murky and complicated is that profound or earth shattering ? or is it just the human condition ? Am I falling short or am I, at the precipice of all of it? Who can know for sure?
You may find this pretentious but it is real.
SwordNPen May 2015
People say she's happy
that she always has a
smile on her face but
people are blind to the
scars she tries to hide.
I can look into her eyes
and see how scared she
really is. I see everything
that hides behind her
perfect smile.
Follow me if you like my stuff and if anybody has suggestions or questions go for it I would love some feedback.
SwordNPen Mar 2018
I can't help feeling helpless
She always been just out of reach.
Will I ever learn my lesson with her?
Tortured green eyes and a wicked smile
have left me forever vexed.
I'm left unarmed with nothing but
my hope that someday I'll get my chance
to be filled with regret or be completely
and utterly happy. For now I'll have to be
okay with being okay.
I cant stop writing about you please please get out of my head.
SwordNPen May 2015
I live in Neverland
I'm not a boy who never
ages I'm not a boy who never
changes I'm not a pirate who runs
from a crocodile. I'm not a Fairy you
can fly with. I'm a shadow who is cast from
the bright and hides in the night i live below
the sunshine's and rainbows waiting for my chance
to be real so I can try and feel. I wait all day and night so I
might find away to go home where MY lovely Wendy roams.
SwordNPen Jan 2018
I haven't experienced a more intense kind of hate then self hate.
I hate myself I hate the choices I made, I hate every single day i didn't tell you exactly how I felt about you. Mostly I hate that I cant get your eden green eyes out of my mind. Its been an X amount of days since I've seen you last and i still cant get over your eyes or your quick wit or how soft your hand feels in my hand. I think in the end you'll be the best and worst thing that ever happened to me so thank you and/or I hate you.
If you come across this one day and think its about you it is, I mean every word and I really want you to feel the same.
SwordNPen Jul 2017
Take charge burst forth with fear
because fear is a driving force its why
we run faster and fight harder.
So bear your swords, embrace
the icy cold fear and fight for every day.
This is it make it count.
SwordNPen Aug 2017
Eden green eyes,
strawberry red lips,
soft bronze skin,
and spools of ebony
hair that brush her
shoulders. '
A bubbly laugh,
a light touch,
an impish smile,
a queens body,
and a twisted sense
of humor.
If you some how find this poem and think its about you it is.
SwordNPen Dec 2018
I start every new year with a list of resolutions because I get swept up in the changing of the year. I trick myself into believing that i'm getting a fresh start but I'll be the same i was yesterday. This year was one of the worst, so much happened and I'm not sure how to move on. I think I have to be better then I was last year, because who we are as people is the only thing that matters. Isn't that how we grow?

