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sash sriganesh Feb 2015
The air thick with dust
Cows roaming the streets,
Flashing lights and loud noises,
Children laughing an playing.
Houses painted in sickening colors
sarees tumbling from the waists of women.
Amazing, flavorful, mouthwatering food.
Family and friends, celebrating festivals
color in the sky and all around
Though there are things both good and bad,
I love my homeland and I stand proud.
Blue Nile echo from shore to shore,
"Poverty in Ethiopia is no more!"

Above all,
From a precipice
To a valley when you majestically fall,
Thunderous over
The damp dell, mountain gorge when you roll,
As usual
With green, yellow and red
Rainbow arched,
Tell Ethiopia loud-
"You children thee very much adore,
A lip service they now abhor!
‘Blue Nile has no lodging,
Yet it loafs a log hauling.' "

Blue Nile, about your deeds to talk
Breathtaking, you served well
The industry without smoke,
But now you have an extra work!
Ethiopia will be electrified,
With Blue Nile,
                    Tekeze... at hand!
Every nook and cranny will get light,
When efforts Ethiopians unite!

The future will be bright,
When a tamed Blue Nile ceases
Unchecked to roar past
Without a respite.

No energy source runs waste
Nor any Plant will suffer a blackout!

Lo and behold Blue Nile will be subdued
For riparian countries' good!

To contribute a brick,
Ethiopians twice you shouldn't think.
Farmers have mounted on a peaceful battle,
To cover the catchment with a green mantle,
To make terrace
On each mountain
Take every pain.
To afforest the depleted f o r e s t!
Thus washing on its sway,
Blue Nile conspires no more
To carry alluvial soil away.

Here of course it is good to recall
The message of Emperor Twedrose.
"Dear guests you are
Amidst people hospitable
Welcome, welcome
Feel at home!
Roam throughout
Abyssinia you might,
On its grandeur your eyes
You can feast.
The vast array of
Mouthwatering dish,
The country parades
You could relish.

In case you wish
For an adventure,
Still Ethiopia
Is a mosaic of culture!

Of course
It will grab your attention,
Ethiopia's being
A cradle of mankind
And ancient civilization.

You will see
To its music titillating,
Comes close nothing!
Moreover fails not
To draw your attention,
The affection
Among people hailing from
Different ethnic groups and religion.
But you can't transport a speck of dust,
Alighted or pasted on your shoe by accident!
So to get an exit,
Shake off your shoe and wash your feet!"

Giving to every dust attention
It is possible to ward off
The problem of siltation.
Besides don't you think
The forests serve a carbon sink?

Blue Nile echo from shore to shore
"Poverty in Ethiopia is no more!"

As though Abyssinia,
Africa's water tower
Is a weakling with no power,
On every news hour,
Portraying Ethiopia
A development backwater,
Also scornfully on a dictionary
Painting its people thirsty and hungry
Have no grounds any!
From a rain fed agriculture
Head on
Making a paradigm shift,
Irrigation when Ethiopia further adopt,
The vicious cycle of drought,
Which poses a threat
To its development,
Will give way to a bumper harvest,
Once more rendering Ethiopia
A cornucopia.

Ethiopians be not cool,
Be not cool
Resources to pool!

Lo and behold Blue Nile will be subdued
For riparian countries' good!

Yet, yet hanging up together
Be high on the alert
Any aggressor to deter!
Many are
Who wear a frowning face,
When development
In Ethiopia picks pace!

Keep open your eyes,
Keep open your eyes
At all time, all space
Where infrastructures
Are put in place.

To the helm of development
Ethiopia will soon catapult,
When its children
In full harness their resources put.
So cognizant of this fact,
Ethiopians allow not
The grass to grow under your feet.
Don't wait
Behind the campaign
To throw your full weight!

For work, roll up your sleeve
Ready for ‘The Renaissance Dam'
Your sweat
And life to give.
March out for prosperity
In Ethiopia to thrive,
What we need have
Is a bond-cohesive

Go all out, go all out,
Us, lucky we have to count
For seizing such a ripe moment.

Blue Nile echo from shore
"Poverty in Ethiopia is no more!"

Come-on let us not beg to differ,
Of course we could concur,
For all of us will agree,
Our pet dream is to see,
Ethiopia industrialized
Completely transformed!

Laying the foundation,
Where on takes off
The future generation,
Is what begs for
Central attention.

