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El césped. Desde la tribuna es un tapete verde. Liso, regular,
aterciopelado, estimulante. Desde la tribuna quizá crean que,
con semejante alfombra, es imposible errar un gol y mucho menos errar
un pase. Los jugadores corren como sobre patines o como figuras de
ballet. Quien es derrumbado cae seguramente sobre un colchón de
plumas, y si se toma, doliéndose, un tobillo, es porque el gesto
forma parte de una pantomima mayor. Además, cobran mucho dinero
simplemente por divertirse, por abrazarse y treparse unos sobre otros
cuando el que queda bajo ese sudoroso conglomerado hizo el gol
decisivo. O no decisivo, es lo mismo. Lo bueno es treparse unos sobre
otros mientras los rivales regresan a sus puestos, taciturnos, amargos,
cabizbajos, cada uno con su barata soledad a cuestas. Desde la tribuna
es tan disfrutable el racimo humano de los vencedores como el drama
particular de cada vencido. Por supuesto, ciertos avispados
espectadores siempre saben cómo hacer la jugada maestra y no
acaban de explicarse, y sobre todo de explicarlo a sus vecinos, por
qué este o aquel jugador no logra hacerla. Y cuando el
árbitro sanciona el penal, el espectador avispado también
intuye hacia qué lado irá el tiro, y un segundo
después, cuando el balón brinca ya en las redes, no
alcanza a comprender cómo el golero no lo supo. O acaso
sí lo supo y con toda deliberación se arrojó al
otro palo, en un alarde de masoquismo o venalidad o estupidez
congénita. Desde la tribuna es tan fácil. Se conoce la
historia y la prehistoria. O sea que se poseen elementos suficientes
como para comparar la inexpugnable eficacia de aquel zaguero
olímpico con la torpeza del patadura actual, que no acierta
nunca y es esquivado una y mil veces. Recuerdo borroso de una
época en que había un centre-half y un centre-forward,
cada uno bien plantado en su comarca propia y capaz de distribuir el
juego en serio y no jugando a jugar, como ahora, ¿no? El
espectador veterano sabe que cuando el fútbol se
convirtió en balompié y la ball en pelota y el dribbling
en finta y el centre-half en volante y el centre-forward en alma en
pena, todo se vino abajo y ésa es la explicación de que
muchos lleven al estadio sus radios a transistores, ya que al menos
quienes relatan el partido ponen un poco de emoción en las
estupendas jugadas que imaginan. Bueno, para eso les pagan,
¿verdad? Para imaginar estupendas jugadas y está bien.
Por eso, cuando alguien ha hecho un gol y después de los abrazos
y pirámides humanas el juego se reanuda, el locutor
idóneo sigue colgado de la "o" de su gooooooool, que en realidad
es una jugada suya, subjetiva, personal, y no exactamente del delantero
que se limitó a empujar con la frente un centro que, entre todas
las otras, eligió su cabeza. Y cuando el locutor idóneo
llega por fin al desenlace de la "ele" final de su gooooooool privado,
ya el árbitro ha señalado un orsai que favorece,
¿por qué no?, al locatario.

Es bueno contemplar alguna vez la cancha desde aquí, desde lo
alto. Así al menos piensa Benjamín Ferrés,
veintitrés años, digamos delantero de un Club Chico,
alguien últimamente en alza según los cronistas
deportivos más estrictos, y que hoy, después de empatarle
al Club Grande y ducharse y cambiarse, no se fue del estadio con el
resto del equipo y prefirió quedarse a mirar, desde la tribuna
ya vacía (sólo quedan los cafeteros y heladeros y
vendedores de banderitas, que recogen sus bártulos o tal vez
hacen cuentas) aquel campo en el que estuvo corriendo durante noventa
minutos e incluso convirtió uno, el segundo, de los dos goles
que le otorgan al Club Chico eso que suele llamarse un punto de oro.
Sí, desde aquí arriba el césped es una alfombra,
casi un paño verde como el del casino, con la importante
diferencia de que allá los números son fijos,
permanentes, y aquí (él, por ejemplo, es el ocho) cambian
constantemente de lugar y además se repiten. A lo mejor con el
flaco Suárez (que lleva el once prendido en la espalda)
podrían ser una de las parejas negras. O no. Porque de ambos,
sólo el Flaco es oscurito.

Ahora se levanta un viento arisco y las gradas de cemento son
recorridas por vasos de plástico, hojas de diario, talones de
entradas, almohadillas, pelotas de papel. Remolinos casi fantasmales
dan la falsa impresión de que las gradas se mueven, giran,
bailotean, se sacuden por fin el sol de la tarde. Hay papeles que suben
las escaleras y otros que se precipitan al vacío. A
Benjamín (Benja, para la hinchada) le sube una bocanada de
desconsuelo, de extraña ansiedad al enfrentarse, ¿por
primera vez?, con la quimera de cemento en estado de pureza (o de
basura, que es casi lo mismo) y se le ocurre que el estadio
vacío, desolado, es como un esqueleto de multitud, un eco
fantasmal de esa misma muchedumbre cuando ruge o aplaude o insulta o
agita banderas. Se pregunta cómo se habrá visto su gol
desde aquí, desde esta tribuna generalmente ocupada por las
huestes del adversario. Para los de abajo en la tabla, el estadio
siempre es enemigo: miles y miles de voces que los acosan, los
persiguen, los hunden, porque generalmente el que juega aquí, el
permanente locatario, es uno de los Grandes, y los de abajo sólo
van al estadio cuando les toca enfrentarlos, y en esas ocasiones apenas
si acarrean, en el mejor de los casos, algunos cientos de
fanáticos del barrio, que, aunque se desgañitan y agitan
como locos su única y gastada bandera, en realidad no cuentan,
es imposible que tapen, desde su islote de alaridos, el gran rugido de
la hinchada mayor. Desde abajo se sabe que existen, claro, y eso es
bueno, y de vez en cuando, cuando se suspende el juego por
lesión o por cambio de jugadores, los del Club Chico van con la
mirada al encuentro de aquel rinconcito de tribuna donde su bandera
hace guiños en clave, señales secretas como las del
truco. Y ésta es la mejor anfetamina, porque los llena de
saludable euforia y además no aparece en los controles

Hoy empataron, no está mal, se dice Benja, el número
ocho. Y está mejor porque todos sus huesos están enteros,
a pesar de la alevosa zancadilla (esquivada sólo por
intuición) que le dedicaran en el toletole previo al primer gol,
dos segundos antes de que el Colorado empujara nuevamente la globa con
el empeine y la colocara, inalcanzable, junto al poste izquierdo.
Después de todo, la playa es mía. Desde hace quince
años la vengo adquiriendo en pequeñas cuotas. Cuotas de
sol y dunas. Todos esos prójimos, prójimas y projimitos
que se ven tendidos sobre las rocas o bajo las sombrillas o corriendo
tras una pelota de engañapichanga o jugando a la paleta en una
cancha marcada en la arena con líneas que al rato se borran,
todos esos otros, están en la playa gracias a que yo les permito
estar. Porque la playa es mía. Mío el horizonte con
toninas remotas y tres barquitos a vela. Míos los peces que
extraen mis pescadores con mis redes antiguas, remendadas. El aire
salitroso y los castillos de arena y las aguas vivas y las algas que ha
traído la penúltima ola. Todo es mío.
¿Qué sería de mí, el número ocho,
sin estas mañanas en que la playa me convence de que soy libre,
de que puedo abrazar esta roca, que es mi roca mujer o tal vez mi roca
madre, y estirarme sin otros límites que mi propio límite
o hasta que siento las tenazas del cangrejo barcino sobre mi dedo
gordo? Aquí soy número ocho sin llevarlo en la espalda.
Soy número ocho sencillamente porque es mi identidad. Un cura o
un teniente o un payaso no necesitan vestir sotana o uniforme o traje
de colores para ser cura o teniente o payaso. Soy número ocho
aunque no lo lleve dibujado en el lomo y aunque ningún botija se
arrime a pedirme autógrafos, porque sólo se piden
autógrafos a los de los Clubes Grandes. Y creo que siempre
seré de Club Chico, porque me gusta amargarles la fiesta, no a
los jugadores que después de todo son como nosotros, sólo
que con más suerte y más guita, ni siquiera a la hinchada
grande por más que nos insulte cuando hacemos un fau y festeje
ruidosamente cuando el otro nos propina un hachazo en la canilla. Me
gusta arruinarles la fiesta, sobre todo a los dirigentes, esos
industriales bien instalados en su cochazo, en su piso de la Rambla y
en su mondongo, señores cuya gimnasia sabatina o dominical
consiste en sentarse muy orondos, arriba en el palco oficial, y desde
ahí ver cómo allá abajo nos reventamos, nos
odiamos, nos derretimos en sudores, y cuando sus jugadores ganan,
condescienden a llegar al vestuario y a darles una palmadita en el
hombro, disimulando apenas el asco que les provoca aquella piel
todavía sudada, y en cambio, cuando sus jugadores pierden, se
van entonces directamente a su casa, esta vez por supuesto sin ocultar
el asco. En verdad, en verdad os digo que yo ignoro si hacen eso, pero
me lo imagino. Es decir, tengo que imaginarlo así, porque una
cosa son las instrucciones del entrenador, que por supuesto trato de
cumplir si no son demasiado absurdas, y otra cosa son las instrucciones
que yo me doy, verbigracia vamo vamo número ocho hay que aguarle
la fiesta a ese presidente cogotudo, jactancioso y mezquino, que viene
al estadio con sus tres o cuatro nenes que desde ya tienen caritas de
futuros presidentes cogotudos. Bueno, no sé ni siquiera si tiene
hijos, pero tengo que imaginarlo así porque soy el número
ocho, insustituible titular de un Club Chico y, ya que cobro poco,
tengo que inventarme recompensas compensatorias y de esas recompensas
inventadas la mejor es la posibilidad de aguarle la fiesta al cogotudo
presidente del Grande, a fin de que el lunes, cuando concurra a su
Banco o a su banca, pase también su vergüenza rica, su
vergüenza suntuosa, así como nosotros, los que andamos en
la segunda mitad de la tabla, sufrimos, cuando perdemos, nuestra
vergüenza pobre. Pero, claro, no es lo mismo, porque los Grandes
siempre tienen la obligación de ganar, y los Chicos, en cambio,
sólo tenemos la obligación de perder lo menos posible. Y
cuando no ganamos y volvemos al barrio, la gente no nos mira con
menosprecio sino con tristeza solidaria, en tanto que al presidente
cogotudo, cuando vuelve el lunes a su Banco o a su banca, la gente, si
bien a veces se atreve a decirle qué barbaridad doctor porque
ustedes merecieron ganar y además por varios goles, en realidad
está pensando te jodieron doctor qué salsa les dieron
esos petizos. Por eso a mí no me importa ser número ocho
titular y que no me pidan autógrafos aquí en la playa ni
en el cine ni en Dieciocho. Los partidos no se ganan con
autógrafos. Se ganan con goles y ésos los sé
hacer. Por ahora al menos. También es un consuelo que la playa
sea mía, y como mía pueda recorrerla descalzo, casi
desnudo, sintiendo el sol en la espalda y la brisa en los ojos, o
tendiéndome en las rocas pero de cara al mar, consciente de que
atrás dejo la ciudad que me espía o me protege,
según las horas y según mi ánimo, y adelante
está esa llanura líquida, infinita, que me lame, me
salpica, a veces me da vértigo y otras veces me brinda una
insólita paz, un extraño sosiego, tan extraño que
a veces me hace olvidar que soy número ocho.
Alejandra. Lo extraño había sido que Benja conociera sus
manos antes que su rostro, o mejor aún, que se enamorara de sus
manos antes que de su rostro. Él regresaba de San Pablo en un
vuelo de Pluna. El equipo se había trasladado para jugar dos
amistosos fuera de temporada, pero Benja sólo había
participado en el primero porque en una jugada tonta había
caído mal y el desgarramiento iba a necesitar por lo menos cinco
días de cuidado, así que el preparador físico
decidió mandarlo a Montevideo para que allí lo atendieran
mejor. De modo que volvía solo. A la media hora de vuelo se
levantó para ir al baño y cuando regresaba a su sitio
tuvo la impresión de ser mirado pero él no miró.
Simplemente se sentó y reinició la lectura de Agatha
Christie, que le proponía un enigma afilado, bienhumorado y
sutil como todos los suyos.

