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Nicole Starr Jun 2012
The words of his
is bitter posion going down
down my throat
surgeing pulseing through my body
tearring me apart
so alone so afraid
of this posion going through me
not quit sure what to do
whats to come next
more bitter posion
death death of my innocent soul
torn and tortured by his bitter posion
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2020
pop culture... yeah... that yawn...
borrowed from the t.v....

   belle delphine... makes a comeback:
                                                       ­    i'm back...

       i must be a real riddle...

      there i was thinking:
sorry... i was on auto-pilot...
i started to think of...

                harley quinn -
ava max - sweet but a ******...

trouble: i know what a tease
of regret looks like...
i also know what...
a make-shift...
nazgul harem of bulgarian
looks like... too...

        a tease of regret:
a former girlfriend...
striptease of a follow-up
very nice... oh oh so nice!

but this one is clearly not beyond:
being a push-over...
belle delphine is no harley quinn:
i.e. ******* seriously sober...
**** your entranced: drunk...
******* sober overtly sober twice...

but... for the bathwater...
and... no...
i am the omega man...
on the list... of... allowed...
men... to *****...
into a genocide tissue
of... banking on genes:
without a ****-up
mother and father sort of

         for the drunk:
the sobering whirlwind of reality...
because when rich people
like... should... i... inject...
myself... with some... broown show-gar?!

like i once asked an aesthetician:
i guess in reverse...
i was put under the scalpel and:
the selfless dictum of medicine...
he asked me: what books?
i asked him: quo vadis?

                i thereby managed
to burn the bookmark...
who was sane enough to salvage
the book i was reading?

    clued in on the: beside the brothel
   this clearly aesthetic girl...
this money making
crazy wheel this buttocks of
   when man and death...
the trough... the rhine valley
of trenches and brick-making
tactics for the ***** pederasts
on top...
those cherries those readily...
and thereby... easily...
cusps of iced cream...

                prostitutes speaking...
their gimp and limp-sidekick...
hard-on...       "procrastinations"...
to rhyme to rap...
by the way it looks like:
to rhyme is to rap:
to rap is to rhyme:
cookie dough oh oh *******...
and crisp-et... cookie ok: dunking...
slippery and swoon... and sweat...
   boy george fickle...
somehow browning... and none of that...
best dead before:
there was ever a best before date...

and then....

playing a game of caesar's thumb:
      versed... in pollice verso?
          how do you play a game of
caesar's thumb?

oh... well... you will require a female maine ****
cat... and some... adamant moth...
the game works... like:
you proving to the beast:
you are not... toying with the moth...
the moth is a lesser creature
to both of you...

how does one play a game of caesar's thumb?
when one only has...
an agitated moth to catch once in a while...
and a maine **** cat:
to give attention to...
with a clenched fist:
with the entombed moth trying
to wriggle its way with
a fluttering of the wings...

   there's also that female
clenched onto by a pinch involving
one of her leg-work limbs...
and being a female...
she pulled and tugged and made
a "dialectic" of the verbs associated
with that limb extension...
a male maine **** cat would
have made a feast of her...
like he would of the cobwebs...

she escaped with 5 legs... to her original 6...
but a month...
i can't disfigure...
too quick for the lassy...
i held the moth in my clenched
fist like a rattle of fluttering
wings teasing...
not enough...
top bored from having
the impossible catch of the night...

the moth always remains: intact...
either cat catches the moth...
or leaves ones bedroom:
with a blooming gloom
of boredome....

but that's how to keep intact
a "sanity"...
a visit to the brothel...
becomes... a typo-
       for a shop only butchers are only
allowed to... inhabit...
    the sentencing of meat...
the clarity of heaving a life
of a moth in one's clenched fist:
and there's a thirst...
of the fist: to draw that lost samble
of: the begrudged familiarity
of language: and given that...
it's all in 21st century crude / rudimentary...
and rhyme...
       no caged beacon of the heavens...
of a lost circumvent...
caged lottery of the rhyme
of being perpetually caged...
       for the loot of **** and cockrel loitering...
like: morn is the cry to whine!

a game of caesar's thumb...
there was once a clenched fist: and a thirst for
now... a maine **** she, cat...
and a moth... fluttering...
like... an agitated petal-wing-and-rose...
too many "bored"
marihuana junkies stalking these
english streets come twilight...
one almost bumped into...

agitated by my poker facing
the already agitating grey-ish...
by the number...
by the number:
                   what-what of...
if he be not the king george:
having to give up h'america...
then he's no helen mirren...

          a game of caesar's thumb:
any and if all be owned:
that antithesis of a game of chess...
a game of both
kings and paupers...
3D dynamic: and madmen!

