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Billy Wynne Veracruz
best baseball pitcher ever
Me Mestizo beloved by the shore a teen a wannabe Mom wannabe wife.
Within his theme songs
In beautiful mystic Vera-cruz.
From the Shaks restaurant my cashiering job
Pitcher asked to walk by the ocean hand in hand.
Baseball players eyes glared so sea-sky blue.
Tallest Knight touching hands.
Handsome king of hearts
"Sweet Caroline song blasted
on pitchers radio cassette player and
" The great Pretender,*
The hours long.
Smooth all passion
seed withheld and me fire firefly flew away..
Kings like you ought to have many wives
and many babies
Your kind are the crown jewels of fatherhood and motherhood best super human seeds divine
Your legacy rules Earth.
I found my own reign, great treasures my king heart of gold like mine, called me beauty himself Beast.
Loved to be a one woman man for a one man woman like me his rddbba-Ginny.
We fell in love at first sight
my true love my
handsome American.

Such elite chose me to change Earth he was the bridge and me his worldbringer portal to heaven his star seed.

My once upon a time my twin soul, twin flame King of hearts, became my imaginary best friend my owl of wisdom my everything.
Our theme songs were Spill your heart to me, and what a wonderful world by Armstrong L.
We were also beauty and the Beast.
The memory of my knight my king lover, my true love
my companion,
keeps me safe and sound.
By: Mr. and Mrs. Andrews.
Honoring Karijinbba
FC Azaele May 2021
Treat me right, stranger
not as a false friend, simply
not a pretender
Haiku's are not my exactly my magnum-opus, but they're fun :)
bakit kailangan sa harap ng iba Kunwari nakangiti ka?
kahit ang totoo sa loob loob mo hindi naman talaga.
bakit kailangan sa paningin ng iba  ipakita **** Kunwari matatag ka?
kahit na ang nararamdaman mo ay nanghihina ka.
bakit kailangan sa kaalaman ng iba Kunwari malakas ka?
kahit ang totoo mabubuwal ka na.
bakit kailangan sa harap ng iba mag kunwari masaya ka?
kahit ang totoo durog na durog kana.

Dahil ba mas ok ng malaman nila na ok ka,kaysa ipaliwanag pa yung totoong nilalaman ng puso mo?
O Mas maigi na siguro ang mag Kunwari kaysa ipakitang Mahina ka.
kasi hindi lahat ng pinapakita sayo na Pag-aalala ay totoo.
not all people that showing you a care is real.sometimes they just ask to get some information  to make you down.
Raven Blue Aug 2020
I always have fun and laugh with people but deeply I am sad and hurt;
I always smile at people but my heart is frowning.
I always say that I'm okay but truthfully I am not;
I always say "Yes" but my real answer is "No".
I'm a man of many masks and pretend to be someone that I'm not;
I always tell lies and have hidden desires.
I always act and put on my mask in the crowd;
Yes, I'm a great pretender.
Euphrosyne Feb 2020
You pretend you’re alright,
laugh when you’re sad,
hide your true feelings;
never show if you’re mad.
Keep to yourself
does no good to fight,
simply try your best
to stay out of sight.

Here in this world
of black and white
you just don’t fit
so you live in the night;
hide your color
in a heart so deep
and dream of rainbows
in your sleep.

But deep inside
a greater light shines
through pain and sorrow,
space and time.
There’s red and green,
yellow and blue,
pink and orange
and yes, purple too.
A lasting assurance
that beyond the fears
you’re not alone
with all those tears.
You are seen and loved,
this you know;
the rainbow’s there
to tell you so.

But it’s hard in your dark reality
in the world of black and white,
no one appreciates the color purple
until they see you there in the light.
To be honest I'm hurt the way how you treat me like I'm nobody like we never had a friendship or something a relationship
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
In my youth
I pretended to be
what I thought others’ thought
was prideworthy and praiseworthy,
and I was unjoyful and unhappy
self-annihilating my authentic self.

Now I am older
and I realise
only by being my authentic self
and striving for joy and happiness
using my authentic self
can I be joyful and happy.
Lizley Apr 2019
Is back
She's dressed in white
instead of black
Faces you with a sweet smile,
Though her tongue
is full
l i e s


© Lizley (Maria Flordeliz Yamog)
The actress.
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