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Dreams of Sepia Jul 2015
Wiling away someone else's
restless hours as they serve you
your elegant cafe au lait
you're flicking through newspapers
or maybe waiting for a friend
or a lover
or maybe contemplating
your next masterpiece
scribbling or drawing
on a folded napkin
or in a notebook
& watching someone
get out slowly out of a taxi
as someone rides by on a bike
& the first umbrella goes up
& it starts to rain
& the music is jazz
or blues & you're
dreaming of something
just people watching
& the hours pass
by almost invisibly
as if afraid to disturb
Ashleigh Kelco Oct 2012
When you are born you must:
learn to crawl,
learn to walk,
and learn to talk.
You grow up and go to school to:
learn math,
learn english,
and learn science.
Choose your major.
Learn medicine,
learn computers,
maybe learn to teach.
But you are you?
Your morals and values?
What do you really know?
Brought up by a cruel society
that is fueled by the desire to make us bright.
But what are the things that haunt your dreams at night?
How much are you wiling to give
without anything to take?
Who do you live for
when you have no money to make?
Wake up now,
go and brush your teeth.
Go to a job you hate.
Rinse and repeat.
Live for you, not anyone else.
Learn for you, before you lose yourself.
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2019
“though the whole world should be mad at once
though the elements should be changed, though the angels should rebel: yet verity (irrefutable truth) cannot lie.”  
                                                         ­                  Erasmus of Rotterdam

<> <>

for BJ Donovan, a fine, fine poet

verity, irrefutable truth, cannot lie,
or belie it’s non-contradictory nature,
even, in a small airport, a one runway affair,
somewhere in Alaska
ribboned tween icy crags and dagger-ous peaks,
low cloud coverings of sub-zero visibility,
that inquire, in an indigenous tongue
of the flying fool pilots,


if I or you ask me why I’m here,
the answers come in only three Heinz varieties,
true or false positive, no differentiation needed,
the other, is called
“one who doesn’t know how to ask”

you know him,
the simpleton, the simple one, me,
who can’t frame the question without

risking that he frame himself

betraying and displaying his woeful ignorance,
a veneered confidence of knowing so little about much

in the shed, a/k/a
‘the terminal,’ we wait,
me and an ex-Buddhist priest,
head stubble shaved, of course, round horn rimmed glasses wearing,
stone washed jeans blue, the color of his eyes,
reflecting mine as well as the blue glacier ice
surrounding us both, we,
the extraneous human eagle interlopers

showed him the Erasmus quote, provoking one of them,
thin lined, whimsical, eye-glinting smiles of those
who know the answer
to the knotty ones, or,
know better, that knotty questions one asks himself
when high up in the mountainous glacier ranges,
get answered just by silent patience

he smiled for an eternity of
at least five minutes,
my heart pulsating big time,
this modern man anticipating, in his calm, dulcet two tones,
his understanding of another ancient translating another,
even more ancient, speaking:

”the world is indeed mad,
through neglect letting the elements warp, glaciers melt;
the angels have indeed rebelled at the
foreseen fated falsehoods perpetrated,
torn asunder,
and the line between balance and imbalance,
so jaggedly ripped in too many places that verity a victim
so badly assaulted, its face is no longer identifiable by AI, worse,
so covered, dying, undiscoverable.

but you ask!
ask of yourself, asking of others, and tolerating
uncurled, uncut uncertainty, you retreat and reconsider,
this then is your answer!
it is the
that is verity, itself! there can be no lying thing in the
quest of questioning
that accepts, rejects, and unceasingly asks again^

this is a the only irrefutable truth and what it asks of you:

never accept the illogic of belief, let your own eyes be the best judge;
ask and ask thrice, be satisfied that being disastrously dissatisfied
is the norm, the mean,
the line toward a perfection that may not ever exist(ed)
for our flaws define us, thus so much greater is our truths when we
we reshape them, ourselves, for verity itself is not so hard to find,
but the finding of one self is too difficult for most

for asking is too painful,
too primordial, and why I am no longer a priest nor teacher,
but a simple observer of the answers that can be found in the
silences of places,
the Alaska’s inside of us,
where nature’s sets
an open table for anyone
wiling to just ask...”
S.I., N.Y.