Why, Why and Why,
With our hands
Tucked in our pockets,
You and I
Remain standers by?
Also why
Simply watch the clouds
Glide across the sky?
Must we indeed,
Sowing a discord seed
Allow our rivers run wild,
Turning a blind eye to our need.

Wiseacres, though
You may not be on the same page,
Between stakeholders
Don't drive a wedge,
The government proves out
Out to fulfil its pledge.
In life it is not hard
To get sceptics,
Dear leaders talk your walk
Walking your talk!
Prove sceptics wrong
Letting them witness
The actualization
Of the dam agog.

Tax payers, if you have
A tax arrear
See it finds its ways to
The government's coffer.

Taxes being
A development backbone
Must be mysterious to none.

Target also rent seekers
That drive spokes
In to development wheels!
The environment smart Great Ethiopian Renaissance dam that holds promise for regional growth and green resilient economy.Ethiopians are constructing it by themselves with out any aid.
Kayla Seiayrra Jan 2014
The smell.
The mouthwatering taste.
The crispy crunch.
The sizzling in the pan.

So delicious and fatty.
So truly yummy.
God, I love it.
ITS BACON!!!!!!!
I was watching the bacon bowl comical, and really wanted bacon.
Anais Vionet May 2022
It’s a cool, Georgia, Wednesday afternoon - not quite 80°f. The sky is clear, and the sun is dazzling against the cadet blue sky. Its reflection is multiplied a thousand small times, creating glittering, broken mirror glares that ripple, relentlessly, across the water’s blue surface.

On the lake, if you’re not wearing polarized sunglasses, then you’re going to suffer - no worries though, we have drawers full of them. We’re on my parents' Tiara-43 ski boat, at anchor in the sheltered-cove of an uninhabited island. It’s windy, Leong and I, bikinied and fresh from the water, race shivering for our giant, Turkish-linen beach-towels.

Charles, a large, redheaded, retired, NYC cop, (who’s been my full-time driver and escort since I was 9), is our boat-captain (I am not allowed to dock the boat). Charles, a chef of steaks nonpareil, is working the grill and unconsciously swaying to the music. The aroma is mouthwatering, and my tummy is growling with anticipation.

Ashe’s “Another man’s jeans” is bumpin’ from the stereo, and I can’t help but feel this somehow beats going to class. As we wrap up and settle in our lounges, a green and white ski boat careens into view, about a quarter mile from the cove entrance.

The sight of it makes me smile. It’s going so fast that it seems to hover over the surface of the lake, only jerking slightly as the boat lightly touches-off the water. It zeros in on us like a missile, its approach flat out - perhaps 60mph (52 knots).

I knew who it was instantly - Kimmy - of course. I look at my watch - 3:30pm - she got out of school at 2:15 and must have made a hot bee-line for us using “find my friends” GPS telemetry to uncover our hidden cove location.

As the boat edges the cove lip, Kim cuts power - the boat heaves as it settles into the water and quickly decelerates. Charles, anticipating the approaching wake, secures things (spices and utensils) in the galley area. When the boat’s closer, I can see that Bili’s onboard too.

Kim and Bili are my two homie BFFs. They’ll graduate high school in 2 weeks. Kim is a small, pretty Asian American bound for Brown University, to study public policy in the fall. Bili is a tall, gorgeous, chocolate-brown Nubian princess who’ll attend the University of California, at Berkeley to study “financial engineering” - whatever that is.

When Kim’s boat is about 80 feet from us, Kim and Bili jump on deck, water-ready in bathing suits. Each girl, used to the boating-life, tosses an anchor - one to port, one starboard, and not bothering to look back, dive off the bow and begin swimming toward us.

Kim’s boat, which briefly seemed intent on catching them, jerks to a stop, like a wild thing suddenly restrained, as anchor lines catch.

When Kim and Bili draw along aside, they reach up with clasped hands which Charles uses, like a handle, to smoothly hoist them one-handed, as if they were weightless, in turn, from the water with long mastered ease - presenting them to me for squealing embrace.