"revision": belle delphine...
cold... hearted... capitalist at... brain-sizzle...
but... gravitating toward
two outlets of fiction....
   belle delphine ≠ harley quinn...
a little ******... oh so hot...
hot tender me oh my ***:
posion the daisy...
poison rose should... a rose be all
the more... already... poisoned...

a visit to the brothel:
a visit to the butcher shop:
for the cho- chop and chopping assurances...
the crooked crown on an already
crooked head...
the statue of charles II
in soho sq....
              i most certainly paid for much
less than this ****-tenure-of-a-tease....
but then... to have an argument...
you'd need to mingle with a bunch
of thieves... murdering slob-gatherers
of phlegm...

            poisoned red-bunch of
a wholly rosed-up affairs of loiter...
and time: such a prized dead-end of

            the father the god:
the sacrificial lamb...
because... god forbid she was
ever to somehow burden
a deity with a: one first...
once and a daughter...

                  ****** fun-fair for
the riddled ghosts...
       blank shot shrapnel...
                     better suited...
midnight blue of the alias black...
then at least:
best... towing two gaylords
with everyone's bet on
typo and a bullseye!

   but never... the sensibly...
      hetrosexual normative...
goody twice-tied...
pwetty: that girl and:
you best forget to whine!
that girl and you'd wish...
            her father was a shtalin....
crude and rude...
and all that's ****...
before Lucifer peeks with
a... siamese cranium...
      death to all...
who have made it concise...
in making life:
hardly... a... pardon....

  yes... best equipped it making it:
magic! and all the more difficult...
but never difficult enough...
difficult enough...
when... somehow... never... citing...
an... albert fish...
needle in my pelvis...
to... exfoliate... with any...
and more... addition of...
pain as an... ******...

      i guess the plead of the shawshank
sisters drops...
it always drops...
when there's a "conflation"
of evidence...
surrounding... the lower-base...
extremity: the crab genus...
    child- this-and-that...
             but a cannibal to boot?!
you... talk...
or simply... electrocute said:
since... your... ******* 'ed...
is already fried by the magic
of norm-frequence...
and the already: herd... estasblished...
you with me...
sptunik jimmy...
               you with me... cream-soda joe?
you with me...
finding aliens already bigger
than flies... the widow mantis...
blessed joseph josephine?!

oh yes! all conession: avowed
to you!
who isn't...
      in russia... they vowed
to keep these cain canine brood phlegm
of an *******: freely to roam...
siberia... that was the promise...

when they would **** a birth-firvolity
of a: devil and the "by chance"...
when converting man to
the stature of elevating wolf or bear...
and all the better...
rather than... caging the odd-ball
parody of... lacklustre joke and...
****-wits the: future!
supposed! narrative!
              celebrated feature of culture
most involving... a horror...
      and... bull-wrapping!
               a ******* for a skinning!
Ariel Taverner May 2014
I have cages below me
I float above them
My antigravitational force being my belief that I am superior
U take my blade and look at the captives in my cages
It seems to be close to feeding time
They are
Throwing themselves agaisnt my cages
So I take out my blade
Letting them feed on the drops of blood pouring down my arm
They are sated

Lityle so they know

Ariel Taverner May 2014
I love?
Your          POSION
dear one
It numbs mine?!
Stevie Nov 2020
When the Earth was spinning,
All vacant and wasted,
And a voice that came thundering,
All the poison, that you all tasted,
And all the one left, now unwashed,
hearing nothing but silence,
becoming the one's who suffered,
when all the believers, died,
and the non believers, survived,
the destruction of the planet,
hatred heated by a human cannon.

