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10.2k · Sep 2014
Lazlo Mehl Sep 2014
My moments with you
Have been undeniable true
Moments of pure pleasure
Moment of pure pain
Hurt beyond measure
But love beyond treasure
Sweet moments off loving
Unhappy moments of tears
We have shared all these moments
Throughout our years
We both treasure these moments
Each and every day
Moments are our memories
Those moments are our hearts
We've had many moments
And still do each year
These little moments we treasure
And will always cherish
For many years to come
9.6k · Sep 2014
Those Are The Moments
Lazlo Mehl Sep 2014
Remember the day we laid eyes on each other. a moment of silence a moment of truth a moment between me and u. remember the day we held each others hands. a moment where 2 heart became one a moment where smiles spoke in silence a moment that would last a lyf time. remember the day we huged. the moment where no one else existed. the moment the earth stood stil the moment that our heart stoped beating. remember the day we kissed. a moment that we felt lyk fanting a moment that sent shivers down our spines a moment that brought out our true feeling. those are the moment that we can never forget!!!
4.4k · Sep 2014
Man VS God
Lazlo Mehl Sep 2014
God created earth
Man created destruction
God created trees
Man created disruption
God created rain
Man created pollution

God created man
Man created Greed
God created love
Man created Cheat

God created peace
Man created execution
God created rest
Man created death

God created commandments
Man created laws

God created us
Man created mistrust.
Save Our Soul, do not perish
2.4k · Aug 2014
Lazlo Mehl Aug 2014
I eat

I drink

I sleep

I work

I love

I hate

I sing

I dance

I cry

I laugh

See the problem is


Half the world

Live my life

So why is it

All about

1.7k · Jun 2015
Lazlo Mehl Jun 2015
As I wake in the morning
to find my favourite window
covered in mist
I then realise winter is here just, just

Its warm in my bed
Id rather rest my head
then face the cold of winter
as winter is just, just

I fear the cold of winter
trenching over my face
is it to late to long for summer
coz winter is here just, just
Winter, Cold, Summer, Cuddles
1.5k · Dec 2014
Lazlo Mehl Dec 2014
I will honour
I will respect
I will treat you right
I will hold
I will kiss
I will not fight
All I ask is
Is this in return
Don’t hurt me
Don’t use me
Honour me rather
then abuse me
Don’t break me
And please what
ever You do
always love me as I love you
1.2k · Sep 2014
Conversation with Mommy
Lazlo Mehl Sep 2014
As come home racing up the stairs, the last place I left mommy was on your bed, where are you mommy why are you not there, as I race to find daddy, he tells me you've gone, gone where daddy, gone where daddy, mommy promised to never be gone, daddy why you crying should I cry too, your face is all red. Tell me what to do. One week later, I'm all in black daddy says I'm going to see mommy, so why am I in black, mommy liked purple I persist but daddy held strong and resist. Not to far daddy holds my hand, don't be sad daddy, we seen mommy again, no my child daddy's not sad Daddy's happy that mommy, had you. Oh daddy I say, you so sweet as I give daddy a kiss on the cheek, before long we arrive and daddy, turns and holds me tight, I love you baby, oh those words. Make me fell all fuzzy inside. Mommy we here as I race daddy down, I've never been here why do so many people frown, excuse Mr why are you sad? Daddy hurries to carry me back, I don't get it, why are we here, and where's mommy she said she would be here, where is she daddy I need to know here beds been empty for far to long. Oh my baby Mommies with God, gone to a better bed, made out of love! Don't be afraid my angel, I'm not afraid daddy,   I know God daddy, mommy always spoke of him, he seems mighty nice and mommy said I can trust him, each day after school I rush up the stairs to kneel beside mommy and say a pray, we spoke with God daddy, and mommy asked that, when she leaves I pray everyday, I like God daddy, do u like him too, he seems mighty nice please say you do, mommy I'm big now its been ten years, I've grown a lot, I have piercing in my ears, daddy left me today, but not before we prayed, he told me to be strong and pray each and everyday, and every time I need a friend, to ask God to extend a helping hand, mommy I get it you had to leave. And so did daddy, to be Gods friends. mommy I love you daddy I love you too, and mommy and daddy, ill see you soon.
1.1k · Oct 2015
Lazlo Mehl Oct 2015
Is it not ironic how u meet someone that changes the way you think And then in a heartbeat, they are gone away. Yet those who linger and stay around, are those you wish could leave
Remember that dog that was your best friend, that when you go into trouble by mommy and daddy, he stood firmly next to you and when daddy hit your bums he would bark so loud and put up a performance sending daddy and mommy on a guilt trip making them all soft and apologetic – then is it not ironic how your dog would leave you, all alone but yet the cat that sat on granny’s lap, that thrilled at the sound of your voice when you cried behind the tool shed would still be around.   Is it not ironic how your best friends would be taking away from you so young leaving you in this world to face each day alone – and all you can say is why did you do it, why did you leave, why did you leave me and not say goodbye.
Is it not ironic how u meet someone that changes the way you think And then in a heartbeat, they are gone away. Yet those who linger and stay around, are those you wish could leave

