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the loss of a child is truly great
it leaves strong men weakened
no wonder then that for Arjuna
it felt like the earth had shaken
and shifted from its axis
leaving his world broken
he forgets that he is the Great Warrior
in this moment he is a father

should he be heartbroken
as his son is dead?
or rejoice
as he died a hero’s death?
or anger
at its unfairness?

in a momentary madness he rages,
“who dared to hurt my darling boy?
who dared my Gandiva defy?
and how was it that he fell alone
weren’t any of you close by?”

under his fierce gaze Yudhisthira trembles
“I’m sorry my brother, I feel your pain,
Abhimanyu was our son too,
foolishly we sent him to his death
that guilt will plague us to our dying day,
but know this-
we tried to protect him
like an egg protects a yolk
we had him surrounded

but fate had other games to play
Jayadratha, King of Sindhu
was our opponent that day,
he played his trump card-
the boon he received from Mahadeva which states
that he shall be able to defy our combined might
on a day that yourself and Keshava are away

against destiny who has a say
he held us prisoner in a duel
and let Abhimanyu escape
deeper and deeper into the cruel clutches
of the Chakravyuha he strayed
the price for our foolishness, with his blood he paid”

Arjuna’s anger now had a target
Jayadratha would his mistake regret
The wielder of the Gandiva makes
A terrifying promise –
“If by sunset tomorrow
Jayadratha’s head does not lay
bleeding in the earth’s embrace
then I shall immolate
myself in the fiery blaze
my name shall be stained with eternal shame”

“why such harsh words, Partha?”, asks Krishna,
“why take such a hasty oath,
what if you fail? Abhimanyu is gone
but there are others
whose dependence upon you is just as it was”

“But Keshava”, Arjuna retorts,
“it was you who had a complaint,
that my arrows had no fire,
that my fighting was spiritless
that I was shirking the Dharma of a warrior,
so now that the flames of passion
are fuelled by my loss
why do you tell me dampen
my vengeance, and besides
with you as my charioteer,
friend and guide,
I am assured
That success will be mine”

“So be it Partha,
It may be that destiny has decreed
that you are Jayadratha’s nemesis,
but be aware, that it will not be easy
our enemies will seize upon this opportunity
to shame you and rid themselves of you
Jayadratha will be well guarded
and if we get past the Kaurava army
to Jayadratha, you must employ
the Pasupatastra-that mighty weapon
gifted to you by Mahadeva himself”

this decision made, they await
the fourteenth day
in the Pandava camp there is anticipation
in the Kaurava camp fear, and anxious preparation
Jayadratha in mortal terror,
would rather the battlefield avoid,
and turn his back and be called a coward
than face Arjuna’s undefeatable missiles
but under Drona’s advice and assurance
he fearfully stays

The fourteenth day dawns
even the Sun God seems excited
he wishes he could stay and watch
the outcome of the fight this day
but the sun cannot stop
it must do its duty
just like the warriors  on the battlefield today

soldiers wither as Arjuna’s wrath
falls as bolts of lighning
assisted by the brave Satyaki
five akshauhinis are decimated
but within a triple vyuha
Jayadratha is still safe
waves and waves of warriors come
and to Yamaloka dispatched
but Jayadratha is not yet encountered
and the sun is low upon the horizon

Fatigue overtakes the battlefield
and the end seems near
in a few minutes the sun will have set-
for the Kaurava’s a welcome relief,
for the Pandava’s their greatest fear!
now Arjuna seems to panic
now he gives in to despair
wishing he could hold back the sun
just till he can exact his revenge!

Krishna realizes his Partha’s  plight
for the sake of justice he must act
with clever insight
this embodiment of the divine
eclipses the sun
behind Narayana’s discus
it is hidden

the world believes
that the sun has set
the mighty Arjuna has fallen!
The Kuarava’s scream in delight,
The Pandava’s crestfallen
Arjuna hangs his head in desperation
he has been unable to fulfill his oath
unable to avenge Abhimanyu’s death

from hiding Jayadratha emerges
cowardly rat now seemingly a lion
“Arjuna, fulfill your promise”, he jeers
“let us see you get on the pyre,
foolish warrior that you are
you dared to clash with
the Kaurava might
now see where your stupidity
has led you, like son like father!”

the entire Kaurava host laughs
overjoyed at seeing Arjuna lost
the greatest of their enemies
will now commit suicide
forever this humiliation
will haunt his brothers
and they shall lose faith
drop down their weapons in
futility and depression
and the war shall be won!

as they rejoice in their ignorance
Krishna intervenes,
suddenly the sun comes out again
bright and shining, as if to say,
“Arjuna is not defeaten!”

Now the tables are turned-
The Kaurava army falls in disarray
in the Pandava camp loud hurrays!
Conches are blown and the fighting resumes
For the second time that day
Jayadratha out in the open feels
The presence of Yama
And Arjuna, his spirits reawakened
looks like a fiery tower
his eyes blazing coals

Krishna speaks: “Quick Arjuna! Do not hesitate
a moment longer,
dispatch your Pasupata with haste,
but remember Jayadratha’s other boon-
the one given to him by his father
that the one who makes his head roll,
will have his own burst into a thousand pieces”

Arjuna obeying stretches his bowstring
The Pasupata is loaded,
a short prayer to Mahadeva said,
the arrow becomes the messenger of death
severing Jayadratha’s head off his shoulder
an expression of shock-the last look on his face
for a moment his body stands
and then falls with a thud to the ground

the Pasupata carries the head afar,
outside the battlefield and deposits
it in the lap of Jayadratha’s father
who seeing the  disembodied head his son
lets its fall on the ground in shock and awe
and instantly in fulfillment of the boon he gave
his head explodes into a thousand fragments

the Sun God bids adieu
now the day is done

the oath is fulfilled,
Arjuna still lives,
The Kauravas are filled with dread
for they know that Arjuna will not cease
his anger will not be appeased
with only the death of Jayadratha
he will now be a fiercer
and a stronger foe

On the Pandava side
Victory drums beat
Abhimanyu has been avenged!

