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Nov 2017 · 532
pencaricahaya Nov 2017
This cold of my city reminds me of an unreachable place,
that I’ve never been to.

Reminds me of my crystal queen: severe and cold,
That I haven’t met yet.

Nostalgia for things that haven´t come invades me, saddens me, and flow through my eyes.

I miss a mirage, a long-forgotten dream.

I can feel nothing but white,
And the white
slowly starts
to fill
Nov 2014 · 418
New Dimensions
pencaricahaya Nov 2014
Different voices
Whisper in my ears
They're slower
They're darker
Yet I do not fear
This is also me
I don't like this state either
But this is what remains
I must catch them
Words from the void
The Other Side
Nov 2014 · 682
Heart Swapping
pencaricahaya Nov 2014
You'll be my everything,
And I'll give you everything,
But I'll take all away from you as well.

I will eat all of you,
Devour you whole,
Tear you to pieces,
Rip you open,
Feast on your insides.

I will make you mine,
And I will break you,
Your heart at the very end.
I will break your hidden heart,
That cowards below that fog of toughness,
Mirage of cursing and boasting.
I will break your puny heart,
And I will give you mine.
And I know you will just toss it away
But that's what all this is about
Nov 2014 · 492
It Wasn't You
pencaricahaya Nov 2014
It was never you
Playing with my mind
It was always me
Stabbing my own heart
The Other Side
Nov 2014 · 409
Here Comes The Cold
pencaricahaya Nov 2014
Colors have drained.
All is dark.
Cold is here.
Warm has gone with the light.

I thought my fall had ended,
I thought no more pain could be bore,
Yet my fall speeds up.

I never realized:
You were my parachute.
I was falling, yes,
But at the speed of a feather,
Slowly spiraling.

Now you're not here,
And I keep on accelerating.
Not towards breaking,
I'm already broken.
Not towards darkness,
I'm already lost.
I'm being pulled:
Towards the void,
And into madness.
The Other Side
Nov 2014 · 253
pencaricahaya Nov 2014
There's another kind of food
For broken-hearted poets.
The Other Side
Nov 2014 · 2.9k
Farewell Moon
pencaricahaya Nov 2014
Abandon all hope
Abandon ship
Even though our stack is full
The winds are fast
And the waters are still

This course is going nowhere
But to pain
Straight into ruin

So we stop chasing the elusive moon
And dedicate to drown ourselves
In the frosty waters
Of her negative.
Slowly coming back
From my sweet slumber
Hurt, more than ever
But gradually
Feeling better
Nov 2014 · 970
Breaking of a Heart
pencaricahaya Nov 2014
So it finally happened
I saw it coming long ago,
So I utterly snapped
And the fall came to a stop.

My glass heart broke
Into a thousand shards and pieces,
Not to be put together again
Not while its spark of light it misses.

And so I felt it:
The apprehension of my chest, the silent horror screams,
Everything going dark, and my transparent despair tears.

Nothing novel here of course
The common fate of things delicate,
Left unguarded and exposed
In this night so desolate.

And there is nothing left to burn
Nothing now inside remains,
Only ashes black and white
That for a while will not ignite,
And the void inside my chest
That ***** life and light and flesh.

None of this her fault is
All the blame is on me,
I plunged into love's abyss
Enchanted by its melody.

Perhaps that's what hurts the most
Having no one else to blame,
I can't escape my dreamy coast
And must endure alone the shame.

So my heart broke today
And I had no one there to hold,
So shall I wander astray
And for a while be alone.
Shame on me
Shame on the moon
Shame on the night
But never on you
Nov 2014 · 9.4k
Sweet Box of Cancer
pencaricahaya Nov 2014
all my cigarettes
taste so sweet.
At least there was smoke
Nov 2014 · 5.7k
I've Seen an Owl
pencaricahaya Nov 2014
Pale miracle
Take me away
In your adroit and silent wings
Made for the night
Don't go just yet
Take me with you
To the darkness
my darkness
To the silence
my silence
To the loneliness
my loneliness

why does my heart keeps on falling
*for those who can't take me with them?
Nov 2014 · 288
Dreamt of You (10w)
pencaricahaya Nov 2014
Dreamt of you again.
Shall I whether smile or weep?
How can you still haunt me?
Asleep or awake?

