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Nadia May 2019
The Bride Test by Helen Hoang

If tomorrow is a big day with many things to do, here is your warning:
Read this book before bed and you’ll be reading it well into the morning

Esme, or My, is kind and clever, endlessly loyal and terrible at deceit
Khai is a complicated genius, steadfast and achingly, unknowingly sweet

Esme is determined to find a better life for the family she temporarily left behind
Khai is earning future freedom from set ups his mom can’t help but mastermind

A few scenes might make you blush - brilliant and perfect for this story
Bring lots of tissues, no reading on transit - this book is an absolute glory
I never remember to review books before all of the details are long forgotten (sadly it does not take long) so I'm making an effort. Bonus, it's more fun to review with a poem
Nadia Jun 2019
Book Review Poetry - The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite

Feminist queer historical romance
How could I not give it a chance
Science and art plus love as needed
This daring book sweetly succeeded
This ebook just became available at the library. Refreshing, fun read.

Anyone else have a #RhymingReview?
3.8k · Aug 2019
Nadia Aug 2019
Her voice, sweeter than buttercream
- Salty words won’t pucker her song,
Honey bees follow her adoringly -
The kindest person ever to come along

Her legs, thick with gorgeous muscle
- A tornado couldn't knock her down,
Tree trunks turn green with jealousy -
She's the strongest person in town

Her eyes, alight with warm welcome
- a blackout wouldn't dim her glow,
Lesser stars shrink away in envy -
She's the friendliest person to know

She’ll protect anyone who needs it,
Forgive the most egregious slight
Faced with anger, she won't feed it
Full of grace, she’s everything right

Sadly, he won’t go the way of Earl
But who wouldn’t cheer his self-demise
He who siphoned power, stifled song
And stole the laughter from her eyes

Somehow, she’s still tornado strong
The bees know she’ll sing once more
Her trust might need a little time but
When she’s ready, glowing, she’ll soar

NCL August 2019
2.6k · May 2019
She Eats Words
Nadia May 2019
She eats words seasoned with moonbeams
When she goes she leaves behind dreams
Where she dances time no longer exists
She’ll steal all your stories off into the mists

From her sparkly toes to the tips of her wings
To her voice sweetly trilling as she softly sings
To see her is to love her with all of your soul
To love her is to let her devour you whole

Good night, sleep cozy, dream of falling in love
Dream of dragon pirates plaguing the stars above
Dream of heists, of adventures, of running away
Of anything, everything, except that you’re prey

NCL May 2019
Nadia Sep 2019
Rhyming Review - Sorry I'm Late, I Didn't Want to Come by Jessica Pan

Introverts unite
(separately, of course),
This book is for you,
Jessica Pan is your force

For a year she denied
Her introverted tendencies
She e-dated for friends
Gave up shy dependencies

She tried stand up comedy
She spoke at the Moth
She signed up for improv
Things that make shy ppl froth

Her anxieties could have come
Straight out of my own head
You could try extroverting
Or watch Jessica try it instead

You will learn new tricks
While you frown and cringe
Or snicker sympathetically
Through your reading binge
This book was awesome!!! I listened to it while my podcast app was glitching and I am so glad I did.
2.2k · Apr 2019
Bathmat Shuffle
Nadia Apr 2019
Do the bathmat shuffle
To the closet in the hall
It's never very graceful
But try not to fall

No towels on the shelf
Must be in the dryer
Do the bathmat shuffle
But now you’ll do it slyer

Shuffle down the hall
And hope no one's about
Or shimmy like you don’t care
Shake, dance, belt out

Do the bathmat shuffle
You’re nearly almost there
Made it to the dryer
But the towels are elsewhere

Do the bathmat stumble
Your quads are feeling tight
Eureka in the living room
The end is now in sight

Do the towel toga boogie
Time to celebrate
You could put the towels away
But maybe you’ll just wait