As I excitedly introduce them to Leong - summer has officially begun.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Nonpareil: "having no equal."
Lauren Nicole Nov 2012

anxiety disorder

dishes of psychopathy

Bulimia and ADHD sparkle

reach in a hand

take a few

and a few bottles of ritalin and prozac too

you will love it
Wack Tastic Nov 2012
It's the conspiracy to conspire,
Think of how the fist or flies feel,
The most enticing truth,
Astonishingly mouthwatering,
Turns out smoke and mirror,
You see, because behind the window paned,
skeleton of steel and wire,
Underneath there is commerce,
In the webbing of marrow, worldwide underhandedness,
Something is always being sold,
What better way to take power away,
Then having scheduled rebellions,
The greatest put on,
Our system only works under thumbs,
from the backdrop works the crippled puppeteer,
behind his blank, vagrant, expressionless lenses,
Behind the grey skin and swilled organs,
Attached to the oil drum veins,
Beats the very same heart of Moloch!
PJ Poesy Nov 2015
If she sang the way she looked,
you might expect Kate Smith
singing "God Save The Queen."
That *** Pistol'***** did not
come out, more voice pixieish,
a song unknown. Words were
bleary but delish were notes.

Complete meaning lost,
her elfin aria enchanted us. Indeed
there were whispers, "What is it
she's singing?" Then shushes
from those already spun
in her spell. We drifted into
her Mother Goose downy lullaby.

Fattened by unexpected
mellow mouthwatering coos,
her taken audience drank it in
and from beginning to end
were somehow morphed into
fuzzy waddling fans.
I enjoy when something so unexpected changes my view.
Megan Sep 2012
I casually lie on my worn couch
wondering and wandering in my mind about
a girl, the girl
She moves in me from head to toe,
from rooftop to basement floor
I crawl into her and she accepts me
and takes me in and feeds me bowl
after bowl of every kind of warmth
you can imagine
We are inside each other and she bathes
me in kisses, touches and looks
I'm so close to her that I could feel her
rapid heartbeat and the sweat dripping
from her glorious curvy body is now
becoming my sweat
I tell her never leave me
She says never move from this position
for here and now is exactly what we need
Our beating hearts are bass drums
in a New Orleans high school marching band
that drums and drums throughout a six mile
uptown parade
Something's happening and I'm so in love with
your body
It's not foreign anymore because it's the best place
I've gone to
I sailed to you
It's like you have the best parts from all my favorite places
You-with the most delightful and mouthwatering views
Your ******* are like two sunflower-filled hills
and your stomach is the white snow in which
I lie in and make snow angels
Your thighs are waves from the Gulf
pouring over me
and I can't catch my breath
rough draft, made on the spot
authentic Mar 2014
You are a rose, so beautifully arranged into sweet succulent taste
So mouthwatering and compassionate
Yet every time I bite into you there is blood in my mouth
Because I always forget
That even the most beautiful rose
Has thorns
b for short Mar 2014
We cannot call it my "mind" today.

It's better defined as
a malfunctioning mess
of kaleidoscopic hiccups—
untimed bursts of glitter,
and mismatched shapes.

Curves clash with angles,
overlap, transform, repeat,
until the nonsense makes sense;
until the noise becomes
a soothing hum.

Without warning,
the improper becomes
the most mouthwatering idea
we've had the pleasure to rouse.

Composed of little
ten-second films of us,
bare-skinned in low light,
shifting in tempting tessellations
that bump and spiral
in heightening rhythms
just behind my eyes.

Such thoughts
were never meant
for a box—
rather a shape
more taunted and tantric.  

My wax-dipped daydreams
that do not beg
a single sip of permission.
© Bitsy Sanders, March 2014
Anderson M Apr 2015
An unholy indisposition to everything sublime.
A tight knot
In the pit of the mind’s stomach
That instantaneously churns whenever any literary aim
Crosses it
Transcending all “schools” of thought
Known and imaginable to man.
Thoughts go a muck
And in no time bit by bit
A mouthwatering piece is birthed and it’s so much fun
Rhyme's simply sublime
and seldom leaves a lime
aftertaste in one's 'literary' taste buds
Travis Green Jan 2023
Fold me in your soul-stirring superbness
Comfort my inner world
Caress every inch of my existence
Kiss me with your luscious lickable lips
Let me embrace your fierce imperial heat

Feel your strong-working hands
Massage my conquerable vulnerable body all over
Make me drown in your immense strengthful sea
Of boundless banging desires
Take me higher in the unchangeably brutal blue sky
To your first-ever stellar empire
Where you devour my gayness

Love me dangerously
Bewitch my full fragrant features
With your delightful fingers
My multi-layered mouthwatering magic man
The rarest enrapturing treasure
That feels safe to embrace

To press the side of my face
Against your prime powerful pecs
Take in your intensely fragrant
And heavy-blooming smoothness
Widely-popular wondrous wonderment
Such a luminous salubrious sight to see

I wanna be your smoking hot dish
To behold and hold, console and stroke
Stroll through the incredible celestial lands
Of unmanageable enchanting ecstasy
So possessed by your pleasant zesty finesse
Dorothy A Nov 2009
I woke up today to a tangerine sun,
the fullness of its round belly
perched upon the city
in an orange, growing glow.

