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Diana Mendes Jun 2015
my words are real, sometimes fantasied,
the feelings true, sometimes it hasn't bloom.

i'm a dreamer, hopeless romantic,
i can't help it, they're so attractive.
Nigel Morgan Aug 2013
In the night it had been so dark he had been unable to see across the room. The uncurtained window was a thought, a remembrance. He had to feel his way across the room from the warm bed, and across the wooden floor his feet felt one of the two small rugs he knew were there. Finding the windowsill he looked out into sheer darkness, but then a glimmer of light flashed far away across the valley, and yes there was just the faintest trace of dawn, and it was so still. He opened the window and could hear a faint breath of wind moving the trees surrounding this estate house, a house empty but for him. Somewhere quiet, unpopulated by this pulsing, vibrant, unreal community he had joined the previous afternoon.

There was an owl distant, and he immediately thought of the poem Owl written just a few hundred yards away by a poet who had once lived on the estate. He imagined her writing it in a half hour captured from being a mother of small children, and of being a gardener and wife. Maybe she had her worktable in her bedroom, a small space wholly hers where she could form her thoughts into these jewels of words.


Last night at the joint of dawn,
an owl’s call opened the darkness

miles away, more than a world beyond this room
and immediately I was in the woods again,

poised, seeing my eyes seen,
hearing my listening heard
under a huge tree improvised by fear

dead brush falling then a star
straight through to God
founded and fixed the wood

then out, until it touched the town’s lights,
an owl elsewhere swelled and questioned
twice, like you light lean and strike
two matches in the wind.

He returned to bed and as he lay down to gather a little sleep before the early morning light summoned him to his desk, he thought about ‘the joint of dawn’. Only a poet could have found that word ‘joint’, the exactness and rightness of it. It gave him a sudden and prolonged moment of joy. That’s what the creative mind sought, the right word, a word that summoned up not just images – he knew exactly what the joint of dawn was as an image – but also a very particular emotional and experiential state, for him a whole history of early mornings sitting quietly with a cup of tea between his hands, looking out; or sometimes being out, in winter before dawn, walking to his studio, the old walk through the industrial estate, over the river, into that vast silent building, up the three flights of stairs by feel and long practice – the metal rims on each stair step a guard against a long fall – then to his room, and before turning on the light at his drawing board he would stand by the long windows whose sills held his shells and stones, a vase of flowers, a small collection of old (and blue) bottles, a framed photograph of his children, he would stand and see the joint of dawn begin as a crack in the sky and then open like a lid on a box, a box that held a faint morning light, a pre sun, a grey glimmering.

As he lay awake, but with eyes closed, he thought of a conversation they had had recently, he and the woman he loved, the woman who warmed his heart and whose image in so many different forms floated continually in his consciousness. The feel of her under his body pulling herself to the compass points of his passion, and in such a moment when time had become suspended, had found this release, this overflowingness that gave him now, alone in this dark bedroom, a joy he could barely contain, that it could be so and to which his own body now expressed in its own vivid and physical way.

This conversation – he sought to remember the circumstances. Maybe it was over the telephone. Many of their conversations had to be so. They lived apart, and even when they lived together for short periods they were not truly together. There was often the intervention of work, of present children, of heads full of lists of things to do.  This conversation was about a short story he had written and sent to her to read – she had supplied the title, curiously, and he had accepted it, the title, as a challenge. She said ‘I’m often unsettled by your stories, by not knowing what is ‘real’ and what is invented. I find it difficult to read what you write as fiction because I’m aware that some of what you write is based on memory, people you have known perhaps, and I have not’. He could tell from the examples she gave (that were really questions) that there was, perhaps, a particular unease when it came to women he had portrayed. He felt a little sad and uncomfortable that his answers did not seem to help, and he thought quietly for some time after about this problem. Of course, authors did this, they trawled their memories, and often and usually ‘characters’ (he had read) were composites. The character in question, a poet in her sixties called Sally, was one such, a composite. He had invented her he thought, but to her, his questioner, his loved one, she had assumed a reality. It was those intimate details he had supplied, those small things that (he felt) drew a fictional character to a reader. Had he known a Sally? How intimately had he known a Sally? Was this the sort of woman he would like to know, perhaps even fantasied about knowing? A woman who handled words well, poetically, that was plain, but unmarked by her age, though had large feet and moved without grace.