NCL April 2019
1.9k · Aug 2019
Rhyming Reviews - Wanderers
Nadia Aug 2019
Wanderers by Chuck Wendig

The walkers didn’t choose their fate,
Leaving their homes to mindlessly advance;
The shepherds following in their wake
Chose to give flock survival a fighting chance

The greatest minds can’t figure out why,
What’s wrong or where they are going;
The world is unraveling in plain sight,
Diseases of mind, body and politics growing

Black Swan knows the truth of it all
But should you trust an artificial intelligence?
The world is dying, this isn’t a false alarm
Survival requires action more than elegance

When civility is gone and kindness is far,
When the options are dire and more dire,
People's lives are defined by who they are
When everything has been thrown in the fire

The stories are visceral and the lives distinct;
Unyielding hope rails against relentless despair
Disparate pieces of humanity lithely linked
In a brilliant, dystopic, grimly amusing affair

NCL August 2019
This book was long and satisfying. Well worth every secound of the hypochondria it invoked
1.8k · Dec 2019
Twas the last day of school
Nadia Dec 2019
Twas the last day of school
before a long winter break
Not a student was learning,
they were all munching on cake

The children had tidied,
supplies all snug in their places
With candy cane smiles
lighting up their sweet faces

The artwork was stowed
in their backpacks with care
In the hope that they'd bring
holiday cheer home to share

When outside the portable
there arose such a clatter
Ms. G sprang from the party
to see what was the matter

The class followed her out,
filling up the whole porch
And right out in front of them,
near as a bright as a torch

Rudolph, nose blazing red
through the dark Vancouver rain,
Behind him the reindeer
pulling Santa’s sleigh like a train

Santa jumped out spritely,
red hat bouncing with glee
He waved at the group and
boomed out, "Hello there Ms. G,"

“And Division 14,
all of you good girls and boys.
We’re rehearsing our run
to practice delivering toys”

The reindeer pranced all round,
putting on a fine show
Santa offered his hand and said,
“Come on Ms. G, let’s go,”

“We’ll drop you in Mexico
before we head back,”
Ms. G happily agreed, asking
“do you have time for a snack?”

The class joyfully welcomed
the jolly crew to the party
They delighted in the games
and the food, eating hearty

Too soon it was time
for the guests of honour to go
Santa sprang to his sleigh and
exclaimed, “**, **, **,”

"Now, Rudoph and Dasher!
Dancer, Prancer and *****!
Now, Comet! on, Cupid!
On, Donner on Blitzen!

“To the top of the portable
then over the school
To Mexico we go,
to Ms. G’s holiday by the pool.”

And off the sleigh flew
with Ms. G safely strapped in,
Her pink toque a-bobbing,
her face all a-grin

They heard him exclaim,
ere he drove out of sight—
"Happy Holidays to all,
and to all a good night!"
Wrote a little rhyme for little one's teacher holiday card after twas the night before xmas
1.6k · Sep 2019
Nadia Sep 2019
You release your words
Measuring each syllable,
Carrying all the consonants,
Gathering up the vowels,
And waiting for the light
Before you cross.
Certain words put a curve
To the shape of your mouth
And your eyes, confidence.

My words are forced unwilling
out the door; each one
pushing on the one ahead,
an unbalanced mass;
tipping forward until they fall
Out in a rush, elbows out,
Knees weaponized;
Falling over each other, still
breathlessly barrelling on.

