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Jan 2018 · 249
Only Today;
Linda Terman Jan 2018
Today too much of it all
Today I don't have power
Today without the mask
Today just me!
Today only all the pain
Today I give myself permission
Today only today
To cry
Linda Terman Apr 2017
What I See and Feel Looking At You...

When the sun first peeks over the mountains in a new day.
The feeling of awe that it inspires with its beauty.

The smell of a field of wild flowers in a green meadow.
The feeling of refreshment it brings.

The sun setting, dropping slowly into the sea.
It's beauty takes my breath away.

The joy of watching a new born calf or horse, taking their first steps.
The wonder of it.

Looking into a clear stream, seeing the fish swimming
beneath the depths.
The awesome feeling of looking into their world.

Watching the full moon rising, slowly into the dark sky.
In silence you watch the beauty and majestic climb.

The stars in the sky, glittering like millions of diamonds in the sky.

Seeing a rainbow, of many colors
That seem to blend to sky and earth, when thy touch.

Watching lovers walking by hand in hand, feeling their joy.

The wonder of birth, the feeling
Holding a new life in your arms, for the first time.

The joy of a first kiss
with all of its bliss.

The warmth of, first love.

The sound of music
Filling me with feelings, from it's melody.

The softness of the clouds, on a soft day.

The power of a thunder clap.

A lightening bolt
Thrown from the sky, striking earth.

The sight of, gently falling snow.

The taste of sweet honey.

The joy of a parent,
when the child takes their first step or says their first words.

The first time a puppy or kitten, opens their eyes and see the world.

Everything that is Beautiful, in this place and more.

All of these, I feel and see
When I look at you.

Linda Terman
Feb 2017 · 1.2k
The Bridge of lost love:
Linda Terman Feb 2017

*Wants to be the old stone bridge
Awaits, sense the rain, sun and sleet
Until the day
You, just once step out
And I recognize your feet
On your way, across me
Then I could wait
more than five thousand years
On this delight
Jan 2017 · 419
Shattred dreams
Linda Terman Jan 2017
I have a lot of feelings
here inside my heart
Can't you feel?
They are screaming
for you, to hear them
They call on you
Why won't you hear
my heart
Miss you
But all i get
The echoes in
silence of the night

Linda T
Jan 2017 · 754
My heart dreams:
Linda Terman Jan 2017

Open my heart dreams.
You, who has the key.
Before I lose faith!
Lose hope!
Lose the ability to love.
Where once was light!
Cohesion and delight.
Grows darkness!
Despair and loneliness.
Maybe tomorrow it's over.
Who has the right, to dream?

Linda T
Jan 2017 · 512
My dream:
Linda Terman Jan 2017

Dreaming this dream
When my head meets pillow.
Every night, my eyes to the sky drawn
Second star to the right,
our sanctuary in the night.
There we, in dreams meet
Throughout the night, to morning dawns
Hearts and soul, same note sings.
Warm breath and hot kisses
shared and divided.
Salty drops runs, is blended
over our steaming hot skin.
Hands enticing teasing touch
simmering fervent warmth, like fire spreads
Deep inside, fills up flowing over
Reach out into the darkness, want you again
Come my beloved come
Come to me, on the wing of the wind
Let me lie in your arms
feel your warm body, drink it in
As the heat from the summer sun
To wake up, everything is gone
Dreaming this dream..

Linda T
Jan 2017 · 372
Forever love:
Linda Terman Jan 2017
Oh my forever love...
The day has new meaning,
and the night holds a world to be explored
A love has formed from nothingness
You were not and then you were
An unknown awaiting my discovery
You are my long lost love from before I even was
You found me thru time and distance
Two separate entities that now are one
I long to see your face and hold you in my arms,
as now I hold you in my heart
You are my forever love
No beginning nor ending
Oh my forever love..