^”It is not in the asking, but in the searching and wrestling that we gain clarity.”
after wave
Of chilly fresh air
Washes over me,
Slathering me
Smothering me
In your intoxicating natural perfume,
Wafting in from the door you just waltzed through.
You silently entice me;
Quietly luring me into the spider's web
To devour me mercilessly ,
A wiling sacrifice to the hedonist gods.
Wrapped in your firm embrace,
I melt,
Overcome with the sensations of ecstasy and elation,
As your warm fingers wind through my hair,
Pulling -
Bending me to the passions of the moment,
Where I exhale my simple reality,
And sink deeper into the fantasy that you lend me;
A dark and sumptuous world
Of bare skin glistening in moonlight-
And shining
In our our titanic efforts to go to new places,
To attain new highs.
We drink in the sultry air
As if it were the wine of the heavens,
Each breath,
a prayer to a distant god
Each sigh,
an escaping gasp of praise to the distant stars,
Bestowing their blessing upon our arching forms.
A place of exquisite torture
Where we waver in wanton abandon,
Unaware of
And without care for
the fleeting worlds around us.
We exist,
In bliss,
In utter ecstatic pleasure,
Making monuments meant to be remembered
And worshipped;
And as our sweet comedown lays us prone,
Struggling to make sense of the sensual chaos
That just ensued
With blank minds that threaten to shut down all together
My fingers hold yours,
Locked in
And intertwined with a strong link-
Like a life raft
To carry me over
these waves of bliss.
Matadi Jul 2018
The struggle is real
So I've been told
The homie told me yesterday
Licks had to be made
eating with our enemies
sleeping with the Devil
But, Expect them not to be evil
Broke ***** on the strip
Gay Brothas Suckin ****
**** ***** licking *****
***** is you really gay
Or need a sponsor for your ******* kid
Now tell me aint that some ****
Everybody wanna be sucka free
so we say the sweet lovers just thirsty
the dog nighas Got flex game see
Pipe it up , Shut it down, Light it up
Smoking loud in big crowds
Crazy girls and wild ******
Broke ******* styling and profiling
Living in hotels and wiling
For that dolla , she'll let you holla , hit and even spit
Maahv Z Dec 2016
Gabriel asked the Prophet
'read', prophet who God crowned with a prophethood
of being last
replied 'I cannot read'
Prophet wrapped himself with a warm blanket
Khadija the prophet's true love said
You are God's chosen one
since you are all sincere, honest
and never do wrong to His people.

this, what is wrong with today's people
never seeking to learn
or read
knowing they know everything.
so they can **** anyone
in the name of God
they **** innocent people
and yet, the response is
'we **** infidel's
who are the infidels?
You and i are not God
It is for the God to decide
who's the most kind of all

The Sunni Muslims have a story to tell they're better than shia Muslims
and shia' have defensive tale to say, 'they are less honored one'
it's all politicized matters
not the religion
the crusades of islam is not about religion
but the gaining of power
who's going to lead after the Prophet's  death?

even the prophet himself narrated 'he's mere human being
who God blessed with might

God says, love thee people
as I love you the best
I'm closest to you, even more closer to your own heartbeat
no other will love you, as i how love you

I felt the longingness
this hunger, and the strike to do well in life
even though, i no longer am with people
who i thought to be my people
it feels so odd and out of place
most of the time
since i can't begin to tell
how truly i feel

i learned to unlearn
my roots, and inheritance
how hard it is, to defy
what you knew for your entire life

I learned to be with people, without needing them
and saying, 'goodbye's, when I didn't want to
since nothing is real
nobody is here for real
only the matters, and interactions with each other
will define
the true identities of us

it doesn't hold true to people, who share Islamic faith
but, the Christianity, Hinduism, or Judaism
or another religion
in any other region of the world

As of my utterance, i don't trust people with establishments
and people, running the show

In Pakistan, the land where i was born
nobody cares for anyone, whether they leave
or stay
even if somebody dies
people stay inhumane, insensitive about most of the things
but the focus is too much on religion
even the moral conduct
is not so right

At the edge of my state, when i utter this i feel erked
and awkward
low in spirits or perhaps
i don't feel anything, at all.