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Gandiva : Arjuna's divine bow
Mahadeva: Lord Shiva
Keshava: Another name for Krishna
Partha : Another name for Arjuna
Pasupatastra: A weapon gifted to Arjuna by Lord Shiva
Akshauhini: Ancient battle unit consisting of 21,870 chariots (Sanskrit ratha); 21,870 elephants; 65,610 cavalry and 109,350 infantry.
vyuha:battle formation
Yamaloka: the realm of Yama, the God of Death/The Underworld
Narayana : Lord Vishnu

Jayadratha: Once while trying to abduct Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas, Jayadratha was humiliated by the Pandavas. In order to avenge his humiliation, he underwent rigourous penance to please Lord Shiva from whom he received a boon that he could hold all the Pandavas at bay for one day when Arjuna and Lord Krishna were not around. He used that boon on the day Abhimanyu was to enter the Chakravyuha, thereby preventing the Pandava brothers from protecting Abhimanyu. He was thus the root cause of Abhimanyu's death.
Jayadratha also had another boon from his father, i.e; who ever caused the head of Jayadratha to fall on the ground, will be killed immediately by having his own head burst into 1000 pieces.
Hal Loyd Denton Oct 2012
Men fight great battles in the depths of the sea but when there toil and terror is at end they return to
The harbor that is woman no other creature is so endowed or gifted in the specific her voice soothes
Her touch turns back great emotional waves her very breath is able to untangle sorted knots the
Wayward wind is her ally it carries fragrances that the suspicion is they are other worldly they define
Majesty of power they still the warring that continues in the heart she takes up the place of the lone
Bugler she sweetly blows the call to retreat not of defeat but of honor now release of pent up
Impressions that fasten themselves in gentle souls there are pools of error that other men fall into
That endangers not our country only but their own if they are not opposed another made this
Remarkable image of a woman and called it harboring dreams a **** the color of bluish grey her arms
Across her chest her face turned to her shoulder looking down her hair gripping as it seems to be in a
Tight wind with strips of her hair carried out flaying in the wind as she looks down with intenseness
Vulnerability with determination truly a harbor of rescue but it doesn’t end the scene changes with in
A sea house she is positioned in front of a great window it is night and she with just a soft glowing light
Has a thin white blanket pulled around her as she sets on the floor with her knees pulled up under
Her as she stares into space but observe the eyes they are so large and liquid soulful eyes that speak of
Knowing suffering on personnel level it seems for lifetimes but oh friend approach them you will get lost
In them more of the harbor of woman hood is being reveled to you having passed under sea clouds you
Were adrift in the glowing moonlight your troubles were evident on your face they played the saddest
Dance pathos at every twist and turn but when she catches your glance the wings of healing descends
Two souls desperately out on the fringe hope has been lost in the foreboding wood but now feminine
Mastery through the softness of her nature covers you the enlightened rays of her thoughts will not only
Harbor you but it will instruct and be the freeing that was set forth in creation for that very reason when
Mans strength and power has gone as far as it can then the reserve of the soulful tender spirit will show
You wonders you never be held before can soft words save where might will only move matters father and deeper into conflict yes it can it truly is the hidden current undergirding all relationships the unstoppable undefeatable love of a woman the greatest harbor man can know other than God’s spirit that works the same way and it’s central elements and theme is undying love no greater refuge can be found
Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2012
Men fight great battles in the depths of the sea but when there toil and terror is at an end they return to
The harbor that is woman no other creature is so endowed or gifted in the specific her voice soothes
Her touch turns back great emotional waves her very breath is able to untangle sorted knots the
Wayward wind is her ally it carries fragrances that the suspicion is they are other worldly they define
Majesty of power they still the warring that continues in the heart she takes up the place of the lone
Bugler she sweetly blows the call to retreat not of defeat but of honor now release of pent up
Impressions that fasten themselves in gentle souls there are pools of error that other men fall into
That endangers not our country only but their own if they are not opposed another made this
Remarkable image of a woman and called it harboring dreams a **** the color of bluish grey her arms
Across her chest her face turned to her shoulder looking down her hair gripping as it seems to be in a
Tight wind with strips of her hair carried out flaying in the wind as she looks down with intenseness
Vulnerability with determination truly a harbor of rescue but it doesn’t end the scene changes with in
A sea house she is positioned in front of a great window it is night and she with just a soft glowing light
Has a thin white blanket pulled around her as she sets on the floor with her knees pulled up under
Her as she stares into space but observe the eyes they are so large and liquid soulful eyes that speak of
Knowing suffering on personnel level it seems for lifetimes but oh friend approach them you will get lost
In them more of the harbor of woman hood is being reveled to you having passed under sea clouds you
Were adrift in the glowing moonlight your troubles were evident on your face they played the saddest
Dance pathos at every twist and turn but when she catches your glance the wings of healing descends
Two souls desperately out on the fringe hope has been lost in the foreboding wood but now feminine
Mastery through the softness of her nature covers you the enlightened rays of her thoughts will not only
Harbor you but it will instruct and be the freeing that was set forth in creation for that very reason when
Mans strength and power has gone as far as it can then the reserve of the soulful tender spirit will show
You wonders you never be held before can soft words save where might will only move matters father and deeper into conflict yes it can it truly is the hidden current undergirding all relationships the unstoppable undefeatable love of a woman the greatest harbor man can know other than God’s spirit that works the same way and it’s central elements and theme is undying love no greater refuge can be found
Marigold Dec 2012
Hard times for dreamers
and that summer was the happiest haze ever felt.
Did you want to be an inspiration?
To inspire something,
beautiful in the world?

She slipped out her skin,
watched it fall in a heap around her ankles,
stepped from all hindrances
and became the invincible.

I am undefeatable tonight,
and all I say is true.
Nash Wolfe Dec 2014
A dedication to a Lost Love.

If only my simple words could captivate every emotion that I am trying to convey. To summarize an illustrious story which I hold close to my dearest heart; then I would give you the entire world and then even more. From the deepest skies I would soar, just to bestow a higher power that you deserve; I would revive our love and mark every ocean shore for all to glance upon. My heart sets on fire and burns in blazing flames every time I hear you say “I love you”. I lose control, my nerves kick in and I am frozen within time; with you everything seems endless. The taste of your sensational kiss halts my heart; for when we depart, I hold on to that very last kiss and cleanse to it compassionately; the thought of you ponders everlasting.

The night is glorious; as they lay beneath Earth’s stars and galaxy. He comforts her and clings to her compassionately. He rolls his love on her back, as he blankets her in his arms; he glances through her glamorous eyes and finally spoke with a smile. “I see everything through your eyes. I see all that’s dark and brutal, to all that’s beautiful and filled with light. I see my whole world through your eyes.”
       She looks at him with silence as she tries to find the words to speak; then in a moment the words filter out like a waterfall. “For years I could only wonder how your kiss tasted, your lips against mine. Your smell eluded me, like I was knocking on Heaven’s door, just waiting to see the angels fluttering, an exquisite sight to see, an incredible beauty, to love unconditionally; a romance that is endless. Through your soul I can read an illustrious story.”