NCL September 2019
1.6k · Sep 2019
Found in an old notebook
Nadia Sep 2019
Wasted space
Weak; no base
I am the solitary shoelace
Love finding random bits and pieces in old notebooks. wish I could remember what prompted this scribble.
1.4k · Aug 2019
Nadia Aug 2019
Sometimes the words flow with abandon
And I sit back and watch them go
Riotous rivulets, joyful jets and
cheery currents collect until
I gather up the bounty

Sometimes the words flow with abandon
But sometimes they don’t
Or they won’t
Or they pretend
And what collects is garbage
Better out than swirling
Around in my head
I guess

NCL August 2019
1.4k · Jul 2019
Conversations of Trees
Nadia Jul 2019
City trees, weak and stunted,
bear relentless mockery by
country and wild cousins,
though everyone agrees that
suburban trees are least
esteemed, paltry excuses
overcompensating for their
deficits in diversity (of size or
shape) with excess pageantry

The enlightened ones, city and
suburban, wave manicured
tips, speaking in whispered
thrums - how relieved they are
not to be unprotected forest
trees, in constant danger of the
ravages of capitalism and neglect

The forest trees laugh at their
ignorant cousins - they know
the freedom of the wild places
where true peace can be found;
they will gladly face the danger
proudly rooted, in wild ground

The older trees, between naps,
wheeze of many, many
springtimes ago, of cleaner air
and bigger trees, of simpler
lives and clearer skies and
creatures long since gone;
they know change will come,
And change will go, and
Still they will root on

NCL July 2019
1.4k · Aug 2019
Wearing Masks
Nadia Aug 2019
She might be beautiful
On the outside

Hair, makeup, false smiles
Perfectly applied

She reflects warmth
Taking credit for stolen heat

She claims to protect
But she welcomes their defeat

A symbol of humanity
Though she possesses none

Propping up evil incarnate
Isn't a job for just anyone

NCL August 2019
1.3k · Sep 2019
Like an Octopus
Nadia Sep 2019
She hugs like an octopus
Long, slim limbs
Wrapping around
With surprising force
Until fully bound
Too late to react
You are trapped
By her love
1.2k · Jun 2019
Said the crow
Nadia Jun 2019
Hey guys
How's it going?
Beautiful day!
What's that you're eating?
Oh, you're not planning to stay?
You can leave your pack here
This bench is totally safe
No need to zip it up
There’s no time to waste
Go on, go play
I’m just hanging out
Enjoying the day
Check out this friendly crow smile
Now, off you go
Have fun for a while
And thank you in advance...

NCL 2019
1.1k · Sep 2019
Nadia Sep 2019
For the first time in a long time
I grab a plastic sandwich bag
Out of the drawer.
Wracked with guilt
I try to tell myself
It’s not the end of the world
And I’ll try harder
To be greener tomorrow.
I wonder
If that’s what the oil companies think too

NCL September 2019
1.1k · Apr 2019
I read a poem today
Nadia Apr 2019
Your words echo
Beautiful and violent
Deep within my everything
I ache
Wanting, needing, yearning
Words and feelings
Impossibly out of reach
Thank you
1.1k · Jul 2019
Anxiety Knows
Nadia Jul 2019
Anxiety knows the world is burning
   Even if we can't see the flames

Anxiety knows predators are out there
   Even if we don’t know their names

Anxiety knows bad luck happens
  Simply unfortunate events lay claim

Anxiety knows less about statistics
   And much about things that maim

NCL July 2019
Nadia Jun 2019
Don’t lie to Nevada Baylor
It's a waste of your time
On a magic alternate earth
She's a truthseeker prime
Head of the family business
And a private investigator
When Houston is in danger
She’s tasked to find the perpetrator

One hundred fifty years ago
The Osirus virus gave
Magic talents to some people,
Mostly the rich and the brave
The virus was discontinued
Due to unpleasant results
And to keep power with Houses
- Think families plus cults

The dynastic Houses feud for
More than money and fame
They breed for powerful talents
To bring their Houses acclaim
Some powers are obvious
But some are understated
Then there are people who can’t
Control how they’ve mutated

The Baylor family is insignificant
Not of the Houses elite
Their talents are powerful
But they need to be discreet
They don’t want to play
Dangerous House games
Yet Nevada finds herself battling
to save Houston from flames

Read for adventure and romance
For banter and magic powers
Stay for the family chemistry
I could read Baylors for many hours
The whole series is fantastic
The audiobook narrator is great
If you’re into urban fantasy
Go ahead, one-click, don’t wait
Review in rhyme of a book I love
1.0k · Aug 2019
Love and Noodles
Nadia Aug 2019
In a moment of defeat and despair,
we begged, “What will you eat?!”
"Noodles!" She declared.
"Noodles," we agreed, "noodles are fine."

