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14.1k · Jun 2014
dear dreamcatcher
nova Jun 2014
dear dreamcatcher,
i thought you were supposed
to take away the nightmares
not get them *out of my head

and *into my life
i've always believed in dreamcatchers. i guess i like putting my hope in something else.
11.5k · Jun 2014
words of the sky
nova Jun 2014
you speak with fine lips
modeled from flickering stars
with words of the sky
2.7k · Jul 2014
nova Jul 2014
home is where the heart is
and my heart lies in the mountains,
with nights of hot cocoa and campfires;
with the soaring trees, bad cameras.
and in the center of it all, laughter and midnight games.
the dresses, the stars, the countless walks. . .
my heart belongs to those in the beds next to mine,
and in the eyes of him. loud songs and braided hair make me smile.
and yes, my heart is with you.
my poems never seem to make any sense, but i just really miss home. it doesn't feel like i'm at home right now.
nova Mar 2014
when i knew you
you lit cigarettes in your mouth
and flowers in my heart. blossoms
wrapped like vines of ivy in my
bones, and your arms wrapped
around me. tulips touched my arms,
and two lips touched my cheek.
an oak tree keeps me tall, and
you kept me grounded. with you,
every day was like springtime,
everyday was happiness. and now
you are gone, and everyday is
i not sure if you'd call this poetry, but it's something.
2.1k · Sep 2014
nova Sep 2014
your arms crawled upon my body like vines,
entagling me in a love
that was only fatal.

you made me soft at the edges,
you taught me to forget everything that made me

covering me up
and hiding me.
only taking me out when you needed someone.

no wonder i find it hard to speak.
i found that i really like comparing people to plants. i wonder if that has any meaning.
2.1k · Aug 2014
hell [10w]
nova Aug 2014
i did not know what hell felt like until you
1.5k · Aug 2014
thoughts at 2 am
nova Aug 2014
1.4k · Aug 2014
untitled #2
nova Aug 2014
snuggle in,
and find delight,
in midnight snacks
and cozy bedding.
let the happiness
fill you with warmth.
you are okay, for now.
1.3k · May 2014
the last text
nova May 2014
last texts are always the worst

but how would i know?

i've only ever gotten one.

it took a moment, but i understood what it meant:

she wasn't coming back.

it was that simple.

it feels hollow, empty, and lonely.

i felt everything all at once.

i wished i could reread all our old conversations,

and relive a time when we were both okay.

but now i'm not okay and she is gone.
this is awful, but i don't care, i just miss my best friend.
1.2k · Sep 2014
untitled #3
nova Sep 2014
crying is a sign of being strong
and i am weak
like the shoulders that support me
1.0k · Oct 2014
alice in depression
nova Oct 2014
today i imagined depression as the dark hole to wonderland, and i imagined myself as alice. i, i am falling. to where: i don't know. why am i falling: well, i took a wrong step.
when i first fall down, i can still see the light. i can still feel happy, i can still remember how to be happy.
but as i fall deeper, i lose sight of the light above. i start to forget the things that made me happy, i lose track of the memories. i am only happy once in a while.
i fall too deep. so deep that i can no longer see the light above. ever. my eyes might as well be closed because at least then i can imagine happy things.
i feel as if i will never experience them again. this hole is never ending.
but there is a wonderland. it is below me. i know that much. but what is it? what does it look like? when do i reach it?  when do i land in happiness and forget the bad things? i've been falling forever.
my theory is that you are my wonderland. you are close, i know it. but you are still so far. you still feel impossible to reach, but i know that you are my destination. you are my happiness, the thing that will me make me forget all the bad things. you are everything i want and you are everything i need.
a very very *very* unedited piece written in the past ten minutes. feedback is especially welcome.
902 · Aug 2014
poetry isn't for anyone
nova Aug 2014
**** it.
poetry isn't for you,
it isn't for anyone.
why show the world
your wounds?
keep it all wrapped up
under a knit blanket, i suppose.
fight your demons alone;
a war in your own mind.
don't let anyone see
the scars, not on your wrist,
but in your thoughts.
stay silent, stay quiet.
maybe you'll get through it.
hide it inside, hidden
by fake smiles and fake friends.
move on with your music
and a whole new reality.
the world is a dangerous place;
people don't understand
and people don't know.
don't show your marks,
pull down your sleeves.

poetry isn't for anyone.
i wrote this a while back, and i actually kinda like it
830 · Aug 2014
untitled #1
nova Aug 2014
the coldness creeps in...
i remember you, old friend.
the sadness is back to haunt me,
like a raven, forever perched
on my shoulder.
been feeling down lately...
653 · Jun 2014
keep it all inside
nova Jun 2014
a text, just a text
to spill to you my deepest thoughts
​delete it, now delete it

before i hit send
no one will ever see it
only my head

my eyes, my mind
words burned so brightly
but kept so silent
nova Aug 2014
you are the warmth when
the sun overcasts the sky
and i will for rain
does this even make any sense???
583 · Jun 2014
A Note On Death
nova Jun 2014
we die from the start
a journey that leads nowhere
can't i be happy?
this is my first real attempt at a haiku, and i'm not sure how it turned out. feedback is appreciated.
528 · Aug 2014
this home
nova Aug 2014
to think, i thought that i was finally happy; that maybe i was getting better at dealing with the world around me.
turns out, it was all a lie, a façade that instantly fell away the moment you returned.
my life flipped upside down, melted to mush, and faded away as i entered your arms.
the song i was supposed to know, wasn't there.
the halls, the walls, the streets i should have been familiar with, felt like strangers.
the plants and creatures i could have welcomed, seemed to me to be a disguise for the monster inside.
this home never felt like home to me.
things maybe look pretty on the outide, but horror may be waiting on the inside.
359 · Aug 2014
Happiness [10w]
nova Aug 2014
how can everyone be so happy when i'm so sad?

— The End —