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Keeana Calmes Oct 2015
I apologize for my own peace of mind
And you don't even mind
You spit words that burn
Shouting my name, cursing in vain
I'm not even getting a turn.

If I could turn around and take it all back
I would run as fast as I could
away from everything
and into the black.

I apologize because I know you can't
You can't own up to what you did
All the scars and ripped up t-shirts
Here I am screaming,
I'm just a kid.

I apologize because it hurts inside
When everything you say turns into lies.
You like the colour red, I remember you telling me that.
I'm like the colour blue.

You turned me lilac,
And I apologize for that because you realized blue and red don't mix
Now it's something you can't fix
And im left a mess.

I apologize, to put my head to rest.
Written for my ex boyfriend when he couldn't apologize to me.
3.5k · Apr 2016
To the Earths
Keeana Calmes Apr 2016
My beloved earth:

You built up walls
to keep others out,
or yourself in?
This garden has gone unseen
for long enough.
Lungs rich with soil,
riddled with roots,
They creep up your throat
and spill from your lips,
so every exhale is reminiscent
of sweet spring.
Just be mindful of each
breath and your speech,
There is beauty
in a mouth
full of roses,
but danger
in a tongue
made of thorns.
2.6k · Apr 2016
To the Airs
Keeana Calmes Apr 2016
My Beloved Air:

saturated with ink.
It seeps from your lips
from your pores,
painting stories
on your paper thin skin.
Such beautiful ideas in your head but,
you hold your words
in the hands of a child;
benevolent, yet careless.
Remember that
a strangers heart
is their book, not yours.
Ink stains rarely
wash out.
2.2k · Apr 2016
To the Fires
Keeana Calmes Apr 2016
My Beloved Fire:

Head full of kindling,
heart's holding the light
Ready to burn through the darkness of night.
The furnace you fuel
with passion and life,
can spend awfully fast
and quickly ignite
the gasoline
in your viens;
charring bones,
scalding flesh
and Lord, that wax skin's already
starting to drip.
Oxygen properly feeds a flame.
Don't forget
to breathe.
2.2k · Dec 2015
What he told me
Keeana Calmes Dec 2015
Maybe those ghosts
that you’ve been trying so desperately
to keep locked inside your closet
and gagged with old t-shirts,
are truly trying to help you
instead of hurt you once more,
and it’s finally time to sit up and listen,
because they know you
and they know how to help.
1.9k · Apr 2016
To the Waters
Keeana Calmes Apr 2016
My beloved Water:

Teardrops ripple in the oceans
of your collar bones.
Can you breathe underwater?
A driftwood cage may
keep sorrow at bay
but love,
it cannot contain
the sea.
It's time to break your own bones,
rip open your ribs.
That heart has been drowning
for far too long.
Let it be light;
The sky still needs
the moon..
To survive.
1.1k · Oct 2015
and where are you and me
Keeana Calmes Oct 2015
Some people
are born with
tornados in their lives, 

constellations in their eyes. 

Other people
are born with
stars at their feet, 

their souls are lost at sea.
1.0k · Apr 2016
My love for you
Keeana Calmes Apr 2016
one day I want to travel to the moon
carve our names in the crevasses
because a tree isn't enough
to express my love for you.

Sometimes I want to travel to london
and lock our names on a love bridge
because a fence at school
just isn't enough
to express my love for you.

Sometimes I want to write poems
on your fire hot skin
with my red burning lips
because my words just aren't enough
to express my love for you.
967 · Mar 2016
Simply Just a Heart Breaker
Keeana Calmes Mar 2016
There was so many things I wanted to say
So many things that got caught up in my throat
I almost thought I swallowed my jaw breaker
And forgot that you were simply just a heart breaker.

I didn’t think it would be that easy
For you to walk out the door
Next thing you know I was driving to somewhere
Where ever it was, I didn’t really care.

A drive to get my mind off of you
Everything you did and didn’t do.

There was so many things you said
It made it easy to put my head to bed,

Now here I am staring at my ceiling fan
Wishing you had taken a minute to give a ****.
915 · Oct 2015
Keeana Calmes Oct 2015
The people you love become ghosts inside of you
That's how you keep them alive
So they told me
You had already left and I felt empty
Felt empty for so long

The day came where I was starting to feel whole again
I woke up with an ache in my chest
It felt good to be reminded I have a heart
The heart you broke

The feeling was good, fullness
They always tell you to be full
Full of life
Full of love
But being full of those you love, exhausting

When I looked in the mirror I could see myself, faintly
You were too distracting
I could see your soul banging on the inside my rib cage
Begging to come out
Earning for something more
Someone who wasn't me
I wanted you to break free
Break through me

I didn't want to feel the pain anymore
You had broke me once
Why not again
Why not just death by a soul
Death by a ghost who I love and no longer loves me
Death by love
Death by love is real