The day was adorned in autumn,
but all its best, in arrayed pockets
of majestic color, could not compare.

The traffic passed on by
as if the world foolishly seemed
to never notice it was there.
But I could have plucked it out of the sky,
delighting in its mouthwatering sweetness
for days and days and days,
consuming its bright fullness for life
in copy cat decision
as I would gently swallow it up

A miracle this is not.
After all, maybe it was there
many a morning,
but I forgot to look up and see.

Yet today its lantern presence
lit a fire upon my thoughts,
for God so loves us,
in spite of us,
that He shines extraordinary light
upon us
to wake us up,
to embrace the life we have been given.

This is my testimony,
fruitful expressions
of creative hope and faith
yet fiercely fought for
with every fiber of my being
to be feasted upon in my soul
for survival.
Crazy words to some,
but to dreamers not.

Today I claimed a small victory,
somewhere between here and heaven
all within the world
of a tangerine sun.
Travis Green Jan 2023
Fold me in your soul-stirring superbness
Comfort my inner world
Caress every inch of my existence
Kiss me with your luscious lickable lips
Let me embrace your fierce imperial heat

Feel your strong-working hands
Massage my conquerable vulnerable body all over
Make me drown in your immense strengthful sea
Of boundless banging desires
Take me higher in the unchangeably brutal blue sky
To your first-ever stellar empire
Where you devour my gayness

Love me dangerously
Bewitch my full fragrant features
With your delightful fingers
My multi-layered mouthwatering magic man
The rarest enrapturing treasure
That feels safe to embrace

To press the side of my face
Against your prime powerful pecs
Take in your intensely fragrant
And heavy-blooming smoothness
Widely-popular wondrous wonderment
Such a luminous salubrious sight to see

I wanna be your smoking hot dish
To behold and hold, console and stroke
Stroll through the incredible celestial lands
Of unmanageable enchanting ecstasy
So possessed by your pleasant zesty finesse
Travis Green Oct 2022
You are a macho and prominent prodigy
A harmonious, romantic royal residence
In abundance with essential and incredible hunkiness
Sleek, seamless eminence, the sweetest and highest hottest
More vigorous and poetical than a charming
And harmonious embodiment, tall, broad, and impossibly striking

Wondrous, incomparable, and incandescent treasure
Fantastically enchanting dreadhead
Profound and crowning divineness
Buoyant and exuberant manliness
You set in on my homosexualness
Tear into my submerged mind

Rain destruction on my lushalicious construction
Use my existence for your own ends
Obtain my domain by force
Make me so smitten with
Your overwhelmingly unprecedented
And heavenly machoness

Your entire desirable stylishness spellbinds me
Makes me bow down to your unparalleled
And intoxicating kingdom
Unbounded masculine fieriness
I dig your passionate smashing rareness
Put me in your deliciously lascivious prison

