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Mar 2019 · 204
muteD Mar 2019
Everything I’m writing is a waste of time .
Tell me ,
What will this change ?
How will this eliminate that pain in my chest ?
Explain how writing my thoughts out can possibly help me .
Because these words feel useless .
Half filled water balloons
but instead of water
it’s fire .
Throwing fire balloons
Yet I live in a wooden shed .
None of this makes any sense .

These words feel like they’re burning a hole
In this poem
And not one you’re likely to remember .
Something insignificant .
Something only a grain of sand could fall through .
Tell me ,
How can someone as unimportant as me
Truly be heard ?
I speak when spoken to
And sometimes I speak just because .
But instead of a voice , all you hear are squeaks.
Unused to truly vocalizing what’s important to me
Because every time I used to try to speak my piece ,
They muted me .
How can I speak
If my problems don’t mean
A **** thing .
I talk about me to me
So much yet I don’t care about me .
So , my problems ?
They mean less to me than me .
Sometimes I just get in these moods where even my own words don’t help me.
Mar 2019 · 456
muteD Mar 2019
**** me .
Just end it all .
Use those words you threw like daggers .
and aim for my heart
Finish it all.
Grab a stake
and nail me to the wall .
I’d rather feel nothing at all ,
Than to feel lost .
Short poems arent my specialty or my style but quality over quantity any day.
muteD Mar 2019
No one truly appreciates me
Or the stuff I do .
Everything is all about what I can do
You and you and you ,
I give and give and give
And everyone just takes .
They take until there’s nothing left ,
Until I’m nothing but left -
overs .
Until I’m nothing but a mere carcass ,
An empty shell of
What used to be
And what I used to be .
Someone who used to mean a lot to me said this to me. In that moment, I realized that no one truly gets me. This was said to me with to the intent of manipulating me into doing what that person wanted. As soon as I showed a little hesitation, they hit me where they knew it would hurt.
muteD Mar 2019
I want you to chase me
when I walk away.
To put in a little effort.
Show me you care,
Show me that you want me around.
Show me you want me here.
I need your reassurance,
Preferably yours.

I want you to pay attention to me.
I want your time.
No scheduling,
No planning.
I want to see you whenever we’re free.
No sneaking,
No meetups.
I want someone to see
When I wake up.
Day after day,
Month after month,
I want years with the same one .
I want to appreciate every single second
Every breath I take in your presence
I want to
Cherish every accidental touch
Every smile that lights up your face
Every word that makes my heart race
I want the same
Friday nights movie dates
I want the “I’m on my way home ,
You want a milkshake?”
A “text me when you make it home,
So I know you’re safe.”
I want there to be no distance between our minds.
I wanna know all of your thoughts ,
And I want you to want to know all of mine.

I want you to have time for me .
Don’t make time when you’re free,
Like you have to put a reminder in your schedule
Just to see me.
Saying you miss me
Knowing you only miss the pleasure
I can bring you.
I want you to want my mind
as much as you want what’s between my thighs.

I want to be known
By you.
I wanna fall in love with your words
because I know they’re true
not because you’re only saying them
because they’ll benefit you.
I want more from you than you can offer me.
Even if I have to beg,
I’d beg
For you to **** me instead.
Just off me!
Only two things I plead
The fifth and insanity.
I want more things than I deserve to want.
Because the thing about “I deserve”
Is that you don’t deserve a thing
In life, except the right to breathe.

So, what do I want you ask?
I want someone to want me.
Everyone kept asking me what I wanted for Christmas and all I wanted was to feel wanted. I didn’t get that though.
Mar 2019 · 1.4k
muteD Mar 2019
my head hurts .
it always hurts .
something always hurts .
whether it’s my head or my heart
something is always in pain .
torturous pain..
the type of pain that’ll make you scream ,
scream until your throat is bleeding .
scream until you can’t scream no more .
scream until your scream is tired of you .

that’s what I think I need to do .
I need to scream
and get out all of my anger .
I need to let go .
but I can’t .
I can’t let my dam crack open .
duct tape won’t keep that flood at bay .
all of my control
would have bolted for the door .
and why?
why because
my anger would like nothing more than to swallow me whole .
to drown me in nothing but sorrow
and an intense feeling of
hate .
seasoned and conditioned just right ,
my anger would have me hating everyone .
even more so than I hate myself .
and I do hate myself .
I hate the person I used to be
and I hate the person I’m becoming .
I can’t lie to myself anymore ,
I really don’t know who I am
outside of my madness .
outside of each one of my issues
lies a baby girl who used to pure .
untainted and not molded yet ,
a perfect example of how anything can happen to anyone .
doesn’t matter who you are .
Anger has a way into shaping you into the person it wants you to be..
Mar 2019 · 1.1k
muteD Mar 2019
why must it always end this way ?
the feeling of being unwanted .
unappreciated .
unloved .
by the ones who are supposed to love
the real me
the most .

what do you do when you're thrown into a tidal
wave of emotions ?
a hurricane of thoughts
i feel like a tsunami
has wrecked the last bits
and pieces
of my saneness .
my sanity .
my reason .
trying to hold on
is just so tiring .
especially when it seems as though
no one wants to see you achieve your dreams .
discouragement is such a tiresome feeling .

exhaustion is also a feeling I know all too well .
always on go .
doing what I thought would keep
you at bay
but as always
you can't even say it to me .
hiding behind what you think would protect
you .
like a child .
oh i wonder how that feels ?
to have someone who will fight your battles ,
for you .
instead of being on the opposing team .

