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Ember Evanescent Dec 2014
How to cook a gourmet (whatever the hell that means) dinner:

Step 1: Send your boyfriend a text inviting him over for a romantic, candlelit home-cooked gourmet dinner.

Step 2: Remember that you are forever alone and don’t have a boyfriend.

Step 3: Go buy mass amounts of chocolate and cry about it.

Step 4: Get over it and invite over your grandmother instead.

Step 5: Preheat the oven to 975 degrees

Step 6: Freak out about the fire in your oven and turn it off.

Step 7: Open all your doors to let the smoke out.

Step 8: Get out all the ingredients you need for the recipe you are

Step 9: End up eating most of the ingredients before you even get to
use them.

Step 10: Spill oil and wine all over your recipe book (umm pffft the
wine is TOTALLY one of the ingredients, that’s why you had it out… heh heh… yeah…)

Step 11: Panic and try to dry it off by taking the book outside and waving it around.

Step 12: Watch in horror as all the pages in your book tear and fly off
into the wind.

Step 13: Chase hopelessly after the pages down the block screaming
swear words and having a heart attack.

Step 14: Politely smile and wave awkwardly at your neighbour who
hates you.

Step 15: Yell an apology across the street to that other neighbour who
REALLY doesn’t like you with the little five year old daughter who is
now repeating all of your colorful vocabulary words you just yelled.

Step 16: Reluctantly accept the fact that your recipes are gone. And also
that you have just contributed to the global problem of littering the

Step 17: Walk back to your smoke-scented house in shame.

Step 18: Look through pictures of scrumptious-looking meals on

Step 19: Get inspired and decide to put your brilliant idea of creating your own recipe into action.

Step 20: Get out your frying pan and throw a bunch of random ingredients in.

Step 21: Put out yet another fire and realize that marshmallows, sprinkles, raisins, baking soda, orange peels and liquid gasoline probably wouldn’t have tasted very good together anyway.

Step 22: Wonder what the hell is wrong with you.

Step 23: Get distracted by the television for half an hour.

Step 24: Try to microwave 2 week old mac and cheese you forgot to
throw out.

Step 25: Watch as your microwave malfunctions and spontaneously

Step 26: Decide to clean it up later because you just cannot even deal
with it right now.

Step 27: Fill a *** with water to make pasta and try to boil the water.

Step 28: Somehow manage to burn the water.

Step 29: Wonder how that even happened?!!!!

Step 30: Give up and call the pizza delivery guy.

Step 31: When you grandmother arrives have her take a seat in the

Step 32: Call an ambulance when she has a heart attack seeing the mess
in your kitchen.

Step 33: Get ready to leave and drive after the ambulance to the
hospital with your grandmother once the pizza arrives so you can
bring it with you. Get a call from the pizza place.

Step 34: Listen to the manager explain that your pizza spontaneously
burst into flames in the oven and they are terribly sorry there will be a
delay in the delivery due to this.

Step 35: Pass out.
Stay tuned for more HOW TO posts :D

Hope this was helpful. If this offended you in any way, I apologize. I will cook you a gourmet meal to make up for it.
Marci Mareburger Mar 2016
Step One:
Meet someone.
Step Two:
Become friends.
Step Three:
Spend too much time with them.

Step Four:
Realize that you have gotten along better with them than anyone else you know.
Step Five:
Tell yourself that they're the one for you.
Step Six:
Tell them that they're the one for you.
Step Seven:
Step Eight:
Fall in love.

Take a deep breath.
This is where it gets tricky.

Stay together for awhile...


and you cry
and cry
and cry
and cry and cry and cry...

Step Twenty-Three:* fall
and hit rock bottom.

There you have it, ladies in gentlemen:
******* yourself without *actually
...Love someone who doesn't love you back.
Robert Guerrero Apr 2013
This is the guide to a perfect suicide
Step one:
Go to the roof top of the tallest building
Step two:
Go to the edge
Step three:
Look down
Step four:
Scream out to the world "*******!!"
Step four:
Go home
Step five:
Go to your room
Step six:
Lock your door
Step seven:
Grab a pen
Step eight:
Grab a piece of paper
Step nine:
Write 'This Is The Death Of Me'
Step ten:
Pour your heart out and write how you would end it
Step eleven:
Stop writing
Step twelve:
Read what you wrote
Step thirteen:
Continue writing
Step fourteen:
Cry and let them fall on the paper
Step fifteen:
Log onto Hello Poetry
Step sixteen:
Post it on your page
Step seventeen:
Add it to several collections
Step eighteen:
Go back and add a note stating 'I wanted to do this'
Step nineteen:
Watch the 'Don't do it, You will be missed' rack up
Step twenty:
Reply to them all 'Thank you'
Step twenty one:
Keep killing yourself within your poetry
Step twenty two:
If you ever find the time...**** yourself
Within your poetry
If you ever doubt yourself
Don't resort to anything but coming to me
Call me if you have to
I will always be there for you
Waiting to comfort you
Step twenty three:
Clear your mind
Step twenty four:
This is the final step-
There will be a lot of people
Who want to **** themselves
They will read this just as you have
And they will listen to my advice
Because I can get away with every possible crime
It's only poetry and there is no law
There is no judge
There is no jury
You are only guilty of one thing
Not killing yourself sooner
And **** what any body else says
You spoke your mind
You opened yourself up
You did what they couldn't... found peace and solitude
Axel Mar 2019
one step ahead and they're finally done
one step ahead and they're finally gone
one step ahead and she is finally proud
one step ahead,one step ahead, one step ahead

