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Nick Strong Nov 2013
Why I love you?
Is a thought,
I have in my mind,
From the time sun rises
To the appearance of the moon.
And I don't know why,
But then you ask about
And I smile, then giggle
And, I know why
It is just meant to be.

©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Jun 2014
Crooning, he sang lullabys,
She reached for the ear plugs.
Nick Strong Apr 2014
No unecessary word,
Is needed,
Those that really

© Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Feb 2015
A shed, six by four, painted,
Landy green, black roof
Local fishmongers
Down by the harbor gates
Battered wooden, fish crates
Smelling of the ocean, the waves,
The spray
Weathered, worn, faded brown
Trawlers name a disappearing outline
A boy in shorts, blond hair
Tugging at his mother’s skirts
Spattered orange dotted flat fish
Flapping, fresh from the boat.
Propped against the side wall
A box of jade, and emerald sea jewels
Eyes frozen in time.
Chalk board hung from open door,
With names, prices , beyond understanding.
To the boy fantastical creatures  
A man in a white coat, money rattling in pocket
Scales set on a bench, ready to measure out scales
For the women of the seaside town
All the gossip, the fish, and the stories
From one little shed down by the harbor wall
A boys face mesmerized, by cod
Larger than he, caught on a wall hook
Swift knife movements, and fillets,
Laid on yesterdays newspaper
Bones, and head thrown into a bucket
Large lazy yellow eyed seagull,
Sauntering like a casual thief, eye
On the bucket…
As boy I was lucky to live in a small scottish fishing town, so have vivid memories of trawlers off loading fish, and just outside the harbour a little shed where the fish was sold to the locals...
Nick Strong Nov 2014
Ashen faced, slumped there,
Clutching a crumpled
Brown telegram
No words she uttered
No tears, fell from those brown eyes
The words on the paper
Lodged in her throat
Blocking a silent scream of anguish.
She felt her fingers open,
The impersonal note dropping to
The cold stone floor, making no noise
To disturb the silent cry locked within her.
In the years and decades that follow
All that she could remember
Was the dreadful silence, of
The painful scream locked within her,
On the day she lost her sweetheart.
A war poem from a different perspective
Nick Strong Feb 2015
Yesterday is far too far away to touch,
A fleeting memory, just beyond grasp
Slipping, sliding further away from the moment
When words left tongues to touch ears
Now all that’s left, a hazy snatched picture
Of a portion of perfection, frozen in this head
A reflection on a memory
Nick Strong Nov 2013
Every minute,
Spent in a moment.
Every moment,
Is precious, when,
Spent with you.

©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong May 2015
Old brown leather gloves,
Hung over the back of a desk chair
Leather on both, cracked with age
Horse hair stuffing protruding
Maps scattered open across the desk,
Edges curled and yellowing
Marks in the margin, scrawled in ink,
The pen dropped by the well, top left casually aside
A photograph of people unknown,
Smiling by the dunes, beach covered in wire
Box Browning, gathering dust sits on the desk, on top
Of a hard backed notebook, marked ’39 –‘41

A moment frozen in time
Based on a picture of an old study, left by the owner  as if he would return one day, but never did
Nick Strong Jun 2015
An evening in the garden
Sun slowly dipping below rooftops,
Shedding an orange glow,
Caught by the ice
In the glass on a rustic table
A background chorus of warbles
Marking out dusk territory
A faint smell of lavender
Mixed with mown grass
Brings a summer day to a close

All the remarks of wet winter weather
Plaguing our dull, dreary lives forgotten
Replaced by bare sleeves, smiles
And a biblical invasion of midgies
Nick Strong Jun 2014
Wandering along this dusty path,
Humming tunes, with the breeze,
Upon your shoulder.
Makes the day seem real,
Dirt covered boots scuffed,
Embedded by years travelling.
Carrying all that you need,
Stopping for no-one,
Just a walking and a humming.
The perfect day away.

© Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Jun 2014
White tipped, towering waves,  
Crashing down upon the bow,
Tossing, twisting, turning,
Wood creaks, groans, straining
Against unnatural movements.
Yellow coated men, cling for life;
Whilst the captain, etched by fear,
Fights to keep the stricken vessel afloat,
Beneath  howling angered, skies.

Meanwhile the kraken roars,
From the deep abyss.

© Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong May 2015
Brown, to orange,
Shades of autumn
As sun weakens
The year wanes
Eerie mists swirl
Around dying hedges
Clouds skirting
A harvest moon
Dew edges to frost
Mornings chilled
Damp smell of earth
Moist on still air
Nick Strong Oct 2013
Through my open window,
Autumn blew,
Her gnawing breath.
A murky reminder,
That Fall has laid down,
Her claw on
A misty world.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Oct 2013
In your presence, a year,
Is but a heartbeat, a small,
Measure of time.
A glimpse of infinity.
Tell me you felt it, held it,
Nurtured it, cherished it
A year of your time.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Oct 2013
Black bird,
Eye on you;
What a worm!

