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Feb 2015 · 1.9k
Number 99
Miss Liss Feb 2015

Dear number ninety nine,
I see your small town heart,
But tell me through the fame and success,
Does it feel far apart?

You seem to have all you've wanted,
Built on hard work and big dreams.
But please tell me, is having it all
Really all it seems?

Do you feel totally fulfilled?
Or is something missing you can't explain?
Are you searching for more greatness?
Is there something else you need to gain?

Dear number ninety nine,
It seems your hard work has been rewarded.
But did you ever stop to think of the One,
From whom all your gifts were awarded?

With all the awards and accolades,
All the credit goes to you,
But I wonder if deep in your heart,
You give the credit where it's due.

The man who throws players to their knees,
Do you ever get on yours and pray?
The man who leads in many stats,
Do you ever let God lead your way?

Dear number ninety nine,
Nobody is perfect, you and I will fail and be weak,
Times like these I look to God for strength,
Who is it that you seek?

In times of doubt and insecurity,
How do you feel secure?
Is it by working out and pushing yourself through
The hardest exercises you can endure?

The times you feel empty and broken,
How do you feel whole and new?
Is it by new cars and vacations,
And doing whatever you want to do?

Dear number ninety nine,
I love your work with those who defend our nation.
Without even knowing it, you're doing the work
Of the King of all Creation.

Like all you do for underprivileged kids,
Providing them athletic equipment to compete.
By allowing them to play sports,
You help keep them off the street.

People of all ages look up to you,
But what if you gave them more to see?
Kids want to be like you when they grow up,
But what if you gave them more to be?

Dear number ninety nine,
Does that small town heart beat for the love of God?
Or for simply the love of the game,
And giving it all you got?

Do you think of the people you can help,
Or the opponents you can defeat?
Do you train your body for your work,
Or do you train to be God's hands and feet?

Imagine what would happen
If everyone who know and love you,
Would also by association
Know and love God too.

So when you lock yourself in your cabin,
To find peace and train alone,
I challenge you to find your God,
Who will train you from his throne.

Your heart will beat, and your hands and feet
Will move in ways you've never known.
Your thinking will change for the better,
Your mind will be heavenly blown.

There's a peace you never knew possible,
A strength you never knew existed,
A mental toughness shining light
On a society so dark and twisted.

Dear number ninety nine,
I know it's pizza you like to deliver.
But what if you could provide the hope
That calms every shake and quiver.

You know how to score a touchdown and touch a life,
But tell me can you touch a heart?
With the kind of love and faith that never fails,
Something that won't ever fall apart?

Dear number ninety nine,
I see your face on the television,
But do tell me does it always reflect
The face of God's mission?

At 23 years I haven't seen what you  can see,
But I know the greatest sight was the one that's in me.
No superbowls, photo shoots, or riches can ever satisfy my thirst,
Like how it feels in my heart to put my Lord and Savior first.

You seem to be the headline of every story,
But few are dedicated to giving God glory.
Tell me, are you shy or afraid of offending?
Or are you going to keep going through life pretending?

You can isolate your self to build every muscle,
You can train all you want to have more strength and hustle.
But if you don't give thanks, listen to the spirit, or pray,
You may not be reaching your greatest potential each day.

One muscle will still be neglected,
unless one day god's temple is erected.
Your heart is the muscle that shows true strength
Following God's path to every length.

You're in the hearts of so many people,
Imagine what would happen if their hearts would build a steeple
If your heart filled with God, maybe theirs would be too,
But it all starts with number 99, it can begin with you.
Jan 2015 · 721
What I Want
Miss Liss Jan 2015
You see forever when you look into my eyes,
I look to my Father reigning in the skies.
You want this to last, you want me to be yours,
I pray God leads me to the man through whom His love pours.

Is this your design? Is this what You planned?
Is this the solid ground you want me to stand?
Is this the man you picked to give my whole heart?
Is this love what you've intended from the very start?

