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3.0k · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
A land with love, peace & admiration
To you I salute with all my devotion

A land where live people of all kind
Various languages where we find

A land beleaguered by Himalaya
And perennial rivers running via

A land signed by a flag of tri colour
With courage, peace & faith depicting her

A land called as India or Hind
Where I'm privileged to born in

A land to which I call my country
With all my devotion I salute thee...
I belong to the country India & I am proud to be an Indian :)
1.7k · Sep 2016
Ruman Hafsa Sep 2016
Whistling, it emerge from it's station
Singing, it begins for destination
It sings a tune of truth & peace
And with it's melody, to you it please

It sings a song of punctuality
"Be on time" flows in its harmony
"Else time leaves you behind"

Passing through hills, valleys& mountain
It sings "Never run away from your pain"
Running into the dark black canals
It sings "face your problems all"

It carries people of all kinds
No variance in caste or colour it finds
your strength lies in unity

To it's destination it reaches
The song of train preaches
With hard work of your soul
*You'll surely reach your goal
1.3k · Sep 2016
Ruman Hafsa Sep 2016
It never appease the thirst of a craving soul  
Like a wolf at midnight, under the moonlight howl
It cries for the moon to which it can never touch
Woefully unaware that moon bathes it in moonlight, his dutch

A selfish heart never knows what it posses
Never discern with what treasure it has been blessed
The more it gets, the more it yearns forever
Unaware that the least is better than never...
Be thankful with wat u have
& never grieve over wat u dont
1.2k · Dec 2016
Beauty Of It's Own
Ruman Hafsa Dec 2016
The soft chilly crystals
Falling from the sky
Has beauty of their own
Alluring than the beauty in summer lie

Flowers aren't dead everywhere
They are just in a deep slumber
Resting till the show begins
Then will blossom from their chamber

The routes all are covered in a veil
Like a child wrapped in a quilt drowse
And when the morn arrives
He will vibrantly from his bed arouse

Rubbing their eyes & smiling at the world
The chilly cold winter will surely subside
And when the spring arrives
The bloom in a valley will reside...

© by Ruman Hafsa
1.1k · Oct 2016
Ruman Hafsa Oct 2016
I doesn't say sorry
Doesn't mean I won't regret
It's just that
Uttering is what my guilt doesn't let

I doesn't react
When people censure me
Doesn't mean
That I am carefree

It really hurts when they say
I have a heart made of stone
But they doesn't understand
That I feel so lone

A guilt in my heart
Sinks me down in it
Like a broken ship
Drowning in an ocean's pit...
I really want to correct my mistakes
962 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
It saved me from being lonely
It saved me from drowning into darkness
It is the one who hearten me only
I am beholden to it at the times of harshness

My art, my saviour

I tried being alone away from the world
I cried myself to sleep in murk being curled
My agony into anger I channelled
Nothing helped

So I took a pen & held it against a paper
As a thought struck to try one last time
And slowly words formed into sentences
And sentence silhouetted into a rhyme

With trembling hands slowly I began
As scintilla of pain pouring down my mind
Onto an empty piece filling it up with rhyme, my art
Engrossing me into it yielding place to peace in my mind

It saved me from being lonely
It saved me from drowning into darkness
It is the one who hearten me only
I am beholden to it at the times of harshness

My art, my saviour
950 · Oct 2016
Ruman Hafsa Oct 2016
A little heart, just like a beautiful mansion
Ravishing & vast was it's expansion
Beguile the people passing by
As they, in awe, at it sigh

Curious about it's interior beauty
When it's frontage intrigued me
I tried glancing inside it
"By looks can one be deceived"

Murkiness & desolation occupied
The cobwebs spread wide
The broken chandelier hung
To the torn vault clung

The guitar laid wrecked
The floor full of dust
Walls a decaying wreckage
Everything damaged

I entered a room at the nook
By window, a table, by a slight touch shook
On it was placed a pristine sketch
Of whom it loved, on the edge*...