one step ahead and the glass finally falls
one step ahead and the tears finally drop
one step ahead and the fingers finally touch
one step ahead and the shirt is finally black
one step ahead,one step ahead,one step ahead

with or without,skies or the clouds,
love or a fling,food or a drink;
they finally said and they finally did
they finally free in a count of three
they finally gone and this time it's gonna be so long
they finally clap and it feels like it's only one step
they finally grow as the wind blows
and they finally smile but they're gonna cry

one step ahead before the journey ends
one step ahead before the airplane lands
and one step ahead before the new level
and one step ahead before a boy turns into a man
and one step ahead before a girl turns into a woman
and one step ahead and they finally fly to the higher level of the sky.
goodbye seniors,even tho some of us may not miss y'all,there will be some that's gonna cry,and there will be some of us that's gonna miss your smiles.
thank you,for everything. May God will always bless u.
Hunter Sep 2018
Step 1:
Realize that winning at life does not mean that you beat others, but rather that you beat life itself. Realize that the only thing holding you back is life's grip on you that convinces you that you can't beat it. Break free of it. You're not seized by death, but by life.

Step 2:
Take care of yourself. Self-care is the most important, specifically the hard stuff. Clean your house, one room at a time. Shower, brush your hair and teeth, go for a walk outside, exercise, cook proper meals. You're not helping yourself at all by doing things you already do and enjoy. If you don't change yourself then the world won't change around you. Better yourself and everything else will follow closely in your wake.

Step 3:
Accept that happiness is a reward and not a gift. Accept that happiness is fleeting and you will have to continue to work for it if you want to keep getting it.

Step 4:
Listen to music you enjoy. Listen to music that matches your mood. Listen to music that inspires you. Trust me, it's important and you'll even enjoy it.

Step 5:
Be mature, but never grow up. Remember how to be a kid, but keep in mind that you have to be an adult sometimes. If you can decipher when each are appropriate then life will be significantly easier.

Step 6:
Get over it. It's harsh, but it's true. If you keep dwelling on things that happened in the past and are irreversible then how will you find the time to make sure the future turns out better?

Step 7:
Remember that you have plenty of time left, but that you have much control over how plenty. Remember you were born with enough time to do everything you want, but if you waste it then you'll lose it and can never get it back. Remember that if you enjoyed wasting the time then the time wasn't wasted and that you will die eventually.

Step 8:
Acknowledge that forgiveness is not a requirement. You do not have to forgive anyone who has hurt you, but people say it's nice.

Step 9:
Remind yourself that your health is more important than others' comfort. If someone feels better at your expense then they need to stop. Take care of yourself first, other people have their own coping mechanisms and they will get over it. You are your priority, no matter what.

Step 10:
Never forget that all problems have solutions. If you feel stuck, think. You'll eventually realize you know how to solve all of your problems. Never forget that solutions might not solve every problem at once, and you need to pick what's most important and what can be saved for later.

Step 11:
Accept that the future might be worse. Especially if you're in an environment you don't have full control over, things out of your hands could change for the worse. Accept that you can change most things however, and you can decide when things get better.

Step 12:
Know that there will come a time when you'll be forgotten forever and that will be so freeing. After you die, someone will think about you for the very last time and you'll be truly free. Nothing you do in life will last forever and soon everyone will have forgotten you ever existed, and it will be good.

Step 13:
Don't be superstitious. You'll worry more than you already do.

Step 14:
Realize that you won't ever get a positive answer unless you ask. No one will tell you yes unless you express that that's what you want to hear.

Step 15:
Listen to your doctors. Take your medications. Do your exercises. They studies for many years to tell you how to not die, listen to them. I promise they know more about how to help you than a random article online with no sources of sustenance.

Step 16:
Trust your gut. If you even stop to seriously consider something, it's probably at least a little bit true. If something is wrong, you will know it. You also know when that opinion is yours, or the one you've been tricked into believing is yours.

Step 17:
Think about the past. In moderation. Realize that the past is only as good as you remember it, and if you think it's better than the present then you will grow to despise the present. Realize that even if the past was better, you cannot go back and it passed for a reason.

