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Margo May Nov 2017
to trade confusion for clarity
to pursue the perfect degree
to marry the man of my dreams
to leave the place i’ve always called home
to travel the world and see it’s wonders
to explore beaches i’ve never laid eyes upon
to go on a wildlife safari
to build an international orphanage from the ground up
to study in the holy lands
to be fluent in a foreign language
to adventure through cities i’ve never heard of
to live freely by detaching from the world
to care for those less fortunate than me
to see revival in unchurched people groups
to excel in my dream job
to know what my dream job would be
to live without limits and constraints
to never feel exhausted or weary
to lead broken people to restoration
to be part of something greater than myself
to love generously
to know my purpose
Mar 2017 · 1.0k
Psalm (rejoice)
Margo May Mar 2017
In the fellowship of believers
I lift my voice;
in the fellowship of believers
I make my praises loud;
in the fellowship of believers
Your marvelous name is proclaimed.

Let every nation,
let every tribe,
let all creation,
gather as one
in harmony.

What power there is in unity!
Unity under the Holy One;
unity under the Lord our God.

When we come together,
He is there!
Evil has no power
for His goodness triumphs!

Our God is undefeatable,
our God stands unshakable;
He remains,
He endures,
He withstands
the test of time.
He always persists,
always perseveres,
always prevails.

I fear not for the world will not conquer me;
I fear not for the world has no power over my life.

The Lord shall keep my feet steady on His path!
He keeps me steady as I walk in His ways;
He keeps me steady for all of my days;
therefore, He is worthy of all praise!

The righteous rejoice in the Lord,
but the wicked do no such thing;
The righteous experience true freedom,
but the wicked remain slaves to their sin.

Let every nation,
let every tribe,
let all creation,
gather as one
in harmony.

Again I say Rejoice!
Lift up your voice
and make your praises loud;
proclaim the marvelous name of the Lord;
so all may know and be saved.
for one of my classes i had to compose my own psalm, and here is the result.
Mar 2017 · 686
intimate waters
Margo May Mar 2017
steadily he leads her
through intimate waters
drawing her into stormy seas

he is composed
of the rarest gem
pure grace flowing
through every vein

with great ease
he navigates
the slight curves
of her body

marks of love
add to the beauty
of her tanned skin

his comforting warmth
sends pleasant chills
up her spine

her movements are met
with a strength which pulls
her ever closer
with a strength which holds
her ever firmer

he subsides to gaze
at his breathless forever

longing is evident
in their undeniable joy
knowing someday
will finally be theirs
Mar 2017 · 591
while you're away
Margo May Mar 2017
(1) the same sky that covers me covers you,
my sky is gray and yours is so blue.

(2) i just wanna hold you close and hug you tight,
i wanna hold your hand and kiss you goodnight.

(3) tomorrow you board the ship, what a wonderful trip it’ll be,
as you sail along the bluest of waters, remember to think of me.

(4) i love the sound of your voice for it is so sweet,
i cannot wait until again our lips meet.

(5) amidst the clouds the sun is brightly shining here today,
but still your smile shines brighter in every single way.

(6) over forty eight hours since i last heard you speak,
but you’ll be home from the sea in less than a week.

(7) i can’t help but wonder if you’re still alive and real,
for your strong arms and sweet kiss are what i can’t wait to feel.

(8) the distance continues to drive me insane,
but our love is stronger and it will always remain.

(9) forever i’ll be waiting for you and watching the skies,
because i miss you more than you’ll ever realize.

(10) you’re back in this country which is a great sign,
for soon your hand will interlock with mine.

(11) the anticipation grows as the hours ever decrease,
for tomorrow my heart will be complete and finally at peace.

