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Keith Manzano Mar 2016
I knew I loved you,
When I started making excuses,
For the times you hurt me.
How stupid I was,
To let myself love you.....
Deeper than I loved myself.
Keith Manzano Mar 2016
Forgiving is a hard thing.
But it's easy when,
You're blinded by love.
You should forgive someone,
Because they deserve it.
Don't forgive someone,
Just Because you want to,
Keep them in your life.
Keith Manzano Mar 2016
When you've been hurt,
It's easy to blame others.
But don't ask them why,
They keep hurting you.
Ask yourself why,
You're allowing them.
Realize your mistakes.
And grow.............
To become stronger
Keith Manzano Mar 2016
I wish you could see me,
not physically but emotionally.
Then you could judge me.
When you see just how ****** up
I am inside.
Jannell O Feb 2016
I see you, yes you.
Hiding in the dark, your waiting for my heart.
  Scratching the walls and screaming in the cage, your making me grow with rage.  How you laugh as I fall,  knowing this won't heal at all.
   You know me and I know you, I see you cutting through.
Again the cage is getting weak, I fear I'm on a losing streak.
   But I won't back down yet, I wish I could press reset.
Your screams echos my mind, letting me know I'm out of time.
   Who is this, monster I see, Staring back at me?
You whisper sweet words of poison, I stand still frozen.
    I move , you move.
I sit down, you sit down with me.
   Are you mocking me?
Or is that really me?..I see?
Nirvana Feb 2016
I've started feeling despair
for the love that we share
oh! sorry I do forgot
the love, its all I've got

you never care to
find my love for you
you were busy in your own
you left me to cry and frown

you talked to me once or twice
you tried your best to act nice
all you said was not to call again
is it enough to heal my pain

you may put up a fight
but don't disappear from my sight
Instead slit my heart
and tear it apart

My feelings have rotten
but you're not forgotten
I still feel the pain
but the conditions have change(d)
to be continued... ... ...
Jenny Nov 2015
The candlelight flings funny shapeless shadows on the wall
And when I put the candle out the queer moon shadows fall
The sun casts shadows on the lawn when there are trees around
Like strips of blackness painted on the green and shiny ground...
And in the country when a cloud obscures the blazing sun-across the golden fields of corn the dancing shadows run
And so it seems in daily life the shadows come and go
We cannot have the light with out the shadow,this we know.
And so when cares depress you and you cannot see a gleam
Remember shadows are not quite as dark as they may seem.
Pax Nov 2015
I tried to stop being depress,
and start making friends.
But then…
I build too many walls,
Just to hide my flaws
always fearing they’ll crumble.
In the end I can’t stop my thoughts
when I’m alone, reoccurring questions it sought.
Burdens comes falling,
Rushing like the tide, washing
pushing away
the happy mask
I wore.
I haven't been writing much as of late. Maybe because like the first two lines said. Yes, I did make some friends and bond with them. It's great being able to joke around and laugh here and there... But I know deep down I still built too many walls, they can't see what's there, Perhaps I am too good in wearing this mask, that some people didn't see what's lurking behind it.
Chalsey Wilder Oct 2015
Oh, I'm a ***?
With no life and no meaning?*
You say you don't give a **** about me
But you still look at my social media doe!
Oh, I'm glad for this information
The more I know, the more I start to care less
The more I think I feel my power depress
I really need progress

Cause my goal ain't to care less
It's to move on and not to give a **** at all
If you really don't care, you really don't care. Oh ****
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