     He pulls her close; where he can hear every breath that circulates through her lungs. Then he gives her a soft kiss and a flutter of butterflies pours out of his stomach. “Our lips touch and it’s like a surge of electricity between our bodies.”

     “Gravity stops existing. We float through mid air. Flying through Heaven, our lips are still connected.”

     Kevin’s heart skips a beat as it starts to pulse rapidly; pondering over the love of his life, he only wishes to freeze time. “We float through space and time, an infinite dream, free to create our own reality; just you and me.”

She turns away from Kevin as she looks out in the wilderness. A cold breeze shifts towards her, as brisk bumps crawl up her spine. Everything shifts away; the open sky becomes more transparent. The moon still beams overhead; echo of howls vibrate through the wind. The silence between them leaves them both helpless and inert. She stands underneath a tree; the shadow it caste conceals her image. The leaves ruffle the peaceful atmosphere, with each crinkle and niche. The grass swiftly moves under Kevin’s body as he remains on the ground alone.

She glances at him persist, as his eyes connect with hers. They exchange each other’s worlds. Then she starts to dream off in an oblivious state of mind. She quietly speaks to Kevin. “As we drift together through the bewilder reality, we are bound by vines weaving around one another. Correlating a sense of compassion, as we endeavor this sensation, I get lost forever.”

Kevin stands up as he reaches for her soft hand and pulls it close to his chest; every beat of his heart she felt through the palm of her hand, then he began to speak softly. “Forever lost in your eyes like an infinite dream, the most amazing fantasy, our bodies weaving together, our lives intertwine like vines on a building.”

As she grasps his hands she stands bold; her eyes become cloudy, the night manifest deeper. Eagerly she speaks. “I pledge to this raven that stalks the night and watches over our bound vines, preying on its victim, not wanting to lose sight of this *******. It lingers with emotion. For our vibes are so strong that it paralyzes every eye.” She glares directly into Kevin’s eyes. “They choke because they need air to breathe.  We memorize them with our feelings’.
     Kevin’s eyes shift as they change from gray to a deep green; he becomes weak as his knees break beneath him. Slowly he loses balance, but before he falls his love catches him; closely they stand together, their strength is upheld by each other. Kevin lightly touches his love’s face and deeply speaks. “We steal breaths from those around us to feed our imaginable love growing ever longer day by day”.
     Nearly out of breath, she tenaciously speaks to him. “Unstoppable, undefeatable, I’m breathing slowly as I get closer to a man that sustains a capacity that is like no other”. She grabs onto his chest tightly not wanting to ever let go. “Our love burns hotter than fire and can freeze your heart like ice. What we share with each other you can only seek it once in a life time”.

       A light breeze fills the atmosphere around them; the dark starry night still covers the sky. He stands up, leaving her side. She remains inert on the ground as he stands by a tree grasping for the words to rebut. “It burns ever hotter and freezes ever colder. Growing ever stronger, able to stop an army and break the strongest barriers, never faltering jolts of lightening across the blue sky, able to conquer all in the path of this love”.

She rises to him, as they share a kiss. Their life changes, the sun finally peeks over the horizon creating a new day.

They go their separate ways; as Kevin let’s go of his love’s hand and kisses it one more time. He walks alone with tension in his mind. Finally he reaches home and immediately goes straight to his room.
The window in Kevin’s room blows a cold breeze; curtains flutter as his door slams shut. Kevin only hears silence; a pin drops to his floor and lingers through his chamber. The moon’s light is the only source that shines for his sight. Kevin lays in his prison, alone pondering over his life.

“So much going through my mind, my head is spinning in circles; I am losing my balance and I am about to break. Circumstances are not where they should be; my life is slowly crashing. Everything is changing so fast, I don’t know where to catch a grasp. My strength is going down the drain and I don’t know how much longer I can hang on. My paths are caving in; every road feels block. I toss and turn through out the night, just to escape my oblivious mind. I take one step forward to fall three steps back”.

Kevin rolls over on his back, as his mind and heart contemplates over his emotion that tears him apart inch by inch. His insides are ripping out and he holds them in his hands. Kevin’s stomach turns as his heart explodes. His blood pressure rises; then he sinks into a deep inner thought.

“When I break, when I fall, when I lose myself and tumble, if I give all I am, when I’m ready to take, will I be strong enough to fight, as I wait? If I search will I find the answers that are hidden? All that I have forsaken, when I am expose to the openness, expose to the brokenness.”

       Kevin’s eyes grow tighter as he shields them shut. Complete darkness surrounds him; Hell burning up in flames touches his skin, red marks crosses his flesh. The heat rises, Kevin’s walls begin to melt; as his life crumbles beneath his feet. He still searches for a higher power to relieve his despair. Kevin’s mind is screaming out and silence falls to the ground. He lays on his casket alone; as he murmurs to himself.

“Here I am it feels like I am not breathing, like I am only dreaming! When I sacrifice, in order to let go, when I lose at every battle, my heart gets fainter as you get closer. I lose control, my body in despair, shaky and scared. I tremble with each step, afraid to fail, to make a mistake. Make me feel like you did when I first gazed through your eyes, I was seeing through Heaven’s gate. The angels flying based upon fate, I get lost in them for days, like pain doesn’t exist on the prosperity of serenity.”

     Kevin falls dead, as he drifts away in a dream. Clouds fill his mind, and then draw blank. Through a far distant Kevin hears a faint voice. The sound of an angel intervenes in his head. She creeps closer and her image starts to become clearer. Her skins like a smooth mocha cream; her eyes cleanses with the night, beauty that he has never seen. Kevin’s eyes become focuses on the angel; as she draws nearer. She opens her arms and softly speaks. “Fall into my arms gently, let me take control. M arms will be your security; your protection to keep you safe in this world. Let me guide and lead the way, a new beginning to another chapter. We can create a life together, fast or slow. I will ease your oblivious mind and erase all of your pain.” The angel comes closer to Kevin, as her hair blows in front of her face. She stares at him then softly conveys. “I will show you a form of love that you desired for so long; there are no limits to this sensation. We are free to take it and run, together we unit as one.”

     Kevin sits in polarization as her glances at the angel. He trembles with each word. “I want to wrap you in my arms and keep you in my warm embrace; to hold you there till the morning light breaks through the window. I will blanket you in my warmth that is my everlasting love”.