When the Abraham was asked to 'sacrifice'
his beloved son, 'Ismail'
he without defying
obliged to Gods will
God, in his dutiful obedience
replace Ismail with a lamb
to fulfill the traditions, Muslims each year
follow the Abrahams traditions
when people slaughter million of animals
in name of God which has merely became a mockery
of 'sacrifice'

The day i left my house, i felt truly abandon
and so, the time when i left my friend's house
who i visited only before leaving
I thought to myself, this will never be filled
and it didn't
even after many years afterward
I stand in my nomadic spirit
without owning anything
or have anything in mind, to occupy anything

This world, as i see
is a mere transition period
where we meet people
of all race, and kinds
from all regions , and faith
but it doesn't give us any upper or lower hand
to justify anything, whatever we feel
or think.

As it is not for me to decide
or others to judge,
by other people's religion, or region
color, race, kind

There is no place in Quran that says, hate people
from other religion
nor it says, to defend your faith
when people attack you.
The rising Islamphobia and hatred
for the muslims,
in response, all the muslims could say,
'Islam is a religion of peace'
a defensive approach, again and again
not wiling to understand
it's not for you to defend your religion
your faith doesn't need you, it's you, who needs it
for your own purity, to perserve the innocence
and the feeling for others
when others fail to do

God says, 'Surely there are signs in this
for those of you who would reflect'
to me, its a comforting zone
I derive my pleasure in this
but there are so many people out there, interpreting the verses
in their own perspectives.

Upon the reasons, i feel it's necessary to challenge yourself
your mind, your readings
wisdom and all the knowledge you acquired over the years

we don't acquire knowledge in order to boost
but to be better,
and to understand the reasons

I was named by the 'Moons light, that means moonlight which is poetic
and referred as 'beautiful'
I am not sure who named me, as i remember my childhood
a very quiet, deserted and lonely one
it wasn't tragic but disturbed

I have erased my memory and the corners of heart, that used to feel mighty heavy
for so many things
the betrayals, insincere
and lack of resistance shown by people
i left everything behind me

When Ishaq's sons took Yusuf
he cried most of his times, till the point
he lost his sight which he regained by seeing Yusuf's
he was betrayed by his own brothers
only to gain their father's attention
they tricked Yusuf
which he survived regardless

the betrayals are hard to forgive or even remove
and the cultural hindrances, resistant obstacles

it's been a while since i felt home
and even when I'm home
i feel the distant memory of my own self
which was innocent

I'm Mahwish, and it means 'beautiful like moonlight
my life will reflect the meaning of my name, someday
and till then
I continue to live.
Lightbulb Martin Jan 2014
One thing I'll delight.

Poetry is challenge
Made constant.

unnerving unwordy
pilfering deposits
on surety.

there is forever an
unfound to unveil.

But only if/when
Fright is kept inside you
whilst writing or wiling
In every day.
Not fright meaning scares
Or terror mined despair.
In its stead adopt a fealty

To the unknown unknown!
To not knowing what
exactly or even a glancing
What unknown which

So Seek Servitude
in unsolvable.
Embrace imalleable
Modern mystery.

Absolved of any certainty
completes an unintended
Our lack
of knowledge
is the only solid
Peace of Knowledge
we can grasp.

To (not really) quote Biggie Smalls
you don't know what's unknown

It's a Mitzvah this thing
Our one our only blessing

Because truly this
is what compels
And Coerces
A need to create.
My Secret Garden
Its the way he threatens to close his soul,
or the way he rolls over holes covering a seed that can't grow..
Making sure you're the last  to ever know
how far his addiction would be wiling to go
intertwining her fingers in a heart turned to stone
she turns to the Earth to have something to hold..
As the Earth captures her embrace,
she is over come with faith,
discovering a new world,
that shes allowed to create
tell me...
Do you believe in fate?
When friendship meets love and
somethings finally enough
will you let go of that grudge
or completely give up?
As she makes her way through each passing day.
she plants her seeds in the wounds that bleed,
reveling herself in guilty dreams
neglecting her heart for their greater need
complicating the plan seems a sure defeat
the only thing she keeps track of are her two attached feet..
Forgetting conversations that held no depth
she fell into a trap as she readily lept
into fleeting hands disguised as safety nets
her heart detached as her body slept
Misunderstood from the fall,
they thought she lost all control
she refused to conform
and meant no harm
heard underlying judgments
so she covered the scars
she's captivated by the stagnant stars
believing in a world bigger then ours
if seeing is believing, she was staring at mars
more tangible then ever,
she now understood
this life was not theirs
but an unwritten book
possibilities were endless
for a conclusion of sorts
theories are offered
but not relevant in court
she waits for those seeds to expose a new growth
praying it gives them a small dose of hope
because nurturing something piece by piece
seems the responsible solution for a world in need
ONE LOVE is the life I'll breed
onlylovepoetry Jul 2020
one word. one thing
shows up on my face.

