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Mama earth Jun 2018
Nope to Cope.                            
                               ­                         Done with Hope.      
                                                     ­                              Only using Rope.                                                  
        Who has a Remote?!                                                         ­                                     Perfected Tying;
                        Finished Crying.
                                                Hanging Dying.
Forget about Dreaming;                                                        ­            
All Night She's Screaming
I own copyrights
vanessa ann Jun 2018
writing is where i feel the most at peace,
the most honest i've ever been with myself

i don't feel the pressure
to create visually enchanting pieces,
nor do i feel the need
to impress or to please

i write so selfishly,
so inwardly,
so unapologetically;

as if the world is mine,
as if it revolves around me,
and will continue to do so,
as long as words keep flowing like spilled ink
on marble

with every letter that i scribe,
i build a bridge to dreamland;
with every word i craft,
i fill the tank with gasoline
and give myself the wings
to fly

because you could claim
that you've taken everything
that made me who i am,
but you could never take away my words
which i have so intricately
sewed onto my tongue

because for as long as my words live,
i live;
and as long as my words thrive,
i'll fly.
this is not a perfect poem by any means, and certainly not my best work. but it is by far the most raw, most honest piece i've written. i felt a great amount of love for this art as i wrote this at 1 am, and i hope that you can feel some amount of it as well.
O Jun 2018
I feel it in my nerves,
A jolt that goes through me when I see them with others,
A fear that picks the strings of my heart,
Why am I not the one?
I open my heart,
Lay out all of my feelings and hurts,
Just to be swept under the rug again,
Why didn't you choose me?
I get headaches and lie down,
Somehow trying to drown,
I am not this which holds me,
It's not one of my best writes, but I have to get it out somewhere, and what better place than here. I don't mean to sound like the whole world revolves around me, but it does feel that way when the negativity starts seeping through the cracks. I'm sorry.
LuckyLeaf May 2018
why did you take him?
you gave him your heart
and he gave you his
I thought it would stop at just him
I want more than him now
I want
I feel like that's more than just
a simple love for both of you
its selfishness
it seems two
just isn't enough for me right?
Isn't that what they say?
That we,
those like me,
are selfish?
first poem and its full of emotion a h
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
lipstick can leave stains,
rooted deep within my soul.
Ocean eyes ran dry,
as the air around us all,
Our love has become detached.
When you play the game, it’s hard to get out of the game. Time passed and this perfect love at first sight began becoming faded. In truth, I was very concealed with how I felt, he wasn’t aware of how little he gave in contrast.

One person I really adored I ended up using pretty badly and shared a romantic love for them when hopes of my relationship had died, but I didn’t feel right. Essentially, I was so torn up and emotionally confused that it was selfish of me to consider dating as a whole at this time.

I took a break.

I did want it to work with my prior partner, but I lied to people, hurt people and in the end, I felt ashamed and embarassed of what I had done to everyone involved. Mixing shame and confusion is a bad time for anyone. It’s definitely not something fun to encounter.

I luckily still have my friend with me to this day and I treasure them as a friend. I do feel lucky to have my friends from many years prior come back into my life, but sometimes, you aren’t always ‘lucky’. So treasure those around you. Don’t do what I did, it was very narcissistic. I showed so little empathy and in the end that’s what left me alone.

Since then, this event taught me to treat people with respect, to not assume people’s lives are always ‘filled with sunshine’. I learnt to care for others as well as myself.

This poem is a Tanka poem, they are a little like haikus but they have a lot more syllables. I will admit, when researching I did notice sometimes Tankas show themes of nature alongside passion, so I wanted to really tackle a mixture of both.

Tankas weren’t easy to try first-time, I did enjoy some of the metaphors I used regarding the start of the poem. Definitely something I need to practice.

I did, reference an album I like a lot on purpose, I referenced Ocean Eyes which is an Owl City album I really adore.
Joe Momma Jun 2018
Beat my drums
Feed my beast
Show me to how to take.
Ollie Bee May 2018
You tell me you only drink white wine because it doesn't leave any stains when it slips from your lips and drips onto your white pants. And you always wear white pants when you drink wine, yet you only drink wine when you're feeling lost. But how could you feel lost when I am here holding your hand trying to lead you through the fog. The light at the top of the lighthouse is so bright and beautiful I do not know how you fail to see it. It is flashing your name in morse code but instead you are sat on the basement floor your head resting against the edge of the couch and the wine keeps slipping but there's nothing to show for it.
You keep drinking.
Later in the night just as I am falling asleep you sloppily laugh, monotone and quiet, look at me and slur
"I love you because when you leave there will be nothing to show for it, you will not stain me red."
And then you pass out on the floor, empty bottle rolling under the couch. It is silent except for your snores and my breath.
I try to tell myself you were drunk but the truth has a way of slipping out when you can't even keep the drink in and I wonder if that's just another way to say the only one in love is me.
On realizing the boy i love doesn't have the capacity to love anyone besides himself.
Sara May 2018
I wonder if you're loving someone else.
Before I remember
that you're no good at loving,
unless it's for yourself.
A short burst of happiness and freedom
Meghan May 2018
I saved myself
from that incredible stare of yours
in every glitter in your smiles
to the entire thought of you

I saved myself
from falling too deep
to the girl I love
to the girl I like
so I could stay alive

I saved myself,
by killing me too

by killing you
saving oneself through losing love
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