     She lays in Kevin's arms as his body intertwines around hers. The atmosphere gets cooler; the clouds are still flying through mid-air. She grabs his hand tightly. “Let’s keep each other company and share a deep compassion, traveling through countries marking territories. Let the moon be the only light, it beams softly on your face. I'm allowed to see your mystical eyes; they tell a long story”.

     Kevin falls back, and the angel follows too. “I will take you through the highest mountains, the lowest valleys, across the coldest tundra’s and the hottest deserts. We will go through the deepest jungles, and the furthest reaches of the ocean, from the rings of Saturn, back to the grass of Iowa, without leaving our room”.

  “Through the great valley we will go; I will follow you till the end of time. You are worth fighting, let all the pain and heart ache subside. Our love is much greater than a storm that roars thunder and strikes lightening.” The angel slides her hand across Kevin’s face; he feels her warm embrace through the palm of her hand.

     Kevin closes his eyes and words unravel within time. “Our love reaches farther than the longest roads; it’s deeper than the deepest ocean. It is greater than the greatest features of human history, more amazing than the pyramids, and larger than life of the greatest man.” He pauses and takes in a deep breath and allows it to circulate deep within.

     The angel flutters her beauty to Kevin, as his eyes widen with every movement to makes. She solemnly floats away, but she still remains within Kevin’s sight. She quietly murmurs. “Let’s unravel this story and see how great this love really is, unlock every bind that once trapped our hearts. It can finally be released and freed. Lets forget about the past and the pain it once caused, for nothing else matters. We pulled through this far; still happy as a child’s laughter, withering deeper to a place like no other”. She takes a quick pause as she grasps for air. “The rivers flow much deeper, waterfalls flow much heavier, and affection growing greater. For it never decays as it ages; it just becomes more valuable through every night and day.”

     Memorized by every word she conveys, Kevin expresses his love like never before. He shifts to his left side and holds on to his treasure tighter. “I am ready to explore the love we have like the tombs of the ancient kings. I’m ready to take the twist and turns, never knowing what is yet to come, only knowing we’ll be side by side the whole way through, till the end of time, just you and I, on our road of love” Kevin’s heart aches with  prosperity, explosion that is within his soul. His body shakes and quivers every time his heart makes a beat. He looks at this creation as if she is all he could ever see. Kevin kisses her gently; his heart races more. Their lips disconnect and a light surrounds them. He stands behind the angel and whispers in her ears. “My soul is yours, along with my heart for you to take, to do what you wish. My love for you can not be measured. I hope to be in your heart for the rest of days”.

       Kevin’s arms remain blanket around the angel, the night that covers the starry sky. They both look out in the clouds where peace is found. She turns around in Kevin’s barrier and gently the crisp of her fingertips glides through his hair, the lips of the angel moves like calmness of an ocean. “Time can’t capture every split moment. I deprive your touch, your love, never wanting to let go. I still held on waiting for the day. Years passed over and we reunited; we picked up where we left off as if we never lived years without each other”.

     Kevin reminisces for a moment and draws himself back to the past. He stands by the angel as the memories play over in his head. “Days came and went and still I thought of you; the months came and gone and still I thought about you; the years rolled by and by and still I thought about you. Then I thought of you no more because you were in my arms again. You and I entangle like vines climbing up the wall, wrapping around each other”. The angel gives Kevin a light kiss and says her goodbye. He watches her leave his presents then says, “Wait, my love when I will see you again?” The silence answer Kevin’s question
The clouds wither away; the bright sky turns dark and gray. Everything around Kevin vanishes, then a cloud of smoke appears and a whisper conveys “Open your eyes and you will see me soon”. Kevin immediately opens his eyes and there his love was lying next to him. They both lay there sleepless and inert, as they fall asleep together. Their dreams intertwine with one another creating serenity.

         The waves collide as the ocean breaks to sonority then to calmness. A crack in which divides Heaven and Hell, with all the immoral things some how beauty is still found. There is a place where there is peace known as serenity. It helps people see everything; as the ocean departs and a new wave deprives the collision roars till the end of time.

      Kevin took a deep breath and let it lingered in the wind; then took a glance at the love of his life and spoke alluring words. "Walk through the veil from reality, to make believe. Allow your mind to drift into serenity pieces of you and me, together to keep in your heart and in your mind. I will show you the path to serenity."

       The love of his life pondered over Kevin’s words then responded back: "Will you drift with me to a place where there is serenity? A sacred piece that lets us be together, where there is no pain or suffering. Only the monuments that represent all that is make believe, a separation from reality.” She pushed her hair aside. “Where dreams guide the way, saving a memory to capture and remember. Will you grant me this serenity? Walk with me to this place that is unknown."

     Kevin took a few steps forward, and then paused. "This place is known to me. It’s anywhere that you’re with me and anyplace that I am with you, in the darkest dark or the brightest bright, the highest high or the lowest low. Serenity is you with me; happiness is me with you."

     She tightly closed her eyes and drifted away to a paradise in her oblivious mind. "I search for serenity when I reach my darkest hour. When the sun sets and ends another day. It’s never too dark when you’re with me. You’re the greatest light source that I will ever need.” She smiled at Kevin. “Happiness is a term that portrays an emotion where at times it’s inde
koketso Mar 2015
an ignition far more vivid
than a nuclear bomb
is how it all began

a war between two great kings
heart and mind
feelings and knowledge

both undefeatable,
mutually assured destruction for both

& with everything destroyed,
I love you with the survived debris of my heart.
Brianna Duffin Sep 2017
It’s in the smallest sounds
The briefest touches
The shortest glimpse
The most fleeting feeling
The faintest scent

It’s in the loudest symphonies
The longest entanglement
The seemingly endless moment shared between wandering gazes stopped
The lasting, lingering instinct
The strongest, most pungent aroma

It’s in an informal talk with a friend
A polite minute long conversation with a stranger
A speech given
A comment overheard
A phrase dropped
A joke made
A remark pointed

It’s in the violent torrents of stinging drops
The gentlest whispers of snowflakes dancing
The beacons of golden hope shining down undefeatable
The spiraling wisps twirling to the ground from their noble perch up above
The tiny fragments of faraway life sailing on the invisible breeze from one life to another

It’s the renewal every human needs,
That once in a while of going on
That inescapable truth: we’re only human
That once every so often we accept
That everyone can only take so much

We all need something to hold
We all need something to hope
We all need something to roam
We all need something to go
We all need something to have

It’s the renewal
And it’s everywhere
It’s in our waters
And in our fires
It’s in our air
And in our earth

Everywhere someone can find it
Everywhere someone will need it
It’s everywhere you look
It’s everywhere you need
That’s what renewal happens to give.
Dee Sep 2018
Pink socks, quietly walking into the spacious room.