Make me feel your aggression
Every measure of your perfection
Steal away my creativeness
Make my fabulously valuable heartland throb
Enmesh me in your eminently worthy web
Of commanding mouthwatering spectacularness
preservationman Jul 2019
Popin with a Buttery crime
Greasy and oily as slime
A crime wave to steal ingredients throughout
A mouthwatering motion
Across town in Poppintown, Popcorn Man and his Hitchmen are planning a precise plot
Yet, the Police will have no choice in liking or not
Within the Popcorn Clister Company, the Popcorn Man and his Hitchmen are attemptintg to steal all the production resources needed for the biggest crime wave of them all
The Popcorn Man’s quest was to steal the Crown Jewels of Great Britain at the Popin Mueum
But their plan was foiled by Batman and Robin
They confronted Popcorn Man and his Hitchmen on the spot as they had figured out their plot
A fight for justice broke out
Robin hit one of the hitchmen with a *** of hot oil in the face
Batman and Robin with all in between being Bam, Pow and Kaboom
But something was going to happen soon
Suddenly, Batman and Robin were caught by surprise and didn’t realize
They were caught in a trap in all buttered up Popcorn
How will Batman and Robin escape?
Will Popcorn Man get away with his outrageous cape?
Immediately, Batman pulls out of his utility belt an ingredient that causes everything to melt
Batman and Robin managed to escape
They must rush before it’s too late
It’s a mission to put Popcorn Man in jail with a popping finish
Popcorn Man is caught in the act, and Batman and Robin turn the tables on his hitchmen
Batman throws hot butter on the floor, and the Hitchmen just slide right into large cage
This causes Popcorn Man to respond in rage
Popcorn man wanted to take venegeance, but Batman was too clever
Batman pushed Popcorn Man into a Large Popcorn popping Machine and Kenneled out
A crime wave solved
It was the Cape Crusader who was involved.
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
Her sweet and melodious lullabies,
Her delicious and mouthwatering cakes and pies,
Always there to diminish our fears,
Helping and consoling us when we break in tears,
Love and compassion filled in her eyes,
Never creating a relationship based on lies,
Always making tremendous sacrifices,
For those in crisis,
Thank you Grandma for all you have done,
None of us can repay what you have begun !!!!
Love you so much nano... You are my everything <3
Sara Robinson Jan 2015
His Scent lingered on my shirt hours after our last embrace,
the moment before I decided to say goodbye,
With each breeze tears filled my eyes as his sweet fragrance kissed my nose.
I knew saying goodbye was impossible but it was the only way to protect my heart.
My body ached for just one last taste of his enchanting aroma.
His tantalizing aura was all I craved, although I knew His mouthwatering perfume was just there to disguise the poison of his kiss.
His venom had already spread throughout my body and paralyzed my mind.
I could no longer think apart from him.
He was a toxin specifically designed to rip apart my ambition for love .
His infection had almost completely taken root when suddenly I saw a glimpse of hope
The antidote lay inches from my grasp,
It was a tiny vial labeled freedom
This was it , I had finally found the cure for my disease and yet I hesitated,
Was I ready to become my own person?
Could I stand on my own two feet or would I come crashing down paralyzed by my fear of being alone.
I as desperately searched for the courage to drink the remedy of my illness I was overwhelmed by a sweet and familiar fragrance.
I begin to get lost in the memories of the tantalizing aroma,
but as I hear him call my name I snap to my senses and drink the formula.
How delightful it was to taste the overwhelming sweetness of Freedom!
Samantha DeWitt Jun 2015
Waking up to my favorite cereal
You've asked what's its imperial serial

It could be the sweet clumps
And believe me, I've grown my lumps

Its flaky flakes are such a treat
As in the morning, they lift my feet

Its mouthwatering taste
Makes me wake every morning in haste

Those sweet clumps
That give me lumps

Are not my favorite cereal's
Imperial serial

Oh what a folly, I did make
It's the honey covered flake
Travis Green Jan 2023
Unbreakable sensational Samson
My most treasured possession
My source of satisfaction
I gasp as I crash into your lip-smacking
Mouthwatering splashiness

Lovely lush hot stuff
You enter my inner space
And enamor my glamorous gayness
Stroke me slowly with your slick unyielding hands
Grab and galvanize my bouncy badass babylons

Lead me into your electric light
Where I delight in your out-of-sight strikingness
Slide your hunky tongue
On my kissable wicked *******
Let me float in your bold, imposing dopeness

Bask in the magical refreshing smell
Of your impeccable fetching vessel
You give me high heart-pounding vibes
As you mesmerize and surprise
My mind, body, and soul
You control me, and I lose control

You scope my tantalizing playground of ample proportions
You feed my need, you seize every part of me
You sheathe me in your completeness and sweetness
Take me beyond the bounds of reality
To marry with your sensuality
To be lost in your catchy crackerjack attraction
Biankha Sarahi May 2017
Like the first drop of rain upon the dryness of the earth
Plants in the desert eagerly soak it up, the sigh of relief almost audible
And the farmer that thanks the heavens for the blessing on his crops
That is how I need you

Like a dose of the most soothing cough syrup after a night spent fighting a relentless illness
The pain with each cough that reaches every aching part of the body
Each swallow of the throat begins to soothe upon receiving the magical medicinal concoction
That is how I need you

As a sip of water satisfies the runner that has justcompleted an agonizing 26 miles
Every step, every mile marker that exhausts their body more
Every deep inhale a gust of wind that produces dry exhales
The same way that first sip of water brings them comfort
That is how I need you

