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Pep Sep 2015
The years crept slowly
their light casting, crawling
with open arms to the now
amorous perspective
And the flowers bloomed to this
and the grass bled green to this
and the rivers distilled to this
and moved to unended oceans
So we were thinking of
the staggering of our hips
when repeatedly our lips
met in something...
so desperately called love
It’s an overused word
shot forward as one of many stars
across our hand painted skies
above these splitting shards
over this that “never dies”
Golden hour forever full beauty
shadows holding poses until me
and you take a little moment
to look at our time spent
And my trembling lips
halt our staggering hips
to breathe amongst the stillness
and gather such willfullness
to continue our gaze towards the clouds
Golden our time has been
But it was only an Hour of time.
Olga Valerevna Sep 2015
the breeze in the trees hasn't found me today
and part of me wanted to keep it that way
I've hidden my body inside of myself
and all I can do is remain where I fell
but lying in ditches is tiring too
it causes my sadness to take me to you
I want to be certain before I give up
that what I am keeping is only enough
and pulling the wool over eyes I don't want
I'll gather apologies into my arms
I want to remember what you will forget
to change the beginning, we shouldn't have *met
I'll see you in seven years when you're somebody else's
DaSH the Hopeful Sep 2015
Every crack in your shattered soul traced my heart for so long I'm afraid to draw
Your shards make me bleed the most beautiful hues
If only I could use them to paint you
Silence Sep 2015
I gave my childhood
to pain.
I gave years to something
that did not deserve it.
I gave my happiness to it
to instead of giving
it to myself.
I’ve been buying time on a
maxed out credit card.
My body is scarred
from trying to pay down the debit.
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Her smile always smooth's
Mine tear's;
If I dieth tommorrow
Me and her wilt still liveth on, an eternity of year's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated
My mask covers me
For my sins
Because I am wicked
Do not look at me
This mask I bear
Brings me shame
Relying on myself
Is all I can do
Remembering love
is worthless
All my sin
Placed in a bottle
All my tears

How much more do we deserve?
An unfailing love
that is pure and genuine
Such a thing exists
According to God
Eternal life and everlasting joy
are given to those who believe in Him
A new life, a new mask
A different perspective
(Read from the bottom up once you've reached the end)
Braxton Reid Aug 2015
A year starts as a whole life
It moves to a ninth
Then, an eighteenth and you're scared for that life
A twenty-fifth wondering "Was I right?"
Before long a year draws on

They change and morph until you're only the same at the core
They go from fiftieths or more
And even though you've worried and mourned
Don't let a year stop you from walking through a door
Coop Lee Dec 2014
you approach the house in zebra-print pants, wet matches and ice’d driveway,
you stumble to ignite.
spark to flame to enchant the neighborhood with midnight light.
you of the timeless once-was,
of grass or great oak,
you held the family together.
you tried to scotch-tape a butterfly’s pulled-wings back on.

                 [the momentum of love.]

teen boys breakdown in vacant lots
thinking of what you were to them. they
drag girls up and down the hillside, thru holes of the old factory fence,
attempting the ritual of you.
the aluminum hum if wind and night,
of highway lights on the distance.
*** on a tomb of plastic curlings.

you appear in pixels and dark bars,
face painted clown-like.
hydros in your palm, knife in your hip.
you were that girl lost between city sprawl
& old woodwork,
old wooden chairs carved upon and passed back and forth from *** to ***
class to class.

pizza delivery boy.
grease-ring soaked box and to touch his knees.
the channel changes, and he holds his breath for years,
in the wake of you.
Nessa dieR Aug 2015
I was waiting for the longest time,
he said, "I thought you forgot..."

"It's hard to forget,"  I said,  *"When there is such an empty space
when you're gone..."
I also lost someone who meant the world to me, you weren't the only one
Kyle Kulseth Aug 2015
An orange Canadian city shines
outside beneath frostbitten sky.
It's almost January, I'm
               locked in with you
in your parents' house and the basement lights
gleam bright off your brown, wine-soaked eyes
          we're singing loud
          all alone in here
          on this frozen 3/4 night.

And outside
     all the voices ring out
     at the turn of an hour,
out of freezer-burned throats
     while they clutch their coats closed.
In here we've
     got each other and your speakers,
crowns of construction paper.

My drunk American smile shows,
we watch 2009 approach.
Your maple flavored laughter rose,
               stars in our eyes.
Hear the tape tear, glue flow, scissor cuts
and our separate fibers folding up;
          these paper hats
          we made together
          fit a flawless size.

A long farewell to sad goodbyes,
to Leaving Day and "cheers" to eyes
as big as mine on the River Walk
and firm footing on thick ice.

And outside
     all the voices ring out
     as the year greets an hour,
out of freezer-burned throats
     while they kiss out in the cold.
In here we'll
     kiss each other by the speakers,
crowns of construction paper.
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