Cuz when I look in his eyes and return his gaze,
I don't see the holy fire that sets the world ablaze.
I can't feel his heart beating for Jesus's love,
I don't see his mind setting on the things above.

Am I to be patient and wait for your Spirit's work?
Hoping he'll one day reject all the demons that lurk.
Am I to be loyal and forever stand by his side?
Hoping he'll be the Christian man that makes me his bride.

God, calm my heart for I don't like to wait,
I thirst for your truth if this is my fate.
Lord, strengthen my soul if I am to be a light,
I beg for your grace to shine so bright.

Father, you know my heart and what it needs,
You feel all my hurts, aches, and pleads.
God I pray for wisdom to open my eyes,
Give guidance to my heart when it comes to guys.

Here are the things I want that sometime I'll say,
This is how I want to live life every day.
Here is what I want in my relationship's story,
This is how I want to give God his glory.

I want to seek God's love to give to you,
I want to read God's word to know what's true.
I want to walk by faith while walking by your side,
I want to live for God and swallow my pride.

I want to speak His words and have conversation,
I want to be loyal until His revelation.
I want to be open and honest and share similar views,
I want to live in moderation with food and *****.

I want to live for Jesus because he died for me,
I want to shine my light for all to see.
I want to be strong and stand out in the crowds,
I want to be confident my home is in the clouds.

I want to be bold and live without fear,
I want to feel God when you are near.
I want to see God's presence through each other.
I want to set and example, be a good mother.

I want us to want the same things and share the same vision.
I want us to rely on God for every provision.
I want us to live by the Word and share the good news.
Above all, I want this to be the life that YOU yourself choose.

Until then I'll be waiting on the edge of staying and leaving,
Waiting for the day that you truly start believing.
For all the things I want I have doubts they'll come true,
Maybe one day I'll know that what I want is you.
Jan 2015 · 979
Ribbon in Her Hair
Miss Liss Jan 2015
i believe i am beautiful,
i believe i am enough,
i believe i am strong,
even when times are tough.

i believe in innocence,
i believe in love,
i believe there is someone out there,
god sent me from above.

i believe in laughter,
i believe in joy,
i believe there's more to life
than just a silly boy.

the ribbon in my hair is a symbol,
not just for girlish charm,
a symbol that true love exists
with out abuse or harm.

the ribbon reminds me of patience,
to let the bad boys pass,
a symbol showing me i'm worth more,
than just a piece of ***.

the ribbon gives me confidence,
it reveals the beauty inside,
a symbol i learned from my mistakes,
and i can hold my head with pride.

so share this as a movement,
share to fill a void in girls today,
a lack of self respect and dignity,
that lets boys get their way.

share this for standards to be raised,
share for heads to be held high,
a change in attitude and image,
that shows her limit is the sky.

share this with all you know,
share with all the girls you see,
that a ribbon in her hair tells guys,
"you're gonna have to work for me."
Jan 2015 · 634
One Day I Won't
Miss Liss Jan 2015
one day i won't want to be with you.
one day i won't think our love was true.
unfortunately that day is not today,
so until then in my mind you'll stay...

one day i won't dream of kissing your lips,
one day i won't want the touch of your fingertips
i miss your arms around me, living wild and free,
it's hard to think that now all i have is me.

one day i won't walk past your door,
one day i won't want to see you anymore.
i go out of my way just to see your face,
and when i do i see memories i can't erase.

one day i won't look around, scanning the school,
one day i won't be paranoid and look like a fool.
i'm always wishing and hoping you were near,
not being able to stop this is my biggest fear.

but one day i will remember why we aren't together,
one day i will remember why we couldn't last forever.
i'll think not about what made us so strong,
i'll think about all those things that went wrong.

one day i will see you and my heart won't race,
one day i will be calm when i see your face.
you will be just another face in the crowd,
my internal cries for you won't be so loud.

one day i will walk by with a simple greeting,
one day i won't want us to have another meeting.
you will be just like all those other boys i knew,
my thoughts of you will be so far and few.

it's happened before so many times to me,
and each time i was fine and soon i'll see
that one day i won't flinch or freak,
i'll be strong and won't feel so weak.