De pronto percibió que algo singular estaba ocurriendo. En el
respaldo que estaba frente a él apareció una mano de
mujer. Era una mano delgada, de dedos largos y finos, con uñas
cuidadas pero sin color. Una mano expresiva, o quizá que
expresaba algo, pero qué. A los dos o tres minutos hizo
irrupción la otra mano, que era complementaria pero no igual.
Cada mano tenía su carácter, aunque sin duda
compartían una inquietante identidad. Benja no pudo continuar su
lectura. Adiós enigma y adiós Agatha. Las manos se
movían con sobriedad, se rozaban a veces. Él
imaginó que lo llamaban sin llamarlo, que le contaban una
historia, que le ofrecían respuestas a interrogantes que
aún no había formulado; en fin, que querían ser
asidas. Y lo más preocupante era que él también
quería asirlas, con todos los riesgos que un acto así
podía implicar, verbigracia que la dueña de aquellas
manos llamara inmediatamente a la azafata, o se levantara, enfrentada a
su descaro, y le propinara una espléndida bofetada, con toda la
vergüenza, adicional y pública, que semejante castigo
podía provocar. Hasta llegó a concebir, como un destello,
un título, a sólo dos columnas (porque era número
ocho, pero sólo de un Club Chico): conocido futbolista uruguayo
abofeteado en pleno vuelo por dama que se defiende de agresión

Y sin embargo las manos hablaban. Sutiles, seductoras,
finísimas, dialogaban uña a uña, yema a yema, como
creando una espera, construyendo una expectativa. Y cuando fue ordenado
el ajuste de los cinturones de seguridad, desaparecieron para cumplir
la orden, pero de inmediato volvieron a poblar el respaldo y con ello a
convocar la ansiedad del número ocho, que por fin decidió
jugarse el todo por el todo y asumir el riesgo del ridículo, el
escándalo y el titular a dos columnas que acabaran con su
carrera deportiva. De modo que, tomada la difícil
decisión y tras ajustarse también él el
cinturón, avanzó su propia mano hacia los dedos
cautivantes, que en aquel preciso momento estaban juntos. Notó
un leve temblor, pero las manos no se replegaron. La suya
prolongó aquel extraño contacto por unos segundos, luego
se retiró. Sólo entonces las otras manos desaparecieron,
pero no pasó nada. No hubo llamada a la azafata ni bofetada.
Él respiró y quedó a la espera. Cuando el
avión comenzaba el descenso, una de las manos apareció de
nuevo y traía un papel, más bien un papelito, doblado en
dos. Benja lo recogió y lo abrió lentamente. Conteniendo
la respiración, leyó: 912437.

Se sintió eufórico, casi como cuando hacía un gol
sobre la hora y la hinchada del barrio vitoreaba su nombre y él
alzaba discretamente un brazo, nada más que para comunicar que
recibía y apreciaba aquel apoyo colectivo, aquel afecto, pero
los compañeros sabían que a él no le gustaba toda
esa parafernalia de abrazos, besos y palmaditas en el trasero, algo que
se había vuelto habitual en todas las canchas del mundo.
Así que cuando metía un gol sólo le tocaban un
brazo o le hacían desde lejos un gesto solidario. Pero ahora,
con aquel prometedor 912437 en el bolsillo, descendió del
avión como de un podio olímpico y diez minutos
después pudo mirar discretamente hacia la dueña de las
manos, que en ese instante abría su valija frente al funcionario
aduanero, y Benja comprobó que el rostro no desmerecía la
belleza y la seducción de las manos que lo habían enamorado.
Benja y Martín se encontraron como siempre en la pizzería
del sordo Bellini. Desde que ambos integraran el cuadrito juvenil de La
Estrella habían cultivado una amistad a prueba de balas y
también de codazos y zancadillas. Benja jugaba entonces de
zaguero y sin embargo había terminado en número ocho.
Martín, que en la adolescencia fuera puntero derecho, más
tarde (a raíz de una sustitución de emergencia, tras
lesiones sucesivas y en el mismo partido del golero titular y del
suplente) se había afincado y afirmado en el arco y hoy era uno
de los guardametas más cotizados y confiables de Primera A.

El sordo Bellini disfrutaba plenamente con la presencia de los dos
futbolistas. Él, que normalmente no atendía las mesas
sino que se instalaba en la caja con su gorra de capitán de
barco, cuando Martín y Benja aparecían, solos o
acompañados, de inmediato se arrimaba solícito a dejarles
el menú, a recoger los pedidos, a recomendarles tal o cual plato
y sobre todo a comentar las jugadas más notables o más
polémicas del último domingo.

Era algo así como el fan particular de Benja y Martín y
su caballito de batalla era hacerles bromas c
La Girasol Feb 2019
She has a name.

After all, she has a titular role.

Sometimes, she'll go by other names. My personal favorites are Anger, Sadness, A Filter, Pretending, Comparison, Expectations, Faking It, Perfectionism, and Silliness, amongst others.

But one day, she whispered her name to me, so softly that I thought it was just the wind.

"My name is Grief... my name is Grief" she repeated to me.

I cried at the weight of her words.

For I already knew her name, but I didn't want to believe it. But there it was, out in the open. Vulnerable and real.

Some days, I slam and lock the door in her face, ignoring her knocking.
Other days, I don't even bother to get up as she steps lightly into the room.

I hope someday to give her a hug and thank her for her years of wisdom and hurt, and how the two are inseparable.

There's something else too. She told me it the other day, under the too-long absent winter sun as I wept once more.

"I'm your sister... I'm your sister" she whispered, gently and lovingly.
To hard days & sad days & winter days & bad days & dark days & all days that feel endless. I am here. And I am alive.
The "My name is Grief" idea was inspiration from Pinterest. Credits to original author.
SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series created by marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg for Nickelodeon. The series chronicles the adventures and endeavors of the title character and his various friends in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom. The series' popularity has made it a media franchise, as well as Nickelodeon network's highest rated show, and the most distributed property of MTV Networks. The media franchise has generated $8 billion in merchandising revenue for Nickelodeon.

Many of the ideas for the series originated in an unpublished, educational comic book titled The Intertidal Zone, which Hillenburg created in the mid-1980s. He began developing SpongeBob SquarePants into a television series in 1996 upon the cancellation of Rocko's Modern Life, and turned to Tom Kenny, who had worked with him on that series, to voice the titular character. SpongeBob was originally to be named SpongeBoy, and the series was to be called SpongeBoy Ahoy!, but these were changed, as the name was already trademarked.