Wondering around the vacant house wasn't something
she planned.

It just always happened.

The room affected her, In ways, she did not like.

It brought back memories she wanted to forget,
but never could.

Nevertheless, she liked it there.

For she always got letters that reminded her she wasn't alone.

That she wasn't forgotten. That they remembered her, for all she has done for them.

She was locked away with the same darkness that was in everyone.

She just decided to make it consume her.

She wouldn't fight a battle she knew she couldn't win.
Juniper Deel Aug 2014
Love is like the fear in hope,
When men gain too much pride.
Although it seems to ever fade,
Love will never die.

And while the world is staved of faith,
And evil will be ever great,
Love can change and save the world,
And love will never die.

Peace on earth has never been,
But it will come with strong-willed men,
Charging through with open arms,
Love will come again.

We do what's right,
And fight to see the light.
It beckons, shining through a tiny hole. For as we get stronger...
So does the burning coal.

And as we know in our hearts
That love will come again,
We raise up flaming souls

Undefeatable within.
H W Erellson Jun 2014
Clinging to the eternal truth
That manaña never comes
But put all faith in the dawn of tomorrow
All the eggs in the sunlit basket

Because here, now,
In the dust of the crushed buildings
The pettiness, the bite of bullets from rooftops
The megaphones screeching their siren songs across
The dredge of forbidden earth,
Here and now
We embrace,

In the dawn of mañana a mother feeds a son
Toasts are made
The Spanish smile and
Gesture to the sky;
They are undefeatable
In the face of defeat;
In the face of mañana.
possible second part to my original piece 'HUESCA' on the Spanish civil war.
Holly Keller Jan 2013
A world long lost among the shadows of despair
emerges, beaming with new found hope.
Our souls, disconnected and searching for truth
stand no longer alone on a frayed, broken rope.
Our eyes lay unopened, unable to see
through the blindness engulfing our lives
but our own deadly sins faced a turbulent battle
when Jesus came and died.

Atop a lonely hillside drenched with the bitter perfume of death
stood the cross of trembling fear
awaiting salvation's quest.
The distant horizon kissed the day good-bye
fading out of sight
draping the sunset on the long-gone memories
creating a vision of light.

As dusk fell over the flourishing garden
in a moment all too soon
the piercing truth cut deep inside
by the light of the faithful moon.
Gazing up at the sapphire sky
falling down to pray,
Jesus called out to God
with His heart filled with sorrow
for strength for tomorrow's dark day.

With a kiss of betrayal came a violent arrest,
the convictions of the crowd's mighty roar.
He bore bravely the unrelenting burden of sin
that would dominate our hearts nevermore.

"Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" His tormentor's yelled,
His clothes bloodstained and torn.
"Hail, King of the Jews!" came the cruel, heartless shouts,
deeply wounding His head, a crown of thorns.

Nailed to a cross of merciless torture
enduring excruciating pain
He hung there in silence and humiliation
burning with undeserved shame.

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken Me?"
He cried out to the heavens above
as He took on the sin of our wretched world
with an eternal abundance of love.

He could have saved Himself right then and there
and ascended into the sky,
but He chose instead to save our unworthy souls
accepting His destiny to die.

When the hour had come and befallen the earth
and the voices of angels were heard
His labored breath grew shorter still
as He whispered His final words...
"Father, forgive them, for they do not know
what they are doing to me".
And with one last breath, as He slipped away
He fulfilled our father's dream.

His deepest sacrifice touches us all
with an incomparable gift.
In our hearts forever stands
the cross of salvation's lift.
A symbol of mercy
of undying grace
a truth of which we must never lose sight.
A message of undefeatable love
a promise of eternal life.
Alexsandra Danae Jul 2013
a wicked, deafening drum
synced with the brutal,
monotonously thudding rhythm
of my own jaded,
bitter heart's sickly beat
each throb of my
pulse rips savagely
at my seams
the wretched sobbing
of a crumbling soul
trickles and weeps out from me
and darkly cloaked
within the furthest reaches
of my disassembling being
secrets spun into silky
spider web strands
ensnare any shreds of light
holding truth and hopes
captive until they can be
drained to lifeless husks
****** to infinite suffocation
struggling with an unconquerable  battle
a war, the likes of which
no human has ever,
even just once,
managed to have won
there's no cure,
no remedy to mend
what's broken, breaking,
shattering all around

I'M CRYING and begging at
an unseen God to come
come to my rescue
pleading for an intangible,
omniescent being to
destroy the tower built by
my own sinful nature
my own deceit
praying to a Creator
whose very existence I
still can't help but to
question and sink in doubts
but for that miniscule chance
He's real and might
maybe help me...
because the very reality
of such mercy and grace
could bring this
otherwise undefeatable
curse crashing down,
down, down, down...

banging out its mad rhythm
of anguish
changing, changing now
changing its infuriating tune...
with the final
dying grains of
my imagination,
I'll shove aside my
terror; my unholy fear
of the relentless
force of disappointment
I'll indubitably feel when
I reach my finishing line
clutching onto a
hideous fail
such an asinine act,
this allowing of a bitsy
fragment of hope
to creep and crawl
inside the walls
of my mind
but I've nothing more
left beyond this
bleak black floor
sagging beneath my feet
and a hope,
regardless how quiet,
no matter how
pitifully dim,
could quite easily be
the absolute  final
spark of light that
my eyes shall ever see...
Margo May Mar 2017
In the fellowship of believers
I lift my voice;
in the fellowship of believers
I make my praises loud;
in the fellowship of believers
Your marvelous name is proclaimed.

Let every nation,
let every tribe,
let all creation,
gather as one
in harmony.

What power there is in unity!
Unity under the Holy One;
unity under the Lord our God.

When we come together,
He is there!
Evil has no power
for His goodness triumphs!

Our God is undefeatable,
our God stands unshakable;
He remains,
He endures,
He withstands
the test of time.
He always persists,
always perseveres,
always prevails.

I fear not for the world will not conquer me;
I fear not for the world has no power over my life.

The Lord shall keep my feet steady on His path!
He keeps me steady as I walk in His ways;
He keeps me steady for all of my days;
therefore, He is worthy of all praise!

The righteous rejoice in the Lord,
but the wicked do no such thing;
The righteous experience true freedom,
but the wicked remain slaves to their sin.

Let every nation,
let every tribe,
let all creation,
gather as one
in harmony.