He loved to write letters to her, his loved one. He wanted, this morning, to write to her, but he didn’t want his letter to be another list of ‘I did this, then this, and I saw this, and this made me think of this poem (and here it is), or this picture, and I heard this music (and there attempt a description). He was selfish really. He didn’t want the letter skimmed through and discarded. He has written, he loves me, he is thinking about me so he writes knowing I like letters, but that’s it, and his letter, because they come so frequently, is just another mark on the drawing that will be the day; it carries little permanence with it. And sadly, he will occasionally (although he is improving) allow these little intimacies to fall into words, and that I find difficult, embarrassing. I suppose I want letters anyone could read, that I could leave about on the kitchen table.

So, just occasionally he would place himself in a story, and this is what he began to prepare as he lay in bed and the dawn lit this bare room, so minimally furnished, in this quiet and beautiful place where a ten-minute walk would bring him to the bank one of Tarka’s rivers, where from the kitchen window, looking north, he could see the Moor and even one of its signifying and majestic Tors.'
The poem Owl is by Alice Oswald
Right in the middle of my dreadful life
You color it with a blissful love
Love, that somehow, made me realize
that reality can be a paradise

For a while, it works
Yet time passes by,
It fades

Looking at those sprinkled glitters in the sky
like how I used to gaze in your eyes,
I remembered all the promises
That you shattered into pieces

I suddenly fall into sadness so sweet
that memories sneak out of my eyes,
As my imaginations, filled with our images
River of tears continuously flows

You were the wish I wish upon a shooting star
You were the prince I fantasied in my fairy tale
You were the inspiration of my dreams
You were a glimpse of my everything.

As I sigh a smoke of sadness
drunk on the idea of happiness
As the wind blows by
I  just let myself fly high.
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
Women like
the skyscraper
He's cultured
so dapper
And on paper how
we perceive things
it goes along
way too print

His hands showing
nakedly walks of hints
He's up to stunts
Whose the one to blame
What credibility made
you want an
old flame
Or to write like you
never danced
  nakedly before

Feeling lost after the glow
graveyard shift hours slow
Her body like the naked
breeze air show

Ever Sunday brunch
Was divinity like

Naked but it
never shines
In Philadelphia
The College boy
Alpha he loved Rina
Moaning for Lisa

Those Scholarships
And his lady
Left stains on his
white collar
Business trips
The fantasy-scape
Like the ship of her
naked tip nail's
Going to the
****** Islands sail

He got the writer
all roped into him
Like her poem was
his script let it arrive
with him

And their words
Were like no other trip
Admiration another naked
talk vacation
But in reality, they weren't
naked to be fantasied
To contemplate is
this really
Our time for fate
The temptation is
always there
Like the cross leg road
He's the intersection
My mind is inside all
his fragments

To meet our perception
Like a writer's block
Goes a long way
to anyone
The kiss lipstick color beyond naked
Fit so well French Connection
Language goes beyond
anyone that is naked
Salacious, Delicious,
Ambitious, Notorious
Amourous, naked generous
Without being naked
Golden naked mounds
He groans and it's
quite normal
to be yourself and growl
like Wolf or a Fox
She's the Triscuit
He loves his Southern
tasting biscuits
He puts his suit on
Dash of pepper
and salt

Are the stars at fault
Over his shoulder
He wraps her around
She felt a freeze
Wanting to hear the
naked truth
She was his cherry
He played his basketball dunk
Her naked cream
The naked writer
in between got drunk