Step 18:
Don't get back together with an ex. You broke up for a reason. Unless everything was a misunderstanding, in which case maybe. Even if you look back on your break up and think the reasons were foolish, remember that they hurt someone enough for you to break up. That will permanently damage your relationship, even if you try your hardest to fix everything.

Step 19:
Realize that you don't need to take advise from a random sixteen year old over the internet. Realize you can and should disregard any previous steps if you disagree.

Step 20:
Die knowing you lived.
Bethany May 2010
Step 1:  Understand that you are powerless when it comes to love
Step 2:  Open your heart to love or there is no chance to love or be loved
Step 3:  When in love there is no return to sanity
Step 4:  Turn matters of love over to the heart, your mind will lose anyway
Step 5:  Take inventory of why you feel this love (will help in future step)
Step 6:  Admit to yourself the exact nature of this love
Step 7:  Realize that love is worth the risk of all heartaches
Step 8:  Never put off love, act on it, tomorrow may be to late
Step 9:  Conjure up courage and then proceed to step 10
Step 10:  Express your love, use the inventory from step 5 as a guide
Step 11:  Be prepared for anything, you may or may not get the response you seek
Step 12:  Repeat step 1:  understand that you are powerless when it comes to love
M K May 2015
step one, step two
in the tar you lost your shoe
step three, step four
you don't belong anymore
step five, step six
the kids are snorting pixie sticks
step seven, step eight
tonight you and charlie are going to hop the freight
step nine, step ten
you wonder when you'll be whole again
turn, step one, step two
charlie and you found your shoe
step three, step four
you bought a house with a pretty red door
step five, step six
you never really liked pixie sticks
step seven, step eight
you laugh 'till its late
step nine, step ten
you learn how to be whole again
Rachel Gosby Nov 2017
Step up, and quit asking questions.
step up, and start paying attention.
step up, and accept the things you can't change.
step up, and be proud of who you are.
step up, and stand your ground.
step up, and be a rider.
step up, and open your eyes so you can see the beauty in life.
step up, and go get what you want out of life.
step up, and be strong.
step up, and stand tall.
step up, and make money moves.
step up, and just go for it.
step up, and reach for the star.
step up, and stop being scared.
step up, and do you.
step up, and dream big.
step up, and live life.
step up!
when you think you cant do what every you set out to do.
do it. step up and make big things happen.
never stop doing what you want
step up and just do it
Haylin Sep 2018
Step 1:
Realize that winning at life does not mean that you beat others, but rather that you beat life itself. Realize that the only thing holding you back is life's grip on you that convinces you that you can't beat it. Break free of it. You're not seized by death, but by life.

Step 2:
Take care of yourself. Self-care is the most important, specifically the hard stuff. Clean your house, one room at a time. Shower, brush your hair and teeth, go for a walk outside, exercise, cook proper meals. You're not helping yourself at all by doing things you already do and enjoy. If you don't change yourself then the world won't change around you. Better yourself and everything else will follow closely in your wake.

Step 3:
Accept that happiness is a reward and not a gift. Accept that happiness is fleeting and you will have to continue to work for it if you want to keep getting it.

Step 4:
Listen to music you enjoy. Listen to music that matches your mood. Listen to music that inspires you. Trust me, it's important and you'll even enjoy it.

Step 5:
Be mature, but never grow up. Remember how to be a kid, but keep in mind that you have to be an adult sometimes. If you can decipher when each are appropriate then life will be significantly easier.

Step 6:
Get over it. It's harsh, but it's true. If you keep dwelling on things that happened in the past and are irreversible then how will you find the time to make sure the future turns out better?

Step 7:
Remember that you have plenty of time left, but that you have much control over how plenty. Remember you were born with enough time to do everything you want, but if you waste it then you'll lose it and can never get it back. Remember that if you enjoyed wasting the time then the time wasn't wasted and that you will die eventually.

Step 8:
Acknowledge that forgiveness is not a requirement. You do not have to forgive anyone who has hurt you, but people say it's nice.

Step 9:
Remind yourself that your health is more important than others' comfort. If someone feels better at your expense then they need to stop. Take care of yourself first, other people have their own coping mechanisms and they will get over it. You are your priority, no matter what.

Step 10:
Never forget that all problems have solutions. If you feel stuck, think. You'll eventually realize you know how to solve all of your problems. Never forget that solutions might not solve every problem at once, and you need to pick what's most important and what can be saved for later.

Step 11:
Accept that the future might be worse. Especially if you're in an environment you don't have full control over, things out of your hands could change for the worse. Accept that you can change most things however, and you can decide when things get better.

Step 12:
Know that there will come a time when you'll be forgotten forever and that will be so freeing. After you die, someone will think about you for the very last time and you'll be truly free. Nothing you do in life will last forever and soon everyone will have forgotten you ever existed, and it will be good.

