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The Blindness monotony,
Hurl your jokes my way.

Your play ball strikes as stone,
Not very much unlike that which is buried deep inside my heart,
And never shown.

Harmless, is in the eyes of the beholder, my friend.

Your jokes,
   Are my demons.
Your entertainment,
   Is my downfall.

So all I ask,
   Is that you walk a mile in my mind,
Then maybe you'll see,

Harmless jokes hurt sometimes,
  But don't mind me.

~Robert van Lingen
Rex Verum Regem Aug 2018

This is an obvious one, seeing you is all I need to make a bad day good
This is an obvious one yet you still do not know.

If we were a cookie you would be the chocolate chip goodness that bring absolute bliss as it melts.
This’s is an obvious one yet you do not know,
Words I should have spoken sooner; like the first roses are red on an awkward date or the first song sang to impress, true that violets are blue

This should be obvious I cherish every moment like it’s my last because seeing you smile, is a commodity, one only a few may enjoy.

Stars twinkle and cows may jump over the moon but you smile and I’ll smile too.
This should be obvious.

Rex Verum Regem
Elizabeth Zenk Jun 2018
No matter what I say you are bound to repeat it
only louder
taking away the only thing I have left,
my words.
I begin to wonder
What will you say when nobody else talks?
Will they still think you're funny?
Will they still think you're cool?
What will they think when they find out all your words were mine?
I hope one of us falls down a flight of stairs.
Preferably me.
inthewater Jun 2018
"she sounds hideous!"
that thing you mentioned,
i know you're not perfidious -
i just like the faux contention

i laugh at the absurdity,
you roll your eyes to my fake mistrust;
you play your face of perfidy -
as if you could be that unjust

"you didn't have to say that!"
to your well-rationed tenderness,
from obligation, since i like to chat -  
a sucker for your incessant cleverness

"jokes, jokes... it's only a joke"
per your own amusement, you smile and titter
somehow, my endearment, your raillery does evoke
and your licentious comments...
they make my heart flitter
inside jokes, forgive me if it doesn't make sense!
Francie Lynch May 2018
I saw him wince,
I saw no smile,
I saw the hurt
In his eyes.
I heard the lines
Of jokes misspoken
In the guise of humor;
And thriving like malignant tumors.
Finger pointing at shortcomings,
Of race, religion, creed,
Or a Newfie, Pole, a Jew;
A priest, rabbi or preacher,
A doctor, lawyer, teacher;
Gay or straight, make no mistake,
They're fodder when one utters
A slight not misconstrued.
We should be adamant,
We should make a fuss.
If we fail;
If we're unjust;
The joke reflects on us.
Hey, did you hear the one about the three guys in the bar? A...
Gray Apr 2018
A damaging exclamation
Damning your reputation
Watch for your words
They pierce through paper skin
Ruining lives with an adjective or noun
Because words can hurt me
BetTer PeoPle
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
Two sleepy souls carried on the breeze, through lucid, epic, prophetic hopes and dreams; slowly drifting to the land of nod.
With pillow talk and our sheets for sails, we’ll storm the cotton midnight realms, and keep our simple craft afloat; with *** and love, and silly jokes;
before catching zZz’s with gods.

Dedicated to Pixie.
Laying in each others arms.
Rodium Tek Feb 2018
I've come along way since I was a kid, riding a trike.
But why are all my poems getting these likes?
Poems are usually written for literary folk.
But all my poems are just a joke.

I might try hard, my soul might be hollow.
But if my poems aren't good, why am I getting follows?
I don't even think I'm very good at this.
So why am I only getting support, not any dis?

Well, whatever. I'll just keep doing what I do best. Writing whatever I feel like.
Even this poem is a joke.
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