Her leg crosses and
He's the tie being
crossed she was in
her flip flops
The writer kept her heart
of his message with
cute pups
Well the naked writer
received An unusual box
and she was naked LOL
Things so much to fantasies or dream about but let's say you thought you were naked but you really aren't but you could see everything in front of you trance-like naked is that impossible the dream or as real as you ever want it too be
Hollie Jun 2023
You deserved to feel safe
and i'm sorry the pressure to be more
Will always be crazy and cruel
And I wish I had saved you,
Being young was meant to be all fun and games
Not torture and pain
And i'm sorry it took so long
To start fixing us up
We fantasied about a better place
One with love and smiles
not bruises and cuts,
Scary ex's and nightmares
We've always had to be strong
and plan for definite futures
Someday we meet someone with a heart of gold
and loose them to our fears
Don't be afraid of the good
It keeps us safe and not our fears
K Balachandran Oct 2012
Everyday as I cross this road, here
you pass me flashing a sunny smile,
its magic, touches my being
changing  this colorless life awhile.
At the broad display wall, a casual glance, I'd cast
and think"Such a smile would look nice over there"

Today, a miracle touched my heart with its feather,
your face in its liveliest best, on posters,
are displayed  on the same wall I fantasied.
*The caption proclaimed:"She is the next big star"
This  jaywalker never would see you hereafter.
What if i just packed my bags and ran away,
never showed up through the light of day,
This life seems like a paradox we live throughout our own thoguhts,
this world, the touch, the love we see and feel, is it even all real?
One day when i lay through my flower bed,
am i in a matrix of never ending dreams, from horror and love to all things that seem real when i lay my head to sleep?
Dreams are recurring but so is this life, so tell me this now
are we in a dream when we open our eyes, or do we just dream when we close our eyes?
I want to feel love, no pain but pleasure,
I want to seek something more high of a real temptation to live in this world,
but when you're trapped with just your fantasied thoughts,
how can we truly know when to stop?
I woke up this Morning, came back to my bedroom and thoughts began to linger in my mind and this is what was said.
Born Mar 2015
Here we are
where we were
we talked
we fantasied
we had illusions about us

Here we are
where we were
we whined
we fought
we scared each other

Here we are
where we were
we kissed
we caressed
we made love

Here we are
where we were
we toyed with our hearts
we,us,our kisses were full of lies
we,us,our love perished
we drowned
Rew Nov 2022
My springtime's never ending suns
I carry sunglow from window to bed,
planning, when the next day has come,
just as soon as the pets are fed,
and I've tidied up my empty head,
walked the dog, give cat the cream,
to run and jump and skip and play
not laze around and sleep and dream...
Too late! my pet's wet chomping jaws
send my dreams to damp moist earthy days
of screaming pterodactyls & dinosaurs...

My summer sun's they always shone
so brightly that they hurt my eyes,
and I hid and wished it, Begone!
with my false exasperated sighs...
I lazed around and fantasied,
conjured darkness for my needs,
and willed self toy for troglodytes
so dreamily these beasts use my hands on me
on dark cave floor's breed in me, such dreams...
Of Hekate's hounds entering... in my mind
behind the private door's of my eyes.

Now my Autumn comes crashing down
there's earlier settings of darker suns,
troglodytes and hell's hounds keep me bound
on stiff stalking legs ***** one-eyed proud
as creeping winters begin to run...
My pale face mirrored as I count my sum,
of my omniverse to find it finally means,
of my dreams this whole world wide,
dream leads to this... Whereof? I cannot dream...
Snigdha Banerjee Apr 2015
Once I was pretty sad
but my dad
made me feel glad
We walked down a street
while he said ;
There is someone I would like you to meet
& not a moment soon
I got my first balloon
How overwhelmed was I !
over exited & fantasied !
A bit confused !
I wasn't sure
How this was to be used
Little did I notice
my tears faded fast
I ran here and there
completely forgetting about the past
But alas !
Less I knew
My new friend could fly
He got lost into the sky
As he drifted out of sight
I wished I could have hold it tight
My eyes filled with tears
Dad wrapped me in his arms
To remind me he was here !
I still love balloons ! cause at times it reminds me of this particular instance :)
Scarlette Aug 2014
Everything is blurred:
Beclouded and befogged.
I need an illumination, as his smile captures my eyes.
Dim and dusky, I ask myself, 'What's going on?'
I need to be closer.
But as I go closer, the harder for me to see...