Step 13:
Don't be superstitious. You'll worry more than you already do.

Step 14:
Realize that you won't ever get a positive answer unless you ask. No one will tell you yes unless you express that that's what you want to hear.

Step 15:
Listen to your doctors. Take your medications. Do your exercises. They studies for many years to tell you how to not die, listen to them. I promise they know more about how to help you than a random article online with no sources of sustenance.

Step 16:
Trust your gut. If you even stop to seriously consider something, it's probably at least a little bit true. If something is wrong, you will know it. You also know when that opinion is yours, or the one you've been tricked into believing is yours.

Step 17:
Think about the past. In moderation. Realize that the past is only as good as you remember it, and if you think it's better than the present then you will grow to despise the present. Realize that even if the past was better, you cannot go back and it passed for a reason.

Step 18:
Don't get back together with an ex. You broke up for a reason. Unless everything was a misunderstanding, in which case maybe. Even if you look back on your break up and think the reasons were foolish, remember that they hurt someone enough for you to break up. That will permanently damage your relationship, even if you try your hardest to fix everything.

Step 19:
Realize that you don't need to take advise from a random sixteen year old over the internet. Realize you can and should disregard any previous steps if you disagree.

Step 20:
Die knowing you lived.
aniket nikhade Nov 2015
Step by step,
one step at a time,
only one.

One by one moving ahead one step at a time
Only one step needs to taken at a time

Never did it matter, nor did it bother to the mind,
but since it's a habit always maintain and follow good habits.

Always remember, it's important,
keep in mind and stick to the same all the time.
Always take only one step at a time.

Whether climbing up or stepping down a flight of stairs
Always remember,
step by step, only one step to be taken at a time.
One by one, always take only one step at a time.

Experience and influence play an important role in everyone’s life
Constructive approach and right attitude makes all the difference between winning and losing
Approach and attitude are different from each other as is chalk from cheese
Yet both are important
They have there own role to play in everyone’s life
Both possess the ability, capacity and scope to make a difference in an individual's life
Hence while getting the future ascertained make the right use of each one of them so as to know their difference
Try to understand the need of hour and then act accordingly
Slow and steady wins the race, hence it always important to take only one step at a time.

Step by step, one step at a time
One by one, only one step needs to taken at a time.

Never did it matter, nor did it bother to the mind,
but since it's a habit always maintain and follow good habits.

Always remember, it's important,
keep in mind and stick to the same all the time.
Always take only one step at a time.
Casey Risk Feb 2018
Step 1: bow to your partner and hope they bow in return this is the first of many false acts of kindness you will receive
Step 2: move forward. A dance of this variety will require close quarters, and may result in attachment
Step 3: hold on. Get used to your partner leading. It’s time for you to be less than, that’s what you are. A scar left on them because you, you are the one to blame, right?
Step 4: glide right. You’re right they say shes left but you know they’re wrong. This song is on repeat and you know the only way to stop is take a seat but if you want to do that refer to step 3 this dance is not optional.
Step 5: follow her when she moves back the threat of her leaving somehow makes you stay. The day is not done. You are not about to lose her you are not about to be the cause of destruction you are not about to break a heel trying to pull away so balance on those sticks you call shoes
Step six: go left. your partner is right and you can’t question a rhythm.
Step seven: step back
Step seven: evaluate
Step seven: is your chance
Step seven: your body says run
Step seven: your feet are frozen
Step eight: hold onto your partner, you must get used to her leading. She says Do not stop dancing, not even if the music stops.
Step nine: who are you to question, glide right because she hasn’t left
Step ten: move forward, it will take her aback. Somehow you’ve found a way to lead
Step eleven: now you are the one who has left, but that does not make her right
Step 12: step back. Turn off the music. Bow.
NafisaSB Dec 2024
The steps that you take
Will your reputation make
For if you falter
Your goodwill can also break
So :
Step forward to assist
Step forward to unite
Step back when you are angry
And thirsting for a fight

Step forward to help
Step forward to mend
Step back from gossip
Step back when you can’t fend

Step forward when happy
Step forward to rise
Step back from jealousy
Step back from any lies

Step aside from controversy
Step around ongoing fights
Step happily along with others
Step back from stabbing your brothers

Step up with vigour
Step down when feeling rigour
Step ahead with head held high
Step back whenever you exhale a sigh

Step forward in places known
Be cautious when they are unknown
Step back when danger appears
Stay courageous and still your fears

The steps that you take
Will shape your future life
So let your steps be positive
To avoid dispute and strife
Step by step-
I'm falling...
You're falling...
Step by step-
We're too many miles apart...
Still can't stop these feelings...
Step by step-
I'm wanting you...
You're wanting me...
Step by step-
I'm longing to be yours...
You're longing to be mine...
Step by step-
Can't wait until we unite...
One day I know we will...
Just taking it step by step!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Step into the sunshine my friend,
let it kiss your face and refine your spirit into a golden bar.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
come out of the shadows of your past,
emerge as a saintly being clothed in angelic white.

