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aa Jun 2017
Everytime I see your name,
hear your voice,
see your face,
I get this sinking feeling inside
because we no longer talk.
And what a tragedy,
for we broke so quietly,
without a single drama.
You went with your friends,
people I am strongly against,
and I went with my new friends.
I've always known that one day
you are not going to be mine.
But whenever I hear you laugh
coming out of my speaker,
my fingers itch to type 'hi' and
talk about my day with you.
But I don't.
I know you're going to reply warmly.
But I also know, that we won't be
what we used to be.
Milana once called us an old married couple, do you remember?
Michael Murphy Apr 2017
Take the slice when offered
It doesn't happen everyday

It's not that you don't want to
But life gets in the way
Married life
Ben At93 Mar 2017
This is to the man of her dreams,
I know you've never had a chance to know me,
She is a beacon of happiness in my life,
A reason behind my smile,
So before you take her hand..
I need a moment of your time,

She is a little rough around the edges,
Its just how she's always been through out her age,
Be patient when she is hype and off her ground,
With a kind word touch her hand and calm her down,
She is fragile, you see,
Sometimes when she needs attention not only when sick,
Try to understand and be there,
'Cause you are the only one in trust with her care,

She isn't built for this hush world,
And I'm sure she'd want me to take back these words,
So when you see she's down with sadness around her eyes,
Be the one to step in and make her smile,

She is sweet and loving,
I've known for all the time she's been with me,
I know not much of her heart and the turmoil of her soul,
But let you my boy,
Be the heart she'd call home,

I've taught her pride,
Am the one to blame for that,
I've taught her to talk,
And say what she wants,
I hope you understand her power of free speech,
And don't mistake it for an attitude or habit from peers,
Its just her heart trying to speak,
So please my boy, lend her your kind and loving ear,

My boy, she is my most treasured gift,
From the day she opened her eyes,
I have a reason to tell you this,
So you can be a man to her,

This is to a man of her dreams,
Be part of what she believes,
Never see any less of what she hopes,
This is to a man,
She wants the most
MikeyP Mar 2017
She sees me
And steals my breath
She reads me
Before I know what's next
She accepts me
While I've been a reject
She knows me
Deeper than intimate ***
She loves me
To see passed my surface flex
She holds me*
Until I can finally rest
Kee Mar 2017
The good, the bad, everything.
When you were happy, sad, mad, flat out numb from the acid.
I loved it. I loved you, all of you.
What I loved the most about you was your smile.
It was lopsided and dorky, you teeth weren't perfect but I loved them anyways.
And your light brown eyes hung low, you looked like a predator.
But the only thing you killed were my sides because you were tickling me.
And I know it sounds cliche but I don't care,
You were my everything.
Those times you held me when I cried, you were my everything.
When you made me smile, you were my everything.
Watching the re-runs of Family Guy and throwing popcorn at each other, you were my everything.
God, even when we screamed and yelled at each other, you were my everything.
Even when we made love and I lit a cigarette after and you called it 'gross' but you'd snort up a line so quickly it was insane...
You were my everything and even though you've left me behind and you'll never me able to come back to me...
Able to kiss me, hold me, yell at me, even just touch me
Hi! So this piece right here came to me when i was walking home from school today. It's about a wife giving her eulogy to her late husband. i think im saying this right probably not but it's supposed to be sad and happy all at the same time. you can love a person so much that you hate them, but in the end you'll still smile because you'll never regret loving them. it kind of sounds like he's broken up with her but he's died, from what? i don't know, it just came to me. i hope you like it! Follow me for more :)
Àŧùl Feb 2017
Spent so much sweet time with you,
On a lonely road I'm travelling now.
Oh, well past is the happy scenery,
Now I gladly refuse to move on.

I** know that moving on I will be sad.

What I desire and deserve is you,
I am not an ascetic here, you see,
Laugh will my horrors sarcastically,
Laugh along the devil they will sadistically.

Which is why I gladly refuse,
Inch I will closer to hell,
Now I just work on myself.

Your iron heart I do love,
On a Sunday you were created,
Unbelievable is this story,
Rows of roses in your honour.

Hope is on a backseat, you know,
Earn I will more than money,
Art of war I will mend & luck will bend,
Roar my life will do when I am happy,
Tint of glasses will help view my launch.

And you may embolden all your defences,
Golden hues of my heart will complement,
Amazing will be our next meeting,
Into your heart I will be breaching,
Not just for some time but for a lifetime.
I won't move on unless you get married to someone else who deserves you more than I do.

My HP Poem #1452
©Atul Kaushal
David P Carroll Oct 2016
My Bride
When I seen her
I new it was love at
First sight her golden
Blonde hair so bright
So shiny her smile
So bright so pretty
She lightens up every
Room cherished by
Utter love never hurt
Always loved I cannot
Ever find happiness inside
My heart with any other
Women but her she
Takes my breath away
Every time I see her
Bright smile my heart
Smiles so brightly
Utter love utter happiness
I'm truly in love
And always will be
With my beautiful
Bright loving wife.
David P Carroll
Kerstin Sep 2016
you make the pain stop,
the voices hide,
and the feelings tame.
my mind runs a thousand thoughts a second
but when you talk
i cant seem to think
the intrusive scenarios
that point out every horrific possibility
it all stops.
you calm the tide
you press pause on the game, my brain likes to play with my, every waking thought
your smile beckoned me from the dark
now when i close my eyes
i can see the way you walk, hear you talk
i wish i could understand how you think
even now, after you married me
i still wonder how you could love someone like me
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