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-df Jul 2020
in case i didn’t make it clear enough when i died for you.

i love you.

and that right there.
your ignorance,
nailed my c o f f i n.
why i don't believe in romantic love prt i
-df Jul 2020
i didn't love you.
not then and not now.

i loved the idea of what we could be, together.
somehow we'd be the ones to defy the odds.

but now? what i wish the most is to free myself from the illusion that we could ever work.

this is the end of the impossibility of us that lingers.
in despair. i don't believe in romantic love... hahaha.
Whitavius Jul 2020
One heart meets another.
They begin beating together in time
   That sense so new
   So many things to do
In perfect rhythm... Perfect rhyme...

One mind encounters another.
They begin to search and explore
   Thoughts, ideas and proclivity
   Perspective, opinion and tendency
Similarities and differences to adore.

One person touches another.
Electrifying each person inside
   A feeling for the ages
   Defying the wisest sages
Deep within the soul now resides.

Two meet and verily become one.
Never too late... Never too soon
   A love is created
   In every way related
in this moment, perfect... atune..
Follow me on Instagram @whitavius
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
I thought we'd be together forever.
But now for worse, or maybe someday, better,
I will let go of my dream I had for you and me, and sign this letter.
Gabriel Girault Jul 2020
People who had pet rocks are successful today because they understand the worth of a rock. Rocks are sturdy and hard, they don’t move unless moved, and are always there no matter the situation.
I always wanted a rock. Someone who would always be there for me when the world was crumbling down. Someone who didn’t leave me high and dry. Someone who I could count on in my worst moments.
I thought I had a rock once, but they left me when everything started falling apart. I wanted to be their rock, but they left me while I was trying to be sturdy.
Rocks are what holds us together. If you find yourself one, stay strong and hold on to them. Rocks are not meant to be kicked around or thrown, they're meant to be held down and loved.
Poetic T Jul 2020
You never wanted recollection
of what we were, what we'd

There wasn't an us,
           there was
        more of a him over
    her looking into a reflection of
no where's.

We were hand in hand trying to
push the other over a cliff of
                        regretful memories.

But we held on to the memories
                                 of me and you,
Because not all of them were rockslides.

And realised that if we looked at us..
        our reflections were together.

        Be it side by side of raised voices,
               but we knew that I loved her
and you loved me.

We were just a land slide of emotions,
             but always had the others hand

                           so they'd never fall alone...
elixir Jul 2020
Shall we go, now?
To that place we so dearly cherish.
Somewhere we have been to before.
Truth be told, it is not that far away.

It could be that couch in the living room,
Where we settled into the night.
Or perhaps the rug underneath it,
Where we can play games and fight.

It could be that small bed,
Creaking in the summer wind.
Or the window where the sun sets,
When we watched as daylight thinned.

It could be the boat we were on,
Braving the storm, dauntless.
Or it could be the sea beneath,
Where we witnessed life flourish, relentless.

It could be up on a mountain,
Between the trees and the absence of light.
Or down by the beach of a small island,
Where we cover our eyes if the sun gets too bright.

It could be somewhere quiet,
Serene, wallowing in tranquility.
Or in the dusty embrace of bustling cities,
Where we would drift in the crowds.

It could be anywhere in the world,
Really, it matters little.
But there is one place we always want to be,
And that is right next to each other.

Perhaps sometimes in anger,
And other times, we'll suffer.
But we'll live together,
And then maybe we'll know,
what it is like to live forever.
On her Birthday, she asked me to write something for her. I haven't wrote poetry for quite a while so this one may prove lacking delicate touches.
Gabriela Cintron Jul 2020
I find myself
Longing for something that never was

A fictionalised reality of a perfect love
Based on my imperfect past lovers

I guess I just miss having someone
To hold at night
To kiss the whole world away
To walk side by side
and know I'm safe

But I don't think I've ever had that
Something new that I never knew would come is on its way,  I can feel it
Whitavius Jun 2020
Because someone doesn’t love like you
Does it mean that they’re not true?
Should different loves ever compare?
Whom would judge which is fair…

To impose rules in love of to demand
Destroys its potential to expand
Love has wonderful holistic ability
For new ideas and endless possibility…

Relationships evolve together – separately each
Each person having much the other to teach
It takes two whole people willing to become
Parts of each other, as one whole SUM.

Love doesn’t have to “change” with vicissitude
Though it should adapt to it with aptitude
Life is constant alteration and flux
Understanding this seems to be the crux…

Love how you love
And you be you
Let them be them
And love you too…
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