Step into the sunshine my friend;
let the great sun inflame your soul
with magnificent grace and transformative power.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
wipe the darkness from your eyes
see what miracles the new day brings.
Believe in all the light you see.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
let radiant beams of love ignite your passions;
your heart will bust forth like an exploding star
washing the galaxy with positive energy.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
receive the fantastic glories the day brings to you
and revel in them all.

Step into the sunshine my friend;
bathe yourself in the warm river of humanity.
Recognize yourself for the first time in its watery mirror.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
witness the delicate flower break through the hard crust of earth,
marvel as its fragrant bud blooms.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
experience the wonder in a child’s face,
let them lead you to the next 10,000 sunrises.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
feel the soft rays touch your wounds;
know how the daylight can heal.

Step into the sunshine my friend,
smell the ocean heave against the climbing sun
listen to the wisps of the meadowland's verdant fragrance.

Step into the sunshine my friend;
see the sparrow take flight toward the light,
watch its tireless wings glide on a blanket of rising thermal air.

Step into the sunshine my friend.

Music Selection: Ramsey Lewis
Sun Goddess

Mike Hauser Nov 2017
one step
in any direction
one step
is all it takes
one step
of misconception
one step
could be a mistake
one step
before the other
one step
the right or left
one step
sisters and mothers
one step
boys and men
one step
forwards or backwards
one step
acquaintance to friend
one step
friend to lover
one step
reaches the end
one step
to greater awarness
one step
releases hate
one step
to realize
one step
is all it takes
Benji James Jun 2017
Ever lose that spark inside
A light slowly dies
Like a candle fading in the wind
And you've felt the sting
From love, you thought
You had found the one
And you're running
through the memories
Within your mind
You know you'll find
that healing with time

Looking around
Nobody to the left
Nobody to the right
Got no one to hold my hand
In sight
Can't turn back
I've been down that road
There's only one way
I've got to move forward

One foot placed
In front of the other
Baby steps
You can make it
My conscience keeps saying
Step by step
I'm gonna get there
Step by step
You'll see new faces
Step by step
You'll discover new places
You can make it
That's what my conscience keep saying

This damaged heart
It's still beating
Blurry eyed,
but visions still vivid
Think I can see a life
Without you in it
I may have stumbled,
Lost my stride
But you'll never break my pride
Gonna sweat this out
Work you out of my system
I think I've found my reason
To keep on living

Looking around
Nobody to the left
Nobody to the right
Got no one to hold my hand
In sight
Can't turn back
I've been down that road
There's only one way
I've got to move forward

One foot placed
In front of the other
Baby steps
You can make it
My conscience keeps saying
Step by step
I'm gonna get there
Step by step
You'll see new faces
Step by step
You'll discover new places
You can make it
That's what my conscience keep saying

Tears have run down these cheeks
Now I'm finally starting to see
There was no happy ending
For you and I
You weren't meant to walk
The same path as mine
Finally ready to let this go
Take a deep breath
And let it out
The end of the darkness
I can see it now
Let the sunshine brightly down
Soak it into your skin
Release your happiness from within

Looking around
Nobody to the left
Nobody to the right
Got no one to hold my hand
In sight
Can't turn back
I've been down that road
There's only one way
I've got to move forward

One foot placed
In front of the other
Baby steps
You can make it
My conscience keeps saying
Step by step
I'm gonna get there
Step by step
You'll see new faces
Step by step
You'll discover new places
You can make it
That's what my conscience keep saying

©2017 Written By Benji James
calion Apr 2014
step one: find someone with the correct qualifications. make sure he has taken the correct courses and has credentials.
step two: if your lawyer has a double major in medicine, run away.
step three: he is a person, not a house. do not treat him as such. don’t begin to use his bones as beams and his heart as a generator.
step four: you are a person, and just because you have legal issues doesn’t take away from that statement. you are a person, not a project. make sure your lawyer realizes this too.
step five: if he tries to fix you, run away. go back to step one and pay extra attention to step two.
step six: doctors are bad news. stay away from them at all costs, even if they are a good lawyer too.
step seven: don’t try to fix him either, even if he needs the help. he needs the help, but he’ll never actually accept it.
step eight: he’s just a boy. not an angel, not a superhero, not a saviour, not a lawyer, not a doctor, not a repairman.
step nine: he is not a song. don’t make him a song. he is not a song. don’t compare him to “broken crown” by mumford and sons or “ice” by lights.
step ten: if you need legal advice, a professional works but ultimately a convicted girl is the best advice.
step eleven: whatever you do, don’t hurt him because you’re afraid of being hurt.
step twelve: don’t give him your sharps. save yourself. you don’t need him.
step thirteen: don’t **** yourself because he doesn’t care.
step fourteen: he cares.
Katinka Nov 2019
Step 1:
Reread all old messages

