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dailythoughts Feb 2022
I like the kind of intimacy we share

so gentle

in no rush

taking our time to be


it's sweet & playful

I don't know what plans God has for me but I am glad that I experienced such a feeling
Chelsea Rae Feb 2022
It's weird. . .

The way humans shame those who can and do feel more deeply than them,

For having a more intensely experienced reality,

Just because they can't see it, hear it, feel it, then it must be

That we are just over-dramatic, that we are "making it up" . . .


But really, who's fault is it that you're still dead inside?
They know not what they do.
Coleen Mzarriz Feb 2022
I dropped by my favorite place today, released another exhausted breath. My pants were bulging out and the fat kept me stretched out. I hate that feeling. My stomach turned into billowy waves of expectant marks, pinning through my outer skin. I hate that feeling. When I sit, my thigh provokes every nerve in my body. If she has thoughts, she'll be a demon whispering through the wind. My unkempt hair is spinning around like gravity does not exist. Somehow, I failed to sigh out the black smoke forming all over my body. My skin, when pinched, is like soft straps that cannot be withdrawn from their owner. My skin is like the skin of my ancestor—it keeps stretching widely, tirelessly, and unprovoked. My heart is tightening its grasp on me. God, please help me! My eyes! I swallowed all my tears away, but my reflection still reflects the dark hue of the moon. When it is sad, the moon exposes his true nature, just like rolled down skins on my neck. My hands go from gently holding my heart out of my chest to weighing the weight of my body. If I let out my thick heart, my body would be lighter and my skin would be a plethora of scars and clay. If I abandon thee and such a calloused body, art will find me beautiful, and that is one of the moon's other sides. It's thick and uncooked. The heavens may not forsake an insecure moon, but a woman hates her reflection when the moonlight lights on her flesh. "Mirror, mirror on the wall..." I called and they did not answer. I froze in my seat and waited until the sun bloomed and dried my tears. Yet I still could not breathe. I went into the sea and swam with the lonely whales. The sun reflected on the waters. I reached letter fourteen, but it was written by someone else. The ambience of the calm ocean washed over me. I released a breathy sigh, and the light went to take me.
Wrote this months and months ago? Haha I don't have a new wip so I'm recycling what I wrote last year. :'c
George Krokos Jan 2022
If at times we have to swallow the bitter pill of remorse
we may at first appear to sound much like that of a horse.
And when copious tears flow they tend to purify our being
leaving us with an inner peace and clearer sense of seeing.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early '90's.
and we see a paper ****
and words are decorations on her body
and poems are pretty clothes for her
and this feeling is for you
and we see a paper ****
and a pen lying on the table
and you're the one
who's been silent
waiting for love to air
and the poet reads it
Indonesia, 6th January 2022
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
am i ee Sep 2015
When i first moved in
all i was to hear
Ladies don’t drink out of the toilet.
Ladies don’t drink out of the toilet!
Come on now,
ladies don’t drink out of the toilet.,
and YOU are a Lady.

The things we do,
how we acquiesce,
the concessions we make,
to keep the gravy train rolling,
moving along.

A place to bunk,
a soft pillow for your head.

So we do.

The bunkmate stays so happy,
smiling &
and finally gets
off of your back.
Andrew Dec 2021
Every night  
before I sleep
I close my eyes
and begin to weep

I lay there watching
the curtains sway
In a room
I painted black and grey

Will the morning
ever come
why do I hope
to see the sun
when tomorrow
I’ll be going mad
feeling numb
Ley Nov 2021
talking to memories of you

the caterpillar has now become a butterfly

yet the ant walks the same path
emergence to cessation
Farah Taskin Nov 2021
the feeling is sporadically
my bestie
the feeling is frequently
my enemy
Rama Krsna Nov 2021
delicate yellow jasmine
why are those succulent lips sealed?
or is it just that
blossoming flowers seldom speak?

as the shy half moon
steals a glimpse of our union,
your sparkler eyes gloss just a bit

don’t you know that
you and only you
get to rest your head
on my aging shoulders?

as you fly away
to that adopted land,
remember that
i live for now
by dying for you

© 2021
dedicated to all the lovers in our public parks
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