The series was previewed on Nickelodeon in the United States on May 1, 1999, following the television airing of the 1999 Kids' Choice Awards, and officially premiered on July 17, 1999. It has received worldwide critical acclaim since its premiere and gained enormous popularity by its second season. The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, a feature-length film adaptation, was released in theaters on November 19, 2004, and a sequel is currently in production, with a projected release date of February 13, 2015. On July 21, 2012, the series was renewed and aired its ninth season, beginning with the episode "Extreme Spots".[2][3]

Despite its widespread popularity, the series has been involved in several public controversies, including one centered around speculation over SpongeBob SquarePants' intended ****** orientation. The series has been nominated for a variety of different awards, including 17 Annie Awards (with six wins), 17 Golden Reel Awards (with eight wins), 15 Emmy Awards (with one win), 13 Kids' Choice Awards (with 12 wins), and four BAFTA Children's Awards (with two wins). In 2011, a newly described species of mushroom, Spongiforma squarepantsii, was named after the cartoon's title character.
Jane Tricky Apr 2015
insert body here

it was not you
that told me to
that wanted me to

but i did
i let you go
simultaneously seizing you

you belong to me
and i
well i
belong to the abyss

once upon a time
i gave myself to you

whole heartedly
like the hearth to a cold room
an incessant addition
to an empty craving space

crazed by desire
inspired by devotion
alone within ourselves

and i digress
only to weep
endless puddles of hope
empty holes of common space

my eyes burn
vision blurs
you know its' at its worst
when your hope is for tears

pull (pool) back the waterworks
spare the salty sea
mimic the madness
you're falling to fate

i bide time
reproach destiny
(ir)rationally regress

something that should have never been
the fallacy that is not reality
takes hold

my throat is bruising
as i gasp for air
suffocation struggles

and then
well then
i realize
suffocation doesn't seem so shabby

the perfection of peace perceived through peril

freedom is like my ears
it rings
like a ******* headache
and it won't stop
vircapio gale Nov 2012
fem in isms,
i imagine Sapphic eyes:
bad *** advert coruscates elite
fairness sensing slavish blind
in gestate calm affirm
in genders More numerous of Windows--
Superior--for Doors--
O harsh judgement foiled,
as a foil, as unknown truth
foil-doubles in the brow,
abject symmetry to systemize
a fertile lack of sterile barrenness,
i am a mediatrix rend,
nirwaan, hijra wonderment aside
from transemotion's ground swells
demeaning to be understood.
i celebrate and face the same
to be what paperwork tests being
normal being, freely chosen
atom each belonging moves
an asterisk of paths
of mutate art of nature social darwin maze.
i imagine Sapphic eyes,
ginko soft they pile up all cobble
memories themselves concretely
cloistered  fame
spray of salty waves,
macho screams symbol
for dismissal ease
for tearing at an inner unsaid war
with lists offense of proper taste
to what posterity intends
an undulation womblike seeming nourish safety sounds.
i imagine Sapphic eyes
where hyster-clarity rejoins its titular
and reliable escapisms curl the lips
of maleness found
here and there  smile  sneer love
i imagine Sapphic eyes
linguistic pirouettes
congest that wisdom nonetheless
the moment passed  on to a
feigning truth in pretty rhyme
ornamenting time with fine  meter  fine
vernacular chimes peter in
to juggle perspectival paradox,
redichotomize the twilight idols,
resolve the conflict like a dawn
i imagine Sapphic eyes
running plastic with Alaskan wolves,
toga floats to snow
to let us see the purest fairness form
a ****** circle,
Hypatia ascends from tenebrous grave,
Impregnable of Eye is pregnant now
with Wollstonecraft revered
in liberation's fount
families held exemplar gaze of
Taylor, ******, Cady,
Anthony resanctified
to vote entitlement's
empathic origins, waxen mold
of nascent categories,
narrow hands spread wide to panoply anew
the manifest evolve in true unknowns
Now the other princes of the Achaeans slept soundly the whole
night through, but Agamemnon son of Atreus was troubled, so that he
could get no rest. As when fair Juno’s lord flashes his lightning in
token of great rain or hail or snow when the snow-flakes whiten the
ground, or again as a sign that he will open the wide jaws of hungry
war, even so did Agamemnon heave many a heavy sigh, for his soul
trembled within him. When he looked upon the plain of Troy he
marvelled at the many watchfires burning in front of Ilius, and at the
sound of pipes and flutes and of the hum of men, but when presently he
turned towards the ships and hosts of the Achaeans, he tore his hair
by handfuls before Jove on high, and groaned aloud for the very
disquietness of his soul. In the end he deemed it best to go at once
to Nestor son of Neleus, and see if between them they could find any
way of the Achaeans from destruction. He therefore rose, put on his
shirt, bound his sandals about his comely feet, flung the skin of a
huge tawny lion over his shoulders—a skin that reached his feet-
and took his spear in his hand.
  Neither could Menelaus sleep, for he, too, boded ill for the Argives
who for his sake had sailed from far over the seas to fight the
Trojans. He covered his broad back with the skin of a spotted panther,
put a casque of bronze upon his head, and took his spear in his brawny
hand. Then he went to rouse his brother, who was by far the most
powerful of the Achaeans, and was honoured by the people as though
he were a god. He found him by the stern of his ship already putting
his goodly array about his shoulders, and right glad was he that his
brother had come.
  Menelaus spoke first. “Why,” said he, “my dear brother, are you thus
arming? Are you going to send any of our comrades to exploit the
Trojans? I greatly fear that no one will do you this service, and
spy upon the enemy alone in the dead of night. It will be a deed of
great daring.”
  And King Agamemnon answered, “Menelaus, we both of us need shrewd
counsel to save the Argives and our ships, for Jove has changed his
mind, and inclines towards Hector’s sacrifices rather than ours. I
never saw nor heard tell of any man as having wrought such ruin in one
day as Hector has now wrought against the sons of the Achaeans—and
that too of his own unaided self, for he is son neither to god nor
goddess. The Argives will rue it long and deeply. Run, therefore, with
all speed by the line of the ships, and call Ajax and Idomeneus.
Meanwhile I will go to Nestor, and bid him rise and go about among the
companies of our sentinels to give them their instructions; they
will listen to him sooner than to any man, for his own son, and
Meriones brother in arms to Idomeneus, are captains over them. It
was to them more particularly that we gave this charge.”
  Menelaus replied, “How do I take your meaning? Am I to stay with
them and wait your coming, or shall I return here as soon as I have
given your orders?” “Wait,” answered King Agamemnon, “for there are so
many paths about the camp that we might miss one another. Call every
man on your way, and bid him be stirring; name him by his lineage
and by his father’s name, give each all titular observance, and
stand not too much upon your own dignity; we must take our full
share of toil, for at our birth Jove laid this heavy burden upon us.”
  With these instructions he sent his brother on his way, and went
on to Nestor shepherd of his people. He found him sleeping in his tent
hard by his own ship; his goodly armour lay beside him—his shield,
his two spears and his helmet; beside him also lay the gleaming girdle
with which the old man girded himself when he armed to lead his people
into battle—for his age stayed him not. He raised himself on his
elbow and looked up at Agamemnon. “Who is it,” said he, “that goes
thus about the host and the ships alone and in the dead of night, when
men are sleeping? Are you looking for one of your mules or for some
comrade? Do not stand there and say nothing, but speak. What is your
  And Agamemnon answered, “Nestor, son of Neleus, honour to the
Achaean name, it is I, Agamemnon son of Atreus, on whom Jove has
laid labour and sorrow so long as there is breath in my body and my
limbs carry me. I am thus abroad because sleep sits not upon my
eyelids, but my heart is big with war and with the jeopardy of the
Achaeans. I am in great fear for the Danaans. I am at sea, and without
sure counsel; my heart beats as though it would leap out of my body,
and my limbs fail me. If then you can do anything—for you too
cannot sleep—let us go the round of the watch, and see whether they
are drowsy with toil and sleeping to the neglect of their duty. The
enemy is encamped hard and we know not but he may attack us by night.”
  Nestor replied, “Most noble son of Atreus, king of men, Agamemnon,
Jove will not do all for Hector that Hector thinks he will; he will
have troubles yet in plenty if Achilles will lay aside his anger. I
will go with you, and we will rouse others, either the son of
Tydeus, or Ulysses, or fleet Ajax and the valiant son of Phyleus. Some
one had also better go and call Ajax and King Idomeneus, for their
ships are not near at hand but the farthest of all. I cannot however
refrain from blaming Menelaus, much as I love him and respect him—and
I will say so plainly, even at the risk of offending you—for sleeping
and leaving all this trouble to yourself. He ought to be going about
imploring aid from all the princes of the Achaeans, for we are in
extreme danger.”
  And Agamemnon answered, “Sir, you may sometimes blame him justly,
for he is often remiss and unwilling to exert himself—not indeed from
sloth, nor yet heedlessness, but because he looks to me and expects me
to take the lead. On this occasion, however, he was awake before I
was, and came to me of his own accord. I have already sent him to call
the very men whom you have named. And now let us be going. We shall
find them with the watch outside the gates, for it was there I said
that we would meet them.”
  “In that case,” answered Nestor, “the Argives will not blame him nor
disobey his orders when he urges them to fight or gives them
  With this he put on his shirt, and bound his sandals about his
comely feet. He buckled on his purple coat, of two thicknesses, large,
and of a rough shaggy texture, grasped his redoubtable bronze-shod
spear, and wended his way along the line of the Achaean ships. First
he called loudly to Ulysses peer of gods in counsel and woke him,
for he was soon roused by the sound of the battle-cry. He came outside
his tent and said, “Why do you go thus alone about the host, and along
the line of the ships in the stillness of the night? What is it that
you find so urgent?” And Nestor knight of Gerene answered, “Ulysses,
noble son of Laertes, take it not amiss, for the Achaeans are in great
straits. Come with me and let us wake some other, who may advise
well with us whether we shall fight or fly.”
  On this Ulysses went at once into his tent, put his shield about his
shoulders and came out with them. First they went to Diomed son of
Tydeus, and found him outside his tent clad in his armour with his
comrades sleeping round him and using their shields as pillows; as for
their spears, they stood upright on the spikes of their butts that
were driven into the ground, and the burnished bronze flashed afar
like the lightning of father Jove. The hero was sleeping upon the skin
of an ox, with a piece of fine carpet under his head; Nestor went up
to him and stirred him with his heel to rouse him, upbraiding him
and urging him to bestir himself. “Wake up,” he exclaimed, “son of
Tydeus. How can you sleep on in this way? Can you not see that the
Trojans are encamped on the brow of the plain hard by our ships,
with but a little space between us and them?”
  On these words Diomed leaped up instantly and said, “Old man, your
heart is of iron; you rest not one moment from your labours. Are there
no younger men among the Achaeans who could go about to rouse the
princes? There is no tiring you.”
  And Nestor knight of Gerene made answer, “My son, all that you
have said is true. I have good sons, and also much people who might
call the chieftains, but the Achaeans are in the gravest danger;
life and death are balanced as it were on the edge of a razor. Go
then, for you are younger than I, and of your courtesy rouse Ajax
and the fleet son of Phyleus.”
  Diomed threw the skin of a great tawny lion about his shoulders—a
skin that reached his feet—and grasped his spear. When he had
roused the heroes, he brought them back with him; they then went the
round of those who were on guard, and found the captains not
sleeping at their posts but wakeful and sitting with their arms
about them. As sheep dogs that watch their flocks when they are
yarded, and hear a wild beast coming through the mountain forest
towards them—forthwith there is a hue and cry of dogs and men, and
slumber is broken—even so was sleep chased from the eyes of the
Achaeans as they kept the watches of the wicked night, for they turned
constantly towards the plain whenever they heard any stir among the
Trojans. The old man was glad bade them be of good cheer. “Watch on,
my children,” said he, “and let not sleep get hold upon you, lest
our enemies triumph over us.”
  With this he passed the trench, and with him the other chiefs of the
Achaeans who had been called to the council. Meriones and the brave
son of Nestor went also, for the princes bade them. When they were
beyond the trench that was dug round the wall they held their
meeting on the open ground where there was a space clear of corpses,
for it was here that when night fell Hector had turned back from his
onslaught on the Argives. They sat down, therefore, and held debate
with one another.
  Nestor spoke first. “My friends,” said he, “is there any man bold
enough to venture the Trojans, and cut off some straggler, or us
news of what the enemy mean to do whether they will stay here by the
ships away from the city, or whether, now that they have worsted the
Achaeans, they will retire within their walls. If he could learn all
this and come back safely here, his fame would be high as heaven in
the mouths of all men, and he would be rewarded richly; for the chiefs
from all our ships would each of them give him a black ewe with her
lamb—which is a present of surpassing value—and he would be asked as
a guest to all feasts and clan-gatherings.”
  They all held their peace, but Diomed of the loud war-cry spoke
saying, “Nestor, gladly will I visit the host of the Trojans over
against us, but if another will go with me I shall do so in greater
confidence and comfort. When two men are together, one of them may see
some opportunity which the other has not caught sight of; if a man
is alone he is less full of resource, and his wit is weaker.”
  On this several offered to go with Diomed. The two Ajaxes,
servants of Mars, Meriones, and the son of Nestor all wanted to go, so
did Menelaus son of Atreus; Ulysses also wished to go among the host
of the Trojans, for he was ever full of daring, and thereon
Agamemnon king of men spoke thus: “Diomed,” said he, “son of Tydeus,
man after my own heart, choose your comrade for yourself—take the
best man of those that have offered, for many would now go with you.
Do not through delicacy reject the better man, and take the worst
out of respect for his lineage, because he is of more royal blood.”
  He said this because he feared for Menelaus. Diomed answered, “If
you bid me take the man of my own choice, how in that case can I
fail to think of Ulysses, than whom there is no man more eager to face
all kinds of danger—and Pallas Minerva loves him well? If he were
to go with me we should pass safely through fire itself, for he is
quick to see and understand.”
  “Son of Tydeus,” replied Ulysses, “say neither good nor ill about
me, for you are among Argives who know me well. Let us be going, for
the night wanes and dawn is at hand. The stars have gone forward,
two-thirds of the night are already spent, and the third is alone left
  They then put on their armour. Brave Thrasymedes provided the son of
Tydeus with a sword and a shield (for he had left his own at his ship)
and on his head he set a helmet of bull’s hide without either peak
or crest; it is called a skull-cap and is a common headgear.
Meriones found a bow and quiver for Ulysses, and on his head he set
a leathern helmet that was lined with a strong plaiting of leathern
thongs, while on the outside it was thickly studded with boar’s teeth,
well and skilfully set into it; next the head there was an inner
lining of felt. This helmet had been stolen by Autolycus out of
Eleon when he broke into the house of Amyntor son of Ormenus. He
gave it to Amphidamas of Cythera to take to Scandea, and Amphidamas
gave it as a guest-gift to Molus, who gave it to his son Meriones; and
now it was set upon the head of Ulysses.
  When the pair had armed, they set out, and left the other chieftains
behind them. Pallas Minerva sent them a heron by the wayside upon
their right hands; they could not see it for the darkness, but they
heard its cry. Ulysses was glad when he heard it and prayed to
Minerva: “Hear me,” he cried, “daughter of aegis-bearing Jove, you who
spy out all my ways and who are with me in all my hardships;
befriend me in this mine hour, and grant that we may return to the
ships covered with glory after having achieved some mighty exploit
that shall bring sorrow to the Trojans.”
  Then Diomed of the loud war-cry also prayed: “Hear me too,” said he,
“daughter of Jove, unweariable; be with me even as you were with my
noble father Tydeus when he went to Thebes as envoy sent by the
Achaeans. He left the Achaeans by the banks of the river Aesopus,
and went to the city bearing a message of peace to the Cadmeians; on
his return thence, with your help, goddess, he did great deeds of
daring, for you were his ready helper. Even so guide me and guard me
now, and in return I will offer you in sacrifice a broad-browed heifer
of a year old, unbroken, and never yet brought by man under the
yoke. I will gild her horns and will offer her up to you in
  Thus they prayed, and Pallas Minerva heard their prayer. When they
had done praying to the daughter of great Jove, they went their way
like two lions prowling by night amid the armour and blood-stained
bodies of them that had fallen.
  Neither again did Hector let the Trojans sleep; for he too called
the princes and councillors of the Trojans that he might set his
counsel before them. “Is there one,” said he, “who for a great
reward will do me the service of which I will tell you? He shall be
well paid if he will. I will give him a chariot and a couple of
horses, the fleetest that can be found at the ships of the Achaeans,
if he will dare this thing; and he will win infinite honour to boot;
he must go to the ships and find out whether they are still guarded as
heretofore, or whether now that we have beaten them the Achaeans
design to fly, and through sheer exhaustion are neglecting to keep
their watches.”
  They all held their peace; but there was among the Trojans a certain
man named Dolon, son of Eumedes, the famous herald—a man rich in gold
and bronze. He was ill-favoured, but a good runner, and was an only
son among five sisters. He it was that now addressed the Trojans.
“I, Hector,” said he, “Will to the ships and will exploit them. But
first hold up your sceptre and swear that you will give me the
chariot, bedight with bronze, and the horses that now carry the
noble son of Peleus. I will make you a good scout, and will not fail
you. I will go through the host from one end to the other till I
come to the ship of Agamemnon, where I take it the princes of the
Achaeans are now consulting whether they shall fight or fly.”
  When he had done speaking Hector held up his sceptre, and swore
him his oath saying, “May Jove the thundering husband of Juno bear
witness that no other Trojan but yourself shall mount