Again I say Rejoice!
Lift up your voice
and make your praises loud;
proclaim the marvelous name of the Lord;
so all may know and be saved.
for one of my classes i had to compose my own psalm, and here is the result.
mark john junor Oct 2013
the five fighters push past
at a slow run
their sweating form
a unified theory of motion
their thoughts
a universe of devotions
to the craft of defeat and victory's
they move with concentration through
the steady persistence of rain
as a single
organism of denials of the ability to
surrender to the dull life

as they push past you
pacing the wet pavement with careworn step
you can feel the cheering crowd
you can sense the elation
of the upraised fist of championship
and the eyes of the world upon
as they push past you sense
what it means to be

five fighters
at a slow run
in the steady uncaring rain
and as they push past your
broken wheelbarrow existence
they reach out from within to share their strength
for the greatest champion
knows the strength of frailty
Alec Boardman Mar 2017
Feet don’t fail me now.
I can’t look back, no way to go but forward
I need to stand tall so no one can push me down
I have to march on and pull away from the sticky bubblegum of my mistakes to rise up and grow higher than anyone ever could
This world needs a hero, and I sure ain’t that, but I sure am going to try
People push you down, but you have to pour in courage like the yeast in the recipe of your ideal self so you can rise to defeat all that will challenge you
Break free of the chains made of liquorice and spit on the crushed toys of the past to become someone no one expected you to be
Laugh at the quests others have said were undefeatable as you stomp them into the ground
Snicker when they say you can’t
With the flame burning in your chest, write in big firey letters the names of those who have crossed you and take the ocean of tears they’ve forced you to produce to wash them all out
They are nothing
You can do anything as long as you
September 2016
ephemeral Feb 2016
"I'm a sad girl/I'm a bad girl//"

I'm a sad girl
but I've gotten better at controlling it.

now I only let myself get sad once Loneliness knocks on my door and invites itself in. it tends to do so past midnight, but it does enjoy keeping me on my toes. sometimes, it'll creep up on me while I'm in the car, and a song comes on the radio that reminds me of you.

I'm a bad girl
but only occasionally.

I'd like to think that I'm a total badass that can pull off the whole "I don't give a ****" attitude. but I can't.
so when you try to picture me as I tell you I'm a bad girl, don't picture me as a mysterious teenager with a taste for wild adventures.
picture me instead as the girl that lashes out at people, and is known for being a bit of a *****.


I'm a sad girl
and most of the time, it's because of you.

which, I suppose, might amuse you, because you do enjoy the thought that everything is about you.
but it isn't, really. not anymore.
of course, I think of you, from time to time. but I know I never cross your mind, and I don't think I ever did.
and somehow the thought of that was enough to help me make peace with what happened. I'm okay now,with letting you go. Loneliness has found other people to entertain, as have I.

I'm a bad girl
but not really.

I'm much too vulnerable for that. but I've learned that there is strength to be found in that—in weakness.
I wanted to be invincible, and who can blame me, really? isn't it every teenager's dream to be on top of the world?
but being undefeatable and creating distance between anyone that tries to get you to open up are not the same thing.

and if I had to choose, I'd rather be sad.
at least then, I know that while I'd have crazy mood swings and bursts of darkness, I'd be in full control of my feelings.
and one day, I'll be okay.
Joel Nail Dec 2015
Is it better on fearful feet
To run from my ghastly ghouls
Who maliciously haunt my innocuous mind?
Or to turn and try a fight
In which I will most certainly succumb
To my ever living enemies?

Enemies of the mind,
Their variety endless,
Just as their abilities
To shatter and destroy,
Fragile and unlike alike,
To fragments of former reality.

Is it so noble
To fight demons undefeatable
Rather than choose a simple flight
Away from tormentous anxieties?
A decision quickly made by a courageous and fearful few,
And pondered upon for lifetimes by others,
Will haunt me alike to the fears
Who proposed the question initially.
Michael Joseph Sep 2019
I adore you…

Your will undeniable,

Your word unbreakable,

Your strength undefeatable,

I never stood a chance.

You’re the all brave, all mighty,

omnipotent, omniscient,

The giver of life, the righteous,

And I must follow you, obey  you

Follow your footsteps, or be punished,

But I was disobedient,

a curdled flesh

unworthy of my creator,

A disgrace in his presence.

“Bless me, father, for I have sinned.”

(Your mighty fists resound inside my head.)

“Forgive me for defying you.”

(Your glorious feats like whippings I can’t bear.)

“Save me from this darkness, my savior.”

(Your word a storm outside my world.)

“And mold me in your spirit.”

(I hated you.)


I am a follower of your girdled path through goodness,

A witness of your immortal rule.
This poem was created when I started being aware that my parents are very self-serving when it comes to decision making. I was so frustrated back then, but now I understand that every person have all their self-interests weighed in before giving their decisions, and it works the same with parenting.
Clara Oswin Jun 2014
Anorexia is a demon
An angel wrapped in a shroud of darkness
It starts out slowly
Restricting a bit
Chewing 32 times before swallowing
Writing down the foods that you eat
Then she knows you're falling
Maybe you should start skipping lunch
Did you really just snack?
Your insides become an empty cavern as she makes her home in your lungs
That overwhelming guilt
When you reach inside the bag of Doritos
And you want to cry because it's all you have to eat today
No she screams
And you obey because you don't know what else to do
And your sinking in this abyss of loneliness
She makes it better, she makes you feel so free
You think you may collapse from love
Stupid cow
Feel the fat swim around your tummy, thighs, ribs
And you feel so strong when you can go
16, 24, 48 hours
Without so much as a cough drop hitting your stomach
And the empty echo of your stomach feels like comfort
Even though it hurts
She took over my mind and ever since then i have been trying to get it back
My sanity, my personality, my happiness
The light has gone out and i stare at pictures of me
The emptiness behind these dark brown eyes is unbearable
I thought this would make me undefeatable
But i feel more guilty than before
This didn't make me strong, this crushed me more than i thought anything could
wordvango Mar 2018
The infatigable undefeatable Maurice Brown
Played the tuba down on
First street. Freelanced.
I saw him once spanking that ***
On Mardi gras
Long ago.
I sent him a shot of Bourbon
And a jack back then
So admiring of his
Oomph oomph bellow
His large belly fit that brass
So well.
He was backbone of the street
Musicians marching proud
Through those streets lined
With drunks pickpockets
**'s pimps and beggars three.
All he cared about was that driving deep sound
The shot brought him
In the needle after
I saw him last time ten years ago
Asleep in the gutter down on brown street.
Alone his tuba
Katie Lo Apr 2014
I lay my eyes on you today and resent and remorse are shot through my bones. The sound I craved that is released from your mouth is now just noise. The color of your eyes I had memorized but now I struggle to remember how warm the shade of brown you possess is. I had laughed at all of your jokes, no matter how silly or irrelevant, and now I’m sick of the same punchline and outcome. Your once sparkly and undefeatable smile now dulls my heart, for I have seen brighter and sweeter. Your once soft skin resembles that of a cactus for I attempt my best to prevent any form of contact with you. Your once incredible bed head hairstyle now bores me as much as your personality. I observe and note down mentally the love you’ve shared with myself, with others, and now with your permanent lover. Nothing appears different, not even the slightest. You've yet to change your affection, but you've only changed the who. Similar in many ways, you’re repeating love with a different name. How is it that I believed in every step of what we used to endure that I, in your eyes, was irreplaceable, unattainable to others for you were mine forever, that I was your soul mate, that we were perfect? You now repeat similar if not exact words to another and it baffles me. Does your conscience ever lurk through your heart of stone, with the memories of what was? Do the voices in your head ever speak to you in the middle of night like mine? Two hearts, two minds, similar in purpose yet diverse in what we choose to pursue.
Tenshi Jul 2019
They are deep and hurtful,
They are a part of you which changes your whole character, your personality and your life,
They are strong and if you are not careful enough they will destroy you
They are undefeatable by your own and even if you get help they will never completely be gone !

