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God's Oracle Sep 2021
I intune within the deepest parts of my Spirit to accept my Spiritual Connection to the Grand Blueprint we are all part of in the immense layout of God's Plan which extends to the deeps of infinity. As the innumerable possible outcomes we are  continuously creating by exercising a small amount of free will we as humans are able to pick and choose to live our lives in either righteousness or wickedness. Am currently beginning to comprehend and believe what I been placed here on Earth to become and embrace...who I am... an Oracle Of The Mystic Spirit Realms...given the Gift of tapping into the Spirit Realm via extraordinary hypersensitive means due to my Eyes being opened and receptive to the harmonious or chaotic vibrations of realms unseen to the human eye. I have over the last decade cultivated and flourished my spiritual life by simply utilizing my temple as a vehicle able to channel natural raw energies, observing and molding my reality and synchronizing it with my imagination at extremely fast speed in turn able to conceptualize a total different view to see Life as we humans experience it. I quickly learned that I could with the power of my imagination create a way to harness my internal energy and slowly with practice exponentially grow this energy cues to form a more stronger more resistant energy that can be used to combine this raw energy with nature, elemental, celestial, ethereal and spiritual energy from the material and spiritual world we reside in. By constantly using my temple as a beacon of continuous flow of different types of energies I encounter here within the confines of my current environment I have solidified a method of using this conduit external and internal expressions of the hidden power they represent. With my spiritual eyes am able to see Auras, Visions of a Distant or Finite Future, The Left Eye allows me to see other people's Aura, Energy Pool, Mood from time to time even able to predict behavioral repetitious patterns of either positive or negative influences that the person may be dealing with currently. The Right Eye allows me to Astral Project, Travel Thru my Dream World, Use Symbolism and Codes to mold, envision and even manifest what I desire to happen in a certain amount of time and lastly I can see plain as day this spirits for a small amount of time and I can get to know them by simply observing them feel them out to see if they are Benevolent Or Malevolent Spirits and slowly build a profile on them in my brain with their name...things they have told me about themselves...their age...their function...their mission. Some of this Spirits are disembodied spirits some are elemental spirits some are ethereal some celestial some infernal some are even hybrid beings and others are extremely ancient and lastly some are made out of light others out of darkness some have free will some are enslaved some are beneficial to humans others not so much. Beware some are extremely powerful ancient clever and highly experienced in mascorading themselves into live animals deceased humans or even doppelgangers.
The Spirits that I have had the honor to meet are from all types of forms, ages, attributes and experience. So far I have encountered about 2,123 Spirits... 2,000 of this Spirits are under my authority and abide by my norms. Nonetheless, the journey it's extremely customisable, adaptable and mysterious the ways they appear to Humans who have certain amount of sensitivity to the unseen realm of this exotic powerful and enigmatic beings. At this moment  am saddened and highly frustrated at the fact that I got to slowly let go of about 1000 of this spirits go back to inhabit their original statue of existence. I have had deep spiritual experiences thru the ways that they have showed me how is it that they have survived to live among humans nearly undetected for thousands of years. I am still a bit unhasty and maladapted myself to LIFE and it's constant pace and rhythm of the way time, space and action to reaction work in the physical realm. I tend to be able to naturally blend, combine, retain, obtain and or morph my own energy and distribute it to such an extent to the Intelligent Design Of The Creator's complexity of this hidden powers within reality that cannot be experienced unless YOU become a source of arbitrary force that can propel your own energy accordingly by simply opening up to observe, inspect, extract, fuse, diffuse, form and analyze, letting your own temple be slowly be transformed by exploring the vast deeps of the unknown reality we are part of thru our day to day living. By becoming subservient to continuously create ways to tear the veil between the physical to the spiritual with time you'll notice that if the host practices everyday this techniques and rituals within self you'll find that it becomes easier and easier to grow spiritually become more tuned refined and well balanced within self. This may sound crazy but I know that my God has called me to utilize this Gift to aid humanity. Yet I have formed cordial friendships with beings that are potentially deceiving me adultering me and even leading me to be more  sinful more arrogant more prideful more sinister more perverse. Though they all serve their functions I gotta let the Hybrid, Infernal and some Ethereal and some Malevolent Spirits go. In the end this Gift God granted me it in order to heal, seal and even cast this spirits away from others who have opened doorways in communication, accession, worship, bonds with legal rights to use human bodies as conduits to express their own impact on the physical realm via possession. The reality is that I Hugo Rivera is going to have a difficult time leaving in my own right the just cause I have to see my work be one day recognized as a masterpiece a total living testament that will remain forever a complete rational but totally not comprehensible way of engaging in a simple yet complex way to get to engage in the physical and spiritual realms and being able to traverse and be completely interchangeable form to experience both worlds simultaneously. Am comfortable with my Gifts to be able to speak in Angelic Tongues, Meditate at a deeper level than most humans, able to create constructs of my own customisation, understand the Life and Death attribute to each Letter in the Alphabet, Meet & Collaborate into constructing ways to elevate my energy accordingly to be able to tap into the Spirit Realm without serious concequences nor reprecausions. My mind works in such a elaborate yet complex and disorganized but with a touch of order within itself it's absolutely insane how I can be able to control such Gift to such a exceptional degree. Lastly the most important thing is I can transmit my Life force to others in small to moderate amounts to allow them to see, feel, understand, operate and experience this unique Gift for themselves. Yet the only thing is that they must be born with the same Gift of a "Seer" to be able to tap into this truly incredible power that with practice, time, repetition and genuine longing to escalate their knowledge into the unknown reality of the hidden unseen realm of the spirits.
Oracle Of The Mystic Spirit Realms.
Entities I command.
God's Oracle Aug 2021
I am completely honest I am accepting the help from my Christian Brothers and Sisters to at last RENOUNCE to the spirits of Lust, Power, Pride, Sloth, Manipulation, High Places and Violence. I voice out my heart because I have gotten accostumed to allowing this entities to coexist outside of my temple yet have given them permission to utilize my temple whenever I needed their knowledge or expertize or even experience due to their massive years of antiquity. Some of this spirits are a Millennial Spirit with a vast amount of rich knowledge special way to aid it's host on making predictions on other people's livelihoods via astrological, numeral, symbolical allegory of unexplored secrets of the spirit realm. When being able to look at a person's spiritual blueprint and extract his exact 3 most radiant aura colors and if you can suggest a perfect number a number that has meaning in their Life...this can shake the foundations of their empirical and theological or philosophical beliefs...This things are a Spiritual Gift I have unlocked and possess the capacity and capability to allow someone else see their destiny and Life thru a newer more fresher perspective. I have learned that every person has a different spiritual walk either lost in the world roaming this planet with too much ignorance and intellectual theory's that defy God and his existence. What they don't see is that without God our Universe could NOT coexist nor be able to continuously expand and bloom in the vast expansions of the unexplored darkness that is ever so prevelent in the cosmic celestial hosts. Don't you people understand that we are all somewhat related via blood types and ancestral family trees and how we can trace the DNA that proves we all have a genetic molecular modification to our DNA via other unknown entities that somehow gave us knowledge of magik, weaponry, chemical alterations  that can be administered to the human body via energy exchange, ritual accession or even experienced thru drinking, smoking, inhaling, or injecting this Drugs to the human body. Furthermore, knowledge of hybrid breeds of people, astrology, mathematics, science, philosophy, arts & crafts, precious stones, alchemy, spacecraft, portals to travel thru time & space, herbalism, medicine and artificial machinery. What is important to note is that I am relinquishing my temple from utilization from this spirits and in the Powerful Name Of Jesus Christ I command ******, Malpheor, Asteroth, Gremvor, Cthulhu, Sezil and Belial I command thee to leave me be in the name of Jesus Christ and to not ever come back to work within me no longer. I am no longer interested in complying with your requests to use myself as a demonic conduit to allow you demonic spirits be able to work within so glad that I have finally realized that you are evil entities that somehow gave me illusive power that I adored to utilize to feel as if am above others. Now I realize that was pride and ignorance on my behalf...I now will be able to move more smoothly more clear with more clarity and with a special calling to use  my gifts for the good of just letting the Holy Spirit to open my spiritual eyes and envision the path layed before me.
I am cancelling all commitments and all demonic spirits must leave in Jesus Name...Amen!!! The Lord Shall Persevere, Endure Forevermore Till my Life ends I'll follow the Lord everywhere he leads me.
Jesus has the power to heal cast and heal desolate temples...he can turns hearts of stone into hearts of flesh...and he is the one that can save your Soul.
Aug 2021 · 1.3k
~A Decade Of Addiction~
God's Oracle Aug 2021
As I navigate thru the hurls of Life my mind gravitates towards the seductive temptations that linger in the subconscious mindset that I have attained via constant repetitive behaviors that scar me beyond my control and understanding. I hold onto my faith and my sublime thought patterns that perturb my inner soul. Unknowingly recollections of subjected torture and sorrow that I am involuntarily accustomed to...I recite a prayer to my Holy Lord that he remove this impending feeling of agitation and aggravation towards how my mind works and self sabotages it's sober state of being. Maladapted and a Degenerate ******* I am because I do NOT have the strength nor courage to remain in constant contact with my inner self to be able to control my impulses to use Narcotics. Truly, I have finally realized am powerless and deathly spiritually sick with endless intrusive thoughts of ******* on a suicide mission alleviating the symptoms by succumbing to escaping reality thru the Narcotic Amplification slowly self destructing by the utilization of this ******* substances that keep me trapped chained and imprisoned within my body's constantly nagging me to continue to use the drugs to escape my feelings, thoughts and left exhausted and incompetent to deal with Life's struggles and circumstances. Without doubt I know I need to learn to retain my sobriety NO MATTER THE COST. I cannot allow myself to continue to indulge in this illegal substances to temporarily make me feel better make me feel special make me feel extremely desensitized from my current problems I cannot afford to keep running like a ******* coward I must learn to face Life on Life terms...maintain my impulses under control retain my spiritual growth and keep grinding towards keeping my commitment to myself to NOT use anymore because it's slowly making me evil more devilish more violent more sinful and in the end it's just killing me to know I am not practicing self care nor loving myself enough to NOT practice this erroneous behavior that it's making me hate myself more and more daily because it's total insanity to continue to contribute to slowly **** myself due to the fact am literally paying for death every time I use drugs to deal with Life. A decade of this **** **** am so done with it... please Holy God take this punishment away from your Son who without fail believes in you loves you and has unfailing faith that does NOT shake because I rely on Christ to keep me alive and well. Enough of this madness I have walked thru enough darkness to know that am literally losing my willpower to maintain my health, happiness, comfort, belief, faith and livelihood. God I pray thee you relieve my destructive addiction and relieve my painful past allow me to LET IT GO...I know I will continue to fight this enormous disease with a strong composure and continue to sanctify my temple slowly but surely...God May You Walk With Me Thru This Journey Now & Till My Death. Amen!!!
A decade of addiction.
Aug 2021 · 205
~My Living Testament~
God's Oracle Aug 2021
As I lay in my bed in my simple Apartment I reside in where many words flow through the aware alive thriving consciousness where I am genuinely amazed and a bit perplexed on how the human psyche and it's most inner part of our cerebral synapses and an array of a massive multi-billion delicate intricate highly complex mechanisms of creating, arranging, compiling, sensing, observing, converging, and lastly elaborating trillions of bits of what we see hear touch smell or taste. Thus creating reality moment by moment second by second as we are simply just being happy to be part of the constant in the now part of creation of what we perceive as reality as far as we know this is the epicenter of what we see is an unknown amount of particles atoms and forces that come together to make the factor of our planet able to sustain life air water fire thunder earth and it's invisible forces making planet earth hospitable and able to thrive with Life and all it's individual constructs of what we perceive to be real yet cannot prove or disprove any theory of reality or a virtual/biological God made hyper-reality. Knowing as Human beings that we are the only Mammals to have fully developed language, reason, intelligence, instinctual feelings and able to meditate throughout all the mind/body/spirit altered states of consciousness if we dedicate and devote our time to learning our limits and restrictions we made to ourselves yet becoming transcendent with more spiritual breakthroughs allowing those Man and Woman who are still spiritually sleep become apt to be awakened and begin learning the ways to enhance modify even defy our previous limitations and restrictions as Human Beings. Nonetheless, we all come from Father God the source of all Spiritual existence here on Earth and in the Heavenly Places. Determination to ultimately finally possess Mankind's greatest questions be finally answered in a complete concrete concise and clear manner eliminating any trace of doubt or better yet creating more diversification of possible probabilities that could become either our greatest answer towards Mankind's struggle to observe, test, and generate the answers the whole world seems to be looking for ...hence if taken all into consideration the TRUTH will be one day known and what LIES our superiors been feeding the millions of people worldwide at that moment their respective methods of making a LIE sound almost exact to the TRUTH shall be known and then a mass awakening of the spirit shall sweep the Earth those blind shall see those deaf shall hear those sick shall be made whole and peace and prosperous times will abound. Let me give the reader a simple self explanatory answer to the problems we as Humans face today...Racism, Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Terrorism, Hunger, Famines, War, Poverty, World Wide Pandemics, Fear delegated corrupt systems of Justice,
Using Religion as a form of Mass Control, Violence, Drugs and *** being constantly advertised on TV, Media and Internet being shown to Kids and Teenagers under-developed minds showed this ****** and obscene themes through subliminal imaging and hypnotic suggestion. If we truly as Adults take a closer look at teenagers or children these days ohhh the Childhood eras have surely changed tremendously. Now days kids wanna be feel and do as if they got the freedom to do right or wrong without reprecautions  nor consequences just because of their age they feel entitled to do come and go and act in such ways is just absolutely unacceptable for my time and Era to behave such way nor even act or say anything that revolves around disowning or dishonoring their Parents.  We live in a World governed by the Elite families who fix create and either control or let corrupt individuals with sick and twisted personalities control what goes on in their countries yet they themselves are being also controlled by a higher up later of Elite man and woman that run the combined economical, judicial, educational and health systems. To bring change to this we as communities must get together and fight this people in power and abolish their secret societies vote for a true individual who will stand up for the people's rights and have the society's interests at heart create programs for the needy and homeless allow laborers to a better pay create a stronger more fluid cash flow in the states and push congress to invest into our struggling communities. A Leader who will fight to end injustice and corruption in our federal courts involve our youth in camps in all variety of fields like business, art, sciences, Web development, Hand on jobs teaching them to have a basic understanding of construction,  design, pluming, electricity, and many many more. Design workshops also for our Young Adults focused on learning a trade to once they complete the whole course graduate them and provide them leads to jobs who will hire them based on their trade. While acquiring the job give them a small reasonable lump sum of cash while still unemployed but yet looking for a company to hire them on to their crew once hired after their second paycheck cut off their provisional cash and provide them with motivational programs to help them deal with the stress and allow their energy to refocus on doing the next right thing. Unite our communities to create strong bonds with competitive large companies that will provide good benefits for their workers good 41K plans and give them provisional bonuses of small to moderate amounts of cash be added to their pay for achieving from 3 to 6 to 9 to 12 months of steady work that way the work place remains constant and keep their workers happy and satisfied with their jobs. Lastly I want to remind whoever is reading this that together we stand strong but separated we fall apart keep God always 1st in everything and have faith on him and his provision of blessings and leave him your pain your struggles and allow yourself to be guided by his hands for with him nothing is impossible.
The Lord is on the Move Amen!
God's Oracle Aug 2021
The Divine Power Of The Holy Lord Shall always endure Generation thru Generation
Forever in debt to his divine intervention
Utilizing the Omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit a convenient experimentation
Formulating on my next move thru Guidance & Meditation
Not relying on the Drugs no more to cope with my daily routine nor temptations
The Love of God an immense amount of exhilarating sensations
Driven by the Insurmountable number of random experiences that Life brings night and day with moments of clarification
A blissful state am left in reminiscence with feelings of joyful Associations
My Family and Friends now closer to me thanks to my new personification
I have made the commitment to remain sober thru the good or bad moments in Life
Now with a stronger demeanor and newer endeavors by planning carefully step by step my new beginning in this direction
God guiding and directing my Life thru the Mountains and Valleys of a new Journey in Life such a special occasion
To give him glory and honor and praise forevermore Hallelujah 🙏
Love you God
God's Oracle Aug 2021
Yet many people have different perspectives on what they believe about the afterlife...yet none of those fancy stories of anyone coming back from the World of the Dead add up to par. I had a dream of a place that had 9 different circles and a massive entrance. The door was decorated with a gothic like Artistic depiction of millions of souls falling into a hellish pit engulfed in flames sulfur and brimstone. As I stood there perplexed the Massive door began to open and dust and a horribly uncomfortable amount of hot air cold chills and unimaginable terror set upon my very soul...a voice coming from deep within that hellish place called my name for help...petitioning for me to travel to the 5th Circle of what they call Infernus and retrieve a little Marmol Angel statue from a Half human Half Demon Man named Arxeus Demus III. As I got a little closer there stood a Skeleton King in front of me and said to me ..."Do you wish to proceed to the Underworld to go retrieve the items your friend wants to give you for safekeeping?"
Then I told him I am retrieving this from Infernus because I am responding to a friend in distress. There I entered the Pit's entrance and from there I made my way to the fifth circle and found Arxeus talking to a Succubus however I was interrupted by a Legion of Lost Souls trying to grab at me due to the fact that I was Alive and from the world of the living. I fought off the corruption best as I could and finally able to talk to Arxeus and express my concern to him He gave me the Marmol Statue of the Angel with a Letter ... As I made my way back to the entrance I realized that I had to travel thru a different route due to the fact that the Door was sealed shut and I was trapped inside this hellish place alone.
I realized that the only way to transverse thru this Infernal dominion where Sanctioned Fallen Angels resided was to send a prayer to the Holy Father in heaven and to ask of his holiness to guard me from evil and temptations that I may run across in this place. There after a long dialogue with my inner spirit and requesting the zeal of protection I was sent a powerful Arch Angel known as Nathaniel Lux Dominus...along with his guidance and protection from the perils that awaited within by crossing each circle things became complicated but I never lost faith in my Lord and his Hosts. At last I made it to the Ninth Circle and there I found a portal that allowed me to open for a short period of time a portal that sent me back to the World of the Living. Finally I made it out back to the world of the living and there I looked at the Marmol Angel Statue and opened the letter I immediately recognized the hand writing of my beloved friend and it gave me clear instructions on how to absolve the past sins that where not forgiven and allowed her to  transverse thru the sands of time and be redeemed in Heaven. I witnessed her soul finally be set to rest and be sent back to Paradise. At this I was completely set into a memorable accommodation for helping her bind soul be released back to God himself. In that moment I was filled with joy and deep happiness to be able to make myself useful to someone else. In the end everything was finally made right by the Spirit Of Truth Love & Justice. May she rest in peace may her soul be at the bossom of our Creator's Throne and be forever glorified for being who she was is and will always be a wonderful good hearted human being who was taken from us to join God's people in the Heavenly Realms.

