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Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
The phone rings loudly
That noise should make me feel loved
I just feel lonely
Sometimes I just feel like I have no one to talk to because I don't want to scare them away with my craziness or  I can't trust them or I am afraid of being judged/criticized/misunderstood. So now I just don't answer it very often. I am probably one of the hardest people in the world to get ahold of... also because I sleep a lot.
Brandon Conway Nov 2018
The gorgon's masonry casting châteaus
for the rich
turning hearts to pompous narcissist

once of legends and myths
has arisen once again
blue light and endless scroll

the gorgon's masonry casting shadows
for the everyman
turning hearts to pompous narcissist
Steve Page Oct 2018
The shorts I wear to bed
have a back pocket.
When I chose to buy them
in a twin pack with a tee shirt,
the pocket was not
a deciding feature.
However, I acknowledged
that it was there by design.

For months I gave it no further thought.
For months it was as redundant
as a breast pocket in pyjamas.

Then one morning,
as I was juggling
with a cereal bowl
and clothes from the dryer,
I slipped my phone,
still playing a pod cast,
into my back pocket.

And for a moment,
as the conversation followed me upstairs
back to the bedroom,
I smiled at the foresight of M&S.
I should have realised:
they know their stuff.
Simple things make life easier.
No body Oct 2018
When my phone lights up I hope its you, but when I turn it on I see there isn't a message from you.
I get sad and I put it down, then I make a wish that you would call me again like old times.
But all we have our the memories that still haunt me.
When I hear your name my smile disappear and the thoughs come back.
I wish you could see me, I wish you could hear me and I wish you were mine again.
I miss you.
My phone lighs up
I don't bother to look at it.
But how would I know it was gonna be you this time.
How would of I know that you would call me this time.
How would of I known that you called to get me back.
That is what I though anyway.
You only called to tell leave you alone.
That was the day I couldn't sleep.
I couldn't eat.
I couldn't stop crying.
Because you said thoses words
Those words that broke me
But still
to this day
I wait
Fot that call
just maybe, just maybe
you would
want me back
just as much as I want you back
I wait for a text or a call
But still nothing
Callie R Oct 2018
I know exactly what I want to say
Every letter, syllable and comma
So I’ll type it down

Polite and eloquent
But I’m getting my **** point across

Emojis, gunky gifs and text speech
**** & SMH

**** that’s not what I want

But that’s how you reply.
Just one more message,
One more,
And the night disappears.

In ones and twos the messages appear,
Replies within the minute.
One more message,
Then I’ll go to sleep, one more.

Just one more message,
And the night slips away,
Out of reach.
RedD Oct 2018
I message
No response
I see you there
at whatever
Words unread
I just don't know
where I stand
But you
I come running
People get so hooked up by their mobile phones. We managed just fine without them back in the day.
Elizabeth Brown Oct 2018
A portal to another world,
glass so thick that I'm unsure I'll ever pass through.
There you dwell, constant and incredible,
so close to me,
so far from you.
This window, often changing,
goes with me on my journeys.
In size and shape it varies-
but you remain
Still, what I wouldn't give to pass through
that teasing threshold
and into your warm and waiting arms.
If life were perfect you would be my one. I love your smile, your laugh and I get your silly jokes. I understand that your pain has made you a different person than the one that I first met. Understanding that you have a fear of what could or may not be you shadow your life with the unreal. You allow yourself to become excited with the things that children love. Underneath all of that hurt I see you. Sometimes we have to take hold of where we went wrong. If we keep looking at how I was hurt. Or why did they not love me enough to stay we wallow in self-pity. This can cause anger and division.
You might not know or see when you push people away. Then you long for them to be there. It is all too late. Not everyone wants to fix the broken. We are all broken in our own way. If we go fixing things that don’t belong to us, we have then wasted so much time. While we could have been working on ourselves.  If I call you…you answer. If I text you even if angry you reply. Even though I purposely ignore your calls. I do so because, when I was right there you did not come for me. There were many questions by others as to why you did not come. I made excuses for your absences even to your friends. As much as I don’t understand you I do. Your fear pushes people away.
Yet you constantly appear.
I wish that I could allow you in to read my mind. But we all have our fears. I too am afraid of allowing people to get past my comfort zone.  So while we constantly adore one another, we will also constantly be alone.
To a dear friend who will always be family
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