Izzy Mar 2021
She stands beneath the grey clouds in the pouring rain,
Thunder raging and roaring
She screams because she’s lost hope
She’s lost control, lost power
She’s broken, lost, and afraid
She is alone in an undefeatable storm
No one will ever save her
Not even herself
And so, with every last tear and every last howl
She screams for what once was
For what once existed, what she once had
She screamed for everything she’d lost
And everything she’d once dreamed
Because now she’s lost hope
At least, she thought she did
But maybe her will to scream means something more, something better
She still has enough strength to scream, to cry, to hate
And maybe that strength means somewhere, deep down inside, she has hope
Just a little hope
Just enough hope
And enough may just be all she needs
It may be everything she needs
To defeat the undefeated
To smile one last time
To breathe with triumph
Zeno Wislocki Apr 2018
A never ending battle
Between two foes
Both undefeatable
Both bigger than any other
Both capable of immense damage
Over the mind I call my own

Two foes
Fighting for the right
To destroy me
An endless tug-of-war game
The prize being the end of me

One takes the title of anxiety
But is known in many different forms
Vowing to cut me off from the world
By filling me with fear and worry
Hoping only to drive me to insanity

The other titled depression
Priding itself on killing my hopes
Vowing to cut me off from myself
By making me feel worthless
Hoping to drive me to self-hate

Crying, begging with both
To just make some compromise
A deal with two devils
In hopes of lessening their pain
Neither will have mercy
Neither will make a truce
Neither will defeat each other
Nor will they be defeated by any other

Little do they know
By clawing, scratching
At each other to get in my head
They destroy me in the process
Symbiotically they unnerve me
Together they annihilate me
They simply don’t realize
How well they work together
How well they bring me to an end
cleann98 Apr 2018
Ice creams melting.
Day dreamers before they wake.

Do you know what it feels like,
To have loved,
And lost,
And to know,
Not your mistake?

Feels like
Fresh apples growing
Knowing not the scent
Of their rot.

Or like
That strange sad feeling
Of perfection, not a looming blemish
Not a tiny little speck
Not even a single spot.

It goes without saying
That the Sun will rise
And the Sun soon shall fall.
But the Sun's always there
To forever watch us all.

Yet, just, I can't help but feel,

Since ice creams,
No matter how delicious
Will sooner or later melt
If we take too long to savor.

And daydreamers,
No matter what they seek
Must always have their wake
Without resolving their endeavor.

Do you know what it's like
To fight the undefeatable?

For is it truly better
To have loved
Then lost,
Than to accept the inevitable?
Breaking the lines of Alfred Lord Tenneyson--- Is it really better to have loved then lost than to never love at all?
So as I said,
That there will never be a day,
Where the darkness will devour me as prey,
I mean to say,
That because the crazy mind in my fray,
I am viewed as an equal,
But still invadable.
It can show it's self,
Disturbing and disgusting thoughts,
But the damage,
Is only an effect,
Not an affect.
Does that make sense?
As insensible as the blocking fog I described,
Ocean of craziness in a strong side,
Thought can be sensed,
But cannot sense the blocking,
Unlike emotions like hope or anger,
Fear or any other familiar stranger,
That can be beaten,
Or turned as an ally,
Or weapon to darkness that lie,
It is only a mental sensation,
That I can use or have any time in the day.
Like the darkness,
Only when it is thought of,
Can it become part temporarily,
In my brain.
Commuter Poet Dec 2018
Crossing great highways
Of the capital city
The king fights on

Thick green matter
May clog his airways
And rattle his chest
As he splutters through
The pallor of a wintery illness

December fatigue
And hungry anxiety
May grinds his bones
And shake his humours
But ancient spells
Will rouse up within him
A dragon more powerful and strong
Than you can imagine

He has made it to this day  
And he will ingest
A concoction of sugary confections
And spiced drinks
To anoint and soothe his inner workings

For he is
The King of Essex
Most noble and brave
Undefeatable by any adversary
Prepared to fight
Until the bitterest conclusion
Occupying the throne
Glowing with life
14th Dec 2018
Travis Green May 2023
Mornings with his alluring royal gloriousness
Makes me salivate to taste him over and over again
Luxuriate in his grand slamming tornado
Brimming with crazy hot amorosity

Enter his macho chocolate man cave
Where he enamors me forever and a day
His come-hither glistening eyes
Reel me into his engaging and dominating manliness

To venture forth through the marvelous wonders of his core
I desire for his life to be with mine
To feel his wild fiery power
Shoulder his dopeness in my wholeness
His machoness ensconced in my heart’s home

He is so classically charismatic
So magically delicious with the illest undefeatable swagger
I melt in the arms of his flawless disarming finesse
Captured by his clever superb rareness

The way he etches his superlative high-pressure perfection
In my submerged mind makes me yearn
To merge with his fervent cherishable earthiness
My eminent mesmeric gem

He devours and stupefies my feminineness
Beguiles my entireness with his sexually enticing arousingness
He is my gallant, valiant captain
So wickedly sharp-witted and mad-lit with it