And so noodles upon noodles upon
noodles we’ve tried: noodles boiled,
steamed and fried; strings, tubes and
swirls; noodles shaped like bunnies,
unicorns and dinosaurs; in sauces
and soups, in cheesious goops;

noodles with veggies (until veggies
were banned); noodles with
mushrooms (only from a can);
noodles made of wheat, lentils, rice or
corn - noodles made of everything
noodles could suborn.

Noodles for lunch and for dinner -
noodles again and again and again
- and what then? How many times
can one noodle? How many noodles
until brains begin to spill onto plates
in a braineous-noodle-ous state?

Noodles for breakfast - can’t do it.
Noodles for lunch - can’t get thru it.
Noodles are banned! Noodles are
not welcome near here - never again!
At least not today anyway.

Ok, fine...

NCL August 2019
947 · May 2019
Kitty says
Nadia May 2019
Kitty says she has not been fed
Is this claim false or true?
Her plate is half full, her water is clear
So why does she chirp mee-yoo?

Kitty says we are starving her
Though to pick her up is a struggle
The vet says she’s hefty but we both know
There’s a lot of fur in that snuggle

Kitty says she would like attention
Or to play with the laser pointer
A belly scratch begs for trouble
But I hate to disappoint her

NCL May 2019
933 · Sep 2019
Orb Weaver
Nadia Sep 2019
Orb weaver
Of the gorgeous webs
By the courtyard gate
We don't go through
That way anymore
It is all yours now

NCL September 2019
907 · Apr 2019
One Foot Days
Nadia Apr 2019
One foot in front of the other days
Long, slow and ponderous
Grey with clouds that rest
Heavy on my heart
And drag along behind
887 · Jun 2019
Tough Choices
Nadia Jun 2019
I caught a fruit fly
In my DIY flytrap
It’s circling around
Taking its last lap

I should feel proud
My effort succeeded
I mostly feel sad
My effort was needed

I caught a fruit fly
You can see it right there
Oh it’s looking at us
That hardly seems fair

Death is taking too long
I should release it outside
I wish this was over
My guilt can’t abide

No doubt it’s for the best
Health and safety are first
No more flies in my kitchen
Flies are the worst

Except I’m watching it die
Or waiting, anyhow
Yes, that sounds terrible
So who’s the worst now?

It’s walking on the glass
The creepy fly show
Why am I feeling so bad
Wait- where’d that fly go?!

I’m making a new flytrap
With plenty of tape
A flytrap so secure
No more flies can escape

NCL 2019
838 · Apr 2019
love you, little bug
Nadia Apr 2019
I love you, my sweet, little bug
We lazed this morning, cuddly snug
Hiding from a drizzly day
Warm and giggling as we lay
Hearting art, space and cats
Asking questions, having chats
Watching mag lev trains on screen
Learning magnetism for the keen
A picture couldn’t hold this bliss
Nor any words fully reminisce
The two of us, affectionately enspooned
Love, peace, curiousity, cocooned

NCL April 2019
Nadia Sep 2019
All hail children of the waning summer
Sour and prickly, soft and sweet
These sun-wild children wander free
Blackberry stains on callused feet

NCL September 2019
802 · Sep 2019
Atmospheric Sway
Nadia Sep 2019
The morning is dark, as
if the sun never truly rose;

the street is lit in sepia
tones, heavy clouds
repose on the canopies
of fall-grizzled oaks;

unseen birds warble
in hushed, muffled tones,
while ghostly cars travel
on cloud-dampened roads;

the children, buttoned in
to their back-to-school
clothes, weave or meander
the sidewalk, half-asleep;