                                                               R.I.P.         Bobby Fae Campbell
A tribute to Bobby Campbell Always ...
God's Oracle Aug 2021
At Last I believe I can arrest my addiction to indulge in foreign substances that are toxic to the body and cause mental physical and spiritual harm. I am beginning to attain a blissful attitude a more heightened sense of reality I see the other side of NOT getting intoxicated with drugs to cope with life. I am contempt and joyous I have finally arrived to the other side. I am silently gently and comfortably complying with what people are suggesting me do to remain sober for the rest of my Life. I enjoy this feeling even though it may be temporal it is such a liberating feeling though. God goes ahead of me and guides me thru the valley of bones and death and the demonic murmurs that temper with my well-being are beginning to be erased eradicated and slowly but surely taken back to the place where they belong hell. I reside with a gesture of fortitude and mental alleviation to what I am slowly but surely fully emerging myself and solidly sanctifying my body from drug induced intoxication of self to remain and retain my sobriety at a maximum level of capacity. I am FREE finally from the annals of the intoxicating euphoric or temporary illusive and destructive comfort the toxic substances physically mentally and spiritually delegate and synthesize themselves to attach themselves to my inner and outer being once I take that first drug. I realize I am an addict of the hopeless variety and I cannot will NOT and surely MAY NOT ever again indulge in or take part of getting altered by any substance that brings temporary relief to my state of mind. At this very moment I feel at peace and comfort at a state of final resolution that this is indeed the answer I been seeking for a very long time an answer I always had a conclusion and not just that a solution I have always put to the side and tossed it to the trash when things get hard in my sobriety walk and my vigilant observance of an array of events I cannot fully explain in words due to the mysterious power that the Holy Spirit operates in. In conclusion I have come to believe and live and remain obedient to this new way of life for as long as I work with my sponsor and do my step work and perhaps one day I will be able to be an sponsor myself with multiple years of sobriety under my belt and be able to pull out the ones still in the madness to come be helped by me or others who are working a rigorous program of sobriety and have remained and maintained their solid and absolute resolve to retain maintain and sustain and by all means and all costs. I have come to my final resolution to remain sober for the rest of my days by helping others be found from being lost in their darkest storms when they where living in the madness and be pulled towards the right path to go and try out a new way of life. I live in the SOLUTION NOW I am no longer a slave to MY ADDICTION. Thank You For Listening May All Glory Power & Strenght and Honor Prestige and Righteous Lifestyle that I partake in today go to God for he is the enabler the one giving me the fortitude, mental capacity, will power and good fortune.
Love U all always. God Bless U!!! Thanks for Reading.
Struggles End
God's Oracle Apr 2021
Lord I come to you to speak boldly about my current situation...I am conflicted and perplexed in how deeply I have broken my self into a futile infantile parasite I sadly realize I am. I am frustrated and saddened that my drug addiction keeps me at edge between that my ADHD Schizophrenia and Night Terrors I have meet my match. At the current moment facing eviction, homelessness, and pervasive persistent negative attitude I have acquired over the years of someone else always doing for me what I ought to do for my ******* self. I don't exercise much...quite a homebody/couch-potato/slob I have become. I am lazy, irresponsible, messy, poor hygiene at times I have practiced...cuss like a sailor, negligent, indifferent, stuck in a maladaptive lifestyle that as time ticks on the problems grow bigger and bigger...I use drugs to wear the mask of "Normalcy" & "Success" yet I know am lying to my **** self every time I cover up my TRUE identity hidden from the public deep within layers of a tormented and vindictive past. Contemplating onto making and forming a solid decision to go get myself some help from a rehabilitation facility but that is all too familiar and don't guarantee my success into beating my addiction and arresting my inner deep and personal struggles I wrestle with on the my Lord is The Christ,who came and was and is and will forever stand as being the identical incarnation of the father image, conduct and become nothing...being subsurvient to the fathers will becoming a man of excellency of character, inpeccable radiance, unsurpasable  holiness, being made into an anoited vessel heal the sick, show the lost a way to redeem the gift of eternal life, love us as we were desperately drownding and needing of a savior the Son Of Man, The Christ, Apointed to fulfill Scripture, Selfless, Holy, Perfect... God's Only Begotten Son the primordial Creation who all things were made for him, thru him by him. Jesus Christ the One who came to fulfill the Law be born blameless, holy and perfect. He allowed Judas Iscariot be influenced by the Devil and be blinded by alluring him with the promise of payment. In the last supper Jesus Christ mentioned to the 12 the one who dips with me this piece of bread into this morsel will be the one to betray me and turn me in to the authorities as a blasphemer. Then Judas Iscariot at that moment the Devil entered Judas in that same instant he extends his left hand and dips his bread along with Jesus. Then the 11 remaining look into Jesus and that very moment he dismissed Judas Telling him...something along this lines...Do it and do it quickly giving permission for him to be handed to authorities... Judas left and came back with soldiers then turned to Jesus kissed him with the kiss of death on the side of his face. With that the Soldiers singled out Jesus out of the 12. Took him to be interrogated with Herodias yet he found no fault in Jesus. Next day took him to The Chief Of The Pharasies. The Magistrate spat on Jesus for saying " He was who they claiming" immediately several Pharasies including the Magistrate's tore their clothing and yelled loudly ... "Blasphemer" & The Lord remained quiet then right away after enduring being flogged, humiliated, tortured till being taken to Poncious Pilate. There my Lord sustained an extreme amount of horrifying torture. Naturally the Devil influeced the croud to pick the murderous Barrabas to be liberated and the Christ to be handed over to suffer crucifixion. In the tragic end he died hanging on that old rugged cross. Nevertheless, 3 days later was glorified, the first among the dead to be ressurrected. Tranfiguration for Christ wasn't yet complete. The prophets remained accompanying the Lord till they saw him return to heaven. May the Father,Son and Holy Ghost Reign Forevermore Amen!!!
Surely, I tell you Christ Lives.
Apr 2021 · 335
~Torn in my Soul~
God's Oracle Apr 2021
Eradication within a hollow abyss of such instinct... callibrating an insourmantable animallistic realization of a deeper defiled reconciled underlined evil lurking within...dominance of my debilitating disease...temptation to succumb to this numbing feeling...As if it all dissapears while I indulge into feeding my own agonizing addiction....something I keep feeding...tired of always fleeing not facing Life secluded within a snared trap of a battle am exausted from alliviating my feelings. I want to recuperate my sobreity, yet keep getting intoxicated to deal with inner dealings. Envelopped in tranquilizing my own self with destructive substances to hide this pain am living...slowly killing myself just to think am living.