i wonder how it feels to have a family .
my supposed "first" team ..
what's supposed to be my "main" support.
my lifelines
so what happens when the ones
you never thought would make you feel
the feeling you always feel the most ,
make you feel those feelings you hate feeling
the most ?

you crumble ,
even more so than before
you collapse and you decay
until you're nothing but
a fine powder that hopefully no one ingests .
pure crazy at it's finest ,
a drug for sure .
but , this one ?
It kills.
It’s always a daily battle, always something I’m fighting and I’m always alone.
Mar 2019 · 413
12/2/18 "muted"
muteD Mar 2019
you don't talk to me .
you talk at me .
you talk just so you'll have someone who'll listen .
and I always listen to you .
I listen to you
before you listen to me
and you never listen
to me .
It's like
I'm tuned into your channel
and you're tuned into yourself .
every single one of you
only care about yourselves
and it does not make any sense to me .
how can someone constantly pay attention to
you yet ,
you can only see details about yourself ?
selfish ,
rapacious ,
parsimonious .
different word ,
same meaning .
different people ,
same reaction .

how come some of us are destined to be
the ones who care
while others are the ones who get cared for ?
why am I forced to feel like when I'm talking
but not a soul is listening ?
in one ear and out the other
or maybe it goes right over your head ?
is it possible that every word I've spoken
has been ignored because of lack of interest ?
why is it that I'm always the one who fades
into the background ?
I'm the one who starts the story
but never gets to finish .
the one with so much to tell
but no one to tell it to .
the one who just wants to be heard
but has already been muted .

I am
mute .
This is something that been weighing heavily on my mind.
muteD Dec 2018
Crazy .
That's what I must be .
I must be losing my mind .
My head hurts so much ,
A self inflicted pain on accident ,
I swear .
What is happenening to me ?
Water falling from my eyes .
Mental pain turning physical ,
Why does my heart hurt ?
I feel like my mind is attacking itself .
World War One
all over
in my head
Bullets flying
Memories being killed
Can't be right ,
Trust me the pain is left
Left as in wrong this pain is wrong
I'm rambling .
Crazy ,
I'm going crazy .
Mentally unstable .
Imagine being mentally unstable .
You can't , can you ?
Why would you want to imagine losing your
mind ?
Could you even imagine losing something that
was never yours ?
I feel like a wrecked ship
Lost at sea .
I'm lost in my head
Thinking so much
My head is pounding.
Started left only to consume everything right .

Wicked .
What a wicked curve
In this race of sanity .
Giving me the blueprints of a wild mind
One that can't possibly be mine
my mind
Can't possibly be breaking
Shattering .
I'm shattering .
Into a million pieces .
It is me , I know that
But it's like I'm watching me
Fall apart ,
Feeling every single emotion
Almost as if I wrote this screenplay
A movie of my own downfall
Written by me .
Starring me .
But , it isn't me
It is me
But it isn't me
A broken me .
Beaten down and bloodied up ,
I wish I would have known
A broken mind continues to break
Until it's fully broken .
"This explains a mental breakdown really well for people that don't have them and I think that's really important."-TNB
"To me is explaining every woman and how we are called crazy but we are still strong enough to hold **** in."-L
muteD Dec 2018
What do you want from me ?
Truly .
Each of you want a piece
of something
with substance .
A piece of me split each way .
A different sketch for each of you .
Everyone needs an altered piece of myself to
play with ,
A 'rag doll' as they call it .
To do whatever you please .
A character to play out in your story.
History ,
Her story
Everyone's story
Except mine .
My story ,
When does my story begin ?

sometimes I get tired of playing the role I was
cast in ,
I'm an actor in this tired excuse of a play .
Maybe that is my story .
My tale .
A nightmare is what it is .
A fairytale is what it used to called .
Some fiction mixed a litte truth
because all lies are based from fact .
Maybe all I'm meant to be
is a different flame
in every wildfire .
Meant to fuel your passions
And to inspire your dreams .
There's a different me
For everybody .
Every one of you ****** get
Or amour .
You get someone who would protect you
From every thorn
of pain in this existence called 'life' .
I'd sacrifice mine ,
to save you twice .
Recognizing your flaws for what they really are ,
Imperfect beauty marks
on the heart .
I care for you how only I can wish
You'd care for me .
And that's my issue .
I see your potential
All your pain , I feel .
Like a sponge , I soak up all your filth .
I polish you .
I always wipe your surface
even though my movements go unnoticed .
Time and time again ,
I'm the one who listens .
Starting but never finishing
like a slept on movie series.
you fall asleep on me before you even
understand me .
Snoozing as I portay
this idea of disarray .
I watch you ignore me
And all while asking ,
"Are you still watching?"
"I feel some type of way tbh and it really hurt my heart... [Is it] about me cause I feel like the shoe fit."-MO
"***. I relate to this one. Like I think this is one of my favorites. It's so f*cking true how you [can] give someone your all and they [will still] sleep on you. Like fr this one is golden."-L
Dec 2018 · 296
12/3 "trapped"
muteD Dec 2018
12/3 trapped

Do you know how it feels to be a prisoner
of your own mind ?
To feel trapped inside your own head .
Confined to a room w four walls
of nothing .
Almost like you were just dropped into this void .
An empty space filled with gloominess and
so much shade .
Feels as though I started off as a being with a
soul ,
A spirit if you may .
but slowly I've turned into a nonentity .
someone you don't notice is gone
until you need something .
until you need to release those feelings you hold
inside ,
you wouldn't notice me even if I died .
And I would cry ,
If I had any tears left .