Step 2:
Regret everything

look at old pictures

Step 4:
Cry your eyes out

Step 5:
Once you finished pitying yourself, get your **** togheter

Step 6:
Delete everything, photos, messages, everything

Step 7:
Get drunk

Step 8:
Remembering you didn´t delet their number
and calling them, drunk

Step 9:
Regret everything again

Step 10:
Watch 90´s love movies and eat ice cream

Step 11:
Get dressed, make yourself ready to go out

Sep 12:
Get drunk again

Step 13:
Do not call them
be strong

Step 14:
Cry yourself to sleep

Step 15:
Stand up, you are strong.
Now tell that the mirror another 99 times.

Step 16:
Smile, it´s okay to happy

Step 17:
Remember you could live without them before

Step 18:
Breathe, look around and notice the world didn´t stop spinning

Step 19:
Remember the good times, but don´t cry. Just smile

Step 20:
Love yourself.
Lily Espy Oct 2014
there's seven steps to the making and drinking hot cocoa process.

prepping: grab the mug, make sure you use tap water, grab the hot chocolate and spoon and begin the process down below

step one: pour the tap water into your mug, nearing to the top of the mug and place it in the microwave

STEP ONE: you're scrolling on facebook and you see the most handsome man you've ever seen and you automatically hit the friend button and start messaging him. he responds back, almost as quickly.

step two: press the general two minutes into your microwave and "patiently" wait for your hot chocolate

STEP TWO: you've been talking to her for a good month online now, you both mutually decide to meet up and instantaneously become very close. you start dating him.

step three: take out the flaming hot mug of water and proceed to put it on the counter. grabbing the spoon, put two to four spoonfuls of hot chocolate mix into the mug. begin to stir until there are not any "chocolate dust bunnies" floating around, dissolved.

STEP THREE: a month into the relationship, you're both very much in love. you've had your fourth kiss recently-but who's counting?

step four: immediately go to a comfy spot near you, pull up YouTube and watch people sexually assault women on the street and pass it off as a prank. as you are giggling along, take a sip of your dri-gasp! ouch, that really hurt.

STEP FOUR: three months in. he takes your virginity. it really hurt. you weren't ready but you didn't want to disappoint him.

step five: continue slowly drinking your hot chocolate, it's good to savor it. you notice it starts to get cold. you swish it around in your mouth and let it rest for a minute... it doesn't taste like hot chocolate anymore. it's cold, bitter and the mix from the bottom is floating around giving it the taste of dirt.

STEP FIVE: five months in. he started hitting you two weeks and three days ago. you said you wanted to stop having *** so often because it hurt and you weren't having a good time anymore. he said, "you're asking for it, looking so **** hot all of the time" and proceeds to force himself on you for the first time.

step six: you decide, **** this, im done with my hot chocolate and begin to wash it out in your sink.

STEP SIX: seven months in. you break up with him, he tells you he's sorry and you get back together with him. this has been a reoccurring pattern for a month now. but this time, you're done, for good. and turns out, you are.

step seven: you finish off cleaning the mug and spoon that was used to mix the powder and the weight on your shoulders is free. no more ******, cold hot chocolate for you.

STEP SEVEN: you are free, out of a treacherous relationship. "you were too good for him" your friends tell you, "he's disgusting and wasn't even that attractive". you feel unwanted, until one day you see someone staring at you while you're walking into a coffee shop. you begin to get creeped out after an hour and go to talk to him. you exchange numbers with this older man.

step one on: the process of making and drinking apple cider.
·currently drinking hot cocoa while writing this· slam poem· BY LILY ESPY·
Grand Piano Mar 2018
Step 1: Get out of bed
Step 2: Look in the mirror
Step 3: Practice your smile
Step 4: Eyedrops to hide the red eyes
Step 5: Conceal the dark circles
Step 6: Breathe
The curtains are almost up
Step 7: Lock down the pain
Step 8: Ignore the weight on your chest
Step 9: Silence the screams inside of your mind
Step 10: Choke down the sobs
Step 11: Ignore the stinging in your eyes
Step 12: Swallow past the tightness in your throat
You’ve put on this show a million times
Step 13: Don’t let them see
Times up. Curtains up. Camera rolling
You know how when you’re not ok but you try so hard to pretend you’re ok that it becomes a ritual
pat Sep 2014
step 1. start out slow with ***** and paste
step 2. mix ingredients slowly in a bowl to bring out flavor
step 3. bake mixture in an oven until room is smokey
step 3. breath in smoke until inspiration is found
step 4. repeat the first 3 steps(ignoring the second step 3)
step 5. repeat step 4
step 4. prepare self for step 6
step 6. tie legs to chair
sit in chair step 7. make sure to drink plenty of water
step 8. make sure to drink water before and after step 8.
step 9. be sure to have a table and pen and paper readily available to use or write things with on the table so that you have something to write with on and on and that way you won't have to write on your hand or lap without a pen.
step. 10 the final step to writing poemz
to my friend Katie  who asked "how do i write poemz"
Christopher Mata Nov 2014
When I was younger I never understood why my grandmother would lecture me so much
I’d wake up and she would be there
What’s step #1?
Make the bed, and thank God you’re not dead
What’s step #2?
Make sure you have enough to eat, so you can move your feet
What’s step #3
Respect is earned, that’s something you’ll learn.
What’s step #4
There no need to be mean, but you always have to be clean.  
What’s Step #5
Act out of love because it’s a test, the lord will take care of the rest.