everybody knows it is a
keep away from me today,
for fks sake!

certain peculiarmornings
wake with a cross on forehead.

days when you certain,
everything worth saying
has been written, sung,
not a **** thing left to
contribute, except whining.

no way to purge, the compulsion
welling up, coursing down.
this overwhelms, my outlet store,
permanent closed, sign says
don’t ya know it’s a recession.

a one man recession.
no government intervention
gonna come my way.

the notion that I’ll never just
once more, feel the thrill of a
first love, a new born progeny,
woman, baby, poem, no diff,
wrecks me badly, worried sun consults
my animal friends, what’s to be done?

knowing the answer to my curse is,
not one wiling to courage to curettage
the lining of my decrepitude,
the end then, of no more next time.

though there is a first here. ever.
first time, every stanza writ,
closed off, finally ended, with a flourish,
a puncture of a period.



the closing scheduled for now,
have to change the name, says York,
it’s the common law, I’m legal bound,
gonna sign the documents as
no more love poetry.

919am Wed Jul 22 2020
Miah Dearing Nov 2013
It's at 10:30.
10:30 when I realize who I really am.
I realized how hard I try to make everyone like me.
How hard I try to fit in.
How hard I try to be this loud obnoxious girl, with this big boastful bad attitude.
Is that me?
I don't really know.
It was about 10:14.
10:14 when I realized what someone I trusted with my most confined thoughts and feelings
Thought about me.
Am I?
The problem.
The problem is that I do not know who I am.
There for I am not sure how to fix it.
I do not know how to guide myself into the right.
Why not?
Why can't I stay happy?
What happens in my mind?
Does something break? Or snap?
And then reform.
Then break or snap again?
What is it?
What do I keep letting hold me back?
Why am I so lost?
Who is wiling to answer these questions?
I want to scream into the wind.
I want the wind to pick me up and carry me away into abyss.
No one will find me.
I can be alone with my thoughts and my words.
I can write all the colors in the sky.
When I write about happy things. I am happy.
I can feel it.
But how do I get myself to do it when all the floods my mind is upset words.
I cannot swim in this any longer.
I can feel myself drowning.
But I know that I will save myself at the last second.
Because that is what I was made to do.
From all the harsh and cruel things that life is.
From myself.
10:38 I realized how jumbled and confused all of this is.
Just like my life.
Everything is a mess.
Save me from this mess.
Carry me home.
I am tired.
I am so tired.
Just let me be alright.
Alex Teng Apr 2019
I'm sorry for being me
I thought we connect idealistically
I thought you will act differently ,
But apparently,
You don't see what I see.

I'm sorry for letting you be,
To not be able see who you are to me
To think that I will act cowardly,
And to see me as ordinary.

All I am looking for is tranquility,
You are trying to achieve spiritually,
But let me tell you blatantly,
You aren't that different from me.

You told me,
You need the sense of security,
And the sense of certainty,
But my darling,
You aren't wiling to dive deeply.

Tying a knot does not provide security,
Nor does it ensure certainty,
I failed as a lover,
Because you didn't realize,
what's reality.

If all I am looking for is just to be *****,
I won't come up with all the activity,
I won't be able to make you cry softly,
Or even to share my thoughts to you

The fact that you felt guilty,
To love comfortably,
Believe me,
That hurts me.

So here I am telling you directly,
I couldn't be with you in this journey,
Cause it's a pain for me to see,
You suffer and torture yourself mentally.

I will never be who you want me to be,
Because we were all designed differently,
You said I treated you disrespectfully,
Without realizing my insecurity.

I'll leave for now so that you see,
I am not acting contradictorily,
I am just being me.