Oh and do you know how it feels to want to
hide from yourself ?
Hide from the guilt
Hide from the shame
Hide from who you really are
whoever that is .
I am tired of this mask I am forced to wear .
Cloaking myself in the scent of happiness ,
Just so I can trick my thoughts into
Disappearing .
If only for a little while .
Oh how I wish for lucidity .
I just want to be heard
to be truly figured out .
I want someone to put together my mess
of a puzzle .
save me from myself
because she's a tricky one .
save me from this life filled with nothing
but endless pain .
every day is filled with the want to disappear
into thin air .
Evaporate into the heavens above
Or melt into the fires below

All I want is to not feel a thing .
But instead I feel every jab of words .
Like a stab wound to my chest
with a twist .
The twist being me holding that knife
To  my own throat .
Do you know how it feels to hold the dagger of
death ?
One incision ,
One puncture and it's all over .
"That ****ts deep as hell my dude. You got a way with words for sure... The cloaking line and [the] disappearing thoughts [line] is hard facts."-LS
Dec 2018 · 1.1k
11/28 "Janeva"
muteD Dec 2018
I'm missing a piece ,
a piece of my heart .
and that piece died years ago ..
literally ,
you were my light in a dark room .
my laughter when all I wanted to do was cry ,
you were
you are
my sister .

I'm sorry I couldn't save you.
I'm sorry I wasn't there to see the light
leave your eyes
oh how alone you must have felt
to have to die in a bathroom with nothing but
bubbles and
a bathtub of water .
"mom , help!"
"***** , save me!"
"baby brothers , are you there?"
"can anyone hear me?!"
if only you could have spoken ,
I wonder what you would have yelled .
oh , poo , I am sorry that I wasn't there .
I'm sorry that it was you
and not me .
I would give you my life if I could ,
wrap it up in newspaper just so I could see you
tear it apart
just one more time ,
for old times sake .
maybe play some music so I can see your
light up my room
and light up my life .
you will forever be my missing piece  ,
my puzzle will never be complete
without you ..

Love ,
***** .
I miss you *****..
"It's beautiful. I felt that."-JS
Dec 2018 · 723
(5/17) 11/10
muteD Dec 2018
how we used to be
back when
I couldn't breathe
call me breathless
bc you were breathtaking
and mine .

you were like a rose .
beautiful yet dangerous
with thorns tipped w poison .
grew up through a crack in the cement ,
felt nothing but continual abandonment
and an ache
for something you know nothing about .

maybe you were more like an onion .
each time you pull back a layer ,
there's always another
in its place .
had heart of ice ,
one I tried to unthaw .
I wiped your surface ,
and it just froze back over
immediately after .

an imperfect flaw of perfection .
someone in need of affection ,
commitment , attention and direction
you are someone
who would've died
saving me .

and that just can't be .
"I like it. The first and second paragraph (stanza) make me think of my ex."-SB
Dec 2018 · 233
muteD Dec 2018
Nothing seems worth it anymore .
Dreaming seems pointless .
Wishing seems senseless .
And living ?
It just seems ridiculous ..
I am hopelessly lost in despair .
In need of just a lil guidance
Yet I'm too far gone to help
And it's far too late to notice.

that I am

stuck ,
In the Land of the Unliving .
Feelings that aren't even feelings .
Thinking things that shouldn't be thoughts .
Remembering things that couldn't be memories .
Everything is
Mixing and mixing
And matching and mixing
And matching and matching
Until it's well passed
And everything has been
And I have been drained .

Something is
and I can't find it .
Whether it's my heart or my head ,
I can't quite confess
or recognize
under the scrutiny
I am under ,

Attack that is .

Each flashback
Rapes my mind
Over and over again .
Each ******
In and out , in and out
Leaves a piece of
'nothing' behind .
Like a dried up grape ,
What makes me ME
has been ****** out of me .
Just call me a raisin ,
I am nothing
but a dried up piece of something
that used to be
a being .
Dec 2018 · 172
12/2 "Nostalgia"
muteD Dec 2018
"a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life."

i miss my memories .
the ones i can remember so vividly .
back when she was my best friend ,
he was my end ,
and she was my cousin.
i miss my feelings .
not the ones that remind me
of a time not worth living .
engrossed in my sisters drowning
nightmares plagued me
because i blamed me .

i miss when everything was so effortless .
being me was a manifest
error , something that was luminous .
lighting up my world with darkness .
back when i wasn't weak .
felt indestructible, nothing could destroy me .
except maybe a heartbreak ..
or three .

i miss when i did not miss .
back when remembering "this
and that " ,
didn't mean a panic attack .
back when being happy
was a state of mind
instead of something
i wanted to be mine .
back when i wasn't afraid to connect .
before you and everyone left
and i was  like our govenment .
a little off balanced ,
without being checked .

i miss who i used to be
because i am not sure
how to be
this "after" me .
muteD Oct 2018
That’s what I’d call you.
Just plain miserable
and manipulative.
You tricked me into giving you the world .
Deceived me into believing that you’d never do me *****
You blinded me by your lies
“Forget about them , you have me.”
But , I didn’t really have you ..
Did I ?
You took what you wanted .
You let me put you before myself .
But ?
I don’t even blame you .
Maybe if I would’ve been in your position ,
Being offered the world
And only being asked for friendship in return ..
Maybe then I would’ve robbed you of your trust .
And your love .

