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Aug 2020
Have you ever wondered why the our bodies made from flesh empowered through the blood and yet deep within the Human mind is invented the reasonable logical ideology of common reason, sense, wisdom and knowledge come from. The simple idea that we as alive, conscious,Β Β intelligent and versatile unique type of creature within the grasp of the animal kingdom considering us humans mammals. Ever since we as species commenced to use language as means of communication that's when everything we know of that is of Ages Of Old the common theory of us Humans evolved to become the only species to use the power of reasoning and problem resolving minds allowing the human race to create through trial and error our first societies made a trading and landing system to work together as a community of people who with sharing ideas on life dilemmas as a whole faced together it's problems yet was smart and clever enough to create new inventions of ways on how to solve all their struggles in times long past. Where Humanity made a turning point was in the emergence of different religions and totally distinct ways they view the Afterlife how to get to remain alive yet made out of ethereal essence instead of a body made out of flesh bone and blood? As the story is told through and shared from tribe to tribe place to place city to city and country to country people viewed living differently making small yet direct changes in their livelihood way to view right from wrong or even yet the color of people's skin. With each emergence of a World religion came it's story events ****** and ending coming to a focal point that all religions claim there is an afterlife that follows a Deity that first proclaims to be God or a God that made all in all at a time when not even time existed. From there things speaking in layman's terms all religions rely on narrating an elaborate complex beautiful story of how all things came to be. Yet retains it's main purpose in being made into a religious sect in the first place a peaceful mental picture of what we can only imagine being there would be like...ultimate sense of bliss and joy. A safe haven. However Humanity as a whole always have retained the constant taint of being double minded creatures. Therefore a duality was formed to maintain the what so called state of balance between good and evil. Right or Wrong. A mere simple choice we all make daily without fail. What will I choose to follow today? Run with God or play with the Devil? Yet deep down I truly believe hope and pray that what ancient history dictates occurred must have some truth there within all that collection of gospel books put together and constructed in such a unique secret divine and holy way for those Holy Books all assure they are the one true way to get to Paradise. Yet deep within our carnal shells waiting to become too old to breathe and finally give into death there is where it all begins going back as pure essence of spirit "the soul" escapes to be freed from his physical mortal shell to go back to it's original form ... a ethereal essence made of different shades of light and darkness. Going back to the Creator to be sentenced into eternal life with God or eternal separation from him and his throne. Nevertheless, that may be an example of the Christian faith system other religions are different. At the present moment in time still humanity is mostly composed of majority of people are deep down skeptical and agnostic about the way they see religion and dogma. We as a species (the Human Race) ever since the introduction of language came to be...that is when the way we think inspect look and investigate things completely in a moral sense saying using common sense and logic and reason...we become over time more wiser smarter and more clever giving the birth to by simply subjecting another alternative to a simple 1 way rule and yet humanity has devised a way to create a 2nd rule overriding the first one. To make things clear here we we're once perfect eternal beings with no knowledge of any sort of taint from sin but yet once we began taking advantage of our reason we slowly build small doubts within ourselves with time they become a real doubt giving the opportunity to create a new way to change, shift or make something new out of nothingness. That allowed that small doubts became big doubts then finally tried to defy God's only rule in the Garden Of Eden in Paradise. The downfall became Humanity's loss of eternal attributes and the birth of sin which with time fully matures into death of the now physical body the fleshly sarcophagus containing your individual Soul Matter. The main point of why I share this knowledge with you is to keep you aware, awake and always remind yourself that you have the right to have questions and want logical simple explanation of how it came to be why and for what purpose. It is all a decision a choice we all must make once we are awake and aware do I want to live for the world? Or do I choose to pick up my cross and follow Jesus? Life&Death.
Pray for our World to go back to
God's Oracle
Written by
God's Oracle  30/Two-Spirit/Lex
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