But please,
blame it on me.
XIII Apr 2015
Hey there
I know you've not been well
There are things you're not wiling to share
But I'm aware of it all oh so well

I know all your fears
And I know who you hold dear
I know how you hide tears
Behind those little cheers

I know how you break down
Over songs you sung
Because you tend to over think
About what the future will bring

You hide under your blanket
And use it like a huge handkerchief
Crying without taking a sniff
Crying without moving an inch

You indulge in self-pity and self-blame
Put yourself to shame
Whenever you make petty mistakes
Because of being true to your feelings

You always think you're not good enough
To yourself, you've always been tough
You have disappointed them
That's what's in your system

You once believed you can be selfless
But you've been pounded hard by the unrequited
So you became selfish
But still hurting instead

You write poems to express these
Still, you hide them behind figure of speeches
Metaphor after metaphor
Still, you wish someone will notice

How do I know?
Because when you look at me in the mirror
In your smile, I see sorrow
I see everything you didn't want to show

I wish you could let me out
Because you imprisoned me here
I wish to help you out
And try to cast out your fears

Let me out and I'll tell you you're not perfect
However, you are beautifully unique
They cannot always reciprocate, this you can expect
Because they don't have a heart like yours, so to speak

So set me free, the prisoner in your mirror
I fully understand you, I know this will bring you comfort
I have you see that you're an amazing creature
If no one loves you, that's what I'm here for
"Learning to love yourself; it is the greatest love of all."
Barton D Smock Jun 2012
it is for
the sake
of my mother’s

that I
am named.

I know only
the most
of his life:

that he drowned.

a kind
great uncle
I imagine
he would’ve been
to my sons.

him regaling to my daughter
of his wild
sister; wiling away in houseless trees.

whenever I hold my breath
my brothers fight.
KC Hoye Aug 2010
I am bleeding here, trapped within myself, a message from within myself. Am I the only one that sees it? Am I the only one crying in the dark? Let the sweet deep breath of death flow across my chapped, cracked, and blood soaked skin. Let the wave of peace break over me, hold me deep within myself until I find it. This is my cry to see the light of day. To be kissed by the wind, like silk on my naked back.

It is fear that drives us. Fear that keeps us here. Bound at the elbows, drinking deep, sleeping dark. We are fortunate to be so ignorant. Blissfully sleeping, wiling away the days, the nights, each hour a new dream painted for us. The steep climb, the incline, to reap our unfortunate fruit.

I would let the light burn off mourning. Allow the frost to melt away, seeking stars now suspended and unmoving. This timeless place deep inside. Not hollow, crowded with the bodies of my making. The people I am, the faces I have. Open eyed, just as trapped. I have tied myself to tight.

Yet here I am within myself, I can see you there too. Trapped in your own self induced shroud, just as pained. There will be a reunion among us. We will weep the wellspring, tears of joy. If only to see the light of day, to be kissed by the wind, like silk on our naked backs.
(c) KC Hoye 2010
Scott Lipka Sep 2015
Don’t you realize your dying to live 
Always wiling to receive

Never willing to give

I’ve heard what doesn’t **** you makes you stronger

I believe it made you harder

I can’t take it any longer

You blame me 

I blame me too

Closed eyes will never see

What you’ve put me through

You tore out my heart put it in my hands

Told me I’d never make it

I wasn’t part of your plan

You left me standing here in the rain

Now I’m cold and lonely

Full of misery and pain

I blame you

You blame me 

I blame me too

Open eyes may never see

What I’ve put myself through
I just couldn't let things be
Now there's nothing I can do
BlackWhite Jul 2021
Just be open and honest, transparency is a way forward.
Ego, lies, deception, mind games are just a thing of the past.

Carry your heart on your sleeve, one should express all, how they feel. People might hurt in the beginning but as the time goes by you tend to connect with only like minded people, likely with the one with an open mind and crystal clear heart. Someone who wouldn't be scared to reciprocate the honesty, selflessness, love, respect and trust.

This is the way to filter the odd ones out of your life, its a litmus test
Those who are wiling to be by your side through think and thin, the most difficult times until the end regardless of your past, are the only one's who deserves a  fair chance, rest all are just a waste of time.

