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Just one more message,
One more,
And the night disappears.

In ones and twos the messages appear,
Replies within the minute.
One more message,
Then I’ll go to sleep, one more.

Just one more message,
And the night slips away,
Out of reach.
RedD Oct 2018
I message
No response
I see you there
at whatever
Words unread
I just don't know
where I stand
But you
I come running
People get so hooked up by their mobile phones. We managed just fine without them back in the day.
Elizabeth Brown Oct 2018
A portal to another world,
glass so thick that I'm unsure I'll ever pass through.
There you dwell, constant and incredible,
so close to me,
so far from you.
This window, often changing,
goes with me on my journeys.
In size and shape it varies-
but you remain
Still, what I wouldn't give to pass through
that teasing threshold
and into your warm and waiting arms.
If life were perfect you would be my one. I love your smile, your laugh and I get your silly jokes. I understand that your pain has made you a different person than the one that I first met. Understanding that you have a fear of what could or may not be you shadow your life with the unreal. You allow yourself to become excited with the things that children love. Underneath all of that hurt I see you. Sometimes we have to take hold of where we went wrong. If we keep looking at how I was hurt. Or why did they not love me enough to stay we wallow in self-pity. This can cause anger and division.
You might not know or see when you push people away. Then you long for them to be there. It is all too late. Not everyone wants to fix the broken. We are all broken in our own way. If we go fixing things that don’t belong to us, we have then wasted so much time. While we could have been working on ourselves.  If I call you…you answer. If I text you even if angry you reply. Even though I purposely ignore your calls. I do so because, when I was right there you did not come for me. There were many questions by others as to why you did not come. I made excuses for your absences even to your friends. As much as I don’t understand you I do. Your fear pushes people away.
Yet you constantly appear.
I wish that I could allow you in to read my mind. But we all have our fears. I too am afraid of allowing people to get past my comfort zone.  So while we constantly adore one another, we will also constantly be alone.
To a dear friend who will always be family
Linus Stevenson Sep 2018
I said I would always be there for you,
but at some point
I stopped sleeping with my phone on ring
forestfaith Sep 2018
It's simple really, a swipe, a bite, a tap, and a knife might pierce through your back.  

It's simple too, to get a date, a swipe to the left a swipe to the right, nah, we are the gods of this world.

Acting like the master of a master, the creator of the creator, acting like we yield the powers of the sea, or the power and mystery of gravity...

They escape from reality, they put their head down to sleep because their kids were noisy... using those games to replace what was a role of a father or a mother.

Her back was arched too, her chin pressed against the folds of her skin as she sat there, so focused, so engrossed and enjoying the ...... captivity in which she didn't want to look up, no no no, she preferred to look into virtual screens and when she wanted to scream in pain she went to her phone to check that she isn't alone..
That if people didn't like her photos she was an outcast.

People keep talking about MK ultra, but what if it's already controlling us. How those heaps of wires and chips and circuits so easily lures us in it's wake...

Parents, they use those sirens of the technology world to shut up their children. Soon, they would have missed the voices of the once innocent and unbroken child. They would miss the times they talk as a family, only realising those times were filled with "can I use the phone."

Arched backs and arched necks. This is society now.
I don't accept this. It's so annoying to see parents especially using the phones as ways to shut their children up ahhhh sooner of later, their children is gonna grow up, and they are gonna want their children to spend time with him and they are gonna feel awkward because they were never close in the first place....but j can understand of course, that is hard and tiring but I hope we can get away from the phone and start living.
Gods1son Sep 2018
Woke up in the middle of the night
Reached out for my phone to check the time
Two notifications from Instagram
Quick check and now it's 30mins on the Gram

Decided to put the phone down
Then came a message from a buddy from another town

We texted till the dawn of the day
Oops, I think I forgot to say
It was 3am when I checked the time
****! I couldn't think straight for the rest of the day!
Our phones could be used for our benefits but they could also be a big distraction. Have you ever been a victim of this?
teni Sep 2018
that word
isnt something i have.
i was close
to actually doing it today
but i still get so nervous around you.
so i took it to my phone,
and let her do my ***** work.
its much easier that way.
less stressful and awkward, too.
im glad i did it.
i hope this can be the start
of something better.
i want better.
but if you dont, thats cool i guess. i cant change how you feel about me.
Melo Sep 2018
Three am
A faint glow that steals me from my dreams
An eerie light, I stare with bloodshot eyes
I try to peel myself away but find no solace in my bed
The machine calls to me
It's inhuman humming floods my mind from rationality
Exhaustion appears at four
But sleep eludes me still
I scroll through the endless distractions to tire my brain with stimuli
The headphones now causing my ears to ring, harmonizing with the inhuman hum
The sound of the insomniac, I can almost make out the words
By five I have conceded
Pointlessly laying down while begging to the ether for at least an hour of rest
Six I pass out
Seven time to get ready for school
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