- gather the little ones close
in this quiet calm before
the madness strikes -

- know your exits, know
your foes - who knows
what might... happen -

then sun parts languorous
clouds, sending rainbows to
vanquish the mists; sunlight
sparks warmth inside;

gloom and doom forgotten,
a golden day to seize and fly

NCL September 2019
Ever ask for feedback before a piece is done and regret it?
Nadia Aug 2019
Rhyming Review - The Consuming Fire by John Scalzi

An amusing adventure in outer space,
Watching an alternate human race
Scheme for power and fight to survive
- They need each other to stay alive

Travelling space through the flow,
The shoals are the only way to go;
Except the shoals are fading out
And vital connections are now in doubt

Grayland II, in their resplendency
As Emperox of the Interdependency,
Is responsible for billions of souls
And must prepare them for shifting shoals

Her many foes would seize the throne
Fortunately Grayland's not all alone
Her friends, while clever number few;
Time is running out, can they pull through?

NCL 2019
Expressing my appreciation of books through poetry. Thoroughly enjoyed this 2nd book in the Interdependency series - maybe you will too :)
724 · Aug 2019
Nadia Aug 2019
When he is in the mood
My son will fill a bucket with berries,
Barely stopping for a taste.
He does not need help
After all, he is five years old,
Tall for his age, strong and determined.
His bucket will overflow before his hands falter.
Or he will run out of berries within reach.
And even then, he will gaze at the ones
Taunting him from high up in the bracken
And imagine flying up there to retrieve them
Or building a robot who can reach.
He will not notice scratches on his golden skin;
His hat will fall off, abandoned.
When the picking is done, buckets overloaded,
Only then will my boy turn to his berries.
He will eat them by the handful,
Staining not just the tips of his fingers,
Making the sounds of a happy bear cub
As he rolls around, content.

My daughter can find blackberries anywhere
Parks, paths, people’s lawns, on the sides of unlikely cliffs
No place is safe from her nose, her eyes, or her 6th sense.
She will reach, graceful and klutzy at the same time,
Stretching skinny arms to pluck berries one by one
Immediately consuming them
She is not rushed but she is efficient
She might take a break to chase a butterfly but she will return.
She is not so little anymore but still cannot be trusted to mind the bucket
As she will then stop picking altogether to guard her hoard poorly
Until she is found, face, hands and hair stained her favourite purple,
Twigs and blackberry remains tangled in her wild curls.
Her eyes, big and sweet and blue, seemingly guileless,
She would swear on unicorns and princesses,
On sparkles and batgirl, but not on her favourite stuffies,
that she has not been eating many berries at all.
And maybe many is hard to quantify for an almost four year old.

NCL September 2018
I wrote this last summer after a long poetry hiatus. Tempted to edit it down but it feels like cheating not to let it stand as it was in that point of time
711 · Sep 2019
Nadia Sep 2019
Myriad miniature migraines
Bounce off the waves
To zip by
Gleefully stabbing
At my eyes

NCL September 2019
708 · May 2019
Social Anxiety
Nadia May 2019
Shouldn't be in public
Not fit for company
Won't remember names
Might interrupt, awkwardly
Failed attempts at humour
You must hate me
Failed attempts at flattery
Please don't hate me
Didn't mean to say that
Small talk breakdown
Why am I still talking
Self sabotage takedown
Why am I still here
I'm the absolute worst
This shouldn't be so painful
I wish I wasn't cursed

NCL May 2019
698 · Apr 2019
Counted Fears
Nadia Apr 2019
I am afraid
That when he grows up
He will be someone who can’t accept No
Someone who won’t compromise
Who will take what he wants
If he can’t win it with lies

I am afraid
That he won’t learn how to be gentle
Or when to be gentle
And when to play rough
I want him to know
When to give in
And when to be tough

I am afraid
Of the day he realizes
Superheroes are rare
And people in disguises
Do not always embody
The clothes that they wear