You were my best friend .
My ace ,
My platonic soulmate .
And I treated you as much .
But, what was I ?
To you ,
What was I ?
A personal tutor ?
Remember those last two essays that you just couldn’t get done ?
Who helped you ?
Who stayed up after an exhausting day at work ,
After having to bike home in the cold and rain ?
Just so you could pass and not worry.
Maybe , I was just a free ride .
Always taking you places ,
Always giving you the keys and letting you do whatever.
You filled the tank maybe twice
within a nine month period .
And I never once said anything .
Oh I got it , I was your ATM.
Whenever you needed money ,
I was glad to help .
Whether it was for an Uber so you could go to your volleyball tournament
Since your own “mother” couldn’t take you
Or whether it was for a Plan B because
Your boyfriend didn’t know how to pull out .
Hm , I guess I was also a personal shopper .
Buying you clothes when I bought me some .
You didn’t wanna spend your money ?
That was fine .
I would spend mine
And you didn’t even have to ask.
I was everything except your friend
and that’s all I wanted to be .

I should’ve seen this coming .
I should have KNOWN .
Looking back
All I can see are the signs ,
Foreshadowing what was to come .
You started to change right in front of my own eyes
but I didn’t want to believe it .
Didn’t want to believe what I could clearly see .
You started to ignore me .
For days on end .
Living in the same house became something like a
Silent war .
Everyone against me .
Including you .
You started to disappear into your room .
There were no more lifetime movie marathons together .
No more staying up and goofing around together .
No more talking about any and everything together .
I lost you way before I knew I lost you
and that makes my heart ache
like a pre-existing bruise
getting hit over and over again .
This poem means a lot to me . Honestly . Someone hurt me and I don’t know how long it’s gonna take until I’m okay and don’t think about it anymore .
Oct 2018 · 197
muteD Oct 2018
Time .
One of the slowest ,
yet fastest things I know .
Having the ability to pass in a second
while also having the strength to stop and drag along .
I hate time .
Especially when all my
time is spent
waiting on others .
It’s like time is just idling ,
lagging ,
falling farther and farther behind .
until it becomes nothing ,
nothing but a clock with no hands ,
all because of a decision .

I decided to spend all of my time just waiting,
standing by without cause because
time was on hold .
but if I only knew what pausing time would do.
Leaving me w the feeling of being lost and confused .
Maybe then I would have just pressed play
even if that meant I had to play by myself
at least time would have been pressed
to move along .
instead of yearning for
company .
Imagine passing through infinity ..
How lonely that would be .
To never have anyone to tell my dreams ?
That would not be an ideal fantasy .
Yet time is forced ,
with me in the passenger seat ,
to break itself down .
Demanded to spend half of itself alone.
Completely cloaked
Half in radiant light
Half in soul ******* darkness
But always
ALL alone .
What would this world be without time ?
The world would be me .
Alone yet free .
Alone but free .
But being alone and free
is for eternity
not for me .
What do you think this poem is really about ? Writing this made me realize how abstract my poetry is and I love that . I love understanding what I do .
Sep 2018 · 191
muteD Sep 2018
I hate this feeling .
This feeling of not knowing
This from that
Up from down
Right from left
Happiness from
Oh but I know anger .
I know anger better than I know me.
Anger knows me better than my own mother .
Anger conceived me , it birthed me .
It fed me the darkness
Clothed me in hate.
When no one else would stay,
Anger was the one who showed me the way.
Even if that way led me into the deepest, darkest hole imaginable.

Death isn’t the monster it is made out to be .
It isn’t the noise under your bed,
The shadow in your closet,
Or the one who “stole” my sister.
Death is a savior .
A protecter.
A liberator.
Death is a guardian angel
Disguised as the devil .
Oh , how could it be Satan ?
If it releases you from a life of pain
And envelopes you into a hug of shadows ?
Soft and overwhelmingly complete.
Death is the mother I always wanted my own mother to be .
Sep 2018 · 294
muteD Sep 2018
“trust me”
but trust me,
trust stings.

trust has to be earned.
or so they say
but for some reason
i hand my trust out
like Halloween candy
right at 7 o’clock.
every word that you tell me,
i believe.
but trusting you scares me.
cause every person i trusted?
abandoned me.
stole from me.
left me wondering,
if I’m as pathetic as i feel
or if i only look it.
i wonder what makes me different from others.
what makes you stop and think
“i wonder how bad i have to hurt her to drop her to my feet.”
you wound me.
not with your words
but your actions are screaming
and i can’t stop listening.
like the sound of my heartbreaking
is on repeat.

(“I wanna put this song on replay. so i can listen to it all day.”
oh Zendaya how i wish i could relate.)
Sep 2018 · 676
too many .. words .
muteD Sep 2018
“No one cares about you unless you’re dead or lying naked in their bed.”

too many.
too many to remember.
too many to count.
all my life I’ve been searching for love and affection
in the wrong places..
in the wrong people.
I’ve given up the key to my sanctuary
given up the password to my treasury
only to be tricked and robbed blind.
time and time again i allow myself to be used and abused
like a *****
but at least they get paid.

words can be so deceiving.
one minute they can be whispered so intimately in your ear
while you’re feeling the best pleasure
known to you
and the next millisecond
they can be thrown like daggers
and you’re the target.
and I don’t get it.

every time i think, it’ll be different.
every time i hope, it’ll be different.
but this time ?
i wanted you to be different
and I thought you were.
but now,
my mind is clouded
plagued by the poisonous thoughts in my head.
i was hoping you’d save me,
but you might be the reason i end up
couldn’t decide on the title so I combined both of my ideas together . this poem is very personal and speaks about something I have told little people. if you have read this poem , then you now know me better than almost every person I know. please do not judge me , this is me showing my soul.
Sep 2018 · 148
muteD Sep 2018
and just like that
i became your diary.
you being the pen
and i being your paper.
like i was your shaker .
salt or pepper ,
it didn’t matter .
you needed flavor
and i needed ...