so will keep wishing and praying,
and away from you i am staying.
for the one day all these things come true,
i know that'll be the day i'm over you...
Jan 2015 · 534
New Song
Miss Liss Jan 2015
I wish I knew the song playing in my heart
the lyrics seem to be breaking me apart
it's a different tune than the one before
the carefree melody is no more

I try to guess the chorus but I don't get it right
the unfamiliarity is keeping me up at night.
where is this coming from? why the sudden change?
the beat of the song makes my heart beat strange.

a new wave of emotion comes with this new song,
a feeling that makes what's right feel wrong.
I wish I had control, the instruments are out of my reach,
the vocals are deafening, an alarming screech.

I used to sing every line, danced to every word
but now I'm stuck frozen amidst noise so absurd.
this new song is an alert, a loud warning cry
calling for a change in direction away from a guy

the guitar strums confusion, the drums beat haste,
the resulting effect is a good relationship gone to waste
each note plays thoughts of doubt in my head,
the final product is a melody that's dead.

maybe it's maturity, maybe it's fear
but I lost something I held so dear.
if only this song was a little more clear,
I would save two people from shedding a tear
Jan 2015 · 850
Under Construction
Miss Liss Jan 2015
i need some time, i need some space,
i need to train to match life's pace.
i'm a work in progress, i'm under construction,
getting involved with me would only lead to destruction.

God is the artist and i am his work,
temporarily vulnerable to dangers that lurk.
my edges are being smoothed, my heart is being repaired,
over the last few years i've become quite impaired.

i hobble and limp from the aftermath of my decisions,
i can now reflect on my mistakes to make revisions.
so long i've been so blind, but i'm starting to see,
that God is the only one who knows what's best for me.

my bones ache and my muscles are sore,
i have finally ended the internal four year war.
i threw in the white flag, gave victory to my Lord,
i tossed aside every shield and sword.

i may be broken, i may be hurt
feeling exposed like a man without a shirt,
but my God is the umbrella to my torrential rain,
He will be the medication to heal all of my pain.

it's a truth i've known for far too long,
that God is all i need in order to be strong.
that if i put my trust i Him, my path will be straight,
i just wish i didn't truly accept this so late.

whereas before i had my doubts and hesitations,
i now stand before the cross with no reservations.
better late than never is what they always say,
i choose to surrender my life to the Lord today.

it's a breath of fresh air, the calm before a storm,
the awaiting of a brand new me to form.
reaching rock bottom, being at peace being broken,
allows me to cash in my heavenly redemption token.

i'm a work in progress, taking everything day by day,
it'll be a difficult, but i wouldn't have it any other way.
my God is here and He is here to stay.
He is creating me fearless, so come what may...

i will have my share of good and bad, and up and down,
but i know i will always be renewed by my holy crown.
I will make mistakes, i will sin and fail,
but i know that no matter what, God's love will prevail.

so i will walk my path wearing a caution sign,
announcing that this heart is no longer mine.
my body and soul has a new owner, the great Divine,
who will cleanse me, rebuild me, and make me shine.

it will ward off any potential invaders that the time isn't right,
this heart will remain taken until i'm strong enough to fight.
it'll only be in God's time, not mine, that i will be fully ready,
so until then i will focus on the future, living slow and steady.
Jan 2015 · 793
Miss Liss Jan 2015
before you love others, you need to love yourself.
display your confidence, humility, and dignity on your shelf.
dig deep to find who you are and who you want to be,
then present your true self for all the world to see.

this may not come easy, this much is true,
but there's no greater reward than finding the real you.
the ease to be natural, the joy to be free,
praising God saying, "thanks for making me, ME!"

it's easy to get wrapped up in the things all around,
but material possessions are not what's to be found.
self worth is not measured by your wallet or phone,
not even your clothes or house, but by you alone.

you can discover your interests, embrace every passion,
but don't get caught up with your looks and your fashion.
you can acknowledge an imperfection, accept a downfall,
tolerate your weakness, and love yourself through it all.