so many ordinary bees in our vocab hive,
workers, important, but rarely seen,
some never, or rarely trotted out,
no-fresh air, we just must be too too, too
busy, busy

had occasion to employ said titular
queen word recently, a love story
that strummed a chord of the
randomness of good love,
genuine slipped out unexpectedly,
this word, a crowning modifier to a
love poem herein written

truly a word not used too often,
perhaps because we live in a time
when it is a quality rare, though
much celebrated, like so much,
has becomes a debated talking point

but genuine is not hard to be
uncovered, it has a warmth heater
generator internal, a signal signal,
that is hard to be disguised or

but our sensitivities are dulled,
easily misled, by the shouting and
the latent bitterness that runs through
the veins of our ordinary conversations,
making it more difficult to believe our
five sensory discernments, to what is,
and what is not,

but love, perhaps, is a genuine genetic,
at a cellular level quality that has evolved over millennia, so easier to spot, it’s heated hot, and awhy a love story should be the focus causation of my happiness, that it
yet thrives, and functions and supplies
we humans, a chance to see, to believe,
that genuine yet exists, inward and
unwarped, within we ordinaries
for a.v.

MLK  Day 2025
Pearson Bolt Sep 2015
a black flag is suspended
above the garden in
my front lawn
it flexes in dawn's sweet  
breeze and ***** in the
mid-morning sun then snaps
in afternoon gusts
before weathering the storms of
early dusk and ultimately subsiding
into the relative serenity of an
uncertain twilight

a black flag prepared to
face the elements once more
at a moment's notice

even now i hear it slapping and cracking
as if it were possessed by
the manifestation of the people's will
an outcry indignant at the indignities
humankind and this good earth have suffered
at the hands of faceless men and
women who succumb to
the illusion of dominance

i take that black flag down
whenever i go out my front door
i fold it up into a tiny handkerchief
tuck it neatly in my breast-pocket
where it rests mere millimeters
from my heart as i do what i can
to teach my students to live
with such vibrant tenacity
that their very existence is
an act of rebellion

i wear the black flag around my neck
every time i go to shows it
soars behind me and i
feel superhuman as i stand and
sing in tandem with a myriad of
friends in the throes of some
melodious cadence harmonizing with
down-tuned guitars and pile-driving percussion
the rest of the galaxy and i lose track of
space and time adrift  
in the rhythms of resistance

i tie the black flag around my head
to keep back the sweat beading about my
brow every time i bend down and
break my back once more for my
corporate overlords who can no longer
see the forest for the trees let alone
be somehow appeased by the simple joy
of sharing books with random strangers
their eyes are glazed green with envy
and i wonder when they sold their
souls to the devils on capitol hill

i wave the black flag at protests
as we occupy the streets and
feed the homeless and cheer
wildly for complete liberty
in time with the beat of drums
our footsteps aiding in a
procession that shakes the houses of
decadence capitalists lurk within and
causes the corrupt to tremble
with trepidation as they turn to one
rich white neighbor after the other
and ask one another
what have we done

like no flag before it and no banner since
the black flag waves all humanity away
from the precipice upon which we lean
so perilously teetering over the edge
flirting with death inches away from
a bottomless abyss

its blackness stands in stark contrast
from the blue hues that evoke oceanic
divides or the red streaks symbolizing
bloodshed or the white blotches that elicit
some tacit implication
of supremacy and exceptionalism

it is black
whole and uniform
indicative not of segregation and
national barriers but of unity
universal fraternity that comes not
from conformity but out of a genuine
desire to recognize the inherent dignity
of all humanity—even those with whom
we might vehemently disagree

there is not a shred of
cowardice in the black flag
it means no surrender
it recognizes no authority
it is not subservient to a titular country
but predicated on the principle that
freedom equality and responsibility
are not trigger words for
selling successful political campaigns
but are the natural and inherent virtues
that make us sentient human beings

the black flag defies
the oligarchic minority and
returns once more to the wellspring
of individuality and community and in
doing so produces a space where
originality is the centripetal force

power to the people now
invert the stars and stripes before
turning them to fuel for the fires
in our chests like Prometheus we wrest
divinity from the gods masquerading above
us in the halls of congress and the senate
white houses are not temples of worship
we have it in us to create a community
where we don't need representation
where we determine our own future

revolution is a lived concept

a black flag is suspended
above the garden in
my front lawn
it flexes in dawn's sweet  
breeze and ***** in the
mid-morning sun then snaps
in afternoon gusts
before weathering the storms of
early dusk and ultimately subsiding
into the relative serenity of an
uncertain twilight
Merry Mar 2018
According to William Shakespeare,
Poor Tom had wits
And was witless
All whilst in disguise

