an ailment of the mind,
incorporeal, a ghost that flits between
worlds, festers and grows —
a thumping tumour.
sick, but not really sick.
(does it hurt? paracetamol might help).
you are exaggerated and foolish.
count your blessings.
potent to change reality.
stronger than any mushrooms.
a single thought, the words and the images,
gunslingers to misery.
hook that reels in,
boding some ominous fate.
fish out of water —
flippity-flop; people sunbathe around.
plodding is what it is.
plodding through a tempest,
freezing, crackled skin,
watching everyone else walking in sun.
you want to scream but don’t.
you want to explain but don’t.
you let them form their own ideas
and agree. you feed on it.
depression? anxiety? what a ******* drama queen