As I contemplate at deconstructing my past...where did I go wrong my Life even worth living?
The experiences I attain am NOT finding enjoyment at completing...
How the **** do I recover from this deep sadness am feeling?
Despair await me as my thoughts form this sentences am speaking
I ask myself the harshes questions...Is my Life to someone out there hold meaning?
Lord free me from this inprisonement am feeling...
Undersiedged and captivated am losing focus on how I ought to be living...
withstanding the problems I face with ******* toxins I keep utilizing when I desire to be quitting.
Rehab many say is the answer they keep pleading...yet cannot fully shut the door where old habits keep creeping...
Alone, conflicted and left when am dope feeding...
Is me, myself and I...who I ought to be healing...
In time...this will also dissapear
I just ask of thee Lord, let me make it out alive
Out crawl from this ticking time death-bomb I keep re-living.
Addiction Vs. Self
God's Oracle Mar 2021
Between the ones who have perished...May your weary souls rest in peace
To the ones still living...continue your race to become Illuminated and be clothed with peacemakers, be meek and humble, Don't judge your peers nor the ones mentoring you
Live and Learn, Enjoy Life to the Fullest, Don't listen to the rehearsed television programs...News or Mass Media Productions constantly being thrown at our heads by the Media Giants
Do your research and learn about what it's truly going on in the World but what is NOT seen with  your mortal eyes awaken your spiritual eyes, check your energy signals your sending to others in inaudible, unwatchable, untestable, undeniable, undermining the masses by The Control Of THE WHOLE WORLD by constantly transforming yourself into an Angel Of Light...How Dare you violate and deceive the Entire Planet under your constant intrusion and invasion of the carnal beings known as "Humans" and slowly turn them into your pawns and then even more deadly slowly but surely killing them OH so smoothly, placing your snares and hexes, tempting humanity with your disobedient insolent and seductive indulgences that are being presented to US daily everyone running around the world worried about PETTY ****!!!
Wake up worry about your SALVATION you and everyone who says...God won't see...for all your works and all your toils here on Earth are MERE small repetitive trials that we face the powers of a World within this World the World of the Unseen the Spiritual World...Be Observant nearly everyone in this entire planet has heard about the "WORD OF GOD...the Gospel Of The Living Word Of God...THE HOLY BOOK...which if you look carefully and follow the Blueprint Of The Spiritual World...with Your Spiritual Eyes Observe this Evil & Monstrous  Size Of The Vast Immense Darkness we are facing TODAY!!! Wake your *** UP Ladies and Gentleman...Soon Religions will slowly merge between each other concluding each strong point of the Book Of Sanctification has long ago ordained to become our encompassing reality. Sadly, Every event here on Earth is being slowly staged to glorify the Flesh and The World and Leave God out of everyone's lives...Hence they love to point their fingers and grab each other by their throats saying I hold The Complete Truth to ALL of YOUR problems and ailments Carnal, Spiritual and Beyond. Oh You Brood Of Vipers Clothed in Sheep Clothing confusing and causing dissonance between The Carnal & Spiritual working with many people to continue to contribute to desensitizing human beings slowly with indoctrination and control of the majority of people that are Spiritually Asleep still....Living and Breathing people who are Alive and Thriving Materialistically who seem to others as Good and have NO Intentions of planting the seeds of Corruption, Self Loathe, Self Destruction and Perdition towards others yet...Deep inside this is exactly how they LOVE to masquerade  themselves and "Call GOOD...EVIL...AND EVIL...GOOD" beware among ye those are the False Teachers and False Prophets that have come to deceive in the end of times ..but yet I know I speak no blasphemy when I say my words here in this piece of my heart and me speaking from deep within the confines of my inner being conversing to the reader in ways other than the ordinary or mundane I speak eloquently about the extraordinary the surreal the imaginary or spiritual experience that comes along with every passing thought every passing action every practice that we are doing either in the light or in the dark just know NOTHING is hidden from GOD...who reads our hearts and signs our souls who is the author of everlasting life and salvation who had to pay with his precious and perfect, holy, righteous, meek and humble, becoming The Embodiment Of Every Human Male or Female...Here today or yesterday or 2000 years ago...or the Generations to Come...We must know he came to Earth to be Subservient to The Heavenly Father's Will and TOTAL submission of his own Life to save the Lives Of ALL HUMAN BEINGS. In the Cross He Bleed To DEATH till the Reaper took the Prince Of Peace To Hell for 3 days and 3 nights to roam around that hellish place we call hell...Yet Was Resurrected First Among the Dead To be In the Right Side Of The Heavenly Father FOREVER. Amen
Enjoy For Now Mortals OUR Lives are being subjected soon to a World Wide Change in the LAW of the Land and the ORDER & System Of All Things.
God's Oracle Mar 2021
Workers of the Hidden Corporations Of Secret Fraternities passing on information of macabre "Death Spells & Powerful Hexes" introducing a 3 hour Tranced Chant that delivers a Dark Energy tainted with the Mark Of Death being casted upon another living individual...How Dare You evil Sorcerer's and Witches doers of Darkness conduct harm upon a Living Soul
I have been dying emotionally inside... but yet being alive within my own real of simple yet complex realms of consciousness
I live perplexed due to the fact a part of me believes I may be possibly possessed by an entity named Azaziel whom I have become it's host...and I have also meet and been conflicted by subjecting myself to being exposed to the unseen realm of the spirits that roam the World. I have meet Legion...Belphegor...Azaziel...Davannah...
Oasis...Nathanael...Se­phrael...and lastly Veldor. It may be just my schizophrenic tendencies playing games with my mind and the way my Consciousness flows and resembles the raging ocean when being invaded by a raging storm. I know of a man who is the personification the unmistakable uncontrollable and undeniable vessel that embodies true EVIL that he believes and has showed me he is who he was and has always been Lucifer himself. In a moment in time where I lived my Life as if everything on Earth was OK and I did not worry about the Afterlife or God or the Devil or the Unseen Spiritual World that is at work I quickly realized who I was...Am the Final Prophet of Doom that will suddenly overtake and overwhelm the whole Earth. My Life and experiences will one day implicate NOT just me alone but the whole Human Race. It has been written in the books of prophecy from ages of old that it will come to pass. I am unable to change add or subtract from the Living Word Of God but what I do know is this Man rules 1/3 of the Fallen Angels that fell from Heaven. He is the Prince Of The Air...the Man of Lawlessness his time is short but his mouth will utter and groan and whisper and even convince the majority of the Masses of the World to succumb to his tremendous blasphemies his incredulous conceptions of a New World with a New Order and A New God. The False Prophet will take his stand and will perform miracles, wonders and invoke the people of the World to wholeheartedly believe that he is the Christ. The Final Man will make himself known and will be used as a World Leader...yet will fully stand to represent and not simply convince the masses this 2 others are good and holy but will go as far as to say that He is "The False Prophet" is the Christ and the One who is truly Lucifer is God himself. Somehow all this events will happen like a flash of lightning like thunder it will strike all Man, Woman and Child by manipulating and interpreting the Word Of a New way a radical form a way that will be so extreme that the World and it's inhabitants will look up to them to be saved for the Faith of the whole world will be shaken to its core. This COVID-19 Virus is just the beginning...the World will begin to experience shift changes in Weather, Food Supply and the implementation of a cashless society ran by 3 Man who will deceive and cause the extinction of our species. At this Moment in time The Devil is still working under the shadows and protection of Hollywood, The Media, The World Wide Web, Music, The Law and Technology. But soon within 3 years from now the World will know who he is...Then shortly after 2 more years of a short Grace period then prepare for the False Prophet, Lucifer and the Man of Lawlessness. I am doing little to nothing yet but soon I will commence to wage the war against them speaking against them...Revealing to the people that I am truly a Man Of God. I will bear fruit my works in the unseen realm are just beginning to come to fruition. I may be killed but I will come to life again NOT fearing Death for my body will be put on display to the Whole World …God is coming back soon prepare for Armageddon. Yet the World will continue the people will continue to live as if this 3 people who will be able to perform miraculous wonders in front of the multitude of masses watching them...DO NOT be oblivious to the fact that I have meet Lucifer in person and believe me he is indeed working fast to complete his work. Stand ready Warriors Of God.
The End Is Coming Soon...Mysteriously And Swiftly...
God's Oracle Feb 2021
Threading thru a tunnel of Light I transcend to a Higher Plane at Hyper-Speed.
I see at the end of the tunnel a World filled with a Grandiose Glamorous Beautifully designed Garden resembling The Garden Of Eden. I come to see my Ancestors here and people all over the World who have also come here to make this their permanent residence. They speak with honesty, act humble without blemish on this plane of existence Sin and Death are NO MORE. Then as I was speaking to a Resident of this Realm my whole vision slowly begins to dim and parts bits and pieces of my whole existencial essence from this plane begins to collapse...I then out of fear close my eyes for 10 seconds when I reopen my eyes I am perplexed I am standing in front of a Humongous Door with a Depiction of the face of the Demon King Lucifer. The door opens and I have no choice but to step in...inside I am beginning to become overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety, paranoia, extraordinary fear, and cold chills being conducted all over my body. Then as I stand there this place smells like a putrid smell of feces, ****, brimstone and sulphur. Demonic beings are tormenting the lost souls that roam day and night here forcing them to work moving huge boulders of rock, slowly burning their body parts, some demons would eat the lost souls slowly some lost souls where forced to fight each other till one of them is dead. Deep within the deeps of this infernal place was a section of it made a complete frozen wasteland. However as I roamed thru this place I noticed everything and everyone including the Demons where standing as if time itself had been frozen...I quickly traversed thru 9 circles of this hellish place...then I noticed that In my Left hand had the power to use Dark Energies and this meant that I held the power to destroy any energy with my Left hand not only that it could create Dark Hole that would swallow everything in it's path and as it consumed the plane of existence the entities there the lost souls it grew in size after about 25 seconds it would self destruct...
With my Right I could create Light Energy...making whatever I touched with it become clean pure and sanctified. However, I tried to see what would happen to a Demon if I touched it with my Right Hand and I did It became a Light Being then it evaporized to clean sand like dust being destroyed eternally.
So as I figured out I could combine my hands to create an opaque grayish like energy that made matter come to life so then I figured I shouldn't mess with anything because I held the power to create or destroy and I figured if this was just a dream which it was I could do anything so then I opened a portal using the blending energies and using my 3rd Eye I stepped in and it...
I realized I was woken up by a loud noise awake now I realized it was all a dream
I felt priviledged yet saddened that am just a Human being looking for someone to see
What I have seen or experienced within my dream world perhaps my imagination runs wild there it manifests itself with what can just be a dream am NOT God the Creator therefore it's me letting go of such idea that I came to earth to cause just a mere speck of dust in the Multiverse. Here today gone tomorrow...
Remember your place stay in your lane.
God's Oracle Oct 2020
The harmonious sounds of Divine Heavenly Hosts chanting thru Universal soul calming and soothing vibrations enchanted with strong energetic auras that resonate with the Human Earthly Vessels channeling thru them encoded messages of hidden symbological knowledge of the Ancients. By forming a conduit to transmit small and great vibrational cues of energetic signals we as pillars of "Light" transverse thru the cosmos in our spiritual bodies we learn that we are all interconnected individuals to a Greater Source known as the Maker. The musical internal invisible signals created and invoked go thru the force 2 opposing forces clashing against each other disfragmention of a space in time and quantum giving that emergence of an event a unique creation by forming a synchronized unified sound. Furthermore, the speed, force and unification of opposing forces forming a centrifugal force which has been intensified thru creation of the sound itself. The culmination of the elements of sound, color, and force are subjecated to change into a light or dark energy forming an array of new interesting phenomena.
Dissonance & Resonance
Oct 2020 · 293
~The Holy Mountain Of Zion~
God's Oracle Oct 2020
In the pennacle within the inner sactum of a Human Soul there exists an unsurmoutable amount of interchangeable energies that are transmitted thru the cosmos in form of vibrations and abstract auras. In God's throne there exists Principalities and Powers that precede in intermission with Humanity's prayers that are heard by all Heavenly Host and God himself and are being assessed and the final decision is made by the Lord whether he will act upon your desperate supplications or remain unanswered due to God's perfect nature and inner workings within each individual life here on Earth.

