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Shanijua Jul 2014
How can we get so attached to someone who isn't
Even real? Why do we cry when something tragic
Happens to our favorite characters? I find myself
Not being able to get over Freddie McClair's death even though
I constantly remind myself that it was only fiction. Even
Now I am saddened by the memory. Freddie was only
A character.. Why must I feel so upset?
Jul 2014 · 478
Bags under her eyes
Shanijua Jul 2014
I don’t fancy going to sleep because I hate what I see when I close my eyes and I loathe staying up late because I am afraid of what my imagination can come up with.
Jul 2014 · 225
February 22, 2014
Shanijua Jul 2014
Don't get me wrong, I'd ******* in 0.02 seconds, but I'm gad you're happy with her.
Shanijua Jul 2014
I wanted you to never let me go
I wanted to have the privilege of waking up and your eyes being the first thing I saw. Remember when you would hold me after I'd been crying? I miss the fragrance of your sweater as my head fit perfectly on your shoulder. I miss the way your gentle hands rubbed against my arm, my side, my thigh.. You were always so much more open with your feelings than I was. Isn't that weird? I took those sweet little moments we had for granted, but if I had the chance to get them back, I would.
Jul 2014 · 359
Did I love him?
Shanijua Jul 2014
I've painted my nails black.
The color suits me well, I think It's my favorite.
It also happens to be very comforting..
I always thought I'd like him better if he wore
Black fingernail polish. Why didn't he?
The thought of that boy wearing black
Paint on his nails sends shivers down my spine.
Jul 2014 · 333
10:54 pm
Shanijua Jul 2014
What if I am not who I am supposed to be?
What if I grow up to be something that's not at all like you think?
Jul 2014 · 616
Hello poetry, how are you?
Shanijua Jul 2014
I find that when I come here I feel at home or peaceful. I don't feel judged for the words I must type out on a page for they are more than just words to me.  
My social anxiety is not a handicap here and for that, I rejoice!
When I come here, I can lose my self in fine literature distracting me from
every thing that makes me want to end this thing called life.
Jul 2014 · 9.1k
One For Gatsby
Shanijua Jul 2014
Hey, Ole Sport. Nice to see your face again.
Life and love! Isn't it wonderful!? Strange too
I suppose. But you're still here.. Why? The ones
Who loved me the most, Daisy.. the ones from my
Parties. They left.. But not you.
Did you not love me? Or is it something else?
Should I finish it? Maybe I'll write a response poem.. Should I?
Shanijua Jul 2014
What's that term? Look how the tables have turned?
Yes, look! The seasons have changed my friend. That favorite
Tree of yours would have normally been surrounded by green
And brilliant, leaves.
But that tree now..  What overtakes its skinny, unhealthy
Arms are dull and lifeless and red and yellow shrivels of leaves.
Autumn, isn't he lovely?
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
I'm fine
Shanijua Jul 2014
F is for the times when I say **** it
I is for the tears that I cry
N is the emptiness I feel inside
E is for the hope I have that it all is going to *end
Jun 2014 · 338
That little lady
Shanijua Jun 2014
Look at that beauty,
She is going to be a wonderful mother
One day. The perfect bride.
But why must she play so
Roughly with her brothers? That gorgeous
Dress is getting unbelievably *****..
Why isn't she inside playing with her dolls
With the other girls? Oh! And look at
Her hair! It is caked with mud. Such a
Pretty girl as this one shouldn't have hair like this.
What is going to be next? Will she start trying
To learn her time tables with the boys during
Their lessons? Or start hunting with her dad?
Someone needs to teach her. Yes, she needs to know
How to be a lady.. Her duties will be to her family.
She must learn to cook! I will show her. She will
Be a woman.
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Shanijua Jun 2014
Just because I like science does not mean I'm atheist.
Just because I'm Christian doesn't mean I'm religious.
Just because  it's easy for me to make friends doesn't mean I don't have social anxiety.
Just because I don't eat as much as everyone else doesn't make me anorexic.
Just because I make honor roll doesn’t mean I'm smart.
Just because I don't wear tons of makeup everyday doesn't mean that I'm confident in myself.
Just because I do not judge anyone does not mean I don't have an opinion.
Just because I blog a photo of a naked lady doesn't make me bi/ lesbian.
Just because I know the guy I like doesn't like me back doesn't mean that I can't continue to like him.
Just because people call me pretty and I say thank you does not mean I believe I am.
Just because I ignored you does not mean I didn't hear you insult me.
Just because I laughed it off does not mean it didn't hurt.
Just because I act strong does not mean I am.
Because that's all it is.. An act.
But no one cares to get to know the real me, so I hope you're happy with what you get.
Jun 2014 · 687
He doesn't love you.
Shanijua Jun 2014
Don't ever fall in love.
Don't ever try to find someone
You can loose  yourself  to .
No one cares about your fragile heart,
No one but you.
While you sit there, heart full of love,
He is sitting there looking at your
Photograph whilst some fair skinned
Girl has her tongue down his throat .
Shanijua Jun 2014
I should have known.
I thought I was maybe.. special?
What gives me the right to be special?
I am no better than anyone I ever thought
I was.
Jun 2014 · 3.6k
Shanijua Jun 2014
When I was little, I had this toy guitar that I loved to play with, red and white.
Something a normal child would have. I went to school, made lots of friends,
Got invited to birthday parties, I even got a rose from one of my
Best friends at the time for Valentines Day. I had two friends whom I used
To call all the time. There wasn't a single day that went by that
I didn't call one of them. So normal.
I guess I understand why even those friends left me, although I didn’t
At the time. I was always destined to be this.
This is a portion of a suicide letter I wrote.
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Being Normal
Shanijua Jun 2014
Can someone tell me what has happened?
What is this word that we often use, normal?
It seems as if it has lost it's meaning or maybe
I have forgotten.
Do you find yourself using this foreign word?
Surely you know, maybe you could explain for
I am anything but.
Oh, I hope you can. I hear it is good, to be "normal"?
I wish I could concur...
Jun 2014 · 416
Shanijua Jun 2014
How can you love him more than you love me? I see the way you look at him when you think he's not looking. And how you hate to be even slightly embarrassed if he's around.
Jun 2014 · 5.4k
Shanijua Jun 2014
She gave you a smile.
Teeth showing and all.
You could almost hear
The crashing of her walls
As they hit the ground.