(12) finally we’ve reached this long awaited day,
my love is coming home and my love is here to stay.
the love of my life went down to Florida and on a cruise for a vacation. So while I was stuck in Minnesota, missing him like crazy, I decided to write a little poem for him each day he was gone, and here is the final product :)
Nov 2016 · 406
the only name
Margo May Nov 2016
the only name by which we're saved
is the name that brought unending grace,
the only name worthy of praise
is the name that lives for endless days.
Oct 2016 · 451
to my yellow cleated friend
Margo May Oct 2016
i will never forget
the long days of soccer
the sleepless nights of homework
the authentic conversations
the laughs we shared;

i will never forget
how you were more than a friend
how you never knew my true feelings
how we almost lost all we had and
how we miraculously saved that which was of value;

i will never forget
the adventures we embarked on
the memories we recorded
the genuine joy of being around you
the day my heart chose friendship;

i will never forget you,
my yellow cleated friend.
it's finally time to move on, to let go, to be nothing more than great friends who value our friendship with one another.
Margo May Aug 2016
even when i fail You day after day
your love remains, it stays the same
i could never escape your plan
'cause you're holding me in the palm of your hand;

i will praise You day after day
'cause your love remains, You stay the same
i'll forever follow your plan
'cause you're holding me in the palm of your hand.
Jul 2016 · 850
summer's child
Margo May Jul 2016
sun trapped in her skin
waves flow through her hair
sand trickles along each vein
lungs filled with ocean air

known for fake hawaiian blood
known for endless mermaid hair
flourishing under mid summer's heat
thriving daily with feet so bare

she lives for days like these
unable to stay away for long
striving to soak up the brightest rays
yearning to be engulfed by water’s song

this is where she comes alive
with a spirit so wild and free
as every burden and care in the world
sinks to depths no one can reach

made for brilliant beaches
made for shimmering seas
she is summer’s child
she is me.
Jul 2016 · 2.5k
musical chemistry
Margo May Jul 2016
the second we take the stage
an undeniable unspoken bond
is created by our passion
to lead, love, worship
in the presence of our savior
with the fellowship of believers;

the second we take our corner
a thrilling thriving bond
is created as he starts the click
to play, sing, worship
in uncontainable joy
without a care in the world;

the second the music takes us
a dependent determined bond
is built on complete trust
to know where he’s going before he arrives
in spontaneous moments following his every lead
without a sense of worry or fear;

though it’s never brought to light
what we have is real,
we have a musical chemistry
that could never exist off stage;

and it is marvelous.
love playing music with my drummer friend.
Margo May Jul 2016
i promise you
there will be a day
there will be a
glorious place
where there will be
no more pain
no more fear
no more darkness,
for perfect love
has already banished
has already conquered
every trial
every inequality
every injustice;
and together
all nations
all colors
all people
will stand as one,
for all eternity
under the one
saving hope
of this dear world,
to those who believe.
Jul 2016 · 5.5k
don't make me roadtrip
Margo May Jul 2016
don’t make me roadtrip
across four states
don’t make me drive
for nine hours;
to convince you to return
to remind you of the truth
to make you see the path
you are being called to.
to convince you He has a plan
to remind you of the passion inside
to make you choose this life
you are being called to.

be bold, brave, courageous
never let fear hold you down;
be an unstoppable fire
and turn this world around.
for a good friend who needs to be reminded of God's promises and calling upon His life, for a friend who has potential to impact this world.
Jul 2016 · 5.1k
slavery on freedom day
Margo May Jul 2016
we say we're the land of the free and home of the brave
yet thousands of people are still trafficked as slaves

they say ignorance is bliss and maybe it's so
but the world will never change if you never know

join with me in prayer on their behalf as we fight
for darkness to be penetrated with irrepressible light
Jul 2016 · 1.4k
drummer boy
Margo May Jul 2016
hey there drummer boy
it’s only been a little over two years
(yet it feels like so much longer)
since we befriended and adopted you,
creating a new musical fam
and look at us now.

same church
same school,
immense musical growth
passion to worship,
new adventures
all year long,
smiles and waves
that remind me of
deeper friendships
that will stand the test of time.