All rights reserved
By Ruman Hafsa
920 · Oct 2016
Ruman Hafsa Oct 2016
Carved by the initial of his name
Not on the stone, not for fame
On her hand, beneath her skin
Not with the tools, but they claim

They claim her as his for life
Not with a blade or with a knife
On her hand, beneath her  skin
Marked her as his for life

Scribbled in the font unknown
Casted in the ink not known
On her hand, beneath her skin
Framed the label as his own

The bond between can't be denied
Her heart also, by him occupied
An unseen chain coalescing akin
Did not break whomever tried...

© by RH
876 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
Piter pater rain drops from the sky
Falling through the clouds that are high
Tip tap knocking on my window screen
As I see the beautiful scene

Flowers are happy & river feel joy
As farmers in their field enjoy
The children wants to dance & play
In the water, on the rainy day

Paper boats in the water flow
Of rain which has come to make a glow
Peacock dance as he shed his feathers
Enjoying with his lovely brothers

Animals & birds from their home watches
The rainy water as it dashes
But the beautiful scene of the rain still holds
The noises of water & rainy colds...
869 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
She memorialized  him saying
"I am falling in love with you"
She was overwhelmed when
Said "I love you too"

With tears in her eyes & pain in her heart
She memorialized him saying
"I wanna be with you"
She smiled at his caring

Weeping she memorialized the day
When he kissed her with so much love
Held her hand and sheathed it
With his like a glove

Unscathed she felt in his arms
When he held her close
She relinquished all the love to him
And gave up her heart's rose

She memorialized the moment
When her world ensued wreckage
Never once she did heed
And didn't have this knowledge

She fell to the ground
Weeping in grief
Her heart ripped from her chest
Cause he was gone, she now believe
853 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
Flying so high
Up in the sky
My wings spread out so wide

Heeding from height
Appraising the sight
My heart ensue astride

Whizzing through
The bright sky blue
No thought of perch reside

Decline I may
I won't dismay
For crave for flying won't subside

For thousandth time
I'll do this crime
Just to spread anew wing wide...
Never give up on yourself, come what may...
801 · Jan 2017
Just Another Year
Ruman Hafsa Jan 2017
Some joyous days have passed away
And mournful days did too
More delightful days will it bring
And will also bring some rue
I know not how far I have come
And how far will I lam

Some former scheme still undone
And dreams still not sealed
I know not what this year will bring
By which ride I get pleased
I welcome this surprise of mine
And what it has for me to dine

Fasten up your belts my friends
To takeoff this new flight or fall
For we not know the destiny
But the pilot knows it all
And don't you panic if it's caught in storm
With an up & down a journey does form

© by Ruman Hafsa
799 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
I hide my tears behind the veil of my smile
I stay happy in a perfect style
I hide my cry behind the veil of my laugh
I laugh with them when they laugh
I hide my loneliness
Behind the veil of my happiness
I fall, I rise only to fall again
Burning memories of past remain
Oh! Why do I lose my loved one
With this I am just done
I live in dark pain
And when some light I regain
Into my life darkness awaits
Behind the veil of lights...
760 · Jan 2017
Yearning To Convey
Ruman Hafsa Jan 2017
"What is that you wanted to tell me?"
Everything that she mused to utter,
Appeared to dwindle away
Failing to convey, trying to cover it she emitted a mutter

"Oh! Why can't I convey it?"
The room echoed by her repeated query
While she stared at her tired reflection
Only the seized silver image can hearken her clearly

In fright of loosing someone;
The people who are her life's vital part
Failing to convey her love to them;
To the people who are the beat of her heart

But now, plucking some grit;
She desired to convey it all
"Uh...I uh... It was th...that"* she stuttered
"Nothing much, how are you?" she finally call.