in a blink of an eye
you turned to me
searching for something
to hold on to
and like a lifeguard
i dived into your ocean of tears .
(or was it fears?)
i should’ve tested your waters first
i didn’t know how
to swim
in a place so deep.
Sep 2018 · 232
muteD Sep 2018
Sometimes I get sad.
Like sad sad.
To the point where it feels like a blanket of darkness is surrounding me.
Like a black hole of sadness
and happiness can’t get in.
And a life without happiness?
It’s suicide.
It’s almost like my own hands are strangling me.
Do you know how it feels to be suffocated?
To feel your soul slowly ooze out of your pores?
To have your life force ripped piece by piece from your heart?
Dear God or whoever you believe in,
I hope you never do.

Sometimes I get down.
Like down in the dumps.
To the point where it feels like happiness is a foreign concept.
Like the idea of physics.
Difficult and hard to understand
Especially when you’re your own teacher.
Teaching myself something you never knew to begin w.
So , HOW will I catch on?
I just can’t.
I can’t grasp the idea euphoria, happiness or physics.
No matter how hard I try.
And maybe that’s what I get.
Call it bad karma or bad luck ,
Whatever shoe fits just make someone else wears it
And not me.
Or maybe it’s because I was never taught how to be happy
and how to love myself.

Sometimes I get depressed.
Like depressed all of the time actually.
There’s never a ‘happy’ moment.
Not for long.
Not ever .
I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t depressed.
Maybe when I was a kid.
Back when life was a walk in the park
And all I had to worry about was..
Whatever kids worry about I guess.
I can’t remember what that would be.
All I know is that kids have this innocence,
This happiness,
This light.
But, I never had that.
Not even for a minute.
Like a 24 hour clock of depression
I’m always clocked in.
sometimes i just think.
Sep 2018 · 591
muteD Sep 2018
Never say never when time is unknown.
And anything w ‘never’ , can be a lie on its own.


“I’ll never leave you.”
What a delicious little lie.
“I’ll never stop loving you.”
Never ended quick .
“I’ll never switch up.”
How can you be seated on a throne of needles
Dipped in poisonous lies ?
(and not feeeeeel them?)
You changed up like I change clothes .
Doubt looks better when you wear it,
Not when you bite the backs of those who helped you say it.
(I’m talking words here .
Doubt in your words
Planted a seed of
Uneasiness which I cannot escape)
Cloaking yourself in deception won’t hide the treason you’ve committed .
Not when you’re found guiltily.
This is the Court of Loyalty
And you cannot get it .
Jan 2018 · 590
1/15 "Sting"
muteD Jan 2018
Today I was taking a shower
and my arm started to sting.
That sting.
The sting I didn't even realize I remembered.
Until I did.
And when I did, oh how that made me feel.
Being bombarded with oh so many memories of
escape and freedom
And control.

Today, I was taking a shower
And my arm started to sting.
This familiar sting that I knew all to well
and all I could do was stare at this tiny, tiny cut.
Like a pink line of perfection,
if that makes sense.
It brought with it not only a slight pain that I am all too familiar with.
But, also the memories of watching my blood mix with the water into a pretty pink
Swirl down the drain.

Today, I was taking a shower
and my arm started to sting.
Bringing with it the need to feel that sting
Like in the past years.
Needing to have some sense of control.
Needing to feel a pain that I knew better than
my own face.
Needing to slice my arm.
Not into ribbons,
but how about laces?

Today, I was taking a shower
And my arm started to sting.
And that scares me.
The feeling of wanting to grab the sharpest thing I could find
and add my pretty in pink lines
across my mocha skin.
Right along with the older ones.
Not caring who see's them
and not caring about the
Only caring about the release it would provide.
Release and a high.
A high that makes me higher than smoking **** ever could.

Today, I was taking a shower
And my arm,
My arm started to sting.
Jan 2018 · 291
1/7 "Personal"
muteD Jan 2018
Sometimes I wish I didn't exist.
Who would want to exist in this world anyways?
Living a life of hurt and loneliness
Because no matter what you do, no one will ever stick around to see you make it out of this disastrous and heartless cold world or not.

Oh how I hate the word
Because that's what I've been feeling lately.
"You aren't alone."
"I'm here for you."
"There are others going through this too."
Yada, yada, yada.
Those are just words that spill like a fallen drink on the kitchen counter.
Emptying its' contents like you would your stomach after hearing that your brother faces up to 25 years for something you wish he didn't do.

Is that too personal for you?
Oh, I can get much more personal.

How about uprooting your life for the second time?
Second time? Second time.
For a parental figure who doesn't even act like you were once in her.
Your heartbeat mixing with hers in this entrancing dance of rhythm.
Picking favorites and avoiding communicating with you because who needs to communicate with her own flesh and blood anyways?
Forcing you to look for tender and warm maternal affection and direction elsewhere because how could she possible show love if she's more lost than you are?

Not personal enough?
I'm just warming up.

I've been so independent for so long.
I never knew I could learn to depend on someone so much.
But, I did.
And I'm sorry if this starts to slowly turn into one of those lovey dovey yucky yucky poems.
But, I've finally met my match.
Someone who laughs at the same things as me.
Someone who takes care of me and sends me those cute
"Did you eat?"
"Did you make it home?"
"I miss you."
Someone who has seen me broken and beaten down and instead of running away at full speed,
He cupped my face with his hands and forced me to look at him,
Through the snot and tears,
And told me
"Do you see me? I will not leave you. I am here."

