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Jan 2018 · 989
A Penny For My Thoughts
Mari Carrasco Jan 2018
A penny for my thoughts? No.
How about a million dollars?

That’s enough to solidify all my young adult debt, debt I’ve collected from a world too expensive to accommodate anyone.

Its enough to pay off all the outstanding emotional debt from the men and women who never even gave me an IOU.

It’s enough to pay off the pile of torn open envelopes in my trash can from therapy sessions that consisted in me drowning in my tears over my father’s abandonment but never helping me feel any less lonely.

It’s enough to pay back my mother for the roles she’s played in my life, the shoes she shouldn’t have had to fill. The house she couldn’t afford to buy but did anyway to give us a sense of stability and never complained about it once.

A million dollars for my thoughts? Hell, I’d drown off my own sorrows in Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, lipstick, whiskey, and regret.

With so much money, I’d move to a nicer place, a nicer apartment.
I’d paint my apartment of hues of lilac and yellow and play old records by candlelight and in between kisses tell my lover that I am finally happy. But that it wasn’t he who made me happy, it was my money, but we’d never talk about that.

With a million dollars, I’d never be afraid to speak my mind. With that amount of money people would be my friend by default, that’s how it works right? When you’re rich and happy. More emotionally exhausting friendships, forgiven by birthday party invitations, fishing for thousand-dollar watches that would countdown the minutes until I became just a memory of a girl who left an unwrapped watch on a gift table at a birthday party. The watch left as vulnerable as I would feel in that moment.

With that kind of money, I’d openly tell my middle school crush I was in love with her and how much she tore my heart apart and I’d instantly get a restraining order because with that kind of money I’d feel important enough to be stalked. I know she won’t care.

My thoughts, not even worth a penny.
Nov 2017 · 857
Hues of Life
Mari Carrasco Nov 2017
it is few that seek for color,
when the world leaves them grey.

it is few that climb mountains,
when only plains come their way.
Nov 2017 · 2.1k
For the Dreamers
Mari Carrasco Nov 2017
a community of wildflowers pretending to be roses.
befriending what we believe are better plants,
and covering themselves in lavender.
they dip their petals and spikes into ink,
and they pretend that they are feathers,
and with these feathers they pretend to be birds,
and being birds is the only way they feel free.
they are left uncared for and wilted down,
they are overlooked and thrown away,
they are called pests and flower killers.
but they are beautiful,
they are powerful and everpresent,
they are proof that no matter how much pulling them out,
cutting them down, and praying them away, wildflowers are here to stay.
Nov 2017 · 522
Mari Carrasco Nov 2017
Sometimes I wonder if my existence is at all valid,
I remember sitting on the bathroom floor at school with my then best friend and staring at the tile that surrounded us.
I thought about all the kids before us who have walked on this tile, escaping responsibilities, escaping teachers.
I thought about how absolutely insignificant that moment in time was,
how my plaid skirt and that unforgiving burgundy polo would later on refuse to bear witness to the things said and heard in that bathroom.
The mindlessly boring and insensitive ramblings of two teenage girls sulking on a bathroom floor made no ripple in the atmosphere.
The moment and the memory were gone as soon as they left.
If this trail of lost friendships and missed opportunities for significant bonds has taught me anything,
it’s that everything falls apart one way or another.
Nov 2017 · 552
Mari Carrasco Nov 2017
I begged for you to touch me tonight.
I begged for you to dig your fingers into my skin,
to leave crimson half crescent moons into my being.
but you didn't.
you didn't and that hurt more than if you had
because my soul was aching for a comfort so painful it would bring only bliss.
Nov 2017 · 1.7k
Mari Carrasco Nov 2017
summertime has never been my favorite.
the sun is too bright.
the days are too long.
public pools are *****.
and so are those men,
you know the ones.
the ones who you can't help but catch their eye.
the ones your fifteen year old mind had been conditioned to ignore.
the ones your twenty year old self has been told to smile for.
the strangers.
the fathers.
the uncles.
the family friends.
the men that made your mother tell you to close your legs for when you were ten because you were drawing attention.
the ones who shouldn't have been looking.
Nov 2017 · 601
Mari Carrasco Nov 2017
some mornings, as I watch the sky turn back to blue,
I think about how much prettier it would be with you.
how all the love in my heart would paint the sky bluer than blue.
how your eyes would match the sky and their sparkle the sun.
your smile would be the same shade as the clouds.
I am shaken with the realization that everything in nature leads me back to you.
because the moment I think to forget you, my heart swoops me back to the smell of morning dew,
and the memory of the cool wind hits my face and it makes me imagine that's what it must be like to kiss you.
Oct 2017 · 675
Broken Lens
Mari Carrasco Oct 2017
I feel as if a part of me has been ripped apart,
Taken for granted and cast to the sea,
Left behind and taken from me,
Because I have these dreams,
And maybe I shouldn’t, but my dreams are as big as me,
They overtake me and make me delusional,
But never once did I ask them whether they were usable,
Never once did I open my mouth to see whether I could move on within their premises.
But once I bolted them and tied them to my heart,
My hands flew on that shutter, and that shutter tore me apart,
But there are more than dreams out there and today I am faced with reality
With the reality that this world is not kind and nothing is free,
And when be it the most, dreams go to die as survival is key.