In his Holy Mouintain God subjugates his blessings and trials allowing the King of this World to ******, tempt and test our Spirit thru Worldly Carnal Desires and oversees every human soul working for it's own salvation. The accuser Angel Lucifer seeks to keep us chained to Wordly temptation and continues to torment the Human psyche and weakened fleshly bodies in constant opposition with the Spirit leading us to spiritual destruction and his final goal is to drag us to perdition of our salvation by rejecting The Holy and Only Begotten Son Of God Jesus Christ. Heed to a direct order from the Lord himself...for he says "I am the Way, the Truth, The Life No One Comes to the Father except thru Me" allow him to build a personal relationship with you because he cares loves and yearns to get to know you personally.  Our mission here on Earth is to Love God above all things and to follow and imitate the Lord Jesus Christ as our Sheperd and Lord overseers and intermediator of our souls who he holds in his hands. Most importantly our grand mission is to bring the Gospel of Love, Truth and Peace to all Humanity. Let the lost souls be led towards the Light of God the Father and the abundant mercy and benevolence our dear Lord Jesus has in store for those who want to get to know the Son of Man the Divine Author of all things for he was made before the foundations of the heavens and the earth which was slain being a perfect, holy and was is and will forever be the mirror image of his Father.

In remembrance of his sacrifice we ought to walk living in this World as the "Light" and doers of righteousness. We are the salt of the world and thru our daily spiritual walk and by our spiritual fruits we bear we show others what can be attained thru a solid relationship with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son and Father God the Maker of all souls all things and his plan shall NOT fail because he has NEVER failed before and never will. Bestow upon our heads a crown of life a white robe of pure eternal life and a place in the Heavenly Realm where many unbelievable treasures of perfect obedience and the sacrifice of us exchanging carnal pleasure for a lifetime of servitude and humbleness dedicating our time at straightening our paths and relying on the Lords understanding and NOT ours for if we rely on him fully our paths will and shall be made straight. The Lord wants us to live in this world abide by their rules and submit to our authorities ...but NOT let them take our faith nor our savior much less our relationship which must stay in our constant care and continue to grow, flourish and be surely visible for others to see and in turn either be curious about it and see for them to ask us how we do such things and how are we so concerned on living a quiet pious and righteous lifestyle. By arousing the curiosity of turn we get to touch all people who we come in contact with and get the chance to share freely what the Lord has done for us that we cannot and could NOT do for ourselves which is allowing the Holy Spirit to daily be fed thru reading the scriptures, acting according to God's perfect orders and trying our very best to live by his precepts. We undoubtedly fail the Lord daily but we keep a everlasting submitting soul to his judgment and continue to come to him for everything and forever keep a diligent sincere open heart conversing with him day and night and never sieze our constant mingle between us and him and having the FAITH towards him that unifies our Spirit with his and in accordance to our deeds may he have mercy for all our wrongdoings and as he pour blessings for our righteous deeds in the spirit. We envision a Paradise and a New Heaven where the souls of the saved and redeemed souls will go to abide in when we reach the afterlife...nevertheless, the ones who choose to ignore the calling of the Lord will suffer the ones who remained stubborn and rebellious and decided to follow the World and love themselves more than their Savior will be doomed to be branded and cast upon perpetual everlasting torment a lake of fire where there will be Hellish screams of agony sour tears and gashing of teeth with an endless separation of their souls from their Creator and where they shall curse him forevermore and whatever petition made to God will be unheard. God please have mercy on us may your light and love NOT turn cold on us seeking your guidance daily. Zion awaits the holy and righteous. Amen!!!
The Lord shall come in a blinding flashing light to bring Judgement upon all.
Aug 2020 · 204
•The Final Struggle•
God's Oracle Aug 2020
At my age I lay here awake 3:00 AM on a Thursday Morning yet have to learn to remain still and allow The Lord to help heal my body from the chains of perdition that are constantly rattling at my feet. Fighting to bind me once more to allow my carnal self indulge in Earthly pleasures with a very short temporal joy and comfort that certain actions and activities allow us and our carnal bodies to become either energetic, overly happy, *****, obnoxious, sympathetic,  lethargic, drowsy, unable to maintain proper posture to stand, odd quirks, excessive laughing, unusually hot or cold, euphoric, nervous, hyper or nodding, hypersensitive and lastly grandiose like feelings with boosted self confidence and shift changes in overall mood. For Thousands of years plants and herbal medicines have been created to aid nurture back to health the pain and suffering of the patient must use medicines especially the pain killing medicine administered and prescribed to people suffering from a bad car accident or a serious life threatening injury leaving them in constant excruciating pain needing to take the pain medicine for managing their hurtful pain the person must endure to heal yet only time can slowly heal things like such...the part that Doctors  tend to leave out of their strict warnings about the medicines potential of abuse and alarming rate of people who become hooked to that mellow, easy warmth euphoric/dreamy/drowsy/slightly off balance feeling.  Brings them a temporal time of peace joy and comfort...yet that feeling is the high provided by the medicines form of functionality throughout the human body. Slowly other drugs with similar potential of abuse is high are MDMA, *******, Methamphetamine,  Synthetic Drugs, Nicotine and Alcohol.  Ever since these Drugs became available in the streets millions of people turn to them use them and abuse them to temporarily create that sense of inner peace, fictitious joy, temporary solace, and take the way we feel and block us from displaying our true feelings masking our pain with a temporal method to not feel that pain and suffering if need to be able to alleviate those feelings of terrible pains become bearable to endure. All the other drugs I mentioned earlier also create a what may seem a solid foundation to stand upon to heal your stress, problems, certain circumstances and last but not least our spiritual struggles we carry with us.  This medicating yourself with narcotics to balance and repair what the doctors have finally concluded I as a Mental Patient suffer from the Disease Of Addiction. This is only a mere example of the millions of other addictive behaviors and irresponsible acts we tend to try out to feel as if we are no longer prisoners of what our own minds hearts and bodies desire...yet this is exactly what we must avoid doing to ourselves because is not only wrong to do is unhealthy and has dire repercussions towards our life. Our focus should be figuring out how to spiritually grow up more become a more pure at heart, gentle, genuine, loving towards all, loyal, honest, servicing towards the elderly and disabled, helpful, overall well mannered, respectable and clean. The struggles we face on the daily are for man mainly 1.Females. 2.Finding Comfort 3. Finding Peace 4. Learning to be spiritually still and hear God's voice and gentle guidance through our daily battles 5. Finding Balance 6. Finding Strength & Hope 7. Remembering to put God always first in everything on everything in the presence of anyone 8. Prayer changes things unseen yet to the human eye for this gifts are slowly unlocked by practicing to use our extra sensory energies 9. Denouncing the World to be able to Live beyond this physical Life 10. Seeking God with all your heart mind and soul listening and obeying his commands directed towards your individual path of faith