Now who will pray for Babylon,
When humanity acts upon,
Now, Who will sing for Babylon,
When Humanity is the Evil Spawn,
Now who will pray for Babylon,
Amon of the breath and Air,
Amon, where is Thebes,
Now, Who will sing for Babylon,
Humanity, Governments, Religion,
Black, LGBTQ Communities,
Planting the Evil Seeds.

When the Earth was spinning,
All vacant and wasted,
Adam and Eve was created,
To love and be Mother Earth,
Father Dearest,
Forbidden Fruit that sent you,
to Hell,
Oh Adam, You're the Devil, Lucifer,
Adam, Did you heard the snake voice,
Why did you follow the advice,
To pick and eat,
Do you live in all of us,
Do we eat, to become Deceit.

Now who will pray for Babylon,
When humanity acts upon,
Now, Who will sing for Babylon,
When Humanity is the Evil Spawn,
Now who will pray for Babylon,
Amon of the breath and Air,
Amon, where is Thebes,
Now, Who will sing for Babylon,
Humanity, Governments, Religion,
Black, LGBTQ Communities,
Planting the Evil Seeds.

When the Earth was spinning,
All vacant and wasted,
Everything is our posion,
Welcome Poseidon beside us,
Say Hello Pontius,
God in our heads,
Run to the Waves of that the tide tends,
In foul disposition trends,
As we welcome all our catasthrophes,
All the hate, all the lies,
All our devine that we hide in Denial,
Suicidal Kings and Queens, Here our Heresy,

Maybe Religion is a win,
Maybe it just a way of sin,
All I know it just a linchpin of support,
Belief and stability,
Belief and hatred,
Maybe Communities in it to win it,
to scream and fight and hit back,
False Flag, Attack that,
Found Guilty through entrapment,
Of our commandments,
You're cooperation is commended,
Since the corporation demands it.

Now who will pray for Babylon,
When humanity acts upon,
Now, Who will sing for Babylon,
When Humanity is the Evil Spawn,
Now who will pray for Babylon,
Amon of the breath and Air,
Amon, where is Thebes,
Now, Who will sing for Babylon,
Humanity, Governments, Religion,
Black, LGBTQ Communities,
Planting the Evil Seeds.
AD Sifford Aug 2014
Doubt is the most poisonous of all seeds
It has the power to destroy everything you have ever known
And I am in the midst of it

God, please help me
Lead me to the doors of your salvation--
Up the steps of your mercy,
Into the Abode of your love,
That I might abide there within it

Call me by the name of your Child
and let that title never be revoked
Never again
If it ever was, or ever has been

Let me live securely in you forever
All the days of my life
Forever, then forever more

Wrapped by your presence,
Held by your grace,
And standing on the truth of your Word,
The Lamb,
Jesus, and in his Name Alone,
Yours, God,
I pray Amen, Amen, and Amen

All power, and glory,
and honor, and praise,
Forever and ever,
Then forever more
To my Savior, my King, and my God
|Written & posted August 26th, 2014|

Normally I go in order of date written, but this little bonus poem is one I posted on the day I wrote it. The usual chronological order picks up again right after this one.

© 2017 A.D. Sifford.
I'm okay with you sharing my poems, but I ask that you show courtesy. Please be honest about the authorship by attributing it to my name. Thank you,
- Sifford
I would remember half dunk, half remorseful
that you would hold my hand a certain way
it would stain my heart
that knack you had for holding me so far from you
and then i would have died just for that
touch like a man seeking glory

I would regret in those twilight hours the
times i told you how beautiful you looked
with your ugly heart
and faceless brow and forced smile
and the knack you had for me to willingly
unwind myself
for you to ravel back to-get-her

I would like to think my lips made an
indelible print on your forehead
and tore through your broken mind
thoughts borne and torn through deadly
actions you learnt from other
demented from the ache of the heart

I would pray to sleep alone without
the imprint of you echoing around the house
your words like compliments
spat at me like posion darts of deceit
which lay at my door
for it was my fault
you couldn't let it all go

