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Jack Gladstone Jan 2015
To write down all my fears would take a book.

My desires even more.

The big problem, however, is where they overlap.

To desire what i fear at least seems adventuresome, almost romantic.

Scary yes, but exciting. Like a roller coaster ride with a fear of falling, like i do.

Adulthood, the scary but most wonderful time of life.

Then there is the fear of what i desire.

That is a whole other beast entirely.

What if my desires are not good for others?

What if my desires steer me wrong?

What if i follow one path when another would have been better?

What if i don't achieve my desires?

What if all these existential, angsty thoughts are complicating things and themselves standing in the way?

What if?

What if indeed.
Gwen Jan 2015
I hide everything away and have the appearance of not caring about a lot of things,
yet I stay up all night and wonder what is wrong with me as I  rip apart every second of my past, remembering that I don’t know the last time I was happy, and I destroy myself in the process of thinking.
I stare blankly everyday in a crowded classroom tucked into the back seat, listening to music because the silence causes me to panic and stress myself out over the future because how can I know what I want to do if sometimes my only thought is when I’ll die and yet while I don’t believe in a Heaven and sometimes feel as if I’m already in Hell, I am scared of what will happen after I die because what if Heaven is real and those thousands of times I lied and said I was okay when I was so depressed I felt like my chest was caving in and I couldn’t even tell if I was breathing or said I wasn’t hungry as I tried to steady myself from passing out because I haven’t had so much as an apple since last week, all add up and I end up going to some place worse than here?
And recently I’ve convinced myself that feeling absolutely nothing is better than feeling anything at all. I don’t know if I’m better, worse, or settling for middle ground as I wait until the end of the line. Some nights I’ll allow myself to feel and I’ll panic because I’ve lost so much and so many people just use me, and it is so heart breaking to constantly be the person everyone uses. I feel like an old cigarette that is used to temporarily calm someone down, but they aren’t even a smoker and I wasn’t an addiction, just a phase. Yet,  I was their 4 a.m and sometimes 4p.m and what they didn’t know was I am a smoker and I was so addicted; I never intended to stop. I was ready to die from corroded, blackened lungs. Now I stay up till way past 4a.m going through the physical pain that comes along with withdrawal and the ache in my head is nothing compared to the ache in my chest that has me so broken down I couldn’t even stand up if I tried and I cry so hard it makes the pain in my head worse and some nights I worry that my head will explode.
The next day I go to school and I’m numb, I don’t feel anything for days, sometimes weeks, until one of those nights happens again. I’ve found comfort in feeling nothing and I’ve mastered the art of shutting everyone out and no one takes the time to take a second glance.
Maybe I don’t want them to ask questions, or maybe being used so much has made me completely horrified to even let someone know my name, let alone anything.
I don’t want to feel anything with anyone because I become so addicted to the euphoric high I get when I think someone cares just for them to treat me like a cigarette once again, as they throw me away without even thinking about it, stepping on me to make sure that my light is completely gone.
I’ve decided that feeling nothing at all is the place I am most comfortable, replying on the few people that make me happy. And even though I don’t believe in a god,  I pray every night they won’t throw me away like everyone else because no matter how good I am at fooling everyone else, I can’t keep lying to myself and no matter how good I am at feeling nothing, some nights I feel every little thing and I need someone to keep me sane because at 2a.m on a Tuesday night I drive myself to the point of insanity and if I didn’t have someone to hold me up, I’d drown myself and I don’t know if I’d be able to come back up for air on my own.
Wrote this in December for a class assignment.
I'm sitting down, so why am I sweating?
A constant cycle of your reminding, and me forgetting.
I need to lie down. My mind is heavy in my skull.
Your mouth is moving, but my eardrums are full.
Petty thoughts take a substantial grip on my heart.
Can we just go again, perhaps take it from the start.
math ADD ADHD attention deficit class classes school concentration thoughts sweat listening speaking gripping dying boredom
Erica Jan 2015
It was a room crowded by people.
They talked in groups with so much eager.
But beneath the laughter and joyous sight
was a girl who saw not the light.
And there she was, standing
in the corner, just pretending
that she was happy to be around,
when, really, she was screaming with no sound.

Everyone was so happy,
but all she wanted was to flee.
None of those people cared of her!
Why should she stay and drown in fear?
None of them even noticed her there!
Like she was just another gust of air.

When there was yet another party,
who got uninvited? None but she!
When there was a share of cake,
She was lucky she could have a take.
Then  why? Why did she stick around?
It hit her. Because for another year is she bound.
There is always that one student in a class who just looks like (s)he wants to hide behind a veil. In this case, you know who that person is.
Ink crawling paper
Teacher rambles, different
The student writes
Meant to be a haiku. Let me know if it falls into the 5-7-5 rhyme scheme! I tried but I am unsure because I have zero technical knowledge.
Sam Kirby Dec 2014
We are born time travelers,
Constantly drifting away,
Across a vast sea,
Of Time and Change.

We are resilient,
Taking every action to reach,
Across the Great Divide,
To shake hands with tradition.

We are restless,
Dreaming endlessly of somewhere else,
Sometime else,
To fill ourselves.

We are loyal,
Seeking truth in the lies,
We were told in lives before,
To question everything.

We are joyful,
Calling vinyl records and pipes our friends,
As we clench supercomputers and earbuds,
To drown out the sound of progress.

We are unsatisfied,
Claiming a lot in life that has passed away,
We stare at the past and genuflect
To respect the places we will never be.
I bet many of you feel the same.  - SK
Lena Bitare Dec 2014
Hearts and emotions
Fill each memory and motion

Fast moving; fast phased
Your world so hard to chase

Beats moving low
Intervals took so slow

Slow moving dances
Their eyes stare

The rhythm and glasses stun
Each classic chic and hair bun
sun stars moons Nov 2014
I watch the water tumble into my class, swirling and rocking
You're speaking but I can't understand a word that's coming out
Like wind on a beach, their meanings are lost
I'm drowning with every syllable
like the waves you made in my glass of water.
Sylvie Barton Nov 2014
i am sixteen
and my future lies
in my hands but its
being pulled and tugged at
by things like
leadership positions
not such a straight path now, is it

i am sixteen
and discovering a new joy
stumbling upon
the passion you were always meant
to find
leaving the stagnant
for the bold and burning and enchanted
shows a lack of dedication
so i sit in my lovely self-made cage

round and round on the merry-go-round
i wonder where it will spit me out?

we are sixteen
and the gloves and
the stiff lips have failed to take note of
our dear fickle hearts
and the immense courage with we run
the scorched
shadowy dreams in our eyes
that cannot be discovered in the time it takes
to find a prom date
this is the most angsty thing I've ever written ever sorry
Katsa Jun 2013
I can't begin to tell you what it's like day after day
To sit about and wonder: Where'm I going? What's the way?
For me, every path is dark; they're shrouded from my eyes,
By the fog that's been a hindrance since I was young and realized
That the people all around me once had plans and wants and dreams,
That they'd craved fame and riches and had aspired to genius schemes,  
They'd recall their greatest childhood hopes and I slowly learned
That somehow, Disappointment was the only thing they'd earned.
This or that had stopped them from achieving their potential
And by and by they'd lost sight of goals once held essential.
In all their lives, whether young or old, the story was the same
great plummeting falls from such lofty heights, and the world was to blame.
Not all of them were bitter, some accepted it as fate
I'd wished they'd never told me, but by then it was too late,
To plug my ears and never learn that I can never win
And so my dreaming heart died, and reality set in.
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