I never quite got the hang of making the bed but I always did my best.
Sometimes I was frustrated with the steps and asked why they mattered
She said Mijo, they are directions so you can find your way home.
I don’t think she realized we were standing in our own home
As she grew wiser, I got older
And that’s when she added the rest.

What’s Step#6  
Work hard, so you can prove you’re not a worthless lard
What’s Step #7
Remember where you came from, even if it isn’t a kingdom
What’s Step #8
If you want a girl to say I do, every day you must show her I love you
What’s Step#9
Family is the start, never let it drift apart
What’s Step#10
Memories are your best friend, because they will be there till the end.
I thought she would live forever
She never lost a step
But I was wrong
She had some aches and pains
And she ended up in a hospital room
Her face grew pale, and her body frail
I asked why the doctors weren’t helping her anymore, its cuz she was stage four.
They sent her home on a bed where she stayed
My angel who could once fly, had her wings sheared off
Her eyes became grey, and she could barely breathe where she lay.
The hospice nurse said this was it
Her breathes became shaky
Her eyes began to close
Her heart began to stutter
I took her hand one last time, and I begged her to stay
Grandma please don’t go, I need you always
She pulled me closer and whispered
No mijo, I found my way home.

Her casket was white
Her final dress was black
The entire day was grey
We buried her by her mother and grandmother
Everyone said their final goodbye
But I stayed behind
I placed one hand over her tomb
And I asked “grandma what am I to do”
And I swear I heard the wind whisper
What’s step #1
And she’s been guiding me home ever since.
Marshall Gass Apr 2014
Within walls the humdrum echoes
footsteps magnify into monsters
so do journeys untaken, unplanned.
Step by step conquest is mastered
in real motion forward
mountains climbed
distances measured with hard muscle
counted in steps -one by one.

Nothing impossible
to the journeyman

No yardsticks to measure success
even God is a step closer.
Meditate dreams in sequence
until nirvana nears
at the journeys end
and reincarnations materialise
step by step.

Walking on the wild side
lengthens the shadows of darkness
until we fail to see the light
that will lead us back to the beginning
to the first step from where we started.

Step by step
in rhythm with the heartbeat
we all work through life
and onwards into eternity.

Author Notes

Step by Step. ' He who wants to walk the whole world must take his first step'
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.
Ember Evanescent Nov 2014
Step 1: Take a breather. Don't start going insane and terrorizing the city with chainsaws. That is in a later step. Go have a cup of tea. Calm. If you're cold go get a blanket. Think warm thoughts. Imagine you are on fire. Okay, actually never mind, don't do that.

Step 2: Go back to your computer and hold down the off button until it completely shuts off.

Step 3: Scream obscenities at your laptop, kick it and drop it off the roof.

Step 4: Wonder why it isn't turning on.

Step 5: Call your second cousin twice removed's best friend's dogsitter's guitar teacher's Polish-speaking doctor who lives in Germany. Ask him for help. Apologize for thinking she was a man and explain the ****** hair in the pictures and her extremely deep voice were misleading. Say hello a couple times into the receiver before accepting she has hung up on you.

Step 6: Send your second cousin twice removed's best friend's dogsitter's guitar teacher's Polish-speaking doctor who lives in Germany a basket of muffins with a heartfelt apology note written in Korean, to prove you are multi-cultural.

Step 7: Hug your computer and stroke it creepily whispering: Awwww who’s a good laptop?

Step 8: Dump a bucket of water on your computer when it STILL doesn’t turn on. That’ll teach it.

Step 9: Cry about your hair not being shiny enough. Get distracted by a butterfly. Wonder why there is a butterfly in the middle of the arctic. Wonder why you are in the arctic and how you got there.

Step 10: Feed your stupid meany-pants laptop to a polar bear.

Step 11: RUN in terror from the hungry polar bear with indigestion that you have just *******.