I would take back my sorry's
and my fighters stance
my bulletproof face
that stood in front of your glass house
and watched your life implodel
and i scraped my fingers through the wreckage
in the hope you weren't hurt

I would
I could
I should
I had
I did
I came
I left
I remember
Korey Miller Jul 2016
they call me the mourning dove.
hallowed be my refrain.
i sing with a bleeding tongue-
beauty stems from my pain.*

you're slivered inside and derided on sight.
your abhorrent habits have cast fans aside-
your knack for dramatics belittles the tragic.
it isn't romantic. get over your strife.

they call me the mourning dove.
hallowed be my refrain.
i sing with a bleeding tongue-
beauty stems from my pain.

not all life is suffering- you're twisting it in your head.
psychosomatic pain's no reason to act dead.
you're wasting your youth with these childish blues.
self-pity is useless, contagious. get out of bed.

they call me the mourning dove.
hallowed be my refrain.
i sing for my poisoned loves-
my voices guides them to their graves.

stop worr'ying the wound and it'll event'lly heal.
quit floating towards koreyland- identify what is real.
if you wanna get better you gotta be brave.
face the pain and the rain or stay caught up in tears and weals.
conversation with my demons.
Awesome Annie Mar 2021
I took you out of notebooks, so that my heart could heal. Had to stomach the reality, that you were never real. 

Pens once lost on pages, now crinckled on the table. Happily ever after, just a twisted fable. 

Erasing you from my soul, burned history marked with pen. So that I may forget my past, and attempt to begin again. 

I scribbled out old verses, I had yet to complete. Leaving behind our memories, ruin laying at my feet. 

What once was love filled margins, with cursive bent askew. Only to find that with time, my poetry is tainted with the poison of you.
sycokitten Nov 2011
I've become poison and my drug quit working
the monsters in the dark, at the edges they're lurking
Need an new silver letter to get hooked on,
Stronger than Z, that brings the light of dawn
But those ****** monsters never go away
they still haunt me in the bright of day
Play with my thoughts, talk in my head.
You'll never let go, not even if dead.
So I've taken to the smoke and the stars
to make the thoughts stop, and numb all the scars
Lost away in my land so low
what will become of all this i don't even know.
you've poisoned me.
is wrapping
It's in
and i
can feel
the ends
of my
It's in me.
Emma Nov 2016
you poisoned me
no, you didn't slip arsenic in my food
or spike my Shierly temple
but you left your memories
decaying memories, poisoning me
the toxins of tourniquet leaking
their erosive toxins into my mind
you may not be here
but your memories are
and so the scars
white scars on my wrists
gashes in my heart
i don't know where to start
because your torment has no end
i hope that it might somewhere around the river bend
but the only river i see is from my eyes
part of the watershed of regret
to the ocean of mistakes
i seem to be drowning in
your memory is suffocating
filling my lungs with dispair
Im gasping for air,
but my willingness to swim in fading
so i'm sinking and letting the memories flood my brain
wondering if im going insane
or if its just a side effect
of the poison you called affection
a medication that apparently turned "no" into "yes"
and hiking up my dress...
and the poision, you,
your memories eve the happy ones hurt
the happy disguise of a smile
that would ultimately lead to teary eyes
and trouble with other guys
all because you poisoned me
and its effects are lingering
its not just a one and done
its an std of  the mind
it stays around even after your gone
so check yourself and your actions
dont dare poison someone else
do not add to the watershed of regrets
i want clean water
to wash away my infected mind
but no amount of soap
or blades or nails
could possibly wash away  your posion
because now its part of me
you dont no longer have to posion me'
you've turned me on myslef
like some auto immune disease
of the heart and the mind
because i will never forget when i called you mine
and i wish i could,but its branded
so i'm left stranded
in my ocean of regrets and poisoned water shed
ASA DOOME May 2013
Heartfelt Sorrow
Son of Asa Doome