Remember, if you don't ask you don't get what you need, don't assume others would know what you want, as not many are good at reading minds and hearts.
try it for once, a litmus test
Just Jenny May 2014
I hate you
Stop stealing my focus
I'm trying to fit in
I don't want to be sad anymore
I'm tired
Leave me alone
Why don't you understand
I don't want you here
Hell I never did in the first place
You came unannounced
You stole my life
And quite frankly I want it back
I'm tired of you claiming who I am
I want to be happy
Let me smile
Go before I try and cut you out again
I want my skin back
Stop wiling me to do this
Stop pushing people out my life
You're not all I have anymore
I'm ready to fight this time
I may have lost the battle
But *******
I'm winning this war
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
High tides on a hideout
Scuffling high and low  
Sought shelter off sea
At a downward cradle resort
In high land island assort
Cuddled in grip n grasp
To enjoy the balm and calm

Back waters beckoned me
To the wedlock o’ bed lock
Of islands’ land n liquid
I peddled my winding way
The beat about the boat afloat
Swayed away fair and far
The wiling willing precincts
Untidy tide untied my ties

Sea saw swing sang a song
Amidst tunes of windy wand
As though to unwind my mind
***** of breeze doused me to brim
Frills and spills lulled into thrill
Oh! What a symphony of scenery
The treat lasted from dawn to dusk
Waves waved off my retreat not to risk
I remember when I was a teenager ya know playing sport eating junk food oh yeah
Yes it was fun being a teenager
Being as cool as they come
You see I was a very good worker and I was as fit as well
You see I was a cool teenager
Yes that sounds real cool
We went to see the raiders from Canberra oh yeah
And we waved our flags and yelled out to make sure everyone hears
We celebrated new year at the with some sugar or alcohol
Yes it was fun being a teenager
Yes I was so cool
You see I was in the basketball team and I was very fit
And I was with the bowling team
And at that stage I wasn’t very good but when I got back into it as an adult I became the best I can be
You see it was fun being a teenager you see I was wiling to learn
You see I did bushwalking and I mucked around in school
Getting detentions and ****
I squabbled with another bloke who wanted to show how cool he is but me, being a teenager
I showed him I can be cool too
Yes it was fun being a teenage boy and I had a lot of fun
I had sleepovers with my mates and boy I had a great time
We watched movies ate pizza
Without worrying about our weight and our birthdays we had parties enjoying it yeseree
But it was it was it was fun being a teenager still having fun
Loving life, yeah mate it was fun
eyy May 2015
I was Red the first time I met Blue
The color that I never knew
In rays that shine after rain
Making all ill and pain
Go away
And all I want to say
Is I want to know you. And so I did

I met you in a crayon box
Filled with colors
With shades
Of different traits
Spending days
Held by a kid with a smile on his face
Making art
Forming me into a heart
Just to fill it with you
And that’s when I knew I want to be with you

You and I never stopped talking.
Day and night even though we’re both working.
Making ourselves ready
For the kid with new ideas
Thinking of a piece with you and me in it
Because I love it
Every time I see you shine,
When your hue touches mine.

You see you’re like my night lamp
I couldn’t sleep with the thought of you not beside me.
You are a masterpiece used by the kid
To spread your trails on paper
Begging him to stop because I know you won’t last
Because maybe I just want us to be together

But the kid got new colors
Even more than I expected it to be
As his face shine like sunlight
My mind darkens with the thought of you replacing me
I know I’m only temporary
Losing parts of me I thought I needed
But I’m wiling to give a part of me
Just to make you last an eternity

But I guess you won’t do the same for me
And that’s when I knew,
I can never be with you
But there is a part of you in me that I’ll never gamble
Because it’s the part of you that made me Purple.
This was my poetry slam entry for school. It's not much , but I thought it could be my first entry here.
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Do you regret the day we met?
I felt like Queen of the ******.
Is that why I got body slammed?
I have not been a *****.
I was someone you were wiling to ditch.
Our connection a curse.
My homicide would have been worse.
Your manic state.
A decision to leve too late.
A second chance was fate.
What is left,
Unforgiven hate.
You made a mess.
You caused unneccesary distress.
I need to rest.
That is best.
My patience tested.
A new place nested.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
High tides on a hideout
Scuffling high and low  
Sought shelter off sea
At a downward cradle resort
In high land island assort
Cuddled in grip n grasp
To enjoy the balm and calm

Back waters beckoned me
To the wedlock o’ bed lock
Of islands’ land n liquid
I peddled my winding way
The beat about the boat afloat
Swayed away fair and far
The wiling willing precincts
Untidy tide untied my ties