As the sound of his voice diminished as our distance from it increased.
And it hits me-- a tear fell from my eye as his shadows gone for a while,
like the chances we have-- blurred and fantasied.
Mr Xelle Aug 2019
I am the one
That made you cry
I am him
That made you lie
You fantasied
You want my sky
You want my clouds
You want to fly
You took a pill
Then hop on a plane
To come and find
I am the rain I’ll make you reign.
You okie , I’m okay
Make a right , I’m alright.
Are you down to ride ?
Smell my scent and my life
You can but deny
I am him
I am him
The one you despise
The one you like.
SE Reimer Mar 2019

of her are
countless stories told,
ancient face angelic;
some think she a
seductive mistress,
while some see none,
but lunar cold.
but others find
her gaze majestic;
never sleeping,
memories keeping,
always watching,
ever seeking... as the
world below unfolds.

eyes that
never turn aside,
her tidal draw,
that ne’er subsides;
and flows within,
her mother's pride;
for even when
we see her not,
unbroken gaze,
men's deeds engraves;
of ev'ry tribe,
the fateful scribe;
she the keeper
of this race!


post script.

since childhood i have found the moon to be entrancing... both beautiful and mysterious. surely i am not alone in conjuring mystical theories and fantasied metaphors for our lovely lady above!

as the ever watchful eye in the heavens above, do you, like me, wonder if just maybe it is she who metes out justice, who deals man's swift reward?  and what if, just maybe, those who to our eye, seem to escape the consequence of their actions, who seem to skate along unscathed... what if their consequences are simply too great to unveil in this realm, and instead, she, the fateful, faithful scribe has rendered and reserved for them in the next, their recompense and just reward?  i shudder to think of it!

Travis Jarrells Jul 2012
And so it aches, I know you thought for sure,
all the blood in your lungs was a metaphor for your lord,
and a pain so divine, that you could only find,
in a world made for you,
that’s become all too human in truth,
and secrets that it’s kept,
over which you’ve wept,
beautiful in theory,
glorified in history,
are only fantasied in youth,
but all too human in truth.
And we could all scream out,
stop that coming train,
a relentless mass of understanding,
that’s pounding at the brain.
but all we have are symbols,
to help tie up what is loose,
that a world that wasn’t made for us,
has become all too human in truth.
One time
I felt as though we knew each other
In a way no one knew us
A few times
I thought of the way your voice speaks me and my heart jumps saying "maybe"
Several times
I fantasied about what it would be like if you were mine and I was yours
A dozen times
I laid in my bed confused about where I was supposed to go in order to meet someone as perfect as you
More times than I can count
I did not want another
Because with us, it would be as easy as breathing
And I don't know why you can't see that
Robbie Oct 2014
Tonight, I want to sleep with you.
I don't mean I want to have ***. I don't even mean I want to make love.
I just want to crawl into bed with you and sleep.
I want you to keep me cozy, and wake me if I have nightmares.
I often do.
In turn I'll whisper soft sweet fantasied promises into your ear, and then tickle you until you cry from laughter so the mood doesn't get too heavy.
I want to forget about yesterday, let today fade away, and ignore tomorrow. I just want you, your steady breathing, the beat of your heart, and the snowflakes out the window.
I want your cobalt eyes to be the last thing I see each night.
And I want to pretend we can last forever.
For C.C.
PoetLeChatelier Nov 2019
“I have been trying to get laid
So should I try lacing up my suspenders and get my *******,
for another fifty shades of drinking a Harlem shake to the
piece of cake fairy tale of nagging paper trail just to impress a **** pony tail
at the dark alley bakery, vending her own cookie with a tight shoulder skirt to this lions in search of an empire from a leverage  point to cleavage, Torching the alley with a naked thigh just like tossing a coin into a fountain in a circus with clown with umbrella about throw some shade until when the tides go out to, you get to know who’s been swimming naked upon the pleasures that are bitter to swallow to this blood ******* roaches chasing strangers who would spread her legs to the canvas and induce seduction as a color scheme……..
She called me sadist and I called myself a dreamer,
She dreamt of pushing me off the bed and calling me a screamer
She envisioned cutting my throat and playing jazz with my vocal chords
She fantasied sarcastically caressing my cuticles just because last night I came in short of breath