My dreamy clean-cut Daddy
He sweeps me off my feet
Calls me his stellarly sweet and loveliest princess
I am in awe of his artful bountiful divineness

I wanna be with him and no one else
Let him set me ablaze
As I lay in his extravagantly affectionate
And unbreakable embrace
Travis Green Jun 2023
He is the magically delicious man of my dreams
So grippable, kissable, and undefeatable
My luscious muscular studmuffin
My moist chocolate hot boy
His enchantingness transfixes me

His sweetness appeals to me
I hunger for his monster-hunkish ruggedness
To feel the broadness of his charming chest
His hella pumped-up biceps
His tight, slappable ***

Being in his closeness
Has me so bowled over by his dopeness
Hankering to feel the mighty power
Of his top-notch dominant machoness
His untamed high-octane game

Such a tall rock-solid sauce daddy
So nasty, splashy, and tasty
His magical tattoed rareness attracts my attention
His entireness arouses me
Gives me the hottest hard-on

Increase the pace of my heart rate
Makes me crave for him
To take me to his ******* playground
Ram his pleasure monster buster
Deep in my tunnel of succulency

Make me feel every inch of him
Traversing further within me
Increase the speed
Make my *** cheeks jiggle
Make me feel the unbelievable litness
Of his sexually pleasing slickness

Observe his bouncy appetizing berries
As he confounds me, pounds me
Gnaw at the nape of my neck
Chain me up, *** me up
Look into my love-struck eyes
As he overpowers me

Pounces upon me
Grip my buoyant gigantic melons
Tweak my stiff chocolate nips
Smoke me all over
Spit in my creamy man *****

Take me to the deepest depths of ecstasy
Kiss the surface of my firm back
Make me gasp to the max
With his mad bad attraction
Hold me down, control my ground

Shove his thickness in my crash-hot love box
Make me bow down to his profoundness
Feel every ounce of his wildness
As he rises to a high point
And soaks my tightness with his five-star man oil
Travis Green Mar 2022
Your masculineness is seamless bewitching magic
It’s explosively beastly and undefeatable
It punctuates your unlimited and rare power
You devour my creation with your enamoring flex
Your boldness makes me float
Your release of deep masculine notes
Makes me choke on my spit
Your astonishing solidness shimmers
Increasingly all around me

I am so moonstruck by your seduction
Your ample, valuable, and long-lasting stamina
How I wanna sink into your **** impeccable melody
Feel your hands close to my flesh
On my monstrous stunning *******
Heavenly caresses against my sweet tasty *******
As I clutch your broad, awesome shoulders
Your salubrious neck, your dreamy pink lips
Your shimmery electrifying eyes

I crave unbounded pleasure with you
Kiss me and never let it end
Make my frequency meet you
At the midpoint of glorious magic
I am so hung up on your delicious vivacious splashiness
Your swagnificent masterpiece ravishes my mind
You are my golden globe of dopeness
My lively ardent tenderness
A slim splendorous spectacle
I wanna revel in your impeccability
Drift away into your supreme sweetness
LastSun Sep 2024
Those who adorned their thrones with gems and ruled through faith

Lay lifeless, their once-beautiful faces unmoving.

I looked at their faces and felt disgust.

Those whose thrones were made of bones and ruled through fear

Lie at my feet, heads severed, eyes locked with mine.

I looked at them and felt the same disgust.

At last, I had achieved the revenge I longed for.

Then I heard a cry.

Turning, I saw a boy weeping alone
In a sea of corpses, tears feeling from his eye. breaking faith and dissolving fear.

Our eyes met, A single sigh escaped my lips as this was the only way to defeat those who were undefeatable

Now I awaited him seated on the new throne.

And so, the cycle of revenge goes on.
Travis Green Jul 2023
He is such a sensual invincible prince
A dreamy lean finesse king
With the hottest certifiable swagger
That turns me on, makes me hot
On his top-notch rock-solid machoness

Every inch of him gets to me
The moistness of his soft pink lips
Make me long to kiss him
To lick him everywhere
Immerse myself in his perfectness

Cherish his earthiness, superbness, and masterfulness
Love him, touch him, crush on him
Listen to his deep, hypnotic voice
Make me sweat, make me melt
Make me so possessed by his prepossessingness

Ache for him in each and every way
Make me salivate to stay
In his grand enchanting man cave
Lay on his muscular thighs
Luxuriate in his nakedness

Stroke his thick chocolate pipe
Put it in my mouth
Feel how it arouses my entireness
Glide down my throat
**** his mad hot nuts

Give myself to him
Do everything I can for him
Never let go of his undefeatable slick pole
******* it over and over again
Bliss him out, make him moan loud

Make him gape at me
With lovestruck eyes
Move my hands up and down his robust abs
Smell his fragrant manliness
Escape into his radiant captivating wonderland
Of magically enrapturing wonder

He seizes and squeezes my bouncy ***** *******
Slide his tongue on my bright, appetizing peaks
Bite them, excite them, leave his teeth marks on them
**** him at a more rapid pace
Savor the unparalleled magic
Traveling through his fantastically dazzling masterpiece

I love how my mouth mingles
With his untouchable **** muscle
Lick it all over like thick sticky syrup
Slurp it, work it, devour his massive manly berries
As he rises to an electrifying ******
And spouts out his creamy man chowder
All over my exhilarated face
Gods1son Mar 2020
You are the God that cleansed me from
my ***** and sinful past
You are the God that illuminates my path
Daily, I swim in Your endless ocean of love
I'm constantly drenched in Your beauty
Your kindness towards me knows no limit
You've handpicked me by your grace to be blessed
You've set me aside from knowing distress
The peace You give calms my heart & soul
Your Spirit within me makes me whole
Your power at work in me makes me undefeatable
Your mercies towards me are ever new
I cry when I think about Your love for me
I'm not the most faithful, sometimes I act
a fool but You always find me loveable
What more can I say than to thank You Lord.
Sweet Jesus, my God, my all!
SiouxF Nov 2020
There’s two ways to live,
One is expansive.
The other restricting.
One is joyous.
The other painful.
One is unknown.
The other known.
But the uncomfortable comfort zone is no place to be.
Take a leap of faith
For it is only then you will learn to fly,
Like the baby bird leaving the safety of its nest for the first time,
It’s what it was destined to do.
So although it feels strange and scary,
It’s the only way to love, joy and freedom.
So trust,
Throw yourself off the cliff
With wild abandon
And wait for the wonderful experiences,
The dizzying heights,
The low valleys and dales,
Knowing God has your back
And you are fearless and undefeatable with God in your heart

— The End —