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Maybe one day I'll be free
Free of the torment and free to be me

Maybe one day I'll be able to fly
Spread out my wings and soar up so high

Maybe one day I'll be able to speak
Speak with my voice free of the chains

Maybe one day I'll sing to the sky
The rhythm of my triumph so fine

Maybe one day I'll dance; delight
Movements so fragile; speak of my plight

Maybe one day I'll shed my sorrow
A skin so heavy its no wonder I drowned

Maybe one day I'll break out
**Free of the torment and free to be me
I wish it were so.....
Life is for the living
It's something I just know
Love is more than giving
Love is something that you show

Black and White, shades of grey
Right or Wrong, no words were said
Love was something hidden
Love was always dead

I don't need your fancy presents
They make me feel like I'm in jail
Show me with your actions
Because this heart is not for sale

I'm not your prized possession
I'm not happy when you buy
Pretty things, say I messed up
Your actions, show you try

I've had more gifts throughout my life
Than most guys have had trucks
Don't buy me something, show me love
Or else you're out of luck

I don't need your fancy presents
They make me feel like I'm in jail
Show me with your actions
Because this heart is not for sale

I don't need your fancy presents
They make me feel like I'm in jail
Show me with your actions
Because this heart is not for sale
Lovey Jul 2015
Life- Ive been asked what the heck life is?
What is the meaning of it we all die in the end?
Well here it is the slim understanding of it.
Yes we all die in the end of our time but what about in between?
All the memory's you can make you may think your not born for a reason but truth is you are.
Every single persons here for a reason may not know right now where you are.
But you'll find out within time.
There is no reason to take your life or say its of no value if you dont know whats coming in the future.
You may feel like giving up on life and as if you mean nothing and do not matter at all.
But how do you know if you've yet to live the future or have seen whats to come.
What about all the people you may think dont care for you or you think would do better without you.
But if you were gone you'd be hurting not just yourself and your life but everyone in it.
Everyone has times where you feel like you would be better with dying.
And being gone forever and never having to deal with anything.
Where you feel like your a waste of everyone's time but your not.
You make an impact on peoples life good or bad and no matter what
you do something good even if you did make a bad impression.
You give them something to grow on and others give you horrible pain
its your experience not anyone else's.
Your story is yours you are the author of your book dont let it end
and be a short story
let it be long have it be multiple books and not just one..
With every tear is an amazing person.
Every struggle is just a way to make you stronger may not be the ways we wish but in the end
your one of the strongest among many people.
With every memory there are smiles and tears but not matter what
both are remembered for some reason good or bad both they make
you YOU and that who you are.
No matter how you end up you are built up strong  to go threw the thing called life.
Just takes time to be unbreakable
and that means you will get demolished and rise up out of it.
You cant automatically know how
to read a book it takes time so does becoming unbreakable.
Your life isn't a fairy tale.
If i had a dime for how how many times ive said or ive heard others say they wished the could
die i'd be a billionaire.
But Disney doesn't direct your life they only direct movies something thats not real called slim happiness
-Mickie Rouxe-
my original writing of this
ylruceiram Jun 2015
She felt his heart beat
He heard her heart beat
But everything’s against it
Everyone’s stopping it from beating *together
lol idk
Leigh May 2015
"Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter"
John Keats, Ode On A Grecian Urn.

I'm never sure how I should take his silence,
It's not by choice, that much I know.
For he is a piper painted on porcelain,
Left to inspire a dreamer in an Ode.

His immortal canopy never sheds a leaf,
But offers no shade - frozen in time -
And as it was written, he never came to life and played
His fair maiden her melodious rhyme.

It sits on his lips as they chip and crack;
A dry mouth, a pipe for melodies made.
Sadly for the piper, I don't share Keats' hope
As he said of his maiden, 'She cannot fade'.

This brave boy's riff will remain dormant,
Haunting and quiet - laid on porcelain,
As I can't help this overwhelming jealousy
Of the notes he'll never play trapped within.

How they reel through my mind but leave nothing -
Not a sound or a ripple of waves,
Whereas mine float a while and decay with little grace,
The dotted-quavers left fading on staves.

I'm never sure how I should take his silence,
It's not by choice, that much I know.
Yet I envy more than words his lifetime in a moment,
In a world in which I wait and watch things grow.

If something grows, it must grow old.
This is a tribute to a poem that has always stuck with me: Ode on a Grecian urn.

Will, won't, do, don't
Stop, go, yes, no
Hello, Goodbye,
I can't, I'll try

Positives or negative
It doesn't matter what the word
It's just how one perceives it
It matters how it's heard

A negative is positive
If the word gets the reaction
Of making someone know just what
To do for satisfaction

No, No, No, scares all of us
It shows we've not done something right
But turn the No, No, No around
And the results are out of sight

Can't is just a cop out
While can...well, not so much
that apostrophe with the small t
Is just another crutch

Some people live for failure
Reaching goals is not the norm
Success come with responsibility
And to some, that's just bad form

Two wrongs do not a right make
But three lefts will get you there
See, you've turned around a negative
It's a thought you have to share

The strongest word I know is NO
Because it teaches you just what
You have to do to learn success
With all the talent that you've got

So, next time you hear negatives
Put a spin on what you've heard
Can't, No, Won't are negatives
But...they're only just a word.
Neex Apr 2015
Darling I'm strong,
So my tears are hidden,
But that's gives you no right,
To believe that I'm not broken.

I'm easy,
Quiet and shy with feelings and emotions,
And if you ask I'm bound not to tell,
You could say that my words get quite *lost

But I want the butterflies,
They've been gone for too long,
And I want my heart to race insanely,
To feel that way that's so raw.

I want to feel like someone cares for once,
I want to talk all night,
I want someone to think about me happily,
Never get tired,
And when I shut that someone out,
Maybe just put up a mighty fight.

My words get lost easily,
But for this I can tell on,
About the hole in my battered heart,
That tells me where you belong.

I can write songs in my scrappy book,
And smile to myself like I'm crazy,
Draw hearts all over the place,
Tell stories of this rare thing,
Cuz it's beyond me.

And I'll sing the melodies that you inspire,
If the music works,
That's all I require,
It's simply your presence that I desire.

Darling we might not converse,
But I can sight-read you,
Like the notes in my violin pieces,
And I can write you down,
Like the lyrics to my newest song.

So please be the painter,
Destroy or end your work of the heart,
Mine's been incomplete,
And I'm hoping this is just the start,*
And maybe you're not done.
Love. This type of love. And more.
The font came out messed up, sorry.
Arturo Hernandez Mar 2015
I heard you talking
To the ocean blue.

It was a heartfelt conversation
You let on to the sky.
You said it slow, so slow.

It was a strange sensation
When I heard you sing.

I knew who you were
And where you came from
From the sound of your voice.
Dr Zik Mar 2015
Words with layers of meaning
rushed to come in my mind!
A recall springs out of heart in the want of You
And then I feel! Distance between the two
me and You
Fragrance with the news of meeting
spreads in no time!
A translation of my own poem written in Urdu language. The name of book is "RAH TAKTI AANKH (راہ تکتی آنکھ)"
angel Jan 2015
True love is blind, though it waits before your eyes on the outside you only see a disguise from the moment you need the attraction starts but true love is found in your soul and spirit infinitely sent from above trust your soul and feelings to sense true love not seen nor heard and often unrecognized do not insist on seeing it with your eyes. Looking into your eyes to see if I tell that love is  combined  together and not separate.
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