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"I'm Sorry I Lied

I Dont Know How To Do It,
But I Got To Do Right,
I Need To Say Im Sorry,
I Dont Want To See Us Fight.
Im Staring At The Clouds,
I Sit And Reminisce,
I Remember All The Good Times We Had
I Remember Our First Kiss
I Dont Want To Have To End It,
I Dont Want To See It Go Free,
I Want To Be Able To Feel You Lips
Not Just In My Dreams,
Although I Constantly Dream Of You,
It Just Doesnt Seem Enough,
I Want To See You Face,
I Want To Feel Your Touch,
I Want You In My Bed,
Hugging And Kissing Me,
I Want You In My Bed,
Making Love To Me,
I Miss All The Times Weve Shared
And I Cant Stand To Let It Go,
Over Something That I Did
I Really Went Down Low,
I Shared A Kiss With Someone Else,
When I Should Only Be Kissing You,
And Right After I Did That
I Felt I Wasnt True,
Even Though He Kissed Me,
And I Didnt Kiss Him Back,
My Mistake Was,
Not Moving And Stepping Back,
It Meant Absolutely Nothing,
When His Lips Were Touching Mine,
I Could Only See Your Face,
Running Through My Mind,
But Out Of Everything I Did The Most,
The Real Reason Why I Cried,
Instead Of Being Honest
I Sat There And I Lied,
**** I Want To Turn Back Time,
And Just Tell You What Went Down,
I Wouldnt Be Writing This,
I Wouldnt Have This Frown,
Youd Be Able To Trust Me,
You Wouldnt Want To Leave,
I Would Be Able To Hold A Smile,
Id Be Able To Breathe,
Because I Did That One Thing,
My Life Is Just Mess,
Because I Lied To You,
I'm Suffering From Stress,
Im Suffering From A Broken Heart,
Because I Broke Yours,
But Then Karma Came And Turned On Me,
And You Messed With Other Girls,
**** That Really Hurt Me,
But I Really Do Get Why,
Why You Did That To Me,
Why You Made Me Cry,
I Know Those Other Girls Meant Nothing,
They Were Just Revenge,
Well It Really Worked,
Im Not Going To Pretend,
Pretend That Im Not Jealous,
Because I Really Am,
I Dont Even Know The Girl,
And She Got Me Saying ****,
I Wish I Wouldnt Have Lied To You,
I Want To Make It Work
I Want To Be Your Only One,
I Dont Want To Have To Search,
Search For A Different Man,
Cause I Only Want You
But When I Close My Eyes,
And I Open And Your Not There,
A Tear Runs Down My Face,
I Cant Act Like I Dont Care,
And I Hope You Come Back,
And Forgive Me For What Ive Done,
Give Me Another Chance,
Give Me This Last One.
Nathan Wischropp Jun 2016
With a tear I say goodbye and watch the moonlight leave your eyes.
Kiss me dear one more time, take my hand and hold it tight.
Viseract Jun 2016
I was once told my life was too easy
That I never ever had it hard
That all my life all I had was the best
To say otherwise meant I was a ******

I rounded on that person,
Told them that they clearly didn't know me
And that it disappoints me
To know they know not the full story

My father was in the army for most of my life
Ever since I was a kid I'd walk onto the back porch
See him doing push-ups no matter the weather
Then I'd walk out again and he'd be gone

Teased at school for stupid things
Getting angry, sad and sorrowful
Woe is me, woe is me,
******* all I'm so **** angry

Diagnosed with Aspergers at the age of eight
Repetition and confusion lead me on to where I am today
Changed me, made me the man who's gonna pay
The man I hate, but it's too late, my chance is gone, flown away!

I cut myself up like I had the right
To lay down, give up and rest in my coffin and die
I felt bad about the world, angry and hurt
I did what I did because I thought I deserved!