She would sell her own soul to the syringe of morphine drip
for a denial shot that pain heals in the prefix of an outpatient  rehab
now in the bathtub nursing in patient withdrawal ,
She would tie a shoe string around her bicep in search of vein,
so as to squeeze the **** libido version of limbo to oblivion
humiliating the dark clouds begging for a shooting star
to the pages that frustrates the pen unto the novel that prescribes a prenuptial of black bride killing the reader’s digest and buries their heads………………………………

I am becoming a book.
that will induce an ****** with sympathy veil of beggar feeding on their own horses
to the end of the caterpillar misery is **** butterfly confetti to script that syncs the readers perception
Into the ****** abuses of the needle that impregnates the ink and tells the canvas to go get paternity test throughout the history of melting medusa lips
that made a homeless robin without a hood painting a revolution in this concrete jungle
where dreams are made up from silence thought that can
ambush a hive softy through whistling that melts
a bee’s temper in the presence of a queen is a poisonous sting of a artist
dipping his own brush into his own soul with a healing dew that never bruises
the honey in the vein of the garden is the beauty of the wine  
From a vine to flower is a grape in the glass is anarchy

From what I am running from
To misery flowing from the river on
That’s why we are here
To profile the lost identity from the art of war that sun Tzu was afraid of losing his head to another thigh!
That’s why we are here
To profile the slit of the dress that curved the sword another napoleon to conquer Soviet Union
That’s why we are here
To profile a love Ballard from contortionist that melted medusa eyes from cold to flexible
Revolution will wear a mini skirt, squat and kiss the lepers hands for the Benjamin’s banking dump jokes...and still hire Johnnie Cochran for second ****** trial of O.J Simpson ……………
That’s why I still want …………………………….

our culture wore a fabric of circus clothes only dance in the arena like a puppet from the strings of the servants chasing a redemption in the den of thrones getting thrown to the game of throne for guilty pleasure as kings daughters were gambling upon gladiators death to the freedom of escaping their own Sobibor that chopped off my foot in the life of Kunta Kinte
Slavery was blushing teeth with a **** moan of a cigarette smoke
Flirting to the horrors of unshaved groins,
from the growing pains in the hands that planted olive trees
to labor and harvest their oil that has become tears of
cowards staining heaven with obscene imagery of their own likeness
holding their insights captive upon the eyes of the ******
Until our backs were a canvas of whips and brutality, we had tattoos
of pain and graffiti of blood as written the book blue skies
claiming the prepare the way the Lord, judging Esther from a supremacy attire of poverty
termed to be isolated from the world where the corner stone fell into the wrong hands and built a
Tower of babel for the Pharisee living in a glass house

Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal to pleasure
the urges out of the Garden of Eden, Adam had to seek leaves to live with eve,
From a mustard seed renouncing the deception ought to praise the womb that gave birth to the blood sweat and tears to the system planting snares pig’s ears and fears ,
with intent to subdue the cat inside the bag from the smell of the rat that has been suffering a broken rib
We used ashes as lotion to conquer the scratching pains of the unhearing wounds eying the staff that turned into a serpent in exodus to the stiff neck of the system after the death of Moses….we had to succumb to victory,