To all my friends and family that I have lost in 2015 I will miss you all, and while I'm on this earth your memory will linger on in my heart and soul and in endless stories of the days pass and the many more to come.
To all my friends and family that I have lost in 2015 I will miss you all, and while I'm on this earth your memory will linger on in my heart and soul and in endless stories of the days pass and the many more to come.
943 · Dec 2014
Stop Abuse On Women
Lazlo Mehl Dec 2014
A Women’s Pride
I know not a man, who does not hit to the ground
The thundering and lighting of his hand
Against her beautiful face, hurts like sand
I cannot take the awful sound
That awkward moment, when he comes home
To find my mother all alone
His greatest goal in his drunkard state
Is to take away the peace at this late
He does not know it
But this time she’s prepare
For her face will not bleed
This time he will plead
As I run upstairs
Just like she said
He attempt to hit again and again
But this time she’s come prepared
She will not be the victim
But rather defend
A women’s pride
Is not abuse
Is not to be used
But rather treasured
In all measured
She will not stand
For the laying of your hand
She will fight
As God is her MIGHT
771 · Oct 2015
Who Am I
Lazlo Mehl Oct 2015
In the morning I wake, eyes opened in a foreign place
I don’t know these wall or these sills
Nor this bed I find myself in
These windows are, thee only familiar thing
Wide doors, dark passage wall
My mind seems to be running
I’m too afraid to touch the marble floors
Looking at my reflection head tilted down
This place is all to foreign to me
The curtains hang from ceiling to ground
Covered in what looks like circus clowns
To my left a candle lit, to brightly beam
To the right a door, that leads to my dismay
I feel the breeze run through my hair
Waking every sleeping, pore
My throat is dry, my mind confused
Where am I, wait who am I
Have these four walls, taking away my identity
For some faint reason I cannot remember
I feel lost, isolated and even dead
Well perhaps this is hell at its best
For heaven seemed warmer, brighter and blessed
This is a nightmare - as I move to get off the bed
In total silence I slid to the edge, my face
Tiled towards these marble shinning floors
Where my reflection, reflects right back
A look of fear, anxiety and total disarray
As my feet touches the floor I feel,
Shivers run up my spine to my neck
The ground is cold and horrid too
Of all the colours, grey is what you choose
You must have, had a dull and boring life too
To be continued in time and space
760 · Apr 2015
The Lake
Lazlo Mehl Apr 2015
I went to the lake and there I saw all the beauty and love that you had to give you held me tight and listened to my troubles keeping me safe and free from harm I could not have asked for a better night sitting with you under the twilight, I'm memorize by you beautiful ways your touching soul and your most annoying stare but that for me is all I could ask, spending many more nights under that stars on a bench beside the lake is the place I found my fate, the one true love that I could never forget so thank u for giving me that special night and especially for holding me tight.
First Time
759 · Nov 2014
He is who he is
Lazlo Mehl Nov 2014
He is who he is

Someone great indeed
Although he doesn’t know it
I’m here to show him

You see

He seems really ordinary
But what I’ve read is extra- ordinary
You see his quite plain
Not always sane

Sometimes he can even be lame
Its really a shame
So he wrote this book
I then took a look

Got to know him better
Inside a few letters
His pages tells a story
Of God and his Glory

He met a young lady
And fell madly in love
She was what he wanted
And he was he she needed

All seemed fine
But there were to many lies
The bad elements of this world
Is the story he told