He still begins each day
Just the same as before
As he wakes he's lookin' back
Then his heart falls through the floor
He don't know what he did this time to make her go away
If you point yer ear towards the wind
You can faintly hear him say
I don't know what I did this time but I'm cryin' anyway
I can't see any colors now
The whole world's turnin' grey
If you would please just come back and talk to me
If only I could see yer face again
I can promise you now from this day on you won't be sad again
Closing her eyes she turned her back on him
Then she slowly walked away
She climbs into her car and glances back
To see the tears run down his face,
She starts to cry as she drives away
And she doesn't know where to go
Her whole life she had planned out with him
Had just gone up in smoke
She doesn't know why she ran from him
And she cant go back again
She runs outta gas on the outskirts of town
Slams the door and walks away
It starts to come a pourin' down just as if angels were cryin' from above
She throws her keys and just gives up
And now she's cryin' in the rain
You can find him sittin' at the bar
Askin' for a double please
He thinks to himself
Without this small glass of liquid posion
I'd walk around on my knees
He stares into the distance as the world around him fades away
And he prays to god for the strength
To get up off his knees again
If only he could walk a straight line again
He'd do his best from this day on
To never stray beyond the path again
He's lost everything in his entire life that meant anything to him
It's as if he's a lost soul wondering this world
Until he finds her again
She gets up off her knees and she tries to make it down the road
With no coat and no one near she can't fight off the cold
She simply cries out to GOD
And screams out for his help
Hoping just to see a sign
It is far too late cause by this time she is far too blind to see anything flicker in the sky
They both lost hope and now their gone
Doomed to wonder this world alone
If only they could point their ears toward the wind
It might just guide them home
Johnson Oyeniran Apr 2021
Earth flows with such a rich abundance of important necessities,

To ensure the surival of life, including the human species.

But the less fortunate struggle every single day to make ends meet,

Because greed continues to posion the minds of the powers that be.
SoAverage Nov 2021
It's a party where all the guests are young and wild
                       The night is still young

                   Drink until your problems drown the pressure of the alcohol level

The night is still young
Make it a  night to remember dance until you  you feet spark flame from your deepest desires that are boiling up inside your chest

Let's have a hell of a night even if the fire might be too much there can never be too much alcohol

                         Thoughts that have the tendency to make you question yourself should go for a swim

                         Take another pill cause it's all the healing you need for tonight
                                        Stay awake cause a wishing star is passing by to promise you that can always get better

It's your life , you don't owe it to no one
Take a pull to pull yourself out of the worries

                       Get high
We can lend you wings to reach for the heavens
Take a sit for you are gods and goddesses

You don't need when you go
Why leave when you still got moves for the crowd
              You can be a freak

                      It's a party so get wasted till you drop

Curfews are for the chosen few
The bottle and drugs will solve your problems

                        That extra puah to get you started
They'll never understand you
You don't need to know why your here just know your not lost

               There's nothing we don't have here

            Your favourite posion is at the table

Razer's are available open up we won't judge
Make mistakes until you gain experience not scars cause you fell to many times
Take the weight 9ff and rest
Your tired , drained  and put your feet up