There was a story of how soldiers got hungry
in the battlefield even they started feeding on themselves
Fighting for peace in the pieces of human meat...
upon pawns that have kept chasing the salvation of in the story that was
made by rats that fought all the dogs and killed the cats is like
Judging a fish with its own abilities to climb trees from the a shadow of small boy reflecting an elephant in the room with betrayal that made Julius have a seizure after gambling with another’s man
life with few pieces of silver sealed by a Judas kiss that killed Jesus,
Julio Aug 2013
I always fantasied about what I would say to you
The next time I saw you
Spilling my guts in my mind
Saying every word that I hoped inflicted pain towards you
But knowing me
I'd keep my mouth shut and walk away
Somehow still hoping you'd know what I was thinking
Gourab Banerjee Sep 2016
You read these as poems
Got fantasied
Feel emotional
But,these're not like that
These're statement of a sleepless mind
Tottering on the lonely lanes of a metro
Searching some relax of mind
A l'll bit but a nap for a while
I search a lot in daylight
I visit each & every shop
But everyone refused of having sleep-Written on 20.09.2012
june Oct 2018
the average becomes the normal and the normal becomes the fantasied. the everyday took to long to grab my attention and I was left on the side of the road. The side that was in the sun, it burned my skin to a crisp and I was only left with the ashes. The ashes that represented the normal, the everyday, the fantasy that I can never get back.

if you dare bring it back, thats unheard of. if you leave it as is your a traitor. something to be ashamed of, you better fix it.
Noah James III Jan 2020
began with you
Updated July 2019

I began with you. I think it over. Nights that pass when we no longer sleep together. We lay next to each other as your body carries you away. Repeatedly, I watch you. I pack up my things because we have no home in together. Buddies are what we feel like. Will romance ever have a chance to live? I hope for one day a change that aligns up with this love you claim. I look at you to tell you I love you, your gaze at me is one of disdain. Yet even in that, I hang hopelessly in said love. Will you change for me too? I am numb.

I began with you. I moved here for a love that we fantasied of, but did not put your hands to. I feel like a punching bag, getting each blow from previous relationships that have scorned you. Once done, the vibe shifts into this strange charge that illuminates the disconnect, the lack of between us. It takes time, you say. But when I wait to see an action from your heart, nothing.
I began with you but ended up with me. It is almost as if you were hoping time does the convincing for you. What if time gave us the love we needed? There would be no need for companionship. While you say there is no one else on your radar, we know better. Someone motivated by love would do all they could to keep it together. Keep it real. Mom always taught me love is an action word designed by God to reveal. But I wait. Wondering what I did to deserve this type of bait that hooked me so easily. The kind of ship that only one person is present in. My heart is drained; will it heal? I’m not so sure I believe in love anymore.
Used all up, I began with you. I pray for you, more than I pray for myself. I just hope I’m strong enough to survive when the real reason you’ve been withdrawn reveals itself. I’ve been nothing but transparent, wishing your listening is matched with fresh new choices to pick up your end of this space. Otherwise, my life has been ruined, and this time again, a waste.
I begin with me.
Love is a losing game at times but you win when loving you no longer feels like a crime
Onyx Sep 2020
A fickle yet adored fantasy
universally proclaimed lovingly by the same name
stands with much difference for each
for each has a unique lover
whose uniqueness cannot be challenged
nor compared
nor estimated

Though are we always to meet our fantasied beloved?
At the right moment?