And that my friends,
Gave me back my will.
My will to live.
My will to survive.
The will I lost so long ago.
The will I never knew I had.
But, don't let that "will" fool you.
I'm still learning how to depend on myself.
I'm still learning how to love my life.
I'm still learning how to want to live.

If that wasn't personal enough for you,
Then nothing ever will be.
I just wanted to take a moment and get a little personal.
Dec 2017 · 358
muteD Dec 2017
This feeling.
Like a million butterflies circling around one
A rose of love.
Or is it death?
I could never tell.
It doesn't matter,
I suppose.
As long as what's meant to happen,
Before anything prevents that from happening.

What is going to happen?
Will he forget me like a song forgotten?
Slowly starts as one forgets a verse here
And there.
And the next thing you know the melody is all you know
Until you don't even know that anymore.

Or will he remember me and return?
Like one would come back to their
Ol Home Sweet Home.
Where the heart resides.
As they say,
If you truly love someone,
Set them free.
If he returns,
He cares for me as much as I love all of him.
Even if he's never going to say that
4 letter word.
At least I'll know and have my peace.
A peace in this seemingly un-win-able war.
If he doesn't,
I guess it was not meant to be.
I wonder if ones heart could take that without seizing up
And ripping it's own self apart.
That pain would be unbearable.
Unbearably painful enough to
Stop Death in his tracks
And make him question his own life.

What if he's different when he returns home?
Cold and calculated because
The Rules
Are all he knows and now he's forced to
Try to mold himself back into a world
He willingly left behind.
"Don't think like that."
I try to tell myself,
But it isn't working
Because it true
And that's a pain I know all too well.
He's leaving this world behind.
The world I belong too.
So, if he leaving this world
Wouldn't that men he's leaving me
Yes? Yes.
No? No.
Maybe? Maybe not.
I guess we'll have to wait and see.

To be continued..
My baby left me to go to basic training for the Air Force and my heart hasn't been the same..
Aug 2017 · 873
love 8/25/17
muteD Aug 2017
what a strange word.
i wonder what it feels like.
maybe a million an done butterflies caressing your skin.
each flap of their wings drawing you in closer.
or maybe it feels like a wave crashing into a cliff.
you're the cliff
and love is the wave.
maybe it hits you out of nowhere.
i used to think love was a leaf falling from the tree and landing on your shoulder.
so unexpectedly.
so suddenly.
maybe love is unknown.
the things we do not know
and could never know.
i wonder what love feels like.
i wonder...
what is love?
i was having poets block Friday , so i watched a lovey-dovey movie and read some poetry. then, i wrote this.
muteD Aug 2017
My head hurts.
A product of overthinking, I would imagine.
And anxiety.
I can never be happy.
Not fully anyways.
Everything has its expiration date.
Even happiness.
Especially happiness.
But, I just don't understand what makes me different.
Why must I go through these things?
Why must I feel this pain?
This headache?
This feeling?
What did I do?
I lived.
I lived and my sister died and that's the honest truth.
But, why?
Why have I been chosen to live a...
Not "chosen". But, forced.
Why have I been forced to live a life I do not want?
A life I do not deserve?
And that's the million dollar question.
today is an off day , like most.
Jun 2017 · 385
Just why?
muteD Jun 2017
Tell me.
So, is this how it’s going to be?
How it will always be?
Me busting my back trying to make you proud,
And you not even noticing or caring to notice?
Is this how I will always feel?
Like I’m not good enough
Like I’ll never be good enough.
No matter how hard I try?
Please open my eyes to your understanding of how I should be treated.
Let me into your mind.
Share your daily thoughts.
Whatever goes through your head when you see me.
What am I doing so wrong?
Why won’t you love me?
Or treat me like your own?
Jan 2017 · 562
Your "God"
muteD Jan 2017
I don't believe in YOUR “God”.
I don’t believe in anything.
How could I?
Why would I?
They tell me to pray about it..
Pray to who?
Why would he listen?
Who is He?

All of my life,
It has been shoved down my throat.
This “religion” of sorts.
Never can I get a break.

I was taught that your “God”
Wouldn’t accept me.
That I was a disgrace.
Why would I believe in someone like that?

So, no.
No, I won’t believe.
I can’t believe.
Even if you think
I should believe.
*I won’t.
I'm tired of people asking me if I'm okay.. and then when they ask me what's wrong and I tell them, they always respond with "Just pray about it". No. I refuse to pray to a "God" that supposedly won't accept me because I'm bisexual. NO.
Jan 2017 · 260
muteD Jan 2017
He's gone.
I lost my reason.
Dec 2016 · 225
Untitled for now
muteD Dec 2016
We are only as good as we claim to be.
So, what happens
When what we claim to be
Is a lie that even we know isn’t a possibility?
What happens when
The mask we are wearing
Breaks into a million pieces
Leaving us open and vulnerable,
Scared and helpless,
Alone and powerless?

We used to have the light in our eyes.
Used to believe in happy endings.
In dreams.
What happened
To us?
Where’s our innocence?
Where’s our humanity?
Where is our soul?

We live in a world of
Pretending and faking.
A world where the worst enemy
Is the person looking back in the mirror.
The one you call yourself.

In this world no one really knows
Who they are.
“Who am I?”
“Why am I?”
“What am I?”

Dreams abandoned.
Tears shed.
Hearts broken.
Yet we still have the nerve
To believe in a better ending
Than the picture we’ve painted.