**© by Ruman Hafsa
Everybody mused that she was lively, always happy, and extremely naughty girl who would make anyone laugh or tease them. Least did they know that she was cool from exterior & highly emotional introvert.
751 · Aug 2016
Brother mine
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
You tease me and irritates me,
As well loves me and protects me.
I love you, O brother mine!
For you are a best friend of mine.
720 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
You & I'll meet again
I know it deep inside my heart
We will surely overcome the pain
And we will never be apart

I won't say goodbye my friend
For you & I'll meet again
Together we will be till the end
When you & I'll meet again

There would be no boundaries
There would be no fears
But only eternal seas
And many happy tears

Like twinkling stars piercing from dark
Would be our life bloom in the spring
Wandering peacefully we would hark
To the birds around us sing

You & I'll meet again
I won't say goodbye my friend
For you and I'll meet again
Together we will be till the end...
720 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
When I do miss you
I look at your face
In the moon shining up there
Every day I  see your face

When the moon doesn't arrive
I speak to the stars above
I ask them about you
I speak to them about love

Through wandering breeze
I send you a message
It calls out to you that "I love you"
From my memories's carriage

In the dark lonely night
Tears pour down silently
When the pain of you being far away
Can't be handled by me slowly

"May no sorrow touch you ever"
To God I pray this every day
"May you get all the joys of world"
To God I pray this every day

The love I have in my heart for you
Cannot be expressed by words any
My heart beat calls out to me
Love is for eternity...
706 · Mar 2017
I Wonder...
Ruman Hafsa Mar 2017
I wonder what these clouds are
A veil or an illusion
Concealing away the blinking stars
Fading away the moon & sun

I wonder where the birds fly to
And where do they come from
Soaring together
I wonder what do they hum

I wonder what the lightening is
Welding the broken sky somewhere?
And what is the thunderous noise I hark
Dacoits firing guns in some affair?

I wonder who painted the sky blue
And who puts the rainbow there
Where the sun sleeps at night
And who blows the vibrant air

I wonder these things & many more
But do not have innuendo to
I ask them about it, they say "don't know"
I don't fathom how to solve without a clue...

*© by Ruman Hafsa
598 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
O my childhood come back to me
Again like a child I wanted to be
Embrace me in your arms
Soothe me with your palms
O my childhood come back to me
Again like a child I wanted to be

There were no worries, distress or fears
And without any pain were my tears
Only my homework was I to worry about
For only my chocolates I usually fought
Mum's Lullaby song would send me to sleep
And dad would embrace in his love so deep

Grandma told me stories of prince & princess
Stories of hers & his highness
And dangerous battles won by brave knight
With grace & courage who would fight
I would always get so many sweets
Many more chocolates & candies to eat

Those were the days of my juvenescience
Those were the days of my joyful presence
Then we're the days when time would tweet
Then were the days when bliss always greet
A horn just snapped me out the memory lane
Seized my childhood, made me adult again...
How much I miss my childhood... admit it everyone, how carefree we would be then. But now...(sigh)
576 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
Like a river does the time flow
And we can't touch the same flow
Time is the essence of our life
Enjoy your moment & forget all the strife
Live your dream
For your dream you scream
Listen to your heart
For your dream you dart
Time gets spend & so does we
Spend yourself in the moment before the time flee
Live In the moment forget all the grief
Steal the moment like a thief
Like I said time never halt
So steal the moment & save it in your vault...
Live in the moment, you won't regret it
Time waste for no one, don't you forget it
575 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
I love you my love & will love you for life
For its only your love that keeps me alive
Memories of past, when together were you & I
Sweet were they then but now make me cry
Then was the time when we were together
And wished we to live like that forever
But we parted despite not wanting
With love in our hearts never ending
"May our wish come true", I still pray
"May I be yours & you be mine", I pray,
You are in my heart my love & will be for life
And it's only your love that keeps me alive...
If you love, love for life
548 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
Slowly silently in the breeze of midnight cold
When the stars above twinkle in their best gowns sold
When the moon up there travels lonely through the clouds
When bloom in the valley to their king bows

Slowly silently when a little baby snores
When fishes in the water paddle across the ocean floors
And birds & beasts singing lullaby to their babies
When a howl of wind, melody with it carries