Step 12: Get your chainsaw and go terrorize the nearest village.

Step 13: Send that village a basket of muffins and a heart-felt apology note written in gibberish so they are impressed by the fact that you are fluent in Gibberish.

(OPTIONAL STEP 14: Send that polar bear a basket of muffins. Just to be nice.)
Stay tuned for more HOW TO posts :D
Hope this was helpful. If this offended you in any way, I apologize. I will send you a basket of muffins.
stargazer Jul 2020
step one.)
think. think of everything that people must hate about you.

step two.)
let it consume you until you forget to breathe

step three.)
drop microscopic hints to people that you're not okay

step four.)
breakdown when they don't get it

step five.)
make excuses for them

step six.)
fear that they do get it, but you just bother them so much that they don't care

step seven.)
stop talking

step eight.)
start overeating, or eating nothing (with practice, you may be able to do a combination of both)

step nine.)
watch tv until you fall asleep on the couch every night

step ten.)
don't shower

step eleven.)
go numb

step twelve.)
receive a notification on your phone that sends you spiraling into self loathing and wondering why the hell you did this in the first place because it doesn't make it better. it doesn't. it doesn't

step thirteen.)
feel selfish for even thinking about bothering anyone again just to satisfy your own stupid craving for attention

step fourteen.)
finally reach out

step fifteen.)
repeat steps one through fourteen. again and again and again.

step sixteen.)
sick of this.

serch elen Mar 2013
Have you ever didn't remember Win 7 administration password? If so, then it's very annoying and irritating. This is often a avoidable problem a lot of the customers find. However, don't worry you will find plenty of solutions with this particular. A lot of the customers, who didn't remember their password either, choose formatting their hard disk or operating their system, but it's not needed in lots of of cases to do something.

Well, you might find the password hint in your mind. Whenever you produced it you had been motivated to record an argument for example "Password=my birthday!" Whenever you now enter the wrong password at logon time then your phrase "Password= my birthday" can look immediately underneath the password prompt. Unless of course you're as old like me, this can help remind you the correct password is "your birthday".

You might attempt to totally reset password from command prompt:
Command Prompt: The command internet user *** abc w ill set the password for user *** to abc. You are able to only put it on a free account apart from your personal for those who have admin rights.
Also, you might attempt to stick to the below steps to totally reset windows 7 password:
Step One. Turn on laptop and set the windows Compact disc within the Compact disc ROM.
Step Two. Your screen will highlight the content for startup the Compact disc. Now, press any crucial for start startup.
Step Three. When the process will end up, your screen can have the setup all of which indicate the strategy is being looked over and files are loaded.
Step Four. After you are can comprehend the message about welcoming within the fix screen then press ENTER key to begin.
Step Five. Now press F8 for accepting the license contracts.
Step Six. Now your screen create provides you with several choices, choose repair option.
Step 7. When the repair will begin, it will require a very long time because disk has been underneath the technique of checking, set up files are replicated.
Step 8. Restarting is essential in case your technique of copying files is finished. It'll start itself as well as have the ability to the progress bar on screen. It should take nearly only a couple of seconds.
Step 9. Please be aware that don't make mistake of pressing any type in between restarting process as well the Compact disc again. When restarting will most likely be achieved, screen will instantly show the conventional billboard screen and you'll watch that setting up home windows will be outlined.
Step 10. Press Change F9 after you will notice the unit progress bar for that extreme left side from the screen. ALAS! This is actually the security hole. Now, command console will probably be opened up for you and could provides you with the chance to achieve much of your entire body.
Step 11. Type NUSRMGR.CPL inside the prompt then you'll wish to press ENTER. Immediately, after entering you're getting access of user accounts in the control sections.
Step 12. Now, simply choose the account you will need to modify the password or get rid of the password whoever you hire to consider is way better for you. If you want to take away the password then enter control userpassword2 and select the chance for logging into sites without password. Now, close the home windows and exit out of your command box and keep using your projects of repairing.
Step 13. Whenever your repair is finished, you'll be able to login pc together with your new password or without password, pick one you've preferred.

After reading through the above mentioned lengthy instructions regarding how to admin password, would you understand? Or are you able to do Windows 7 reset password with no problem? If no, It is best to make reference to professional windows Password Recovery Tool!
Source from:
Mark Wanless Nov 2017
"Single Step"

Time to start the journey
       of a thousand miles
Single step single step
       single step
Manifest the here and now
       to the purpose
Single step single step
       single step
Moldable fluid ******-
       physical awareness
The inherent creative medium
       which is us
Single step single step
       single step
Travel the road of you
       what is and want to be
Sunlight and shadows mixed
       to each their karmic own
The whole intermingled web
       sentient and vast
Shimmers with every foot fall
       process quit miraculous
Single step single step
       single step

— The End —