- m.c.
Apr 2015 · 5.8k
Tree Root Locks
Mari Carrasco Apr 2015
Twists, rips, knots, love-filled locks.
Hair that embodies personality;
Wild, untamed, unkempt, yet beautiful.

Hair that embodies nature;
Disobedient, ever changing, free.

I will never regret these tree root locks.
They have taught me patience,
They have taught me to love even that which is not beautiful to everyone.
They have taught me that we are like the earth, we grow, and we die, and we blossom.
I never intended my snake locks to be for fashion, I wanted nature to teach me what it will.
And if no other lesson ever stays with me this one will:

*Nature can never be tamed.
I began my dreadlocks journey about a month ago and my baby snakes are so very important to me, I had to write about them.
Apr 2015 · 404
How Long?
Mari Carrasco Apr 2015
Life comes and goes.
        Our days get shorter.
                 Our lives more cluttered.

But I am thankful.
         In this odd familiar blur of sadness,
                    I am satisfied.

As satisfied as compromise with your troubles will get you.

Apr 2015 · 789
"Sincerely, the Overlooked"
Mari Carrasco Apr 2015
Let's discuss the important things,

Like how the sun loves the moon so much,
                           he shines behind her for all eternity.

How the leaves caress the wind,
                                          not the other way around.

Snails leave behind their path so we follow them to their secret hideaways where they plot and scheme with beetles as to what habitat to overtake next.

Mother ducks remind their young that together they are invincible; sometimes we veer away, we find our way back with the help of the One who leads us.

Nature, if observed from a romanticized point of view can demonstrate incredible wonders. Wonders like those found in our impossibly imperfect human world; abandonment, birth, death, happiness, anger, jealousy, possessiveness, and even aggressiveness.

But just like in our world, these are all connected by the same overpowering emotion that has the power to build and tear down nations.

                                                      ­                                      love.

Apr 2015 · 760
Junk Drawer Love
Mari Carrasco Apr 2015
Strange kids,
Even stranger circumstances.
Let's give this another go.
Let's finish this race and pray we don't collapse.
Take a shot in the dark,
Throw a dart at a blank bull's eye.

         ­                                       Please.
Let me get what I want.

Mar 2014 · 3.7k
Mari Carrasco Mar 2014
Is this how we were mean to live,
to die,
to take care of each other?
The woods and open space.
To observe the ant and its care-free life?
To love nature the way we so selfishly love ourselves?
To caress the earth like we would our loved ones?
Maybe, we secretly indulge in such biological dispositions
by planting flowers in the souls of men.

I wrote this beauty during a stroll through nature.
Dec 2013 · 442
Little Girl
Mari Carrasco Dec 2013
Your jeans an aching blue,
blue like the dreams that surround you.
Dreams of  mansions,
mansions inhabited by ghosts of your past.
A past that no longer became future,
but it was relived by those you love.
Those that claim they love you,
they suffocate you.
No air, no breath, no oxygen.
But soon enough you'll breathe,
all on your own.
All by yourself,
remember you were never alone.

Dec 2013 · 454
Mari Carrasco Dec 2013
I know a girl who is
walking poetry
walking lyrics
walking inspiration.

I know a girl who is
lovely inside
lovely outside
so lovely
she puts diamonds to shame.

I know a girl who is
rhythm and meter
rhythm and rhyme
a rhythm encompassed with love.

I know a girl who is
walking poetry.

- m.c.
Dec 2013 · 638
Mari Carrasco Dec 2013
It's alarming.
Getting so easily caught.
Caught up in addiction.
An addiction to *****.
An addiction to drugs.
An addiction to you.

Dec 2013 · 375
Who Am I?
Mari Carrasco Dec 2013
Count the stars in the sky,
and you'll figure me out.

Name all the people on earth,
and you'll know what I'm about.

Number the hairs on your head,
and my life you will know.

Carry the oceans on you back,
and all my secrets will show.

Dec 2013 · 628
Nature's Motivation
Mari Carrasco Dec 2013
We roll our eyes at the moon
saying, " You'll never shine bright enough."

We scoff at the flowers
whispering, "You'll never be beautiful enough."

But the moon keeps shining.
The flowers keep growing.

Likewise, so will I.


— The End —