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he sang
th world thought that
but he pained

he danced
the world loved that
but danced from evert

his blood covered his
they thought that he put a rouge
he was like a bird

singing from pain
singing from evert

save the rest
or the world may be ******
the justice needs to make the same look
Davina E Solomon Jun 2021
Blessed are the poorly, for theirs is the kingdom of mudflats

The dispirited streak turgid waters
sinuously, through unsettled feelings
in the wake of boats shedding
filaments of fuel,
sheen on a turbid infusion
and the cordgrass nods a resilience
or an apathy as the silt settles
on their Piscean gleam

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see a salted heaven

Angelic Menhaden of the Atlantic,
are silvery stretches of scale,
dulled in death under a festering sun
and the retreating tide of dying waters
brined in ocean, freshwater spirited
to secret spaces, some dammed crevasse,
now  tumultuous  fate in a salted heaven

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled

At the Tabgha of this intertidal palette
Cattails whisper beatitudes
latched onto the tails of wind gusts
and the plovers descended
in a litany of  bird song
amassed like the manna
trailing  tidal waters
as the sea swallows herself.
Blessed are the herons, the mallards,
the geese. Time is measured
in the passage of fish that
cycle themselves through the innards of birds

Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the rocks

The meek Menhaden, leaped
onto the rocks that hemmed the inlet,
escaping the hungry habits of herons.
They inherited Earth in agony    
pounding a rocky surface,
but the air I swim, had no water.
I prodded these  Menhaden of the Rock
to the fringe of retreating tides,
and they leaped to die once more
to breathe water that had no air

Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted

Blessed is the discomfiture
of my brackish tears
that streak marsh faces
as fish struggle out of dead water.
I take comfort I don't inhabit
tainted places or do I take comfort,
all places are the tint of poison,
the gleam of a genesis of sorrow
The fifth of June has been designated as World Environment Day by the United Nations. Today, in fact, will inaugurate the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), a global mission to revive billions of hectares, from forests to farmlands, from the top of mountains to the depth of the sea [1]. Pakistan is the host country this year for the official celebrations. As we are aware, the protection of the environment and its restoration is of utmost importance given the damage to our environment. Today, helps highlight that our well being and economic development, are intricately and intimately connected to the health of the environment in that, World Environment Day, gives us an opportunity to learn more about our ecosystems, cultivate broad and enlightened opinions, encourages responsible conduct by people, their communities and their enterprises to help preserve and enhance our habitat [2].

I chose to write a poem on the Atlantic Menhaden, fish that are an important part of commercial fisher and in estuarine habitats . They are filter feeders, consume phytoplankton and zooplankton and constitute the largest landings, by volume, along the Atlantic Coast of the United States. They are found in coastal and estuarine waters like in the Hackensack Meadowlands [3]. They are harvested for use as fertilizers, animal feed, and bait for fisheries including blue crab and lobster, are food for striped bass and other fish, as well as for predatory birds, including osprey and eagles. Menhaden are silvery in color with a distinct black shoulder spot behind their gill opening [4]. It was late (November, December) last year that I spotted a lot of dead fish in the Hackensack river. It was reported then, that it may have been the lack of oxygen in the water [5] It was only in April this year that species of Vibrio bacteria were suspected as having caused multiple ***** failure in the Atlantic Menhaden [6]. In any case, high levels of contaminants in rivers, along with sediment make up for low levels of dissolved oxygen in the water in summer and along with the bacteria, are a threat to this variety of herring that are important to many other species that make the Hackensack their home.

George Krokos May 2021
Over the past year or so I've become a little bit more extroverted
as I'm not meditating as much these days like I used to be
and this may not be such a bad thing if my mind isn't perverted
or led astray on the wrong path most of the world is we see.
But here again this could be just an admission of weakness
trying to justify the position that I now find myself to be in
along with the rest of the world experiencing a global sickness
in the form of the Covid-19 pandemic the result of man's sin.
The madness of this world has brought on this pandemic
and the underlying cause of it is systemic.
Written in March 2021.
xavier thomas May 2021
Met her out in public, she had accepted me
Allowing her vibes to feel the best of me
Asking me a few questions, highly interested in me
Placing her walls down, getting closer to me
Leaving extra clothes at my home, feeling comfortably  
She’ll be trying to move in, getting more use to me
xavier thomas May 2021
Wasted time and money on fake leaders  cause they got the best of me
All of my uncles help me back on my feet when they started investing in me
Gave all of the women and cousins praise for always protecting me
This black life is far worst than easy
Jump in the fire, feel these flames with me
xavier thomas May 2021
Pray today death don’t stand next to me
Don’t place that on my worst enemy
But enemy watch how you address me
I’ll disrespect you respectfully
Don’t ever try to play with my worth
Or these holy hands will replace your legacy
Put your attitude to bed restfully
Give your demeanor a new remedy
xavier thomas May 2021
Life and sins have been compromised
Depression is heavily energized
Swing my temple here side-to-side
Given will power, I can’t associate myself over this thing called suicide
On this battlefield, fighting with myself, trying to not make Jesus cry
i used to have this
we would go outside
during the days
after the bell

one game we played
was kind of like
except it didn't
feel natural

lizard brains
were easy enough
to catch and ****
without a second

we would stuff their
with explosives
then find and burn
the remains

until that time he
accidentally blew off
his own hand
we don't play anymore.

#EndTheWars #SanctionsKill
(for Mike & Jason)
my name's mort
the third
and i sell the

after hours
me 'n' the boys
grab a bite of

the world is ours
but never yours
without the Wheel it

ring around
guys 'n' gals
we'll give you the

take all you want
sure, you can
pay us back next

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