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344 · Aug 2014
The Self
Elaina Aug 2014
I've lost myself in the driving need to please others.

The importance of this is lost on me.

How fitting.....

How me.
332 · Feb 2013
haiku -life's path
Elaina Feb 2013
the journey, the path
life's gift, our's for the taking
what's ahead for you?
330 · Mar 2013
Souls Treasure (10w)
Elaina Mar 2013
You are my souls treasure.
I am home, at last.
320 · Jan 2013
Haiku ~In The Pain
Elaina Jan 2013
Sitting in the pain
Knowing it's part of yourself
Makes me who I am
318 · Jan 2013
One With All ~Haiku
Elaina Jan 2013
Thank you my brother
For being a part of me
Living life as you

Thank you my brother
For I am a part of you
Living life as me

We are one with all
0nly experiences
Truly divide us
313 · Jul 2013
Elaina Jul 2013
How do you connect
Knowing what you feel is right
The mind, with the heart?

A Haiku
312 · Feb 2013
the wind -10w
Elaina Feb 2013
i liken them to the wind
always changing their direction.
306 · Jul 2016
You Know
Elaina Jul 2016
That sudden feeling when....
.... something goes wrong.

The pit of your stomach....
.... drops to your feet.

Your chest tightens in knots....
.... The heart skips a beat, and then another.

Breathing is, well....
.... stop holding your breath!

Yea, you know that feeling....
294 · Nov 2016
Better Than
Elaina Nov 2016
Me: How are you?
You: Okay
Me: Good! But may you get better than Okay real soon!
To all who need it.
285 · May 2014
It is what it is
Elaina May 2014
The goodbye you sent me
empty in it's prose
revealed to me
just how ultimately
this all is.

Life's way of saying
nothing is permanent.
It is what it is.
Get over it


live again.
278 · Feb 2013
seeking all ~Haiku
Elaina Feb 2013
looking through a wall
past to what can not be seen
with eyes seeking all
275 · Aug 2014
R.W. ~Haiku
Elaina Aug 2014
Was a true genius
Is remembered so greatly
Touching lives always
Thank you Mr. Williams for the smiles, laughter, and pure joy you provided me over the years. Peace to you always.....
270 · Feb 2013
last thought -10w
Elaina Feb 2013
I sometimes wonder, what was your last true thought, memory?
Have you ever thought of what the last true thought was of the person who has Alzheimers or Dementia?
238 · Apr 2014
Red Moon ~a Haiku
Elaina Apr 2014
Curious eyes strain to see
The dark night red moon
173 · Jun 2020
Where Oh Where Did They Go?
Elaina Jun 2020
Longing for just the right words
Finding them tucked away
Go to write them down
The memory just isn't what it used to be.
Some of my best poems are the ones that slipped away.... ;)
168 · Jan 13
One With You
Elaina Jan 13
I am one with you
You are one with me
We are one with all

— The End —