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2ndBest Jul 2021
I'm funny like a heart attack
You're as pretty as a car crash

We could work like that
Apr 2016 · 522
2ndBest Apr 2016
the words don't come anymore
atleast not as easily
i  have to pry them out with a crowbar
the rhymes die by the end of the fourth line
im so lazy
ill let my blood drip on the page
then call it writing
Nov 2015 · 561
2ndBest Nov 2015
the leaves all left

you went west again

i know you can't stand

to see all that death

i don't blame you

those feet belong on the beach

not between frozen lakes

or forming paths over concrete

please don't mind me trembling

my palms are becoming mistakes

you must've felt their fault lines

so here's hoping san andreas keeps you safe

safe and out of the cold

safe from the quakes in my bones
Aug 2015 · 2.1k
2ndBest Aug 2015
I don't feel like reading words
I'd rather stitch an iceberg
You want a voice underwater

Let's keep going on empty
Breaking in style
The means justify an ending

Blues whites and lit skys
The summer was on fire
We felt it inside

Things fell aside
Cracks give way to more then more
It wasn't deep just murky
And I'm not reading anymore ******* words
2ndBest May 2015
rock bottom isn't as bad as the bottom of a bottle

at least the sediment doesn't bury itself in your bones

as the blood starts to run thin

everything becomes poison with the right dose

but I love how the *** warms you up
and brings you and I closer to us
May 2015 · 983
2ndBest May 2015
Beginning to end again
Head rush
Sheets flutter
Black out
It took all morning to recover

Starting to stop again
Break lines
A clean glass
Burn holes
I'm running and not stopping

I've been gone
Off and on
Trains and highways
Red eyes
Hardwood floors

Knuckles bleeding
A little more
Another hour
One night longer
Almost over

See you soon
Choke on 7 years
Haunted house
Deep blues
I can always feel the storm coming
Mar 2015 · 574
The Last One
2ndBest Mar 2015
The reason I quit drinking is the same as why you started believing

There's got to be something more

The reason I quit praying is the same as yours for leaving

There was nothing there

A change in the weather is the reason I stopped breathing

My mind went with the leaves

Blood on the roof is the only reason I'll stop needing you

Holding out until we were more than just blue

Until the color spread all over

We were dead set on getting over these feelings that won't leave

Now I can't stop getting older

You felt like summer was buried in the snow
You felt like heaven
You felt like novacane

You left your mark
You left me hanging from a tree in the backyard

You left me

"We know
Stop writing about it"

She's gone

"Yeah we all know"
Mar 2015 · 376
plunging breaker
2ndBest Mar 2015
I'm like a wave
always breaking fast
when I reach my peak

It's funny how everything
falls back to earth
at the same speed

But some how it seems faster
When it's you
Without a parachute

When it's you
Every second is a mile

When it's you
The ground feels like coming home

When it's You
I don't need anything else

I am a wave that won't stop breaking
Mar 2015 · 691
Tactile Hearts
2ndBest Mar 2015
Have you ever ran your fingers
across bumps of Braille on a door sign?

Ever wonder what it's like to be informed by
a language you can't hear but feel?

I can imagine

When I read the contours of your body
the ***** of your cheeks or the valleys
your hip bones leave behind

When I find joy just sitting next to you
eyes gazing into mine, without words
I sense the stories you're telling

Secrets only we know, an understanding
tongues couldn't share on their own

Alone together

We were made for one another
like the gears in a clock

I touch your inner workings
and tiny moving parts

We are interlocked and spinning
yet still we run out of time

Separated but in sync
our hearts beat harder
for each mile in between

What other communication do we need
when we are tethered together
like two kites on one string

But for everyone seeing this
who can only read about being
the reason you're smiling

I'll translate the feeling into Braille too
so they understand
how it feels
to love you
Mar 2015 · 1.9k
ironic bonds
2ndBest Mar 2015
i sat alone

collecting my thoughts

i was caught up in

a beehive of an evening

infested with dreams

drunken feelings

fixed catalysts

kick starting the slow burn

down to our cells

chemicals mixing

+ im overreacting

as i imagine half my life

hanging from the ceiling

Mar 2015 · 598
man overboard
2ndBest Mar 2015
I threw my heart port side

I didn't want it anymore

I watched it sink




It is an orphanage for shipwrecks

It is a home in the dark

When it thinks no one can see

It bleeds

I feel it bleed

Hearts are supposed to be light

But mines made of iron

And sunken fathoms
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
2ndBest Jan 2015
Whiskey works in waves
I saw something hazy, a light
Making it's way down to the shoreline
I followed and took two more shots
Along the lakeside
One was to warm me up
And the other to make me believe
I couldn't drown in anything
Besides a body of water
Yet even with my feet
Firmly planted on the beach
My arms flailed above me
I coughed up seaweed
And my flooded lungs
Began to sing a broken chantey
"Take down the mast, o!
Tear down the rigging!
Tell me! Tell me!
What is a life worth living?"
Dec 2014 · 708
...glory fades
2ndBest Dec 2014
Stepping on grave stones in mid November
My pipe dreams faded out
I'm a bit lonely these days
or should I say most days
since you've been gone

