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Monique Pereda Dec 2014
You are words
Waiting to be read
You don't know
What mysteries you posses

You are a sound
Waiting to be heard
You have your own share
Of music to the world

You can put up a smile
And make an illusion that you are fine
You can show so much
And regret what you offered

You can give
And leave nothing left
You can keep
And let silence define you

You must breathe
Fill your lungs with beauty
You can cry
Till someone hears you

You can be you
Or can be she or him
You must fight
What this world dictates
Rockie Nov 2014
Party for One;
Yes that's right;
One, not two;
Not even three!
You heard me,
Party for One,
People are a ton
To handle
In groups
All claustrophobic
And bustling
And so,
This is it,
Party for One.
Poetic T Nov 2014
"I am the spirit of the dead,"
They talk through me
The living must walk the halls
Life* is the wrong
All must
"Sing the song of silent breath"
Essence of warmth is a sacrilege,
All must be cold in
Will not be found, all must release themselves
From the torture of life
"Only death is eternal"
I have taken many,
"I am telling you this,"
There is a
You will sleep in persistent peace
Like the rest,
So many immortal in
The halls, each have a place,
"The missing are never to be found"
Prey with relief, when I release your burden
"I Am The Spirit Of The Dead"
Life is fleeting the only comfort is in death
Invisible like the spirit never known or seen,
You don't even realise I'm out there, culling the herd.
The spirit speaks through me, all life ends cold.
The best serial killers are the ones you never know are even out there
Naptural Mermaid Dec 2013
I call myself a poet
Yet I'm not grammarly correct
Taking bad breaks
Rhyming here and there

I call myself a poet
As if poetry has been instilled in me
Like I learned it

I call myself a poet
Who has nothing to say but to
Only express my complex emotions

I call myself a poet
Maybe I'm just some pretentious girl
Trying to be deep  
Knowing that the words I express
Are not me

I call myself a poet
Hoping that one day
Someone else will know it

I call myself a poet
Repetition of these words
So it could be heard
That I call myself a poet
J M Surgent Aug 2014
I didn't
tell you
to go.

You heard
that on
your own.
NitaAnn Jun 2014
It has been a tough month.
With health issues, school difficulties
and do not even mention family problems...

So there has been some triggers
  and it is just been stressful.  
I have been pretty depressed
and feeling very vulnerable
and really wanting to cut.

I feel really like I have to act like everything is fine
and cannot talk about the things that are bothering me
with the people who I would really just like to talk about it with.

Which kind of leaves me feeling
hurt and resentful and
not wanting to trust.

I feel like asking for help is so difficult
and you can only do it so many times
and be rejected before you just take on this attitude of fine

I do not need your help anyway -
I do not actually need anyone's help
and I will manage perfectly fine on my own.

Except that is not how it works, you do not manage perfectly fine.
You try harder at not feeling feelings
being that feelings were something you worked so hard to feel!  
you start not talking about anything that even remotely bothers you,
you put a band-aid on everything you are struggling with
and act like things are OK
when in fact, on the inside,
you are screaming and wishing,
hoping that someone would hear you.

Enter more hurt and resentment
It is just really difficult

**I simply want to feel
it's ok May 2014
simple enough
If I wanted to, I could
I could dissect every word
you ever said
Take off the fabric that surrounds--
I would never, I told you,

I want to taste your skin,
after it's been hung on the clothespin
in the sun too long
If you heard this, you'd take it the wrong way

you want to taste me
because that little kiss,
you knew what you were doing
and now your hands know every inch of me

so ******* now
Daylight 4U2C Jan 2014
A wicked woman told my love, "**** him and you will be free."
My love paused, and the wicked woman's old twig of a finger pointed off to me.
Love walked to me with tearful eyes, as if she had no choice.
I smiled wryly and told her in the softness of my voice, "Let it be done, and be free.
No sword is long enough to show my love for thee. No dagger, short enough to match my heart's beat.
So please my love, take your choice of my death. Choose what would be fit."
She didn't hesitate, just cry. She, slowly lifting a mirror from the dust.
I don't know why I felt I must, but I wiped the tears away just to savor her touch.
I looked into her sad blue eyes, just for one more glance. Then I shut my own.
I could feel her lift the mirror, this was her chance, let it be known.
A crashing blankness came down on me, soon after the last things I heard.
"I'm moving up, and you're moving down." These were her last words.
I didn't understand them then, but now I think I know.
She will one day be in the warm light, while I'm still stuck in the cold indigo.
I'd always run up the down escalator, like a crazy kid.
She always said, one day I'd trip.
And now I finally did.
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