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 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
Broke- My wallet
Broken- The promises I've made
Break- What I need.
Breaking- My heart
Breakable- My job, I skipped too many days
Break-up*- What's happened to me.
A bit too true for me.
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
Paint an ocean filled with stars,
And beaches and the seas,
And you would not capture a beauty so vast
Effortlessly kept by she.

Paint the sun, in its flaming crown,
And the galaxy's gleaming isles,
And all the lights that shine in the dark
Are just small sparks to her smiles.

Paint a diamond of purest cut,
And milky silks, snowy doves,
And even they could not compare
To this fair angel from above.
"For a picture paints a thousand words,
But a thousand pictures can't paint her..."
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
Needing is one thing,
*but getting is another.
A problem with crushes,
and many other problems.
All of which have a ***lack*** of something.
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
I Guess
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
I guess it has to rain
For flowers to grow.
I guess the more you are insane,
more of yourself you'll know.

I guess we must know how to cry
To recall happiness when it's gone.
I guess our love had to die,
So that my heart can live on.
But love is a cycle,
an end creates a beginning.
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
A painting may be a thousand words
but a thousand paintings can't paint her
A flower living off her own sunlight
A broken mirror that reflects inner beauty

Now all I've got are photos
Some sepia, digital, black and white
Though the colours don't really matter
Because my heart is black and blue

The memory in my camera
Is smaller than my memory of you
I remember everything that you do
And I'll never delete it.

Now, you're just in a picture frame,
And I need a new frame of mind.
Another note left in the hallways.
There must be a poet on the loose.
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
A year has passed.
I couldn't feel it though, because all that time was spent with you.
A year full of
long drives for short vacations
intimate hugs full of sweet sensation
wind blowing our hair on snowy mountaintops
chilling in minimarts, enjoying some lollipops
staring into each others eyes, and feeling serene
joining fundraisers and runs to keep the earth clean
We sailed through troubles
Chased after our dreams
Drove ourselves further
And flew to the skies, touching the clouds and riding the jetstreams.
Before I met you, I did all these things many, many times.
But with you, we did these things together.
And they felt different. Every step, every move, every breath.
I felt electricity in my veins, a new light to see in, and freshness in my life.
And that was the difference that kept our unity.
I love you.
Happy anniversary.
June 16, 2013.
A love for tuna sandwiches brought two people together.
How crazy is that?
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
You are the water
That permeates every layer of my hardened soul
Fills in the cracks of my heart
And swell my broken lips into a smile.
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
You taught me how to smile again, when I forgot everything before you.
You taught me how to live again, when all I knew was you.
I try my hand at the ©Jacob Serento and © Raine Cooper style.
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
I heard your life's been hard,
you're counting the welts on your soul.
You've played all your cards,
working towards no specific goal.

You're texting for hours on your phone,
Yet you still feel so alone.
You can eat at work or school,
But you're never really full.

Well, guess what?
Inspiration's knocking
So don't be door-locking
Here's some light to keep at bay,
the demons that chase you night and day

Let's start.

I believe everything turns out well in the end.
If it's still sour, then it *
isn't the end.

The sky is never the limit, you will reach your dream soon.
If the sky was the limit, why are there
footprints on the moon?

There's always a way to stand out, and not to be just "passable"
Remember, every great achievement was once known as

There will come a day when you can't open up your eyes,
But what matters is what you do until that day arrives.
Every time I see a depressing quote here, I have two choices.
Feel down, or get everyone up.
I choose the latter.
 Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
I may not have laser vision,
But everything I see soon dies.
I may not have inhuman strength,
But I can still break hearts.
I may not have the ability to fly,
But I can soar away from my problems.
I may not be invincible,
But I can ignore everything in my fortress of solitude.

But I do have a weakness.
And that weakness is you.
Found a crumpled note on the floor.
Put the contents here for all to see.
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