A girl she was
With many scars
Hatred and pain
With nothing to gain

He kissed her tears
For many, many years
And all that time
Her life was a lie

He never rejected
Always excepted
Through the Grace of God
He was able to start

Not once did he stop
even when times were tough
And when the going got rough
And she needed stuff

He stood his ground
And eventually found
She was bruised
And abused

A journey she attained
A Journey he obtained
Together making it a life
Worth writing about

His no super hero
Just a religious kind of guy
Making a difference in others lives
Only taking one step at a time

So I’ve come to know
His shared quite a lot
I’m hoping our journey
Never has to stop

But the time will come
When it’s all done
In those few pages
I was won

I’ve learnt a lot
I’ve cried a lot too
There was a lot of ****
But that seemed real

You taught me a lesson
Of love and pain
How to guard my heart
From hatred and shame

I cannot begin to thank you
For all you have done
You’ve change my life
In a short space of time

To be a better person
Inside and out
Your book is worth reading
So please start believing

Soon will come the time
Believe me I done lie
With a friend such as you

Thank you my friend,
cos it's worth reading,
cos it's also rhythmic,
ka boom boom bomb

No thank you my friend
For as you said
Stop writing in a pad
Rather post it on the net

You've giving me reason
And purpose in life
Through A Broken Reed
I was able to see

My lives worth living
And my days are few
So I'm glad that I got  
to spend them with

Your book is the reason
I've come this far
I feel inspired
To do something great

I once was bruised
And broken too
But through the virtues
God lend me to you

You taught me love
You taught me patience
You taught me never to give up
And even when I felt so down

You help me turn
My frown upside down
I cannot thank you
And your book

I'm glad God lead me
And I got to take a look.
We Are A Broken Generation no longer Bruised by Our Own Devices but BROKEN...
731 · Apr 2015
Why Me
Lazlo Mehl Apr 2015
How can it be, I said
As I laid and stared
Why me I asked God
I always prayed so hard
Why did this happen
What have I done
I never sinned or pinned
I was never out of line
All I did was obeyed
Why did you spare me
I should of just died
I remember still now
Many years later
The scar on his cheek
the smell of his odour
The bang against my head
Nothing but a faded scar
The marks on my stomach
Hiding behind my imperfections
I fought real hard
But I had to give up
I prayed that day
That God please don't spare me
I'd rather be dead, then a shattered soul
The image of his face haunts me still
I remember those eyes
Burning deep inside my soul
Lord how I seek for revenge
The one that stole my soul
He took away my motherhood
But he will never know
For that day will haunt me forever
And forever I will be afraid.
706 · Apr 2015
I Used To!!!
Lazlo Mehl Apr 2015
I used to like the rain the way the drops fell upon my head most times it felt like my sins were been washed away, I liked the way when the drops hit my face I'd feel instantly be calmer as though the peaceful seas on a hot summers day when it ran upon my lips feeling a sense of love and care that, that little drop took time to run from my head down my aspiring face to reach my pink lips so much care, understanding, love, patience and honesty for in that rain drop I never had to fear I used too like the rain until I found you and you replaced the rain drops with something real something unexplained and something I really love.
Time is all we have value it and don't take others for granted
613 · Jan 2015
My World
Lazlo Mehl Jan 2015
I've come to realize that you are my life you have my heart and soul and I don't think I can live without you I can barely breathe when I'm not with you I can hardly see when I can't see you, I never want to be apart from you not for minute, nor a second you are my world and my world is you so I ask you this and this alone, am I your world and your world alone???
610 · Jun 2015
Lazlo Mehl Jun 2015
It spreads as quick as
Oil runs down a water fall
Taking over my entire body
I’ve only ever once felt this way
When I fell in love on a winter day
But now my body weakens
With every passing hour
I’ve not been treated,
There is no cure
As the days pass by
So does my body pass away
What once was will
No longer be
What once was me
Will pass away too
Why did this happen
Why did I let it get to me
I thought I was protected
By all means I tried
I pushed and pulled
Wh­y the hell didn’t I fight
Like so many before me
I gave up my strive
For existence seems
Bette­r that way
At least now I’ll be out
Of everyone’s way
# cancer #mylife #fear #God
570 · Apr 2015
Lazlo Mehl Apr 2015
I met you at first you where kinda rude and seemed pretty shroud, but then I got talking and nerves overflowed I never really told you, but you made me blush, I think a lot that's why I rushed. I needed to get away because you had me all messed I tried to give you the wrong number but felt to bad. We then got talking and as we said goodbye you planted one on me and I felt all warm and fuzzy inside, that night you had me staring at your picture wondering where you've been, all this time when I was all alone you were right around the corner why didn't meet you sooner when I wasn't such a mess why couldn't you be there when ever I hurt my head. But I'm glad I have you now and I thank God we met.
True love never dies only gets stronger with time
557 · Sep 2014
Lazlo Mehl Sep 2014
Today I met a stranger
He seemed really great
We sat and spoke for hours
And told me how to bake

