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Oct 2020 · 24
When you left
Hammad Oct 2020
I still remember
when you left - at the eleventh hour

It was the night
that kept burning...

The pain had broken
all the barriers...

when the lips yearned to quench the thirst
the flood from the eyes
came to the aid...

All the hopes died
hoping to see the ray
of shivering light...

What's left of me waited - for the sunrise
but when the day broke
It starts melting...

My Dear!
Your absence is already wreaking havoc...
Oct 2020 · 32
Tipping Point
Hammad Oct 2020
There exist
a tipping point
in every matter...

It's when the chaos inside
crosses the threshold guarding
the last post...

It's when the people
who otherwise are weak
become so strong
that they could move a mountain...

It's when the beginning of the end
(for every misery,  scar and pain)...

It's when they left
nothing to be lost
but a lightbeam at the end of the tunnel...

It's when the monsters
dread and tremble
for the reckoning to follow...

so let it be known
to all the tyrants
there's only so much pain  - they could inflict

in the end
'Karma' does the rest...
Oct 2020 · 73
Stairway to the moon
Hammad Oct 2020
It's a full moon
and i find myself
in old times...
when i first laid eyes on you
It felt as if you were like a moon
miles and miles away,
in your own sky,
Out of reach...
So one could only
Look at you
for a brief moment...
but somehow
Your moonlight stayed
with me - all the time
who would have thought
that i was going to build
a stairway to the moon.....
Sep 2020 · 62
Talk about Love
Hammad Sep 2020
It's insensitive
to flaunt your wealth
in front of the poor...

We don't eat
facing the ones
being starved...

It doesn't help
to brag about your success
with the ones still struggling

So my dear
How could you
talk about love -  and not bat an eye?
Sep 2020 · 176
Before you leave...
Hammad Sep 2020
Before you leave
My dear!
scratch away
all the memories
that we engraved

****** from me
that you dreamt of
but could never possess...

do you know
the ice and fire
have same effect...

so why do you
keep them
deep in your soul...

Why can't you
let the fire ravage
all the things
that we shared...

and let the ice
take over
and freeze
every moment
that we cared...
Hammad Sep 2020
Some birds
when locked in a cage
for a ****'s age
forget flying
and when they are
set free

even with
the perfect wings
they can't flee...

so my dear
If you are
in a cage
don't shed
your precious tears
it's futile
every hue and cry
will surely fall
on deaf ears

just close your eyes
and let yourself
fly high - up in the skies

so when the time come
you will have
the perfect wings,
and everything...

just hang in there
and Keep daydreaming...
Sep 2020 · 250
Blame it on the fate
Hammad Sep 2020
We are given
the well of fate
that we could
bury there
our deprivations...
but we humans
tends to hide
our incompetence...
Sep 2020 · 139
The Bright Side
Hammad Sep 2020
And just like the moon
We all have the dark side
withing ourselves,
from scars of time,
craters of hopes and dreams
that can't be known- at all
just like the tidal force
it has slowed us
to the point
where we always put on
the bright side...
Sep 2020 · 97
Hammad Sep 2020
I had a fear
of losing you
so i engraved your name
in my heart so well
that even if you were gone
You'd have lived
in me
Sep 2020 · 101
She's like a wind
Hammad Sep 2020
The Wind never
bows down
falls off
the coast,
with the sails,
under the clouds
on the chariot
of storm,
upto the far side
of horizon
and never run
short of breath...
it never bows down
but shatters...
and she's like a wind...
Sep 2020 · 234
Words of Solace
Hammad Sep 2020
Sometimes it's best
to retreat
in the silence
and take refuge
in your own self
No one could
ever feel your pain
In the same way
as you do
my dear
do you know?
a few words of comfort
and solace
spoken softly
can surely heal our wounds
Sep 2020 · 110
Hammad Sep 2020
When the shadow
sets itself free
from its very existence
something surely changes
and the moment shivers - in darkness
Sep 2020 · 266
Hammad Sep 2020
It doesn't matter,
if you have given your best
People will remember - who you used to be
It doesn't matter,
if you have changed
your faults will be reminded
Every now and then
It doesn't matter,
If you have tried and failed
You will be mocked - until you succeed
It doesn't matter,
If you had stayed
and given them a second chance
They won't  accept -  for who you are
so tell me, my dear!
Why people matter to you anyway?
Sep 2020 · 159
Hammad Sep 2020
The World has stopped
My Dear!
But don't let this pause
take over our lives
We can't let our hearts
be struck into fear...
We can make this home
our own sphere...
Everything we need
will be right here
as if it's our own little world
Let's just sit by the window
as the sky is clear
and watch the sunset
all this year!
Sep 2020 · 156
Wounds of Time
Hammad Sep 2020
I know the games
you' ve been playing
I know the tricks,
so they won't work on me
I know the traps,
so i won't fall for them..
and I won't take your baits ...
so my dear!
you can keep playing
your games
and i will keep up with it
but know that
in this ruse
there won't be any winner
or loser
No one will ever
get a dime...
but our love - for sure
will succumed to the wounds
of time...
Sep 2020 · 73
Patience in love
Hammad Sep 2020
They say your heart
is made of stone...
so allow me
to become the water
I will turn into
million little droplets
and keep falling on you
I've pierced through...
and then you'll have
a heart
full of soul
a slew of holes...
Sep 2020 · 76
Hammad Sep 2020
Why do you wear so many faces
that you forgot
which one you wore last time...
Sep 2020 · 554
Hammad Sep 2020
The moon lost its balance and eclipsed...
and that poor lonely north star
right above it
gone out of sight...
abandoned, scarred  and shattered
which was once so bright...
leaving many
through the dark
wandering in fright...
Sep 2020 · 79
Unheard Prayers
Hammad Sep 2020
I kept the flame
of faith
In the darkest nights
and before the doubts
cast a shadow
I let the fire
of love
scorched my heart
and etched my soul
so when the day
at last
I found
that all
my said and unsaid
prayers were heard...
Sep 2020 · 197
Hammad Sep 2020
My Dear!
Don't you know?
I 'd carved your name
in my heart
and locked it
inside a box
of devotion