although sometimes i tease and laugh
(and i sincerely mean no offense),
see it’s really because i care
and whether you like it or not,
you’re like the twin brother i never had
but secretly always wanted.

one of my favorite drummers
i easily follow your lead
you are reliable.
one of my closest friends
i never have to worry
you accept me for who i am.

whether it’s the denim shirts and hipster boots
or patagonia tees and baseball caps,
when life gets crazy once again
don’t forget that i’m always here;
i got yo back brotha.
to jb, the twin brother i never had, you'll always be one of my favorite drummers to lead worship with. thanks for being you. you rock.
Jun 2016 · 435
not enough
Margo May Jun 2016
in my eyes i see and feel success
but in her eyes failure is all it adds up to be,
the world nods their heads in agreement
their judgments crushing the life from me.

not enough to be an A student
not enough to volunteer with kids,
not enough to graduate salutatorian
not enough to be musically gifted.

not enough to play soccer collegiately
not enough to be modest in my fashion,
not enough to be oldest child and organized
not enough to be committed to my passions.

not enough to follow my heart
not enough to pursue my dreams,
not enough to be a Christ follower
not enough it will always seem.
instead of encouraging and supportive words, she has left me feeling like the biggest failure.
May 2016 · 822
how to get rid of a junebug
Margo May May 2016
recognize the familiar rat-a-tat-tapping on your window,
pull the worn blinds and close the sheer curtains,
extinguish every bright light for the time being,
patiently wait criss-crossed on your bed with book in hand,
listen for the humming to cease (silence),
and return back to normal life
as the junebug survives another night.
Apr 2016 · 1.8k
Margo May Apr 2016
beauty in

beauty in
being at a
complete and
utter loss
of words
you are
so in
of your

beauty in
Apr 2016 · 2.2k
my focus
Margo May Apr 2016
from my first thoughts
in the light of day
to my last thoughts
in the darkest night,
may You be the
of them all.
may You consume them
like never before.
may You have my
undivided attention.
may You hold
my focus.
Apr 2016 · 877
when people are suffering
Margo May Apr 2016
when people are
in deep pain
pain that is greater
than the pain you feel,
how can you think about

when you can
in discomfort
discomfort that is less
than the discomfort they feel,
how can you think about

when they need
so much more
more that is desired and
even more than you need,
how can you think about

the truth is
i can’t.

their pain can’t be ignored,
your pain can’t be ignored.

i would live every day with
my pain
if it meant everyone else was
forever healed.

but someone else already paid that price
and his name is
Margo May Apr 2016
she’s never been much of a coffee drinker
but that’s never really bothered her,
yet she always longed to be a coffee drinker
because of the way it looks and sounds.

she received a rather unusual surprise;

she doesn’t expect much from people
preferring to give, help, bless, serve,
simply her way of showing care
never expecting anything in return.

on an ordinary day at school
the whole body gathered for chapel,
she sat on the main floor left side
one seat to separate her from the aisle.

she received a rather unusual surprise;

suddenly he drops into the seat next to her
tan skinned missionary boy from Kenya,
starter on the men’s soccer team
the one that all the girls have their eye on.

she’s never felt that way about him
what a joke to think he’d even consider her,
for they’re not even close friends
and she’s only helped him with New Testament once.

she received a rather unusual surprise;

quietly shifting to face her in the darkened chapel
he gives her a cup from the shop down the road,
cream colored containing a milk chocolate mocha
explaining it was his way of showing thanks.