As your arms around me brings calm to the storms
As the taste of your lips provides a treat sweeter than a mouthwatering slice of red velvet cake
As only you know how carve a smile on the face that only knows one expression
A deepening glare that changes to smiles
That is how I need you
Lady Narnia Jul 2016
I'm a ciabatta, fresh and nice
Hot, pleasant, with a lovely spice
I'm to die for, a mouthwatering vault
Though, some take me with a grain of salt

I'm not your ordinary loaf of bread
"You're an odd bun," society said
Though every recipe has a flaw
Those flaws still make people awe

They're what make me who I am
A little over spicy but sweet like jam
I'm my own recipe, which I uniquely cook
With imperfections that are easy to overlook

Try to break me for my mess-ups; laugh
But remember, broken loaves are still tasty aff c:
Every slice a perfect dedication to the whole
It's natural, built into my beautiful soul

With lovely curves raised to imperfect perfection
An aura that fills the room in every direction
A welcoming presence that invites everyone
Come and gather, we'll all have fun!

I'm a hearty bun with a heart of bread
A soft and warm one that leaves love in its stead
I love making friends, they fill me with glee
But you're special, so you can call me Panini 🥪
tricia lambert Jun 2013
                ­                   moon
                           served on
                        dark platter
                      of night sky
                   salad tossed in
                  starry dressing
                 orange segment
                   sea urchin roe
                     salty crescent                  
                       lemon sliver
                          melon slice                                    
                       ­       succulent
         ­                               yum
                              ­                oh
Hmmm- the first word-the point of the moon- somehow moved itself way to the left side of the page when I copied-I have edited and moved it back to where it should be, but it won't save to there. ****-!
Travis Green Jun 2021
I’m so obsessed
With your swagger
Wondering what treasures
Lie under your white tee and tank top
How electrifying it would be
To slide my fingers
Over your **** muscles
Following the path
To your fantabulous chest
And shoulders
Feel your big arms with fervor
Your sharply defined V-line
Your tough thighs
Your oversized package
Pumped up to unwrap it
And taste its mouthwatering paradise
Ashwin Kumar Jan 2024
My tongue is on fire
And stuck am I, in a mire
Dangling like a carrot
And waiting to be devoured
Is some rather delicious food
Unfortunately, I am not in the mood
Because, every time I take a bite
My ******* tongue puts up a humungous fight
Locking me up in a torture chamber
And thus filling me with loads of anger
How dare you do this to me, O darned tongue?
Do you think I am a piece of dung?

My tongue is on fire
And it does not care
How hungry I am
Serious, it gives not a ****
Set before me, is a mouthwatering meal
However, becoming am I, rather dull
As I struggle and struggle
My tongue pulling me into deep trouble
Slowly, do I begin to think
That, desperately do I need a drink
Thus, do I consume an entire bottle of water
However, just as I begin to feel better
That infernal tongue throws tantrum after tantrum
Thus spelling my doom
Predictably, coming to my rescue is a sweet
Dear Diabetes, soon we may meet!

My tongue is on fire
However, beginning am I, to fight
Because, I give up not, so easily
And I DO take the doctor's advice seriously
However, my tongue ends up having the last laugh
Since all those medicines are apparently not enough
To prevent me from being forced
To make a few sacrifices
When it cometh to food
Which again spoils my mood
Moreover, just when the situation seems to be getting back to normal
Dinner turns out to be quite the ordeal
Not for the first time
And definitely not the last
I even wonder if I should fast!!

My tongue is on fire
However, as mentioned before
Never do I give up easily
Dear tongue, for now you may smile nastily
However, soon will the tables be turned
And then YOU are gonna be doomed
Enjoy your time while it lasts
And NO, I will NOT fast
No matter how many tricks you may have up your sleeve
Victory you are not gonna achieve
Never again!!
Poem I decided to write after developing an extremely bothersome tongue ulcer.
zebra Jul 2016
Post ******

beautiful woman
oh that was sublime

you said
you never
had a man
love your *** like that before

i loved the way
you giggled
and cooed
as i nuzzled your
little dark rose ****
and licked and ******
like a rippling lake
that kisses wading toes

how you looked up
with those eager
bright eyes
your hair flat back
like a picture frame
your gorgeous plush
lips cradling my ****

your head danced
back and forth
like voodoo princess
possessed of the
**** ****
lick ****
that drive men
to lusts insanity

in the end
we ended up in another room
blood and ****
stained walls and floors
cries fluttered little curtains