The winter never felt so warm
and the sky seems lower now
Closer to the ones that left it.
Close to us, the two who thought we would be able to touch it

There was freedom in her heart
and a burden buried in mine

There were smiles between us
old photographs and sad songs
Cheap *** and that same sad ******* song

I lost you
I lost you and I'm so sorry
I held on as long as I could

Now it's late December
Where is she hiding?
Darling are you asleep?
Persephone don't come back when I know you can't stay

I'm so hopeless I just might pray
to a god I don't believe in
It's invasion day and I'm crashing onto shore
They say all's fair in love and war
but I don't see the difference
When your face down
and dying is the only thing
you have faith in anymore

I'm in love with a ghost
Queen of the underworld
who couldn't keep a promise
so she kept my soul instead
2ndBest Nov 2014
That isn't time on your hands
It's my blood all over your finger tips

If our lives weren't measured in numbers could we even say we had lived?

But the seasons would still change
Words would still seep into my veins

Like a river into the sea
Feeding me

Growing with hunger

And I wonder if all the things
I could compare you to

Like the sun when it shines through the rain
Or a flower adorning a grave

Some how might prove
The love I would've gave to you

Now that we're nothing
I guess that means you could do anything

Not me

My time, so precious,
is slipping through my fingers
as permanently as the red on your palms will not wash off
Sep 2014 · 423
2ndBest Sep 2014
I want my tale to end:
Never to be seen again

Tell your son about me
The one we could've had

If you can't remember anything good
Say I gave you strength you thought you would never have

The butterflies died in my stomach
And if I'm writing like I'm drunk
Then these words are sober

I'm writing like I remember
Like the wind never inspired
Like a metaphor ever mattered

Your sun soaked skin
My awkward grin

The saddest thing
What could've been
Sep 2014 · 714
2ndBest Sep 2014
Throw me in the lake
So I can sleep
With vibrating waves
Encasing, entrancing
Like falling in love
With the wrong one
Over and over again
Aug 2014 · 614
dead couple talk
2ndBest Aug 2014
See you in the late autumn afternoon
Sunsets then constellations

Colors and lights
Golden and bleeding

Hollow conversations
As darkness devours day

I try to tell you that
Looks can ****

You're a serial gazer
I'm a blind recluse

Never have I ever known
What makes the wind blow

Or why you chose to devour
My soul like a wolf

Unclench your jaws
Spit me out

The night is dead
The stars are broken

I spoke words
I'll regret sober

You won't know
Your arms were never home

I said "I never meant it"
Life is actually a death sentence
Jul 2014 · 648
2ndBest Jul 2014
I've got so many thoughts goin on in my head it's hard to take the time to rhyme
Is it even worth **** to write down these broken poems and lines I dreamed when you weren't in sight
But in mind
always on my mind
You can pretend that we're just friends except I notice the way your sleepy eyes collide with mine
Your shade of green is haunting me
While I drive fast and sing the songs we used to sing when we were clean
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
2ndBest Jun 2014
You read your horoscope like a bible scripture
Quoting scorpios psalms and passages
Thinking your heart cannot be trusted
As if the stars you're praying to don't live in your ventricles
And pump pure energy through your veins
Patterns in the stars and patterns in your bones don't mean much when you spend every night alone
But I'm a libra and you, my beautiful Venus, ****** me more with every word that flows out of those lips
And I'm alone tonight as I wonder if we will ever really find what were looking for
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
2ndBest Jun 2014
Swiftly, the tide draws me out to sea. Just as suddenly, I crash back onto the shore.
She is the moon that sways the ocean and I am flotsam, lost in her awful beauty.
Jun 2014 · 596
2ndBest Jun 2014
My fingers aren't holy enough to grace your body.
God's own masterpiece of skin and bone.
My touch is sin, corrupting pure beauty.
Thus my virtue is heresy
If it's my doom versus you, it's not hard to choose.
The gates won't open for me now.
But the ****** can't wait to get to hell.
Jun 2014 · 351
2ndBest Jun 2014
Always and never
Apart while together
The middle of forever
Is as cold as December
I can barely see you and me
Like a breeze through the trees
If there is one thing I know
I will die by the sea
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
2ndBest Jun 2014
High as a weather balloon I flew
That night she bound into my room
She spewed a slur of sultry words
That were surely quite on queue

They knocked me down (slightly)
Like a building collapsing to dust
And tied me up (tightly)
With a line entwined by two lover's lust

Oh but then she kissed me sweetly
I said "Darling, don't ever leave me
alone in my head or cold in my bed
because a life without you
would be nothing
but the darkest shade of blue"

I opened my eyes she got up and left

— The End —