and seconds later he was gone
leaving coffee in hand and warmth in her heart,
doing something her closest friends never do
reaching out to say thank you.
felt special that someone who is just a friend would choose to thank me by surprising me with coffee (even though i don't drink coffee, haha).
wondering if this is what it's like to have a boyfriend, someone to randomly surprise you with little things and show they appreciate you...
Mar 2016 · 929
how beautiful
Margo May Mar 2016
how beautiful the art of
holding power to
what has been broken,
holding power to
what has been lost,
holding power to
the closest of friends,
how beautiful the art of

how much more beautiful is
the One
holding greater power to
these melodies
out of deep
Mar 2016 · 575
throw and catch
Margo May Mar 2016
gray skies blanket a green field where
gray uniforms throw and catch
throw and catch
throw and catch

gentle breezes pass by cap covered faces
gentle breezes float up and reach inside an
old brick building
third floor
where she busies herself with
case studies, course selections, chord charts

while sitting in her favored window seat
perfect view of the evergreen turf
occupied by number four and his teammates
while sitting in her favored window seat
perfect view of number four
as calming peace meets obligation

resulting in relaxation
unknown for quite some time
resulting in slight longing
unknown to her own heart
Mar 2016 · 299
Margo May Mar 2016
i wish to go back
to the way things used to be
when we were happy
when we were carefree
i wish a simple smile
could shed light on things unclear
to heal every silent fear
to heal every hidden tear
Mar 2016 · 555
thinking justly
Margo May Mar 2016
tell me why
all of a sudden
you’ve been on my mind
outside of the
random thought or two;

jumped to conclusions at first, but please
understand I wouldn’t mind
slowly taking the
time to know you more
instead of losing a
chance at friendship, because
everyone deserves a second chance.
for a friend whom i would like to get to know more.
Feb 2016 · 293
continue to love
Margo May Feb 2016
strong on the outside
but dying on the inside

my fractured heart aches
but my soul is alive

my fear is stronger than ever
but His love sets me free

my happiness has gone into hiding
but i won't give up

i will not drown
for my hope is anchored in Christ

i will survive
for in forgiveness there is freedom

and even when it causes pain or discomfort
i will continue to love

for the joy of the Lord is my strength
forever and always

and i will see the goodness of the Lord
all in His perfect timing
Feb 2016 · 361
no room for anger
Margo May Feb 2016
i'd rather know the truth
than live in the lie
of possibility and chance

and the truth is
her sweet gentleness
leaves no room for anger

so what should i feel
and what should i do
with the thoughts of me and
Feb 2016 · 922
in God's eyes
Margo May Feb 2016
you have
you have
you have
on this
Feb 2016 · 757
appreciation poem
Margo May Feb 2016
appreciation for
taking the time to genuinely know me
gaining my trust and honesty

appreciation for
ability to be myself completely
endless conversations and stories

appreciation for
explaining things i don’t understand
being intentional whether spontaneous or planned

appreciation for
never pressuring outside my comfort zone
choosing respect with an accepting tone

appreciation for
opening the door and showing chivalry
authentic love for Jesus and ministry

appreciation for
always making me smile and laugh
developing a friendship that’ll last

appreciation for
slowly finding the next girl to date
a best friend who’ll patiently wait
thankful for a friend who actually takes the time to know and understand me without rushing anything.
Feb 2016 · 1.4k
Margo May Feb 2016
vigorously flowing through my veins
racing from my head to my toes
bouncing through my feet
lighting my eyes with fire
drawing genuine smiles
composing new beats in my heart
pouring loudly out my lungs
rooted deep in my soul

so unexplainable
so extraordinary
that will never be
Feb 2016 · 949
dream dance
Margo May Feb 2016
spinning spinning spinning
gently holding my hand
spinning spinning spinning
feet never touching land
dancing dancing dancing
glimpses of smiling eyes
dancing dancing dancing
joyful laughter like a sunrise

suddenly we stop
beside me he drops
and places his arm around me
naturally i rest
against his chest
as the world fades away we’re free

and altogether

our first dance

but he’ll never know it happened
he’ll never share the memory
for it was only a dream
Jan 2016 · 408
for two and a half hours
Margo May Jan 2016
for almost two and a half hours
we talked
mostly he talked
and i listened
but i could listen
to him all day
and never be bored
i could listen
to his stories
with undivided attention.