You go to take her hand
And she begins to twirl
A strand of hair between
Her fingers. Still shy and
Timid, the fragile girl.

Where will you ever see
Such beautiful almond shaped
Brown eyes other than standing here,
On this beauty. Oh, yes, you call
Her Beauty.  

****. You can't help yourself
From imagining all that you would
Like to happen if given the chance.
But, not here! Not at Church for God's
Sake! He should strike you down in
This very moment… Yet, who could
Blame you?

When the prayer ends, you look
At Beauty one last time before
Having to take your seat. A hint
Of a smirk plays on her lips and
She looks down to your pants.
Oh God. She knows.. How
Embarrassing. This is a place of
God and this is sin..
Yet you can't help but to feel
Jun 2014 · 395
Shanijua Jun 2014
Love sits on a balcony, feeling the wind blow past.
Love has no anchors pulling it to the ground. It is
Free to get up and leave when it desires. Love does
Not have emotions that cloud it's judgment. Have you
Ever felt water as it slips through your fingers?  It just keeps
Going and going and going until you shut it off. It starts to
Burn. Hotter and hotter it feels against your skin, yet
You don't have the will to shut it off.. For that moment,
You're not alone. After being numb, you feel. But it
Burns! None the less, it's a feeling. As with this free spirit
Called love. Everyone knows all love isn't good, well if
It isn't good love, then is it even love at all? We accept love
No matter how it is presented, through appreciation or even
Abuse because it gives us feeling, joy, envy, worth, sadness, emotion!
No one likes being alone, we want to feel.
But soon enough, it reaches dawn and it is time for our friend,
Love to go. It is time for the next balcony, it is indeed windy

— The End —