Slowly silently a lovely little dream knocks then
And softly it knocks on a door of an eye's den
Seizes your worries for a little while
And paints on your face a lovely little smile
546 · May 2017
Wanderers From The Alley
Ruman Hafsa May 2017
Dead cats & dogs lying in the rotting water
Sewage spread around, torn walls which harbour
Wandering murderers, drug addicts & smugglers
The alley was perfectly safe for these toxic wanderers

The one and only rule they were to follow,
Do not thwart others & one's own job they wallow
Either no friends nor do they make a foe
Or be a loyal chum & reap as they sow

Their life always in a peril & death doesn't amaze
Their nights, toiling hours; & lairs were the days
Confounding & menacing, such different their ways
The wanderers & the alley, no less than a maze

**© by Ruman Hafsa
527 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
When the path ahead you
Is so complicated
Which one to choose
Is not yet decided

When the turmoil in your head
Doesn't subside
When your mind evolve dumb
And cannot guide

Simply close your eyes then
And listen to your heart
It stays on your left side
But never fallaciously dart

Listen to its whispers
They aren't just a rhythm
They are a secret guide
Which you need to fathom

They serve as a compass
Those whispers of your heart
They honestly direct you
And never fallaciously dart...
Listen to it heart always & never regret...
523 · Dec 2016
Ruman Hafsa Dec 2016
They seized her in a cage of demarcation
Bound her by the chains of instruction
Fastened her in a room of dissipation
Abandoned on an island of regulation

Stretching out her feathers of obstinacy
Her wings spread out against tyrrany
Squeaking a war cry of mutiny
She tried hard to gain her liberty

But tired she fell back vanquished
Her wings torn & twinged
And as she laid there curbed
Then it was that she realised

Twittering of her heart she discern
As the flutter of her wings couldn't listen
The true liberty for which she yearn
Should be from within she did learn

Not at all shackled was she
No chain or cage a hurdle could be
Hovering over the waves of her soul's sea
May be she was seized but indeed was free...

*© by Ruman Hafsa
520 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
Through the murk of night
Little light that shine
After a glint of light
Comes home when kine
Fireflies fly

In the dark they glow
Radiating light
In the air so low
Giving beautiful sight
Fireflies fly

On leaves of  tree
On top of hills
They dance with glee
In darkest thrills
Fireflies fly...
459 · Jun 2017
Lonely But Serene
Ruman Hafsa Jun 2017
Down the street, was proceeding a lone heart
In a weary rhythm of the rain
Driving her bike away she went
In the crowd of a buzy lane

As she passed getting wet
The raindrops hitting on her face,
Appeared a little beaming one
Waved his hand to slow her pace

Requesting her in his sweet little voice
"O madam, please convey me
To a near by street on your way
For the rain is heavy"
, he did plea

On hearing this she did halt
Asking him to mount her bike
Drove further to her new destiny
And delivered away that little tyke

Hopping down from the roadster
"Thank you madam, may God bless thee"
Leaving the lone but now serene heart
He ran away towards his destiny

© by Ruman Hafsa
455 · May 2017
The Union
Ruman Hafsa May 2017
The sun slowly came down;
And the ocean aroused;
To welcome him with open arms.
Her waves danced in glee
Waltzing with the sunlight,
Athwart the depths of sea.
He comes down to meet her
Every day, as it ends.
And the ocean, upon spotting him,
Turns red while it blush.
I stood there on the beach,
Witnessing their union.
Rejoicing as they meet
The groom & his woman

© by Ruman Hafsa
449 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
The sky is now covered by the veil of cloud
Hiding away its beauty & stars in crowd
Like a bride covered by a veil on her nuptial
Beleaguered by people converged in a chapel

And slowly it starts to pour from the sky
A Crystal clear liquor of angst from the eye
And for the earth, the sky does grieve
For the love of earth, whom it can never achieve