maybe some day
you’ll discover my secret
maybe some day
you’ll smile in agreement;

until some day
i’ll be patiently waiting.
Jan 2016 · 627
where do i go from here
Margo May Jan 2016
i guess i thought things
would be different this time,
i guess my heart cares
too much,
i guess i had too much
you see
i wasn’t expecting to
fall for you,
i doubt you thought twice about
because you have so many friends
so why would you need
but clearly i’m a fool
i fell too hard
i fell too fast
and the truth is too hard to
and the truth doesn’t make any
so where do i go from here
let go
move on
but i don’t wanna lose
our friendship
oh please don’t end
our friendship.
Jan 2016 · 325
no worries, new wonderings
Margo May Jan 2016
nearly four weeks have passed,
i can barely
contain my excitement, but
how will you respond
once you finally
lay eyes upon me and
approach with your blue eyes,
smiling on the inside

just a normal day when my heart lept straight
out of my chest like
never before as every breath
escaped my lips at the
sight of you again

wondering how one person can cause
all these unexplainable emotions that
linger uncontrollably; and when your
kind genuine smile met mine,
every worry faded away knowing you
remembered me
Jan 2016 · 552
Margo May Jan 2016
si te escribí un poema en español
entonces no lo entenderías
no entiendes mis palabras
pero está bien
porque eres más que un amigo
y no quiero perder nuestro amistad
esperaré para
tu ojos azules para encontrar mis ojos verdes
tu brazos para abrazarme
tu mundo chocar con mi mundo
vivir esta vida contigo
Jan 2016 · 625
writer's block
Margo May Jan 2016
writer’s block
writer’s block
pearl necklace
alarm clock
window one
window two
penny jar
cowgirl shoe
books on the left
books on the right
beside my bed
lamp for night
count the instruments
count all four
stuffed monkeys
creaky door
walls of yellow
walls of wood
trinkets from
frames here
frames there
flowers are
red candle
orange candle
giant mirror
bronze handles
full closet
empty trash can
tie blanket
ceiling fan
writer’s block
writer’s block
time to go
for a walk
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
the irony of winter
Margo May Dec 2015
it’s winter
time to enjoy
the irony of winter

least favorited
longest season
shortest days

many times gloomy, dark, depressing
somehow manages to glisten, sparkle, shine

coldest yet it’s
dangerous yet it’s
colorless yet it’s

choose not to
complain and wish it away

choose to
live in the present and enjoy it while it’s here

summer will come soon enough

for now
it’s winter
time to enjoy
the irony of winter
Dec 2015 · 307
"i can't fall asleep"
Margo May Dec 2015
as we neared one in the morning
(two o'clock his time),
surprised that i was still awake
i told him a little lie

"i can't fall asleep"
was my cover story,
because i didn't wanna lose
the long awaited glory

it had been over a week
since we last conversed,
so when his name lit up my screen
across my face excitement burst

the truth is i was tired
i didn't plan on staying up late,
but oh how i had missed him
as he's home in another state

less than three weeks 'til i see
this new close friend of mine,
so if you hear "i can't fall asleep"
it's probably just a sign
Dec 2015 · 1.8k
season for joy
Margo May Dec 2015
'tis a season for joy

a season for-
jolly good times with loved ones held dear
ornaments to display our holiday cheer
yuletide carols sung for a King so near

a season for-
jubilation found in selfless opportunities
optimistic spirits filled with generosity
young and old to gather in community

where no matter-
gender or age
culture or race
poor or wealthy
sick or healthy

no matter your circumstance
you can still choose
Margo May Dec 2015
we started out as barely friends
and now as time has passed
we've grown more than i thought we could
and now you are my first and last;

the first one on my mind when i wake
and the last one at the end of day
i can't help but wonder if maybe
you might think the same way.

i hope the thought of me
puts a smile on your face
and i hope that if true feelings exist
they will never be erased.

falling for you was unexpected
we're so different yet the same
for all the time we spend together
i pray this isn't a little game.