analyze your body for habits,  gestures, and quirks,
search your soul for every dream and secret that lurks.
find your inner peace, recognize what you cannot tweak,
and know God has made you special and unique.

now you may know yourself like the back of your hand,
but do you know your Creator who had you all planned?
best way to discover yourself is to consider the source,
the loving hands of God are the greatest force.

everything you are, is a miracle only God can make,
for this reason, you must never think you are a mistake.
to doubt yourself means to doubt your Father,
so if you think you need to change, don't bother.

every  interest, hope, dream, and taste,
every freckle, frizzy hair, ****, and waist,
every mother, father, daughter, and son,
God's blessings are seen in everyone.

if you suffer an illness or loss, lose your job and pay,
breakup or divorce, you can't find your way.
in the midst of it all, you may forget who you are,
starting from square one, know God isn't far.

have faith He made you to be blessed and succeed,
have faith He gave you a purpose, go where He will lead.
have faith He will you bring you through the bad,
have faith He will give you strength to smile when sad.

in a corrupted world of sin, violence, and greed,
it may be hard to be different and do God's deed.
people of sin will die but those of God will thrive,
a child of God, not of the world, will forever be alive.

God crafted each person and made them His own,
He lives inside you so you may never be alone.
next time you look in the mirror, put a smile on your face,
envision your proud Father wrapping you in His embrace.

love for yourself will come when you see God's love,
undeserved, precious, and holy love from above.
He sent His son Jesus to die and forgive our sins,
it is for His death that our new life begins.

God's love is all we need to make us full and complete.
only after He captures our hearts, can others compete.
to love others, we must know the greatest love of all,
and know there is a godly person to catch us when we fall.
Jan 2015 · 284
Miss Liss Jan 2015
Backin out the driveway,
The rubber's hittin the road.
Instead of a bag or suitcase,
My cross is my load.

No more sliding in the ditch,
No hitting a brick wall,
I'm finally gonna make a change,
I'm giving it my all.

All my scars are in the past,
I'm leaving them behind.
They left me great lessons,
I will share with who I find.

God has worked miracles,
My heart was his tool.
He filled it with love and wisdom
After I was a selfish fool.

So now I enter the world,
But not for my own good.
I want to share the love of Jesus,
Just like His disciples would.

I want to make His presence known,
To all who I may meet.
I want to be a light in this world,
and be His hands and feet.

I want to give hope to the hopeless,
and love to every broken heart,
Claiming Jesus is the answer,
for everyone broken apart.

Lord, take my young aching heart,
Fill it with your purpose alone.
Protect it with confidence and bravery,
To not fear any word or stone.

Jesus use my big blue eyes,
Use my bright inviting smile,
I pray all I am be for your cause,
and my efforts be worth your while.

As I set out on this journey,
With a great adventure ahead,
I pray I’ll always remember,
A leader needs to be led.

I will continue to seek you always,
In the walk of faith of my own,
So when I glance upon the past,
I can see how much I’ve grown.

As my tires hit the pavement,
May my actions match what I speak,
My heart and mind shall agree,
With God’s strength I’m no longer weak.

I will finally live my life the way I’ve wanted,
The way I’ve learned since I was born,
The old me is gone, the new me is here,
I am no longer torn.