We are only as good as we claim to be.
So, what happens
When what we claim to be
Is a lie that even we know isn’t a possibility?
It's about humanity. I hope it makes you think.
Dec 2016 · 600
muteD Dec 2016
I started to realize
That you were becoming my reason.
My reason for everything.
My reason for living.
My reason for going on.
My reason for being happy.

I started to realize that I loved you more
Than I loved myself.
More than I could explain.
More than I thought I could love.
More than you could ever know.

I started to realize that I couldn’t do this anymore.
I realized that you deserved more than I could offer.
I realized that I just didn’t love you as much as I thought.

I started to lose you.

I started to lose myself.

I fell out of love
With the love of my life.

I started to lose my life.
This poem goes with "Falling Out Of Love." I just kind of realized that I wasn't okay with loving someone more than I loved myself anymore.
Dec 2016 · 1.4k
Falling Out Of Love
muteD Dec 2016
that’s what i feel.
that’s what i’ve always felt.
like i was
of a plane.
free falling , hoping the ground would be my knight in shining armor
and catch me.
i feel like i’ve been knocked off
my guard. i’m confused.
who are you?
who is “me”?
what are we?
are we in
and if so, why does it feel
like this?
like i can’t catch my breath?
like i’m drowning?
like i’m dying?
what is this “love”?
and why does it hurt?
I've fallen out of of love with the love of my life. Read "Slowly" for more detail.
Oct 2016 · 263
Depression Put In Words
muteD Oct 2016
Shattered. Broken. Crushed.
no. please no, not again.
Asphyxiate. Strangle. Smother.
the pain.. please just make it stop. please.
Pierce. Penetrate. Plunge.
why aren't you listening to me? why won't you help me? WHY DON'T YOU CARE?!
Agony. Affliction. Torture.
**** me. just **** me. end it all please.
Silence. Paradise. Sleep.
I'm not afraid of *death
. but is death afraid of me?
To me, this is how depression feels when it gets stronger and harder to handle and harder pretend as if it isn't there.
Sep 2016 · 249
What is life?
muteD Sep 2016
What is life?
And what makes us alive?
The way we talk? The way we say our ABC's? The way we take insults with a closed mouth? The way we cry when we're hurt, and scream when we're upset? The way we eat, and then cleanse ourselves of the weight, the *solidness
? The way we turn to our razors for companionship? Or how about the way we lie in our mommas bed (for those of us who have one) and tell her all about our problems?
Is it the way we spend thousands of hours worrying about that guy who's not even thinking about us? The way we pretend to smile when we'd rather cry? The way we trust with no doubt the people who call themselves our "
parents"? The way our blood dances through our body? The way our heart beats when we wish it'd just st-st-stop? The way we blink back our tears? The way the words get stuck in our throats when we get nervous? The way we breathe *in and out, in and out, in and out?
Who has the ability to decide whether we are truly alive or not?
**What is life?
And what makes us alive?
Finally finished revising this today☺ I can honestly say that I've never been more proud. I have never written anything quite like this.
Aug 2016 · 475
My Plea
muteD Aug 2016
Give me your hand,
Lemme guide you into my twisted mind.
Lend me your ears,
Lemme scream to you my pain.
Provide me your eyes,
Lemme show you the darkness.
Sell me your trust,
and I'll give you mine.
Grant me the gift of forgiveness,
Lemme forgive myself.
Give me the strength to survive,
The will to carry on,
and the heart to care.
**As I pray to a God I may or may not believe in.
The last sentence is a story for another day.
Aug 2016 · 213
muteD Aug 2016
Locked in a room.
No windows,
No doors,
No lights,
No escape.

Just darknees. Black EVERYWHERE.
Why are there so many walls?!
Of words.
In a language I don't recognize.
I'm stuck in a room..
Stuck in a language I do not know.
Apr 2016 · 2.1k
Wait To Be Jealous
muteD Apr 2016
He says he's jealous of me.

Because I have a new family.
Because I have new friends.
Because I finally have my life together.
Do you understand?!
Me. He's jealous of ME.
HA. Funny.

He's jealous of:
The girl who has lost *everyone
and everything.
The girl who got kicked out of her house because she likes guys *AND
The girl who was forced to go to a church, who brainwashed her into thinking she was a disgrace.
The girl who suffered from mental and emotional abuse for 4 YEARS.
The girl who turned to scissors, and razors for companionship.
The girl who was lied to, again and again.
The girl who lost her grandma, then two months later lost her sister.
The girl who hates her reflection, because she isn't proud of who she is.
The girl with self-image, self-confidence, and self-esteem problems.
The girl who can't see her brothers, the ones that are keeping her going, her anchors.

Everything I have now, I earned.
I worked for what I have.
And I'll continue striving for my goals.
Graduation. College. My mom.
My brothers.

So, no. Don't be jealous of me.
Don't speak of what you don't know.
If you want to be jealous of me, wait.
Wait until I have everyone and everything I need.
When I am truly happy,
then you can be jealous.
*Be jealous until your heart's content.
This is just the conversation I had the other day with this guy who says he is my best friend, but doesn't know nothing about me.
Apr 2016 · 231
One Day
muteD Apr 2016
What is this life?
Please, tell me what it is.
They tell me to believe,
but I don't know how.
How do I believe?
In what, shall I believe?
In myself?
What a joke.
Because to be honest,
I am a failure, who can't do anything right.
Which is what they say, anyway.
But, it's okay.
Because I'll get myself right one day.
*One day soon.
Sooner than you think.
Apr 2016 · 892
The "S" Word
muteD Apr 2016
Don't you understand?
The pain and hurt she feels?
She compromises every time.
But, nothing ever seems to be enough.
And we all know that one thing leads to the next.
But to completely satisfy your wants and desires,
would go against what she wants.
Why doesn't what she wants matter?
Why is it the same argument all the time?
"I'm not ready"
"I'm not ready"
"I'm not ready"

How many times does she have to say it?