the keys
were thrown away
in the river
of love..

So my dear
There's no going back  - for me

All the boats
of doubts
have been burnt
before you could
be taken away...

All the bridges
of mistrust
have collapsed
So we could not
walk out
on each other

All the egoes and prides
been buried

There's nothing
but our own
of hope and dreams

So tell me now
How are you
planning to escape from
"never- never land"...
Aug 2020 · 31
The Golden Hour
Hammad Aug 2020
Far beyond the horizon
the show begins
and the sun
starts to set
Painting the sky
with red
and many shades and blends
of orange
It's the hour
when sadness descends
Ripples of light
fades away...
and so the birds
call it a night
so why are we
standing on the shore,
watching this spectacle
and still wandering?
goldenhour sunset wandering love
Aug 2020 · 419
Hammad Aug 2020
Not long ago,
I started wandering
in my dreams
on some uncharted waters
and it seems  
that those don’t come true
now and forever…
Aug 2020 · 310
The Falling Star
Hammad Aug 2020
It’s  a night full of stars
shining million miles away...
and yet
the majestic beauty of our very earth
drawing them into the fray...
breaking them apart
and then to the earth
Some of them depart...
As they get closer - they turn
to hot fiery ball
No one could knew
the meaning they hold
a wish .. a warning...a  confession...
Or a war....
But we all love watching
The falling stars..
Aug 2020 · 212
Hammad Aug 2020
It was cold lousy and stormy day,
and there i was
watching my hopes and dreams
slip away...
so I looked up the sky
to keep my anguish  and suffering at bay
watching the moonlight - swiftly glides
and there I was
with my deep thoughts  - making strides
letting myself soaked in the rain
letting all the tiny raindrops
wash over me
and making me whole Again!
Aug 2020 · 588
Baby Steps
Hammad Aug 2020
You don't need to run  
You don't need to prove anything
to anyone...
It's not a race
so you don't have to keep up
with the pace...
Take a  step at a time
even if you are in your prime...
just like a toddler
or a mountain climber
Progress is all you need
No matter how small
no matter if you crawl
or even if you fall
as long as you rise
You will always get the prize...
Aug 2020 · 171
down memory lane
Hammad Aug 2020
Strolling down memory lane
I found the flame of love and hope
Along with it, there’s some pain
Thinking now – How do I escape?
It’s high, steep and rugged terrain
If only hopes could build a stairway
Maybe , just maybe we could meet again!
Aug 2020 · 34
Hammad Aug 2020
How often do I stare
Into the abyss of my soul…
Collecting pearls of shattered dreams
Piece by piece to make them whole…
Aug 2020 · 367
A Perfect Chaos
Hammad Aug 2020
The sun rises and sets
with no delay
and never gets tired,
slows down,
takes a break,
Or stands still...

when the stars, and the moon
or dip on the horizon
so those who are gone
can find their way

The rivers and the oceans
never go dry...
there's a strange force
that drives
the tides and storms
Heaps of wonders and secrets
nestled within
thier depths
for those who seek the pearls...

Dear humans!
Have you pondered yet?
how beautifully
the hummingbirds
can fly forward,
and upside down...

There's a perfect rhythm
in everything -  that exists

so when they say
it all started
with a chaos...
I always wondered
How could
a mere disorder
give birth
to the perfect order that we see?

— The End —