So if you see me on the road,
Now you will know,
That I am on a great mission,
And it is time to go!
Jan 2015 · 415
Above it
Miss Liss Jan 2015
when i'm weak, when i'm small,
when i'm lost and hit a wall,
when i can't run, when i crawl,
i need to rise above it all.
i need strength, i need protection,
i need a sense of direction.
i need confidence, i need power,
i need to hope in my darkest hour.
above all mountains and trees,
above all oceans and seas,
there is a God who reigns King,
all you need, He shall bring.
above all darkness and sin,
above all thick and thin,
there is a light that shines through,
God is always there for you.
when my enemies seem so tall,
when there's a storm i want to stall,
just when my world's about to fall,
i know my God's above it all.
Jan 2015 · 604
That girl
Miss Liss Jan 2015
i see you around, you're a new girl at school,
you do what you can to try to be cool.
party ******* the weekends, never miss a beat,
guys all lined up, so many people to meet.
you dance to every song without a care,
you thrive off of every man's stare.
you're this year's version of "that girl,"
at this small school you're rare as a pearl.
that girl knew where all the parties were thrown,
she had guys all around her and was never alone.
that girl was the one every girl wanted to be,
she was the one everyone wanted to see.
that girl who was fooled, that girl who was played,
she got caught up with guys who wanted to get laid.
that girl who would make so many mistakes,
she regrets the night before every time she wakes.
that girl who needed use her lessons to learn,
she instead wanted to give every guy a turn.
that girl who has her priorities out of whack,
she's a breakdown just waiting to attack.
one day she'll realize that there's more to life.
one day she'll get married and become a wife.
one day she'll know "that girl" is not really her,
one day she'll discover that she is mature.
from the outside looking in, i've had my fun,
in my few years of college i've learned a ton.
i've been around the block, seen what there is to see.
finally i realized "that girl" isn't the real me.
Jan 2015 · 3.1k
Shine the Light
Miss Liss Jan 2015
I see you crying, the pain's so deep inside,
I see your guilt and shame, you've lost all your pride.
I see you lonely, yearning to belong,
I see you lost and confused, because everything seems wrong.
Your broken heart is on your sleeve,
That no love or drug could relieve,
Oh if only there was just something to believe...

So when I'm filled with doubt, I will say this prayer,
Cuz I need to know if your light is always there...

God I'm lost and alone,
Please shine light from your throne.
I'm in need of your love,
Please shine bright from above.
God, let your light shine through me,
So all the world can see...

That more of you is all it takes for our burdens to be set free.

This is world so dark and cold,
And this sad song is getting old,
Father shine your light straight through my heart,
Let my walls fall apart,
Oh God this world needs some more of you...

Lord let your light shine through us,
To show them who we are,
God let your light take over,
So we shine just like the stars.
Cuz this world needs a little hope and love,
It needs their father from above,
Oh God this world needs a little more of you.

So when I need a helping hand, I will say this prayer, because I need to feel you're always there...

God I'm lost and alone,
Please shine light from your throne.
I'm in need of your love,
Please shine bright from above.
God, let your light shine through me,
So all the world can see...
That more of you is what we need, to be guided through eternity.

And I know that it's not easy
For us to shine for me and you.
The world around us crashes down, and we forget the word that's true.
Jesus died upon that cross
To save our sins and win our loss
In a world that needs some victory,
God will play through you and me.
Oh God, this world needs a little more of you.

Because this world's so dark and cold,
And this sad song is getting old,
Father shine your light straight through my heart,
Let my walls fall apart,
Oh God this world needs some more of you.

Your light heals the broken and the weak,
Provides any desire that we may seek,
Your light is the filler of our cup,
We won't run dry, we won't give up.
So pour your light right on us and let your grace fall like rain,
Because a little more of you is how we'll heal the pain.
Oh God, heal the pain...

When I'm hurt and I'm scarred, I will say this prayer,
Because I want your light will always be there...

God I'm lost and alone,
Please shine light from your throne.
I'm in need of your love,
Please shine bright from above.
God, let your light shine through me,
So all the world can see...
That more of you is all it takes to be a brand new me.

Because this world's so dark and cold,
And this sad song is getting old,
Father shine your light straight through my heart,
Let my walls fall apart,
Oh God this world needs some more of you.

When you don't recognize your reflection,
Come on run a new direction.
When you feel like there's gotta be more,
Come bend your knees to the floor.
When you're lonely in the dark,
A fearful dog that lost it's bark,
When you need to find a brand new self,
Come dust that bible off the shelf.
Open your eyes so you can see,
God has a plan for you and me.
His light will brighten the darkest places,
Fill every corner and empty spaces.
He has the power to make all things new,
Wash away what was black and blue,
Be your strength and dry your tears,
Fight away your greatest fears,
He will hear your every cry,
Take you home the day you die,
Forgive your sins and your mistakes,
He heals your heart when it breaks.
Oh when it breaks...