I should hate you,
Wish I could.
Nov 2014 · 876
We Voyeurs
pencaricahaya Nov 2014
We who like poetry,
We who read these heartbreaking tidings.
We are quite the voyeurs:
Witnessing the silent struggle of our fellow poets,
While they wear their "heart on their sleeve".

While they open their heart and pour their suffering
Too honestly to be good,
Too ambiguously to be known,
Too blue to be shared,
But strong enough it can be felt.

It ain't easy to write of your own demise,
And yet you will only talk of these things to the blank page:
Who won't judge, nor bring advise.
Just a release, just a way to express ourselves, that staring page,
Expectant to be carved with our confessions, with our heart:
A love vampire.

And as a friend of mine says:
"Unrequited love is the best food for a poet's soul"
Yet it's bitter no end, yet it's saddening no end.
As a friend of mine says:
"Poets are faded blue"
Yet it's hard to lose all joy, be colorblind.
You don't write to feel good,
You write 'cause you feel bad.

And we who like poetry,
Seek in those lines ourselves,
We rejoice on finding there
A phrase or two that tell
That we're not alone
And that others
Suffer too.
"heart on their sleeve" from A Poet Is by LittleFreeBird

"Unrequited love is the best food for a poet's soul"
By Dajena M.

"Faded blue is the color of poets"
By L@dy
Nov 2014 · 304
Taking You Out (10w)
pencaricahaya Nov 2014
I wish it was easier:
*taking you out of my heart.
Oct 2014 · 233
To My Own Heart:
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
This is nothing personal,
But break.
Just break.

*So perhaps we will be free
Oct 2014 · 474
Too Blue
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
Too blue.
Can not write.
Oct 2014 · 945
Shattered Plans
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
I had the perfect plan
The perfect route, the perfect places
I traced the path, I thought of chats
I readied myself, I thought of jokes
I prepared and saddled my bird
And everything was in place.

I would have shown you where the squared ones dwell
I would have told you where the Laputians work
We would have crossed a jungle in rain
We would have gone through the lowest places to reach the highest
And we would have had a bird's sight
And a majestic sunset as the sun said goodnight
Just for us.

I would have taken you through beautiful deserts with exotic flowers,
We would had jumped off cliffs
And descended slowly

I would have taken you back to the noisy city,
And we would have taken refuge 'somewherelse'
A haven which is also a cafe
There I would had asked you the strangest questions,
I would have unveiled a little more of your deep mysteries
And I would have learnt you.

Everything was ready, all was in place,
Only you weren't there.
Oct 2014 · 276
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
You put the time and the place
And I waited for ages,
That they will count as hours.

At least there was smoke
And my eyes.
And my pen.
Oct 2014 · 299
Where do I get all this?
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
Where do I get all this from,
You asked
All the silly flirting
And these blue words.

From the æther they come
But you're the catalyst,
What allows me to hear them
And turns my hands into hooks
So I can grab them
Before they're gone.
Oct 2014 · 507
Your Ghost
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
Waiting for you
Every movement is you
Yet is not.
Every sound, every one is you
Yet are not.
Your music blasting through my earphones.
This anxiety destroying me.
And them wicked butterflies I thought I could handle
Eating me alive from the inside.
(Hope you're fine)
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
One Instant
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
That one instant
When I made you blush with my words
When I got you nervous with my look
That one sweet hug in the street
That one tender peck in my cheek

That should be enough to fill all my longing
Enough to fill many lifetimes with joy
But my greedy heart is never satisfied
Can never have enough of you
And wants to extend those instants for ever
So those memories and delusions of what could have been haunt me
And afflict this hungry heart
Because all it wants is you
Oct 2014 · 4.1k
Dimmed Moon
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
You, moon of flesh and bone
You, moon of magic and charm
You, moon of wit and art
You butterfly

You have outshone all the stars in the sky
And brought darkness to my life
You have blurred the golden sun
And dimmed the silver moon
My sky is clouding
And my moon is fading
Oct 2014 · 635
Quenched Fire
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
This obsession tortures me
This passion and burning desired
That overheat me

