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Dec 2023 · 1.2k
starry night Dec 2023
you are a question that i ask to myself everytime i wake up in the morning, or when i'm laying down on my bed at night while looking up to the ceiling, searching and imagining an answer

you are the taste of coffee that i usually drink, bittersweet, as the bitterness makes my stomach hurt yet the taste of itself is addicting, while the sweetness crippling my mind, can't think straight, elusive, indeed

you are there in the air everytime i breathe, the parfume of longing, as i aching trying to exhale the essence of uncertainty of your presence and love
Feb 2023 · 1.8k
the sky above
starry night Feb 2023
loving you is like loving the sky above.
because in any state;

clear blue sky without clouds; draw a smile on my face and made my day instantly

purple-orange ish sunset sky; feels like the feeling of coming back home after a long day, give warmth and hugs to my weary heart

cloudy gray sky; letting me being gloomy and telling me it's okay to cry

starry night sky; accompanied me in the darkest hours, i could stare at and admire for hours, my late-night-talk partner

and after all, loving you is like loving the sky above; something to be admired from afar, unreachable, particularly for me.
Dec 2022 · 3.0k
can it just be us
starry night Dec 2022
I'm going crazy because of you
I want you so bad that it hurts
I want all of you for my self only
You makes every love song i heard is about you
and so are the heartbreak ones
The fact that we live different kind of life Slowly crushing my heart into pieces
Can it just be you? Can it just be me?
Can it just be Us?
Sep 2020 · 337
starry night Sep 2020
My eyes are closed
But my ears listen

My mouth shut
But my mind goin' round about

Heart choose to rest and let it go
But my head wouldn't and keep it go

Must i go on and hanging on

Or give in to the dark

Mar 2020 · 244
false hope giver
starry night Mar 2020
You go away
with those heaps of trust
that i gave you
And now you threw it away
like it was nothing
All those years
that had me hold onto a fragile hope
You say you remember everything
Of course you remember
yet that's not enough
to stitch the open wound
not even worth a single needle
Because you will never stay
Mar 2020 · 189
starry night Mar 2020
If i come closer
and this is not a promising
I'm afraid that it'll
eventually tear me apart
Just don't leave marks on my book
It'll hard to get removed
Nov 2017 · 426
starry night Nov 2017
i stumble from where i stand
my entire body refuse to get up
minds been hanging for such a long time
now i don't want to choose anymore

been longing for freedom
yet the voices strangled me down
burst my sweat into tears
i can't take it anymore

for whom i walk this road everyday?
keep wondering why
why don't you understand?
'cause laugh it off doesn't work for me anymore
Apr 2017 · 430
There was no stars
starry night Apr 2017
There was no stars tonight
Dark clouds covered my eyes
Buried me alive
Feb 2017 · 363
starry night Feb 2017
i've been burned

burned with the same fire

that you gave to me

eerie, they say

but i keep calling your name

cause i just saw a clean getaway

and knowing all of those story are the same
Nov 2016 · 390
starry night Nov 2016
Kills me every second
Mumbled nonsense

Like a cloudburst
In the middle of the day

Sour if you try to taste
Pleonasm create doubtness

I've been thinking too much
Help me
Sep 2016 · 337
starry night Sep 2016
There was a time when we don't know each other
I don't know if i will meet you,
and so neither you.
But then time bring us together,
even if at the last moment i see you.
If we get separated by distance
Our heart will remember
Then the time that give us a chance
Will bring us together like a maple tree on September
Aug 2016 · 411
Happy for You
starry night Aug 2016
You've chained
broke like bones
can't walked on your own,
carried a heavy rock, burdened
He is a parasite for you
but you can't let him go
because if you do,
he will die slowly, rotted
But you've realize
that i'm here for you,
always remind you
that your heart are more important
and it's fragile if you can't keep it wisely
But knowing that you can face him now
I can't be more happier
you know,
i've always hoping for your happiness
now i can see you smiling
with no burden on your shoulder
For my best friend that finally can facing her biggest demon. You know i'm here for you.
Mar 2016 · 466
starry night Mar 2016
When you say goodbye
I die a little bit inside
I don't need your apologies
All i need is you by my side
Why'd you leave me
When i need you here
After all you've done
And now you already gone
Mar 2016 · 320
In The Night
starry night Mar 2016
She's crying in the night
Crawling in the dark
Just wants to reach the light
But doesn't even get a little spark