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Oct 2013
Tangy orange heaven.
Chunked to the max
Smothers toast.
A bite, a crunch.
That citrus burst.
A sigh,
A slurp of coffee.
Ready to tackle the day.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Aug 2014
Calmer quiet voices
Roll round this soul,
Searching for peaceful seas
Upon which to sail.
Coming to the end of a rough time
Nick Strong Jan 2015
Caught a whisper echoing
Down a bleak corridor
Turned, expecting to see you there
See your face smiling back at me
Sharing somebody's old joke
And we’d laugh out loud at the silliness
But all I caught was a fleeting memory
A glimpse of our yesterday
A moment of happiness, shared
A stab of icy pain
Deep within the heart
Drags the austere reality,
Back to this moment
Forcing me to see I am alone
Staring down a long desolate corridor
For you are gone, far beyond reach
Nick Strong Dec 2015
Shop lights sparkle, dance
Making pretty patterns
in the winter twilight
Small change in a plastic cup,
Never shaken, just held,
By cracked nail adorned fingers
***** and blue from cold
Unnoticed a body perched
Silently upon a ***** blue
Carefully folded sleeping bag
Old worn grey coat
Wrapped tightly round
Thin drooped shoulders
Dull spark less eyes
Look out at a world
That rushes on by
Carrying boxes, paper bags
Of material purchases
To make the warm giggle
With delight come Christmas morn
Too busy, too fast to see
The plastic cup held steady
Enough for a cup of tea is all
That’s ever needed,
To reach Christmas morn
Nick Strong Oct 2013
This is a note,
That I wrote,
With the finest nib.
Then mailed to you.
Which you read,
Then pondered,
And mulled,
Then wrote
A carefully
Crafted reply.
You paused just,
A second,
Before pressing

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Nov 2015
Bubbling, frothing,
Fluffy blooming mass
Grey white
Scattered across the air of blue
A million, billion raindrops
Forever changing
Living monsters
Shapes to beings
Oblivious of gravity,
Or people’s wishes
have reposted this poem, written 8 months ago, and for some reason it has mysteriosly disappeared from my Hello Poetry collection..... which is a shame as I had some lovely comments , and many views.  Please enjoy again.
Nick Strong Nov 2013
Compared to you, I am no one.
Compared to you I am but a fool.
Compared to you I am undone.
I am without,
I am lost,
I am undone!

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong May 2015

Have you not realized
Con the servant
Oh I hate politics that rules at the expense of humanity.
Nick Strong Jul 2015
A couple holding hands, huddled together
A rusty crane arm reaching the stars
Smell of salt air mixed with seaweed
Shades of red, and orange mingle
With the glistening water as the sun sets
Wooden bench perched on a bank,
Tiny plaque memory of two souls
Spending moments here of evenings past
Overlooking fishing boats tethered,
An ancient weathered harbor wall.
Lazy, full seagulls, flap heavily away
Playful laughter floats, on the air
As children dance too and from
Waves lapping the pebbled beach
Craster, a tiny northeast english fishing village
Nick Strong Oct 2013
There’s always time for a custard cream,
Taken at any point of the day;
With milk or
There’s always time for a custard cream,
Advice taken, or given,
Take a moment,
To share the delights
With coffee, or
There’s always time for a custard cream;
   Share it,
Break it,
Dunk it!
There’s always one more time
For that
Last custard cream.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Mar 2016
The grey pallor of death came calling
Not a gentle knock on the door
Or friendly tap on the window
It did not leave flowers on the sill
Or chocolates on the side table
But breezed through the hallway
Collecting a debt on a life long lived
Leaving shadows of memories
For the living to remember
Nick Strong Nov 2013

Don't break the hold,
Or I may fold,
And fall into an
endless vault of
Vaulted faults
Down tunnels of time
So don't
Break the hold,
Or I may fold......

©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Oct 2013
Came here by car,
Rode in the fast lane, past,
Concrete avenues all lined,
With suburban memorabilia.
Seen the sunrise cross the asphalt
Trundled down country lanes,
cattle tamed.

Across war torn highways,
Miles stretch out, as
The highway passes by
Feel I’ve been chasing
Down shadows,
Across endless plains
Have seen the broken hearts,
Through cracked windscreens.
Watched teardrops spatter,
Cross a dusty windshield
As a rainbow glistens
In the corner of my eye.
There’s a reason these express ways,
Reach towards the horizon.