I am afraid
For him
For the things I can’t control
For the doors that close
For the opportunities
I can’t bankroll

These counted fears
And those too ugly to be declared
While they are substantial
I try to remember
Fear and Hope travel paired

NCL April 2019
697 · Jul 2019
Maybe Later
Nadia Jul 2019
A poem is calling
And I can't attend it
I'll seize a few strands
To later extend it

Because life is running
Demanding a chase
No time for daydreaming
Til the end of this race


A poem was calling
I hope it’s still near
If I sit still and quiet
Perhaps it will reappear

NCL July 2019
664 · Sep 2019
Summer Brave
Nadia Sep 2019
If you are willing to brave
the drunken wasps, the thorns,
and sneaky little spiders,
you can find
dark, juicy blackberries
In the most unlikely places

NCL August 2019
Nadia Aug 2019
A broken maze hides inside my mind;
Revelers rambling round never find
The end - lacking signposts or guides,
They tread eternities while the exit hides

From echoing clatter to blinding roar,
From gentle pitter-patter to take no more,
Crowds mill through in groups and pairs;
The walls vibrate, as do I downstairs

Food trucks ply their bountiful snacks
Feeding frenzy, launching scent attacks;
The noxious steam combines to rise,
Waft out, confound and desensitize

Enclosed in walls impossible to climb
Trapped all together in layered time
The revelers begin to sway and swerve
Blundering on networks of frayed nerve

With no path to success or even escape
The horde begins to push and scrape
The walls - tremble, creak, quiver, quake;
The maze, my mind, my universe - break

NCL August 2019
620 · Sep 2019
I wish I was already done
Nadia Sep 2019
But I’m not
I guess
I’d better get started
611 · Oct 2019
Sticks and Stones
Nadia Oct 2019
I hope you don't mind
I've gone offline
to infuse myself
with adamantium

Sticks and stones haven't
yet broken these bones
but rampant selfishness
and greed just might
Found this in my drafts. Peace and love to all the peeps who find themselves overwhelmed by the world
607 · May 2019
Call of the Ocean
Nadia May 2019
Sometimes I need to see the ocean
Taste the salt air and feel the motion
Of the waves and the wind
And the world spinning round
When the chaos is too much
The ocean’s where I’ll be found

If I could take a magic potion
Cast a spell or give devotion
Granted any of the powers
That may possibly be
I would quite ecstatically
Transform to a bird of the sea
602 · May 2019
Nadia May 2019
In that moment she transforms
Unquenchable pressures rise
Rage flares into firestorms
Fury thrives, amplifies

She dances on recent slights
Flinging words of blistering flame
Fires fuelled from yesterday’s fights
She wields with unerring aim

When the fury burns to embers
When logic eventually returns
No one left remembers
The cause of her righteous burns

NCL May 2018
595 · Aug 2019
I must confess
Nadia Aug 2019
My son absconded with
Half of the sandpit
In his sneakers
It happened to hide
Until it was safely inside
And, even then, it waited
To spread all over
Freshly scrubbed floors
(Sand is diabolical,
You should know)

I would happily
Return the mess
But at the time
It seemed best
To clean up
Before it progressed
(sand craves to
spread untidiness)

I can further attest
That this latest theft
Was unintentional
And this confession
Unnecessary but
Sometimes it feels good
To confess something
Less outrageous than
The darkest of truths

NCL August 2019
595 · Aug 2019
Nadia Aug 2019
Home sweet home
Where I can sit on my ***
With no need to roam
And no need to ask
Or research
What to do next
A good sesh of nothing
Sounds like the best
With no need to worry
About where to eat dinner
And when to meet friends
Order in trusty take out
Throw the kids in bed
Time to binge on light shows
Then sleep like the dead

NCL August 2019
Had a lovely vacay but it's always so nice to get home.
594 · Jul 2019
Nadia Jul 2019
There were rumours
- the kind whispered
around a campfire
or in bed after lights out -
of a goddess hidden away,
trapped on earth
many centuries ago,
gaze uncovered
so that she might witness
the atrocities of humanity.

