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Lunar Apr 2016
1) We might have met with a hello, and I might have brushed it off by saying "later", but you were patient and waited for me. That's how I came to know of and learned to love you.
2) You keep telling me I was a carat in your diamond, that when I'm with you, you shine brighter and become stronger. Up to this day, you still make me feel so appreciated, needed and worthy, that I have learned to value what it means to live.
3) You adored me so much, that even with dried lips, you never failed to make my day with you smiling so wide at me, telling me over and over again that I'm the one you love, despite me telling you to stop because it was getting a little too cheesy.
4) And when you raised your hands up in the air, cheering me on, I  felt so much support, energy and positivity to get me through the hell days of life. "Long live us," you said. And I cling on to those special three words for the hope of future.
5) To win a race in life, you pushed me on, endlessly shouting "Ah yeah!" with every accomplishment and dream I fulfilled.
6) Being a risk-taker, you beckoned me to venture out with you to experience new things, moments, feelings and places. I never knew I could jam into myself so much in one day, but I did because you were there to help carry it all.
7) Even from our teens, into and past the twenties, I know we'll be here for each other. We've waited for each other for so long; finally we have a chance to be the mornings and nights we dreamed of.
8) When we grow up all the more, we'll understand each other more, and the both of us will change. But wouldn't it be true love already if our love for our changed selves still stay the same?
9) When you danced and took my hand in yours, I swear that was the time when you entered my heart with admiration bursting out of me, feeding my five senses alive.
10) And you were both a bliss and pain of mine. Whatever bad or good you've been through, I felt it all because we belong to each other.
11) Sometimes you fool around, but I love how you can be such a gentleman. Telling me to cover my knees, wear buttoned shirts all the way to my neck to prevent my collarbones from peeking out. But you don't know sometimes I like to see your collarbones, or neck veins. You're only human and I just stare in awe at your jawline, with my jaws dropping so in an unladylike fashion.
12) Who could forget February 14th? The first day you called me yours. I love how smart it was of you to do that; every Valentine's will be our anniversary. You were far away on that day, but you sent me flowers. Polaroids of you holding flowers, to be exact. I love how you were funny like that.
13) And chocolate. I love chocolate. You sang me songs about chocolate. Sweet, rich and just the right texture-- both your voice and chocolate.
14) The time you've spent staying up all night for me and my happiness; honestly was sometimes making me sad to see you weren't getting enough sleep or rest. You sacrificed so much for me, but all I can do is just love you more and more each day. Tell me, how can I make up for it? Appreciating every talent you have and every single thing and detail you created, was not enough. Even this writing is not enough.
15) There are countless times where you danced for me. Til now, you have never failed to sweep me off of my feet. Literally. But that's okay, if I fall. I know you'll be there to catch me.
16) And here is a new era. In the past, no matter how many times you complimented how good I look, I never really took you seriously or believed such words. Who knew a song about calling me pretty changed my viewpoint? At times, I don't get myself too for changing my thinking so quickly, but you still accept and love me anyways.
17) I may have been here since day one or not, I may have been here since the fourteenth or not, but rest assured, I promise you: I will be here until the end. And as cliche as it sounds, or as overused as it is, I'll always say the most raw and barest line of affection: I love you.
Here's seventeen reasons why I love you, Seventeen. But these reasons, and so many, many more, cannot amount to the love I feel for you. Even if I was able to write millions of books and get them translated into 50 languages, my feelings won't be enough. But I hope these words reach you one day, because you deserve to hear and know them.

I dedicate this to Seventeen, and to Carats. If you've noticed, the 17 reasons are derived from past experiences, moments, and their song lyrics. You just have to figure out which one is which (haha). You can read this "from me to seventeen", or "from me to bias". I tried to generalize it as much as possible, so that everyone, even non-carats could relate to it. I hope you enjoyed reading this, as much as I enjoyed writing it (and crying while trying to collect myself and my feelings). Here's to Seventeen and a successful era for them and us!

(c): @wnjnhi on twitter
Cynthia Jean Apr 2016
To those who wait
their strength shall be

Those who
put their trust
in Me
Shall soar
like eagles...
They shall run
and not be weary
They shall walk
and not faint....

Their hope Me...
will be renewed.
And they will continually
My Presence...