because i know you have so many
so many girls as friends
but is there anything that's caught your eye
to make me different?

you see i've discovered the truth
and i know how to follow my heart
i love every moment we are together
growing in fondness while we're apart.

i don't know how you feel for me
but i know how i feel about you
you've caused me to let go of silly things
and open my eyes to reality too.

my eyes are open and i see you
who you really are inside
for what you're capable of
as potential to be my partner and guide.

we could live a brilliant life
as we adventure side by side
with endless possibilities
we'll never know unless we try.
finally let go of the one i held onto for so long, because i've found a true friend who has opened my eyes.
Dec 2015 · 6.4k
a poem on fire safety
Margo May Dec 2015
sticks and stones may break your bones,
but they will also start fires…

the importance of fire safety isn’t taken lightly,
so please take the time to act politely.

now no offense but from one girl to another,
you’re not Adele, Sean Kingston, or the Jonas Brothers.

do not set fire to the rain that pours,
call 9-1-1 before you burn up on the dance floor.

when the heat settles in and you’re feeling dry,
to your candles and cigarettes please say goodbye.

(since those items are illegal anyways,
you’ll be fined if they are caught ablaze).

this isn’t the Upper Room where fire fell on everyone’s head
keep the Holy Spirit’s fire set in your soul instead.

ignore this advice and your world will crash,
as before your eyes Miller Hall turns to ash.
wrote this for my friends who are doing a project on fire safety at my college campus, haha.
Nov 2015 · 3.0k
a wall called pneumonia
Margo May Nov 2015
i went down to florida
and came back with pneumonia,
maybe due to my life so busy
running and running and getting so dizzy,
always managing to stay on track
costing my sleep to be in major lack,
pushing myself past every limit
enjoying it all and never feeling timid,
but everyone said i'd eventually hit a wall
i guess they were right after all.
turns out it was actually bronchitis, oh well, haha..
Nov 2015 · 331
unworthy to stay
Margo May Nov 2015
i've fallen head over heels
for the tricks that you play
you've captured my heart
and tossed the key far away
i can't seem to let go
on my mind night and day
even though you're so
unworthy to stay
Oct 2015 · 425
who You are is good
Margo May Oct 2015
my heart beating
beating for Your voice
Your voice flowing
flows like a river
a rushing river
rushes into my soul
my soul overwhelmed
overwhelmed by Your love
an endless love
endlessly it chases
chases after my heart
my heart has fallen
fallen for my King
my King who reigns
reigns above the heavens and earth
the heavens and earth which He
He created in glory
glory belongs
belongs to the Creator
Creator of all
and all is what He wants
He wants from me
my everything
and everything will one day
one day bow down
bow down before the throne
the throne of my Father
a Father who outlasts
outlasts all ages
for all ages He is the rock
the rock who never fails
failure may come
come to me
i may be weak
in weakness He is stronger
His strength makes me stand
and i stand in awe
awe of who You are
and who You are is good.
Aug 2015 · 740
conquering cliffs
Margo May Aug 2015
drive an hour away
to the middle of nowhere,
park off the road
so the maiden fair,
must plod through
overgrown trails and wood
to do what only
the crazy could.

reach a clearing
and she will find,
an adventure awaiting
can't change her mind,
stand upon towering rocks
and gaze at the river below,
one wrong step will bring
misery and woe.

she grabs the hand
of her best friend,
both afraid
can't hide or pretend,
look into each other's eyes
count down from three,
together in faith they leap
together they're falling free.

screams escape her lips
he pulls but never lets go,
and twenty-five feet later
they join the river's flow,
plunge deep under
then erupt at the surface,
laughter is present
they find a new purpose.

climb up the rock
to do it better,
grab hands and jump
prepared to get wetter,
through both their bodies
adrenaline races,
their bodies so close
no more open spaces.

their ****** today
has reached its' limits,
what felt like forever
was only a couple minutes,
but the beauty is forever
etched inside,
and her eyes shine
with an innocent pride.