The verge where low sky mates with the sea have been
But the place where low sky mates with the earth havn't seen
And the earth in love of sky, gets immerse in its tears
She discern she cannot touch the sky so it secure its tears...
431 · Feb 2017
I Hear Them Call
Ruman Hafsa Feb 2017
The lonely route which I took one day
Took me through the woods, far away
It lead me through I know not where
But heard a swish from somewhere

I heard their lovely voice call me
Then saw them dancing, fluttering in glee
Tuning a melody, they flew together
Around a concealed path beleaguere

I pursued them and their call
Tripping on a stone I fall
And then my sight saw what was hidden
Away from malignant sights forbidden

A deep, dark tunnel leading down
There it was a butterflies' town
I hear them call, I hark them sing
I see their tiny flirting wing...

*© by Ruman Hafsa
417 · Aug 2017
Note To My Old Self
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2017
My dear old self
I sought you in every nook
And every corner of my soul
I know not where else to look

I know you still exist
But I know not where
I seek you every day & night
Wish I'd find you somewhere

Oh my dear old self
Will you come back to me
Atleast before I perish
For one last time I want you to be

I'm so lonely & you were my strength
I made people hate me & I hate me too
Yours was good heart, mine a mere stone
Come to this heartless vamp & please rescue

Yours sincerely
Present self*

© by Ruman Hafsa
413 · Dec 2016
Ruman Hafsa Dec 2016
There doesn't go a single day
When they did not quarrel
Trying to stop them, mother say
Animals are better, they have moral

The sister playing with a doll
Brothers are always wicked
Grab the doll & race through the hall
Ran into the room & over the bed

She chased him round the kitchen
But  the doll could not be retreated
Caught him finally in the garden
Seized the doll & fled

But in your awful times
It's them you turn upon
From parents, hide away your crimes
And guide you in right & wrong

Not a single day have passed
When they did not fight
But if you would have asked
Cared for every wrong & right...

© by Ruman Hafsa
408 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
Slowly slowly passing through the dark sky
Only the moon shining up so high
With twinkling stars surrounded by
Reflects in the river flowing by

Peeping through the clouds the moon sees
The dark path with standing trees
Passing through it the gentle breeze
Touch the apex of hills that freeze

From the dark, the wind roars
As animals in their caves snores
But the silent night still stores
The darkness and the grassy floors...
The night that stores peace
407 · Sep 2016
Ruman Hafsa Sep 2016
Even a lone ray of light
Is ample to subside your fright
Just a lone spark
Lighten up the dark
Just a lone hope gives you
A reason to live

So tired, when your heart feel
When every therapy fails to heal
When your life feels defeated
And mind says better be dead
It's hope then, which gives you
**A reason to live
Never lose faith in God
And cling to hope when you are in distress
401 · Nov 2016
Ruman Hafsa Nov 2016
And it's very well said
Life is all about second chances
Once moved on
Should be thrown back a few glances

A mistake do not always wither
The bond, but sometimes, strengthen
When a person felonious
Feels so much guilt then

Forgive, for thy relation
Forgive for the person guilty
Forgive for thy own self
Forgive for both of thee

Hence I once again repeat
"Life is about the second chances"
Dump aside your hubris
And throw back a few glances...*

© by Ruman Hafsa
366 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
Take me O my heart
Where I could be free
Free to sing & dance
And the world to see
Take me O my heart
Where I could be free

Free to choose my love
Free to be with whom I want to be
Free to do what I want to
Free to be the old cheery me
Take me O my heart
Where I could be free to be free...
I just wanna be free forever
324 · Aug 2016
Ruman Hafsa Aug 2016
Sailing in the clouds the sun rose
To give light & make the day bright
All the animals at night that snores
Woke up to see the beautiful sight

All birds from their nests flew chirping
To find the food for their need
The gentle breeze still keeps moving
To wake up the plant from its seed

Over & over the sun rises
And shine on the water in seas
Also the flowers from their sleep rises
To see the widening scenes of peace

On leaves a dew drop shines
As the sun rises high & high
Mountains around a river that lines
Meets those birds that fly...

— The End —