Love is strange
an entity yearned for for ages
yet terrifying to own when the time for it comes
for we are afraid
of our beloved in our fantasies
to be marred by the realism we allow ourselves to indulge

Picking petals from a flower
‘To love?’
‘To not love?’
Promises nothing short of eternity of torment
So drop that flower
And take a deep breath
Look to the offerer of love in the eyes
And say ‘I do,’
Hope that they will love you
like no one has ever done so
Travis Green Aug 2021
I came upon him in the deepest
Waves of my dream, an inviting
Highway shining in bright sight
Ebullient poetry composed
On the exterior, majestic stanzas
Beautifully beautified lines
Vowels enshrouded in the cloud’s
Innovation of creative imagination

He was in the serene fields of my mind
Super scenic as the stars that glisten in the dark
As the charmingly drawing moon that captures
Your eyes the moment you marvel at its design
His sweet soul system soaring to the blue
Overarching sky, my esteemed king
Beaming infinitely in the back street
Of my mental, the man I feel
In the fascinatingly favorable wind

He is my constellation of limits
My rare and debonair derivative
The integration of my space station
My impassioned fraction blossoming
To wholeness, my mesmeric universe
My living joy so incomparably everything
That outshines time, too fantasied to believe
That he is all mine, that in the night
When there is no one about, I can go to him

Lay with him on the chesterfield
Moving my hands toward his brick made chest
Feeling that need to fulfill my inner yearnings
Rubbing his marvelous muscle
Drawing our names enclosed in a heart
Around his chest, pleasurably pleased
Jace Albine Dec 2020
Normal people aren't anxious and explaining their existence’s to everyone else wholly within their own mind’s. Most people don't do that. Some people do. I'm one of those people.

The abnormal fantasied reality within my conception plays exciting and often scary acts with peaking and valleying performances within. It's not real; however, I am real, so in a way it is. At least to me. And it's a reality that I face and must tame daily in order to be seen as “normal”. What ever the **** normal means anyway. Sometimes I want to run away and other times I'm too fatigued by trying to care. In stark contrast to when I get caught up in the whirl wind of passion and ideas and I want them to be tangible so bad that I sit and create. The mind loses focus. I look away for a second to make something else... That is if it's not another one of those times that I become so burnt out from the fires of present tasks of building the unreal into the real that I regress.

But I digress.

When I look back at what I've done, and it just seems like a distant memory becoming more and more distant with every passing moment of observation I can't help but get the stirring feeling to get caught up in the whirl wind once more and make a new idea. A new passionate thought forms and the creations can't help but take place. The moment is really the only thing I know for sure. It's not a dream it's as real as being awake, or at least I'd think that until it too becomes just another one of those distant memories; another one of those things amongst all things.

But perhaps I'm just projecting...

Senses; those funny things. Almost as funny as the mind that decodes their meanings. The human presence. The spirit within. the very soul. Like mine that has seemed to ache more than it has not ached. I look at all the things, big and small on the place where I currently reside in the universe that houses me. “Relative,” says one man. “Frequency,” says another. People say a lot of things. Especially to one another. What else would understand? Let alone who? Do you even understand you? I'd ask. A dog would pant, and I'd pat its head knowing all to well that we both got the meaning. So easy to try and do. So difficult not to. And if I changed the positions of the subjects it would be equally as true.

But that’s just the moment now as it would have it...
Yenson Oct 2021
In the passage of windless howls
oh how they gnash and growl
but tell us do tell
how in this village of serrated onyxes
where soap less barbarians in levis
heave Caesar's Standard
as invaders earn lucre and run markets
and moors with swords
cut stylised groves to joyous maidens screams
thus in this insulated island
with insulated minds and fantasied zealots
tell us do tell us
how barbarians can get into our head
would it be the wisdom of fools with clouded visions
or the acid tones of Eves in hock to ten serpents and a cobra
or the might of the eunuchs
who leaves all the heavy lifting to tan and brown
or the great pretenders who talk the talk but runs from walking
the walk
or perchance the stealth of the trickster with the book of tricks
in large prints on flood-lit billboards
in our village of wonder-less unmentionables
and onyxes lamentable with ignorance regrettable
tell us, do tell us please
how such as these
could get into our laudable head
do skunks and voles drink champagne from Chrystal flutes
tell us please do tell us

— The End —