When my heart breaks, I will say this prayer,
Because I know God's light will always be there...

God I'm lost and alone,
Please shine light from your throne.
I'm in need of your love,
Please shine bright from above.
God, let your light shine through me,
So all the world can see...
That a little more of you is all it takes for us to be all that we can be.

Because our world is dark and cold,
And our sad songs are getting old,
Father shine your light straight through our hearts,
Let our selfish walls fall apart,
Oh God our world needs some more of you.
Oh God I need a little more of you...

So one day i will say...

There's a light in me,
That all the world can see.
I was lost, now I'm found,
You've turned my life around.
There's a love I feel,
That every hurt will heal.
God is there for you,
In everything you do.
And every where you go,
I hope you always know...

That all we need is just a little more, of God to save this world.

Oh just a little more...
Just a little more...
A little more of you in me.
Jan 2015 · 386
Miss Liss Jan 2015
While I'm laying here all alone,
I think of my Father on His throne.
Picking up the pieces of my heart,
I look to the One for where to start.

Empty spaces becoming more clear,
I'm filled by remembering You are near.
Everything lost, I'm missing a ton,
But I'm reminded of the greatest victory I've won.

From this world I may be rejected and abused,
Just like the innocent One who was accused.
But the cross is where the world was defeated,
His sacrifice gives me all the love I've ever needed.

Looking at the darkness, it's hard to see light.
Pushing back the past requires some fight.
Setting my mind on things Above, not on this earth,
I find beauty in the light of all that I'm worth.

Things may come, things may go,
But God remains for every joy and woe.
So lying here feeling the weight of everything wrong,
I release it to my Savior who's been here all along.

To my heart faintly beating in my chest,
To my tired mind that is in need of some rest,
The empty spaces are filled and the darkness made light,
So I can sleep soundly in the Spirit's peace tonight.
Jan 2015 · 905
Miss Liss Jan 2015
I just wanna be held, something i can feel,
I wanna see the cross before which I kneel.
I'm longing for your arms to wrap around me tight,
I wanna be protected and told everything's alright.

I need to lay my head upon your chest,
I wanna feel your peace and rest.
I wanna feel my aching body soothed with your hands,
I wanna be comforted by knowing your plans.

Only you can fill my needs,
Only you can plant my seeds,
Only you can make me complete,
Only you can move my feet,

Only you are my desire,
All other things will burn in fire
Only you can make me feel,
Nothing else is this real.

So every part of me that longs for man,
I fight that desire as best I can.
Every kiss I want to touch my lip,
I think of you before I slip.

Every hole I want filled by this earth,
I look to the Father who's completed me since birth.
Every person, every thing I'm longing for,
I remind myself that God gives me more.
Jan 2015 · 613
Miss Liss Jan 2015
Looking in the mirror there's so much I want to erase,
That spot on my chin, extra pounds on my face.
When I'm alone my insecurities appear,
My reasons to hide become more clear.

I wanna erase the flatness of my chest,
The feelings that I'll never be the best,
I wanna erase those lines all over my thighs,
The pain from being hurt by guys.

Combing through my hair so thin,
I know worrying about beauty is a sin.
But I can't help but think about all I want to erase,
Cuz to the world, beauty's how we survive this place.

If I was skinnier maybe he wouldn't have gone,
Maybe they would like me if my hair was long.
If my stomach had abs maybe I'd have someone to hold,
Maybe if my legs weren't as flabby, they wouldn't be so cold.

I know a God who erases every insecurity and fear,
So all of these worries will all disappear.
I was not meant to be loved by the world, only my God,
To Him I am beautiful, to the world I am odd.