              The sun is always shining cause it's a cold world outside

        The outburst of kIds are evident from the popped balloons

              So just put on your mask so no one can know the real you

The meaning behind the poem is that the youth are go around wearing masks drinking to drown the pain, doing drugs to numb
Doing anything to numb and forget the pain and all this things are offered by the world and as the youth use substance to deal with the pressure
Spike Harper May 2016
There are whispers.
To be heard.
Some that overwhelm giants.
Render firing lines paralyzed.
Even topple societies.
A single word from the right mouth.
Can be the sweetest honey ever tasted.
Or a slow acting posion.
One that can not be spewed from its entry wound.
A Feeling all too real.
That even imagination begins to bleed through.
Every pore.
Every dark pit.
Can not even fathom.
Its origin..
For the dark is where it came.
And so shall forever more.
Shannon Mar 2015
Destroy me.
Take what you can from the middle.
Take that golden yellow moon-
that sherbert sunset in the center of how I exist,
**** it, take it!
And Stubbornly I'll be.
When all that is left is bones for the jackal to
satiate on
when all that is heard is bubbles popping
and the jaw creaking
the overuse of what was inside me-
When that dark and silken predator
lies lazy on it's back
with my contents fuming in its distention...
destroy me, do.
***** my remains
with huge heaving gusts of your gluttony.
Because you will.
Because I am too heavy to carry, I am too light to settle.
Oh, yes I'll be your posion,
and into every cell I will invade
marching with my army, marching with my anger
I will wiggle in your ear and chew through the pictures in your mind,
eating at the corners of everyone you covet most.
I'll call you in a singsong voice that does not end.
In every room you'll look to hear-
in every corner your try to hide from it.
I will flood your soul with my wrongdoings so you
carry mine as well as yours.
Yes, destroy me-
And you will perish from my digestion
and you will carry my heavy sins.
Oh, what is left? What is left?
Just the eternal weight of light
and you cannot eat that,
On light you can feast
but not thrive.
It will not still the noise
of the rotting wood
that sits solid and solitary
in the place
where someone stole
your exclusive rights
to feel

Sahn 3/26/2015
I suppose it's very healthy to explore all of what makes us humans. In any case, thank you for taking time to share in my work.
Sadly Kida Nov 2017
She stood on the edge of
the cliff,
admiring the flourescent
lights of doddling parties,
held for glutinous beings
who craved attention.
Powedered up in canceruous pink
and frilled garments.
They danced along with a
buzz that foreshadowed
a crash of glass and metal.
Bright green hair,
held back tight with soft blue
She hopped down rock by rock
Letting her seaweed like locks
Swim through the wind
The music becomes louder and
People drink until their stomachs
fill with sparkling poison
leeaaun Jan 2023
blame is like a posion
no one wants to carry its weight
so they pass it onto you
as you're considered
a pushover
in their language
James Ellis Apr 2013
Wondering where to wander next
I calmly collect my thoughts.
I realize that revelations reveal
truth thoroughly through the mind.
Hoping I hear the higher power,
I meditate mending my mental.
Posion, passion, and possessions
become bitter but better then before.
Fear forms from the hidden forest
and death desires the depths of my soul.
A light leaks through and I learn
I'm sad, sorry, sorrowful, and need to start over.
taylor Aug 2015
because baby you're a landslide
because darling you're a forest fire
because you're posion my dear
after all you've done damage i hear..

because starlet you don't shine
because beau you aren't mine
because honey you aren't for me
after all you aren't my cup of tea..

because sweetie i don't need you
because hon you don't complete me
because i don't believe you baby
after all you've lied compeltely..
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
I dread
The thought of a red shirt
Once white
This causes
And curiousity
Cure me or ****

I question
All this
A result
Of a swift kiss


A blade raised
Intent to rip
My hand gaurds
But not good enough
Rough cuts
Rust remnants
Proved to be as infectious
Addiction to infliction
Picking sores
With ***** nails

Get well
Soon becomes a cliche
With no meaning
The reason
For bleeding
Is only to stain

Sustain the pain
Then it leaves
It's mark
Like a scar
Carved art
Like a tattoo
More like
A love wound
Worst than
Love lost
Hurts worse than
The sight of a hearse
More like
The feeling of hurt
What's worse?

Getting your heart broken
Mine was butchered
And sewn back
Poorly patched
With bent needles
To say
They were
Bathed in a bottled
Labeled with

I need less to say
And I say,
"I hate you!"
I'll condense to
Because thats all I have
For you
Eternal Lucidity Dec 2010
A frozen day-- in Winters May,
No light in the horizon,
The darkeness knew it was the day,
Even now -- its like a posion -- eating, dying, going away.

A cold dark Winter's May,
Every day I just lay and lay,
The crack has sealed itself
The light is mourned-- it has dimmed itself

A cold dark Winters May,
The wind goes on so fickle
Time has been and passed -- day, by day, by day,
A sad, lonely, winters May...
Fenix Flight Jul 2014
I am just one of Many
of Depression's mistress's
Depression is such a greedy man
He takes whomever he pleases
Men, women, teens, Elder
He's not picky, he doesnt care.

