So many times I've run away from the man you claim to be.
So many times I've hidden from the man you are.
So many times I've cried over the man you were.
Hidden in those depths,
I wish I knew you were in there.
But no longer can I say I do.
I Love YOU.
Correction, I loved you.
I miss you now.
Not who you are, but simply who you were.
I miss the sound of you voice,
the feel of you murmuring sweet nothings in my ear,
you hands on my back,
your arms around my waist.
I want to say I've moved on.
I want to mean it with every ounce of my being.
I want to believe that you love me too.
That you loved me too.
I miss the way you said my name,
the fact that you called me gorgeous.
The small things you did for me.
I loved you,
and now you're gone.
I just wrote this one, so it's not super amazing, obviously in need of some editing but it's about a guy I loved who is no longer in my life