So much greater is the face of God than I could ever be,
He is the face I want everyone to see.
My body is a temple from which His light will shine,
No matter what i look like, I am His: perfect and divine.
Jan 2015 · 372
Take it back
Miss Liss Jan 2015
If I knew it would end like this, would I take it back?
Would I stop the pain before it would attack?
Would I go back in time and right this wrong,
Knowing you wouldn't be here for long?

Should I have put down the phone, not say a thing,
Knowing what the future would bring.
Should I stop that risk knowing I soon would fall?
Knowing you didn't feel the same at all.

Would I take it back
Oh should I take it back...?

Every hug, every kiss, every word to me,
Was it everything I wanted it to be?
Every joke, every laugh, every cheesy rhyme,
Was it all just a waste of time?

Do I take it all back because they are no more?
Knowing all you need to do is just explore.
Do I take it all back to stop every tear?
Knowing that you would not be near.

Oh I wanna take it back...
But no I can't take it back...

Cuz every adventure, every story had it's meaning,
I can't tear them from my heart that's still beating.
Every chat, every fight had a lesson to learn,
I can't be who I am without each bruise and burn.

I can't take back the feeling of your embrace,
Even when tears are streaming down my face.
I can't take back the feeling of being alive,
Even though my heart was torn by a knife.

I lived, I loved, I learned, I lost,
The memories gained came with a cost.
But I can't take back what's now a part of me,
A part of who I am meant to be.

Everything I want to take back will make me stronger,
Even on the days I can't take the pain much longer.
One day I'll be fine and back on track,
Using everything so next time,
Yeah next time...
I won't wanna take it back.
Jan 2015 · 321
Stay With Me
Miss Liss Jan 2015
Wandering through darkness, I can't see your face,
I'm broken and empty, seeking your grace.
Hoping to find you, my redeemer and Love,
You were sent here to save me by your father above.

As I look to the skies, you answer my call,
You're always with me no matter how far I fall.
So stat with me here, please stay with me now
I ask you to stay, on my knees I bow.

I'm so alone,
Lifting my eyes to your throne,
Oh Lord hear my beg and hear my plea,
Please stay, just stay with me.

Stay with me, stay by my side,
Heal my wounds, swallow my pride.
Stay with me, my path you'll lead,
Show me all you want, all I need.
Jan 2015 · 470
Could it be?
Miss Liss Jan 2015
Could it be

Star in the sky shining bright,
Giving hope to this silent night.
Bethlehem is all a glow,
Pointing the way for all to know.

Could this be the sign we need?
Could this answer our every plead?
Could this be the end to our wait?
Could this baby save our fate?

Tiny stable of dirt and hay,
How could this be the only way?
Manger holding a swaddling son,
How could this be the chosen one?

Could this be the Savior's birth?
Could this child save the Earth?
Could this be why the Angel sings?
Could this boy be the King of Kings?

The mother Mary so young and pure,
Such a glorious burden to endure.
Father Joseph brave and true,
Could this miracle make all things new?

Could this be the one who forgives my sins?
Could this be where my new life begins?
Could this be the holy one with no guilt or blame?
Could this be the cover for all my shame?

Two thousand years later we celebrate this day,
Gone are the mangers filled with hay.
Diamonds, toys, and presents galore,
Could this be what jesus is remembered for?

Could this be how we celebrate our saving grace?
Could this materialism cause such deface?
Could this be why God brought us his son?
Could we so soon forget about the Holy One?

Like the star shining above that silent night,
Today we need to be His lights so bright.
So much as been forgotten about this time of year,
We so easily forget the Savior who cast out all fear.

Could it be we can say Merry Christmas without hesitation?
Could we sing our praises loud without reservation?
Could it be we not hide our faith and our love?
Could we proclaim our Lord reigns on Earth and Above?
Merry Christmas to all, may your hearts fill with joy,
Always remember the gift of this boy.
Could it be we celebrate this year right?
Share the good news, break the silence in this night.
Jan 2015 · 999
Dear Lover
Miss Liss Jan 2015
Dear lover,
I'm writing this to you.
Dear lover,
One day you'll make this true.
Everything I want and need,
Will be standing right in front of me.
So If you're reading this here and now,
I've fallen for you some way, some how.
Dear lover...this one's for you.