In the next days to come
I sat at my window
Biting my thumb
Thinking about the stranger

And what would he
Have done,
We spoke about the sun
And how often he runs

We spoke about ice cream,
And even shared straw ***
The sad part of all of this,
He remains a strangers

For our names never,
Passed each others tongues
520 · Sep 2014
Lazlo Mehl Sep 2014
If today was your last day
Would you still be sad
If you new God was coming
Would you still be mad
If today you won the lotto
And became a billionaire
Would you still be stingy
And not care to share
If today you had a brother
Would you even care
That you up and left
You're sister over there
If you had the chance
To do it all again
Would you still be sad
If today, it was to end
Would you still be mad
If God was on his way
So I say, be not dismayed
In stingy times, I pray
In careless times, I give
And your life here and now
Will be fulfilling and blessed.
492 · Oct 2015
Lazlo Mehl Oct 2015
Wait let's see take a moment to think, reflect back to your week. What is it that you remember the most, oh that honestly and ultimately I remember that too.
491 · Aug 2014
Gone to God
Lazlo Mehl Aug 2014
You said you loved me
You said you care
You promised
You weren't going anywhere

You gave your heart to
And stole mine for you
You took my tears
And made me smile

You ask me to laugh
At your corny jokes
You ask me cry
When you won you award

We shared the popcorn
We shared the bill
Even our milkshakes
When it spilled

You held my hand
When I was sad
Kissed my check
When I was mad

Made me lunch even
if it was just bread
You named my dog steven
Even though we agreed on Ned

You called me Princess
And you we're my king
But now you gone
This is my last song!

I know you in
A better place
Proudly waiting
To see my face

Take care my love
Its not goodbye
Its simply see you later
on thee other side
445 · Aug 2014
Gone To God
Lazlo Mehl Aug 2014
You said you loved me
You said you care
You promised
You weren't going anywhere

You gave your heart to me
And stole mine for you
You took my tears
And made me smile

You ask me to laugh
At your corny jokes
You ask me cry
When you won a prize

We shared the popcorn
We shared the bill
Even our milkshakes
When it spilled

You held my hand
When I was sad
Kissed my check
When I was mad

Made me lunch even
if it was just bread
You named my dog steven
Even though we agreed on Ned

You called me Princess
And you we're my king
But now you gone
This is my last song!

I know you in
A better place
Proudly waiting
To see my face

Take care my love
Its not goodbye
Its simply see you later
on thee other side
436 · Aug 2014
Cry To God
Lazlo Mehl Aug 2014
Dear God

Please I beg and Plead
Grant those who are hopeless
Hope for a brighter tomorrow
Grant those who are weak
Strength to overcome
Grant those who are loveless
Love beyond there measure
Grant those who are tired
A new life rejuvenated
Grant the trust- less
Trust to believe
Grant the peace- less
Reason to be Peaceful
Grant who are Afraid
Bravery to defend  
Grant the tearful
Smiles for miles
Grant the Sad ones
Happiness everyday
Grant the Angered
A life filled with care
Grant the Evil ones
Only good to overcome
Grant the Faithless
A Life full of Faith
Grant the wrong ones
Only will to do right
Grant the ones gone astray
Find there way
Grant the ones who cannot speak
A thousand words to express
Grant the ones who cannot hear
A soul to feel
Grant the ones who cannot walk
The endless possibilities to crawl