Sea saw swing sang a song
Amidst tunes of windy wand
As though to unwind my mind
***** of breeze doused me to brim
Frills and spills lulled into thrill
Oh! What a symphony of scenery
The treat lasted from dawn to dusk
Waves waved off my retreat not to risk
High tides on a hideout
Scuffling high and low  
Sought shelter off sea
At a downward cradle resort
In high land island assort
Cuddled in grip n grasp
To enjoy the balm and calm

Back waters beckoned me
To the wedlock o’ bed lock
Of islands’ land n liquid
I peddled my winding way
The beat about the boat afloat
Swayed away fair and far
The wiling willing precincts
Untidy tide untied my ties

Sea saw swing sang a song
Amidst tunes of windy wand
As though to unwind my mind
***** of breeze doused me to brim
Frills and spills lulled into thrill
Oh! What a symphony of scenery
The treat lasted from dawn to dusk
Waves waved off my retreat not to risk
wichitarick May 2016
Peoples advice of an upside down frown when your down although simple is better than nothing at all
Passion playing  ,positioning in places as opposition builds ,back against the rising wall learning self support to not fall
Picking up pieces fitting advice  for something scattered , not forgetting it originally had to be broken as in a brawl
Taking in a tickle as a natural reaction helps to build karma for that future vibe,fresh feelings without the eight ball

Universal recognition, giggling baby's bringing down giants ,pole to pole taking on the same role
ooze & awes provide a positive side, building simple smiling  who knew it could get beguiling
A little tickle producing a powerful giggle,then that obvious wiggle ,flowing on adding karma to our soul
Ear to ear a  description for a grin so devilish some might see it as a sin ,from sadness its appearance could be wiling

Many famous figures having made their impact with a burst of cheer ,forever deep seated not merely a veneer
Smirk as a style not down like a frown, obviously not meant to defile ,gathering glee such an easy way to be
Sending a signal now referred to as a selfie casually contains a twinkle ,keeping the attitude of hope is a positive way to steer
Lifes later lessons of fate and all the weight come about naturally ,joy and jubilance quickly become a way to agree

  Cosmopolitan candor without ever making a sound ,language of millions just awaiting a new reason to form a grin
Relating to a pitter patter can be followed with a titter tatter, accepted cackles bring a pleasant response
Many find frowns easier than submitting to a sly snicker ,faking their frivolity becomes more a challenge from within
Language of laughter is at least fun to continue the practice ,never gaining perfection ,practice never perfect will not be known as harsh :)
R.C.. :)
Onoma Mar 2019
overarching angel--

guardian to this exile,

as love cut to the cliff.

a footfall from plunge--

grimaces at the stranding

long of the blue.

as if the sun were casting

the sparks of aspersions.

while simpering salts

season fish and devils--

wiling away their lot of depth.

if shore be shelter, let this no

man's land be worth spit!

as waste is laid the length of a

man without a woman's touch.
High tides on a hideout
Scuffling high and low  
Sought shelter off sea
At a downward cradle resort
In high land island assort
Cuddled in grip n grasp
To enjoy the balm and calm

Back waters beckoned me
To the wedlock o’ bed lock
Of islands’ land n liquid
I peddled my winding way
The beat about the boat afloat
Swayed away fair and far
The wiling willing precincts
Untidy tide untied my ties

Sea saw swing sang a song
Amidst tunes of windy wand
As though to unwind my mind
***** of breeze doused me to brim
Frills and spills lulled into thrill
Oh! What a symphony of scenery
The treat lasted from dawn to dusk
Waves waved off my retreat not to risk
Mr Xelle Jan 2016
I hate how I want you,
I don't you need you but I like to
I can't sleep no if It was me and you
So I sleep alone and it's so cold.
There's a better life and better death
If I can get pass your mess.

If you ever told me I'm leaving I wouldn't run after this,
Escaping you is a stronghold that I'm wiling to break free from all this.
My word which by the way is shaken unstirred is
my bond.

Although I am fond of shooting my mouth off
I always defer to her.

If not
there's not a lot I can be or can do and she says,
'who are you kidding kiddo'

have some kudos in there and she is wiling to share with me,
what is it more than this I can be without her by my side?

This day which becomes yet one more day and I pray becomes yet one more is one more day to adore
the favours bestowed on me.

it could be so different and this I know,
In the heart of my heart if that's possible she is the one that to me is most probable and
the cause of my love and it's impossible
to explain.