He will ****** you,
with sweet words.
Woe you until you swoon
he wont stop until he has you

His sweet words are a lie
they are candy coated posion
That will fill you with such a dread
it will leave you breathless and cold

He'll throw you away like trash
But first stealing all your happy memories
and replasing them with doom and gloom.

He will laugh at the tears he has caused
He will kick you and tell you its all your fault.

And once you think you are rid of him for good
He will sing his posioned song once more
and you will land right back into
the palm of his hand.

I am just one of many
of Depression mistress's
If you are one as well
I'm so sorry for your heartbreak

I'm so sorry
that Our sir
Is such a
The Person i Made
The Commitment Of Maintaining Sober
Is The Same Person Who
i Relapse Over.
Yes, He Supports Me And Motivates Me Towards Succeeding.
But At Times He Tells Me Things That Trigger Me To Relapsing.
So i Question My Self How This is Supposed To.Work?
Hes The Potion But Posion As Well.
Like in The past
He Was The Reason Why iRan Away To Go Use To Forget How Hurt And used he Made me Feel.
But Then
Was The Reason i Accepted Rehab All Over Again.
Called Me And Supported Me Those 3 months, i Became Sober Once Again For Him.
When i Got Out
2 Weeks later i Did it Again
Because Of The Same Person.
Ever since i Kept ******* Up
Iwas Already in Good steps,
Motivated looked happy and healthy but **** happened that made me want to fall.
The Funny Thing.
This Very Same Man Turned into My Boyfriend.
And Yet Still hes One of my triggers.
Kelly Holmes Nov 2012
I don't want to be running all my life
towards the bad and get stopped in my path
to travel on the known road where everyone goes
we all think we're poets
while I watch you take a drag off your cigarette
imagining the smoke traveling in your lungs to klls you automatically like a posion
that has never been known
i just created it, what a power that would be
a trip to another world
spices range from scents of citrus to
the smell of patchouli touching your soul
and drowning you deeper
I yearn so much for this but when I get it
I go down, far down
Morgan Percy Jul 2010
to feel guilt
you've obviously done some that your concious feels
guilt worthy
why push the posion in
own up to your actions
pushing something away
doesn't get rid of it
it just removes it from sight.
© Morgan Percy 2010
Michael T Chase Apr 2021
By value of how facts change how I view how I know, they are a degree apart.
I believe at all is because of Jesus' Spirit communicated by the mass devotion of Christians (AllahuAbha).
I must act to friends as if in devotion.
No pain, no gain.
Solving real problems is the only way to learn math.
Accomplishment veils my mind from learning.
The quantity of information is endless.
Money is needed for almost everything.
Very hard issues are sometimes only resolved by quitting.
Fools are the greatest disease.
Emotional support is the strongest support.
Emotion and belief are tied together in the male world.
Emotion and kindness are tied together in the mixed world.
An able body gives many duties.
Rules are a wiseman's trajectory and the fool's posion.
A good roommate reminds me of my father.
School cannot give me a job unless I want it.
No betrayal is worse than a machine of lies.
Many creative minds are utterly wrong.
The people in utter power and control of the world have a wisdom which fools envy, rebels curse, and the wise fall in line.
The world's wisdom is cursed by the impoverished, and the impoverished have no worldly wisdom.
A heart well-broken can have lasting effects for a decade (or more?).
Once I realized no one helps the strong, I've found no one soft (except my parents).
All life and energy is information, and it all operates at the same level of intelligence.
Evolution is not a staircase but rather a bush or seaweed.
I never really regret saying anything, because I wouldn't have learned otherwise.
The yet-to-marry or the undivorced may always fancy a wedding.
Society's institutions play a large role in adult formation, and still play a role, however removed (or not), in midlife.
Children will always be the most valuable asset.
Youth will always be the life of the world's party.
Obey competent doctors.
Obey competent doctors.
Obey competent doctors.
Sometimes rewiring the brain through drugs is the only way to straighten the path.
Sometimes visions come, giving wonder, however brief.
The parties of the unsaved are always the best.
Don't be afraid to stick out like a sore thumb, otherwise you'll grow tired of hiding it amongst the fingers.
Parents have a profound psychological impact on children.
ET's are awesome.
Physics wasn't loved until it was hated.
Space travel will always make us dream.
Beauty speaks to all ages.
Nothing can stop the tirade of a rebel.
Be careful who babysits your kids.
Be careful who babysits your kids.
Be careful who babysits your kids.
Astrology can **** all natural wondering in life.
Astrology bestows direction for the future (now that you know it).
Nothing is worse than a person who blames everything on astrology except someone who blames everything on everyone else.
- Jan 2015
Changing every detail
Like covering up tracks on pure snow
Ruining the scenery more
Except I deserve it