She needs someone
who can be her anchor
But there's no one
who willing to cure her sore
Mar 2016 · 622
How Could You
starry night Mar 2016
How could you
Suddenly come into my heart
Without knocking 
And even leave a hole in it

Picking at locks
That weren't yours to pick at
Once a forgiving heart
Now filled with begrudging sorrow
-Collaboration with Star Gazer-
Mar 2016 · 225
starry night Mar 2016
I love sky
But my skies are not the same anymore
The color still the same
Pale blue painted with white shade
But since i know your name
Your face appear from nowhere
But i don't mind. It makes me love it even more❤
Mar 2016 · 1.5k
Thinking of You
starry night Mar 2016
just thinking of you
makes my mind split in two
makes me act like a fool
makes me feel the happiness in my soul
but also feels the sadness too
I keep doing it though
Mar 2016 · 340
02:47 A.M
starry night Mar 2016
Yet i still awake
and keep wondering
are you dreaming of me?
Mar 2016 · 406
You told me
starry night Mar 2016
You told me
How much you love rain
Then why you always bring an umbrella?

You told me
Everybody has their demons
and you say we should fight it
But why you always
keeping your demon inside?

You told me
How to keep something important
You say my heart is important
Then why you broke it?
Mar 2016 · 341
starry night Mar 2016
You always make me smile
Even though we're apart thousand miles
When i hear your voice
I imagine you near me
I'm never get weary
having you in my mind almost everyday
Although you might don't do the same
I'll cross the sea
and meet you there
I'm in love with you
and i'll always do
Feb 2016 · 653
starry night Feb 2016
People say
home is a place that makes you
feel safe and keeps you warm
All i know is
whenever i look into your eyes
It feels like home
Dec 2015 · 4.3k
starry night Dec 2015
I know you
Everytime you walk away
i glance at you
But it doesn't seem that you realise it
The only thing i can do is see you from far
i really, really want to get closer to you
But, i don't have any courage for it
You're unreachable

Hey, do you see me?
Why only me that feel this way?
or do you feel the same way?
Could you look at me?
Just for a while
But, i'm afraid it's too late now

Is your heart was taken by someone else?
please tell me now, so i didn't waiting for you for longer time
I know it'll be painful for me
it'll tear my heart apart
But at least i can see you happy
even if the one who makes you happy is not me
it's okay
I love you
Nov 2015 · 398
starry night Nov 2015
Starry night
But tonight is not the same
I feel like lost my light
Tired to see that you don't care

Starry night
Instead wishing you would look at me
I close my eyes tight
And i wish i could forget you
Oct 2015 · 1.6k
starry night Oct 2015
There was a girl who always looking at you
Get nervous when you near
Secretly smiling at you
Until her heart broken tear

She knows you'll never pick her
She's just a Dandelion
And you choose another
The Roses as an option
Aug 2015 · 348
Wake Up!
starry night Aug 2015
Wake up!
Dont live in your dream forever
Wake up and see the truth
Even if it hurt, but you have to

You can find a way to make it come true
By look around you
And facing the world bravely
You'll get the happiness later

Find your own experience
And always confident
Put on smile everyday
And be a caring person
wakeup right motivation see world smile happiness brave
Aug 2015 · 840
Can't Speak
starry night Aug 2015
do you know what it feels
when you can't speak out loud
like a quiet rock
that always stand still

even a leaf was fall
with no sound
although it doesn't want to
but it have to

can you tell me how to let it out?
just like bird singing along freely
like no burden
can you tell me, please?
Aug 2015 · 1.7k
For a while
starry night Aug 2015
i'm just an outsider
who secretly take a peek
asking for to be known
i just need you know

could you look at me?
just for sprinkle stardust on my eyes
let me hold your hand
just for a while
Aug 2015 · 5.6k
Please be honest
starry night Aug 2015
could you tell me everything
about your secret
that you've been buried
so deep in your mind

i want to make it lighter
i trust you -so you know-
i've told you for thousand times
can you open up?

let me be your safety place
your dearest diary
i will keep it secretly
just so you know

i want to release you from that chains
want to recover your wound
i know you confuse
so, please be honest with me

— The End —