a new memory is added
to their lane,
she'll never lose hope
though she's called insane,
because one day
he will realize,
they were made for each other
all this time.
cliff jumping with my best friend  :)
Jun 2015 · 512
that sunday mornin'
Margo May Jun 2015
"greet those around you,"
said the pastor on that sunday mornin'.

handshakes, hugs, and hellos
in every corner couldn't compare;
it was all background music
to the melody we shared.

a look of pure shock
i can guarantee
was splashed across my face
as you turned towards me.

and before i knew it-

i was pulled closer
and held with a firmness
as our bodies closed the gap
arms wrapped in earnest.

we could be a perfect match,
your head rested above mine,
as the comforting warmth
sent chills down my spine.

and for that sliver of a moment,
it was just me and you;
and for that fraction of time,
we broke through.

everything from the past
seemed to fade away
as forgiveness took over
and flooded my veins.

almost as if
no time had passed,
safe in your half embrace
wanting it to last.

as soon as it started
it came to an end,
but in those seconds
we were best friends again.
May 2015 · 295
storm of my heart
Margo May May 2015
a single drop of rain
gently escapes
from my eyes.

and the thought of you
stirs up the storm inside me.
my eyes take shelter and put up their guards
so that you won't be able to see what's inside
(not like you'd take the time to search them anyways).

don't let them come, don't let them come, don't let them come.
build the floodgates higher.
don't let them come, don't let them come, don't let them come.
stop the thoughts dead in their tracks.

because if i don't
it will flood and it will pour-
the storm of my heart,
the storm of my soul.
May 2015 · 3.1k
choir boy and i
Margo May May 2015
middle of rehearsal and she says,
“mix it up! stand by someone from...
a different section.”
making eye contact with that choir boy,
secretly wanting to stand together,
wondering if he did too.
so without hesitation
i moved.

one quick glance,
determination in our eyes,
we were ready;
and we plunged into our song,
harmonizing to the soprano melodies,
making our voices climb and sink
back into our lower ranges,
supporting one another.

the entire medley-
my voice strong
his voice stronger,
my adrenaline rushing
his calmness securing,
my exhilaration rising
his soul smiling.

nearing our triumphant conclusion,
closing together in perfect unison.
today in choir :) never get to stand near my friend since he is a bass and i'm an alto.
Apr 2015 · 526
speck of dust
Margo May Apr 2015
i'm just a
speck of dust
in the farthest corner
of your mind.

i would like
to road trip
down to your heart,
and stay there.

but you've kept me
trapped in solitude,
rotting away
from the inside out.

until the day you decide
to sweep up loose memories
and throw away everything
that means nothing.

until the day you decide
to wash away
every speck of dust,
including me.
Margo May Apr 2015
from the rising of the sun on the first day,
to the setting of the sun on the last,
and everything in between-
     rain falling
     trees budding
     birds chirping
     life awakening,
it is a time to celebrate.
it is a time for poetry.

it is time for hidden authors to reveal-
     works of art,
their poems.

sharing our deepest feelings
with complete strangers,
placing thoughts on the chopping block
awaiting criticism and judgement;
but somehow, never having seen their face
they understand.
it is a time to simply
be here for each other.

it is April.
in honor of April being national poetry month, enjoy :)
Apr 2015 · 464
if i gave you access
Margo May Apr 2015
if i gave you access
to my thickest thoughts
and my deepest dreams,
if i let you see
the words that persistently pour
from my hopeful heart and soul,
how would you respond?

would you come to life
with enlightened eyes
and a glowing grin,
or would you
turn and rudely ridicule
while destroying dreams,
leaving me in agony?
Apr 2015 · 673
full of hope
Margo May Apr 2015
she is a
glowing gleaming glorious
in the midst of a
sea of gray.
she is a
radiant righteous ray
of shimmering sunlight
in a clouded world.
and she carries
a golden heart
full of
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