If the darkest tales are true,
when the time comes,
when the bindings fail,
when she escapes,
mad with rage,
she will break the earth
and all upon it.

Even so, it is said that
she alone can save us.

NCL July 2019
571 · Sep 2019
Nadia Sep 2019
I’ve got my big girl jeans on
And a take no **** smile
I’m ready to kick *** today
Though it has been a while

Go ahead, neg on me
Or anyone else nearby
Come on, show superiority
I’ll show you that won’t fly

NCL September 2019
I might be nervous about today
563 · May 2019
Seeking an Emoji
Nadia May 2019
I am feeling anxious and unable to participate socially right now.

I acknowledge you and will get back to you when I am able.

Peace and love.
Sometimes I need a short break from the world. I always come back.
558 · Jul 2019
Settling Debts
Nadia Jul 2019
Wiggle out the worries
Until the sky is full of furies,
The what ifs and might be’s
Swirling on a tight breeze

Tease out all the tension
Into the third dimension
Gather all the strands
Braided into supple bands

Navigate the nerves
Know their subtle curves
Tie each to a tension line
Watch the cords intertwine

Into a net, thrown in the air
Capture all the worries there
Pull the strings, cinch the net
What a fine price you'll get

NCL July 2019
550 · Jul 2019
Not even the Cat
Nadia Jul 2019
“***, human,” she says
With her whiskers and tail,
“This no name brand soup
Is definitely a fail.
No wonder the children
Only ate a bite or two,
The soup is so bad
I’ll be lucky to spew.”
The soup must be legitimately bad if the garbage cat won't bother with it
534 · Sep 2019
Nadia Sep 2019
With each passing breeze
Dry leaves rustle,
Taking turns to fall
Swirling, lazily to the ground

NCL September 2019
513 · Aug 2019
Nadia Aug 2019
My love is sour, it isn’t sweet;
It walks along on its own two feet;
At times it might seem far away
Maybe you were a **** that day

My love is quiet but never shy;
It won’t idly watch the world go by;
At times it might seem overbearing,
Yet who among us lives unerring

My love is fierce, it won't withdraw;
It fights with word, tooth and claw;
At times it might seem bellicose,
But it’s too late, you already chose

My love is flawed but it is true;
It filled its scars with golden glue;
At times it might seem too unsightly,
But love should not be taken lightly

NCL August 2019
513 · Jun 2019
Nadia Jun 2019
It's a two coffee day
At least it’s not four
You might stop me at one
But I always want more
I can wake up without
But it helps me to chill
If I skip blessed coffee
Call a doctor - I'm ill

It’s a four coffee day
Life is kicking my ***
If I swim in caffeine
And hope it will pass
Maybe it can balance
The bad with some good
Jittering my way thru
What I could and I should

It's a six coffee day
You're right, that's insane
Might as well save time
And consume through a vein
It's an eight coffee day
Go ahead, book that hearse
I'm too late for saving
I've succumbed to the curse

NCL 2019
481 · Aug 2019
When the day comes
Nadia Aug 2019
When the day comes

When the rainforest is burnt to none and they, for a dollar sum, stoop to petty catastrophe

When the oceans hold more plastic than water and it's too late for the dolphins to stage a coup

When the skies glow grey-orange with smoke and disappointment and each breath tastes of the same

When ever more radiation burns through; it's too much to hope we'll evolve superpowers - Oxygen Woman and the Amazing De-Plasticizer to the rescue

When the oceans rise and the land quakes in protest and from their tussles produce countless tsunami

When drought and flood escalate and tempests multiply; and there's no safe place left to live your life in ignorance

When we're almost all extinct; not that far away some think

When the end is unavoidable, will they see it then?

There's no insurance you can buy for the end of the world
A bit of doom and gloom for today, best followed with cat gifs
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