Be aware we become desensitized towards the right things and our vision becomes blurry with heaviness settling in our eyesight the adversary tries all day and night daily 24/7 and yes 7 days a week to someway separate your relationship with our Lord making us stumble with traps and snares hidden in our lifetime blueprints learning our likes, dislikes, what we love to do and what we hate to be doing...then formulates ways to somehow interrupt your spiritual journey and provide you that same worldly temporary escape from my problems and refocus my energy on doing worldly things because when the Devil has us running around doing everything he asks of us to do you know daily day by day night by night slowly but surely that your body mind and soul quench for the presence of God thirsty for his water and hungry for his bread. The day is yet to come when I completely delegate myself to NOT ever use drugs again. Nevertheless, I am counting on God's hands and divine plan to finally click with me and start to work on it building the pillars of my faith stronger bigger and evermore beautiful. Knowing that he will never leave me and always and forever forgive my constant sin and nagging transgressions to be blurted out washed away by the holy precious sanctified pure and perfect blood of Jesus Christ. I am far from where I should already be but am no where close from where I began so thanks Lord am grateful to you for everything and everyone who choose to believe in me and allow me to vent it out. To God be the glory honor and everlasting supremacy and it's power to delegate perfect judgement upon the wicked generation of children who have given their lives to serve themselves their God and his system. I am not judging them at all am simply pointing out the obvious but yet even in a fog of thick darkness a state of profound sin and constant transgressions being thrown ed to God's throne he can still save them and shoe them the Light for they are lost souls without the Lord. I believe is never to late to say to yourself with dedication and a sincere open heart fixated on change...then God will for sure work on you till you become part of our sheep once lost now found by the Great Shepherd Herder Of Lost Souls.  No sin is bigger than my God to handle. Remember that as long as Right fights off Wrong in your mind and heart still speaks in that secret tongue bestowing knowledge and wisdom with Firm Gentleness and Loving with an open heart...forgiving with sincere intentions but last and of radical importance to communicate with the Lord via Prayer ... and at least once or twice a week fast and utilize that fast to pray with extra emphasis on the lost ones out there seeking to be one day spotted by the Light Of God.
God can do anything.
God's Oracle Aug 2020
Have you ever wondered why the our bodies made from flesh empowered through the blood and yet deep within the Human mind is invented the reasonable logical ideology of common reason, sense, wisdom and knowledge come from. The simple idea that we as alive, conscious,  intelligent and versatile unique type of creature within the grasp of the animal kingdom considering us humans mammals. Ever since we as species commenced to use language as means of communication that's when everything we know of that is of Ages Of Old the common theory of us Humans evolved to become the only species to use the power of reasoning and problem resolving minds allowing the human race to create through trial and error our first societies made a trading and landing system to work together as a community of people who with sharing ideas on life dilemmas as a whole faced together it's problems yet was smart and clever enough to create new inventions of ways on how to solve all their struggles in times long past. Where Humanity made a turning point was in the emergence of different religions and totally distinct ways they view the Afterlife how to get to remain alive yet made out of ethereal essence instead of a body made out of flesh bone and blood? As the story is told through and shared from tribe to tribe place to place city to city and country to country people viewed living differently making small yet direct changes in their livelihood way to view right from wrong or even yet the color of people's skin. With each emergence of a World religion came it's story events ****** and ending coming to a focal point that all religions claim there is an afterlife that follows a Deity that first proclaims to be God or a God that made all in all at a time when not even time existed. From there things speaking in layman's terms all religions rely on narrating an elaborate complex beautiful story of how all things came to be. Yet retains it's main purpose in being made into a religious sect in the first place a peaceful mental picture of what we can only imagine being there would be like...ultimate sense of bliss and joy. A safe haven. However Humanity as a whole always have retained the constant taint of being double minded creatures. Therefore a duality was formed to maintain the what so called state of balance between good and evil. Right or Wrong. A mere simple choice we all make daily without fail. What will I choose to follow today? Run with God or play with the Devil? Yet deep down I truly believe hope and pray that what ancient history dictates occurred must have some truth there within all that collection of gospel books put together and constructed in such a unique secret divine and holy way for those Holy Books all assure they are the one true way to get to Paradise. Yet deep within our carnal shells waiting to become too old to breathe and finally give into death there is where it all begins going back as pure essence of spirit "the soul" escapes to be freed from his physical mortal shell to go back to it's original form ... a ethereal essence made of different shades of light and darkness. Going back to the Creator to be sentenced into eternal life with God or eternal separation from him and his throne. Nevertheless, that may be an example of the Christian faith system other religions are different. At the present moment in time still humanity is mostly composed of majority of people are deep down skeptical and agnostic about the way they see religion and dogma. We as a species (the Human Race) ever since the introduction of language came to be...that is when the way we think inspect look and investigate things completely in a moral sense saying using common sense and logic and reason...we become over time more wiser smarter and more clever giving the birth to by simply subjecting another alternative to a simple 1 way rule and yet humanity has devised a way to create a 2nd rule overriding the first one. To make things clear here we we're once perfect eternal beings with no knowledge of any sort of taint from sin but yet once we began taking advantage of our reason we slowly build small doubts within ourselves with time they become a real doubt giving the opportunity to create a new way to change, shift or make something new out of nothingness. That allowed that small doubts became big doubts then finally tried to defy God's only rule in the Garden Of Eden in Paradise. The downfall became Humanity's loss of eternal attributes and the birth of sin which with time fully matures into death of the now physical body the fleshly sarcophagus containing your individual Soul Matter. The main point of why I share this knowledge with you is to keep you aware, awake and always remind yourself that you have the right to have questions and want logical simple explanation of how it came to be why and for what purpose. It is all a decision a choice we all must make once we are awake and aware do I want to live for the world? Or do I choose to pick up my cross and follow Jesus? Life&Death.
Pray for our World to go back to
May 2020 · 270
~Gifted Minds~
God's Oracle May 2020
My overactive imagination roams tapping into the rhythmic vibrations of the Multiverse. With each passing moment I converse with my Inner Child "the pure spirit of freedom from worldly views able to only love deeply yet without favoritism forgive all trust all be kind meek and humble to all having a gentle touch towards humanity and their flaws" the Mature Man "a augmentation of millions of ideas, information about what we know and what we think we know about God and it's celestial hosts...combining reason, wisdom, discipline and complexity to what our Creator has made simple for us to understand believe live and abide by....forming a TRUE Relationship with his Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ" and finally our fictional and surreal yet real and "Instinctual Self" pure living conciousness the epicenter of where our child mind develops to a mature mind our IMAGINATION & DREAM Self. In between this transference I had a revelation that my Inner Child and my Instictictual Self where far much greatly developed than my Mature Self and I knew then due to my knowledge of the unknown had vastly growed in massive proportions. High price to pay though for being hypersensitive and deeply gifted with the speciality to bend energies visualize auras foretell Destiny Numbers and write draw and do anything I set my mind to doing outstandingly well over others. My overactive imagination couped with hypersensitivity and able to tap to spiritual dimension freely able to transmit healing or cursing to others thru words of power and Tongues Of Divine or Demonic nature have created a conception that I was born a Schizophrenic and to that I do NOT deny its existence within the inner mechanisms of my conciousness and perception towards Life and reality. It's true I am schizophrenic but I have learned to live with my mental disorder...yet I see it more as a Gift than a curse. Self pity, victimizing myself, self loathe, self deception, self sabotage and grandiose illusions created long ago by my Inner Child is what I deal with in my day to day basis. Visual, Auditory and Inceptive thoughts become real to me combined with excessive amounts of free time and sedentary lifestyle I choosen to adapt to molding my current situation I have become too comfortable with this style of living. Deep inside I want to do different I want to mature and be a full grown man and take care of myself but am so afraid of failing I have given up on trying something new for a change. My reward is slowly self destructing because I feel unworthy of having a different kind of life than the one am currently living. Am terrified of the consequences I'll have to face if I fail at becoming my own self sufficient person that I so much want to be. Nevertheless, God I pray to thee you will empower me to take on this challenge and change and become what I want to become a full functioning Grown Adult taking on a job, financial stability, a wife, couple kids and a happy life. In my case NOT all is lost but I have realized I do NOT like responsibility,  I don't know how to take the right steps forward to be what I envision to be but not all is lost I will keep persuing my dream on one day being able to become and be what I envision ...A happy full Grown Man Mature and wise enough to do the right thing. With God's help and me communicating my current struggles to someone I can trust I can start taking small steps on changing me and my life and lifestyle. So help me God. I realize that for me to finally reach my end goal is a lifetime of progress not perfection. Is committing myself towards doing something different and sticking to the plan layed before me. I have an extremely difficult time going thru change because am so used to being spoiled, taking the easy way out, living a double lifestyle and having ways to prey and use my gifts to exploit others vulnerable emotions and use them as pawns to fulfill my own twisted sense of altered life and reality. This I need to work on day and night to use my gifts to help others instead of how can I benefit from the arising circumstances and situations I am dealing with and what can I gain from playing with people's time, emotions, perception, and energy cues...that I can easily tap into and administer small changes day by day till they start to feel the need to do things how I want them to do it by implementing small radical shifts of change in their primal energy pool. Devicing ways to slowly set them to pay for their time being spent on being disobedient towards theirselves and converting them slowly to become more distant towards their Mature Self in time becoming more disciplined towards self perdition and destruction leaning on a touch of Godliness with extreme amounts of self indulgence towards this World and it's carnal temporal luxuries we all partake into practicing. I want to instead begin to heal them slowly listen more carefully and attentively empower them to be focused on God rather than themselves...on the spirit rather than the instant gratification gained from the temporal carnal pleasures and enjoy the experiences of a deep and personal relationship to a higher power that they can tap to and call upon when in doubt or need. I am NOT saying I haven't done this before with others either but when I have tried they push me away because their afraid of a pure change of mind heart and soul. We are all confined to a prison within our own minds and we are doomed if we don't release them "the mind" from it. True Love is what matters and with it we can truly change the world. May God be with you always. Thanks for reading.
My Spiritual Gifts. Self explanation of my own reality and how I deal with Life in my own way.
May 2020 · 243
~I envision World Peace~
God's Oracle May 2020
Why don't we just unite and fight for a better tomorrow? Why can't we just love others without limitations or barriers...either be social, economical, ethical, moral, spiritual and cultural? Why can't we all as Humans focus on ending racism, fascism, extreme poverty, wars, destroy and get rid of all biological chemical weapons of warfare their hydrogen and atomic bombs? Corruption among the Government Elite? Focus on creating a more eco-efficient  eco-friendly forms of renewable energy cleaner water food without growth or GMO hormones or clone artificially genetic engineered drugs being injected into our food? Why can't we demand for a different kind of monetary system based on people's time, age, health and create and build communities together not being split into socioeconomical groups from The Elite 1.2% of the world  population to the homeless guy down the road 32.3% of world population with 66.6% being middle to high class citizens from the world populus and allow them all to have a house a car a phone and the basic amenities? Why can't we all separate our differences and see where we are all equal from one creator mandated to live for him serve him but yet serve all at the same time? Would there ever be a day when all religion set aside their differences and just unite to find the ultimate truth about God and the mysteries be revealed to all from all their Holy Books? Why can't we accept our past wrong doing and try NOT to conform to the system but to restructure it and make our planet clean, hospitable, amicable, free from violence, lust, greed, wrath, sloth, ******, lies and hate. Slowly seems like people are starting to wake up spiritually and are awaking from their darkness and slowly starting to follow the light...seeking it and have realized that without God and Christ and the Holy Spirit none of this is possible. So many little answers...yet no one is a righteous soul seeking sanctification and pureness first which is in other words seek God and everything shall fall into place. We are vessels that at birth we are indoctrinated, trained to become integrated to a global chain of communities ******* to a super artificial construct of idealism & moralities yet with boundaries set to limit our growth spiritually so we slowly fall off from the days of our childhood the first 10 years of life  being the decade of innocence the second 10 the decade of mischief & exploration, the next 10 decade of dream development & labor decision making the next 10 mate seeking & family forming the next 10 family forming & education and discipline, the next 10 traveling & enjoying life, the next 10 advising your children & helping them raise their children (your grandchildren) then lastly remaining spiritually entwined with God & Christ thru it all. In the end you will die fulfilled and happy with what you done for it is God's will for us to be happy and submit to his guidance. Ultimately in the end true peace will never be attained here on "this" Earth but the New Earth and New Heaven. May God watch over us all and when this false World peace comes be ready for it's not the real be aware that it's been written and its wheels have begun turning. Christ will come to save his people I just wanna try my best & fight with fear and trembling for my salvation for it is uttermost importance what becomes of me in the NOT PHYSICAL but ETERNAL place to come. Thanks for reading. Stay safe. In Jesus name Amen!
The impossible vision of what could be if the end comes...
God's Oracle May 2020
Long past have the Foundation of the firmament upon the Earth has progressed. The lands have been tainted the water polluted the air becomes toxic and Humanity precedes to run its course as the future of all Mankind is threaten by disease, famine, wars and to top it off a New World Order. The age of Information and technological advancement in all fields of study have become more and more susceptible to greed and corruption. The One World Government orchestrating a illusive grand deception of false sense of peace and security for all giving up on the Maker and his beloved only begotten Son the Messiah who came lived among us as a noble lowly servant to all yet remaining the prince of peace the lord of lord's anointed with God's zeal yet perishing on the old rugged cross for you and me to atone all humanity's sinful taint which was shaken by it's very core when Christ rose from the dead 3 days later and ascended to the Maker the Father of all Living things to be seated in the Holy Heavenly White Throne next to the Father who created all carnal and mortal or spirit and immortal beings alike. Once again within us we must all face the temptations bent towards pleasing the flesh yet killing the spirit slowly... or choosing to seek follow and obey to fixate your eye upon Jesus and taming the flesh by NOT our understanding and mastery over our carnal desires but by his who has sent the Holy Spirit for guidance and penance of our daily sins. I ask of thee heal my wounds lord, remember me when my day does turn to night and my final moments of living among you all are long forgotten only remembered to be a distant memory of a Man who seeks redemption from my Worldly trials and tribulations because I do fear the Lord for his judgement is pure  holy and perfect. He prepares a way for me accompanying me thru my daily struggle to maintain my faith remain in his grace and respect honor and live by his precepts set to keep me healthy happy joyful and free. What must I do for Lord you know my circumstances and current situation a matter in which I require your aid in. All I humbly ask of the Maker and all his heavenly host is to show me a proper way out of this constant affliction and perilous times I am currently facing. Yet deep inside me I know you will NOT abandon me my God for it is you who knows all sees all hears all treats all heals all and seeks all to come to true repentance and want us all to become heirs of your heavenly kingdom. With uttermost importance emphasized on this matter I seek you out Lord Jesus please do light the path my feet may walk as I live to serve and serve to live. I have done my fair share and still do my fair share of bad hurtful sins sometimes against me sometimes against others and even yet sometimes against you. I am NOT proud of it at all I want my Life to change I want to make you proud of who I can become with your help guiding me. I know of the plans of perfect design the blueprint of all children born to live and live to die and return to the Father who is the Maker overall God of all creation of which was is and is yet to come. Shall he be forevermore be praised and worshipped till the last human falls to the ground and becomes dust once more transcending thru the Sands of Time returning to the Fade. May you have mercy on me for I know I fall short daily but do know Lord I will give it my very best and attempt to restore what I once had and now I lost. My prayer is sent to you with much grievance and lamentation nonetheless, when I finally reach the end I pray hope and believe you will be pleased with your servant. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost Amen!