According to David Bowie,
Major Tom left our blue Earth
And got lost amongst the stars
Becoming the titular Space Oddity

According to Led Zeppelin
Poor Tom was the seventh son
He led a life of work and play
But killed his ***** wife

According to The Cab
Major Tom would sing along
Whilst chastising the dreamer
Or, perhaps, seeing himself in young love

According to all these men
This muse man named Poor Tom
This muse man named Major Tom
All suffered an ill fate

According to I,
Arrogant poetess,
I pose a pondering:
What if they were all the same person?
Barton D Smock Mar 2014
Drinking in the First World, The
Lambert Mark Mj Feb 2015
Faith is a funny tale,
Banging!, on no ones thought of what door,
Humming and cooing and my window jail,
and trudging at my pondering floor

To quicksand it desolates -suddenly-
from titular crown of metals to pallid birch,
All cones of mono roll down on a trolley
with the tetra floss that burns the torch,

Fate is a formidable foe,
Descend itself to morrows fort,
discriminating as it comes and goes
to what it justifies at court,

Stepping to festive cascades,
lying faintly on the tomb of beds
Where the harbinger harvest withering fades,
there it cuts the echoing threads

So we alone stroll at chrono's fraud,
Brooming dust into makers state,
Sack of pennies nods; smirks at prudent gestures sad,
That is when and then we go back to old date
Do not step back into past, renew yourself for tomorrow's war
Andrew Rueter Mar 2018
One day I met a titular telepath
That made me do social math
After I took a brief bubble bath
Underneath his heavy hovercraft
That submerged my brain
Allowing no sign of refrain
Only the pain
Of the stain
Of his Rorschach test
Filling inside my crest

You cast a spell of thought on me
When you walk by so haughtily
I can't think
Only drink
Your Kool-Aid
Of a fool's blade

It should be considered a crime
The way you control my mind
I feel so pointlessly paranoid
And it's not the ****
You travel to an abysmal void
I just follow your lead

I live in a world of mass media
But you cut off my streaming
So I guess I won't be seeing them
And I can focus on dreaming
Of an amazing life starring you
And introducing happiness
I don't care how it's reviewed
The critics negate sappiness

I'm so afraid you will get rid of me
While I sit under your guillotine
That can't reach me in your grasp
But if I ever leave it'll be in half
I'm trapped in a precarious position
That I fear will carry us to collision
I put my ear to the ground and listen
For an approaching stampede
That will steal my cognition
Will those wildebeest thieves
Make a deadly incision?
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2024
~ for spygrandson ~

with deep affection


I am en~titled
by him,
commissioned by his exacting wording
of this poem’s titular naming,
all my previous attempts are failures,
over designed, too artistic
for his modest self~reckoning &
bearded demeanor,
they demanded
denial with
request for
simplicity of an unflowery
a clean shave,
so to speak…

a potholder of simple design,
a modest picture self-drawn,
but his stories are
sorties tall,
he draws you in, worthy draftsman sketches
of words, tales short, poems complete,
tales so sweet, of characters uniquely complete,
and you think,
can they not be fictional?

and you know they’re no such thing,
ok, maybe,
some taller and a few perhaps dreamed,
the big characters of those
giants of simple men,
whose deeds were not mythical,
ok, almost mythical…

but truth of the humans of the hammered and nailed tough skin,
who built homesteads in the
plain, in mountains, by rivers that snaked,
except on their hearts and feet

the humans,
that made up
the raw & naked bond holders of
these United States:
bonded by character to the soil and
its curvaceous dancing topography
& of the center of our country,
but with eyes keen enough
to stretch from
coast to coast,
to see to shining seas

yes, true,
the grandson be he
to/of an almost mythical man,
and so took thus
his penned name,
the grandfather, a real person
of whom stories are yet told,
for no one can be sure
that & of what deeds
this spy did,
on hostile, unfamiliar,
but the photographic proofs,
I have seen…

His blood thickened by many infusions,
a cross cultural experiment,
happily not unique,
just **** rare

but enough of this;
read him,
let his
tongue take you to
the unfamiliar,
a literary Ansel Adams,
who never saw the plain(s) men & women,
unworthy of being forgotten but
forever being

ask him for a potpourri of his short stories
of war, the bonds that men forge in combat,
tween the dead that still live on and
the living,
who have unreadable dead spots within,
they carry their dying glances,
their dying wishes,
and who are honored by him
in his continuing recollections

with walking stick in hand,
even if going outside
to “just” measure the snowy depths,
he leave markers and trailers,
for us to recall how to weep,
from love and pain,
from following generations of his
beautiful blonde
children who are poster models for
the traditional all american imagery,
but thriving within,
with  his
wanderlust, his mixed fiery visions,
and acting, singing out dramas
befitting their inherited

I cease,
I weep,
at the impoverished words
scrivened in haste,
through tears of pleasure
intended to give honor
to this man,
who cedes me the pleasure of his existence,
and enhances my world
when he asks me,
unwittingly commissions!
a poem,
the human character,
who see himself unusually!
“as a potholder with a simple design”
and as usual,

I fail miserable…
nick the outer edge of a bullseye target,
because the important words that he deserves,
I have not yet mentioned:

honor, loving kindness and friend.

perhaps he is correct,
but doesn’t grasp
that without simple men like him
to hold the *** upright and firm,
we all would be lesser or
even lost.

now I am one
Nat Lipstadt my poetry is there. It just took a year to get my password reset to me. This should be the link:

Nat Lipstadt my poetry is there. It just took a year to get my password reset to me. This should be the link:

sat 8/24/2024

written in a one fell swoop,,
hat in hand,
bowing low to reflect my deep respect,
listen to my grandchildren fuss, fight, whine and
for that is the mixture of our
own individual humanity
Miguel Serrano Jul 2016
Mal humor en una mañana de resaca,
reza así el titular.
¿Qué pasó anoche? Nada. Traición en la noche.
De expectativas, de miradas,
traición de bebida y de risas y roces.
Traición invisible en la noche;
mía, quizás. Otra vez.
—mala secuela, recibe 2 estrellas y la tachan de repetitiva—

Llegamos in medias res, lleva tiempo la cinta.
Estrellas y personas flotan en la piscina.
Ella flota al lado de mí en la piscina
—sin verme—,
yo floto por puro orgullo en la piscina,
—aguas de fracaso—,
y él flota también, sin verlo yo a él,
—a su lado—.
Distraido por premisas inconclusas,
por un cielo de ebrias estrellas
en el que nos zambullimos por la noche...
por la noche distraido, y distraido por la noche...
no noto cuando
despega el dolor de pecho y estómago.

La noche no se para para mí
—iluso, eso está reservado—
pero bebo para aminorar,
¿quizás demasiado?
¿La bacanal fiesta se retrasa?
Tonto, empezó ya sin ti.
La estatua de dos, a lo lejos,
se muestra en un trago de verdad.
Toca tierra el dolor de pecho y estómago.
Lo noto.
A falta de pistola sirve botella en boca.
Se vaticina
mal humor en una mañana de resaca.
Cullen Donohue Feb 2015
A gray-haired professor
Once harped on us about our titles.
I was sitting to the left of a cute brunette,
We'd ****** the previous night.
And now, we analyzed stories --
Dripping in analogy and pretentiousness.
Our backpacks smelled of coffee,
They got a second-hand kick off the aromas
Of our hangovers and homework,
Completed in the coffee shop just off Harvard St.
I smiled over Janet's essay about a dead lover;
It was called, "Till Death,"
Which was apparently too revealing.
So was Brita's blouse.
My essay was "Black hoodies and blind intersections"
And it tackled grief, fate and the dangers of running at night.
It, too, was too revealing.
Unlike the hoodie it discussed.
I never got the titular lesson,
But figured I was more of a poet anyway.
This was based on a Writing Prompt from Reddit:(
zebra May 2017
heres your chance to become a supreme being
a dot in a circle
the point of imminent transcendence
the glitter of endless seas
a secure position
and a good job if you can get it

first assignment

develop a sense of place
hollow yourself out
to situate your creation
mix the ethers up
within your infinity of self
like witches mix a cauldron
good work


now with the spirituous mist
populate your creation
from the astral

i like to be called

lets not get stuck
you can easily afford
not to be so small minded
whats with caring what your called
you and your multiple
titular names

lots a pretty beings
dreamboats i'd say
like a bunch of colored balloons
very good so far
i really appreciate that part


next assignment

figure out a way
to sustain and perpetuate your creatures

what ever you say
can we move on now?

whats with all the
mental problems
and famine?
be a  good
for gods sake
and amp up the happiness please
they are like bunch of sick cats down there


ooooo noooooo !!!!!
there not suppose to **** and eat each other
what the **** are you thinking

are you stupid


stop with the smog of hell
your creatures live in terror
living only to be destroyed

go sit in the corner
facing the wall
the dunce cap too
your a bad


a *****
we will have to call your parents
for retribution*

Georgia Jun 2012
A mirrorball sits deep in his chest,
Unreadable, but throwing light onto
The ceiling, making patterns and
Twisting with each step and ripple.

Bending through grey sinew and plasma,
Refractions miss neither orifice nor opening.
Unbound by skin or upstretched ligament,
Green replaces red and flickers on.

By the light you scan his bookshelf;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
A titular knowledge of the man himself.
Emerge, resolved to delve inside
To see reflections shine and shadows dance.