i forced your body like grapes
through a garlic press
so i could drink you down
my mouth stained
my bones dyed the color of your eye pits

you begged
nail me to the floorboards
fill my veins with your blood
fling me to the moon
caress my shadow soul
where i'm alone
in the sleep world

and then
came the convulsive
muscular *******
wave upon heaping wave
tsunamis of guttural ecstasy
and for a moment

our cries echo
sticking to walls
like unsubstantiated specters
that now haunt
in perpetuity

and then there is
and kisses
and kisses
and kisses

mouthwatering kisses
and we both know
kisses like this should never end
Anneke Feb 2015
I want to get lost
in the moment
and the adventure.

I want to lose everything around me
to find


What is the point
of everything I have done
when it's not something
I am head over heals in love with?

I want to lose everything around me
to find


Everything is within grasp
but clenching my fist
and not letting the dream
right through my fingers
is the hardest thing in the world
to do.

I want to lose everything around me
to find


But how can I lose everything
in the wrong setting,
in the wrong circumstances,
and in the wrong way?

I want to lose everything around me
to find


It's a taste so mouthwatering
it burns,
which I can't remove
and don't want to.

I need to lose everything around me
to find
severally i died before,
born at the cracking grounds,
where food is smoke in absence of fire,
rain is like the donkey's horns,
and clothes like the pig's skin,
i was hardened!

my innocence got lost at one,
i knew problems from the scorching crust,
i fought with ants who chose to feest on me ,
my peace was interrupted daily,
it made me hard ,
for that i will not die soon.

i cracked through stones,
right i feel alright,i sit on a soft chair,
before a flat screen television,
trying to figure out the far i came,
the steep mountains i climbed,
it all ends in a smile. it has not been easy at all.

as i chew the soft marrow,
sweet and mouthwatering,
i find it funny,
to recal how i crashed the bones,
to survive i tried,
now i will live longer,to enjoy the fruits of my perseverance.
this is an imaginative poem,it helps me  feel good and think that my endurance and patience will one day pay me good....that day i will feel like living in eternity.
Daniel Vanatta Feb 2014
an Empty, bleak friday night.
mist Veils the atmosphere around me as my body is taken
where Every step leads.
i am Ravenous, tormented, and so, so... cold.
i find it within me to shiver, Yearning for warmth,
though every Old muscle in my body protests
as they struggle without Nourishment to contract rapidly,
and, with great Effort, heat up my aching body.
the failed attempt leaves me breathless, and Incredibly numb.
i am carried around the corner of the dark, Sludge filled alley
to find an old, Mahogany colored victorian era door squeal open,
And light pours out.
such sweet light, Dare i say, as i have never seen before.
"a sight for sore Eyes", some may say.
well, if eyes could Be any more sore than mine,
they would implode into sockets of Empty darkness.
the light radiating from the door that is Ajar beckons me,
like an Unobtainable, mouthwatering steak does a vagabond.
i collapse at The doorstep, exhausted to the point of death.
i struggle with all that Is inside me just to lift up my head,
but when i do, i begin to Feel more invigorated with every breath i take as
all of my Unyielding ailments leave me.
amazingly i stand up, fresh with strength, and Look around the room, transfixed at the incredible sight before me.
it is a party! but not just any party,
one such as you would find in the great gatsby!
the men have expensive, radically colored suits,
swindler's canes, and Impossibly tall top hats.
the ladies are dressed lavishly in long petticoats, draped with lace;
feather scarves lie around their necks with perfect elegance.
no one seems to mind my presence,
and as i am finally in control of my own legs,
i stumble, regaining movement in them, and travel about the room,
observing the magnificent scene before me.
now, i don't know what it was that caught my eye,
for everything in that decadent room seemed to shimmer and glisten,
pleasing the eyes to glance upon.
however, one thing stood out.
separated from the bustling crowd, there she sat,
in the back corner, alone.
clearly a *******, yet the fact didn't seem to phase me the least bit.
she was stunning, angelic!
she stood up, and practically glided about the room
back and forth, seemingly like a lion, searching for it's prey.
she held her gaze at me way past the point of comfort, yet,
awkwardness was not present between us.
she sauntered over to me, completely aware of the trance she had put me in.
fingers, trailing over my trench coat, she stepped outside,
beckoning me to follow her
out into the mist once again.
gone. she was gone.
such fleeting beauty. i could sense the pain inside of her
while she stood in front of me,
and still can now, for i, too have felt the same.
it was something to remember her by, and it made me wonder,
does such a woman with the ability to care and be cared for completely...
or am i destined to live life alone, in the mist,
never quite able to see into the aspects of what i so long to give,
what i so desire to receive...
A short story with a hidden message.
Tommy Johnson Jun 2014
The one who knows what an aglet is
And the one who found a cure to break outs
Are neck and neck
In the race to critical acclaim

