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dani evelyn Sep 2017
the fact of it is:
you can’t just
make me feel
like i matter to you
and then
it isn’t polite.
it is very unkind to my heart
and i think you should come back,
as fast as that car can drive
through new york city traffic.
i think you should wrap your arms around me
and spin me in the air
(like you did just three weeks ago)
and tell me
you’re sorry
for making me feel unimportant –
that you didn’t mean it –
that it was all a mistake –

you can ignore me and ignore me
but what i’m trying to say is
i won’t give up
on trying to reach you,
because that’s what people do when they love each other.
i’ll keep at it
until the day
you say, with words,
that you don’t want me in your life anymore.
that is all you have to do,
and i swear i will bury your phone number,
i will donate our memories to goodwill,
i will peel off all the skin you touched
and take it out with the trash.

okay, maybe i’m bluffing --
it's fitting, the last resort
of the desperate.
i am trying to say
a thing i cannot say.
i am trying to reach
through time and space
for a thing i cannot have.
i can’t think of a thing i wouldn’t give
for one last honest conversation.

and listen, we don’t have to be in love.
i may never stop thinking about
the night i slept at your house
but that is my problem, not yours.
i don’t need you to be in love with me,
i just need you
to be with me.

what i’m trying to say is
i’m going to need you to come back,
and this is not a request,
and i don’t know how to say this softly.

what i’m trying to say is
i am absolutely begging you.
Anthony Reynolds Aug 2017
As time goes by
I can only think of my mistakes
I wish I could try
To take them all away
I can't take this feeling
It burns from inside
I know in good time this all will fly by
But today hurts still
And I know I'm in Hell
But I'll still find my angel
I won't show fear to love someone again
And this pain,
Love heals
Lisa Aug 2017
It a great thing to be in the middle of fades between the lines of black and white
It's great to be gray to dissappear into the black like a shadow or like walking out in the middle of the night to not be noticed
Or never have any eyes on you
don't be seen
no mistake noticed.
the white does not always shine on you and when it does you can easily go back to gray
It's great to be gray beacuse i change my outfit 5 times before coming here and and today maybe I wanted to shine. But I'm gray so I stand out just enough to be noticed but not to much then all eyes on me and that is quite scary then I'm not gray.

It's horrible to be gray.
To always seem like you are in 2 places at one like everyone is watching you but like not a single person will even notice you
It ***** to be gray.
To say hello to someone and they won't respond beacuse they don't know your name from that day when you helped them when no one eles would,
you were always in the gray
To have every mistake noticed by everyone but then be told that it's okay just stop and go back to the gray.

It's okay to be gray beacuse inbtween of the black and white I may stay
but oddly enough gray is okay it's a ryhmes so it must be true
beacuse in all white I shine all eyes on me never a moment of peace
never any time for the little boring gray me
But in the black I'm never seen I'm forgotten,
Say hi to the girl in the hall and receive a weird look beacuse she doesn't even remember me now
Maybe it's okay to be gray beacuse shades are sometimes all the same in some weird way.
Lyvana Nyx Aug 2017
Not meant to be
Means nothing to me
I am unpersonified,
A bounty on every breath
I ceased to exist
At 5 months conceived
I was born a miscarriage,
A mistake, a not meant to be
Fate has no ties,
No threads to weave
Im a mess up in the
Fundamental tapestry
Even god seeks my death
To take back what's not mine
Defiant, deviant, I don't abide
My life is not forfeit
Unbound, unbalanced, unknown
I fight for the right to LIVE.
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
You have no idea
what it is that I need,
though you like to suppose
that you lie at the center
like a flame burning proud
in the winds of my judgment.
Yet, I may look one way
but walk another.
Do not follow me
only to persecute,
but walk beside me,
poised in transcience,
equivalently cradled
in the arms of error.
For you, too,
are a child in this life,
just as I.
Just as I.
Eunoia Aug 2017
The sky is crying,
The wind is blowing,
The weather is cold,
But his stares are blazing with fire,
He asked me to tell him the truth,
So I answered,
"Yes, Yes I am"
Hatred is what I see,
So I closed my eyes, for me not to feel,
And after the countdown of 1, 2, 3
I open my eyes to see his back facing me,
Apologizing in you inside my mind is the only thing that I can do,
For I am the one who stole cupid's arrow, that meant to hit the both of you.
Forcing something that wasn't meant for you can only lead you to your own misery
Malin Eriksen Aug 2017
I could have lied,
I could have said I was wrong,
I could have said I made a mistake,
Then you would still be mine.


I told the truth
I said you were wrong
I said we were a mistake
And now you have moved on.

I regret my honesty
Love or truth
Madison Greene Aug 2017
I always wanted to pretend that nothing changed - that my feelings were steadfast
that who I loved then I would still love now
as if life weren't made up of seasons
I was scared of losing the passion and maybe losing the pain
but aren't we all made to move forward
and if love always stayed we wouldn't cling to it like our last breath
everything is temporary and I haven't decided whether that comforts or terrifies me
Vanilla Aug 2017
Lots in mind
Nothing said
I wish to speak
I hide Instead

What does one do
When they feel this blue
Can’t Continue
Not without you

Goodbye, you said
As do I
Hope you sleep well
You don’t reply
Vanilla Aug 2017
I need a computer, I can not type
Backspace to eliminate mistakes I make
To correct a defect I might have made
So I can drop more lines, more Good or Bad Vibes

I need a pencil, I can not write
erasers to remove bloopers I missed at first sight
To fix any disasters after my hand wrote backward
So I can forget before, and think of what comes after.
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