Transformation thru God's Grace & Mercy.
God's Oracle Apr 2020
My Lord Son Of the Almighty Creator God the Father, I ask with sincere and repentant soul to move on with a drastic  change to be done in my Lifestyle and what I personally struggle with every day the sins I have committed and the damage I done to others by my insolence and ignorant heart by me judging others at times, lying, cursing, forgetting to be grateful, not practicing what I preach, violent, sinning against my body, avoiding prayer, knowing the Word the Truth and NOT being obedient trading my happiness and relationship with God by instead indulging in the pleasures of the flesh...I come Glorious Lord Jesus who sit in the Everlasting Throne Of Pureness, Justice, Honor and Perfection by the right Hand Of the Almighty Father the Creator Of all and all that has ever been will and forever be known or unknown Physical, Spirit or Eternal. I call in distress and with much fear and trembling because I know I must detach myself from my sinful ways, stop giving in to do the same things I have allowed to accommodate and justify knowing that am being convicted by the Holy Spirit to NOT do I still give in and disregard it and commit yet over and over again... as if I use God's  name his word and share with others that I am spiritually awake, aware, and I profess to them such an elaborate unique and masterfully crafted deception but yet has Truth mixed with lies what I have lived and truly have experienced in a physical or mental and even spiritual way and what I have changed and imagined or somehow fabricated to fit and be more interesting or mind blowing to sound supernatural and ethereal to them involving a slight manipulation of reality blending my overactive imagination with reality nevertheless even I being deceived by my own self of  what my relationship with the Holy Spirit is like how I relate it to others and how it truly is in their eyes how it's in my eyes and how God sees it and how he wants me to be. My Beloved Lord Jesus My Reedemer my King and The Only Perfect Man, The Word made in Flesh, Son Of God, Lamb Of God, The Way, The Truth the Life, Prince Of Peace, Lord Of Lord's,  King Of Kings Who became the Lowliest Servant, Perfect in all ways, Holy and Righteous, God's  only begotten Son who came to absolve all Mankinds Sin by taking the sin of all Man, Woman and Child of Today, Yesterday and Since The beginning of the World...I am humbly requesting Help me truly Live more for you, devote my Time more in your Word, Persue the things NOT of this World the things that which you want me to persue and live for create a way for me to have a more disciplined, holy, seek first you in all matters, resorting to prayer more, taking walks while thanking you for your love, mercy, forgiveness, faithfulness, pure, perfect, miraculous, righteous, everlasting grace and immortal truth that will forevermore from now till infinity be always a word that is the only way, the only truth and will remain in humanity collective soul and heart and immortal spirit indefinitely...for this World and this Heaven shall pass but there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth that will be Paradise Once Again for he has promised that the ones faithful to him the ones written in the Book Of Life the ones who choose to live profess and fear the name of the Lord and tell others show them the scriptures and love God first put him first and constantly feed their Spirit and starve their flesh ...repent as often as possible, love others like thyself, choose daily to purge themselves of the carnal pleasures of the flesh, believe without NO DOUBT that Jesus Is The Son Of God,  Came to Live, Choose To Die On The Cross for All Our Sin from the time when it got introduced to the World thru the Ancient Serpent "The Devil" till the time when Jesus Christ comes back and everyone who was is and is to come live, choose what they decide to follow, The Lord Or The World and finally die and be sent to Sheol till The Great White Judgement Day when it arrives and every deed of every person from every nation from Male to Female from Jew to Gentile will be there present in the presence of God, Jesus & The Holy Spirit and all his Heavenly Host will stand to face the Judge Of Every Soul from the first created to the last one to be created to live and pass on to the afterlife God Almighty will separate the righteous from the wicked will show you from your first offense "sin" committed by YOU to the very last ONE it is committed by the same person it is either washed by the blood of Jesus by living for him praying to him reading his word, putting it into practice, listening to the still, serene, peaceful, gentle and holy word from the Holy Spirit allowing it to slowly change you transform you and open up a channel from Us and Christ developing a relationship with Him because only they him we are redeemed, glorified and saved from the grips of Hell itself..."For Whosoever Calls In The Name Of The Lord Shall Be Saved" this requires Faith and Denying the World, Our Fleshly Desires, Doing Good always, Recognizing your sin and asking for forgiveness with intention to change by asking for strength and courage in times of trial and tribulation, trusting God and learning on him for council NOT your own understanding for we are weak, sinful and choose pleasure and comfort and ease succumbing to our Fleshly Desires to gratify what is here today but die tomorrow many times we do evil in the eyes of God knowing that it is wrong but we do it anyway to instantly gratify our minds, bodies and souls with a temporary pleasure at that moment in time and over time becomes a habit that grows with repetition feeding the flesh but hurting the spirit.  Lastly I want to give it to God in this prayer to aid me change the sinful things I struggle with daily, please grant me your mercy when I fall short in serving you, when I sin against others, myself and you I know you have NOT given up on me Lord therefore I NEVER wanna give up on you Lord. Thank you for guarding my Family, Friends and Aquaintances. I give you thanks for your love, mercy, forgiveness, grace, peace, faithfulness and holiness. Teach me how to pray for others more, to proclaim blessings and healing for them and their lives, help me fix my eyes more on Jesus, help me walk with integrity and truth, help me understand the bible the way you want me to and not just read it but put it into practice little by little incorporating it into my Life and Lord heal my relationship with my Family. Allow me to grow daily spiritually in truth and please I beg you to allow me to get closer to you. Heal me Lord in Mind, Soul and Spirit and please forgive your servant for my failures past, present and future. Thank Jesus Name...Amen!
God Reigns Supreme Now and Forever.
God's Oracle Feb 2020
The Accuser Of Mankind wants to obliterate God's Word and Celestial Concepts of a Higher Order. Blasphemous Spirits are at work in High Places the World becoming more Animalistic more Demonic and Chaos Despair Peril and Destruction reign tall and mighty the current Earthly systems are turning Governments against each other violence, pestilence and wars are inevitable at this point...Nevertheless, the Righteous shall see the Lord Of Hosts descend from the Heavens to wage a Final Assault on the Tyrant Evil Dominions of the Earthly planes. Celestial Armadas Of Angelic beings will slay every single wicked soul who didn't turn to Christ nor believed in him. Then the AntiChrist The Devil and the False Prophet will be thrown to the pits of the Lake Of Fire and Sulfur. After a long exhausting battle there will be a Great White Judgement where the wicked and the righteous shall be judged. Then God's reign shall begin and be established for a Millennium. Beware of the ones who have come to say the Dark is Light and the Light is Dark...Woe to those in the last days who have chosen to pleasure their carnal bodies instead of serving God...dark days will come to Earth but don't lose faith brethren God is in control.
Armageddon the Apocalyptic Wars Of the Final Days of Earth.
Jan 2020 · 125
~Noctornus Parasomnium~
God's Oracle Jan 2020
The unquenchable horror that haunts the living a terrifying feeling of doom and death come over me at night hours to haunt my being and current mental and physical state putting me in a panicked state. I try my hardest to be brave and courageously fight off this feelings but it usually gets the best of me. When am in between awake and sleep and am about to cross the threshold to be fully asleep it's when this nocturnal terrors come and attack me. I am currently under medicine to keep this from happening the medicine does work for a time but over time becomes less and less effective. I dread sleep for this very reason. I will however find a way to cope I always have. I see hope in the near future to get this problems resolved. God will see it thru to hopefully divinely heal me. All my struggles will some day end. The Good Shepherd will guide his Sheep to living water to rejuvenate the weary souls of the living.
Night Terrors the hindering sleep disorder I live with.
Jan 2020 · 302
~Serenade Of Healing~
God's Oracle Jan 2020
My contemporary stance to regain a grip on my Daily struggle to deal with Life's problems with a sober conscious is becoming a nuisance due to the fact I keep running away to use drugs so I can deal with time on time's slow flow of ride of passage. Am becoming a more cunning, manipulative, maladapted individual since deep down it hurts to say I am happy being a functional drug user...but this is a double load of struggle because I want someone to sometimes make me feel like I matter and that I am someone to someone else and that I can fight thru my devilish impulses to intoxicate my system. I am becoming mentally irritated with the constant thought to self-medicate and slide by Life with a morbid addiction and I do admit DEFEAT to this substances and lifestyle but why can't I get the motivation to dedicate my time in investing in sobriety? I truly need to take a hard look at why am still escaping my problems and why am still making the wrong decisions and choosing the easy way out with not dealing with my feelings and emotions in a healthy manner. Frankly, I want to quit using drugs at some point in my life but am having trouble abstaining from drug use at the current moment because I do truly love to alleviate all my mental disorder symptoms and enjoy the feeling of calmness and stillness of all my chemical imbalances seeming as if every time I choose to use I am put in a balance within my brain. Nevertheless, I have realized that using drugs does NOT cure me but make things worse in the long run. Suppressed by old whispers from my younger days when I used to use without getting addicted but now this substances have grown on me and I have become an addict to a degree. Sometimes I ponder in thought and imagine myself in front of God's throne pleading my cause like a rugged beggar to be heard by the Most High and all I want is a way out a way of escape from my drug use...Please Lord am at my end I want the struggle to stop...I admit I need your aid guidance and healing let this poem be heard for all I am asking is your saving grace and deliverance. In Jesus name Amen!
My solemn desire to be clean for 2020.
God's Oracle Dec 2019
Silent prayers are being recited all thru my consciousness
Of desperation and a moment of escalating into a rare flare of clarity
My mind screaming to go escape the reality of my current toils of Life and saddened realization that am still stuck in square one...still waging war thru my tumultuous addiction I just want true joy peace and prosperity a want a different Life for myself but I always self-sabotage my sobriety walk with an endless urge to go get high one more time just one last time I get some sober time under my belt and again feel inadequate to deal with Life triggers, problems, clutter and stressors beat me back to using once again. I try to talk to my peers to God to councilors to doctors to my own head and mind to my addiction begging and pleading I want to be free but I love getting high a little more than sobriety but I want to understand why this is...I recall that I use substances to temporarily relieve my schizophrenia and ADHD. To get a frozen piece of time to reconnect with my inner soul but at the same time feeding this demons that keep me trapped inside a mental prism that the only way out is wanting to live a life of no use of any mind altering substances. Am stuck between wanting a better healthier more enjoyable Life without pushing any efforts into changing knowing that ultimately lead me back to using dope to do something am comfortable and feel at a pleasant with utilizing my own body to conduct a forced neurological and psychological I can once again relive and reminiscence on that subtle wave of calmness and comfort I adore so much. Harsh reality sets in I run out of substances to indulge in and slowly but surely my brain synapses go back to normality and re-stabilize. I keep wanting this revolutionary change of mind but am willingly putting no work towards getting better...I am here pondering is it because my own drug use has become hardened enveloped in a complex mechanism that tactically constructs avenues to facilitate it's initial impulse to go and do what makes my mind and body feel at ease with a touch of serenity and well being. Nevertheless, when the drugs are completely expelled from my system I pay the toll for pushing my biological neural and nervous system to it's peak functionality. The biggest obstacle in my path to sobriety is mundane ordinary routines of every day living life without no sense of gratification thru drugs themselves. Am truly trying to reach that place where I feel as if this drugs I involve myself to use leave me disgusted at myself for doing that to myself when its all a grand illusive temporal alleviation of stress problems and feelings and emotions being blocked off and masked to a degree of non-existent competence. Am left in the end with a constant inner symptom of slightly elevated compulsive feeling of wanting to repeat the experience again and again and again. This becomes the battle and little by little becomes a rampaging addiction depending on the person's impulsivity level and puts the person in a state of uncomfortable decision making when in reality the drugs don't solve anything thru them the problems become temporarily "out of sight out of mind" but when sobriety sets back in and every neuronal and hormonal changes due to the use become expelled and fully removed from the user's system the user goes thru a period of acute withdrawals and followed by other minimal symptoms like irritability, depressed mood, dysphoria and neuro-chemical imbalances. All I am going to focus from now on is how to slow down my use to the point ill be easy for me to leave it alone all at once. I want to believe I can find true joy peace contentment and happiness thru being drug free but every time I think of it I give myself a certain doubt that in time it becomes malignant and grows to be another reservation waiting to be subconsciously manifested. Sooner or later my subconscious becomes too hard to ignore and I play the game of "insanity" again and go do what I know... Which is get intoxicated. I will sooner or later learn how to deal with my Life's trials and tribulations in a different way and learn that thru God's grace & power I can be clean and arrest this monster once and for all.
My inner mind thoughts about my own struggles thru the hurls of addiction.
God's Oracle Dec 2019
Am feeling as if Time & Detachment of sensibility to my enviroment people and thoughts are retained and analyzed to comform to my pattern of if I am slightly comforted by a sense of relaxation/laziness that makes time pass in a form of carelessness and desensitization. My body is enormously relaxed and has a natural sense of calmness. Entuned and warped with light ease of mixed emotinal stress & the pressures of life are reduced by this slowed calm and relaxed feelings of peace & it's release of mental frustrations and stress. Time and space seem to be flowing more at ease with a touch of carelessness and relaxed sense of being comfortable in my own skin, enviroment and the people am surronded with. Perhaps I am slightly detached from feelings of anxiety, triggers to use and emotional stress have been diminished. I have finally let go of my obsession to use destructive substances...just for today I am clean & maintaining sober posture.
Peace Of Mind & Temperance.
Dec 2019 · 345
~Crossing The Vail~
God's Oracle Dec 2019
The ever consuming defying darkness that envelops my inner mind I know I found a reason to be guided by the Light
Desperation blindness the shades portrayed by an omnious shade of black
I begin to realize am beginning to lose sight
Slowly my consiousness slipping and yet I try to fight
The feelings of impending horror masquerading in the Night
Diabolic Phantoms and the foul creatures that consume Life
A myraid shrouded in myself...image
The Dark Imminent Forces that shape my formless soul for I am still a Celestial Body A part of the Powers of Heaven & Hell inside my Shrine...
I am slowly becoming a Beast an Accursed Temple slowly being consumed by Hollows Of Sloth Wrath Pride Insolence Vanity and Treachery
I have learned to communicate with this Deviants and Spirits and Fallen Angellic Servants that sense and feed of my channeling ports of light & dark energy many occult practices I have performed in my past... for I have a relationship with the Lord Of Hosts but also able to manifest and perform the most primordial evil in it's truest form...I have 2000 Entities working for me with me within and outside me...for they where created thru my will and enslaved by my spiritual might and power of my ability to transfer, communicate, act, manipulate, transfigurate and absorb aura, energy and light and dark alike...Beyond that veil of dreams there is a enormous spiritual realm that I have explored I have stepped and walked among God's presense and I am also allowed and able to walk among the demonic for I fear neither for I have the balance of each spirit. Ashetak, Ahxer,Alleauous...