And meet your own lights,
Form new shades,
Casting secondary colours onto the white above.
This teetotaler turns to tea
torquing temptation
towards tippling
thankfully, though
that tremendous tugging

teasing tendency thirst *******,
thru teaching this totally tubular
toothless titular Texan thuggish tyrant
(titled Tsar Terry Troutman)
transcendental theology

tenets taught transferring
torpedoing, taming threatening
titanic tsunami tempest
tastefully tickling temperance
testing trying taut tenacity

together teaming (troika)
triumvirate torchbearers
******* therapist
(Tony the tiger)
tough trailblazer theoretician

toady treacly Tory
(Tommy Two Tone),
thence thirdly Theodore
"Tornado" Tornetta)
themselves trained to tamp

twerking tremens triggers,
their tripartite treatment told
tattooing thorny transforming
took this then truant teenage turtle
through time traveling

to those truant tumultuous tragic,
toxic, tipsy twitchy, touchy, tetchy
typhoon terrible two times two
times two times two tantrum
throwing, thieving, threatening

taxing textured teen tinder times -
tossing, tilting, taking tankful tolled
throaty, thoroughly,
thickly telltale temblor

toured terrible tournament
testing taupe tumbling termagant (Thaddeus)
tangling (Tangoing) tiny Timothy,
the treacherous tarantula
tying tussling travail – tata!
Cooped within ancient bodies,
this inhabitant dwells amongst an elder net
of crabby, crotchety, curmudgeonly claque
of old folks, only a portion of population I met
which achey, flaky, kooky motley crue
disgruntlement fed as peevish pet
aye be earnest asper my assessment,
but some (quite frankly) getting ready and set
to lay down their limb mitt less lives,
even those who survived harrowing encounters as a vet.
­quotidian gossipers punctuate air waves while:
sitting, riding, quartering, puttering, operating, navigating,
motoring around on scooters (the sole means of locomotion

for many elderly residents),
whose sole occupation incorporates:
zapping, yelping, yakking, whining,
weeping, verbalizing, venting,
uttering, undulating, thundering,
squawking, squabbling, screeching,
rumbling, rattling, quibbling, quarreling,
prattling, pestering, okaying,
offending, needling, nagging, mumbling,
maligning, leering, lampooning,
kvetching, kibitzing, jesting, jabbering,
irritating, insinuating, heckling,
harping, glomming, gabbing, fulminating,
fretting, exclaiming, emoting,
denigrating, damning, carping, cackling,
bragging, begging, agitating, acting  
analogous to bad *** kids itching
for playground foo fight during recess,  

which comparison might be apropos
since majority of energy and time expended
complaining about nobody's business
concerning this, that, or another tenant...
thee management not exempt from
badmouth outbursts), where nondenominational
AARP qualified members congregate
within what constituted former auditorium
of repurposed elementary school,

hence quite some years ago (an honorable
NON GMO gluten free cheerful toast made,
instituting batter use then building standing vacant)
a bona fide unanimous dogmatic, heroic,
linguistic welcome sans titular viz zit head
where alumni of alluded alma mater, ivory fiery,
classy academic solvent atomic structure
became amalgamated, appropriated,
assigned a new life, whereat fob dost
electronically activate innermost recessed sliding doors,
principally, quintessentially, resoundingly availing maw
formerly entrancing students into
Schwenksville Elementary School,
though some years ago repurposed
with barely a trace constituting current subsidized
how zing facility re: Highland Manor,

the residence of thyself and missus
(approaching third month anniversary),
whereat I dune hot give a rats *** if aimless
airless baseless banter, ceaseless chatter,
dubious dabbling, et cetera if this solitary
ruminate thinker the subject de jure
of parlayed people portraying
penultimate purposelessness.
I am lost by the wayside of a corner table that sits amongst the pine needles that have fallen from the trees.  Life sings songs of silly sadness that rearranges the waves of water wafting through the thick night.  Instant karma descends from deposited decorations dissolving in dark patches on the sand.  Sixty sounds surround my crown of impeccable solitude.  I, me, you, us, we, together, in another reality.  Scorned by the slightest touch of temptation tickling my tiny feet.  Fell from fathoms upwards to the surface.  If you would only try, I would send the darkness away for good, send the darkness away for good, send the darkness away...You left like a lioness on a slinking slithering sight seeing tour.  I, I could give you, give to you, things that the others could only imagine in their sick, twisted, unhappy fantasies of ******* false facts.  Open, please, open the gates the rake in my rafted soul sinks slowly towards the top of the titular hill, where you remember the ghosts grab the living, send them descending into the under-realm where we last forever, always, together, you.  Basking in the blocking blackness of not hearing your voice for fifty five days, away from you this sadness turns blue like a clue into the ripples of my heart.  The tearing apart of a dream, a lost lark that thinks thousands of thoughts every single second.  I—I told you once, the one thing that matters most to me.  You.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2023
Let it rest.
Let us see better, saying
some say we have dues to pay,

duties to the whole human race,
race being loaded with royal faith.

Any propagation of holy order, go,

take the land that lacks any kings,
make men modeled on Donald Trump,
from boys modeled on the anti-hero,
and ---

Accept the offer of a satisfied mind, for a minute.

Poverty of being me, not obliged to any
powers of orders from God, general use,
under which, in America, pledged children stand.

Stepping beyond the ordered classes,
my generation, born into natural TV, Eureka!,
I personally watched Archimedes say it, on TV,
I was seven, and used …
Information gathering, intelligence collecting,
ever learning never knowing everything about,
ever, as a state.
Communists, say the word,
instant hate,
****, say it, sayit Niggerniggerniger ghuck yew.
Potential traitors, aliegiance pledge violators,
called to vote, under the laws God authorized.

Vote for fear,
vote for hope, vote for leaving me alone.

------------------ governing a self, letting any mind
be in you, being found in the gaseous we state, ever
after all's been said and done, a dozen times, or more.

The entertainment value of life.
Judging one's own experience, later than most.
Age tested…
ex agere, eh, gitgo, let it roll… therapy, in session.

Listen, Doktor, I am a good liar,
I just wish I were otherwise. That's everyman's truth.

It is written, all men are liars, not only Cretans.
Therefore, right,
knowing that, accepting that, we all naturally lie,
and if we are rewarded for the art of mimicry,

we lie until we die.

Think yourself to the source, when did the mind
on offer to the elite who hired spirited tutors,
to allow the untouchables
to read?
------- Freedom from unknowing why I disagree.

Over the last century, however,
Freud’s ideas have since been met
with criticism,
in part because
of his singular focus
on sexuality as the main driver
of human personality development.

My AI, intuitional artistry, assisting informant, informs me,
- ego chooses to, a bit vehemently, dis-herd my hide.
Be not conformed to this world…

be not conformed
to the mileau projected as reality, you and me
being formed in, positioned
as carriers, or as carried messages, proof
of all naked mankind may bear up under imagining.

Stand and ask the chronicles. Bow and ask the spirits,
sit Zazen lotus on a goldfish pond, stride across surface tension,
animated orderly symphony of
how big a show we can put on.

Recall the age weapon, wielded unrighteously.
-- I can out time waste any young mind.
-- time acknowledged passing. So,
am I to do well enough to influence turbulence positively.
Make a point.

Think a cause, make up your mind, our whole mortal mechanics,
levers and weights and balances and tension holders and releasers.

Prods produce anger, and
any we we thought we were kicks it self to death, when…

- Cadmus, it is- and this then that stone thrown at
dragon's teeth, taken from Ares,
by  our selected hero,
fed early Book of Knowledge, and Britannica,
and Aesop, and Poor Richard, and all the Nursery Rhimes…
- just so right, if the least heat zone is cool.
Rapunzel, coming of age, rites of passage, understand.
Peter, the pumpkin eater, had a true Freudean problem.

Not some thing nursery children can parse.

Knowledge of the story,
holistic impression on the cultural psyche, do tell,
says the Id to the Super I.

"Peter, Peter pumpkin eater,
Had a wife but couldn’t keep her;
He put her in a pumpkin shell
And there he kept her very well.
Peter, Peter pumpkin eater,
Had another and didn’t love her;
Peter learned to read and spell,
And then he loved her very well."

I'd better think myself a fine boy, for this plumb,
line upon line, steady sense of balance and
timing since, aim, edumacated
will to tell, provocative force, tensile strength stretch
of the imagination,
the imagining machinery, pull

Target audience, the attraction in us all, to hit it
the key first thing,
the corner stone.
cultural syncretism, lying idle, conjoined heads and tales,

preconscious, conscious, unconscious, subconscious
science - use, measure, from seventeen POVs, at once.
collect a consciousness,
form a we, me and thee.
We are perhaps the briefest form of mind,
the passing fancy, fantasy titular idea, the works

opera, machinations deploying ropes and wheels,
and crashing cymbals, Zildjians, no doubt, old ideas,

tinkling bells, and jingling bells, sounds of whips,
sounds of sails snapping, tacking,

ambitions lead us around the obstacles, land us on the sand.
knowledge, expressed with confident proof,
poet's license taken as granted, this is all I offer life.
Any ant-like urge to gather for the colony, I offer this.

I disagree with Sigmund Freud, and Bishop Sheen…
and doubt we ever could have been friends, like me and

the few names I have power to recall, with a thought, like
a charged ion on a quest,

to prove the best use,
of any knack.

This is all I brought with me from my past,
I speak English and
I have a linked history through five generations.

Being amusing, and being a user of muses, are not same
in balance of Natural vs Artformed,
Art's own sake, they say, causa sui
the use of knowledge, knowing and doing, showing growing,
formations of cultural biomes,

rust dust, color of Mars, Ares, same idea,
a good god of war…

"Turn the other cheek."
Love make simple - imagine Romance Novels, all day, all night,
News as it would appear, after the generational curses
propagated at the K through 12 stage,
bear fruit on grafted limbs.

The poor you have always
with you, ye poor in heart.

Fitting war's reality, 2023
--fit, not fight
Pieces of my mind, hoping mostly not to lie, unconsciously.

Lines, floating on singularities too tiny to feel.
From our conjoined mind's past,
to our oath tied you and me agreement, I admit, I pray,

in much the way I prayed as a child,
hoping to win the lottery,
believing my mercy on the universe plea,
I can imagine news from the Daily Planet,
I can imagine pogroms looking like a zippo'd village.

Can't we all?
Is not the power of the message art offers seeing eyes,
worth the promise of redeeming shame, cash in the secrets.

The work of a prophet, use the best gift, fabricate a valid reason.
T'is today, Monday, once.

So sophomoric have we become, tomorrow never comes, we know.

Live for today, eh, seize the light, stretch it, stretch it, to the night.