They temper in your icy words
Sending clouds and fog all around me
Screeching and screaming
Yet it's not enough to melt your ice

You're my ice queen
My crystal butterfly
Now and forever more
So cool and cruel
For letting me near you
But not close enough
To touch you.
Oct 2014 · 425
I've tried
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
I've tried to busy my mind in many many topics
I've tried to endeavor myself in novel things
But my heart keeps on finding you
My dreams are still with you
No matter how far I wander

My glass heart keeps on falling
Spiraling towards you
Towards an inevitable breaking
And I end up composing blue phrases
Hopeless attempts of poetry
All dedicated to your beauty and freshness
And to the faded blue butterflies swimming in my stomach
I know they come from you
And I know they won't let me be
Oct 2014 · 13.8k
Blue Fountain Pen
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
A blue fountain pen that writes in blue
That and blank paper are my tools
To write these words of mine
While I'm thinking of you
You still haut me,
For how long?
Oct 2014 · 479
I'm taking you out
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
I want this to be as cathartic as possible,
I need all of you, or I need you out of my head.
I think I'll just go mad otherwise.
I need my mind, that's all I am,
And you've just invaded all its insides.

I don't blame you, and I never will
As anything that happens to me, falling in love is my own fault
Although your free spirit, your witty mouth and your butterfly wings did play a hand.

I wish I had come before your demise,
Before that faded blue prince of yours had stolen your heart.
We are but fate's marionettes, little creatures tumbling in the dark,
Loving one day at a time, dying one day at a time.
Arriving two minutes too late, just the same as an eternity too late.

I wish I could heal you, I wish I could take away all the pain,
I wish you would give me but one chance,
So I could show you the big heart of a seeker of light.

But this wishful thinking is lethal
My burning desire will stain my soul,
So I've decided, that you are to go.

You'll always be my moon far away,
You'll always be the one star astray.
You'll always be my my muse in the sky,
Those things and all I can't reach with my hand.
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Midnight Sky
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
I'm awake again, looking in my solitude at the midnight sky once more.
There are no lights coming from above, but a canopy of thick grey clouds that keep the starlight away.

And again, you've awaken me
Though you never meant it
Though you'll never know.

Was I dreaming?
Or was I thinking?
Or just remembering?
It matters not, you were there again, inside my head.

It seems I think and dream so much of you that I have unwittingly carved your delicate face in the inside of my eyelids.

Well, that's bad news for me,
I thought I'd get my mind back,
That somehow I'd disenchant myself.

Now it seems that's not to happen,
Now it seems you've bewitched me for ever more.
Though you never meant it
Though you'll never know.
You haunt my nights
Oct 2014 · 888
Almost a perfect day
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
Yesterday I wrote nothing
I didn't read a thing.

Yesterday I had almost a perfect day
Which I spent with mine
And we laughed, we played, we flirted with the mundane.

Even though I was oblivious to the world and nothing could touch me,
That bittersweet image of you was bold enough to invade my mind
And remind me of my broken heart.
Oct 2014 · 541
If you said yes
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
If you said yes
And let me close to you

That will stall my poetry with words
And ignite my poetry with touch
The best poetry is that of broken hearts
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Fall of the Seeker of Light
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
Lately I've been seeking for light,
Looking for truth and searching for life.

The shine of the sun does hurt my eye,
So I totally fell for the silver moon's light.

I'd be with the moon for hours on end,
Living more on the sky than the earth.

I haven't deviated from my lunar path,
But a new moon invaded my heart.

This tiny moon is lively and rad,
Like a heavens treat or a wicked trap.

Broken-hearted moon with an angel's face,
That infected me with her heart ache.