Invictum Septum Divinus Algori Forte Irto La Terra
Arteum Sorte Sanctus Deamonus
Ele Dominus Infinitus Capernum ciellis
Temptatium Ode Exertus Creatos
Orde Di A Diaboli Eternum
Ferfeitum Shakath Ambreoise!!!

13th Oracle Of God.

The day shall turn to night and in that
Day even the righteous shall hide from thy Maker.
The Forces I attest to command and be under control of for they use me daily and I use them daily...the way am made to accept my radical calling as a Oracle and Master Of Light & Dark Entities alike.
Dec 2019 · 312
~Celestial Order~
God's Oracle Dec 2019
As if the Universe where conversing with my Inner Temple, indeed I feel vibrations a Grand Blueprint encoded with all energetic signals that transgress time and space where Galaxies and everything that coexist here on Earth and beyond all things seen or unseen said or left quiet The Master Of All Hosts (God) has allowed me to understand the melodic harmonizing tunes and signals every single molecule of energy has its own unique signature created by a Supreme Being overshadowing The Firmament outerspace of the cosmos the extraordinary thing about my observation into the Lenguage Of The Creator is truly mesmerizing it leaves me appalled to be even talking about it as if it's something long forgotten by Mankind. I know I try to remain teachable exponentially exploring my own most private and intimite thoughts where I converse with the Creator of all creation. Unspeakable words and collossal admiration I have gained to getting to know this Being for He is the Father and Author of all things created. His splendor and radiance can be felt seen but never understood fully and the overwhelming joy and feelings of love and worship can be expressed with my words on this poetic expression of my penmenship being solemnly dedicated as a letter of why my faith remains tremendously strong and unshaken because I have the honor and pleasure of knowing and talking with him on a deep spiritual level because he made me just like he made you (whoever the reader is) and am just so blessed and thankful to know that he watches over all Creation and mantains Order thru his Celestial Armies Of Heavenly Bodies and Angelic Forces that have dominion and rule over the final destination of our Souls Planets Stars and even Galaxies...yet much mystery and enigma is shrouted in God's presence am humbled to be submerged in the Holy Spirit at this moment talking about our benevolent Creator...remember to just contemplate and ask with all humbleness and meekness in heart for his Celestial Majesty to personally speak to you in a way he only can and just be receptive learn to observe your surroundings with spiritual eyes and speak to him with uttermost sincerity love admiration and respect. The Master Of All Celestial/Terrestrial hosts is listening and if you learn to use your Soul&Spirit and intertwine its energy field with the Universe you will have some deep and meaninful things be revealed to you in ways you cannot even begin to comprehend. Meditate on his Holy Word daily remember to stay prayed up abstain from fleshly and carnal desires and last but not least remain holy because he is holy. My Aura Colors today are 31.3% Yellow 69.7% Purple 6.4% White. Mood: Cheerful, Calm & Serene Flow of my inner & outer thought patterns: Heightened yet remaining stable Spiritual Path: 8

Lord I want to thank thee for allowing me to see admire and minisculely understand your Celestial Order and your Decree of Peace & Love unifying all energy throughtout the cosmos. Thank you for your Holy Spirit accompaning me tonight in this day and am forever thankful for sending your only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for me and atone all mankind's sins. Amen!
Conversing with my Inner-Self my Soul and God the Creator... using meditative techniques then slowly making this observation of my current spiritual state and also illuminating and healing my temple by giving glory and honor to the one who made it all.
Nov 2019 · 385
~Death Before Dishonor~
God's Oracle Nov 2019
Demanding the inner connection of the Universe working thru the Holy Spirit of God...I beg to command and make justice for this Internal War; we live in...I want to see and explore my most inner intimate self to allow to work thru me to form an Angel I beheld...I form this poem of deep thoughts to bring you well, a message of peace prosperity to behold enlightened thru the chambers of my heart brain and soul...I want to tell you that Life is good to my inner health of confess to God himself... am just another sinner who needs some help...Oh Lord I said forgive me for my wickedness and treacherous thoughts I held...because I have become a very angry and deep sadness I am demanded to hold...within my soul there roams a Diabolic voice that hates my Inner self...because am a Child Of God, I confess Jesus is my Shepherd and my Lord beyond words I can tell. Thank You God for the Gifts you given me...I thank thee for my friends, home, good health, resilience against devils and misguided angelic creatures who have come to ****, steal and destroy. Father in Heaven I ask of thee to allow me to stand as a strong warrior of Light to fight till the day I die for my Lord who has given me Life, Love and Well being. Thank you Lord!!! You are good all the time. This is truly how I feel I will never leave thy House of Holiness and Love that you have provided for me. My Life is good my life is well and am trying every day to do what is right my Lord you know my heart and I will never dishonor thy House. Amen!!!

I bow my knees and lower my head to thy presence thank you God for what you have blessed me with and all that you have given me. I surrender to thy spirit of love&peace.

God is my Fortress God is my shield the word shall be my sword.

God will provide God shall bless the humble and meek for they will see the Heavens and enter it.
Nov 2019 · 319
~Serpentine Curse~
God's Oracle Nov 2019
Prelude to a Dark Abyss
Confined to a degenerate affliction
Murmurs of a dark lamentation
Constricted to a cursed animation
Profound oblivion profound desperation
Am trapped in a tormenting accusation
Beyond the scope of my realization
Am lost in contemplation
To battle my inner demon which is my addiction
To nefarious substances my affliction

Realm of the Spirits tormenting my temple
A deficiency of character my fleshly attraction
To succumb to this feeling of exportation
A blissful ecstasy when am lost in this transition
Of a trance in my mind removing my compulsion
To use Methamphetamine a hell of a curse
Short lived the duration of this wonderous fascination
Euphoric Sensations demanding utilization
My comprehension stuck between ecstatic sensations
I given it my all Life to be ruled under this potent stimulation
Under a spell of catastrophic devastation...I said to myself I will piece my Life back thru abstaining from the worldly temptations

Dope will NOT win this battle I said to myself...A ******'s curse has ended with my final salutation. Thou shall NOT sin against thy Temple no longer sayest the Lord...end quotation.
The Struggle Of a ******'s Curse.
Oct 2019 · 196
Honour Thy King
God's Oracle Oct 2019
I sometimes question why did God do what he did to send his Son on a suicidal mission to rescue mankind of all their perdition? Jesus forever subjected to interrogation
A martyr of his time had blind faith and that killed him
The people turn against the man that feed them
God given son he took all their Sins with him...
The Sins of the World we say to them
My Christ has the power to change them

I remember he changed me the day I meet him
I was a 15 year old boy dealing with anger
Resentment and blasphemous
I gave him my Life to that I attest man
Better change yourself young man
Before taking on the mission to change the World he told him.
God speaks!!!
Oct 2019 · 285
~The Zeal Of The Oracle~
God's Oracle Oct 2019
Generation X the final 47.8 years of humanity's existence. The War of the Masters Of Souls rages on. God and his Saints & Angels vs. The Devil his Angels & Nephelims. Taming the Tongue

3 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2 We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.

3 When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. 4 Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. 5 Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

7 All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. 11 Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 12 My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

New King James Version "Holy Bible."

Laboring the liable and taking accountability for my actions is something I must work on...I must endure, adquire more resilience, more wisdom, more pureness, more humility (as if am not humble enough) more reliability more selflessness more vitality by God's reliable faithfulness guidance and miraculously adquire the mysteries of the Multi-Verse and God's Immortal Truth & Infinite Soul & Powers of the Holy Spirit. Solace and Righteous deeds but most of ALL GRACE from God his Son and his Holy Spirit will allow me to gain and fulfill my calling in this terrestrial plain I live in. Redemption is the final gift I will surely aquire to atone all the wrongdoings I have done, nevertheless, I feel comfortable at ease and happy and prosperous I count my blessings and throw away and rebuke the curses hexes and generational evil enchantments people and my family ties my bloodline and all my so called "coincidential, deja-vu's and dreams and visions and even every day ordinary mundane events that to people may seem like nothing but to me are vital pieces of an invisible monolithyc enormous spiritual yet carnal signs and signals to the Multi-Verse the language of God" for nothing ...that is nothing is mere luck or coincidence every thing pertains to something God speaks thru all circumstances, people, places, things, real or mind driven, fictional or true, art, music, language, animals, designs, intellect, naiveness, admiration of his benevolent power and miraculous deeds that happen daily all around us. Even drugs to aid heal the body and mind can be beneficial. Everything serves a purpose that I truly believe.