Blessed. Favored above the cursed, happy having things to do, right.
Cursed. Tied to the fear of death, due to childhood trauma, Victorian
moral standards,
five moral generations ago, height of the mission to hide the theft.

History and new thought. Novelty constantly, let me,
entertain you,
let my words be the glue,

listen with a will to know,
and grow your own shelter from the storm,

become a passive unibomber, seek and destroy the glory,
iconoclasm chasm leap

of merest faith, spirit verbing lief as well, mine or thine,

Where this is, in a construct believed in as direct objective
The Cloud of all collected knowns and their known uses.

I, ego of the entity I play, outwardly aware you are there,
thinking we think at once,
this time,
this instant, and some men of faith can sell that.
Some sit in the buzz of electrified retiremental bliss,
content. Sowing seeds of kindalikeness.

The prize of the satisfied mind… seek that first.
See what it turns into.
Letting the hope of doing good, act out.
Blue Flask Aug 2017
The self proclaimed writer

Jerking himself off to exhaustion daily

(Never touched, never connected)

To play roulette with his circadian rhythm

And turn an otherwise docile daytime delinquent

Into a nocturnal creature's fear

All to avoid the cliched train wreck of a family

The alcoholic mother

The never proud father

And the always beyond reach sister

Yes yes, feel the waking nightmare

This insomniac desperately craves sleep

As the titular picturesque life

sobriquet to family cat

Is slowly causing his dormant degeneracy

To blister and boil the brain

And he feels like he is losing his mind

In this otherwise ideal world

This grotesquely pictersque

Fevered upper class dream
Axxsh Sep 2020
interlocking Complex(cities)
a fortunate mixed complexion
comprising of liberating schemes.
the unnatural routine
followed by beings with hindered genes
i see them upload themselves in a virtual scene.
i look up to them, twice
binocular vision
remix the visuals with binaural beats
to keep me levitating
before breaking into a fragmented
they’ve preached their nuisance to me
i’ve definitely caught an anomaly
i’ve heard them fabricating speech into something humble and noble
i’ll wait till it’s my turn to be
i’ll spit radiation like Chernobyl
to obliterate the ever growing regime.
molecular regain
they speak up to my senses
to attain the consent of the
eternal and beyond
with an upright movement
momentum i gain
from forthcoming sonder
while wandering down to the streets
you’re listening to city dreams
lean back, chime in
with psychedelic scenes
peripheral context
sidetracked to prevent hindrance
from the beings that are of obscene nature
i’ve seen a lot of those
nurturing themselves
by ******* onto the future
still stuck up on the yet coming past
trying to get grips on the titular concept
there’s authority with the ones who kept it flowing
rugged strength no guffawing
headed straight to the delirious ends of the rope
always falling but never out of hope
the stream that quenches the guilt of those
showing up with guns just to pinch a loaf
exterior combats
come back to the present
im here to steal the philosopher’s stone
getting ****** just to soar
above the stratosphere
i went straight out of the blue sphere
where i got to see the blues that fill up the majority of the crust
****** back to my grounds
the velocity burned my rust
thats a leap higher than the nukes
you trust
get to my location
ask the Everest where im at
it’ll point up to me and i’ll wave back
but there’s a truth thats yet to be told
i held the meeting of gods that weren’t sold
nobody showed up
neither the young nor the old
except avowed fakes that claim to be woke
another rant....i've been trying not to force myself into writing anything...that just brings in a lot of unwanted and unnecessary's been a while since i last wrote a proper piece...but...that just goes on to say that im occupied and's good enough for now.
Saraistone Feb 2015
Dream sequence engaged
And this is how it goes
Accepting all of me in your arms
Lengthy yet comforting like your gaze
I have been only
I have been lonely
And I enounter the turmoil in your mere presence
Arguing inwardly, reasons running out
Of why not and what not
Defying the definitions and avoiding titular restrictions, I only love
Love you from this perch
Where I will continue to watch you smile
And study the crinkles in your eyes
Counting my heartbeats increase
The unrequited rejection has rejected me enough
I only dream of astounding bravery
And waking next to you
I only wish with eyes closed
Moving on and moving forward
Taking a deep breath I say it out loud
In a practice round
Only a sad little secret
Only a glimmer of hope
Only me
Only you.
Man Feb 13
If you harbor spite
For the perception of it in others
But lack the strength to investigate,
It's better to refrain from assumptions.
Perhaps you're picking up
On something that isn't real,
But a fiction of your imagination.
Perhaps they weren't serious.
Unless you have concrete evidence,
Something that confirms your suspicions.
But then, without cross-examination,
That's just another assumption.
I am Becoming Not.
Wasting away with the singular,
Empowering, He, the titular
Man of Wisdom.
Thence denouncing the God of Reason
As Thy transformation rip Thee
To pieces of never ending conformity.
Abandoning the mind,
Raising the soul,
Through which, the pain of loss,
Drives He to convince,
Conceive, and deceive
The prior aspirations
That once supported
The search for understanding
Now Thy sit and wonder
What is most important?
Not Becoming?
Or Becoming Not?
Tell me which is more important.
Thought first begins in


a Sun with a slow metabolism
       excreting    sterile   doves

            or    roses in machineries     of     crimson

I feel   the  same   inflammation

   when    thought   first starts    in the   mouth

   and ends    a derailed    train:      *******
      in   an    alley      of   locomotives

this    titular  token   of the   grave  sorrow of the World
      sinking   in   your   sleep   a  dagger

               simply   a
This is poetry I made in Dada. I really can't let you all see because there isn't a feature here that allows attaching pictures, so.. Just imagine this as anti-art.
vircapio gale Jan 2024
my kindness has now been commodified
whereas before it triggered hate
--seen as weakness, as cruelty's plaything--
still, i saturate to what extent i can
my daily happy-dance with honest friendship,
compassion's ease, delight and pet-store equipoise.
yet my sincerity is sloganed, emptied of its worth:
trained to say 'rewards program' in stead of 'membership, account';
'guests' in stead of 'customers'
'team-players' in stead of 'employees'
'long-term relationships' as first and foremost mission statement's goal--
slither-scripted to promote a highest bottom line
as language euphemizes baby mice as 'pinkies,
fuzzies, hoppers': 'feeders' for a petted multitude
of scaly, fang-ed maws.

pre-thanksgiving christmas-trees
on either side of automatic double-doors--
styro-snowflakes hung
by wrapping-papered end-cap shelves on sale
to swipe our plastics to a higher debt--
to tinsel out the shame of maybe giving less?
reminding 'gift-time soon' and 'this could be a gift'
to ward off never having given childhood its due?
or of being less than cheerful
at incessant jingled tunes?

november fifth--decorations up;
guy fawkes night of trick-or-treater-candies
tweeting hallowed flu-shots
as my manager in elf-cap-antlers squeals in glee:
says she starts promoting christmas back in august.
i tell her that's appropriate!
given jesus was perhaps born in august.
says she didn't memorize the bible.
i tell her that part was left out anyway--
i don't mention the holiday's titular meaning;
or the waiting gnostic manger,
royal transhistoric camels,
mary on her donkey, joseph's wind-blown face
las posadas... the loneliness of exile
O mary... in her starlit tears of unknown pain and joy--
the unremitting love for barnfloor bodyheat,
todos santos
nonhominin humanity...
earthling rights day
a stranger's kindnesses
of yule-tide warmth and evergreen,
solstice-fulcrum festivals of lights
veteran's day's existential loss
and bureaucratic selfhoods shelved;
gurpurb at a gurdwara
the martyrdom of guru tegh bahadur
the garifuna settlement day
the tazaungdaing festival
fasting over christian as well as buddhist lent
the five days of deepawali, diwali:
bodhi day
découverte d'haïti and vertières
jamhuri day
zamenhof day
pancha ganapati
mithras day
osiris, adonis and dionysus day (all dec. 25th)
--republic day! national day! and proclamation day!
in the maldives, brazil, northern cyprus, chad, yugoslavia;
in the central african republic, burkina faso, kenya, malta, kazakhstan, niger, south sudan...
chahrshanbeh soori
the dongzhì festival
the saturnalia of pagans (lit. "country dwellers"; "those of the heath")
dies natalis solis invicti
watch night
boxing day
the day of goodwill
wren's day
quaid-e-azam's day
yeni il
guru govind singh jayanti
international solidarity day of azerbaijanis
fête du vodoun
darwin day
chocolate-egg-laying fertile-bunny-day-- or ishtar day
butter week, crepe week, or cheesefare week-- or maslenitsa
happy holidays to all in particular

on November 24th, 1675, "Guru Tegh Bahadar, the ninth Sikh Guru undertook the supreme sacrifice for the protection of the most fundamental of human rights - the right of a person to freely practice his or her religion without interference or hindrance."
Leydis Feb 2018
Te entregue un libro naviero,
un florilegio de todas mis experiencias,
que guiara tu pensar y entendieras mi biografía,
ya sabiéndote educado, juntos recopilar una nueva antología.  

Intempestivo es tu lamento..,ha finalizo el cuento,
se escribió la última página, y, no llegamos ilesos.

Se acabaron las palabras, la tinta se agotó,
las letras, que mi amor le declamaba,
a tu corazón roñoso e impiadoso.., tu alma no cautivo.

Te entregue un libro abierto, autografiado en su interior,
con la tinta de un pasado, que en tu pluma, se firmaría con sonrisas,
en la certeza del presente, ¡titular tantas trilogías!
en la esperanza del mañana…completar una historia con rimas.

Mas ¡olvidaste leerlo!
El polvo fue arruinando las páginas
y a corolario de tu abandono..,
hoy están esas hojas amarillas y manchadas.

De esa historia solo quedan;
letras amarga relatando una historia..,
talvez ociosamente narrada,
talvez mal trazadas,
talvez, ¡quizás! fue una visión,
fragmentos de una viva imaginación
y tu personaje es una entelequia-  
que categoriza mí libro como una lírica de Elegías.  

Ya las hojas vuelvan al viento, con ellas,
palabras relatando mi bendita soledad humillada,
un amor olvidado en estantes literarios
y un lamento por no poder cambiar……el final de este jácara.

Jack Harrell Jul 2019
A jack of all trades
But a master of none
How many can I claim
Before I’m done?