Have travelled here,
Came by car,
Don’t know where
Here is.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Sep 2014
Drops fall from the grey,
Singly spattering leaves
Crashing through foliage
To bounce upon the earth
landing in cracks, amongst the roots
Your tears fall from eyes
To touch to the cheek,
A shimmering memory
Of a twice grey day
Written in a quick five minutes....
Nick Strong Nov 2013
Failure to stop...may cause injury....
But then again it may not
The choice, to choose is yours.
Nick Strong Jul 2015
Clouds, a grey dull today
That’s better than yesterday
Or twas it the day, before,
Or even the day before, the day before
The clouds a ***** shade of coal
Threatening Thor’s thunder,
Urging the dogs to bark
The birds to scuttle for hedges
Maybe tomorrow the clouds
Will be less intent
On thunderous outbursts
Instead scud lightly across the brightest
Of blue, like all good clouds should
To please the eye, behind the shades
I’ve told myself it can’t rain forever
Despite Saint Swithern’s curses
That the fifty shades of grey felt pens
Will run out of rainy ink tomorrow
Nick Strong Mar 2015
A sprinkling of ice sugar across the moor tops
A gentle reminder, that winters fingers still grip
Despite the buds, bursting through warming sods
Waking greenery deepening, life forging ahead
The day slightly longer, than yesterday,
Warmth in a higher sun, gaining strength
Sky less matt grey, a brighter hue of blue
Urgent bird’s darting, dancing movements
Marking territory with a sweeter song
This the first day of spring
Written, after looking at the snow on the distant hills, and contemplating the first daffodil in the garden.
Nick Strong Jun 2014
Leather ball pointlessly kicked around,
But oh what tremendous fun!
Nick Strong Oct 2013
When the soil has settled
The dirt been dished
Will you still
Forgive me, or forget.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Apr 2015
Well, what a week, full of revelation
Enough to stir this talk of revolution
Makes your hackles turn on end
Then send you round the bend
The southern gentry have found oil
Right beneath their derriere boil
Now most of us on this golden isle
Need not worry about this pile
Those who wear weekend country tweed,
Built their fortunes from housing greed
Have already decided
That it will be one sided
They’ll say it’s theirs, by rights
And if we argue, will read our last rites
The South will declare independence
In certainty of their full ascendance
Over the outer reaches of this nation
They pounded into servitude, by taxation
And if we have the nerve to debate, I’ll be bound
They’ll leave it horded in the ground,
Then blame the anti frackin’ hound
Now I may need a political re - education
In a 1984 establishment for rehabilitation
But I can see it coming a five-nation island
Southland, Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland,

And the Detritus
A tongue in cheek view of the discovery of oil in England
Nick Strong Oct 2013
Speaking silently,
Through gentle whispers.
A hushed voice telling tales,
Brushes across the grass.
I hear it calling my name
Softly, achingly whispering
From a time long since gone.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong May 2014
Make yourself busy, pretend that I’m not there,
Despite a flickering shadow, passing 'cross the floor.
Keep thinking that the brightness will keep you safe.
A creaking floorboard, a single footstep from above,
Chills the air around your soul.
Keep pretending that the mice are playing tricks,
That it will be alright, with light.
But as the moon crosses a window,
A scratching at the glass, single tap at the door,
Hairs your neck tells a different story,
To the one your mind needs to believe.

©Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Sep 2015
Amber flames flickering In the hearth,
Shadows dance across the wall,
Candle sputtering on the table,
Casting an eerie glow on the page
The book being read, strange tales
Outside the wind surges, spattering
Rain against the leaden panes
Warm and cosseted against the storm
The page is turned, the story continued
A single scratch at the window,
And a rattling of the latch
The book drops …
I thought Id show you how a poem develops in my head, and the drafting process I undertake... the picture and atmosphere I'm trying to create is that of someone reading a ghost story and being terrified by the noises outside, will see what happens
Nick Strong Sep 2013
For these few moments,
Wrapped in glue,
I am focused on you.

For these few moments,
Wrapped in glue,
I am eclipsed by you.

For these few moments,
Wrapped in glue,
I am haunted by you.

