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Veronica Aug 2016
All i ask for
Is for love and to defend me from any harm
Is this too much for you?
Why do you act like im asking for the impossible
Is this seriously too much for you to handle?
If so let me know so i could sent your A**
To the curve
And can let right guy to walk in the door
Veronica Jul 2016
For all the girls who are out there
And think they are fat and ugly
Your not
Your beautiful
Your body is ****
Don't let anyone bring you down
We all can't be the same sizes
Imagine might as well make us all look alike
Thats why god made us different
And we all go through different stuff
Please love yourself as who you are
Trust me there is someone out there
Who loves you the way you are
Leslie Jade Jul 2016
it's as if fate has already decided
you & me will never have an epitome
is it agonizing? yes.
How long? Uncertain.

As I gaze, you are stunningly amazing
but that perfection cannot be paired with someone
as flawed as I am
and that's why we'll never be
Hey it's been a while since I've made & post a poem. It's because class has already started on our country but at least I had an inspiration & that's how I cam up with this.
Summer Michelle Jun 2016
I know you're talking
I hear you

I know you're watching
I can feel your stare

I know you notice
When I leave the room

But it's how it feels
When all you are
Exists but it's not alive

I know you're talking
But I don't know why

I know you're watching
But why do you care

I know you notice
But why is it me

Slowly I stopped living
But I still existed
I was still breathing
Poetictunes Jun 2016
I know that I'll probably spend a life time,
Trying to a earn a college degree.
Trying so very hard to turn these black dreams into a white reality.

Searching for an identity
In a society that  worships the slim figures, intelligent minds of blondes, and blue eyes.
Truth is, I realized, I have no place in this society.
I confront my fears, and my anxiety quietly.
While my heart and mind wrestle for control over my body's entirety
I can hear the string stretch
As I pull the arrow and aim
I never miss, they say
But truly, my arrows waste

I will always be not at fault
See, the arrows needed are two
Connected like strings it pull
The two lovers until they fall

I am the god of love but I never create love
I am the builder of bridges
That let two beings become one
But see, it is not my fault.

The connection let them see
A way to love only a few heartbeats away
But in the midst of the birth of love
They break the knot and part ways...
Jade Jun 2016
Such a beautiful dance,
Make it through my windows,
Windows to hearts and flowers,
Until I realised,
It's just a theatre
Ibk Santos Apr 2016
Would you rather believe
I can talk to a tree. They see me as a beautiful leave
that's fresh as the green they see.
I feel so free, even they hold me clench.
I want to let go but they need me most.

I'm getting red and a little bit bust they might let go and let me fall
But see this vain, it hurt like hell. What can i say?
I'ts my destiny would i go?

Soon they will let me go, they let me fall. I'm now a bird that you can see in the clouds. I can now fly anywhere i want. But look, i'm getting tiered. I forgot how was living was. I forgot that i am existing too.

But it's too late,
24 hours
1 minutes
60 second
And i'm done.
Living is a gift.
Chloe Apr 2016
Life is too blooming short,
To not do as you please,
To let others dictate,
The type of life you should lead.

Life is too dang versatile,
For you to remain mundane,
To lock yourself indoors,
And be simply Plain Jane.

Life is too ****** expensive,
For you to be wasting it away,
To not know the value of existence,
To see the dawn of each day.

Life is too ******* beautiful,
For one to hate it as much as you,
To hate the miracle within yourself,
If only, just only, you knew.
Life is too short, cherish it while you have it.
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