Their dependence
on Me
enables them
to do My will
and  give Me glory.

They will learn
to enjoy Me,
for in My Presence
is fullness of joy,
and at My right hand
are pleasures

cj 2016
Afrodita Nestor Apr 2016
I kissed the moon tonight
Kissed her three times
She smiled but didn't kiss me back
Patience child patience

Funny thing this patience
Sometimes all I have is patience
Sometimes I can't even remember
What the letter P stands for

"P" for patience
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
Leia R Apr 2016
Waiting for you is divine intervention.  

Like waiting for the world to turn.
Like waiting for a comet to return.
Like waiting for a star to be born.
Like waiting for the planets to align.

But I know that, eventually, you'll be here.
And that's what keeps waiting.
The wind did try to bend the tree.
The tree did not comply with glee.
“If you do bend you will not break…”
“But if I bend my back will ache!”
The wind blew soft, “It’ll only tickle.”
The tree just coughed, “If it remains a trickle.”
The wind blew hard: a threatening gale.
“I will stand firm; I know this tale!”
Without patience, like a wave,
the wind’s full force said, “Tree, behave!”
To this, the tree did move to bow.
The wind blew on, “You’ll listen now.”
Enjoy! :)

brandon nagley Apr 2016
In a secret chamber mine love-
novel to other's, we shalt repose.
Thought's to not only be understood
In the physical, but in the kingdom
Wherein living water floweth
From ourn soul's. Pinnacle's
Defying scientific theory of
Time and space. For where
We shalt be there art sea's
Eternally unspoken; Only
By God shalt one seeith the
Glimmering turnstile, none
trespass allowed there, none
agápi to be defiled. Here, this
Place we shalt floshtarize in
unbarring liberty; a cordillera
Aloft the breeze we shalt ascend.
Ourn spirit's wilt twist and bend
To the notes of saintly chord's. O'
Anon mine girl, anon; we shalt sip
From the grip of turquoise pond's. As
The treasures we wilt collect, shalt be
providential, ourn residential abode-
white as snow, O'er the Show
of the most essential.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Repose- be lying, situated, or kept in a particular place.
Novel- strange,
Chamber- room.
agápi- love in Greek tongue.
Floshtarize- this is a word I created as I do many.. This word I made means ( unite spiritually becoming one being)...
cordillera- a system or group of parallel mountain ranges together with the intervening plateaus and other features.
Aloft- up in or into the air; overhead...
Wilt- will....
Anon- soon ( archaic form).
Art-  meaning are in archaic tongue.
providential- involving divine foresight or intervention..
O'er- over ( archaic way).
Emma Nicole Apr 2016
The language of my love
Is in my beating heart
The sincerity of my laugh
My fingers in your hair
The sighs in my kisses
My genuine smiles
The nervous stuttering
How tightly I hold you

You are not here
You cannot fully understand
I struggle to translate
YieShawn Scutt Apr 2016
For a moment you think your good.
For a moment you're just so happy to see the water.
So happy that for a moment your ignorant that the picture painted in your pretty little head is just a mirage.
For a while you'll feel discouraged
till another moment passes you by and you'll just keep on repeating till you finally stumble apon an oasis
But remember
eventually it'll dry up and once again you'll live for the moments
and dread the whiles
Lucrezia M N Apr 2016
None of the rays of sunshine
would deign this waxy skin,
just sand burned to ashes,
regurgitation from the slobbery hysteria
of the filthy sea.
None of these days of summertime
would violate my inner ancestral frost.
Red dragon of stone, this soul of mine
beneath the labyrinthine ghost,
of the wicked fate.
The stoic age wears the same livery,
in the smoke of my hyperuranium
no scream comes over this far
where the solid patience
is the only certainty
that dwells inside my self.
Viseract Apr 2016
Hey bro how's it going?
I feel a little ****** to be honest
Oh hey, don't feel bad
You've felt way worse before
Yeah I know man,
But I can't help it
Every time I see her
I just want to hold her

Ah, so it's a girl problem
Yeah I get them a lot
I know, I am you
I just want to be with her,
And give her the world

Hey man don't feel bad
You just gotta be patient
And before you say anything further
I know you ain't good at it,
But you at least gotta try

Good point bro,
Thanks, both of you

No problem
**Any time
yet another conversation in my head. gonna make it a thing
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