For these few moments,
I’m totally immersed,
In the light of

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Just a simple love poem
Nick Strong Dec 2015
Hanging by the post box red front door
Since 71
A long trench coat, shade of green
With flat cap on top, peak smudged
From fingers that had gripped
Pulled it from a head,
Both, an umbra of post war world gloom
To the boy, now the man who looks at it
Memories contained within its pockets and creases
Of boiled sweets handed to his bairns
Of neatly folded plastic bags,
For the necessary emergencies
He was so convinced he’d meet
Of hands that belonged to the coat,
Strong, firm that tousled this man’s hair,
Yet gentle and playful, full of fun
Of the head that wore the cap, the grin,
The mischievous glint, when his Peg wasn’t looking
As he slipped some coins into this boy’s tiny hand
Stories told, of times before the war,
Of stopping trams, driving pigs through N’castle
As a butcher’s Boy, on slaughter day
Of the day he met his Meg, down by the coast
Of showing off, and coming a cropper
And oh, how his Meg laughed
A coat holding so much of the past,
Of shipbuilding by the dark, ***** Tyne,
Boats that loomed over the houses
Taking this boy to see them launch
Dreaming of exotic, oriental places
He would never visit
Of betting slips, crumpled in pockets
From long gone nags, who caught his eye
Torn envelopes with Megs writing,
Bread - brown, tin of carnation milk (small)
Rich tea, sultanas, flour – plain
A use for his plastic bags,
My Granda's love was called both Meg and Peg.
Nick Strong Apr 2014
People stare into the portraits hanging there,
Portraits just glare back, watching, gathering.
They see, hear all, and utter nothing;
Tears shed, plans made, broken
Secrets kept bound on canvas.
Absorbing laughter, thoughts,
Imprinted within brush strokes.
Oils containing dreams, brought here.
Artist’s folly, a person’s musing,

Thoughts trapped in a flick of stroke.

© Nick Strong 2014
Written a while ago after looking at a famous piece of art work and thinking how much it had seen whilst hanging there.
Nick Strong Nov 2015
Dulled senses, aching
Haunted by last night’s fumes
Dark eyes darker, despite
Shades reflecting daylight
Red eyes in the morning
Drunkards warning to a
Dawn tinged with regret
Been there once too often
Nick Strong Apr 2014
Simple heart beats, tap out
The rhythm of one’s time.
Nick Strong Nov 2013
Sticky, plastered paint peels,
From sun dusted walls,
As shadows creep backwards,
Towards the point of the day,
Heat blasts its volcanic breath,
To bake those
Who dare.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Apr 2014
You melt me,
With piercing eyes,
And ice smile.

© Nick Strong 2014
10 word poem
Nick Strong Apr 2014
Take the packet firmly in the hand,
Peer at instructions, move closer
White on red, red on white,
A blur….. (Oh Parklife!)
Eyes peer harder….. Memory grasps
A distant image of mother making jelly
Move packet further away, twist in the light,
Little clues appear from the smudge
One hundred millimetres or millilitres, cubes, cut, stir
Or was it cubes, cut, stare….
**** these eyes,
Yesterday they worked fine,
When did I wake up so old?

© Nick Strong 2014
Oh to be old suddenly ... it creeps up
Nick Strong Nov 2013
I found my past,
Behind an old cardboard box,
Covered with webs,
And centuries of dust.
A rusty key for a door,
That’s long since forgotten.
A fading photograph of a,
Distant relative lost after a war.
A yellowing newspaper,
Revealing a family torn in two.
A crumpled love letter,
Stained by tears and coffee,
It spoke to me of things.
That root me to floor.

©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Jan 2014
I am a worshipper of the moon.
A seeker of the darkness of night.
A creature that side steps light,
A keeper of the shadows.
Watcher of silver moon streaked meadows,
A subservient to the crepuscular goddess.

©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Oct 2013
She said.
He said.
It doesn't matter,
What they said.

She touched.
He touched.
It doesn't matter,
What they touched.

She heard.
He heard.
It doesn't matter,
What they heard.

She felt.
He felt.
It doesn't matter,
What they felt.

It doesn't matter,
It was theirs
In that moment.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Jun 2014
Last time you told me that the sun shines,
Even when clouds cover the blue.
But how can this be so?

Last time you told me that tears were salty,
Because they came from the sea.
But how can this be so?

Last time you showed me that every day starts,
With a sunrise, and ends with a sunset.
But how can this be so?

Last time you told me that happiness is,
In everyone’s heart despite the darkness.
But how is this so?

Last time you told me there was a *** of love,
At the end of the rainbow.
But how could this be so?

Last time it rained, you remarked that it was,
Tears from heaven weeping for lost.
But how could this be so?

Last time it snowed, you told me,
It was angel’s feathers falling from heaven.
But how could this be so?

Last time you told me kisses were,
Like a little taste of heaven.
But how could this be so?

Last time you told me the stars,
Were kisses blown towards the moon.
But why would this be so?

Last time you told me catching sunbeams,
Protected you from the night.
But why would this be so?

Last time you told me the moon, cast a shadow.
You said it was time to dance beneath the sky.
But why would this be so?

Last time you gave me your heart, you said,
Fasten it with a button to your own.
This I understood.  X

© Nick Strong 2014
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