Lover, you make me laugh, you make me sing,
Make me excited for what life may bring.
We dance, we play, adventures we explore,
We make each other want more and more.
Dear lover...I love you.

Lover, we've battled through some sleepless nights,
Had our fair share of the toughest fights.
We made it through with bumps and bruises,
In this match where no one loses.
Dear lover...I love you.

Lover, you make me feel things I've never felt,
Every time I look at you, my heart starts to melt.
We have something special, something rare,
Something that's beyond all compare.
Dear lover...I love you.

Lover, our passion is the greatest fire,
From kissing you I'll never tire.
With a bond so strong, a love so deep,
The thought of losing you makes me weep.
Dear lover...I love you.

Lover, I love how you challenge me everyday,
You help me want to be better in every way.
We learn together, mature, and grow,
We're the best teammates we'll ever know.
Dear lover...I love you.

Lover, best of all, you turn my head to the skies,
We help each other remember our eternal prize.
We ask God for strength, we thrive off His love,
Our gratitude keeps our minds on things above.
Dear lover...I love you.

So lover, when I give this note to you,
My dear lover, you'll know my love is true.
Because I'm writing this with everything I want in mind,
So I'm saying you're the best I'll find...
My dear lover, take my heart and make it yours,
Because your heart is the only one mine adores.
Dear lover...this is for you.
Jan 2015 · 715
Miss Liss Jan 2015
I hear the songs being sung in church
About mercy, grace, and love.
Something deep inside my heart
Tells me I'm not enough

As I look around at all the people
Hands high singing amazing grace
With eyes closed and hearts wide open
I want to be in their place...

God make something click inside of me,
My heart is a lock and you have the key,
Open me up to wonders new,
Set me free to live for you

At bible study my lips are pursed
Hiding the secrets inside,
My guilt is locked up in my heart
To save my image and pride

Oh I wish I could feel what it's like
To be so happy and pure.
The girls around me shine like stars,
Something is missing for sure.

So God make something click in side of me,
I'm praying to you, begging on my knees,
Unleash the demons inside my soul
Release me from every idol's control

For far too long I've been living my life,
Just living for myself,
But I come to you so broken inside,
Oh Lord, I need your help...

I need something in me to click,
I need a love that will forever stick,
I need your key to unlock the real me,
I need to feel what it's like to be totally free.

So when I'm in church I'm in the know
Of the very thing that makes people glow
Because my light will shine so bright,
And give hope to people lost in the night.

I will face my peers with eyes open wide,
My need for grace will swallow my pride
I will open my heart for all to love
My strength and love from God above.
Jan 2015 · 1.7k
Miss Liss Jan 2015
I pray to God: make me new, make me clean,
Show me what this life could possibly mean.
I pray please fill my holes, make me whole,
Revive every weakness in my soul.

I pray clear my stage, shine the lights upon your glory,
Write my script, and guide me through my story.
I pray for the courage to put the pen in your hand,
To design my present fitting the future you planned.

I pray to practice thankfulness and to be more aware,
To seek your tiny treasures even when life isn't fair.
I pray for patience during this long waiting season,
So in every little thing I'll find meaning and reason.

I pray for the determination and control to stick to your path,
If I stray, I know you'll cleanse me in a grace-filled bath.
I pray for peace when things in life do not go as I hope,
You'll pick my heart up when my mind wants to mope.

I pray for the burning passion to strive for your perfection,
Having my eyes on you to point me in the right direction.
I pray for your comfort during rejection and pain,
Knowing your loss was our eternal gain.

I pray for the love I'll share with my family and friends,
For your amazing love has no boundaries nor ends.
I pray to share your friendship each and every day,
In time sharing your truths in your own special way.

I pray to be renewed and to be as clean as white snow,
So when seeking your love, through me people will know.
I pray thanksgiving for your mercy and grace so divine,
It fuels my fire to the world, letting my little light shine.

— The End —