Death is our destiny
Death is what we're living to achieve
Death will sneak up on you
Be it a person
A soul
Death will find you and finish you whole
813 · Oct 2015
I would if you asked me to
Keeana Calmes Oct 2015
My hands reek of cigarettes
And my lips are dry
But I'd quit if you asked me to

So why don't you
You let me slowly **** myself
**** whatever we have
With fights about nonsense

"Could you stop please"
"Why don't you come home"
"It's been two weeks"
"The house reeks"

My minds a blur
And im clouded by smoke
In hopes it'll blow away and
There you'll be

Forgiving me for my sins
But that's not where it begins
I know it's within
And I just can't find it in me to stop

**But I would if you asked me to
Keeana Calmes Oct 2015
its been a long while seen i’ve seen your face
a world surrounds me and i feel like you’ll be impossible to replace
sometimes the stars shine brighter than your eyes
and i sometimes forget that you broke me down with all the lies

people always told me to protect my heart
that a girl like me was a work of art,
I put you on a pedestal and you forgot that I should have been too.

i hear a song and think about you,
wondering if you think about me too?
a boy riding on his bike passed through the neighbourhood
for a second I thought it was you, but it was too good to be true.

sometimes i hear the ocean waves crashing against the rock
i can almost hear your voice faintly, reminds me of all our talks.
you would tell me where you wanted to go,
the places where we would grow

here i am alone, sitting under the same maple tree
where our lips first met,
your hand touched my face and it burned like a cigarette.

I remember you begged me to quit,
i would have earlier if i knew you wouldn’t have split.
but sitting under this tree thinking about you
has really made me question what i’ve been put through.

the leaves are falling off
the air is cold and crisp
and i can’t help thinking that you’re what i miss.
we always talked about making it here,
colder weather and warmer hearts
i thought we’d be connected, but were so far apart.

i miss you.
649 · Oct 2015
Not What He Expected
Keeana Calmes Oct 2015
my hands smell like nicotine
and I’m sorry that I’m not
one those girls
with a pretty mind and
flowers in their hair,
I’ve just got a cigarette between my fingers
and tears in my eyes.
644 · Oct 2015
You're trouble
Keeana Calmes Oct 2015
I find myself in trouble
Because im always thinking about you
Do you think about me too
When you hear a song about love
do you see my golden eyes in the sun
The way it was way back when
You always used to curse mama
For warning you about drugs and
Forgetting the most potent one
One with soft lips, fire hot skin and
Hazel eyes

I think about trouble
And you come to mind
How it troubles me you're never here
Troubles me I can't remember your voice
And you can probably recall mine
634 · Oct 2015
He Said
Keeana Calmes Oct 2015
He Said*
"White lies shine very bright
when it's pitch black outside
and you've smoked enough poison
to make your facade crack under
the weight of your depression."
612 · Jul 2016
A pack a day isn't enough
Keeana Calmes Jul 2016
He treats her like a cigarette
lights her up like a flame,
watches her burn slowly
and easily ignores the ashes that fall.

Every time he lets out some steam,
her flame is no longer so bright.

Three minutes later.

He crushes the cigarette with his heel,
puts out the girls flame that was burning so bright.

He was't in the mood anymore
left her all alone and burned,
he had moved onto another cigarette.

He smokes a pack a day.
Keeana Calmes Oct 2015
You ripped my heart out of my chest
and breathed oceans into my veins,
creating a storm only you could control.
Tears turn into rivers
and this isn't love anymore.
569 · Nov 2015
Keeana Calmes Nov 2015
Your lips taste like nicotine
And I know smoke has filled your lungs
But that’s okay
Because I can still find galaxies in your eyes
And I feel content
At the sight of those stars
And when your hand reaches mine
I feel flowers grow in my ribcage
And I feel butterflies flutter and bump against my stomach
And that’s okay
Because I’m okay
And we’re okay.
Keeana Calmes Nov 2015
I like the smell of stale cigarettes
on my hands
it reminds me of you.

Reminds me of the time you ashed your smoke
just to hold my hand.

I guess we never realized
that the nicotine wasn't toxic
but the two of us really were.
461 · Dec 2015
what I want to be
Keeana Calmes Dec 2015
I don't want to be
the person you miss
at 3AM
I want to be the person
you miss
at 3PM
when you're busy and
you just want an
I want to be what
you think of
when you need room to
423 · Nov 2015
Keeana Calmes Nov 2015
Is it too crazy that every time you say my name
these cracks in my heart suddenly heal...
Is it too crazy that every time you touch me
I seem to forget, yet feel so real...
Is it too crazy that I love you every day
But you're someone who will never love me the same..
372 · Dec 2015
Keeana Calmes Dec 2015

— The End —