For those who cannot forgive
Lord, Grant us all forgiveness to forgive

428 · Sep 2014
Lazlo Mehl Sep 2014
Lifes a battle field
The war might be over
But we have soldier on there knees
Children crying on the street
Churches are been bombed up
By the faithless and weak
Have they no mercy for you
And for me
Have they no shame or grace
Yet this is human race
We all fighting for power
Opportunities to be great
We trample the helpless
And hold up the rich
We back stab of family
To be noticed by friends
What happen to peace
To been the least
There behavior is perturbed
And led by the disturbed
Those who think power
Speaks louder
Those who are seek revenge
For they are to ashamed
To let it go and forgive
They shall not be named
But they shall be shamed
There's words will not be heard
By our ears
We will not tolerate
There pity ways to hate
And discriminate
We are the better person
And we will not surrender
We will fight for our rights!
World Peace depends on you and I
407 · Aug 2014
Lazlo Mehl Aug 2014
You see that piece of bread
May seem very little indeed
But think about the hungry
The ones living on your street

You see that plate of food
That little plate you hate well,
Think about homeless
Surely they know how to appreciate

Think about that cents
You take and throw away
It might just be a cent
But it can save a live today

Think about that gift
That gift you threw away
It might have fit the stranger
Who always looked your way

Think about others
Even those you hate
You never know
What might be on there plates

But yet that pieces of bread
You choose rather to waste
Yet others are dying to taste
Think about the one

Standing outside your gate
Its never to late
Leftovers By Lazlo Svenli Mehl
398 · Sep 2014
Lazlo Mehl Sep 2014
I don't know whats come over me. just yesterday.
I think its in my mind but i feel it in my heart
I know its wrong but it seems so right
I can't explain this feeling inside.

So tell me that you love me and what it is you hate.
Its your life its your choice please forgive,
because i made a mistake i was thinking its just yesterday.

My dreams are filled with images of the day that we first met.
You send shivers down my spine I'm  going out of my mind.
You said those words that made me see.
That your thee only one for me.

So tell me that you love me and what it is you hate.
Its your life its your choice please forgive,
because i made a mistake i was thinking its just yesterday.

I know it hurts to say goodbye, ill be alright ill never cry.