I am tied by the bond and my word,
If you've heard it before you've never heard it from me,
it's new
she knew
before I did.
nico papayiannis Feb 2018
I am here and you are there
Between us there really is no reason
To care or share
You have yours and i have mine
A simple arrangement that works fine
But soon your ways
They blight my days
They impose on my freedom
Causing me anguish and pain
Your irrelevant ideals
Swimming in the insane
Your demands are not met
Anger I detect
Aggression comes next
As you try to define your reason
But towards the stability of humanity
Your crime is treason
All you perceive
It can be all that you are wiling
To believe
But with narrowed minds
And blinkered vision
We shall continue to destroy
The dream of unity
And any peaceful transition
A Lopez Sep 2015
I wanna be
On fantasy island.
Where my man is wiling
Crazy, not confining.
I'm not one to be trapped.
I'm a bird I'll snap
Let me skadaddle fast
Where a bird should be.
I'm not caged
Not an animal babe.
I'm me.

So let me
PMc Nov 2018
I can’t honestly recall how many bereavement steps there are -
five – or is it seven?
death of a pet, loss of a family member, expiry of a relationship
endings as endings pass

Denial, anger, fear, forgiveness, anger, addictions, anger
that makes it seven.

This whole “lets be friends” thing.  
It’s over.  You’ve called us off.
You wouldn’t be friends with your late husband,
can’t cuddle your deceased dog (such a good boy)
what on earth would make anyone – let alone you
- a bright, animated, artistic, energetic woman -
what on earth would possess you to think the death
of our intimacy could manifest itself into to “friends”?

We are not a television show.  No “happily ever after” – after all.

I’m “friends” with my baseball team, theatre buddies
high school colleagues, university alma-matter.

Perhaps because I’ve not lain naked with them
talked of promise of future, crossed lines through intra and inter
personal relationships.
Most often these “friends” are wiling to stick with me when I drop the ball,
or don’t call, forget their phone numbers or
when I ask for them to simply listen.

The denial, I will live with forever if need be
pursuit of your company is well worth the efforts,
the disappointment is a given
If you felt the same, I wish you’d say so
forgiveness is one of the five-or-seven steps

Yet even with my addictions under control, somehow
somehow, I can’t seem to refute or deny the passion
Anger of self, anger of me
anger at what we could have become
if you’d only seen fit to accept the sincerity of my feelings
– not anger at you, or because of you
anger for angers sake
just for the sake of it sometimes.
Anger at loss and disappointment.

To feel
to feel something
anything to help myself feel that I matter at all
to anyone any more
I don’t feel that right now.
It’s been quite some time since I felt that.

It’s the passion I will miss the most.  
The comfort, the ease of expression,
appreciation of the moon, anticipation of calm days,
to walk and hold hands, to swim

Not feel that disappointment and
not feel alone
and try not to feel so heartbroken that it makes me cry
all at once.

While the disappointment,
the anger,
fear and heartache take hold
they supersede everything my “friendship” could offer.
Not bitter per-se but angry no less.  The ending of relationships is going to be difficult no matter what.  Especially when "it's not me - it's YOU".  Still not sure if I could forgive the old "friend" for being so distant at the end of it all.  A couple of lines and phrases here I'm very happy with.
Anywhere else can be somewhere if you're
ready and wiling to go there.

thoughts on statues
(creeps in randomly)
Innately inert
full of life.

We have become a family when
we realise that barbed and branded
goods are the enemy.

Fed on bacteria and fertiliser
sold as an appetiser
what the hell can the main course

Buy one
die one
try one
they're delicious

And we start to mumble
Goldsmiths apple crumble,
go on
make yourself a pie.
sandra wyllie Sep 2021
laughing in the snow
dancing in the rain
swirling in the wind
as a weathervane

Blue eyes
walking in the meadow
lying in a bed of purple flowers
caught in a reverie
wiling away the hours

Blue eyes
no one sees her pain
weeping in her hands
bluer than sapphires
deeper than the deep blue sea
standing in the fires of the evening

Blue eyes
no one hears her cries
as the church bells ring
out steps a wedding bride
smiling in the rain
every raindrop is a teardrop
running down her face
laughing at the crowd
she turns her back again

— The End —