The scars I wear only tell part of the story I know that now.
SwordNPen Dec 2017
I put pen to paper every single day
and my pages still end up blank
I have no muse this deafness is
like a noose. Im living in a world
with no words. What can I do?
SwordNPen Dec 2017
Unrequited love is love undone by another person.
Its a redefining of the word hell.
An all out cosmic beating by the forces of the world.
SwordNPen Jul 2017
Honesty is draining
and i'm mean real heartbreaking
truth the stuff your afraid to admit
the things that scare you to your core.
That's the honesty i'm talking about. When
we admit things were afraid to say, the things
we've held onto for so long  we become released
from ourselves
SwordNPen Jan 2018
Have a heart and let me be, I've carried you all with me
through everything just let go and let me be. Is it to
much to let me be free. I've done all I can its out of
my bloodied hands.
SwordNPen May 2015
I watched as her heart dropped to the floor and shattered. The pieces of her broken heart were so small they could pass through the eye of a needle. Her tears ran down her face for so long I thought she would never be able to cry again. She was broken she had lost her heart and she could only feel the pain that remained. The only thing I was able to do was hold her in my arms until the pain melted away. We didn't say a word to each other, we both knew no words could fix it so we sat there in silence watching the hours go bye. Those silent hours were the most tender moments of both of our lives and eventually heart came back to her piece by piece and she was whole again.
SwordNPen Jul 2017
Its crazy to think that my life before her was worth anything at all but
since her arrival my life has been more vibrant more exciting and more fun
and since shes been gone ive gone into a pit of self loathing and despair she was a beauty beyond any comparison but more importantly she has this rebellious against the fray personality  that is extremely different from these millennials who all live at home and want to be Instagram and Snapchat  models. She craves adventure she loves deeply and she steals the heart of any man who is with her for more than a minute .
SwordNPen Oct 2017
I've been dragged through the threshold of angelic indifference
my world has gone to the hounds and I'm here holding it all together with nothing but my teeth. I'm cursed to keep my world from falling apart just like Atlas.
SwordNPen Jan 2018
She quivered to the touch of my rough hand dancing across her supple skin
her lustful stare unflinching. I delighted on the subtle taste of strawberries on her lips. Her hands wrapped around me pulling me in close as close as one person could get to another. I learned every curve of her and she learned every curve of me. Now we lay in each others embrace quietly letting the night wash over us.
When you find this tell me you remember this night fondly and try to forgive me. -SNP
SwordNPen Jul 2017
We spend our whole lives looking for it
Many of us never find it
We contemplate worry and
question everything about it
The ultimate question WHY?
Our whole life is about the why
SwordNPen Aug 2017
A bed in the middle of the room
with blankets scrunched up and
shoved in the corner. Dented
pillows scattered like debris
in a field of destruction.
A man in the mirror with
blood shot eyes surrounded
by dark rings. His hands shaking,
his heart racing, and his head is
SwordNPen Apr 2019
Sunsets, long night drives,
Rainy days spent in bed and
The thought of you by me for all of it

Daily walks, late night convos,
Movies that make you laugh
Movies that make you cry
And the warmth of you in my arms

Deep real talk, conspiracy theories,
Ghost stories, playful arguments,
And the story of your life.
SwordNPen Apr 2018
The world is quiet here
who will be the first
to make a noise?
SwordNPen Mar 2018
I used to think i was a hopeless romantic
but now I'm just hopeless ..
SwordNPen Oct 2017
He sits in his dark apartment listening to the sound of the old ceiling fan whirl around. Pleading with his insecurities and his other dark thoughts to stop. The air is stiff and his eyes heavy but he can't fall asleep. His heart races because he made the mistake of going to those dark corners , those **** dark corners .........
SwordNPen Jan 2018
Being a hopeless romantic in this hook up culture
is like bleeding out through a paper cut Its DRAINING
SwordNPen Nov 2017
What are we willing to do for love?
SwordNPen Apr 2018
You have your peace now but I cant say the same  
I'm stuck where you left me.
Since that day I've fallen into those old habits.
Remember those faded scars they're back
and now they go by your name. Until the
day I die I will be haunted by those god dam
eden green eyes.
I'm jealous of your happiness -SNP
SwordNPen Jul 2017
I tripped over these words so much that my knees
are scared with permanent bruises If I could say the words
that are caught in my throat I would be able to live with
no regrets. However I'm only half the man I pretend to be
so I live with three words forever lodged in my throat,
so if I could go back i would tell you....
SwordNPen Apr 2019
I wish we could meet each other all over again
so much about me has changed and it feels wrong  
that you don’t know who I am.

I wish we could meet each other all over again
because I know you’ve changed too
and it’s sad that I don’t know who you are anymore

I wish we could meet each other all over again
and rediscover each other,
get lost in all the change
get lost in each other

I wish we could meet again …..
SwordNPen Nov 2017
keeping to the shadows
But when you need me
Ill step out into the light
and PROTECT whats mine
SwordNPen Dec 2017
I dreamed about you last night and
imagine my surprise when I woke up
with you nowhere to be found.
It was innocent enough I held you in
my arms, kissed you on the cheek ,
and whispered something in your ear.
I should've known i was slumbering
it was the first warm feeling ive had in
a while.
I wish you were here.....

— The End —