I wish I could share her my feelings made words,
But that heart of hers is utterly shut.
Oct 2014 · 2.1k
Grey and Blue
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
The sunrise surprised me awake again
I haven't slept, I just can't
Not while you're in here
Haunting both memory and imagination

I haven't slept
And I'm not really awake
Ambulant slumber, never-ending malady
Love-sickness is the worst of them all
There's no comfort, nothing soothes, nothing satisfies

I must wake
Even though my heart is broken
And everything has stopped for me
The rest of the world won't wait
It will just go on and run me over

At least the colors of the sky
Reflect those of my heart
Grey and blue,
And that saddens me a little more

It's lonesome looking at the sky,
Because it has your colors too.
Grey and blue
And that depresses me a little more
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Butterfly obsession
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
I should have known better,
Butterflies never never fall in love.
But I have learnt they are quite pretty
As pretty good at breaking hearts.
Thanks to Dajena M.
Oct 2014 · 299
Am I to let you go?
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
All I ever wanted has just gathered in you.
All I have admired, longed for and loved.
I've finally found you in this ocean of time,
That I've been wandering in for so many lives.

So am I to let you go?

Well of course, that is a must.
For I am not to cut your butterfly wings.
For I am not to take away your marvelous dreams.
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
A wish unfulfilled
She'll never be reached
But we'll keep on flying
Higher and higher
Above the clouds
Beyond the horizon
Till the air turns thin
Where like blade cuts the wind
We'll keep on rising
Higher and higher
Till our hearts turn blue
Till the blue turns black
And then white: nothing
And then perhaps
We could touch her heart
In the beautiful land of the rising sun they believe cranes live a thousand years, and if you fold a thousand origami cranes (one for each of their years) one wish of yours will come true.
Folding them didn't make my wish come true, but I guess wishing for a heart is wishing too much. So I set them free to roam the sky, maybe that way they'll reach something I can't.
- Pencaricahaya.
Oct 2014 · 931
Birth of a Poem
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
I can feel it, my heart turning blue.
Inspiration comes and the words flow.
Not without tears, not without pain.
I see it taking shape, on the blank paper, in front of me.
What I feel exactly, turning into words.
It is beautiful, it is horrible,
These words mirror my heart.
I have to get it, before it escapes.
I must ****** it from the æther
Before it's gone forever
And does the poem come out,
I bear it, a painful birth for both it and me
And so it comes out
Through my eyes with tears.
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
Of course I want to see you again,
That's the one thing I want the most.
Even though you recoiled from me, and left me lost.

Them butterflies in my stomach will torture me while I'm thinking on you appearing,
And won't go away even after you're gone.
They'll end up filling me whole.
Then overflow.

I think I can handle them butterflies,
But what I still can't do, is dealing with the thought of you.
Oct 2014 · 717
Mind gone, mad gone
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
When I'm with you you're my whole focus of attention.
My universe spins around you, you're all of creation.

Last time you were there, I was there, but I was not with you.
I was high, then ******, I was gone.
I was struggling to think, to breathe, to take the world in.
And wasted a precious chance, to know you in my trance.

Today I can't get you out of my thoughts, and I'm not sure if I want you out at all.

Black coffee and cigarette, are my breakfast for the day;
they hurt my throat, clear my mind, ease my thought.
But you're still here, always present, haunting me.

My ashes rain up, my smoke dissipates,
night comes, then day breaks;
and the moon is come and gone,
she waxes, then she wanes; and you're still here, for how long?

I'm in pain, in shame, I'm hurt.
I've lost my bet, I never affected you, nor caught your thought.

My mind shall again be mine, but for now it is with you, on the other side.
Oct 2014 · 14.6k
Black Coffee
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
The memory of you is like black coffee.
Dark, bitter, and causes insomnia.
Oct 2014 · 576
Your Waters
pencaricahaya Oct 2014
Your waters are dark and treacherous.
Your waters are deep and lethal.

They seem calm yet are not.
They seem comforting yet are not.

And I dived carelessly, into your abyss.
And I plunged, into my damnation.

Seeking freshness, comfort and loving.
Seeking desire, passion and longing.

And in your murky, bitter waters
I drowned a million times.
I was spun, I was desecrated.
I was murdered, I was obliterated.
And I couldn't see a thing,
I couldn't learn a thing.

Yet my purpose was due,
I emerged anew.
Exhausted, devastated.
Utterly spent and violated.
Deceived, betrayed.
Ridiculed, humiliated.
But anew, and all alone.

My approach to you destroyed me,
and I made myself again.

— The End —