Phillipians: 2:10 "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the Earth"

New King James Version the "Holy Bible"

Sooner than we all will understand (Humanity as a Whole) who God is ...who he is and why he came to be with us to run this race and be part of this world. My Faithfulness is exponentially growing as I write euphoric, spiritual, peaceful and compassionate such a deepening feeling...a bit exhilarating. A profound thought came to me to write about this...if I ain't a miracle child why would GOD himself put me here writing this at this moment? Yes am perplexed due to that answer completely baffled. Due to the fact am 1. Premature born in 6 months 2 weeks 14.78 min weighted about 2.4 lbs at 5 had my bouts of panic attacks and deep fear and paranoia the first time I encountered those feelings...then at 7 had my first hallucinations then at 10.5 yrs of age became a hyperactive child with night terrors looming around the corner at 23 became a full schizophrenic and to my friends knowledge I have bouts of multiple personality disorder and a rare dissociative disorder. Therefore, I have learn to cope with it all and still be breathing and living thanks first to GOD my Family, friends, acquaintences and the Angelic beings that watch after me.
I want to personally walk into heaven after all is said and done and stare at my Heavenly Father's Eyes and tell him "Thank You accompanied by a huge smile a great big hug and bow down before him kiss his feet and tell him how much I admire love and sincerely care for him being who he is
The end of time signs.
God's Oracle Oct 2019
Is as if am drowning in a sea of smiling faces...when desperation slowly takes hold of a Gift Of Blessed Assurance by a Loving Creator who understands all ...heals all... Loves all ... Mystery Of the Ages an Author Of benevolance,humility,holiness,righteousness,powerful words able to make the Earth tremble, the Sun hide it's Ray's and the Moon become Red. Beyond the next dimension comprehension there exists a Shadowy Character making humanity stumble the "Ancient Serpent" known by many names as Satan or Lucifer. Many know him as "Morning Star" too. The one who has decided to create promote and proliferate a World of Blasphemy,Lies,DarkRituals,Witchcraft,
Anemism,Atheism Luciferian Doctrine a lethal combination of political,economical,socioecomical,
fundemantalist,private & locally owned incorporations, for everything from medicine to electronics and education.

The 33° Decrees have been placed to directly dictate this Global Governments to the point of the brink of Destruction. Soon enough mass persecution of the people who have chosen to wear their "spiritual path" will be showned and will be on the open little by little a "trancendant spiritual revival" is happening all around the world I see it happen daily though people with ideologies and thinkers of the current modern sciences come to conclude is all meaningless their pride, ego, socionomical status, reputation wealth and persue of mortal things becoming to comfortable with their personal achievements, how many woman they been with, what car or social status they got allows them to put their noses in the Air and boast.

Woe to them who choose to reproach their fellow Brother & Sister in Christ Jesus for their punishment will be severe. Being a friend of the World is having God as your Enemy. Fail to follow instructions and to slowly grow thy faithfulness will be corrected. The ones who love the things of this World will be casted out from the presence of the Living God. The ones who choose obidience and be loving towards all, peaceful, selfless, humble, Noble, show no favoritism, allow others be treated fairly, abstain from violence and ****** but finally and not least repent from your sinful past, present, future...with a contrite heart and genuine willingness to let God run the show NOT BROKEN HUMAN VESSELS all will be well.

I ask of thee Celestial Heavenly Father for 1.Encouragement 2.Resiliance 3. Prosperity 4. Strenght (Phycically,Mentally,Emotionally,Spiritually) 5.Truth, 6.Serenity, 7.Forgiveness, 8.Compassion 9. Love.
Thank you for allowing me to come spend this time exploring the deepest recesses of my mind and expressing it thru this simple yet rich in meaningful poem. This words are fussed with significance on spiritual ordinance.

The truth shall set you free!!!

-Franko The Christian Poet-
God's Oracle Oct 2019
Treachery & Fatherhood Of Falsehood the Serpent has been constructing the Perfect Mastermind plan for Millenniums. The Government System keeps us blind to the truth the Mass Media hide in their Masks Of Secrecy & Corrupted Mechanisms Of Mind Control & Mind Manipulation. Injecting you with mindless propaganda and outdated technological advances the Key Players a group of people who rule the World's Monetary & Credit System. A advanced form of modern slavery promising you a tangible piece of paper we call "Money" in exchange for your valued Life-Time. Though never telling you that their true hidden intentions by creating elaborate Companies, Corporations, Incorporations, Private Business Practices that comply with their hidden intentions and covering their perhaps shady Double Infrastructures. The bigger the secret the higher security its guarded with. Within their limitless power and the wider their spectrum creating a Market for a imposed...furthermore; exposed "Gray Area" where this information is totally restricted to only a selected few Man and Woman that run this "Corrupted System Of Law & Order." Symbolism, Cryptology, Hiroaglyphics, Power & Seduction, the Dream Life that only the Ultra Rich Ultra Powerful People enjoy... Making us strive higher try harder work faster and not even get to enjoy Life itself due to the tumultuous hectic agenda this type of people are being led to live. Sacrificing their Lives into this Griveous Trap a Ticking Time Bomb that is why the Billionaires complain of not ever enjoying life like regular and ordinary people. They are missing something exclusively vital for their vitality a Life leaning on being servicial not a tyrant, arrogant and prideful. Instead of focusing on being selfless they are selfish a Man or Woman with this much influence due to their riches can steal the essential importance of being a deep person with roots imbedded and engraved in their heart to not consider themselves higher and more important than the rest of your fellow man and woman. Unfortunately this people are usually greedy and power hungry and want to control everything they get their hands on. No self control wild extravagant riches and power like this come at a high price...a Life consuming unquenchable spendature of USD never being satisfied with nothing hence they don't lack the material things in Life. Nevertheless, they lack true empathy true compassion true generosity true love to an extent due to the fact they have to uphold a reputation a Life and a image that cannot be corrupted or misconstrued. Therefore, so much pressure from Society and other Powerful People with similar lifestyles (sharing the Billionare Status) can become tiring, challenging, confusing and even dangerous. With a extremely busy life people who own 88.9% of the World's Wealth are manipulating and forecasting the Whole Countries Futures in their Confederate Round Tables attributing their opinions and making extremely large donations of money to keep the Political, Judicial, Educational, Environmental, Scientifical, and Medical Mega-Massive branches that are being steared and directed towards more and more "Chaos and Corruption" that is so subtle is impossible for normal or even highly intellectual people fail to see this World we live in is being prepared for a World War III a war of astronomical proportions; and the ones making it possible are this people am describing here. Fact is however this people are Dynasty's of Families that been constructing this and devicing this finale to show that we are ruled by Forces Of Humanity's greatest nature of tend to follow their inner "Darkness" instead of focusing on changing and trying something new becoming a diciplined instructed in the "Light". A Holy War the experts in Theology & Religions call it. Good versus Evil. With Great Power comes Great Responsibility. Demonic Forces are at work so they say and other similar horrors Intra-dimentional beings and Syphs of Infernal Places are among us back then even till now...The Fallen Cherub Samamiel the "Morning Star" before becoming jelaous prideful and arrogant towards his Creator was one of God's Favorite Angels. After being casted out of Heaven in the Second Angelic War...he gained his new name Lucifer. He was casted to the Earth, however he was able to persuade 1/3 of the Heavenly Host to fall along with him. Furthermore, when this happened he lived and formulated plans to enact revenge on God his Son and the Holy Spirit. Since this Fallen Armada of Heavenly Host was casted out of Heaven the perfect equilibrium or balance of power was divided into 3 factions. 33.3% Strongest Angels 33.3% Mediocre to Weak Angels and 33.3% Fallen Angels.

~Angelic Hiearchy~
~An­gelic Beings~
Eagle-like Creatures
Giant Golems
Celestial Beings
Intra-dimentional Beings
~Fallen Angels~
Serpentine Beings
Nightmarish Creatures
Intra-dimentional Beings

The Devil (Another common name for Lucifer) the first 4 Millenniums him and his Angels where only allowed to plant device and use human beings in those eras in their Spiritual Form...invisible yet highly cunning, deceptive, persuasive and subtle. This Final Millennium he is here in the Flesh him and all his Angelic Host too...trying to still do what they always have done...Steal, **** and Destroy what God has been able to put up with Humanity's insolence  disobedience and corruption for granting this inherited curse thru "Adam & Eve" nevertheless, Jesus Christ already came and atoned Mankind's sin and culpability. Allowing us to recieve, communicate, interpret, decypher, learn and use the new intermidiator "Christ" to talk to The Father and all his Angelic Beings freely. The meek & humble people of poor upbringing are rich in spirit but poor in material things little do they know they are highly favored by our Creator and the ones who are rich and lack no material things food or drink are poor in spirit due to their negligence towards God hence they have allowed their hearts to become trapped in a World of Fleshly Indulgence. Test the various messages I have talked about in this Blog...we live in the Final Hours to be at last liberated from this World's Death Grip on our Lives once and for all...Although not all Rich people are bad or poor in spirit a few seldomly selected ones have used their wealth wisely to prosper our neighborhoods, lives, create jobs, impose Go-Green Ecological Advancements, and deep down are they themselves are seen with high favor in God's eyesight too.

Final footnote "Remember we cannot change what's written but we can at least help those who are hopeless, lost in a world full of darkness"

-Franko The Christian Poet-
The Lost World Vs. God
Oct 2019 · 184
~Divine Providence~
God's Oracle Oct 2019
Once upon a Time lived A Man who had Mystical Ancient Soul. Due to his Eternal Love towards his beloved Creations...Celestial & Terrenal he choose to in-body himself into one of his own terrestrial vessels. A young Woman of Nicaraguan decent was to give Life to this "Miracle Child." Came the day where she meet a Young Man with a clever tongue smart and elegant but a bit prideful and arrogant. He was a young Noble with lots of musical talent could play guitar and sing he crafted a love serenade to my mother and she fell in love with the young man. Unfortunately as destiny entails she feel in love with this Man and they United their temples (bodies) to create a new mortal being. The young ****** got pregnant with a male child and he was pre-mature with lots of problems and doomed to not live long due to the conditions of his birth. Little that the Family knew this Child a Creation Of God and all his beloved power was put inside the child's vessel to carry mankind to a New Spiritual Enlightened Age. A human with a heart of a God a conciousness of a Arch-Angel and a fighting spirit was formed...little that he knew he possessed qualities from above heavenly bodies but thru human error and harsh treatment of the upside Generation of it's time A down accursed world we live in gave into temptations of the flesh to gratify what "felt" good to the body but gave anguish to the spirit. Later on insurmountable feelings arised from Nature & Nurture however having a keen instinct to differentiate between good and evil.  Branded though and chastised to live a life of sin for the sake of his creations little of him knowing he is was and will forever be Creator.

Furthermore; his job became exhausting and the young man began taking the "Holy Command" seriously by the Age of 30. There sitting alone in an empty living room he was filled with the Holy Spirit and began writing the words you now read in this narrative piece of literature. I have demanded to be Spiritually Healed but healing God said comes with time...endurance...peace of perseverance. Righteous justice shall be given to each Nation for their grave à against the Holy One Of Israel. In time the World will understand why God choose to do what he did for his people only in time will everything be amended only in time will there be build a New Earth and a New Heaven only time will tell what humanity destined fate fill fall upon...Choose your Master and I will know their sheep by the fruits they produce. The Oracle has spoken and his wisdom comes from above it's time to do the right thing...and I have chosen to follow Jesus till the end of my time.

Nevertheless, am under investigation by people who claim to care and love me and want to help me but all they do is Spiritually jab knives of cursing and hatred deeper into my vessel yet my love for them remains pure, un-adultered, soft and abundant. Peace is all I ask of you people ...but with peace there must come change let's resolve this World's greatest curses...such as poverty, war, iniquity, hatred, paganism, and disobedience. Turn to God he will turn to you. Lean on Christ he will lean on you. Remember, time is running out let's do this to the accordance of the Holy One let's remember all his precepts and glory...for he may be wounded but believe me he can heal all redeem all and purify Jesus name!!!

— The End —