You're not the only one I let go of
You're not the only posion I let in my life
You're not the only one I didn't care for
Because you barged into my own life

You were really nice
Until you met me
You tried so hard and so far
But why?

So I've been trying to clean my life
But it's hard when trash keeps barging in
But at least this time
The trash got out by it's self

You going away isn't hurting my feelings
Rose could cure my posion lips but you already did.
cold fingers to the slightest touch but a single brush and I come to warming grips.
you make me happy your the anchor to my ship.
I set sail to a ocean,  where there's only you to see.
Cos everything else fail to catch my attention except the thought of you and me.
See its truthfully the beauty in your eyes I see.
were I find myself happy in a place where my days are now problem free,
see your my solved for Z.
Life is a math problems  and you went thru an X don't ask Y
I'm just an added equation 4U 2 = less
than 3.

Poetry is words that can't often be spoken but left in a book till one day someone on your page.

Its funny how you landed on mine.
And in time we will see were this goes, all I know is I'm enjoyin the time.

By Linguist Musician
I knew it wouldn't arrive
I knew it was a lie
How much time cause of him did I loose
Broken promises with zero done
This is love, very problematic
Like you, Like me

It's a wait on the telephone
The simple adventure on the ilogic
The craziness of the magic
A posion without any antidote
The bitternitess of infity.
This is love, very problematic
Like you, Like me
augustine veda Jul 2014
he was like my depression
i couldnt get him out of my head
his lips were like posion
one kiss and i was dead
can you try lying on a bed
trying not
to shed
a sheet
but your feet
and your nails are screaming
his back
makes you feel as if youre on crack
your brain
making you feel shame
but whos to blame?
you undid his pants
Heart of secrets Nov 2017
The kind of kindness you need not to ask for.
I'm no human, I am no virtue of yours.
I only seek refuge from the blistering sun,
And speak of tales of love beneath the trees.
As if you understood me at all.
As if' you even listen to anything other then your dying thoughts.
As if these signs mean anything at all!
Or I'm to give them time?
Or slowly morph into the sick reality,that's been playing in my mind?
Tying our hands behind our backs, reclaiming the bee from the pawn.
I can I be anything to someone,
I could be the girl, I could be the *****,and I could be the child.
But is it who,of which you desire from your dreamer.
When you will take anyone,only,if they take you.
There's always a chance.
There's always a feeling.
I must hold back.
What am I thinking...
The was about a friend who was suicidal and drained the light from my hands
LiviKawa Jul 2016
bet you hope my lips taste like sugar
but be careful
they will posion you
and then that will be the end
ill leave you in heartbreak
because thats what im best at
i hate this, ill probs redo it soon
Euphoria Sep 2015
You were a posion to my heart
I should have known from the start.

Breathing the same air as you sickens me.
Breathing gets harder with the face I see.

I'm dying inside,
Every night with my eyes wide.

When did you become a poison?
You took away all my reason.

Intoxicated with treacherous love,
You took everything I have.
You're a toxic to my life.
Chaotic world Mar 2016
I'll take this posion,
I'll let this liquid slowly destroy what's left of my heart,
I never did like this heart,
It always latched itself on to people,
So I'll let death take this curse of mine,
Before you come back and torture me,
With the heart I thought was mine,
I don't want to be fooled again,
So I'll go bottle after bottle,
Till my heart can't recognize that it Belongs with  you.
Sometimes we drink to numb the pain

— The End —