Titular titles tumble from my tongue
Mumbling by mere menageries
Of often overlooked and occult occupations
Professional practices performed profusely

Waiting out the rain
Slumping through the pain
Perfecting nothing but aversion
New things tempt me like a ******
Eshwara Prasad Dec 2020
I don't struggle penning poetry,
but, I struggle with titles !
Aditya Roy Mar 2020
Make love
If you can't
Hold a grudge
Make up
If you can't
Make war
If you can't
Make love
If you can't
Date or escape
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
Message looked at Arthur’s flight toward Mythology through the window. She looked out the window and shouted to the outside, “With every down, we will hunt their breath!”  The Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons looked shocked and his face turned pale. He turned his head upward and said in the loudest voice he could, “Don’t you mean with every breath, we shall hunt them down?!” Message waved her ******* at him and said, “I mean what I said!” Then she slammed the window shut.
The Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons turned to the Manyman he was speaking to and complained, “Message is the most aggressive person in our army. She is always dragging us into fights that we have to bail her out by our power.” The Manyman nodded and said, “What if I told you that she doesn’t have to drag us into fights anymore.”  The Peacemonger stroked his beard and said, “Interesting. I am listening so go ahead.” “The Manyman said, “There is a group called the Headless who wants to overthrow Message. You would be in the line of succession so you could rule us and stop Message’s nonsense.” The Peacemonger crossed his arms and said, “You never heard it from me, but I like that and when you succeed, I will be the Dahomeyan Rulersbip. I will funnel you weapons, so that when you overthrow her, I can be the one to slam her prison door shut in her face. We do not want to **** our ruler, that would not be nice,” he cackled.
Message called Arthur on the Galvatar watch, “Where are you? I can’t see you.” Arthur replied, “We are in the inside, but we don’t see, OHHH. I see it. He is just like what my mom said tormented my ancestors.” “ Message said back, “Okay so you have seen him, you can pull back.” Arthur replied,”I have to avenge my ancestors who now sleep because I was not born when Mythology attacked. Good-bye.” Message pleaded, “Arthur! That was not the plan!”, but her Galvatar watch soon fell silent and she was pacing back and forth.
The Alliance Project opened the door and said, “You were never one for plans, or to follow a plan once it has been formed. Karma is really something, huh.” “Get out”, said Message, not amused at all. The Alliance Project cocked his head and said, “You know now we would have to be put on the War Footing, right?” Let me gather the Dahomeyian Army as a safeguard.” Message buried her head in her hands and said, “What have I done?”
The Alliance Project assembled the Dahomeyian Army. As a Project he was the Peacemonger Marshal of the Dahomeyian Army, even though the Dahomeyian Army was headed by Message as titular Ruler. The Dahomeyian Army advanced toward the Seragon Mountains where Mythology lived. Suddenly someone said, “Look up there.” The Isotrain Mechanism came down in front of them.
Inside was Arthur, bloodied but proud. He said to the Dahomeyian Army, “I did my ancestors well. I stopped Mythology. It took the king of Camelot and Avalon to defeat a deity.” “The Manyman who was talking to the Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons went and angrily asked Arthur, “ Where is Wayne, my son? He went with you on the expedition!” Arthur said, “ I don’t know of this Wayne of whom you speak of. I went by myself and triumphed with my sword.” The Manyman said, “Where is my boy?” The Alliance Project stepped between Arthur and the Manyman and showed The Manyman a projection.  He solemnly said,
“Wayne never existed. You never had a son.”
Andrew Guzaldo c May 2020
“What was once a fiery passion of desire?                
Procured in the end with passionate love,
Once flaming red fervent orange propensity,
Thunder and the sunshine cloudless all above,

The propensity of earth needs Grass and stone,
Unsuitable men have annexed to titular success,
Some task of nobility a symbol yet to be done,
If you refuse to let a rapport of love perish,                

One can find a progeny in the waves of the sea,
It may be that the gulfs may wash them down,
Here the docket breeds a flambeau in the night,
And might it be this prompt of melancholy key?

Is this a sign that there is still hope in our ambit?
Then there is still hope that this love may live on,
So let it is let it sound from this night onward,
As hiatus ocean lulls your tired eyes to rest,    

Will it be in morn our spirits will be as one?
Or will our Limerick Boundaries be once again!”
     By Andrew Guzaldo 05/29/2020 © #188
By Andrew Guzaldo 05/29/2020 © #188 Poem #188 #Hello Poetry TY
The prez best get sent packing
     to Lake woebegone
forced to coexist amidst University
     of Pennsylvania Dutch
     men in breaches
(May Apple lie)
swampy netherlands awash
     with bipedal hominid

     sucker pun ching leaches
where within every
     whirled wide webbed
     nook and cranny
     Nietzscheism reaches,
and survival of fittest
     iz basic credo,
     and dogmatic ethos,

analogous to an apprentice teaches
a most frightful distortion of facts,
     and make up mistruths
     indiscriminately bandied about
said alarmist blatant LIES
     blithely stated with dangerous clout
appearing oblivious and totally
     clueless without a doubt

punctuating with doubt Thomas
     pettifogging questionable details
     FALSE exclamations
     generating fear with mindless
     ignorance exaggerating protocols
     as he doth emphatically flout
begetting, engendering,
     and inflicting emotional gout

nothing accomplished by
     hash tagging him a "LOUT"
and more opprobrious affect
     would ensue anew
undeservedly praising him,
     whose animus toward
     Democrats would brew
but no matter what (tick)

     tack toe taken,
     he got nary a clue
about vital issues,
     which lack of insight
     even Scoobie Doo
would agree, heck the Americans
     may as well install an emu
with more positive
     forthcoming results,
     cuz dis dope head like hellacious,

     ludicrous, pernicious evils
     in Pandora's box flew
his every actions
     destroying essential glue
that sets this country apart
     approximating Democracy, where hue
mans comprise melting ***,
     whether Eskimos in their

     (fast melting) igloo
gentile, heathen, or Jew
experience limitless
     pasta billet teas
     applying their new
dill (aptitude) reaching
     titular status of parvenu
especially trumping proper, "P's"
     and most every "Q."
Ken Pepiton Oct 2024
Daily on recollection of what you are,
Teach finding found in retrospect.
Automimic transmissive self.
Didache epiousion,
pursue our own happy state,
taking the granted goodwill done.

Cosmic inspiration,
not bread alone, teach each phraze
enough good sense
to feel a way
when darkness sets in,
to stay,
do not attempt
to change station
when suicides, all say, see, told you,
all the ones we know, and some I didn't,
linger as reminders spun
to when lives end,
unfinished, abruptly,
by entropic right,

step outside the fire circle,
be swallowed by the night,
step farther into the night,
be swallowed by the stars.

Feel the massive black hole,
spinnorially tying edges
to themselves, up
goes down, in
goes out,

ever, as far as
mortals are concerned.

Living at a gallop,
the last mile of the way,
laughing at whys nearly lost
in my dust of disintegrable missed
opportunities to force pi on phi,
making flowers open ever so
slowly in sunshine dust so
fine one must believe so

simple a child can hold the idea, as
sunbeams hold motes for eyes to see.

Galloping away,
dopplering an oscillating
instance recalculation allowing
a second glance to hold a century.

Agree to testing,
partaking not in legal usery,
calling the whole truth to judge.

Full measure for a life well lived.
Envy not the talent, know the meaning,
weight to cost of potential use for something.

You, there, listen,
lend me your ears,
let me hear your take on precise measures.

In spirit form, we may imagine, we are,
on either side of the loop thrown
around us, was it once said,

dang me, ' oughta take a rope…
hang me cut me up in pieces,
let me symbolize the cost
of FREEDOM, in will, fall
in love and wonder,
why so many lie,

she threw me for a loop, like
a centrifugal railroad mag-levitating
behind a star tied in macro manifestation.

Yet, the whole thing remains beautiful,
at scale.

Ink, where no ink is,
skin, where no skin is,

lifestyle game divisions,
fans only, believers only,

wordless worship paid
as attention, aimed at that,
training taken in after domes
enclosed crowds as big as Athens,

when Socrates corrupted the youth
in training to become guardians called

by God to honor their constant pledge,

and then,
appears, with signs and wonders,

and the messengers make evident
the degree of authority involved,

good will, of the highest order,
most complete good will there

ever was, ever before, done
on earth, as it ever is in heaven.

Or, the story is unbelievable.

------------------ scribal note
2024 Ai advises one to know:
a talent's worth is variable, by use

Ancient Israel: used to describe the value of gold and silver used to build the tabernacle in 34 Kg chunks.

New Testament times: used the unit to represent a substantial sum of money, equivalent to 20 years’ wages for a common worker or valued between $1,000 to $30,000 today
Ask your titular agent teaching you,
In the famous parable, who passes the test in Psalm 15, using foreknowledge?
What a privilege to be alive with such assisting intellegence keeping us learning our part is easy, we think.
David Hilburn Dec 2020
Arms of distance?
Predicting the irony we adjust
To a knowing light, the equality of amends
Made, for a simplicity to stand forward, and know all must

A hug of introspection
Meant in your favor, and the tradition of identity
Consumed by the passion, a welcome to direction
And its sincerity, do we seek a mention of relent, in a city...

Far and away, the truth of becoming
A knowledge inclined by sorts or worth
The actual in its vicinity, to account a roaming
Suggestion of integrity we encourage from birth

Baby's with rolling eyes...
And taken dreams to a range of voice, we dream with
Sour old gesture, of rued compromise, only why's...
Like a titular excuse of pioneering spirit, a day with opuses bless?

Mother's of invention, that knew the commotion
Rarified exaction, to a marveling hurry, we kept as should?
The forces that be, or is a lucre of sincerer time, our devotion
Looking here to empathy, complete of a rise in the land, could...

Father's of concerned charity's, and a luckier form to nothing?
With the care of callous distraction, is a house made for a needy turn?
Of essential energies, into a heed of cope - the rue of wanting
Another eye fall at the table, to be, a craving for what orders of curiosity earned...

Privilege to meet you, with the eyes of commonness
As shrewd as a claim of burden can be, the irony I preach
And seldom, is a trouble to blame only on paradise
And the muse of composure, with moments to understand a haunt of each...

— The End —