With a mind like mine so ****** up inside
I screamed up at the stars and with these tears I cried
Watering the ground, at least I done something good
With this soul full of sins and hiding in a black hood

Here to reap, yeah it's reaping time
Murderous thoughts and a mind ready to commit crime
To **** a *****, make him suffer, make him feel my pain
Leave him in a ditch, throw away my weapons and get away

Wipe the blood off my blade
Look around and burn down what I made
Without knowing how to create

That one kid, stacking blocks in the corner
Thinking he's a builder, superior in every way
Then one day
He smashes it all up because his anger never fades
It stays

So yeah I got something to say
Open and close case face facts and admit
That my entire life, I've been wading through a pile of ****
So don't you dare ever tell me I haven't had it hard
Quote and quote
Think otherwise and that makes you a ******
Madeline Rook May 2016
Hello again my old friend
It’s been a while since we’ve spoken
Pen to paper
Fingers to keyboard
Sat down and just chatted
I have a lot to say
I don’t know the same about you
How have you been?
Have you missed me too?
I’m sure you’ve seen I’ve been typing a fair bit
But my words never seem to reach you
Sometimes I wonder if you notice
Sometimes I wonder if you care
Do I offend you by this?
Do you even think if I’m still there?

It’s been a while since we last spoke
I haven’t opened up in a while
I heard you haven’t too
Weeks ago we’d rely on each other
Talk for hours every day
Now we just stare
Sit in silence
Wonder what’s happening
What is the other one thinking?
I know you’re always here for me
And I’m always here too
To listen you’re happy
Help you when you’re feeling blue

It’s been a while since we last talked
Not much has changed
I still think about you
And how I must write
But I never seem to get around to it
With work and school
You always slip my mind
Always end up on the bottom of my to-do list
And when you’re number one
I can never think of what to say
Yes a lot has happened
But it feels like everything’s stayed the same

It’s been a while since we last chatted
But I know you understand
You haven’t spoken too
I’ve seen you typing here and there
One day we will meet up
Talk again like we used to
Until then my friend
Good luck
I hope you’re doing well
Àŧùl May 2016
Atul said:
We'll dine together,
We'll dance together,
And we'll relax together.

We'll create possibilities,
We'll explore possibilities,
And we'll plan possibilities.

We'll flirt sweetly,
We'll play mutually,
And we'll love heavenly.

Aisha says:**
Walk on the streets late night,
Holding hands so right,
Lit are no lights,
Listening to our sighs,
A golden peace in our sights.

We do not allow anybody,
To separate our united body,
We show the world so boldly,
How we move so lovingly.
An Atul-Aisha collaboration.

My HP Poem #1070
©Atul Kaushal
Sarah Salako May 2016
Say it.
Say it before I do,
Because if I do.
Your worst dreams will come true...
Oh please don't mind me,
I'm laughing at your insolence,
You never heed my words,
The are like white noise in the darkness yet you never see them,
They are the white light at the end of the tunnel but you never reach for them,
My words are honest and true,
All I speak is the truth,
So say IT,
"...I want freedom"
"Good. That's it"
This is a poem for everyone to interpret in their own way. I really hope you enjoy it
Julie Grenness Apr 2016
Here, I dwell in no man's land,
On the flip side, there's men unwomanned,
They can be  a miserable band,
Desperately seeking a hand,
I read their profiles, for online dating,
Is this pulp fiction they are creating?
"Honest, sensuous, sincere men here,
Tactile and reliable," Great, my dears,
All searching for affection,
BUT, I want your ex's true opinion!
Can I have her phone number, please?
What do you mean she's overseas,
Like forever and permanently?
Oh, really, really, really,
What does your ex say about you, please?
Why complain about her to me?
Honestly, why are you unwomanned?
While, here I dwell in no man's land........
Colm Apr 2016
Revisit me my dear revised, see only me.
For I am a glutton for your eyes.
It’s deep within you've always seen,
The subtleties I've stored inside.

Said and implied, I love the way,
You scroll through each embellished line.
Besotted we were supposed to be,
An author and his beloved rhyme.

Within your book and by your side,
Is where I remain and to page I bind.
Don't leave without such fond embrace,
Or forget where we first met in mind.

Stay here instead and share my bed,
Rehearse my prose and read my rhymes.
Aloud we sound, like your favorite song.
Would you say my name just one more time?
This poem is written from the perspective of one of my former poems. As if, with a twinge of jealousy, this is what she would say to me if we had the chance to speak. Enjoy.
Lucrezia M N Apr 2016
Truths seem to come
along, lies find out
reasons to creep over.
The same way.
Did and done,
keep it all and leave it
with no explanation.

Take the whole not loosen up,
by distraction fall in line
until closely all is scattered.
Moments aren't things
but things like them plain fully
are what hands have got
to pave the void of rhymes.

Dry skies against the wall
my shoulders too,
must run a mile
and keep the distance
from where I'm just too far gone.
And after 15 moths or so I've come back to write, just put this down... At around 4:00 am...
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