The pure of heart take aim towards the regency
With flushed flesh
As if they were the ones racing

The chaste one vexes them all
They hope her chest caves in
And her vital organs fail
They see her as an appalling misuse of DNA

In this sequence
There is a strong emphasis of hate
But why?
Because hate is one of the fundamentals of life that's ubiquitous
Until an outbreak of letting go comes
And the appeals for torment to befall others come to and end

With that said, I want to see who wins this race, if that ***** little ***** gets what she has coming to her and those know-nothings on the throne get over thrown
As I enjoy this rhubarb and turpentine pie
It looks mouthwatering as ever
Anji Feb 2018
Loneliness eats me
Like an orange.
Fingernails carving away my skin,
To **** out that juicy pulp of hope
From the outside in.

He called me delicious, but that was lifetimes ago,
Words turning so sweet
They rotted.

I never should have believed him - “I’m
Not just a fruit to be eaten” - that's
I should have told him,
Before these cravings were cultivated. The ones that crawl in
Through the chasms of solitude
Like worms into the pores of my skin.

Because now all I want
Is to be squeezed out
By stronger hands
That make me feel delicious and
Turn my desires
Into the most mouthwatering of juices again.
mom is outta town. house party. by myself. yum.
Sam Po Jul 2014
black velvet Sky
glittery, sugary stars
cool winter breeze
melody is playing from an orchestra of crickets
I'm lying here, in these mint green grass king size bed
and munching the mouthwatering--- freedom.
Penelope La Vie Apr 2014
Haven’t I aged well?
I swear, before, I wasn’t this mouthwatering.
But now,
I’ll soak into the crevices of your taste buds.
I’ll pour all of myself onto you.
I’ll make you sip on me 'till the very last drop.
I’ll make you savour everything about me.
My aroma will make you dizzy
And I swear I’ll get you drunk on me.
The aftertaste will make you beg for more.
So let’s make a toast together and
Drink me.
Deana Luna Jul 2014
there’s just something about smeared lipstick. the lust of it. the desire. the carnal attraction of the red my red you bite i bleed. a cycle. lions. carnal mouthwatering beasts. smeared red across my lips across my cheeks into my hair. messy primal smear drag. drag. the drag of it the drag of gender dragged across soft parts. ruining their innocence. marking up significance on soft peachy skin clawed. cruelty is so carefully tangled in with this putrid sense of morality. mortality. carefully putting on something that will be smeared off later. ripped off soon. taking the extra fifteen minutes to meticulously apply the liner. doll up a cupid’s bow. exaggeration. dragging lipstick across chapped lips being pulled towards completion. all sweetly organized to be ravaged.
I walked into the party
Looked as if there was a hundred people eating calamari

As I scan the room
I see a man and my head went kaboom

I couldn't take my eyes off
I keep checking him out up and down and all around he definitely wasn't a knockoff

He was so **** mouthwatering delicious
At that point I knew I had no conscientious

As my eyes slowly go up his perfect body
Only stopping visually taking it all in his body was smoother than Bacardi

My eyes finally are on his neck
Then those **** lips was like a beautiful landing strip

As I got to his eyes
I realized he was staring right at my supplies

I walked slowly never taking my eyes off his eyes
He never took his eyes off me either oh what a prize

I reach to the corner of the bar
He holds out his big **** hand took ahold of my hand and planted a soft kiss on my scar

I wasn't much into one night stands
But I knew I was all in 100 percent with no demands

As we talked and had a few drinks
Enjoying soft kisses and giving winks

This **** perfect man
Had my whole body melting like quicksand

We decided to leave the party
Went to my room hale and hearty

I was so infatuated with this man
When he touched my body I just melted like pecans

Oh his soft kisses
Made my body quiver and gushed

Oh it wasn't love at first site
It was lust with such delight

It was the best one night stand I ever had
With a man I never knew anything about but was highly ranked

Maybe that's what made it so memorable
That's why it was so sensual and incredible
Written by: Denise Huddleston

— The End —