Five Disagreements.
It seems like the only way to make you happy,
is to offer up her body as a sacrifice.
Well, what if she doesn't want to?
What then?
*There's more to this dependency than her body.
Either understand, or forget you know her.
This is for my friend and her issue.
Jan 2016 · 785
I Am Done
muteD Jan 2016
I Just Want To Sink
Into Oblivion..
To Stop These Tidal Waves Of Pain.
I'm Tired Of Feelings.
I'm Tired Of The Way
Everyone Makes Me
I Just Want To Be Done.
I'm Tired Of This Life.
I'm Tired Of Breathing.
&& I'm Tired Of Living.
I'm Just So Tired Of Being Tired.
Lord Help Me...
Before Its Too Late.
I'm hurting so bad right now. And noone knows. And noone cares.
Jan 2016 · 315
The Cycle Of Life
muteD Jan 2016
The World Is Filled With Chaos.
Or Rather People Who Create It.
Filling The World With Their Lies,
And Pointless Sayings.
Breaking Hearts,
And Starting Wars.
On And Off The Battlefield
Until Our Body Is Broken,
And Our Soul Is Bruised.
When Will We Realize That All Wars Are Not Worth Fighting?
Sometimes It Is Better To Give Up
When The Person You're Trying To Save
Doesn't Want To Be Saved.
So Instead You Try To Save Yourself
From The World Of Dark Thoughts
But That Places You Right At The Beginning.
And No Matter How Much You Try To Change It,
You Are Stuck In The Cycle Of Life.
This is for what my best friend/fill-in mom are going through
Jan 2016 · 274
muteD Jan 2016
The things we know do not surprise,
Because the things we know we’ve felt.
All the things we’ve saw with our eyes,
Were frozen ice truths about to melt.
But truths can make you go insane
When all you know is sanity.

You start to feel like an unmarked train
Or someone blind, who can not see.
But don’t believe, these are false hopes
Because the things you know are fake.
They confuse you more than you know you know
And breaks you just like an earthquake.
Just know sometimes in life you lose,
Because your battles you cannot pick and choose.
Jan 2016 · 566
muteD Jan 2016
The lights flicker.
Your heart stops.
Your eyes flutter,
As your body drops.

You wonder why
You feel this way.
As you cry
You curse the day.

There’s nothing left,
Or so you think.
Your words are deaf,
As your thoughts blink.
Jan 2016 · 459
muteD Jan 2016
Lies, lies. Full of lies.
You, you. Full of life.
Me, me. Misery.
Truth, truth. Incomplete
Dec 2015 · 450
muteD Dec 2015
In Moments Like This,
I'm Floating.
I'm Higher Than The Sky.
This Moment Is
When I Like The Wrong
Instead Of The Right.
This Moment Is The Most Dangerous Of Times.
Its When I Feel The Most Confident And Brave.
This Space And Time,
Is The More
And The Less.
This is how I'm feeling right now.
Dec 2015 · 395
muteD Dec 2015
Sometimes I Feel Like I ******* Up.
And Most Days I Know I Have.
I Miss My Old Life,
The Life I Used To Have
Just 4 Short Weeks Ago.
For The First Time In My Life,
I Trully Regret The Decisions I've Made.
I Regret Burning The Bridges I've Burned.
And I Regret Hurting The People I've Hurt.
For The First Time In My Life
I Realize How Horrible Of A Person I Trully Am.
And I Don't Know If I Can Change That.
Today's just one of those days..
Dec 2015 · 689
muteD Dec 2015
I May Not Be Beautiful
By Societies Standards.
But, I Am Beautiful By Mine.
And That's All That Matters.
I just realize the other day, that I actually like the way I look.
Dec 2015 · 460
(This Is For) Him
muteD Dec 2015
I Don't Hook Up.
And I Don't Go For Guys
I Think Are Unattainable.
But He.
He Makes Me
Everything I Ever Thought I Knew
About The Thing Called,

I Hope I'm Not
Overthinking It.
But Sometimes It Fees Like
He's Playing Me.
When We're Alone
It's All
"Accidental" Touches,
Small Smiles,
And Secretive Looks.
But In A Group,
All That Disappears
In A Cloud Of Smoke.
Almost Like It Was Never There
To Begin With.
Making Me Seem Crazier
Than I Actually Am And
Leaving Me Wondering If
I'll Be Good Enough
For Him To Want Me ALL The Time

When We First Met
I Was Attracted To Him.
And I Felt Like He Was
Attracted To Me.
But The More I Think About It,
The More I Start To Doubt It.
"Maybe You're Not Pretty Enough."
"He's Out Of Your League!!"
"He's Way More Experienced."
"He's Gonna Want More Than You're Ready To Give."
"Seriously, Are You Kidding? COME ON!"

And Soon I Become A Victim
Of My Own Heart.

I Want Him.
I Don't Want To Rush Into Anything.
I Want Him.
And You Know What They Say.
What The Heart Wants,
The Heart Gets.
Okay, so it may seem like this guy is WAAYYY older than me but he's not. He's actually just 2 months younger than me. And this is the guy I was talking about in 'I Finally Have A Crush".
Dec 2015 · 281
Forever Alone
muteD Dec 2015
Is This How
Its Going To Be?
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