Linda T
Jan 2017 · 337
Linda Terman Jan 2017

Yellow stitches in black yarn
A push in the back
Destroyed clothes
Frozen heart and soul
Big blue stains of pain
Living Hell, no help
No one to talk to
The devil is at home
To Much Darkness
To Much Pain
To many black stains,
Stop It !!
I Want Out !! ..
why ??
Jan 2017 · 499
Only the shadow:
Linda Terman Jan 2017
Only in the cover of darkness
I am in your dreams
When the house sleeps
You see me

When the sun rises;

House is awakened
I am again
Out of your dreams
A faint memory
Only shadows on the wall

Linda T
Jan 2017 · 525
The tear:
Linda Terman Jan 2017
This tear on my cheek reminds me of you
My stomach hurts my eyes scythes
Have pain in my jaw by all laughs
You put on my lips
As the tears trundle down my thighs
So hard you get me to laugh
Wish you here by my side
Oh to look deeply into your eyes
See and hear you laugh with me
Oh it is sweet music to my heart and soul

Linda T
Jan 2017 · 739
Man of darkness:
Linda Terman Jan 2017
You silent man of darkness
What have you done, what have you done
Floods of anxiety rolls onward like a waterfall
You silent man in the darkness
What are you doing, what are you doing
Held in an iron grip of pain,
My fingers
Dry as branches, you break
You silent man of darkness
What have you done, what have you done
From the darkness, malice laughs
You silent man in the darkness
What have I done, what have I done
Prays for my life
Please, stop, please stop
You silent man of darkness
My meetings with a, Shut the **** up
Takes better grip, dry branches breaks
Crying, screaming with pain
I throw up, I throw up
You silent man in the darkness
What have you done, what have you done
Twists me in pain, twisting me in pain
You silent man of darkness
Why?!  ....

Linda T
Jan 2017 · 451
Linda Terman Jan 2017
Morning is pale
The sun shines
Ocean as mirror
Warm is earth
The sky high
Love so deep
Twilight gloom
The hope bright
The horizon empty glowing
The night loneliness deep

Linda T
Jan 2017 · 477
I don't eat:
Linda Terman Jan 2017
Listening to the waves,
calms my mind.
Looking at the moon,
dances on the water.
Thoughts on silver wings,
beyond the ocean.
I do not eat,
stays hungry.

Linda T
Jan 2017 · 428
The pain:
Linda Terman Jan 2017
Even if someone
looks happy.
You have to look
past their smile.
To see;
How much pain
they contain..

Linda Terman
Jan 2017 · 531
Linda Terman Jan 2017
In Capital Letters

You Told Me .. STILL DO.

You Miss Me .. I Know

I Miss You .. You Know

In Capital Letters
Jan 2017 · 364
Remember me;
Linda Terman Jan 2017
Remember the sea!
All you need, to do
Go to the beach,
let your thoughts fly
Put your feet in the water
You can feel my touch,
gentle and soft
Some days I will be green
others blue
But I will always
be with you
Jan 2017 · 296
The shadows of anxiety:
Linda Terman Jan 2017
In shadows of my anxiety:

In the night's darkest hour, when the silence is the deepest
When shadows of anxiety, are darkest and beyond reach
No one who hear, the anxiety that gnaws paralyzing and deep
Are nobody that hear, the silent scream for help
In the night's darkest hour, when the silence is the deepest
Where loneliness are most, that burrows deeply into the soul
As the dog with his bones, shadows of grief is most
All unbearable, lies paralyzed with tear on cheek
No one who sees, the night returning battles
No one will know the truth, hide myself like a wounded animal
Hide myself behind a smile, would not want anyone get hurt
All I can do, continue life until I can live!

Linda T
Jan 2017 · 360
The face:
Linda Terman Jan 2017
The face.

An old man, on whom I look
The face as in tombstone carved
The long life story it tells
All defeat and heartbreak.
The country which fails;
No humanity!
Do not wake up, not wake up
Do not think for yourself!
Where is freedom?
I gave a smile, across the miles
What a joy to see;
Twenty years disappeared
on the face of the tombstone.
As to watch;
The sun breaks through
after thunderstorm
Rainbow glittering.
Seeing the summer;
hear the humming of bees,
Birds sing.
Humanity I gave!
To an old man
Old? No!
Only a burdened man

Linda T

— The End —