So tell me that you me and what it is you hate.
370 · Dec 2014
Lazlo Mehl Dec 2014
As I came so shall I leave, for this life, I live to be I strive for perfections In an unperfected  world A thousand eyes watching Every second judging It burns my soul And kills my mind My heart turns to stone For alone I came and alone Shall I stay for along This path my journey will end Until that day when this life I Shall leave to live in perfect Harmony I ****** towards
A better goal one worth fighting
And writing for but yet I'm alone
Left in the cold as the hot sun burns.Deep within my soul the words, Of hurt penetrate my heart,And for that reason my heart. Is lost, I searched I seeked I looked but never did I find so alone I came and alone shall I leave with no fear or hatred for them who turned and left me for wolves to feed. I'm am the enemy I did not run I did not hide I stood my ground raging outside but calm as the water submerged beneath my feet, I will not stop I will continue on and before long my battle will be won. For alone I came and alone I shall leave for you and I will be a distant memory.
Alone, afraid, scared, betrayed
362 · Dec 2014
Lazlo Mehl Dec 2014
Don't know what’s come over me, just yesterday. I think it’s in my mind but I feel it’s in my heart I know it’s wrong but it seems so right I can't explain this feeling inside. So tell me that you love me and what it is you hate. It’s your life it’s your choice please forgive because I made a mistake I was thinking it’s just yesterday. My dreams are filled with images of the day that we first met. You send shivers down my spine I’m going out of my mind you said those words that made me see that your thee only one for me. So tell me that you love me and what it is you hate it’s your life it’s your choice please forgive because I made a mistake I was thinking it’s just yesterday. You said those words that made me see that your thee only one for me
342 · Sep 2014
On Top
Lazlo Mehl Sep 2014
I will not allow the little things of this world to get to me, I will remain on top and not let the troubles of this world affect me aslong as I aspire to be a better person, I will live a better life, I will not allow my past mistakes to determine my future, those who I loved, I will miss, but that will not control me,those who hurt me, I forgive those who loved me, I appreciate, for aslong as I'm breathing, I will not surrender or except defiet, I will fight aslong as I have sight, I will always see greener pastures on the other side, for aslong as I have a voice, wise words will be my weapon of destruction, as long as I can hear, I will hear that which concerns me, for aslong as I can touch, I will leave my mark of love on your heart.
295 · Aug 2014
Only You - SZF
Lazlo Mehl Aug 2014
When I first met you
I felt like I had known you forever,
telling you my secrets
and what I didn't want ever.
you listened to me
I bet you thought I'd never end,
who would have thought
we would become more than just friends.
Over a period of time,
I got to know the real you.
A man so caring and gentle,
with a heart so true.
You've survived your life
with hurt and loneliness by your side.
I told you I'd never leave
because of the feelings I have inside.
I know you
like no one I have ever known,
and sometimes I wonder
what I'd do if you were gone?
So I have decided
time answers all.
If it is meant to be
time will remove the wall.
I love the way we are together,
you can always make me smile.
Will it ever really be forever?
I guess I will have to wait awhile.
Time will reveal, what lies ahead
but always remember
what I have said.
Meeting you has changed my life
and I really love you so,
the feelings I feel for you
I am never letting go.
Remember me always
and I will too.
I always think of
me and you.
294 · Aug 2014
Still Silent
Lazlo Mehl Aug 2014
Oh how often I feel to Speak
Those words
That set me free
The Truth seems so Right
But My God
It Feels like
I'm about to Loose Sight
I get that
Tempoarary moment
When I feel to set it straight
This confessiing
But it feels
A little bit to late
So ill play my part
As I once vowed
Ill be silent
But still silent for now
For when
My Day
Would once more arrive
I will set
Myself free
Of all lies and deciet
I will sit
Beside you
And there and then
I will
I must
I have to
I need to
I can't deny
Nor even delay
To break
The silence
And take the pain away.
289 · Aug 2014
Just Me
Lazlo Mehl Aug 2014
Who am I is the question many might ask, I am me is my response I've been put on this earth for a purpose and a reason, what is that purpose, I do not know but what i do know Is that until I breath my last breath I will not stop to strive to discover what I was send here to do. I am blessed in adundance some people wait there whole lives to know what it is to be a family, I have many from my blood family, to those who I have come to know to the family I have greeted and often gave a smile to, the ones who simply saw me for what I really am. Those are my blessings, you are my blessings. I have laughed I have cried I have loved I have missed I have begged and I have  pleaded I have fought I have surrendered I have given and I have received I have open and I have closed I have forgiven and I have grudged I have lied and I have told the truth. Does all this make me, ME or does the the fake smiles and laughs, determine who I am to be. God said" I will not forsake thee" so why have forsaken others. I have not reachj my goal so I will strive until my last breath on this earth is shed.
I am Me, Myself and I
281 · Aug 2014
Little Moments
Lazlo Mehl Aug 2014
I'll be happy once I've done this certain thing.
We all say this often not realizing what it brings.
We look only to the future for our happiness.
Letting life slip through our fingers in its fullness.
Will we really feel complete when the task is done,
or look back and see how we missed so much fun?
Self consumed so we can't see anything else,
hurting those we love as well as ourselves.
So many things around us to be grateful for,
when seeking for an answer willingly open the door.
So often, others see what's in front of our face,
but we're too blind to look as we're snared in the race.
What is this life supposed to be about?
Is it money, fortune, fame, or a big house?
When speaking to a man on his dying bed,
none of these answers are what he said.
Family, love, laughter are what we should seek.
These are the precious things right outside your door.
275 · Jul 2024
Hey there little Brother
Lazlo Mehl Jul 2024
Hey there little Brother

You've left is once again, I know that this was not by choice but God needed you there, I know that you hurting, the same way we all do but you have to know this Louboy, you've won the race and now you get to see God's face, please don't be so disheartened, your mom's and dad's  are okay, you were truly special that's why God couldn't wait, for you to come back home and take up your rightful place, today we are mourning but we also celebrate the beautiful memories that we got to make, no no don't cry, dry your eyes and celebrate your life is now eternal we still have to wait. So please little brother, please prepare our place for we pray to meet you once again face to face.
Louis was only 16 when he tragically lost his life to mistaken identity. Forever broken
269 · Aug 2014
Lazlo Mehl Aug 2014
You Had The Power
I Held The Blame
You Made The Rules
I Played The Game

I Made The Mistake Of Trusting You
You Took All You Could Get
I Went As Far As Becoming Your Fool
But You Had Your Plan Set

I Have The Memories
I Have The Pain
You Took What You Gave
And Left Me In The Rain

You Held Your Pride
I Fell Apart
And You Walked Back To Her
Once You Broke My Heart

If There's Anything I Could Say
It Would Be Only This
There's Nothing More I Regret
Then Our First Kiss...

— The End —