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Maria Imran Sep 2017
I could still show the pieces of your then-polluting, now-rotten heart, and prove to the world it was not I who was mistaken. I can also present myself as an evidence — a heap of mess, covering blisters caused by the burst of these emotions that never wait too long to spill. Ah, of course because your name still holds magic.
Amma Sep 2017
I’m lost among several places
No idea where I should go

I carry my fears
I carry my thoughts

No escapes  
More faults

When you left me everything started change.
I can’t feel my heart
I can’t feel my bones  

The worst thing that I face
knowing myself I can’t change
My heart is burning in every time
To accept that you will never be mine

Pains can let us born again
**** us and die forever
Miss Clofullia Sep 2017
I am a simple man –
I still enjoy the lost art of
washing your hands before and after
using the bathroom,
I find courage in the occasionally tap on the back,
when everything goes dark,
and the back alley looks like a modern piece of art.
I try not to live the same day over and over again, but,
somehow, I end up making the same mistakes,
closing all the doors that are left open
for me.
I’m never early to a party.
I’m never late, either. I just don’t get invited anymore.
When I was little, I was mesmerized
by the choir of voices in my head –
now I’m just irritated by their meaningless noise.
The 4 rooms seem smaller and things are moving like crazy –
it’s like an earthquake inside this heart of mine
that’s behaving from time to time
like a lady with high heels and low standards.

I am a simple man –
I manage to complicate everything
in the simplest way.
Damian Murphy Sep 2017
To make the best of any mistake
The chance to learn one must not forsake;
No learning from a mistake to take
Is the worst mistake that one can make!
The one Sep 2017
its the first thing I touched in this world. Perhaps I was a needle in a haystack. If you look closely you'll never find, only by mistake you'll locate. 

A mistake,
A mistake, 
A mistake, 

When I first said hey, life came tumbling down. 

Your mother is to love you and care for you. 

Not a mother of a mistake

She uses bats to crack your skull, 
She uses knives instead of hugs. 

Mistakes have no choice but to say "HAY" to everyone they meet. 

Hay, I'm a mistake, please be my friend. I cant do this another day.
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2017
A mistake made shall remain a
mistake if one doesn't
learn from it.
Sarah Benesi Sep 2017
He and I:
on a branch
each other
in with ease.

Still not a we.
Leka Sep 2017
our eyes meet
thousands of memorys
yet we don't know each other
Belle Sep 2017
My first mistake was being born.
Because when you are born the child of a doctor and an engineer you have expectations, you see.
You must be smart,
but of course not too smart because you’re a girl.
You must carry yourself with poise and grace,
but not too graceful or else you’ll be seen as too girly.
You must be successful,
but if you’re too successful no man will want to marry you.
Because when your father dies two months before you are born and your mother is constantly working, you’re already an orphan.
You must be happy,
but of course not too happy, because then people will think you’re strange.
You must help others,
but not before you help yourself.
You must not cry,
but if you do, make sure you hide it.
Because when you’re a sweet white girl with a nice body you’re seen as an object.
You must let him touch you,
but if you don't like it, make sure you act like you do.
You must never say no,
but if you do and he hits you, you cannot tell anybody.
You must not tell anybody,
but if you do and they laugh, you must understand.
Because when you’re a dancer and a runner, the pressure to be beautiful and thin is stronger than your cries of help.
You must restrict your calories,
but if you cant, make sure you throw up.
You must apply makeup and cover your blemishes,
but if you cant, make sure you hide your face.
You must exercise until you pass out,
but if you cant, make sure you don't eat the next day.
Because if you do not get good grades you are not good enough.
You must study,
but if you forget, make sure you cry yourself to sleep because you cannot do this anymore.
You must be the best in your class,
but if you can’t be, make sure you congratulate the best, even though you cannot do this anymore.
You must stay in and work hard instead of going out and having fun,
but if you don’t, make sure you feel guilty about it since you cannot do this anymore.
You must be happy.
You must be smart.
You must not cry.
You must be perfect.
You have to be.
You can’t be.
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